/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann * Copyright (C) 2007 Rob Buis * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGDocumentExtensions.h" #include "Console.h" #include "DOMWindow.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "Page.h" #include "SMILTimeContainer.h" #include "SVGElement.h" #include "SVGResourcesCache.h" #include "SVGSMILElement.h" #include "SVGSVGElement.h" #include "ScriptableDocumentParser.h" #include "XLinkNames.h" #include namespace WebCore { SVGDocumentExtensions::SVGDocumentExtensions(Document* document) : m_document(document) , m_resourcesCache(adoptPtr(new SVGResourcesCache)) { } SVGDocumentExtensions::~SVGDocumentExtensions() { } void SVGDocumentExtensions::addTimeContainer(SVGSVGElement* element) { m_timeContainers.add(element); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::removeTimeContainer(SVGSVGElement* element) { m_timeContainers.remove(element); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::addResource(const AtomicString& id, RenderSVGResourceContainer* resource) { ASSERT(resource); if (id.isEmpty()) return; // Replaces resource if already present, to handle potential id changes m_resources.set(id, resource); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::removeResource(const AtomicString& id) { if (id.isEmpty() || !m_resources.contains(id)) return; m_resources.remove(id); } RenderSVGResourceContainer* SVGDocumentExtensions::resourceById(const AtomicString& id) const { if (id.isEmpty()) return 0; return m_resources.get(id); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::startAnimations() { // FIXME: Eventually every "Time Container" will need a way to latch on to some global timer // starting animations for a document will do this "latching" // FIXME: We hold a ref pointers to prevent a shadow tree from getting removed out from underneath us. // In the future we should refactor the use-element to avoid this. See https://webkit.org/b/53704 Vector > timeContainers; timeContainers.appendRange(m_timeContainers.begin(), m_timeContainers.end()); Vector >::iterator end = timeContainers.end(); for (Vector >::iterator itr = timeContainers.begin(); itr != end; ++itr) (*itr)->timeContainer()->begin(); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::pauseAnimations() { HashSet::iterator end = m_timeContainers.end(); for (HashSet::iterator itr = m_timeContainers.begin(); itr != end; ++itr) (*itr)->pauseAnimations(); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::unpauseAnimations() { HashSet::iterator end = m_timeContainers.end(); for (HashSet::iterator itr = m_timeContainers.begin(); itr != end; ++itr) (*itr)->unpauseAnimations(); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::dispatchSVGLoadEventToOutermostSVGElements() { Vector > timeContainers; timeContainers.appendRange(m_timeContainers.begin(), m_timeContainers.end()); Vector >::iterator end = timeContainers.end(); for (Vector >::iterator it = timeContainers.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGSVGElement* outerSVG = (*it).get(); if (!outerSVG->isOutermostSVGSVGElement()) continue; outerSVG->sendSVGLoadEventIfPossible(); } } static void reportMessage(Document* document, MessageLevel level, const String& message) { if (document->frame()) document->addConsoleMessage(RenderingMessageSource, level, message); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::reportWarning(const String& message) { reportMessage(m_document, WarningMessageLevel, "Warning: " + message); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::reportError(const String& message) { reportMessage(m_document, ErrorMessageLevel, "Error: " + message); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::addPendingResource(const AtomicString& id, Element* element) { ASSERT(element); if (id.isEmpty()) return; HashMap >::AddResult result = m_pendingResources.add(id, nullptr); if (result.isNewEntry) result.iterator->value = adoptPtr(new SVGPendingElements); result.iterator->value->add(element); element->setHasPendingResources(); } bool SVGDocumentExtensions::hasPendingResource(const AtomicString& id) const { if (id.isEmpty()) return false; return m_pendingResources.contains(id); } bool SVGDocumentExtensions::isElementPendingResources(Element* element) const { // This algorithm takes time proportional to the number of pending resources and need not. // If performance becomes an issue we can keep a counted set of elements and answer the question efficiently. ASSERT(element); HashMap >::const_iterator end = m_pendingResources.end(); for (HashMap >::const_iterator it = m_pendingResources.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGPendingElements* elements = it->value.get(); ASSERT(elements); if (elements->contains(element)) return true; } return false; } bool SVGDocumentExtensions::isElementPendingResource(Element* element, const AtomicString& id) const { ASSERT(element); if (!hasPendingResource(id)) return false; return m_pendingResources.get(id)->contains(element); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::clearHasPendingResourcesIfPossible(Element* element) { if (!isElementPendingResources(element)) element->clearHasPendingResources(); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::removeElementFromPendingResources(Element* element) { ASSERT(element); // Remove the element from pending resources. if (!m_pendingResources.isEmpty() && element->hasPendingResources()) { Vector toBeRemoved; HashMap >::iterator end = m_pendingResources.end(); for (HashMap >::iterator it = m_pendingResources.