#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 Clif Harden. All Rights Reserved # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This program was originally written by Clif Harden. # Some of the software in the LDAP search subroutine was orginally # written by Graham Barr. It is based on Graham Barr's PERL LDAP # module and the PERL TK module. # Both modules are available from the CPAN.org system. # # $Id: tklkup,v 2.47 2006/03/27 01:45:56 clif Exp $ # # Purpose: This program is designed to retrieve data from a LDAP # directory and display on the graphical user interface # created by this program. This program can edit the data # retrieved from the directory. # # # # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use MIME::Base64; #use Net::LDAP qw(:all); use Net::LDAP; use Net::LDAP::Filter; use Net::LDAP::Util qw( ldap_explode_dn ldap_error_name ldap_error_text canonical_dn ); use Net::LDAP::Constant; use Net::LDAP::DSML; use Net::LDAP::LDIF; use Getopt::Std; use Tk; use Tk::NoteBook; use Tk::ErrorDialog; use Tk::LabFrame; use Tk::ROText; use Tk::HList; use Tk::Tree; use Tk::Label; use subs qw/ops_items/; # # Global variables, wish I did not have to use them # but Tk forces me to. # my %Global = (); my %Tree = (); $Global{'jpeg'} = 1; eval 'require Tk::JPEG'; $Global{'jpeg'} = 0 if ( $@ ); $Global{'splash'} = 1; eval { require Tk::Splashscreen; require Tie::Watch; }; $Global{'splash'} = 0 if ( $@ ); # # Window roots # $Global{'mainWindow'} = undef(); $Global{'schemaWindow'} = undef(); $Global{'histWindow'} = undef(); $Global{'portWindow'} = undef(); $Global{'bindWindow'} = undef(); my %schemaHash = (); &init_schemaHash; $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'} = ""; $Global{'ldap'} = undef; $Global{'bindpw'} = ""; $Global{'binddn'} = ""; $Global{fref} = 0; $Global{'adata'} = ""; $Global{'info'} = ""; $Global{'slist'} = 0; $Global{'setVersion'} = 3; # set version 3 ldap $Global{'sfile'} = 0; $Global{'fdata'} = ""; $Global{'hand'} = 'left'; $Global{'horz'} = 200; $Global{'vert'} = 20; $Global{'Font'} = "{ MS Sans Serif} 10"; $Global{'CORE_SERVER'} = ""; $Global{'sclear'} = 0; $Global{'limit'} = 100; $Global{port} = 389; $Global{nsslport} = 389; $Global{sslport} = 636; $Global{'platform'} = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? $^O : 'unix' ; $Global{'max'} = 0; $Global{'infoFilter'} = "equal"; $Global{'nismapname'} = 0; $Global{'automountMapName'} = 0; $Global{'records'} = 0; $Global{'mwwidth'} = 600; $Global{'mwheight'} = 520; $Global{dirConnError} = undef(); $Global{'setSSL'} = 0; my $sbbframe; my $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = ""; my $DN_BASE = ""; my @base = (); my $base = ""; my $defaultPort = 389; my $sepChar = "\f"; # formfeed separator #-------------------------------------------------------- # Handle the command line parameter(s) #-------------------------------------------------------- getopts( 'hnrd:i:' ); Usage() if ( $opt_h ); my $debug = $opt_n ? 1 : 0; # Fork this process on start up. # # If not in debug mode; # Fork a child process and kill the parent. # (That sounds nasty) # if ( !$debug && $Global{'platform'} eq 'unix' ) { FORK: { if ( $pid = fork ) { # this is parent process, so DIE # exit; } elsif ( defined $pid) { # this is the child process, so keep on running # &MAIN_PROCESS(); } # End of elsif in FORK. } # End of FORK block. } # End of if. else { # # in debug mode, so do not fork but continue to run. # &MAIN_PROCESS(); } # End of else sub MAIN_PROCESS { $Global{'mainWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $splash = $Global{'mainWindow'}->Splashscreen(-milliseconds => 0) if ( $Global{splash} ); $splframe = $splash->LabFrame(-label => "TKLKUP SPLASH SCREEN", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack() if ( $Global{splash} ); $splashList = $splframe->Listbox( -height => 2, -width => 40 ) if ( $Global{splash} ); $splashList->pack() if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->Splash() if ( $Global{splash} ); $splashList->insert("0", "Reading initialization file") if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); &initializeProgram; # Read the dot file. $Global{'mainWindow'}->geometry("$Global{'mwwidth'}x$Global{'mwheight'}+$Global{'horz'}+$Global{'vert'}"); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); &createSearchBaseWindow(); $Global{'sbWindow'}->withdraw if Tk::Exists($Global{'sbWindow'}); &initializeBases; $splashList->insert("0", "Setting tklkup GUI.") if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); $Global{'mainWindow'}->title("TKLKUP"); # # Create the Menubar # $Global{'mainWindow'}->configure(-menu => $Global{'menubar'} = $Global{'mainWindow'}->Menu); $Global{'menubar'}->cascade(-label => "Directory ~OPS", -menuitems => ops_items); $Global{'menubar'}->command(-label => "Set ~Bind Credentials", -command => \&BIND ); $Global{'menubar'}->command(-label => "Set DSA ~Port", -command => \&PORT ); $Global{'menubar'}->command(-label => "E~XIT PROGRAM", -command => sub{exit;} ); # # Create process Exit button # $mwf = $Global{'mainWindow'} -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "top"); $mwf ->Label( -text => "DIRECTORY SERVER") ->pack (-side =>"left"); $Global{'slist'} = $mwf ->Listbox( -height => 1 ); $Global{'slist'}->pack( -side => "left", -padx => 2, -pady => 5 ); $Global{'slist'}->insert("end", $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}); # # Create directory server selection button # This is where the user will select the directory server to # query. # $smenu = $mwf -> Menubutton(-text => "SELECT SERVER", -relief => "raised", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "left", -pady => 2, -padx => 5 ); # # Create a LDAP version status label # $Versionstatus = $mwf -> Label -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "center" ); if ( $Global{setVersion} == 3 ) { $Versionstatus->configure( -text => "LDAP V3", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $Versionstatus->configure( -text => "LDAP V2", -font => $Global{Font}); } # # Create a SSL status label # $SSLstatus = $mwf -> Label -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "center" ); if ( $Global{setSSL} ) { $SSLstatus->configure( -text => "SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $SSLstatus->configure( -text => "NON-SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } # # Create a REF status label # $FRstatus = $mwf -> Label -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "center" ); if ( $Global{fref} ) { $FRstatus->configure( -text => "REF", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $FRstatus->configure( -text => " ", -font => $Global{Font}); } $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); $Global{nb} = $Global{'mainWindow'}->NoteBook() ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $Global{p2} = $Global{nb}->add('SEARCH',-label => 'SEARCH'); $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); &initializeP2; $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); $Global{p3} = $Global{nb}->add('SEARCH DISPLAY',-label => 'SEARCH DISPLAY'); &initializeP3; $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); $Global{p4} = $Global{nb}->add('SCHEMA',-label => 'SCHEMA DATA'); &initializeP4; $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); $Global{p5} = $Global{nb}->add('CREATE ENTRY',-label => 'CREATE ENTRY'); &initializeP5; $Global{'mainWindow'}->update(); $Global{p1} = $Global{nb}->add('INFO',-label => 'INFO'); &initializeP1; $splash->Destroy() if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash = undef(); $Global{schema_timer} = $Global{mainWindow}->repeat(1000, \&update_schema); # # Run the Main loop looking for events. # MainLoop; } sub ops_items { [ [ 'command', 'Explore ~Root DSE', -accelerator => "Ctrl-r", -command => \&rootDse ], "", [ 'command', 'Set ~SSL', -accelerator => "Ctrl-s", -command => \&setSSL ], "", [ 'command', 'Set ~NON-SSL', -accelerator => "Ctrl-n", -command => \&nonSSL ], "", [ 'command', 'Toggle ~LDAP Version', -accelerator => "Ctrl-l", -command => \&toggleVersion ], "", [ 'command', 'Toggle ~Follow Referral', -accelerator => "Ctrl-f", -command => \&toggleRef ], "", [ 'command', 'E~xit', -accelerator => "Ctrl-x", -command => sub { exit;} ], ]; }# End of subroutine ops_items sub update_schema { if ( $Global{schemaServer} ne $Global{CORE_SERVER} ) { $Global{mainWindow} -> Busy(-recurse => 1); # window is busy $Global{schema_timer}->cancel; if ( $Global{schemaServer} ne $Global{CORE_SERVER} ) { $currentPanel = $Global{nb} -> raised(); $Global{nb} -> raise('INFO'); &schema; $Global{nb} -> raise($currentPanel); } $Global{schemaServer} = $Global{LDAP_SERVER}; $Global{schema_timer} = $Global{mainWindow}->repeat(1000, \&update_schema); $Global{mainWindow} -> Unbusy; # window is not busy } } # End of subroutine update_schema sub init_schemaHash { $schemaHash{ 'schema' } = undef(); $schemaHash{ 'obj' } = {}; $schemaHash{ 'tree' } = {}; $schemaHash{ 'atts' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'ocs' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'mrs' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'nfm' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'lsyn' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'dits' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'ditc' } = []; $schemaHash{ 'mru' } = []; } # End of subroutine init_schemaHash sub setSSL { $Global{setSSL} = 1; $Global{port} = $Global{sslport}; $SSLstatus->configure( -text => "SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } # End of subroutine setSSL sub nonSSL { $Global{setSSL} = 0; $Global{port} = $Global{nsslport}; $SSLstatus->configure(-text => "NON-SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } # End of subroutine nonSSL sub toggleVersion { if ( $Global{setVersion} == 2 ) { $Global{setVersion} = 3; $Versionstatus->configure( -text => "LDAP V3", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $Global{setVersion} = 2; $Versionstatus->configure( -text => "LDAP V2", -font => $Global{Font}); } } # End of subroutine toggleVersion sub toggleRef { if ( $Global{fref} == 0 ) { $Global{fref} = 1; $FRstatus->configure( -text => "REF", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $Global{fref} = 0; $FRstatus->configure( -text => " ", -font => $Global{Font}); } } # End of subroutine toggleRef sub saveLdif { $Global{'saveLdifck'} -> select; $Global{'saveXmlck'} -> deselect; } # End of subroutine saveLdif sub saveXml { $Global{'saveXmlck'} -> select; $Global{'saveLdifck'} -> deselect; } # End of subroutine saveXml sub initializeProgram { # # Check for dot file, use it to configure program. # if ( $Global{'platform'} eq 'unix' ) { $ENV{'TMP'} = "/tmp"; } else { $ENV{'TMP'} = "./"; } @dotfile = (); push(@dotfile,$opt_i) if $opt_i; # # Active State Perl does not always set ENV HOME. # if ( !$ENV{HOME} ) { $ENV{"HOME"} = "."; } if ( !