/******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 1997-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * * File CU_CAPITST.C * * Modification History: * Name Description * Madhu Katragadda Ported for C API ****************************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include "unicode/uloc.h" #include "unicode/ucnv.h" #include "unicode/ucnv_err.h" #include "unicode/putil.h" #include "unicode/uset.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "ucnv_bld.h" /* for sizeof(UConverter) */ #include "cmemory.h" /* for UAlignedMemory */ #include "cintltst.h" #include "ccapitst.h" #include "cstring.h" #define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0])) #define NUM_CODEPAGE 1 #define MAX_FILE_LEN 1024*20 #define UCS_FILE_NAME_SIZE 512 /*returns an action other than the one provided*/ #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static UConverterFromUCallback otherUnicodeAction(UConverterFromUCallback MIA); static UConverterToUCallback otherCharAction(UConverterToUCallback MIA); #endif static UConverter * cnv_open(const char *name, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) { if(name!=NULL && name[0]=='*') { return ucnv_openPackage(loadTestData(pErrorCode), name+1, pErrorCode); } else { return ucnv_open(name, pErrorCode); } } static void ListNames(void); static void TestFlushCache(void); static void TestDuplicateAlias(void); static void TestCCSID(void); static void TestJ932(void); static void TestJ1968(void); #if !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO && !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static void TestLMBCSMaxChar(void); #endif #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static void TestConvertSafeCloneCallback(void); #endif static void TestEBCDICSwapLFNL(void); static void TestConvertEx(void); static void TestConvertExFromUTF8(void); static void TestConvertExFromUTF8_C5F0(void); static void TestConvertAlgorithmic(void); void TestDefaultConverterError(void); /* defined in cctest.c */ void TestDefaultConverterSet(void); /* defined in cctest.c */ static void TestToUCountPending(void); static void TestFromUCountPending(void); static void TestDefaultName(void); static void TestCompareNames(void); static void TestSubstString(void); static void InvalidArguments(void); static void TestGetName(void); static void TestUTFBOM(void); void addTestConvert(TestNode** root); void addTestConvert(TestNode** root) { addTest(root, &ListNames, "tsconv/ccapitst/ListNames"); addTest(root, &TestConvert, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvert"); addTest(root, &TestFlushCache, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestFlushCache"); addTest(root, &TestAlias, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestAlias"); addTest(root, &TestDuplicateAlias, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestDuplicateAlias"); addTest(root, &TestConvertSafeClone, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertSafeClone"); #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION addTest(root, &TestConvertSafeCloneCallback,"tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertSafeCloneCallback"); #endif addTest(root, &TestCCSID, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestCCSID"); addTest(root, &TestJ932, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestJ932"); addTest(root, &TestJ1968, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestJ1968"); #if !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO && !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION addTest(root, &TestLMBCSMaxChar, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestLMBCSMaxChar"); #endif addTest(root, &TestEBCDICSwapLFNL, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestEBCDICSwapLFNL"); addTest(root, &TestConvertEx, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertEx"); addTest(root, &TestConvertExFromUTF8, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertExFromUTF8"); addTest(root, &TestConvertExFromUTF8_C5F0, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertExFromUTF8_C5F0"); addTest(root, &TestConvertAlgorithmic, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestConvertAlgorithmic"); addTest(root, &TestDefaultConverterError, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestDefaultConverterError"); addTest(root, &TestDefaultConverterSet, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestDefaultConverterSet"); #if !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO addTest(root, &TestToUCountPending, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestToUCountPending"); addTest(root, &TestFromUCountPending, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestFromUCountPending"); #endif addTest(root, &TestDefaultName, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestDefaultName"); addTest(root, &TestCompareNames, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestCompareNames"); addTest(root, &TestSubstString, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestSubstString"); addTest(root, &InvalidArguments, "tsconv/ccapitst/InvalidArguments"); addTest(root, &TestGetName, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestGetName"); addTest(root, &TestUTFBOM, "tsconv/ccapitst/TestUTFBOM"); } static void ListNames(void) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t testLong1 = 0; const char* available_conv; UEnumeration *allNamesEnum = NULL; int32_t allNamesCount = 0; uint16_t count; log_verbose("Testing ucnv_openAllNames()..."); allNamesEnum = ucnv_openAllNames(&err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openAllNames() -> %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else { const char *string = NULL; int32_t len = 0; int32_t count1 = 0; int32_t count2 = 0; allNamesCount = uenum_count(allNamesEnum, &err); while ((string = uenum_next(allNamesEnum, &len, &err))) { count1++; log_verbose("read \"%s\", length %i\n", string, len); } if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! uenum_next(allNamesEnum...) set an error: %s\n", u_errorName(err)); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; } uenum_reset(allNamesEnum, &err); while ((string = uenum_next(allNamesEnum, &len, &err))) { count2++; ucnv_close(ucnv_open(string, &err)); log_verbose("read \"%s\", length %i (%s)\n", string, len, U_SUCCESS(err) ? "available" : "unavailable"); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; } if (count1 != count2) { log_err("FAILURE! uenum_reset(allNamesEnum, &err); doesn't work\n"); } } uenum_close(allNamesEnum); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /*Tests ucnv_getAvailableName(), getAvialableCount()*/ log_verbose("Testing ucnv_countAvailable()..."); testLong1=ucnv_countAvailable(); log_info("Number of available codepages: %d/%d\n", testLong1, allNamesCount); log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_getAvailableName.."); /*need to check this out */ available_conv = ucnv_getAvailableName(testLong1); /*test ucnv_getAvailableName with err condition*/ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_getAvailableName..with index < 0 "); available_conv = ucnv_getAvailableName(-1); if(available_conv != NULL){ log_err("ucnv_getAvailableName() with index < 0) should return NULL\n"); } /* Test ucnv_countAliases() etc. */ count = ucnv_countAliases("utf-8", &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_countAliases(\"utf-8\") -> %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else if(count <= 0) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_countAliases(\"utf-8\") -> %d aliases\n", count); } else { /* try to get the aliases individually */ const char *alias; alias = ucnv_getAlias("utf-8", 0, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", 0) -> %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else if(strcmp("UTF-8", alias) != 0) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", 0) -> %s instead of UTF-8\n", alias); } else { uint16_t aliasNum; for(aliasNum = 0; aliasNum < count; ++aliasNum) { alias = ucnv_getAlias("utf-8", aliasNum, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", %d) -> %s\n", aliasNum, myErrorName(err)); } else if(strlen(alias) > 20) { /* sanity check */ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", %d) -> alias %s insanely long, corrupt?!\n", aliasNum, alias); } else { log_verbose("alias %d for utf-8: %s\n", aliasNum, alias); } } if(U_SUCCESS(err)) { /* try to fill an array with all aliases */ const char **aliases; aliases=(const char **)malloc(count * sizeof(const char *)); if(aliases != 0) { ucnv_getAliases("utf-8", aliases, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAliases(\"utf-8\") -> %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else { for(aliasNum = 0; aliasNum < count; ++aliasNum) { /* compare the pointers with the ones returned individually */ alias = ucnv_getAlias("utf-8", aliasNum, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", %d) -> %s\n", aliasNum, myErrorName(err)); } else if(aliases[aliasNum] != alias) { log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_getAliases(\"utf-8\")[%d] != ucnv_getAlias(\"utf-8\", %d)\n", aliasNum, aliasNum); } } } free((char **)aliases); } } } } } static void TestConvert() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION char myptr[4]; char save[4]; int32_t testLong1 = 0; uint16_t rest = 0; int32_t len = 0; int32_t x = 0; FILE* ucs_file_in = NULL; UChar BOM = 0x0000; UChar myUChar = 0x0000; char* mytarget; /* [MAX_FILE_LEN] */ char* mytarget_1; char* mytarget_use; UChar* consumedUni = NULL; char* consumed = NULL; char* output_cp_buffer; /* [MAX_FILE_LEN] */ UChar* ucs_file_buffer; /* [MAX_FILE_LEN] */ UChar* ucs_file_buffer_use; UChar* my_ucs_file_buffer; /* [MAX_FILE_LEN] */ UChar* my_ucs_file_buffer_1; int8_t ii = 0; int32_t j = 0; uint16_t codepage_index = 0; int32_t cp = 0; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; char ucs_file_name[UCS_FILE_NAME_SIZE]; UConverterFromUCallback MIA1, MIA1_2; UConverterToUCallback MIA2, MIA2_2; const void *MIA1Context, *MIA1Context2, *MIA2Context, *MIA2Context2; UConverter* someConverters[5]; UConverter* myConverter = 0; UChar* displayname = 0; const char* locale; UChar* uchar1 = 0; UChar* uchar2 = 0; UChar* uchar3 = 0; int32_t targetcapacity2; int32_t targetcapacity; int32_t targetsize; int32_t disnamelen; const UChar* tmp_ucs_buf; const UChar* tmp_consumedUni=NULL; const char* tmp_mytarget_use; const char* tmp_consumed; /****************************************************************** Checking Unicode -> ksc ******************************************************************/ const char* CodePagesToTest[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { "ibm-949_P110-1999" }; const uint16_t CodePageNumberToTest[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { 949 }; const int8_t CodePagesMinChars[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { 1 }; const int8_t CodePagesMaxChars[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { 2 }; const uint16_t CodePagesSubstitutionChars[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { 0xAFFE }; const char* CodePagesTestFiles[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { "uni-text.bin" }; const UConverterPlatform CodePagesPlatform[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { UCNV_IBM }; const char* CodePagesLocale[NUM_CODEPAGE] = { "ko_KR" }; UConverterFromUCallback oldFromUAction = NULL; UConverterToUCallback oldToUAction = NULL; const void* oldFromUContext = NULL; const void* oldToUContext = NULL; /* Allocate memory */ mytarget = (char*) malloc(MAX_FILE_LEN * sizeof(mytarget[0])); output_cp_buffer = (char*) malloc(MAX_FILE_LEN * sizeof(output_cp_buffer[0])); ucs_file_buffer = (UChar*) malloc(MAX_FILE_LEN * sizeof(ucs_file_buffer[0])); my_ucs_file_buffer = (UChar*) malloc(MAX_FILE_LEN * sizeof(my_ucs_file_buffer[0])); ucs_file_buffer_use = ucs_file_buffer; mytarget_1=mytarget; mytarget_use = mytarget; my_ucs_file_buffer_1=my_ucs_file_buffer; /* flush the converter cache to get a consistent state before the flushing is tested */ ucnv_flushCache(); /*Testing ucnv_openU()*/ { UChar converterName[]={ 0x0069, 0x0062, 0x006d, 0x002d, 0x0039, 0x0034, 0x0033, 0x0000}; /*ibm-943*/ UChar firstSortedName[]={ 0x0021, 0x0000}; /* ! */ UChar lastSortedName[]={ 0x007E, 0x0000}; /* ~ */ const char *illegalNameChars={ "ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943 ibm-943"}; UChar illegalName[100]; UConverter *converter=NULL; err=U_ZERO_ERROR; converter=ucnv_openU(converterName, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(ibm-943, err) failed. %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } ucnv_close(converter); err=U_ZERO_ERROR; converter=ucnv_openU(NULL, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(NULL, err) failed. %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } ucnv_close(converter); /*testing with error value*/ err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; converter=ucnv_openU(converterName, &err); if(!