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGPendingElements* elements = it->value.get(); ASSERT(elements); ASSERT(!elements->isEmpty()); elements->remove(element); if (elements->isEmpty()) toBeRemoved.append(it->key); } clearHasPendingResourcesIfPossible(element); // We use the removePendingResource function here because it deals with set lifetime correctly. Vector::iterator vectorEnd = toBeRemoved.end(); for (Vector::iterator it = toBeRemoved.begin(); it != vectorEnd; ++it) removePendingResource(*it); } // Remove the element from pending resources that were scheduled for removal. if (!m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.isEmpty()) { Vector toBeRemoved; HashMap >::iterator end = m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.end(); for (HashMap >::iterator it = m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGPendingElements* elements = it->value.get(); ASSERT(elements); ASSERT(!elements->isEmpty()); elements->remove(element); if (elements->isEmpty()) toBeRemoved.append(it->key); } // We use the removePendingResourceForRemoval function here because it deals with set lifetime correctly. Vector::iterator vectorEnd = toBeRemoved.end(); for (Vector::iterator it = toBeRemoved.begin(); it != vectorEnd; ++it) removePendingResourceForRemoval(*it); } } PassOwnPtr SVGDocumentExtensions::removePendingResource(const AtomicString& id) { ASSERT(m_pendingResources.contains(id)); return m_pendingResources.take(id); } PassOwnPtr SVGDocumentExtensions::removePendingResourceForRemoval(const AtomicString& id) { ASSERT(m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.contains(id)); return m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.take(id); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::markPendingResourcesForRemoval(const AtomicString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) return; ASSERT(!m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.contains(id)); OwnPtr existing = m_pendingResources.take(id); if (existing && !existing->isEmpty()) m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.add(id, existing.release()); } Element* SVGDocumentExtensions::removeElementFromPendingResourcesForRemoval(const AtomicString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) return 0; SVGPendingElements* resourceSet = m_pendingResourcesForRemoval.get(id); if (!resourceSet || resourceSet->isEmpty()) return 0; SVGPendingElements::iterator firstElement = resourceSet->begin(); Element* element = *firstElement; resourceSet->remove(firstElement); if (resourceSet->isEmpty()) removePendingResourceForRemoval(id); return element; } HashSet* SVGDocumentExtensions::setOfElementsReferencingTarget(SVGElement* referencedElement) const { ASSERT(referencedElement); const HashMap > >::const_iterator it = m_elementDependencies.find(referencedElement); if (it == m_elementDependencies.end()) return 0; return it->value.get(); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::addElementReferencingTarget(SVGElement* referencingElement, SVGElement* referencedElement) { ASSERT(referencingElement); ASSERT(referencedElement); if (HashSet* elements = m_elementDependencies.get(referencedElement)) { elements->add(referencingElement); return; } OwnPtr > elements = adoptPtr(new HashSet); elements->add(referencingElement); m_elementDependencies.set(referencedElement, elements.release()); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::removeAllTargetReferencesForElement(SVGElement* referencingElement) { Vector toBeRemoved; HashMap > >::iterator end = m_elementDependencies.end(); for (HashMap > >::iterator it = m_elementDependencies.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SVGElement* referencedElement = it->key; HashSet* referencingElements = it->value.get(); HashSet::iterator setIt = referencingElements->find(referencingElement); if (setIt == referencingElements->end()) continue; referencingElements->remove(setIt); if (referencingElements->isEmpty()) toBeRemoved.append(referencedElement); } Vector::iterator vectorEnd = toBeRemoved.end(); for (Vector::iterator it = toBeRemoved.begin(); it != vectorEnd; ++it) m_elementDependencies.remove(*it); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::rebuildAllElementReferencesForTarget(SVGElement* referencedElement) { ASSERT(referencedElement); HashMap > >::iterator it = m_elementDependencies.find(referencedElement); if (it == m_elementDependencies.end()) return; ASSERT(it->key == referencedElement); Vector toBeNotified; HashSet* referencingElements = it->value.get(); HashSet::iterator setEnd = referencingElements->end(); for (HashSet::iterator setIt = referencingElements->begin(); setIt != setEnd; ++setIt) toBeNotified.append(*setIt); // Force rebuilding the referencingElement so it knows about this change. Vector::iterator vectorEnd = toBeNotified.end(); for (Vector::iterator vectorIt = toBeNotified.begin(); vectorIt != vectorEnd; ++vectorIt) { // Before rebuilding referencingElement ensure it was not removed from under us. if (HashSet* referencingElements = setOfElementsReferencingTarget(referencedElement)) { if (referencingElements->contains(*vectorIt)) (*vectorIt)->svgAttributeChanged(XLinkNames::hrefAttr); } } } void SVGDocumentExtensions::removeAllElementReferencesForTarget(SVGElement* referencedElement) { ASSERT(referencedElement); HashMap > >::iterator it = m_elementDependencies.find(referencedElement); if (it == m_elementDependencies.end()) return; ASSERT(it->key == referencedElement); m_elementDependencies.remove(it); } #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) void SVGDocumentExtensions::registerSVGFontFaceElement(SVGFontFaceElement* element) { m_svgFontFaceElements.add(element); } void SVGDocumentExtensions::unregisterSVGFontFaceElement(SVGFontFaceElement* element) { ASSERT(m_svgFontFaceElements.contains(element)); m_svgFontFaceElements.remove(element); } #endif } #endif