$ENV{PWD} ) { $ENV{PWD} = "."; } push( @dotfile, "$ENV{HOME}/.tklkup"); push( @dotfile, "$ENV{PWD}/.tklkup"); foreach (@dotfile) { # # first .tklkup file found is the one that will be used. # if ( -e $_ && -r $_ ) { $dotfile = $_; last; } } if ( -e $dotfile && -r $dotfile ) { open(DOT, "<$dotfile"); @Input = ; foreach (@Input) { my @data = (); if ( /^#/ || /^\s+$/ ) { next; } chomp(); @data = split(/:/); $data[1] =~ s/^\s*//; $data[1] =~ s/\s+$//; $data[2] =~ s/^\s*// if ( defined($data[2]) ); $data[2] =~ s/\s+$// if ( defined($data[2]) ); $_ = $data[0]; TYPE: { /^followref/i && do { $Global{fref} = 1; last TYPE; }; /^binddn/i && do { $Global{binddn} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^hand/i && do { $Global{'hand'} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^port/i && do { $Global{port} = $data[1]; $Global{nsslport} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^sslport/i && do { $Global{sslport} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^limit/i && do { if (defined($data[1]) ) { $Global{'limit'} = $data[1]; } else { $Global{'limit'} = 100; } last TYPE; }; /^attribute/i && do { push(@attribute, $data[1]); last TYPE; }; /^server/i && do { push(@server, $data[1]); if ( defined($data[2]) ) { $server{$data[1]} = $data[2]; } last TYPE; }; /^font/i && do { $Global{'Font'} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^nismapname/i && do { $Global{'nismapname'} = 1; last TYPE; }; /^automountMapName/i && do { $Global{'nismapname'} = 1; last TYPE; }; /^mwwidth/i && do { $Global{'mwwidth'} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; /^mwheight/i && do { $Global{'mwheight'} = $data[1]; last TYPE; }; my $error = "Parsing configuration file found an undefined type: $_"; ERROR(\$error); } # End of case TYPE } close(DOT); } # # Default is for left hand people! # Over ride the dot file if the -r command line # option is used. # if ( defined($opt_r) ) { $Global{'hand'} = $opt_r ? 'right' : 'left'; # my $Global{'hand'} = $opt_r ? 'left' : 'right'; # uncomment this for right hand def. } # # Default directory search attributes. # if ( $#attribute < 1 ) { @attribute = qw/ uid sn cn rfc822mailbox telephonenumber facsimiletelephonenumber gidnumber uidnumber/; } push(@attribute,"Filter"); # put roll your on filter at the end } # End of subroutine initializeProgram sub initializeBases { # # Default directory server. # if ( @server < 1 ) { $server[0] = "ldap.umich.edu"; } $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'} = $server[0]; $Global{'CORE_SERVER'} = $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}; # # Default directory search base. # $error = &dirConn(); # connect and bind to the directory. if ( !$error ) { # # Find the branches of the directory. # if ( !$error || $Global{setVersion} ) { if ( defined($server{$server[0]}) ) { # user defined base my $t1 = []; push(@$t1, getBases($Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, $server{$server[0]})); $ncbase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $Tree{$ncbase} = $t1; $BASEDN{$ncbase} = $ncbase; } else { my $error = 0; my $entry; my $mesg; # use root_dse to find the bases @base = (); $entry = $Global{ldap}->root_dse(); if ( defined($entry) ) { my $attr = $entry->get_value('namingContexts', asref => 1); if ( defined($attr) ) { foreach my $ncbase ( @$attr ) { $splashList->insert("1", "Searching $ncbase") if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); my $t1 = []; push(@$t1, getBases($Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, $ncbase)); $ncbase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $Tree{$ncbase} = $t1; $BASEDN{$ncbase} = $ncbase; } } } } } &initTree(); } else { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { ERROR(\$Global{dirConnError}); } else { ERROR($error); } } @NcKeys = sort(keys(%Tree)); if ( @NcKeys ) { $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = $NcKeys[0]; $DN_BASE = $NcKeys[0]; } else { $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = ""; $DN_BASE = ""; } } # End of subroutine initializeBases # # Initialize panel 1 # sub initializeP1 { $dsaframe = $Global{p1}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top" ); # # Set up the select directory server radio buttons. # foreach (@server) { $smenu->radiobutton( -label => $_, -variable => \$Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, -value => $_, -command => \&server, -font => $Global{'Font'} ); } $dsads = $dsaframe ->LabFrame( -labelside => "acrosstop", -label => "DIRECTORY SERVER") ->pack (-side =>"left"); $Global{dsadsls} = $dsads->Listbox( -height => 1 ); $Global{dsadsls}->pack( -side => "top", -padx => 2, -pady => 5 ); $Global{dsadsls}->insert("end", $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}); $dsasb = $dsaframe ->LabFrame( -labelside => "acrosstop", -label => "SEARCH BASE") ->pack (-side =>"left"); $Global{dsasbls} = $dsasb->Listbox( -height => 1); $Global{dsasbls}->pack( -side => "left", -padx => 2, -pady => 5 ); $Global{dsasbls}->insert("end", $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $dsapt = $dsaframe ->LabFrame( -labelside => "acrosstop", -label => "PORT") ->pack (-side =>"left"); $Global{dsaptls} = $dsapt->Listbox( -height => 1 ); $Global{dsaptls}->pack( -side => "left", -padx => 2, -pady => 5 ); $Global{dsaptls}->insert("end", $Global{port}); $attframe = $Global{p1}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom"); $msgframe = $attframe->LabFrame(-label => "Process Messages", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 1, -pady => 1 ); $splashList->insert("0", "Creating root dse and attribute buttons.") if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); $msgbox = $msgframe ->Scrolled('Listbox', -scrollbars => 's', -width => 50, -height => 10 ); $msgbox->pack( -side => "left" ); # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; } # End of subroutine initializeP1 # # Initialize panel 2 # sub initializeP2 { $tpframe = $Global{p2} ->Frame(-borderwidth => 2,-relief => "raised") ->pack(-side => "top", -fill => "x"); $bmframe = $Global{p2} ->Frame ->pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "x"); $hlframe = $tpframe ->Frame(-borderwidth => 2,-relief => "raised") ->pack( -side => "right"); # # Create search base list box. # $sbbframe = $hlframe->LabFrame(-label => "DIRECTORY SEARCH BASE", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -side => "top", -anchor => "e"); # # Create the Attributes and Save to frame # $ltframe = $tpframe ->Frame() ->pack( -side => "left", -fill => "both"); # # Create the Attributes frame # $aframe = $ltframe ->LabFrame(-label => "FILTER\nATTRIBUTES", -labelside => "acrosstop", -relief => "raised") ->pack( -side => "top", -fill => "both"); # # Create the Save to frame # $fmtframe = $ltframe ->LabFrame( -label => "SAVE FORMAT", -labelside => "acrosstop", -relief => "raised") ->pack( -side => "top", -fill => "both"); # # Create a ldif Checkbutton that will set up a ldif variable # # $Global{saveLdifck} = $fmtframe -> Checkbutton( -text => "LDIF", -command => \&saveLdif, -variable => \$Global{ldif}, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -anchor => "w" ); $Global{saveLdifck}->select(); # # Create a ldif Checkbutton that will set up a ldif variable # # $Global{saveXmlck} = $fmtframe -> Checkbutton( -text => "XML", -command => \&saveXml, -variable => \$Global{xml}, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "w" ); $Global{saveXmlck} -> deselect; $btframe = $tpframe ->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => "raised") ->pack( -side => "left", -fill => "both"); # # Create the search base box # $sbblist = $sbbframe ->Listbox( -width => 40, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -height => 1 ); $sbblist->pack(-side => $Global{hand}); $sbblist->insert("end", $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $Global{dsasbls}->insert(0, $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE) if ( $Global{dsasbls} ); # # Create directory server search base button. # This is the point from which the search operation # will start from. # $sbmenu = $sbbframe->Button( -text => " SELECT\nBASE", -command => \&sbHlist, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1, -pady => 1 ) if ( !Exists($sbmenu)); # # Create Hierarchial DN list box, this is where the DN data # tree will be displayed. # $Global{'searchHList'} = $hlframe ->Scrolled('HList', -font => $Global{'Font'}, -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 50, -height => 13, -itemtype => 'text', -separator => $sepChar, -selectmode => 'single', -browsecmd => sub { # my $objects = shift; # get base and the dn &ldapAction($objects); } # End of subroutine browsecmd ); # End of Scrolled HList. #$Global{'searchHList'}->add($LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, -text=>$LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $Global{'searchHList'}->pack(-side => "right"); # # Create additional attributes selection button # This is where the user will select any special attribute to # search on. # $amenu = $aframe -> Menubutton(-text => " SELECT\n ADDITIONAL\n ATTRIBUTES", -relief => "raised", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack( -side => "top", -anchor => "w" ); # # First set up the 4 main attribute Radio buttons. # # # If there are other attribute after the first 4 then set them # up inside the select additional attributes button. # # if ( $#attribute > 4 ) { my $sptr = 0; while ( $sptr <= 3 ) { $_ = shift(@attribute); $rbsn = $aframe -> Radiobutton(-text => "$_", -variable => \$Global{'info'}, -value => "$_", -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'w'); if ( !$sptr ) { $rbsn->select(); } # select first attribute ++$sptr; } } # End of if ( $#attribute > 4 ) else { # # Less than 4 attributes in user create initialization # file, this is valid if that is what the user wants. # my $sptr = 0; while ( @attribute ) { $_ = shift(@attribute); $rbsn = $aframe -> Radiobutton(-text => "$_", -variable => \$Global{'info'}, -value => "$_", -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack( -side => "top", -anchor => "w"); if ( !$sptr ) { $rbsn->select(); } # select first attribute ++$sptr; } } # # Create radio buttons in attributes selection box. # # foreach (@attribute) { $amenu->radiobutton( -label => $_, -variable => \$Global{'info'}, -value => $_, -font => $Global{'Font'}); } # End of foreach (@attribute) # # Create ldap display button # $Global{actionDisplay} = $btframe->Button( -text => "DISPLAY", -command => \&ldapActionDisplay, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1, -pady => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionDisplay})); # # Create save to ldif button # $Global{actionLdif} = $btframe->Button(-text => "SAVE TO", -command => \&ldapActionSaveToLdif, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionLdif})); # # Create ldap rename button # $Global{actionRename} = $btframe->Button( -text => "RENAME ", -command => \&getRenameData, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1, -pady => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionRename})); # # Create ldap edit button # $Global{actionEdit} = $btframe->Button(-text => " EDIT ", -command => \&ldapActionEdit, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionEdit})); # # Create ldap delete button # $Global{actionDelete} = $btframe->Button(-text => "DELETE ", -command => \&questionAction, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3, -activeforeground => 'red') -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1, -pady => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionDelete})); # # Create process cancel button # $Global{actionCancel} = $btframe->Button(-text => "CANCEL ", -command => \&ldapActionCancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionCancel})); # # Create save all to ldif button # $Global{actionLdifAll} = $btframe->Button( -text => "SAVE ALL\nTO", -command => \&ldapActionMultiSaveToLdif, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -padx => 1 ) if ( !Exists($Global{actionLdifAll})); $bmlframe = $bmframe ->LabFrame(-label => "File Name", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "x"); # # Create Text Entry list box. # $bmlframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$Global{'ldifFile'}, -width => 40 ) -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -fill => 'x'); $splashList->insert("0", "Creating cascading search base menus.") if ( $Global{splash} ); $splash->update() if ( $Global{splash} ); # # Create Bottom Attribute frame. # This is where the user will enter data to be # searched for. # $tframe = $bmframe->LabFrame(-label => "FILTER DATA", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom" , -anchor => "w"); # # Create Text Entry list box. # $tframe_text = $tframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$Global{'adata'}, -width => 27 ) -> pack(-side => "left",-anchor => "w", ); $tframe_text->bind('' => \&search ); # # Create Clear Attribute Data and Search Directory buttons # $tframe -> Button(-text => "CLEAR FILTER DATA", -command => \&AClear, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack( -side => "left", -anchor => "w", -pady => 2, -padx => 2 ); # # Create get Filter selection menu button. # $sfcmenu = $tframe -> Menubutton(-text => "SET FILTER\nCONDITON", -relief => "raised", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-side => "left", -anchor => "w", -pady => 2, -padx => 2 ); $flclist = $tframe ->Listbox( -width => 11, -height => 1 ); $flclist->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => "w" ); $flclist->insert(0, $Global{'infoFilter'}); # # Set up the filter type radio buttons. # $rbsf = $sfcmenu -> radiobutton(-label => "equal", -variable => \$Global{'infoFilter'}, -value => "equal", -command => \&setFilter ); $rbsf = $sfcmenu -> radiobutton(-label => "begins with", -variable => \$Global{'infoFilter'}, -value => "begins with", -command => \&setFilter ); $rbsf = $sfcmenu -> radiobutton(-label => "ends with", -variable => \$Global{'infoFilter'}, -value => "ends with", -command => \&setFilter ); $rbsf = $sfcmenu -> radiobutton(-label => "contains", -variable => \$Global{'infoFilter'}, -value => "contains", -command => \&setFilter ); # # Create Search Directory button # $bmframe -> Button(-text => "SEARCH THE DIRECTORY", -command => \&search, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack( -side => "bottom", -fill => "both"); #$Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all'); $Global{actionDelete}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionDisplay}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionEdit}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionRename}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionLdif}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionCancel}->configure( -state => 'disable'); # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; } # End of subroutine initializeP2 # # Initialize panel 3 # sub initializeP3 { my $cframe; my $lframe; my $rbclear; # # Create frame for clear buttons. # $cframe = $Global{p3}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 2); # # Create Clear Data # $cframe -> Button(-text => " CLEAR DATA ", -command => \&display_clear, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) ->pack( -fill => 'both' ); # # Create list frame. # $lframe = $Global{p3}->LabFrame(-label => "DIRECTORY DATA", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 2, -expand => 1); # # Create a Clear Data Radiobutton that will execute subroutine clear # to clear the List box before each directory query. # $rbclear = $lframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "CLEAR DIRECTORY DATA ON EACH QUERY", -variable => \$display_clear, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-anchor => 'sw' ); $rbclear->select(); # # Create a ROText Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $list = $lframe ->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 80, -height => 20, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $list->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; } # End of subroutine initializeP3 # # Initialize panel 4 # sub initializeP4 { # # Search the directory for schema data # my $srbclear; my $srbfile; my $srbfilelabel; my $slframe; my $ssframe; my $sbbframe; my $aframe; my $tframe; my $sbframe; # # Create bottom Search Directory frame # $sbframe = $Global{'p4'}->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => "raised")->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom", -padx => 2); # # Create Search Directory button # $sbframe -> Button(-text => "RETRIEVE DIRECTORY SCHEMA", -command => \&schema, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack( -fill => "both"); $srbfilelabel = $Global{'p4'}->LabFrame(-label => "SCHEMA DUMP TO FILE", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -anchor => "w", -padx => 2); $srbfile = $srbfilelabel -> Checkbutton( -text => "Write schema data to file, enter file name in text box below this line. ", -variable => \$Global{'sfile'}, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-anchor => "w" ); $srbfilelabel -> Checkbutton( -text => "Write schema data to file in DSML XML format.", -variable => \$Global{'xml'}, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-anchor => "w" ); # # Create Text Entry list box. # $srbfilelabel->Entry(-textvariable => \$Global{'fdata'}, -width => 25 ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); # # Create list frame. # $slframe = $Global{'p4'}->LabFrame(-label => "DIRECTORY SCHEMA DATA", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -expand => 1); # # Create a Clear Data Radiobutton that will execute subroutine clear # to clear the List box before each directory query. # $selframe = $slframe -> LabFrame(-label => "DISPLAY SELECTED OBJECTS", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -side => $Global{'hand'}, -expand => 1, -fill => "both" ); $sellframe = $selframe->Frame( -borderwidth => 0, -relief => "raised")->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 0, -pady => 0); $sellAll = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "ALL", -variable => \$selectAll, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellAll->select(); $sellObj = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "objectClasses", -variable => \$selectObj, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellMatch = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "matchingRules", -variable => \$selectMatch, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellAtt = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "attributeType", -variable => \$selectAtt, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellsyn = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "ldapsyntaxes", -variable => \$selectSyn, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellnf = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "nameforms", -variable => \$selectNf, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $selldsr = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "ditstructurerules", -variable => \$selectDsr, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $selldcr = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "ditcontentrules", -variable => \$selectDcr, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellmru = $sellframe -> Checkbutton(-text => "matchingruleuse", -variable => \$selectMru, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w' ); $sellframe -> Button(-text => "SHOW HIERARCHIAL\nOBJECTCLASS TREE", -command => \&Hierarchial, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom" ); # # Create Clear Attribute Data and Search Directory buttons # $slframe ->Button(-text => " CLEAR DATA ", -command => \&schema_clear, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "both", -padx => 5 ); # # Create a ROText Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $schema_list = $slframe ->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 50, -height => 20, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $schema_list->pack( -side => "bottom" ); # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; } # End of subroutine initializeP4 # # Initialize panel 5 # sub initializeP5 { $ldifframe = $Global{p5} ->LabFrame(-label => "LDIF FILE NAME") ->pack(-side => "top", -fill => "x"); # # Create Text Entry list box. # $ldifframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$Global{'createLdifFile'}, -width => 25 ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); # # Create Create Ldif Entry button # $Global{createLdifEntry} = $ldifframe->Button( -text => "CREATE/MODIFY ENTRY FROM LDIF FILE", -command => \&ldapActionCreateLdifEntry, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) if ( !Exists($Global{createLdifEntry})); $eframe = $Global{p5} ->Frame(-borderwidth => 2,-relief => "raised") ->pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'e'); $cteframe = $eframe ->LabFrame(-label => "MANUALLY CREATE ENTRY") ->pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'e'); # # Create dn base button. # $dnmenu = $cteframe->Button( -text => " SELECT\nDN BASE", -command => \&sbHlist, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "right", -anchor => "e", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) if ( !Exists($dnmenu)); # # Create the search base box # $dnblist = $cteframe ->Listbox( -width => 40, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -height => 1 ); $dnblist->pack(-side => "right", -anchor => 'e', -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); $dnblist->insert("end", $DN_BASE); # # create attribute action button # $cteframe->Button(-text => "Create The\nEntry", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3, -command => \&getObjectAttributes, -relief => 'raised' ) ->pack(); } # End of subroutine initializeP5 # # Initialize panel 5a # sub initializeP5a { my $ocs = $schemaHash{'ocs'}; my $obj = $schemaHash{'obj'}; my $tree = $schemaHash{'tree'}; my $schema = $schemaHash{'schema'}; my @tmpKeys; my @must; my @may; my $colist; $Global{ceObject} = {}; my $optr = 0; # # Create Hierarchial list box, this is where the objectclass data # tree will be displayed. # $Global{'olist'} = $eframe->Scrolled('HList', -font => $Global{'Font'}, -scrollbars => 'se', -width => $Global{'max'}, -height => 20, -itemtype => 'text', -separator => $sepChar, -selectmode => 'single', -browsecmd => sub { # my $objects = shift; my $oid; my $colist; my $ab; #my @objectclasses = (); my $objectclasses = []; @$objectclasses = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); $schema = $schemaHash{'schema'}; $colist = $Global{'colist'}; $obj = $schemaHash{'obj'}; $Global{entryData} = {}; $Global{entryData}->{objectClass} = []; $Global{entryData}->{may} = []; $Global{entryData}->{must} = []; my $var = $$objectclasses[-1]; # foreach my $var (@var) # { if ( !