(converter == NULL)){ log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(ibm-943, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) is expected to fail\n"); } ucnv_close(converter); err=U_ZERO_ERROR; u_uastrcpy(illegalName, ""); u_uastrcpy(illegalName, illegalNameChars); ucnv_openU(illegalName, &err); if(!(err==U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR)){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(illegalName, err) is expected to fail\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; ucnv_openU(firstSortedName, &err); if(err!=U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(firstSortedName, err) is expected to fail\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; ucnv_openU(lastSortedName, &err); if(err!=U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_openU(lastSortedName, err) is expected to fail\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; } log_verbose("Testing ucnv_open() with converter name greater than 7 characters\n"); { UConverter *cnv=NULL; err=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("ibm-949,Madhu", &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_open(\"ibm-949,Madhu\", err) failed. %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } /*Testing ucnv_convert()*/ { int32_t targetLimit=0, sourceLimit=0, i=0, targetCapacity=0; const uint8_t source[]={ 0x00, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0xa2, 0xb4, 0x00}; const uint8_t expectedTarget[]={ 0x00, 0x37, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x0e, 0x49, 0x62, 0x0f, 0x00}; char *target=0; sourceLimit=sizeof(source)/sizeof(source[0]); err=U_ZERO_ERROR; targetLimit=0; targetCapacity=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", NULL, targetLimit , (const char*)source, sourceLimit, &err); if(err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ err=U_ZERO_ERROR; targetLimit=targetCapacity+1; target=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * targetLimit); targetCapacity=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", target, targetLimit , (const char*)source, sourceLimit, &err); } if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_data_err("FAILURE! ucnv_convert(ibm-1363->ibm-1364) failed. %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else { for(i=0; iibm-1364) failed.at index \n i=%d, Expected: %lx Got: %lx\n", i, (UChar)expectedTarget[i], (uint8_t)target[i]); } } i=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", target, targetLimit , (const char*)source+1, -1, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err) || i!=7){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_convert() with sourceLimit=-1 failed: %s, returned %d instead of 7\n", u_errorName(err), i); } /*Test error conditions*/ err=U_ZERO_ERROR; i=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", target, targetLimit , (const char*)source, 0, &err); if(i !=0){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_convert() with sourceLimit=0 is expected to return 0\n"); } err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; sourceLimit=sizeof(source)/sizeof(source[0]); i=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", target, targetLimit , (const char*)source, sourceLimit, &err); if(i !=0 ){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_convert() with err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is expected to return 0\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; sourceLimit=sizeof(source)/sizeof(source[0]); targetLimit=0; i=ucnv_convert("ibm-1364", "ibm-1363", target, targetLimit , (const char*)source, sourceLimit, &err); if(!(U_FAILURE(err) && err==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)){ log_err("FAILURE! ucnv_convert() with targetLimit=0 is expected to throw U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; free(target); } } /*Testing ucnv_openCCSID and ucnv_open with error conditions*/ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_open with err ! = U_ZERO_ERROR...\n"); err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; if(ucnv_open(NULL, &err) != NULL){ log_err("ucnv_open with err != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n"); } if(ucnv_openCCSID(1051, UCNV_IBM, &err) != NULL){ log_err("ucnv_open with err != U_ZERO_ERROR is supposed to fail\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Testing ucnv_openCCSID(), ucnv_open(), ucnv_getName() */ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_open default...\n"); someConverters[0] = ucnv_open(NULL,&err); someConverters[1] = ucnv_open(NULL,&err); someConverters[2] = ucnv_open("utf8", &err); someConverters[3] = ucnv_openCCSID(949,UCNV_IBM,&err); ucnv_close(ucnv_openCCSID(1051, UCNV_IBM, &err)); /* test for j350; ucnv_close(NULL) is safe */ if (U_FAILURE(err)){ log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err));} /* Testing ucnv_getName()*/ /*default code page */ ucnv_getName(someConverters[0], &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("getName[0] failed\n"); } else { log_verbose("getName(someConverters[0]) returned %s\n", ucnv_getName(someConverters[0], &err)); } ucnv_getName(someConverters[1], &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("getName[1] failed\n"); } else { log_verbose("getName(someConverters[1]) returned %s\n", ucnv_getName(someConverters[1], &err)); } ucnv_close(someConverters[0]); ucnv_close(someConverters[1]); ucnv_close(someConverters[2]); ucnv_close(someConverters[3]); for (codepage_index=0; codepage_index < NUM_CODEPAGE; ++codepage_index) { int32_t i = 0; err = U_ZERO_ERROR; #ifdef U_TOPSRCDIR strcpy(ucs_file_name, U_TOPSRCDIR U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING); #else strcpy(ucs_file_name, loadTestData(&err)); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_err("\nCouldn't get the test data directory... Exiting...Error:%s\n", u_errorName(err)); return; } { char* index = strrchr(ucs_file_name,(char)U_FILE_SEP_CHAR); if((unsigned int)(index-ucs_file_name) != (strlen(ucs_file_name)-1)){ *(index+1)=0; } } strcat(ucs_file_name,".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING); #endif strcat(ucs_file_name, CodePagesTestFiles[codepage_index]); ucs_file_in = fopen(ucs_file_name,"rb"); if (!ucs_file_in) { log_data_err("Couldn't open the Unicode file [%s]... Exiting...\n", ucs_file_name); return; } /*Creates a converter and testing ucnv_openCCSID(u_int code_page, platform, errstatus*/ /* myConverter =ucnv_openCCSID(CodePageNumberToTest[codepage_index],UCNV_IBM, &err); */ /* ucnv_flushCache(); */ myConverter =ucnv_open( "ibm-949", &err); if (!myConverter || U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("Error creating the ibm-949 converter - %s \n", u_errorName(err)); fclose(ucs_file_in); break; } /*testing for ucnv_getName() */ log_verbose("Testing ucnv_getName()...\n"); ucnv_getName(myConverter, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) log_err("Error in getName\n"); else { log_verbose("getName o.k. %s\n", ucnv_getName(myConverter, &err)); } if (uprv_stricmp(ucnv_getName(myConverter, &err), CodePagesToTest[codepage_index])) log_err("getName failed\n"); else log_verbose("getName ok\n"); /*Test getName with error condition*/ { const char* name=0; err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; log_verbose("Testing ucnv_getName with err != U_ZERO_ERROR"); name=ucnv_getName(myConverter, &err); if(name != NULL){ log_err("ucnv_getName() with err != U_ZERO_ERROR is expected to fail"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; } /*Tests ucnv_getMaxCharSize() and ucnv_getMinCharSize()*/ log_verbose("Testing ucnv_getMaxCharSize()...\n"); if (ucnv_getMaxCharSize(myConverter)==CodePagesMaxChars[codepage_index]) log_verbose("Max byte per character OK\n"); else log_err("Max byte per character failed\n"); log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_getMinCharSize()...\n"); if (ucnv_getMinCharSize(myConverter)==CodePagesMinChars[codepage_index]) log_verbose("Min byte per character OK\n"); else log_err("Min byte per character failed\n"); /*Testing for ucnv_getSubstChars() and ucnv_setSubstChars()*/ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_getSubstChars...\n"); ii=4; ucnv_getSubstChars(myConverter, myptr, &ii, &err); if (ii <= 0) { log_err("ucnv_getSubstChars returned a negative number %d\n", ii); } for(x=0;x> 8) | (myUChar << 8))); /*adjust if BIG_ENDIAN*/ } myUChar = ucs_file_buffer[i-1]; ucs_file_buffer[i-1] = (UChar)((BOM==0xFEFF)?myUChar:((myUChar >> 8) | (myUChar << 8))); /*adjust if BIG_ENDIAN Corner Case*/ /*testing ucnv_fromUChars() and ucnv_toUChars() */ /*uchar1---fromUChar--->output_cp_buffer --toUChar--->uchar2*/ uchar1=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (i+1)); u_uastrcpy(uchar1,""); u_strncpy(uchar1,ucs_file_buffer,i); uchar1[i] = 0; uchar3=(UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*(i+1)); u_uastrcpy(uchar3,""); u_strncpy(uchar3,ucs_file_buffer,i); uchar3[i] = 0; /*Calls the Conversion Routine */ testLong1 = MAX_FILE_LEN; log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_fromUChars()\n"); targetcapacity = ucnv_fromUChars(myConverter, output_cp_buffer, testLong1, uchar1, -1, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("\nFAILURE...%s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else log_verbose(" ucnv_fromUChars() o.k.\n"); /*test the conversion routine */ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_toUChars()\n"); /*call it first time for trapping the targetcapacity and size needed to allocate memory for the buffer uchar2 */ targetcapacity2=0; targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, NULL, targetcapacity2, output_cp_buffer, strlen(output_cp_buffer), &err); /*if there is an buffer overflow then trap the values and pass them and make the actual call*/ if(err==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { err=U_ZERO_ERROR; uchar2=(UChar*)malloc((targetsize+1) * sizeof(UChar)); targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, uchar2, targetsize+1, output_cp_buffer, strlen(output_cp_buffer), &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) log_err("ucnv_toUChars() FAILED %s\n", myErrorName(err)); else log_verbose(" ucnv_toUChars() o.k.\n"); if(u_strcmp(uchar1,uchar2)!=0) log_err("equality test failed with conversion routine\n"); } else { log_err("ERR: calling toUChars: Didn't get U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW .. expected it.\n"); } /*Testing ucnv_fromUChars and ucnv_toUChars with error conditions*/ err=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_fromUChars() with err != U_ZERO_ERROR\n"); targetcapacity = ucnv_fromUChars(myConverter, output_cp_buffer, testLong1, uchar1, -1, &err); if (targetcapacity !=0) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_fromUChars with err != U_ZERO_ERROR is expected to fail and return 0\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_fromUChars() with converter=NULL\n"); targetcapacity = ucnv_fromUChars(NULL, output_cp_buffer, testLong1, uchar1, -1, &err); if (targetcapacity !