/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) #include "WebVTTParser.h" #include "HTMLElement.h" #include "ProcessingInstruction.h" #include "SegmentedString.h" #include "Text.h" #include "WebVTTElement.h" #include namespace WebCore { const double secondsPerHour = 3600; const double secondsPerMinute = 60; const double secondsPerMillisecond = 0.001; const double malformedTime = -1; const unsigned bomLength = 3; const unsigned fileIdentifierLength = 6; String WebVTTParser::collectDigits(const String& input, unsigned* position) { StringBuilder digits; while (*position < input.length() && isASCIIDigit(input[*position])) digits.append(input[(*position)++]); return digits.toString(); } String WebVTTParser::collectWord(const String& input, unsigned* position) { StringBuilder string; while (*position < input.length() && !isASpace(input[*position])) string.append(input[(*position)++]); return string.toString(); } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) float WebVTTParser::parseFloatPercentageValue(const String& value, bool& isValidSetting) { // '%' must be present and at the end of the setting value. if (value.find('%', 1) != value.length() - 1) { isValidSetting = false; return 0; } unsigned position = 0; StringBuilder floatNumberAsString; floatNumberAsString.append(WebVTTParser::collectDigits(value, &position)); if (value[position] == '.') { floatNumberAsString.append("."); position++; floatNumberAsString.append(WebVTTParser::collectDigits(value, &position)); } float number = floatNumberAsString.toString().toFloat(&isValidSetting); if (isValidSetting && (number <= 0 || number >= 100)) isValidSetting = false; return number; } FloatPoint WebVTTParser::parseFloatPercentageValuePair(const String& value, char delimiter, bool& isValidSetting) { // The delimiter can't be the first or second value because a pair of // percentages (x%,y%) implies that at least the first two characters // are the first percentage value. size_t delimiterOffset = value.find(delimiter, 2); if (delimiterOffset == notFound || delimiterOffset == value.length() - 1) { isValidSetting = false; return FloatPoint(0, 0); } bool isFirstValueValid; float firstCoord = parseFloatPercentageValue(value.substring(0, delimiterOffset), isFirstValueValid); bool isSecondValueValid; float secondCoord = parseFloatPercentageValue(value.substring(delimiterOffset + 1, value.length() - 1), isSecondValueValid); isValidSetting = isFirstValueValid && isSecondValueValid; return FloatPoint(firstCoord, secondCoord); } #endif WebVTTParser::WebVTTParser(WebVTTParserClient* client, ScriptExecutionContext* context) : m_scriptExecutionContext(context) , m_state(Initial) , m_currentStartTime(0) , m_currentEndTime(0) , m_tokenizer(WebVTTTokenizer::create()) , m_client(client) { } void WebVTTParser::getNewCues(Vector >& outputCues) { outputCues = m_cuelist; m_cuelist.clear(); } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) void WebVTTParser::getNewRegions(Vector >& outputRegions) { outputRegions = m_regionList; m_regionList.clear(); } #endif void WebVTTParser::parseBytes(const char* data, unsigned length) { // WHATWG WebVTT Parser algorithm. // 1-3 - Initial setup. unsigned position = 0; while (position < length) { String line = collectNextLine(data, length, &position); switch (m_state) { case Initial: // Buffer up at least 9 bytes before proceeding with checking for the file identifier. m_identifierData.append(data, length); if (m_identifierData.size() < bomLength + fileIdentifierLength) return; // 4-12 - Collect the first line and check for "WEBVTT". if (!hasRequiredFileIdentifier()) { if (m_client) m_client->fileFailedToParse(); return; } m_state = Header; m_identifierData.clear(); break; case Header: // 13-18 - Allow a header (comment area) under the WEBVTT line. #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) if (line.isEmpty()) { if (m_client && m_regionList.size()) m_client->newRegionsParsed(); m_state = Id; break; } collectHeader(line); break; case Metadata: #endif if (line.isEmpty()) m_state = Id; break; case Id: // 19-29 - Allow any number of line terminators, then initialize new cue values. if (line.isEmpty()) break; resetCueValues(); // 30-39 - Check if this line contains an optional identifier or timing data. m_state = collectCueId(line); break; case TimingsAndSettings: // 40 - Collect cue timings and settings. m_state = collectTimingsAndSettings(line); break; case CueText: // 41-53 - Collect the cue text, create a cue, and add it to the output. m_state = collectCueText(line, length, position); break; case BadCue: // 54-62 - Collect and discard the remaining cue. m_state = ignoreBadCue(line); break; } } } bool WebVTTParser::hasRequiredFileIdentifier() { // A WebVTT file identifier consists of an optional BOM character, // the string "WEBVTT" followed by an optional space or tab character, // and any number of characters that are not line terminators ... unsigned position = 0; if (m_identifierData.size() >= bomLength && m_identifierData[0] == '\xEF' && m_identifierData[1] == '\xBB' && m_identifierData[2] == '\xBF') position += bomLength; String line = collectNextLine(m_identifierData.data(), m_identifierData.size(), &position); if (line.length() < fileIdentifierLength) return false; if (line.substring(0, fileIdentifierLength) != "WEBVTT") return false; if (line.length() > fileIdentifierLength && line[fileIdentifierLength] != ' ' && line[fileIdentifierLength] != '\t') return false; return true; } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) void WebVTTParser::collectHeader(const String& line) { // 4.1 Extension of WebVTT header parsing (11 - 15) DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, regionHeaderName, ("Region", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); // 15.4 If line contains the character ":" (A U+003A COLON), then set metadata's // name to the substring of line before the first ":" character and // metadata's value to the substring after this character. if (!line.contains(":")) return; unsigned colonPosition = line.find(":"); m_currentHeaderName = line.substring(0, colonPosition); // 15.5 If metadata's name equals "Region": if (m_currentHeaderName == regionHeaderName) { m_currentHeaderValue = line.substring(colonPosition + 1, line.length() - 1); // 15.5.1 - 15.5.8 Region creation: Let region be a new text track region [...] createNewRegion(); } } #endif WebVTTParser::ParseState WebVTTParser::collectCueId(const String& line) { if (line.contains("-->")) return collectTimingsAndSettings(line); m_currentId = line; return TimingsAndSettings; } WebVTTParser::ParseState WebVTTParser::collectTimingsAndSettings(const String& line) { // Collect WebVTT cue timings and settings. // 1-3 - Let input be the string being parsed and position be a pointer into input unsigned position = 0; skipWhiteSpace(line, &position); // 4-5 - Collect a WebVTT timestamp. If that fails, then abort and return failure. Otherwise, let cue's text track cue start time be the collected time. m_currentStartTime = collectTimeStamp(line, &position); if (m_currentStartTime == malformedTime) return BadCue; if (position >= line.length()) return BadCue; char nextChar = line[position++]; if (nextChar != ' ' && nextChar != '\t') return BadCue; skipWhiteSpace(line, &position); // 6-9 - If the next three characters are not "-->", abort and return failure. if (line.find("-->", position) == notFound) return BadCue; position += 3; if (position >= line.length()) return BadCue; nextChar = line[position++]; if (nextChar != ' ' && nextChar != '\t') return BadCue; skipWhiteSpace(line, &position); // 10-11 - Collect a WebVTT timestamp. If that fails, then abort and return failure. Otherwise, let cue's text track cue end time be the collected time. m_currentEndTime = collectTimeStamp(line, &position); if (m_currentEndTime == malformedTime) return BadCue; skipWhiteSpace(line, &position); // 12 - Parse the WebVTT settings for the cue (conducted in TextTrackCue). m_currentSettings = line.substring(position, line.length()-1); return CueText; } WebVTTParser::ParseState WebVTTParser::collectCueText(const String& line, unsigned length, unsigned position) { if (line.isEmpty()) { createNewCue(); return Id; } if (!m_currentContent.isEmpty()) m_currentContent.append("\n"); m_currentContent.append(line); if (position >= length) createNewCue(); return CueText; } WebVTTParser::ParseState WebVTTParser::ignoreBadCue(const String& line) { if (!line.isEmpty()) return BadCue; return Id; } PassRefPtr WebVTTParser::createDocumentFragmentFromCueText(const String& text) { // Cue text processing based on // WebVTT cue text parsing rules and // WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules. if (!text.length()) return 0; ASSERT(m_scriptExecutionContext->isDocument()); Document* document = toDocument(m_scriptExecutionContext); RefPtr fragment = DocumentFragment::create(document); m_currentNode = fragment; m_tokenizer->reset(); m_token.clear(); m_languageStack.clear(); SegmentedString content(text); while (m_tokenizer->nextToken(content, m_token)) constructTreeFromToken(document); return fragment.release(); } void WebVTTParser::createNewCue() { if (!m_currentContent.length()) return; RefPtr cue = TextTrackCue::create(m_scriptExecutionContext, m_currentStartTime, m_currentEndTime, m_currentContent.toString()); cue->setId(m_currentId); cue->setCueSettings(m_currentSettings); m_cuelist.append(cue); if (m_client) m_client->newCuesParsed(); } void WebVTTParser::resetCueValues() { m_currentId = emptyString(); m_currentSettings = emptyString(); m_currentStartTime = 0; m_currentEndTime = 0; m_currentContent.clear(); } #if ENABLE(WEBVTT_REGIONS) void WebVTTParser::createNewRegion() { if (!m_currentHeaderValue.length()) return; RefPtr region = TextTrackRegion::create(); region->setRegionSettings(m_currentHeaderValue); // 15.5.10 If the text track list of regions regions contains a region // with the same region identifier value as region, remove that region. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regionList.size(); ++i) if (m_regionList[i]->id() == region->id()) { m_regionList.remove(i); break; } m_regionList.append(region); } #endif double WebVTTParser::collectTimeStamp(const String& line, unsigned* position) { // Collect a WebVTT timestamp. // 1-4 - Initial checks, let most significant units be minutes. enum Mode { minutes, hours }; Mode mode = minutes; if (*position >= line.length() || !isASCIIDigit(line[*position])) return malformedTime; // 5-6 - Collect a sequence of characters that are 0-9. String digits1 = collectDigits(line, position); int value1 = digits1.toInt(); // 7 - If not 2 characters or value is greater than 59, interpret as hours. if (digits1.length() != 2 || value1 > 59) mode = hours; // 8-12 - Collect the next sequence of 0-9 after ':' (must be 2 chars). if (*position >= line.length() || line[(*position)++] != ':') return malformedTime; if (*position >= line.length() || !isASCIIDigit(line[(*position)])) return malformedTime; String digits2 = collectDigits(line, position); int value2 = digits2.toInt(); if (digits2.length() != 2) return malformedTime; // 13 - Detect whether this timestamp includes hours. int value3; if (mode == hours || (*position < line.length() && line[*position] == ':')) { if (*position >= line.length() || line[(*position)++] != ':') return malformedTime; if (*position >= line.length() || !isASCIIDigit(line[*position])) return malformedTime; String digits3 = collectDigits(line, position); if (digits3.length() != 2) return malformedTime; value3 = digits3.toInt(); } else { value3 = value2; value2 = value1; value1 = 0; } // 14-19 - Collect next sequence of 0-9 after '.' (must be 3 chars). if (*position >= line.length() || line[(*position)++] != '.') return malformedTime; if (*position >= line.length() || !isASCIIDigit(line[*position])) return