(exists($Global{ceObject}->{$var})) ) { # # create attribute action button # $ab = $colist->Button(-text => $var, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'raised' ); $Global{ceObject}->{$var} = []; $Global{ceObject}->{$var}->[0] = $ab; $Global{ceObject}->{$var}->[1] = $objects; $colist->windowCreate("end", -window => $ab ); $ab->configure( -command => [ \&deleteObjectclass, \$ab, $var ] ); # position to the next row. $colist->insert("end", "\n"); } # } } # End of subroutine browsecmd ) -> pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'e') if ( !Tk::Exists($Global{'olist'}) ) ; # End of Scrolled HList. # # Create a ROText Box that will contain the selected objectclass(s) # for the new entry. # $Global{'colist'} = $eframe ->Scrolled('Text', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => $Global{'max'}, -height => 20, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ) ->pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'e' ) if ( !Tk::Exists($Global{'colist'}) ) ; # End of Scrolled HList. # # Create Hierarchial list box, this is where the objectclass data # tree will be displayed. # # #$Global{'colist'} = $eframe ->Listbox( -width => $Global{'max'}, # -height => 20 ) # -> pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'e') # if ( !Tk::Exists($Global{'colist'}) ) ; # End of Scrolled HList. @tmpKeys = sort(keys(%$tree)); my $base; $base = ""; # # Create Hierarchial list box data tree, # and display data. # eval{ foreach ( @tmpKeys ) { if ( $$tree{$_} ->[0] == 0 ) { $$tree{$_} ->[0] = 1; $Global{'olist'}->add($_, -text=>$_); # do the base. } $base = $_; $array = $$tree{$_}; $ptr = 0; foreach my $var ( @$array ) { if ( !$ptr ) { $ptr = 1; next; } $_ = $base . $sepChar . $var; $Global{'olist'}->add($_, -text => $var); if ( defined($$tree{$_}) ) { $$tree{$_}->[0] = 1; } } } $Global{'olist'}->pack(-side => "right"); }; print "$@" if ( defined($@)); @tmpKeys = sort(keys(%$tree)); # # Reset objectClass array. # foreach ( @tmpKeys ) { if ( defined($$tree{$_}) ) { $$tree{$_}->[0] = 0; } } } # End of subroutine initializeP5a sub histSearch_clear { # # Clear out text in List Box # $Global{'searchList'}->delete("1.0", "end"); } # End of clear subroutine sub histSearch_cancel{ $Global{'searchList'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchList'}); $Global{'searchHList'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); } # End of cancel subroutine sub deleteObjectclass { my ($aba, $var) = @_; my $ab; my $colist = $Global{colist}; $ab = $Global{ceObject}->{$var}->[0]; $ab->destroy; delete($Global{ceObject}->{$var}); # # if no objects, clear the ROTEXT box. # $Global{colist}->delete("1.0","end") if ( !(keys(%{$Global{ceObject}})) ); } # # Create the Search base window to display the # search base tree. # sub createSearchBaseWindow { &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 150; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 150; # # Create Main Bind Window # $Global{'sbWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'sbWindow'}->title("Select Search Base"); $Global{'sbWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process accept button # $Global{'sbWindow'}->Button( -text => "ACCEPT SELECTED DN", -command => \&sbaccept, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; # # Create process cancel button # $Global{'sbWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL BASE CHANGE", -command => \&sbcancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; my $sbdnframe = $Global{'sbWindow'}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); $Global{sbtree} = $sbdnframe->Scrolled("Tree", -width => 50, -height => 20, -separator => $sepChar, -indent => 35, -scrollbars => 'sw', -selectmod => 'single', -browsecmd => sub { my $objects = shift; my %tree = %BASEDN; $Global{SelectedDN} = $tree{$objects}; } )->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); sub sbcancel { $Global{'sbWindow'}->withdraw if Tk::Exists($Global{'sbWindow'}); } # End of cancel subroutine sub sbaccept { if ( exists($Global{SelectedDN}) ) { $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = $Global{SelectedDN}; $DN_BASE = $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE; $sbblist->insert(0 , $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $dnblist->insert(0 , $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $Global{dsasbls}->insert(0, $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE) if ( $Global{dsasbls} ); delete($Global{SelectedDN}); $Global{'sbWindow'}->withdraw if Tk::Exists($Global{'sbWindow'}); } } # End of sbaccept subroutine sub sbHlist { if (Tk::Exists($Global{'sbWindow'})) { $Global{'sbWindow'}->deiconify(); $Global{mainWindow}->update; #$Global{'sbWindow'}->raise(); $Global{mainWindow}->update; } else { &createSearchBaseWindow(); &initTree(); } } } # End of createSearchBaseWindow subroutine sub initTree { my $onvar; my $bvar; my $cvar; my $t1v; my $t1; my $t2; my $t2K; my @t2Keys; my $path; my $size; my $wack; my $nvar; my @keys = sort(keys(%Tree)); foreach $nvar (@keys) { $onvar = $nvar; $t1v = $Tree{$nvar}; # print "t1 : " ,Dumper($t1v), "\n"; $Global{sbtree}->add($nvar, -text => $nvar); foreach $bvar (@$t1v) { $cvar = canonical_dn($bvar, casefold => "lower" ); $adn = $cvar; $cvar =~ s/$nvar//; chop($cvar) if ($cvar =~ /,$/); # print $bvar,"\n"; # print $cvar,"\n"; $path = "$nvar" . $sepChar; $t1 = ldap_explode_dn($cvar, casefold => "lower" ); $size = @$t1; # print "t1 size == $size\n"; while ($size > 1) { $t2 = pop(@$t1); @t2Keys = keys(%$t2); while (@t2Keys) { $t2K = shift( @t2Keys); $t2size = @t2Keys; $path .