=0 || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_fromUChars with converter=NULL is expected to fail\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_fromUChars() with sourceLength = 0\n"); targetcapacity = ucnv_fromUChars(myConverter, output_cp_buffer, testLong1, uchar1, 0, &err); if (targetcapacity !=0) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_fromUChars with sourceLength 0 is expected to return 0\n"); } log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_fromUChars() with targetLength = 0\n"); targetcapacity = ucnv_fromUChars(myConverter, output_cp_buffer, 0, uchar1, -1, &err); if (err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_fromUChars with targetLength 0 is expected to fail and throw U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR\n"); } /*toUChars with error conditions*/ targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, uchar2, targetsize, output_cp_buffer, strlen(output_cp_buffer), &err); if(targetsize != 0){ log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_toUChars with err != U_ZERO_ERROR is expected to fail and return 0\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, uchar2, -1, output_cp_buffer, strlen(output_cp_buffer), &err); if(targetsize != 0 || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){ log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_toUChars with targetsize < 0 is expected to throw U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR and return 0\n"); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, uchar2, 0, output_cp_buffer, 0, &err); if (targetsize !=0) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_toUChars with sourceLength 0 is expected to return 0\n"); } targetcapacity2=0; targetsize = ucnv_toUChars(myConverter, NULL, targetcapacity2, output_cp_buffer, strlen(output_cp_buffer), &err); if (err != U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) { log_err("\nFAILURE: ucnv_toUChars(targetLength)->%s instead of U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING\n", u_errorName(err)); } err=U_ZERO_ERROR; /*-----*/ /*testing for ucnv_fromUnicode() and ucnv_toUnicode() */ /*Clean up re-usable vars*/ j=0; log_verbose("Testing ucnv_fromUnicode().....\n"); tmp_ucs_buf=ucs_file_buffer_use; ucnv_fromUnicode(myConverter, &mytarget_1, mytarget + MAX_FILE_LEN, &tmp_ucs_buf, ucs_file_buffer_use+i, NULL, TRUE, &err); consumedUni = (UChar*)tmp_consumedUni; if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else log_verbose("ucnv_fromUnicode() o.k.\n"); /*Uni1 ----ToUnicode----> Cp2 ----FromUnicode---->Uni3 */ log_verbose("Testing ucnv_toUnicode().....\n"); tmp_mytarget_use=mytarget_use; tmp_consumed = consumed; ucnv_toUnicode(myConverter, &my_ucs_file_buffer_1, my_ucs_file_buffer + MAX_FILE_LEN, &tmp_mytarget_use, mytarget_use + (mytarget_1 - mytarget), NULL, FALSE, &err); consumed = (char*)tmp_consumed; if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } else log_verbose("ucnv_toUnicode() o.k.\n"); log_verbose("\n---Testing RoundTrip ...\n"); u_strncpy(uchar3, my_ucs_file_buffer,i); uchar3[i] = 0; if(u_strcmp(uchar1,uchar3)==0) log_verbose("Equality test o.k.\n"); else log_err("Equality test failed\n"); /*sanity compare */ if(uchar2 == NULL) { log_err("uchar2 was NULL (ccapitst.c line %d), couldn't do sanity check\n", __LINE__); } else { if(u_strcmp(uchar2, uchar3)==0) log_verbose("Equality test o.k.\n"); else log_err("Equality test failed\n"); } fclose(ucs_file_in); ucnv_close(myConverter); if (uchar1 != 0) free(uchar1); if (uchar2 != 0) free(uchar2); if (uchar3 != 0) free(uchar3); } free((void*)mytarget); free((void*)output_cp_buffer); free((void*)ucs_file_buffer); free((void*)my_ucs_file_buffer); #endif } #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static UConverterFromUCallback otherUnicodeAction(UConverterFromUCallback MIA) { return (MIA==(UConverterFromUCallback)UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP)?(UConverterFromUCallback)UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE:(UConverterFromUCallback)UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP; } static UConverterToUCallback otherCharAction(UConverterToUCallback MIA) { return (MIA==(UConverterToUCallback)UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP)?(UConverterToUCallback)UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE:(UConverterToUCallback)UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP; } #endif static void TestFlushCache(void) { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter* someConverters[5]; int flushCount = 0; /* flush the converter cache to get a consistent state before the flushing is tested */ ucnv_flushCache(); /*Testing ucnv_open()*/ /* Note: These converters have been chosen because they do NOT encode the Latin characters (U+0041, ...), and therefore are highly unlikely to be chosen as system default codepages */ someConverters[0] = ucnv_open("ibm-1047", &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } someConverters[1] = ucnv_open("ibm-1047", &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } someConverters[2] = ucnv_open("ibm-1047", &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } someConverters[3] = ucnv_open("gb18030", &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } someConverters[4] = ucnv_open("ibm-954", &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("FAILURE! %s\n", myErrorName(err)); } /* Testing ucnv_flushCache() */ log_verbose("\n---Testing ucnv_flushCache...\n"); if ((flushCount=ucnv_flushCache())==0) log_verbose("Flush cache ok\n"); else log_data_err("Flush Cache failed [line %d], expect 0 got %d \n", __LINE__, flushCount); /*testing ucnv_close() and ucnv_flushCache() */ ucnv_close(someConverters[0]); ucnv_close(someConverters[1]); if ((flushCount=ucnv_flushCache())==0) log_verbose("Flush cache ok\n"); else log_data_err("Flush Cache failed [line %d], expect 0 got %d \n", __LINE__, flushCount); ucnv_close(someConverters[2]); ucnv_close(someConverters[3]); if ((flushCount=ucnv_flushCache())==2) log_verbose("Flush cache ok\n"); /*because first, second and third are same */ else log_data_err("Flush Cache failed line %d, got %d expected 2 or there is an error in ucnv_close()\n", __LINE__, flushCount); ucnv_close(someConverters[4]); if ( (flushCount=ucnv_flushCache())==1) log_verbose("Flush cache ok\n"); else log_data_err("Flush Cache failed line %d, expected 1 got %d \n", __LINE__, flushCount); #endif } /** * Test the converter alias API, specifically the fuzzy matching of * alias names and the alias table integrity. Make sure each * converter has at least one alias (itself), and that its listed * aliases map back to itself. Check some hard-coded UTF-8 and * ISO_2022 aliases to make sure they work. */ static void TestAlias() { int32_t i, ncnv; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Predetermined aliases that we expect to map back to ISO_2022 * and UTF-8. UPDATE THIS DATA AS NECESSARY. */ const char* ISO_2022_NAMES[] = {"ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=2", "ISO-2022-JP-2", "csISO2022JP2", "Iso-2022jP2", "isO-2022_Jp_2", "iSo--2022,locale=ja,version=2"}; int32_t ISO_2022_NAMES_LENGTH = sizeof(ISO_2022_NAMES) / sizeof(ISO_2022_NAMES[0]); const char *UTF8_NAMES[] = { "UTF-8", "utf-8", "utf8", "ibm-1208", "utf_8", "ibm1208", "cp1208" }; int32_t UTF8_NAMES_LENGTH = sizeof(UTF8_NAMES) / sizeof(UTF8_NAMES[0]); struct { const char *name; const char *alias; } CONVERTERS_NAMES[] = { { "UTF-32BE", "UTF32_BigEndian" }, { "UTF-32LE", "UTF32_LittleEndian" }, { "UTF-32", "ISO-10646-UCS-4" }, { "UTF32_PlatformEndian", "UTF32_PlatformEndian" }, { "UTF-32", "ucs-4" } }; int32_t CONVERTERS_NAMES_LENGTH = sizeof(CONVERTERS_NAMES) / sizeof(*CONVERTERS_NAMES); /* When there are bugs in gencnval or in ucnv_io, converters can appear to have no aliases. */ ncnv = ucnv_countAvailable(); log_verbose("%d converters\n", ncnv); for (i=0; i " "alias[%d]=NULL\n", name, j); continue; } mapBack = ucnv_getAlias(alias, 0, &status); if (mapBack == NULL) { log_err("FAIL: Converter \"%s\" -> " "alias[%d]=\"%s\" -> " "alias[0]=NULL, exp. \"%s\"\n", name, j, alias, alias0); continue; } if (0 != strcmp(alias0, mapBack)) { int32_t idx; UBool foundAlias = FALSE; if (status == U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING) { /* Make sure that we only get this mismapping when there is an ambiguous alias, and the other converter has this alias too. */ for (idx = 0; idx < ucnv_countAliases(mapBack, &status); idx++) { if (strcmp(ucnv_getAlias(mapBack, (uint16_t)idx, &status), alias) == 0) { foundAlias = TRUE; break; } } } /* else not ambiguous, and this is a real problem. foundAlias = FALSE */ if (!foundAlias) { log_err("FAIL: Converter \"%s\" -> " "alias[%d]=\"%s\" -> " "alias[0]=\"%s\", exp. \"%s\"\n", name, j, alias, mapBack, alias0); } } } } /* Check a list of predetermined aliases that we expect to map * back to ISO_2022 and UTF-8. */ for (i=1; i \"%s\", expect \"ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=2\"\n", ISO_2022_NAMES[i], mapBack); } } for (i=1; i \"%s\", expect UTF-8\n", UTF8_NAMES[i], mapBack); } } /* * Check a list of predetermined aliases that we expect to map * back to predermined converter names. */ for (i = 0; i < CONVERTERS_NAMES_LENGTH; ++i) { const char* mapBack = ucnv_getAlias(CONVERTERS_NAMES[i].alias, 0, &status); if(!mapBack) { log_data_err("Couldn't get alias for %s. You probably have no data\n", CONVERTERS_NAMES[i].name); continue; } if (0 != strcmp(mapBack, CONVERTERS_NAMES[i].name)) { log_err("FAIL: \"%s\" -> \"%s\", expect %s\n", CONVERTERS_NAMES[i].alias, mapBack, CONVERTERS_NAMES[i].name); } } } static void TestDuplicateAlias(void) { const char *alias; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; alias = ucnv_getStandardName("Shift_JIS", "IBM", &status); if (alias == NULL || strcmp(alias, "ibm-943") != 0 || status != U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING) { log_data_err("FAIL: Didn't get ibm-943 for Shift_JIS {IBM}. Got %s\n", alias); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; alias = ucnv_getStandardName("ibm-943", "IANA", &status); if (alias == NULL || strcmp(alias, "Shift_JIS") != 0 || status != U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING) { log_data_err("FAIL: Didn't get Shift_JIS for ibm-943 {IANA}. Got %s\n", alias); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; alias = ucnv_getStandardName("ibm-943_P130-2000", "IANA", &status); if (alias != NULL || status == U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING) { log_data_err("FAIL: Didn't get NULL for ibm-943 {IANA}. Got %s\n", alias); } } /* Test safe clone callback */ static uint32_t TSCC_nextSerial() { static uint32_t n = 1; return (n++); } typedef struct { uint32_t magic; /* 0xC0FFEE to identify that the object is OK */ uint32_t serial; /* minted from nextSerial, above */ UBool wasClosed; /* close happened on the object */ } TSCCContext; static TSCCContext *TSCC_clone(TSCCContext *ctx) { TSCCContext *newCtx = (TSCCContext *)malloc(sizeof(TSCCContext)); newCtx->serial = TSCC_nextSerial(); newCtx->wasClosed = 0; newCtx->magic = 0xC0FFEE; log_verbose("TSCC_clone: %p:%d -> new context %p:%d\n", ctx, ctx->serial, newCtx, newCtx->serial); return newCtx; } #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static void TSCC_fromU(const void *context, UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *fromUArgs, const UChar* codeUnits, int32_t length, UChar32 codePoint, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode * err) { TSCCContext *ctx = (TSCCContext*)context; UConverterFromUCallback junkFrom; log_verbose("TSCC_fromU: Context %p:%d called, reason %d on cnv %p\n", ctx, ctx->serial, reason, fromUArgs->converter); if(ctx->magic != 0xC0FFEE) { log_err("TSCC_fromU: Context %p:%d magic is 0x%x should be 0xC0FFEE.\n", ctx,ctx->serial, ctx->magic); return; } if(reason == UCNV_CLONE) { UErrorCode subErr = U_ZERO_ERROR; TSCCContext *newCtx; TSCCContext *junkCtx; TSCCContext **pjunkCtx = &junkCtx; /* "recreate" it */ log_verbose("TSCC_fromU: cloning..