malformedTime; String digits4 = collectDigits(line, position); if (digits4.length() != 3) return malformedTime; int value4 = digits4.toInt(); if (value2 > 59 || value3 > 59) return malformedTime; // 20-21 - Calculate result. return (value1 * secondsPerHour) + (value2 * secondsPerMinute) + value3 + (value4 * secondsPerMillisecond); } static WebVTTNodeType tokenToNodeType(WebVTTToken& token) { switch (token.name().size()) { case 1: if (token.name()[0] == 'c') return WebVTTNodeTypeClass; if (token.name()[0] == 'v') return WebVTTNodeTypeVoice; if (token.name()[0] == 'b') return WebVTTNodeTypeBold; if (token.name()[0] == 'i') return WebVTTNodeTypeItalic; if (token.name()[0] == 'u') return WebVTTNodeTypeUnderline; break; case 2: if (token.name()[0] == 'r' && token.name()[1] == 't') return WebVTTNodeTypeRubyText; break; case 4: if (token.name()[0] == 'r' && token.name()[1] == 'u' && token.name()[2] == 'b' && token.name()[3] == 'y') return WebVTTNodeTypeRuby; if (token.name()[0] == 'l' && token.name()[1] == 'a' && token.name()[2] == 'n' && token.name()[3] == 'g') return WebVTTNodeTypeLanguage; break; } return WebVTTNodeTypeNone; } void WebVTTParser::constructTreeFromToken(Document* document) { QualifiedName tagName(nullAtom, AtomicString(m_token.name()), xhtmlNamespaceURI); // http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules switch (m_token.type()) { case WebVTTTokenTypes::Character: { String content(m_token.characters()); // FIXME: This should be 8bit if possible. RefPtr child = Text::create(document, content); m_currentNode->parserAppendChild(child); break; } case WebVTTTokenTypes::StartTag: { RefPtr child; WebVTTNodeType nodeType = tokenToNodeType(m_token); if (nodeType != WebVTTNodeTypeNone) child = WebVTTElement::create(nodeType, document); if (child) { if (m_token.classes().size() > 0) child->setAttribute(classAttr, AtomicString(m_token.classes())); if (child->webVTTNodeType() == WebVTTNodeTypeVoice) child->setAttribute(WebVTTElement::voiceAttributeName(), AtomicString(m_token.annotation())); else if (child->webVTTNodeType() == WebVTTNodeTypeLanguage) { m_languageStack.append(AtomicString(m_token.annotation())); child->setAttribute(WebVTTElement::langAttributeName(), m_languageStack.last()); } if (!m_languageStack.isEmpty()) child->setLanguage(m_languageStack.last()); m_currentNode->parserAppendChild(child); m_currentNode = child; } break; } case WebVTTTokenTypes::EndTag: { WebVTTNodeType nodeType = tokenToNodeType(m_token); if (nodeType != WebVTTNodeTypeNone) { if (nodeType == WebVTTNodeTypeLanguage && m_currentNode->isWebVTTElement() && toWebVTTElement(m_currentNode.get())->webVTTNodeType() == WebVTTNodeTypeLanguage) m_languageStack.removeLast(); if (m_currentNode->parentNode()) m_currentNode = m_currentNode->parentNode(); } break; } case WebVTTTokenTypes::TimestampTag: { unsigned position = 0; String charactersString(StringImpl::create8BitIfPossible(m_token.characters())); double time = collectTimeStamp(charactersString, &position); if (time != malformedTime) m_currentNode->parserAppendChild(ProcessingInstruction::create(document, "timestamp", charactersString)); break; } default: break; } m_token.clear(); } void WebVTTParser::skipWhiteSpace(const String& line, unsigned* position) { while (*position < line.length() && isASpace(line[*position])) (*position)++; } void WebVTTParser::skipLineTerminator(const char* data, unsigned length, unsigned* position) { if (*position >= length) return; if (data[*position] == '\r') (*position)++; if (*position >= length) return; if (data[*position] == '\n') (*position)++; } String WebVTTParser::collectNextLine(const char* data, unsigned length, unsigned* position) { unsigned oldPosition = *position; while (*position < length && data[*position] != '\r' && data[*position] != '\n') (*position)++; String line = String::fromUTF8(data + oldPosition, *position - oldPosition); skipLineTerminator(data, length, position); return line; } } #endif