#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; my $ispell_path = eval q{ use Test::Spelling; use File::Which; which('ispell') || die 'no ispell' }; plan skip_all => 'Optional Test::Spelling, File::Which and ispell program required to spellcheck POD' if $@; set_spell_cmd("$ispell_path -l"); add_stopwords( ); all_pod_files_spelling_ok(); __DATA__ AnnoCPAN CPAN perlmonks RSS Boumans Cees Godin Harkins Hek Purkis Schleicher Muhlestein Perrin Prew Krieger LICENCE McCann Jos Jost qa Adrian Cantrell Janek Jore ben Khemir Nadim Pagaltzis Dolan RT Ricardo Signes