\n"); newCtx = TSCC_clone(ctx); if(newCtx == NULL) { log_err("TSCC_fromU: internal clone failed on %p\n", ctx); } /* now, SET it */ ucnv_getFromUCallBack(fromUArgs->converter, &junkFrom, (const void**)pjunkCtx); ucnv_setFromUCallBack(fromUArgs->converter, junkFrom, newCtx, NULL, NULL, &subErr); if(U_FAILURE(subErr)) { *err = subErr; } } if(reason == UCNV_CLOSE) { log_verbose("TSCC_fromU: Context %p:%d closing\n", ctx, ctx->serial); ctx->wasClosed = TRUE; } } static void TSCC_toU(const void *context, UConverterToUnicodeArgs *toUArgs, const char* codeUnits, int32_t length, UConverterCallbackReason reason, UErrorCode * err) { TSCCContext *ctx = (TSCCContext*)context; UConverterToUCallback junkFrom; log_verbose("TSCC_toU: Context %p:%d called, reason %d on cnv %p\n", ctx, ctx->serial, reason, toUArgs->converter); if(ctx->magic != 0xC0FFEE) { log_err("TSCC_toU: Context %p:%d magic is 0x%x should be 0xC0FFEE.\n", ctx,ctx->serial, ctx->magic); return; } if(reason == UCNV_CLONE) { UErrorCode subErr = U_ZERO_ERROR; TSCCContext *newCtx; TSCCContext *junkCtx; TSCCContext **pjunkCtx = &junkCtx; /* "recreate" it */ log_verbose("TSCC_toU: cloning..\n"); newCtx = TSCC_clone(ctx); if(newCtx == NULL) { log_err("TSCC_toU: internal clone failed on %p\n", ctx); } /* now, SET it */ ucnv_getToUCallBack(toUArgs->converter, &junkFrom, (const void**)pjunkCtx); ucnv_setToUCallBack(toUArgs->converter, junkFrom, newCtx, NULL, NULL, &subErr); if(U_FAILURE(subErr)) { *err = subErr; } } if(reason == UCNV_CLOSE) { log_verbose("TSCC_toU: Context %p:%d closing\n", ctx, ctx->serial); ctx->wasClosed = TRUE; } } static void TSCC_init(TSCCContext *q) { q->magic = 0xC0FFEE; q->serial = TSCC_nextSerial(); q->wasClosed = 0; } static void TSCC_print_log(TSCCContext *q, const char *name) { if(q==NULL) { log_verbose("TSCContext: %s is NULL!!\n", name); } else { if(q->magic != 0xC0FFEE) { log_err("TSCCContext: %p:%d's magic is %x, supposed to be 0xC0FFEE\n", q,q->serial, q->magic); } log_verbose("TSCCContext %p:%d=%s - magic %x, %s\n", q, q->serial, name, q->magic, q->wasClosed?"CLOSED":"open"); } } static void TestConvertSafeCloneCallback() { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; TSCCContext from1, to1; TSCCContext *from2, *from3, *to2, *to3; TSCCContext **pfrom2 = &from2, **pfrom3 = &from3, **pto2 = &to2, **pto3 = &to3; char hunk[8192]; int32_t hunkSize = 8192; UConverterFromUCallback junkFrom; UConverterToUCallback junkTo; UConverter *conv1, *conv2 = NULL; conv1 = ucnv_open("iso-8859-3", &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("Err opening iso-8859-3, %s\n", u_errorName(err)); return; } log_verbose("Opened conv1=%p\n", conv1); TSCC_init(&from1); TSCC_init(&to1); TSCC_print_log(&from1, "from1"); TSCC_print_log(&to1, "to1"); ucnv_setFromUCallBack(conv1, TSCC_fromU, &from1, NULL, NULL, &err); log_verbose("Set from1 on conv1\n"); TSCC_print_log(&from1, "from1"); ucnv_setToUCallBack(conv1, TSCC_toU, &to1, NULL, NULL, &err); log_verbose("Set to1 on conv1\n"); TSCC_print_log(&to1, "to1"); conv2 = ucnv_safeClone(conv1, hunk, &hunkSize, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("safeClone failed: %s\n", u_errorName(err)); return; } log_verbose("Cloned to conv2=%p.\n", conv2); /********** from *********************/ ucnv_getFromUCallBack(conv2, &junkFrom, (const void**)pfrom2); ucnv_getFromUCallBack(conv1, &junkFrom, (const void**)pfrom3); TSCC_print_log(from2, "from2"); TSCC_print_log(from3, "from3(==from1)"); if(from2 == NULL) { log_err("FAIL! from2 is null \n"); return; } if(from3 == NULL) { log_err("FAIL! from3 is null \n"); return; } if(from3 != (&from1) ) { log_err("FAIL! conv1's FROM context changed!\n"); } if(from2 == (&from1) ) { log_err("FAIL! conv1's FROM context is the same as conv2's!\n"); } if(from1.wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! from1 is closed \n"); } if(from2->wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! from2 was closed\n"); } /********** to *********************/ ucnv_getToUCallBack(conv2, &junkTo, (const void**)pto2); ucnv_getToUCallBack(conv1, &junkTo, (const void**)pto3); TSCC_print_log(to2, "to2"); TSCC_print_log(to3, "to3(==to1)"); if(to2 == NULL) { log_err("FAIL! to2 is null \n"); return; } if(to3 == NULL) { log_err("FAIL! to3 is null \n"); return; } if(to3 != (&to1) ) { log_err("FAIL! conv1's TO context changed!\n"); } if(to2 == (&to1) ) { log_err("FAIL! conv1's TO context is the same as conv2's!\n"); } if(to1.wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! to1 is closed \n"); } if(to2->wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! to2 was closed\n"); } /*************************************/ ucnv_close(conv1); log_verbose("ucnv_closed (conv1)\n"); TSCC_print_log(&from1, "from1"); TSCC_print_log(from2, "from2"); TSCC_print_log(&to1, "to1"); TSCC_print_log(to2, "to2"); if(from1.wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! from1 is NOT closed \n"); } if(from2->wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! from2 was closed\n"); } if(to1.wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! to1 is NOT closed \n"); } if(to2->wasClosed) { log_err("FAIL! to2 was closed\n"); } ucnv_close(conv2); log_verbose("ucnv_closed (conv2)\n"); TSCC_print_log(&from1, "from1"); TSCC_print_log(from2, "from2"); if(from1.wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! from1 is NOT closed \n"); } if(from2->wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! from2 was NOT closed\n"); } TSCC_print_log(&to1, "to1"); TSCC_print_log(to2, "to2"); if(to1.wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! to1 is NOT closed \n"); } if(to2->wasClosed == FALSE) { log_err("FAIL! to2 was NOT closed\n"); } if(to2 != (&to1)) { free(to2); /* to1 is stack based */ } if(from2 != (&from1)) { free(from2); /* from1 is stack based */ } } #endif static UBool containsAnyOtherByte(uint8_t *p, int32_t length, uint8_t b) { while(length>0) { if(*p!=b) { return TRUE; } ++p; --length; } return FALSE; } static void TestConvertSafeClone() { /* one 'regular' & all the 'private stateful' converters */ static const char *const names[] = { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION "ibm-1047", "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=1", #endif "SCSU", #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION "HZ", "lmbcs", "ISCII,version=0", "ISO_2022,locale=kr,version=1", "ISO_2022,locale=jp,version=2", #endif "BOCU-1", "UTF-7", #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION "IMAP-mailbox-name", "ibm-1047-s390" #else "IMAP=mailbox-name" #endif }; /* store the actual sizes of each converter */ int32_t actualSizes[LENGTHOF(names)]; static const int32_t bufferSizes[] = { U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE, (int32_t)(3*sizeof(UConverter))/2, /* 1.5*sizeof(UConverter) */ (int32_t)sizeof(UConverter)/2 /* 0.5*sizeof(UConverter) */ }; char charBuffer[21]; /* Leave at an odd number for alignment testing */ uint8_t buffer[3] [U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE]; int32_t bufferSize, maxBufferSize; const char *maxName; UConverter * cnv, *cnv2; UErrorCode err; char *pCharBuffer; const char *pConstCharBuffer; const char *charBufferLimit = charBuffer + sizeof(charBuffer)/sizeof(*charBuffer); UChar uniBuffer[] = {0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005A}; /* "XYZ" */ UChar uniCharBuffer[20]; char charSourceBuffer[] = { 0x1b, 0x24, 0x42 }; const char *pCharSource = charSourceBuffer; const char *pCharSourceLimit = charSourceBuffer + sizeof(charSourceBuffer); UChar *pUCharTarget = uniCharBuffer; UChar *pUCharTargetLimit = uniCharBuffer + sizeof(uniCharBuffer)/sizeof(*uniCharBuffer); const UChar * pUniBuffer; const UChar *uniBufferLimit = uniBuffer + sizeof(uniBuffer)/sizeof(*uniBuffer); int32_t idx, j; err = U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv = ucnv_open(names[0], &err); if(U_SUCCESS(err)) { /* Check the various error & informational states: */ /* Null status - just returns NULL */ bufferSize = U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE; if (0 != ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[0], &bufferSize, 0)) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with null status\n"); } /* error status - should return 0 & keep error the same */ err = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; if (0 != ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[0], &bufferSize, &err) || err != U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with incoming error status\n"); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Null buffer size pointer - just returns NULL & set error to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR*/ if (0 != ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[0], 0, &err) || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with null bufferSize pointer\n"); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* buffer size pointer is 0 - fill in pbufferSize with a size */ bufferSize = 0; if (0 != ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[0], &bufferSize, &err) || U_FAILURE(err) || bufferSize <= 0) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed a sizing request ('preflighting')\n"); } /* Verify our define is large enough */ if (U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE < bufferSize) { log_err("FAIL: Pre-calculated buffer size is too small\n"); } /* Verify we can use this run-time calculated size */ if (0 == (cnv2 = ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[0], &bufferSize, &err)) || U_FAILURE(err)) { log_err("FAIL: Converter can't be cloned with run-time size\n"); } if (cnv2) { ucnv_close(cnv2); } /* size one byte too small - should allocate & let us know */ --bufferSize; if (0 == (cnv2 = ucnv_safeClone(cnv, 0, &bufferSize, &err)) || err != U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with too-small buffer size\n"); } if (cnv2) { ucnv_close(cnv2); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; bufferSize = U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE; /* Null buffer pointer - return converter & set error to U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_ERROR */ if (0 == (cnv2 = ucnv_safeClone(cnv, 0, &bufferSize, &err)) || err != U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with null buffer pointer\n"); } if (cnv2) { ucnv_close(cnv2); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* Null converter - return NULL & set U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR */ if (0 != ucnv_safeClone(0, buffer[0], &bufferSize, &err) || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to deal correctly with null converter pointer\n"); } ucnv_close(cnv); } maxBufferSize = 0; maxName = ""; /* Do these cloned converters work at all - shuffle UChars to chars & back again..