/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef CompactJITCodeMap_h #define CompactJITCodeMap_h #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JSC { // Gives you a compressed map between between bytecode indices and machine code // entry points. The compression simply tries to use either 1, 2, or 4 bytes for // any given offset. The largest offset that can be stored is 2^30. // Example use: // // CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder encoder(map); // encoder.append(a, b); // encoder.append(c, d); // preconditions: c >= a, d >= b // OwnPtr map = encoder.finish(); // // At some later time: // // Vector decoded; // map->decode(decoded); struct BytecodeAndMachineOffset { BytecodeAndMachineOffset() { } BytecodeAndMachineOffset(unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned machineCodeOffset) : m_bytecodeIndex(bytecodeIndex) , m_machineCodeOffset(machineCodeOffset) { } unsigned m_bytecodeIndex; unsigned m_machineCodeOffset; static inline unsigned getBytecodeIndex(BytecodeAndMachineOffset* mapping) { return mapping->m_bytecodeIndex; } static inline unsigned getMachineCodeOffset(BytecodeAndMachineOffset* mapping) { return mapping->m_machineCodeOffset; } }; class CompactJITCodeMap { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: ~CompactJITCodeMap() { if (m_buffer) fastFree(m_buffer); } unsigned numberOfEntries() const { return m_numberOfEntries; } void decode(Vector& result) const; private: CompactJITCodeMap(uint8_t* buffer, unsigned size, unsigned numberOfEntries) : m_buffer(buffer) #if !ASSERT_DISABLED , m_size(size) #endif , m_numberOfEntries(numberOfEntries) { UNUSED_PARAM(size); } uint8_t at(unsigned index) const { ASSERT(index < m_size); return m_buffer[index]; } unsigned decodeNumber(unsigned& index) const { uint8_t headValue = at(index++); if (!(headValue & 128)) return headValue; if (!(headValue & 64)) return (static_cast(headValue & ~128) << 8) | at(index++); unsigned second = at(index++); unsigned third = at(index++); unsigned fourth = at(index++); return (static_cast(headValue & ~(128 + 64)) << 24) | (second << 16) | (third << 8) | fourth; } uint8_t* m_buffer; #if !ASSERT_DISABLED unsigned m_size; #endif unsigned m_numberOfEntries; public: class Encoder { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(Encoder); public: Encoder(); ~Encoder(); void ensureCapacityFor(unsigned numberOfEntriesToAdd); void append(unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned machineCodeOffset); PassOwnPtr finish(); private: void appendByte(uint8_t value); void encodeNumber(uint32_t value); uint8_t* m_buffer; unsigned m_size; unsigned m_capacity; unsigned m_numberOfEntries; unsigned m_previousBytecodeIndex; unsigned m_previousMachineCodeOffset; }; class Decoder { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(Decoder); public: Decoder(const CompactJITCodeMap*); unsigned numberOfEntriesRemaining() const; void read(unsigned& bytecodeIndex, unsigned& machineCodeOffset); private: const CompactJITCodeMap* m_jitCodeMap; unsigned m_previousBytecodeIndex; unsigned m_previousMachineCodeOffset; unsigned m_numberOfEntriesRemaining; unsigned m_bufferIndex; }; private: friend class Encoder; friend class Decoder; }; inline void CompactJITCodeMap::decode(Vector& result) const { Decoder decoder(this); result.resize(decoder.numberOfEntriesRemaining()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) decoder.read(result[i].m_bytecodeIndex, result[i].m_machineCodeOffset); ASSERT(!decoder.numberOfEntriesRemaining()); } inline CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::Encoder() : m_buffer(0) , m_size(0) , m_capacity(0) , m_numberOfEntries(0) , m_previousBytecodeIndex(0) , m_previousMachineCodeOffset(0) { } inline CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::~Encoder() { if (m_buffer) fastFree(m_buffer); } inline void CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::append(unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned machineCodeOffset) { ASSERT(bytecodeIndex >= m_previousBytecodeIndex); ASSERT(machineCodeOffset >= m_previousMachineCodeOffset); ensureCapacityFor(1); encodeNumber(bytecodeIndex - m_previousBytecodeIndex); encodeNumber(machineCodeOffset - m_previousMachineCodeOffset); m_previousBytecodeIndex = bytecodeIndex; m_previousMachineCodeOffset = machineCodeOffset; m_numberOfEntries++; } inline PassOwnPtr CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::finish() { m_capacity = m_size; m_buffer = static_cast(fastRealloc(m_buffer, m_capacity)); OwnPtr result = adoptPtr(new CompactJITCodeMap(m_buffer, m_size, m_numberOfEntries)); m_buffer = 0; m_size = 0; m_capacity = 0; m_numberOfEntries = 0; m_previousBytecodeIndex = 0; m_previousMachineCodeOffset = 0; return result.release(); } inline void CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::appendByte(uint8_t value) { ASSERT(m_size + 1 <= m_capacity); m_buffer[m_size++] = value; } inline void CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::encodeNumber(uint32_t value) { ASSERT(m_size + 4 <= m_capacity); ASSERT(value < (1 << 30)); if (value <= 127) { uint8_t headValue = static_cast(value); ASSERT(!(headValue & 128)); appendByte(headValue); } else if (value <= 16383) { uint8_t headValue = static_cast(value >> 8); ASSERT(!(headValue & 128)); ASSERT(!(headValue & 64)); appendByte(headValue | 128); appendByte(static_cast(value)); } else { uint8_t headValue = static_cast(value >> 24); ASSERT(!(headValue & 128)); ASSERT(!(headValue & 64)); appendByte(headValue | 128 | 64); appendByte(static_cast(value >> 16)); appendByte(static_cast(value >> 8)); appendByte(static_cast(value)); } } inline void CompactJITCodeMap::Encoder::ensureCapacityFor(unsigned numberOfEntriesToAdd) { unsigned capacityNeeded = m_size + numberOfEntriesToAdd * 2 * 4; if (capacityNeeded > m_capacity) { m_capacity = capacityNeeded * 2; m_buffer = static_cast(fastRealloc(m_buffer, m_capacity)); } } inline CompactJITCodeMap::Decoder::Decoder(const CompactJITCodeMap* jitCodeMap) : m_jitCodeMap(jitCodeMap) , m_previousBytecodeIndex(0) , m_previousMachineCodeOffset(0) , m_numberOfEntriesRemaining(jitCodeMap->m_numberOfEntries) , m_bufferIndex(0) { } inline unsigned CompactJITCodeMap::Decoder::numberOfEntriesRemaining() const { ASSERT(m_numberOfEntriesRemaining || m_bufferIndex == m_jitCodeMap->m_size); return m_numberOfEntriesRemaining; } inline void CompactJITCodeMap::Decoder::read(unsigned& bytecodeIndex, unsigned& machineCodeOffset) { ASSERT(numberOfEntriesRemaining()); m_previousBytecodeIndex += m_jitCodeMap->decodeNumber(m_bufferIndex); m_previousMachineCodeOffset += m_jitCodeMap->decodeNumber(m_bufferIndex); bytecodeIndex = m_previousBytecodeIndex; machineCodeOffset = m_previousMachineCodeOffset; m_numberOfEntriesRemaining--; } } // namespace JSC #endif // CompactJITCodeMap_h