*/ for(j = 0; j < LENGTHOF(bufferSizes); ++j) { for (idx = 0; idx < LENGTHOF(names); idx++) { err = U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv = ucnv_open(names[idx], &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)) { log_data_err("ucnv_open(\"%s\") failed - %s\n", names[idx], u_errorName(err)); continue; } if(j == 0) { /* preflight to get maxBufferSize */ actualSizes[idx] = 0; ucnv_safeClone(cnv, NULL, &actualSizes[idx], &err); if(actualSizes[idx] > maxBufferSize) { maxBufferSize = actualSizes[idx]; maxName = names[idx]; } } memset(buffer, 0xaa, sizeof(buffer)); bufferSize = bufferSizes[j]; cnv2 = ucnv_safeClone(cnv, buffer[1], &bufferSize, &err); /* close the original immediately to make sure that the clone works by itself */ ucnv_close(cnv); if( actualSizes[idx] <= (bufferSizes[j] - (int32_t)sizeof(UAlignedMemory)) && err == U_SAFECLONE_ALLOCATED_WARNING ) { log_err("ucnv_safeClone(%s) did a heap clone although the buffer was large enough\n", names[idx]); } /* check if the clone function overwrote any bytes that it is not supposed to touch */ if(bufferSize <= bufferSizes[j]) { /* used the stack buffer */ if( containsAnyOtherByte(buffer[0], (int32_t)sizeof(buffer[0]), 0xaa) || containsAnyOtherByte(buffer[1]+bufferSize, (int32_t)(sizeof(buffer)-(sizeof(buffer[0])+bufferSize)), 0xaa) ) { log_err("cloning %s in a stack buffer overwrote bytes outside the bufferSize %d (requested %d)\n", names[idx], bufferSize, bufferSizes[j]); } } else { /* heap-allocated the clone */ if(containsAnyOtherByte(buffer[0], (int32_t)sizeof(buffer), 0xaa)) { log_err("cloning %s used the heap (bufferSize %d, requested %d) but overwrote stack buffer bytes\n", names[idx], bufferSize, bufferSizes[j]); } } pCharBuffer = charBuffer; pUniBuffer = uniBuffer; ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv2, &pCharBuffer, charBufferLimit, &pUniBuffer, uniBufferLimit, NULL, TRUE, &err); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_err("FAIL: cloned converter failed to do fromU conversion. Error: %s\n",u_errorName(err)); } ucnv_toUnicode(cnv2, &pUCharTarget, pUCharTargetLimit, &pCharSource, pCharSourceLimit, NULL, TRUE, &err ); if(U_FAILURE(err)){ log_err("FAIL: cloned converter failed to do toU conversion. Error: %s\n",u_errorName(err)); } pConstCharBuffer = charBuffer; if (uniBuffer [0] != ucnv_getNextUChar(cnv2, &pConstCharBuffer, pCharBuffer, &err)) { log_err("FAIL: Cloned converter failed to do conversion. Error: %s\n",u_errorName(err)); } ucnv_close(cnv2); } } log_verbose("ucnv_safeClone(): sizeof(UConverter)=%lu max preflighted clone size=%d (%s) U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE=%d\n", sizeof(UConverter), maxBufferSize, maxName, (int)U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE); if(maxBufferSize > U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE) { log_err("ucnv_safeClone(): max preflighted clone size=%d (%s) is larger than U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE=%d\n", maxBufferSize, maxName, (int)U_CNV_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE); } } static void TestCCSID() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION UConverter *cnv; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t ccsids[]={ 37, 850, 943, 949, 950, 1047, 1252, 1392, 33722 }; int32_t i, ccsid; for(i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(ccsids)/sizeof(int32_t)); ++i) { ccsid=ccsids[i]; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_openCCSID(ccsid, UCNV_IBM, &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("error: ucnv_openCCSID(%ld) failed (%s)\n", ccsid, u_errorName(errorCode)); continue; } if(ccsid!=ucnv_getCCSID(cnv, &errorCode)) { log_err("error: ucnv_getCCSID(ucnv_openCCSID(%ld))=%ld\n", ccsid, ucnv_getCCSID(cnv, &errorCode)); } /* skip gb18030(ccsid 1392) */ if(ccsid != 1392 && UCNV_IBM!=ucnv_getPlatform(cnv, &errorCode)) { log_err("error: ucnv_getPlatform(ucnv_openCCSID(%ld))=%ld!=UCNV_IBM\n", ccsid, ucnv_getPlatform(cnv, &errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } #endif } /* jitterbug 932: ucnv_convert() bugs --------------------------------------- */ /* CHUNK_SIZE defined in common\ucnv.c: */ #define CHUNK_SIZE 1024 static void bug1(void); static void bug2(void); static void bug3(void); static void TestJ932(void) { bug1(); /* Unicode intermediate buffer straddle bug */ bug2(); /* pre-flighting size incorrect caused by simple overflow */ bug3(); /* pre-flighting size incorrect caused by expansion overflow */ } /* * jitterbug 932: test chunking boundary conditions in int32_t ucnv_convert(const char *toConverterName, const char *fromConverterName, char *target, int32_t targetSize, const char *source, int32_t sourceSize, UErrorCode * err) * See discussions on the icu mailing list in * 2001-April with the subject "converter 'flush' question". * * Bug report and test code provided by Edward J. Batutis. */ static void bug1() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION char char_in[CHUNK_SIZE+32]; char char_out[CHUNK_SIZE*2]; /* GB 18030 equivalent of U+10000 is 90308130 */ static const char test_seq[]={ (char)0x90u, 0x30, (char)0x81u, 0x30 }; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t i, test_seq_len = sizeof(test_seq); /* * causes straddle bug in Unicode intermediate buffer by sliding the test sequence forward * until the straddle bug appears. I didn't want to hard-code everything so this test could * be expanded - however this is the only type of straddle bug I can think of at the moment - * a high surrogate in the last position of the Unicode intermediate buffer. Apparently no * other Unicode sequences cause a bug since combining sequences are not supported by the * converters. */ for (i = test_seq_len; i >= 0; i--) { /* put character sequence into input buffer */ memset(char_in, 0x61, sizeof(char_in)); /* GB 18030 'a' */ memcpy(char_in + (CHUNK_SIZE - i), test_seq, test_seq_len); /* do the conversion */ ucnv_convert("us-ascii", /* out */ "gb18030", /* in */ char_out, sizeof(char_out), char_in, sizeof(char_in), &err); /* bug1: */ if (err == U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND) { /* this happens when surrogate pair straddles the intermediate buffer in * T_UConverter_fromCodepageToCodepage */ log_err("error j932 bug 1: expected success, got U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND\n"); } } #endif } /* bug2: pre-flighting loop bug: simple overflow causes bug */ static void bug2() { /* US-ASCII "1234567890" */ static const char source[]={ 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39 }; static const char sourceUTF8[]={ 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, (char)0xef, (char)0x80, (char)0x80 }; static const char sourceUTF32[]={ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x37, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00, (char)0xf0, 0x00}; static char target[5]; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t size; /* do the conversion */ size = ucnv_convert("iso-8859-1", /* out */ "us-ascii", /* in */ target, sizeof(target), source, sizeof(source), &err); if ( size != 10 ) { /* bug2: size is 5, should be 10 */ log_data_err("error j932 bug 2 us-ascii->iso-8859-1: got preflighting size %d instead of 10\n", size); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* do the conversion */ size = ucnv_convert("UTF-32BE", /* out */ "UTF-8", /* in */ target, sizeof(target), sourceUTF8, sizeof(sourceUTF8), &err); if ( size != 32 ) { /* bug2: size is 5, should be 32 */ log_err("error j932 bug 2 UTF-8->UTF-32BE: got preflighting size %d instead of 32\n", size); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* do the conversion */ size = ucnv_convert("UTF-8", /* out */ "UTF-32BE", /* in */ target, sizeof(target), sourceUTF32, sizeof(sourceUTF32), &err); if ( size != 12 ) { /* bug2: size is 5, should be 12 */ log_err("error j932 bug 2 UTF-32BE->UTF-8: got preflighting size %d instead of 12\n", size); } } /* * bug3: when the characters expand going from source to target codepage * you get bug3 in addition to bug2 */ static void bug3() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION char char_in[CHUNK_SIZE*4]; char target[5]; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t size; /* * first get the buggy size from bug2 then * compare it to buggy size with an expansion */ memset(char_in, 0x61, sizeof(char_in)); /* US-ASCII 'a' */ /* do the conversion */ size = ucnv_convert("lmbcs", /* out */ "us-ascii", /* in */ target, sizeof(target), char_in, sizeof(char_in), &err); if ( size != sizeof(char_in) ) { /* * bug2: size is 0x2805 (CHUNK_SIZE*2+5 - maybe 5 is the size of the overflow buffer * in the converter?), should be CHUNK_SIZE*4 * * Markus 2001-05-18: 5 is the size of our target[] here, ucnv_convert() did not reset targetSize... */ log_data_err("error j932 bug 2/3a: expected preflighting size 0x%04x, got 0x%04x\n", sizeof(char_in), size); } /* * now do the conversion with expansion * ascii 0x08 expands to 0x0F 0x28 in lmbcs */ memset(char_in, 8, sizeof(char_in)); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* do the conversion */ size = ucnv_convert("lmbcs", /* out */ "us-ascii", /* in */ target, sizeof(target), char_in, sizeof(char_in), &err); /* expect 2X expansion */ if ( size != sizeof(char_in) * 2 ) { /* * bug3: * bug2 would lead us to expect 0x2805, but it isn't that either, it is 0x3c05: */ log_data_err("error j932 bug 3b: expected 0x%04x, got 0x%04x\n", sizeof(char_in) * 2, size); } #endif } static void convertExStreaming(UConverter *srcCnv, UConverter *targetCnv, const char *src, int32_t srcLength, const char *expectTarget, int32_t expectTargetLength, int32_t chunkSize, const char *testName, UErrorCode expectCode) { UChar pivotBuffer[CHUNK_SIZE]; UChar *pivotSource, *pivotTarget; const UChar *pivotLimit; char targetBuffer[CHUNK_SIZE]; char *target; const char *srcLimit, *finalSrcLimit, *targetLimit; int32_t targetLength; UBool flush; UErrorCode errorCode; /* setup */ if(chunkSize>CHUNK_SIZE) { chunkSize=CHUNK_SIZE; } pivotSource=pivotTarget=pivotBuffer; pivotLimit=pivotBuffer+chunkSize; finalSrcLimit=src+srcLength; target=targetBuffer; targetLimit=targetBuffer+chunkSize; ucnv_resetToUnicode(srcCnv); ucnv_resetFromUnicode(targetCnv); errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; flush=FALSE; /* convert, streaming-style (both converters and pivot keep state) */ for(;;) { /* for testing, give ucnv_convertEx() at most input/pivot/output units at a time */ if(src+chunkSize<=finalSrcLimit) { srcLimit=src+chunkSize; } else { srcLimit=finalSrcLimit; } ucnv_convertEx(targetCnv, srcCnv, &target, targetLimit, &src, srcLimit, pivotBuffer, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotLimit, FALSE, flush, &errorCode); targetLength=(int32_t)(target-targetBuffer); if(target>targetLimit) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(%s) chunk[%d] target %p exceeds targetLimit %p\n", testName, chunkSize, target, targetLimit); break; /* TODO: major problem! */ } if(errorCode==U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { /* continue converting another chunk */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; if(targetLength+chunkSize<=sizeof(targetBuffer)) { targetLimit=target+chunkSize; } else { targetLimit=targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer); } } else if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { /* failure */ break; } else if(flush) { /* all done */ break; } else if(src==finalSrcLimit && pivotSource==pivotTarget) { /* all consumed, now flush without input (separate from conversion for testing) */ flush=TRUE; } } if(!(errorCode==expectCode || (expectCode==U_ZERO_ERROR && errorCode==U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING))) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(%s) chunk[%d] results in %s instead of %s\n", testName, chunkSize, u_errorName(errorCode), u_errorName(expectCode)); } else if(targetLength!=expectTargetLength) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(%s) chunk[%d] writes %d bytes instead of %d\n", testName, chunkSize, targetLength, expectTargetLength); } else if(memcmp(targetBuffer, expectTarget, targetLength)!=0) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(%s) chunk[%d] writes different bytes than expected\n", testName, chunkSize); } } static void convertExMultiStreaming(UConverter *srcCnv, UConverter *targetCnv, const char *src, int32_t srcLength, const char *expectTarget, int32_t expectTargetLength, const char *testName, UErrorCode expectCode) { convertExStreaming(srcCnv, targetCnv, src, srcLength, expectTarget, expectTargetLength, 1, testName, expectCode); convertExStreaming(srcCnv, targetCnv, src, srcLength, expectTarget, expectTargetLength, 3, testName, expectCode); convertExStreaming(srcCnv, targetCnv, src, srcLength, expectTarget, expectTargetLength, 7, testName, expectCode); } static void TestConvertEx() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static const uint8_t utf8[]={ /* 4e00 30a1 ff61 0410 */ 0xe4, 0xb8, 0x80, 0xe3, 0x82, 0xa1, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xa1, 0xd0, 0x90 }, shiftJIS[]={ 0x88, 0xea, 0x83, 0x40, 0xa1, 0x84, 0x40 }, errorTarget[]={ /* * expected output when converting shiftJIS[] from UTF-8 to Shift-JIS: * SUB, SUB, 0x40, SUB, SUB, 0x40 */ 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0x40, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0x40 }; char srcBuffer[100], targetBuffer[100]; const char *src; char *target; UChar pivotBuffer[100]; UChar *pivotSource, *pivotTarget; UConverter *cnv1, *cnv2; UErrorCode errorCode; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv1=ucnv_open("UTF-8", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("unable to open a UTF-8 converter - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } cnv2=ucnv_open("Shift-JIS", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("unable to open a Shift-JIS converter - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); ucnv_close(cnv1); return; } /* test ucnv_convertEx() with streaming conversion style */ convertExMultiStreaming(cnv1, cnv2, (const char *)utf8, sizeof(utf8), (const char *)shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS), "UTF-8 -> Shift-JIS", U_ZERO_ERROR); convertExMultiStreaming(cnv2, cnv1, (const char *)shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS), (const char *)utf8, sizeof(utf8), "Shift-JIS -> UTF-8", U_ZERO_ERROR); /* U_ZERO_ERROR because by default the SUB callbacks are set */ convertExMultiStreaming(cnv1, cnv2, (const char *)shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS), (const char *)errorTarget, sizeof(errorTarget), "shiftJIS[] UTF-8 -> Shift-JIS", U_ZERO_ERROR); /* test some simple conversions */ /* NUL-terminated source and target */ errorCode=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; memcpy(srcBuffer, utf8, sizeof(utf8)); srcBuffer[sizeof(utf8)]=0; src=srcBuffer; target=targetBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_ZERO_ERROR || target-targetBuffer!=sizeof(shiftJIS) || *target!=0 || memcmp(targetBuffer, shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS))!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(simple UTF-8 -> Shift_JIS) fails: %s - writes %d bytes, expect %d\n", u_errorName(errorCode), target-targetBuffer, sizeof(shiftJIS)); } /* NUL-terminated source and U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING */ errorCode=U_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS_WARNING; memset(targetBuffer, 0xff, sizeof(targetBuffer)); src=srcBuffer; target=targetBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(shiftJIS), &src, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING || target-targetBuffer!=sizeof(shiftJIS) || *target!=(char)0xff || memcmp(targetBuffer, shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS))!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(simple UTF-8 -> Shift_JIS) fails: %s, expect U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING - writes %d bytes, expect %d\n", u_errorName(errorCode), target-targetBuffer, sizeof(shiftJIS)); } /* bad arguments */ errorCode=U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR; src=srcBuffer; target=targetBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* pivotLimit==pivotStart */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; pivotSource=pivotTarget=pivotBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, pivotBuffer, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotBuffer, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(pivotLimit==pivotStart) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* *pivotSource==NULL */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; pivotSource=NULL; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, pivotBuffer, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotBuffer+1, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(*pivotSource==NULL) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* *source==NULL */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; src=NULL; pivotSource=pivotBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, pivotBuffer, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotBuffer+1, TRUE, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(*source==NULL) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* streaming conversion without a pivot buffer */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; src=srcBuffer; pivotSource=pivotBuffer; ucnv_convertEx(cnv2, cnv1, &target, targetBuffer+sizeof(targetBuffer), &src, NULL, NULL, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotBuffer+1, TRUE, FALSE, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_convertEx(pivotStart==NULL) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv1); ucnv_close(cnv2); #endif } /* Test illegal UTF-8 input: Data and functions for TestConvertExFromUTF8(). */ static const char *const badUTF8[]={ /* trail byte */ "\x80", /* truncated multi-byte sequences */ "\xd0", "\xe0", "\xe1", "\xed", "\xee", "\xf0", "\xf1", "\xf4", "\xf8", "\xfc", "\xe0\x80", "\xe0\xa0", "\xe1\x80", "\xed\x80", "\xed\xa0", "\xee\x80", "\xf0\x80", "\xf0\x90", "\xf1\x80", "\xf4\x80", "\xf4\x90", "\xf8\x80", "\xfc\x80", "\xf0\x80\x80", "\xf0\x90\x80", "\xf1\x80\x80", "\xf4\x80\x80", "\xf4\x90\x80", "\xf8\x80\x80", "\xfc\x80\x80", "\xf8\x80\x80\x80", "\xfc\x80\x80\x80", "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80", /* complete sequences but non-shortest forms or out of range etc. */ "\xc0\x80", "\xe0\x80\x80", "\xed\xa0\x80", "\xf0\x80\x80\x80", "\xf4\x90\x80\x80", "\xf8\x80\x80\x80\x80", "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80", "\xfe", "\xff" }; #define ARG_CHAR_ARR_SIZE 8 /* get some character that can be converted and convert it */ static UBool getTestChar(UConverter *cnv, const char *converterName, char charUTF8[4], int32_t *pCharUTF8Length, char char0[ARG_CHAR_ARR_SIZE], int32_t *pChar0Length, char char1[ARG_CHAR_ARR_SIZE], int32_t *pChar1Length) { UChar utf16[U16_MAX_LENGTH]; int32_t utf16Length; const UChar *utf16Source; char *target; USet *set; UChar32 c; UErrorCode errorCode; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; set=uset_open(1, 0); ucnv_getUnicodeSet(cnv, set, UCNV_ROUNDTRIP_SET, &errorCode); c=uset_charAt(set, uset_size(set)/2); uset_close(set); utf16Length=0; U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(utf16, utf16Length, c); *pCharUTF8Length=0; U8_APPEND_UNSAFE(charUTF8, *pCharUTF8Length, c); utf16Source=utf16; target=char0; ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv, &target, char0+ARG_CHAR_ARR_SIZE, &utf16Source, utf16+utf16Length, NULL, FALSE, &errorCode); *pChar0Length=(int32_t)(target-char0); utf16Source=utf16; target=char1; ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv, &target, char1+ARG_CHAR_ARR_SIZE, &utf16Source, utf16+utf16Length, NULL, FALSE, &errorCode); *pChar1Length=(int32_t)(target-char1); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("unable to get test character for %s - %s\n", converterName, u_errorName(errorCode)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void testFromTruncatedUTF8(UConverter *utf8Cnv, UConverter *cnv, const char *converterName, char charUTF8[4], int32_t charUTF8Length, char char0[8], int32_t char0Length, char char1[8], int32_t char1Length) { char utf8[16]; int32_t utf8Length; char output[16]; int32_t outputLength; char invalidChars[8]; int8_t invalidLength; const char *source; char *target; UChar pivotBuffer[8]; UChar *pivotSource, *pivotTarget; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t i; /* test truncated sequences */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; ucnv_setToUCallBack(utf8Cnv, UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP, NULL, NULL, NULL, &errorCode); memcpy(utf8, charUTF8, charUTF8Length); for(i=0; i=(1+U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES(badUTF8[i][0]))) { continue; } /* assemble a string with the test character and the truncated sequence */ memcpy(utf8+charUTF8Length, badUTF8[i], length); utf8Length=charUTF8Length+length; /* convert and check the invalidChars */ source=utf8; target=output; pivotSource=pivotTarget=pivotBuffer; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; ucnv_convertEx(cnv, utf8Cnv, &target, output+sizeof(output), &source, utf8+utf8Length, pivotBuffer, &pivotSource, &pivotTarget, pivotBuffer+LENGTHOF(pivotBuffer), TRUE, TRUE, /* reset & flush */ &errorCode); outputLength=(int32_t)(target-output); if(errorCode!=U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND || pivotSource!=pivotBuffer) { log_err("unexpected error %s from %s badUTF8[%ld]\n", u_errorName(errorCode), converterName, (long)i); continue; } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; invalidLength=(int8_t)sizeof(invalidChars); ucnv_getInvalidChars(utf8Cnv, invalidChars, &invalidLength, &errorCode); if(invalidLength!=length || 0!=memcmp(invalidChars, badUTF8[i], length)) { log_err("wrong invalidChars from %s badUTF8[%ld]\n", converterName, (long)i); } } } static void testFromBadUTF8(UConverter *utf8Cnv, UConverter *cnv, const char *converterName, char charUTF8[4], int32_t charUTF8Length, char char0[8], int32_t char0Length, char char1[8], int32_t char1Length) { char utf8[600], expect[600]; int32_t utf8Length, expectLength; char testName[32]; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t i; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; ucnv_setToUCallBack(utf8Cnv, UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_SKIP, NULL, NULL, NULL, &errorCode); /* * assemble an input string with the test character between each * bad sequence, * and an expected string with repeated test character output */ memcpy(utf8, charUTF8, charUTF8Length); utf8Length=charUTF8Length; memcpy(expect, char0, char0Length); expectLength=char0Length; for(i=0; i %s/decimal NCRs) failed\n", converterNames[i]); } ucnv_close(cnv); } ucnv_close(utf8Cnv); } static void TestConvertAlgorithmic() { #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static const uint8_t utf8[]={ /* 4e00 30a1 ff61 0410 */ 0xe4, 0xb8, 0x80, 0xe3, 0x82, 0xa1, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xa1, 0xd0, 0x90 }, shiftJIS[]={ 0x88, 0xea, 0x83, 0x40, 0xa1, 0x84, 0x40 }, /*errorTarget[]={*/ /* * expected output when converting shiftJIS[] from UTF-8 to Shift-JIS: * SUB, SUB, 0x40, SUB, SUB, 0x40 */ /* 0x81, 0xa1, 0x81, 0xa1, 0x40, 0x81, 0xa1, 0x81, 0xa1, 0x40*/ /*},*/ utf16[]={ 0xfe, 0xff /* BOM only, no text */ }, utf32[]={ 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0 /* BOM only, no text */ }; char target[100], utf8NUL[100], shiftJISNUL[100]; UConverter *cnv; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t length; errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("Shift-JIS", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("unable to open a Shift-JIS converter - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); ucnv_close(cnv); return; } memcpy(utf8NUL, utf8, sizeof(utf8)); utf8NUL[sizeof(utf8)]=0; memcpy(shiftJISNUL, shiftJIS, sizeof(shiftJIS)); shiftJISNUL[sizeof(shiftJIS)]=0; /* * The to/from algorithmic convenience functions share a common implementation, * so we need not test all permutations of them. */ /* length in, not terminated out */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, UCNV_UTF8, target, sizeof(shiftJIS), (const char *)utf8, sizeof(utf8), &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING || length!=sizeof(shiftJIS) || memcmp(target, shiftJIS, length)!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(UTF-8 -> Shift-JIS) fails (%s expect U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING), returns %d expect %d\n", u_errorName(errorCode), length, sizeof(shiftJIS)); } /* terminated in and out */ memset(target, 0x55, sizeof(target)); errorCode=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; length=ucnv_toAlgorithmic(UCNV_UTF8, cnv, target, sizeof(target), shiftJISNUL, -1, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_ZERO_ERROR || length!=sizeof(utf8) || memcmp(target, utf8, length)!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_toAlgorithmic(Shift-JIS -> UTF-8) fails (%s expect U_ZERO_ERROR), returns %d expect %d\n", u_errorName(errorCode), length, sizeof(shiftJIS)); } /* empty string, some target buffer */ errorCode=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; length=ucnv_toAlgorithmic(UCNV_UTF8, cnv, target, sizeof(target), shiftJISNUL, 0, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_ZERO_ERROR || length!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_toAlgorithmic(empty string -> UTF-8) fails (%s expect U_ZERO_ERROR), returns %d expect 0\n", u_errorName(errorCode), length); } /* pseudo-empty string, no target buffer */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, UCNV_UTF16, target, 0, (const char *)utf16, 2, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING || length!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(UTF-16 only BOM -> Shift-JIS) fails (%s expect U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING), returns %d expect 0\n", u_errorName(errorCode), length); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, UCNV_UTF32, target, 0, (const char *)utf32, 4, &errorCode); if( errorCode!=U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING || length!=0 ) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(UTF-32 only BOM -> Shift-JIS) fails (%s expect U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING), returns %d expect 0\n", u_errorName(errorCode), length); } /* bad arguments */ errorCode=U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, UCNV_UTF16, target, 0, (const char *)utf16, 2, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* source==NULL */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, UCNV_UTF16, target, 0, NULL, 2, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(source==NULL) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } /* illegal alg. type */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; length=ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(cnv, (UConverterType)99, target, 0, (const char *)utf16, 2, &errorCode); if(errorCode!=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_fromAlgorithmic(illegal alg. type) sets %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv); #endif } #if !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO && !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static void TestLMBCSMaxChar(void) { static const struct { int8_t maxSize; const char *name; } converter[] = { /* some non-LMBCS converters - perfect test setup here */ { 1, "US-ASCII"}, { 1, "ISO-8859-1"}, { 2, "UTF-16"}, { 2, "UTF-16BE"}, { 3, "UTF-8"}, { 3, "CESU-8"}, { 3, "SCSU"}, { 4, "UTF-32"}, { 4, "UTF-7"}, { 4, "IMAP-mailbox-name"}, { 4, "BOCU-1"}, { 1, "windows-1256"}, { 2, "Shift-JIS"}, { 2, "ibm-16684"}, { 3, "ibm-930"}, { 3, "ibm-1390"}, { 4, "*test3"}, { 16,"*test4"}, { 4, "ISCII"}, { 4, "HZ"}, { 3, "ISO-2022"}, { 3, "ISO-2022-KR"}, { 6, "ISO-2022-JP"}, { 8, "ISO-2022-CN"}, /* LMBCS */ { 3, "LMBCS-1"}, { 3, "LMBCS-2"}, { 3, "LMBCS-3"}, { 3, "LMBCS-4"}, { 3, "LMBCS-5"}, { 3, "LMBCS-6"}, { 3, "LMBCS-8"}, { 3, "LMBCS-11"}, { 3, "LMBCS-16"}, { 3, "LMBCS-17"}, { 3, "LMBCS-18"}, { 3, "LMBCS-19"} }; int32_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < LENGTHOF(converter); idx++) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv = cnv_open(converter[idx].name, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { continue; } if (converter[idx].maxSize != ucnv_getMaxCharSize(cnv)) { log_err("error: ucnv_getMaxCharSize(%s) expected %d, got %d\n", converter[idx].name, converter[idx].maxSize, ucnv_getMaxCharSize(cnv)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } /* mostly test that the macro compiles */ if(UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING(1, 2)<10) { log_err("error UCNV_GET_MAX_BYTES_FOR_STRING(1, 2)<10\n"); } } #endif static void TestJ1968(void) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv; char myConvName[] = "My really really really really really really really really really really really" " really really really really really really really really really really really" " really really really really really really really really long converter name"; UChar myConvNameU[sizeof(myConvName)]; u_charsToUChars(myConvName, myConvNameU, sizeof(myConvName)); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvNameU[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH+1] = 0; cnv = ucnv_openU(myConvNameU, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("1U) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvNameU[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; cnv = ucnv_openU(myConvNameU, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("2U) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvNameU[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; cnv = ucnv_openU(myConvNameU, &err); if (cnv || err != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_err("3U) Didn't get U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("1) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH] = ','; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("2) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH-1] = ','; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_err("3) Didn't get U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH-1] = ','; strncpy(myConvName + UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH, "locale=", 7); cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("4) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } /* The comma isn't really a part of the converter name. */ err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH] = 0; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_err("5) Didn't get U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH-1] = ' '; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("6) Didn't get U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; myConvName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH-1] = 0; cnv = ucnv_open(myConvName, &err); if (cnv || err != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { log_err("7) Didn't get U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR as expected %s\n", u_errorName(err)); } } #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION static void testSwap(const char *name, UBool swap) { /* * Test Unicode text. * Contains characters that are the highest for some of the * tested conversions, to make sure that the ucnvmbcs.c code that modifies the * tables copies the entire tables. */ static const UChar text[]={ 0x61, 0xd, 0x62, 0xa, 0x4e00, 0x3000, 0xfffd, 0xa, 0x20, 0x85, 0xff5e, 0x7a }; UChar uNormal[32], uSwapped[32]; char normal[32], swapped[32]; const UChar *pcu; UChar *pu; char *pc; int32_t i, normalLength, swappedLength; UChar u; char c; const char *swappedName; UConverter *cnv, *swapCnv; UErrorCode errorCode; /* if the swap flag is FALSE, then the test encoding is not EBCDIC and must not swap */ /* open both the normal and the LF/NL-swapping converters */ strcpy(swapped, name); strcat(swapped, UCNV_SWAP_LFNL_OPTION_STRING); errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; swapCnv=ucnv_open(swapped, &errorCode); cnv=ucnv_open(name, &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("TestEBCDICSwapLFNL error: unable to open %s or %s (%s)\n", name, swapped, u_errorName(errorCode)); goto cleanup; } /* the name must contain the swap option if and only if we expect the converter to swap */ swappedName=ucnv_getName(swapCnv, &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("TestEBCDICSwapLFNL error: ucnv_getName(%s,swaplfnl) failed (%s)\n", name, u_errorName(errorCode)); goto cleanup; } pc=strstr(swappedName, UCNV_SWAP_LFNL_OPTION_STRING); if(swap != (pc!=NULL)) { log_err("TestEBCDICSwapLFNL error: ucnv_getName(%s,swaplfnl)=%s should (%d) contain 'swaplfnl'\n", name, swappedName, swap); goto cleanup; } /* convert to EBCDIC */ pcu=text; pc=normal; ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv, &pc, normal+LENGTHOF(normal), &pcu, text+LENGTHOF(text), NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); normalLength=(int32_t)(pc-normal); pcu=text; pc=swapped; ucnv_fromUnicode(swapCnv, &pc, swapped+LENGTHOF(swapped), &pcu, text+LENGTHOF(text), NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); swappedLength=(int32_t)(pc-swapped); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("TestEBCDICSwapLFNL error converting to %s - (%s)\n", name, u_errorName(errorCode)); goto cleanup; } /* compare EBCDIC output */ if(normalLength!=swappedLength) { log_err("TestEBCDICSwapLFNL error converting to %s - output lengths %d vs. %d\n", name, normalLength, swappedLength); goto cleanup; } for(i=0; i x ( \x07 |0) \U00101234\U00050005 -> y (+ \x07+\x00+\x01\x02\x0e+\x05 |0) \U00101234\U00050005\U00060006 -> z (++ \x07+\x00+\x01\x02\x0f+\x09 |0) \U00060007 -> unassigned */ static const UChar head[] = {0xDBC4,0xDE34,0xD900,0xDC05,0x0000};/* \U00101234\U00050005 */ static const UChar middle[] = {0xD940,0x0000}; /* first half of \U00060006 or \U00060007 */ static const UChar tail[] = {0xDC07,0x0000};/* second half of \U00060007 */ char tgt[10]; char* target = tgt; char* targetLimit = target + 2; /* expect overflow from converting \U00101234\U00050005 */ const UChar* source = head; const UChar* sourceLimit = source + u_strlen(head); int32_t len = 0; ucnv_reset(cnv); ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); len = ucnv_fromUCountPending(cnv, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_fromUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(len!=4){ log_err("ucnv_fromUInputHeld did not return correct length for head\n"); } source = middle; sourceLimit = source + u_strlen(middle); ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); len = ucnv_fromUCountPending(cnv, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_fromUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(len!=5){ log_err("ucnv_fromUInputHeld did not return correct length for middle\n"); } source = tail; sourceLimit = source + u_strlen(tail); ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); if(status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ log_err("ucnv_fromUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; len = ucnv_fromUCountPending(cnv, &status); /* middle[1] is pending, tail has not been consumed */ if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_fromUInputHeld call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } if(len!=1){ log_err("ucnv_fromUInputHeld did not return correct length for tail\n"); } } ucnv_close(cnv); #endif } static void TestToUCountPending(){ #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; static const struct { char input[6]; int32_t len; int32_t exp; }toUnicodeTests[] = { /*m:n conversion*/ {{0x05, 0x01, 0x02},3,3}, {{0x01, 0x02},2,2}, {{0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02},4,4}, }; int i; UConverterToUCallback *oldToUAction= NULL; UConverter* cnv = ucnv_openPackage(loadTestData(&status), "test3", &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_data_err("Could not create converter for test3. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); return; } ucnv_setToUCallBack(cnv, UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP, NULL, oldToUAction, NULL, &status); for(i=0; i x ( \x01\x02\x03\x0a |0) 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0b -> y ( \x01\x02\x03\x0b |0) 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0d -> z ( \x01\x02\x03\x0d |3) 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a + 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0b + 0x01 + many more -> z (see test4 "many bytes, and bytes per UChar") */ UChar tgt[10]; UChar* target = tgt; UChar* targetLimit = target + 1; /* expect overflow from converting */ const char* source = head; const char* sourceLimit = source + strlen(head); int32_t len = 0; cnv = ucnv_openPackage(loadTestData(&status), "test4", &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("Could not create converter for test3. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); return; } ucnv_setToUCallBack(cnv, UCNV_TO_U_CALLBACK_STOP, NULL, oldToUAction, NULL, &status); ucnv_toUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); len = ucnv_toUCountPending(cnv,&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_toUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } if(len != 4){ log_err("Did not get the expected len for head.\n"); } source=mid; sourceLimit = source+strlen(mid); ucnv_toUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); len = ucnv_toUCountPending(cnv,&status); if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_toUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } if(len != 8){ log_err("Did not get the expected len for mid.\n"); } source=tail; sourceLimit = source+strlen(tail); targetLimit = target; ucnv_toUnicode(cnv,&target, targetLimit, &source, sourceLimit, NULL, FALSE, &status); if(status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR){ log_err("ucnv_toUnicode call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; len = ucnv_toUCountPending(cnv,&status); /* mid[4] is pending, tail has not been consumed */ if(U_FAILURE(status)){ log_err("ucnv_toUCountPending call did not succeed. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } if(len != 4){ log_err("Did not get the expected len for tail.\n"); } ucnv_close(cnv); } #endif } static void TestOneDefaultNameChange(const char *name, const char *expected) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv; ucnv_setDefaultName(name); if(strcmp(ucnv_getDefaultName(), expected)==0) log_verbose("setDefaultName of %s works.\n", name); else log_err("setDefaultName of %s failed\n", name); cnv=ucnv_open(NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status) || cnv == NULL) { log_err("opening the default converter of %s failed\n", name); return; } if(strcmp(ucnv_getName(cnv, &status), expected)==0) log_verbose("ucnv_getName of %s works.\n", name); else log_err("ucnv_getName of %s failed\n", name); ucnv_close(cnv); } static void TestDefaultName(void) { /*Testing ucnv_getDefaultName() and ucnv_setDefaultNAme()*/ static char defaultName[UCNV_MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; strcpy(defaultName, ucnv_getDefaultName()); log_verbose("getDefaultName returned %s\n", defaultName); /*change the default name by setting it */ TestOneDefaultNameChange("UTF-8", "UTF-8"); #if U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISCII,version=1", "UTF-8"); TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISCII,version=2", "UTF-8"); TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8"); #else # if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISCII,version=1", "ISCII,version=1"); TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISCII,version=2", "ISCII,version=2"); # endif TestOneDefaultNameChange("ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-1"); #endif /*set the default name back*/ ucnv_setDefaultName(defaultName); } /* Test that ucnv_compareNames() matches names according to spec. ----------- */ static int sign(int n) { if(n==0) { return 0; } else if(n<0) { return -1; } else /* n>0 */ { return 1; } } static void compareNames(const char **names) { const char *relation, *name1, *name2; int rel, result; relation=*names++; if(*relation=='=') { rel = 0; } else if(*relation=='<') { rel = -1; } else { rel = 1; } name1=*names++; if(name1==NULL) { return; } while((name2=*names++)!=NULL) { result=ucnv_compareNames(name1, name2); if(sign(result)!=rel) { log_err("ucnv_compareNames(\"%s\", \"%s\")=%d, sign!=%d\n", name1, name2, result, rel); } name1=name2; } } static void TestCompareNames() { static const char *equalUTF8[]={ "=", "UTF-8", "utf_8", "u*T@f08", "Utf 8", NULL }; static const char *equalIBM[]={ "=", "ibm-37", "IBM037", "i-B-m 00037", "ibm-0037", "IBM00037", NULL }; static const char *lessMac[]={ "<", "macos-0_1-10.2", "macos-1-10.0.2", "macos-1-10.2", NULL }; static const char *lessUTF080[]={ "<", "UTF-0008", "utf$080", "u*T@f0800", "Utf 0000000009", NULL }; compareNames(equalUTF8); compareNames(equalIBM); compareNames(lessMac); compareNames(lessUTF080); } static void TestSubstString() { static const UChar surrogate[1]={ 0xd900 }; char buffer[16]; static const UChar sub[5]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65 }; static const char subChars[5]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65 }; UConverter *cnv; UErrorCode errorCode; int32_t length; int8_t len8; /* UTF-16/32: test that the BOM is output before the sub character */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("UTF-16", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("ucnv_open(UTF-16) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } length=ucnv_fromUChars(cnv, buffer, (int32_t)sizeof(buffer), surrogate, 1, &errorCode); ucnv_close(cnv); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || length!=4 || NULL == ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(buffer, length, NULL, &errorCode) ) { log_err("ucnv_fromUChars(UTF-16, U+D900) did not write a BOM\n"); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("UTF-32", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("ucnv_open(UTF-32) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } length=ucnv_fromUChars(cnv, buffer, (int32_t)sizeof(buffer), surrogate, 1, &errorCode); ucnv_close(cnv); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || length!=8 || NULL == ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(buffer, length, NULL, &errorCode) ) { log_err("ucnv_fromUChars(UTF-32, U+D900) did not write a BOM\n"); } /* Simple API test of ucnv_setSubstString() + ucnv_getSubstChars(). */ errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("ISO-8859-1", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("ucnv_open(ISO-8859-1) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } ucnv_setSubstString(cnv, sub, LENGTHOF(sub), &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("ucnv_setSubstString(ISO-8859-1, sub[5]) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } else { len8 = sizeof(buffer); ucnv_getSubstChars(cnv, buffer, &len8, &errorCode); /* Stateless converter, we expect the string converted to charset bytes. */ if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || len8!=sizeof(subChars) || 0!=uprv_memcmp(buffer, subChars, len8)) { log_err("ucnv_getSubstChars(ucnv_setSubstString(ISO-8859-1, sub[5])) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } } ucnv_close(cnv); #if !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("HZ", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_data_err("ucnv_open(HZ) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } ucnv_setSubstString(cnv, sub, LENGTHOF(sub), &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("ucnv_setSubstString(HZ, sub[5]) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } else { len8 = sizeof(buffer); ucnv_getSubstChars(cnv, buffer, &len8, &errorCode); /* Stateful converter, we expect that the Unicode string was set and that we get an empty char * string now. */ if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || len8!=0) { log_err("ucnv_getSubstChars(ucnv_setSubstString(HZ, sub[5])) failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } } ucnv_close(cnv); #endif /* * Further testing of ucnv_setSubstString() is done via intltest convert. * We do not test edge cases of illegal arguments and similar because the * function implementation uses all of its parameters in calls to other * functions with UErrorCode parameters. */ } static void InvalidArguments() { UConverter *cnv; UErrorCode errorCode; char charBuffer[2] = {1, 1}; char ucharAsCharBuffer[2] = {2, 2}; char *charsPtr = charBuffer; UChar *ucharsPtr = (UChar *)ucharAsCharBuffer; UChar *ucharsBadPtr = (UChar *)(ucharAsCharBuffer + 1); errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; cnv=ucnv_open("UTF-8", &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err("ucnv_open() failed - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); return; } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* This one should fail because an incomplete UChar is being passed in */ ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv, &charsPtr, charsPtr, (const UChar **)&ucharsPtr, ucharsBadPtr, NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_fromUnicode() failed to return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for incomplete UChar * buffer - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* This one should fail because ucharsBadPtr is > than ucharsPtr */ ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv, &charsPtr, charsPtr, (const UChar **)&ucharsBadPtr, ucharsPtr, NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_fromUnicode() failed to return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad limit pointer - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* This one should fail because an incomplete UChar is being passed in */ ucnv_toUnicode(cnv, &ucharsPtr, ucharsBadPtr, (const char **)&charsPtr, charsPtr, NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_toUnicode() failed to return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for incomplete UChar * buffer - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR; /* This one should fail because ucharsBadPtr is > than ucharsPtr */ ucnv_toUnicode(cnv, &ucharsBadPtr, ucharsPtr, (const char **)&charsPtr, charsPtr, NULL, TRUE, &errorCode); if(errorCode != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { log_err("ucnv_toUnicode() failed to return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR for bad limit pointer - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); } if (charBuffer[0] != 1 || charBuffer[1] != 1 || ucharAsCharBuffer[0] != 2 || ucharAsCharBuffer[1] != 2) { log_err("Data was incorrectly written to buffers\n"); } ucnv_close(cnv); } static void TestGetName() { static const char *const names[] = { "Unicode", "UTF-16", "UnicodeBigUnmarked", "UTF-16BE", "UnicodeBig", "UTF-16BE,version=1", "UnicodeLittleUnmarked", "UTF-16LE", "UnicodeLittle", "UTF-16LE,version=1", "x-UTF-16LE-BOM", "UTF-16LE,version=1" }; int32_t i; for(i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(names); i += 2) { UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv = ucnv_open(names[i], &errorCode); if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { const char *name = ucnv_getName(cnv, &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || 0 != strcmp(name, names[i+1])) { log_err("ucnv_getName(%s) = %s != %s -- %s\n", names[i], name, names[i+1], u_errorName(errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } } } static void TestUTFBOM() { static const UChar a16[] = { 0x61 }; static const char *const names[] = { "UTF-16", "UTF-16,version=1", "UTF-16BE", "UnicodeBig", "UTF-16LE", "UnicodeLittle" }; static const uint8_t expected[][5] = { #if U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN { 4, 0xfe, 0xff, 0, 0x61 }, { 4, 0xfe, 0xff, 0, 0x61 }, #else { 4, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x61, 0 }, { 4, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x61, 0 }, #endif { 2, 0, 0x61 }, { 4, 0xfe, 0xff, 0, 0x61 }, { 2, 0x61, 0 }, { 4, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x61, 0 } }; char bytes[10]; int32_t i; for(i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(names); ++i) { UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; UConverter *cnv = ucnv_open(names[i], &errorCode); int32_t length = 0; const uint8_t *exp = expected[i]; if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { log_err_status(errorCode, "Unable to open converter: %s got error code: %s\n", names[i], u_errorName(errorCode)); continue; } length = ucnv_fromUChars(cnv, bytes, (int32_t)sizeof(bytes), a16, 1, &errorCode); if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || length != exp[0] || 0 != memcmp(bytes, exp+1, length)) { log_err("unexpected %s BOM writing behavior -- %s\n", names[i], u_errorName(errorCode)); } ucnv_close(cnv); } }