= "$t2K=$$t2{$t2K}"; $path .= "+" if ($t2size > 0 ); } $path .= $sepChar; $size = @$t1; } # chop($path) if ( $path =~ /\|$/ ); $text = ""; $t2 = pop(@$t1); @t2Keys = keys(%$t2); while (@t2Keys) { $wack = shift(@t2Keys); $t2size = @$t2Keys; $text .= "$wack=$$t2{$wack}"; $text .= "+" if ($t2size > 0 ); } $path .= $text; # print "path == $path\n"; # print "text == $text\n"; $path = $text if ( !length($path)) ; $BASEDN{$path} = $adn; $Global{sbtree}->add($path, -text => $text); } $Global{sbtree}->setmode($onvar,'close'); $Global{sbtree}->close($onvar); } $Global{sbtree}->autosetmode(); } # End of subroutine initTree sub destroyTree { } # # Get the attributes of the selected objectClasses # sub getObjectAttributes { my $oid; my $ahash; my $alArray; my @objectclasses = (); my @tmp; my $hash = $Global{ceObject}; my @hashKeys = keys(%$hash); foreach my $hvar ( @hashKeys) { @tmp = split(/$sepChar/,$Global{ceObject}->{$hvar}->[1]); foreach my $nvar (@tmp) { if ( !(grep(/$nvar/,@objectclasses)) ) { push(@objectclasses,$nvar); } } } return if (!@objectclasses); # can not create an entry with no objectclass. # # If this is a posixAccount or shadowAccount, automatically put # posixAccount, shadowAccount, and account as objectclasses for # the new entry. # push(@objectclasses, "posixAccount") if ( grep(/shadowAccount/,@objectclasses) && !( grep(/posixAccount/,@objectclasses) ) ); push(@objectclasses, "shadowAccount") if ( grep(/posixAccount/,@objectclasses) && !( grep(/shadowAccount/,@objectclasses) ) ); push(@objectclasses, "account") if ( grep(/shadowAccount/,@objectclasses) && grep(/posixAccount/,@objectclasses) && !( grep(/account/,@objectclasses) ) ); my $schema = $schemaHash{'schema'}; $obj = $schemaHash{'obj'}; $Global{entryData} = {}; $Global{entryData}->{objectClass} = []; $Global{entryData}->{may} = []; $Global{entryData}->{must} = []; foreach my $var (@objectclasses) { $Global{mainWindow}->update; $oid = $$obj{$var}->[0]; # # Get the various other items associated with # this objectclass. # my $ahash = $schema->objectclass( $oid ); # # Get the objectclass name. # push( @{$Global{entryData}->{objectClass}},$$ahash{'name'}); if ( $$ahash{must} ) { $alArray = $$ahash{must}; if ( ref($alArray) eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $aMust = $Global{entryData}->{must}; foreach my $avar ( @$alArray ) { push(@{$Global{entryData}->{must}}, $avar ) if ( !(grep(/$avar/,@$aMust)) ); } } else { push(@{$Global{entryData}->{must}}, $alArray ) if ( !(grep(/$alArray/,@{$Global{entryData}})) ); } } if ( $$ahash{may} ) { $alArray = $$ahash{may}; if ( ref($alArray) eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $aMay = $Global{entryData}->{may}; foreach my $avar ( @$alArray ) { push(@{$Global{entryData}->{may}}, $avar ) if ( !(grep(/$avar/,@$aMay)) ); } } else { push(@{$Global{entryData}->{may}}, $alArray ) if ( !(grep(/$alArray/,@{$Global{entryData}})) ); } } } &makeTheEntry; } # End of subroutine getObjectAttributes # # Search the directory for data # sub search { my $mesg; my $error; my %opt = ( 'd' => 0 ); $Global{mainWindow} -> Busy(-recurse => 1); # window is busy # # Destroy the dn history list if it exists. # $Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); # # Parameter(s) to return # if ( $Global{'setVersion'} == 3 ) { # # Default to return everything. # $Global{att_wanted} = [ "*", "aci", "createTimeStamp", "modifyTimeStamp", "creatorsName", "modifiersName" ]; } else { # # # If you have only version 2 ldap servers you will need to # to add the attributes that you want data returned for to # this list. # # $Global{att_wanted} = [ "cn" , "sn", "mail", "modifyTimeStamp", "creatorsName", "modifiersName" ]; } # # Set Filter options. # if ( $Global{'info'} eq "Filter" ) { $match = $Global{'adata'}; } else { if ( $Global{'infoFilter'} =~ /^equal$/ ) { $match = "(" . $Global{'info'} . '=' . $Global{'adata'} . ")"; } elsif ( $Global{'infoFilter'} =~ /^begins with$/ ) { $match = "(" . $Global{'info'} . '=' . $Global{'adata'} . "*)"; } elsif ( $Global{'infoFilter'} =~ /^ends with$/ ) { $match = "(" . $Global{'info'} . '=*' . $Global{'adata'} . ")"; } elsif ( $Global{'infoFilter'} =~ /^contains$/ ) { $match = "(" . $Global{'info'} . '=*' . $Global{'adata'} . "*)"; } else { $match = "(" . $Global{'info'} . '=' . $Global{'adata'} . ")"; } } $error = 0; # initialize error flag. $Global{filter} = Net::LDAP::Filter->new($match) or $error = 1; if ( $error == 1 ) { $error = "Bad filter $match."; ERROR(\$error); $Global{mainWindow} -> Unbusy; # window is busy return; } if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "search $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); } else { ERROR($error); } $Global{mainWindow} -> Unbusy; # window is busy return; } } # # Display the DN search results list box. # $msgbox->delete("0.0", "end"); $msgbox->update; $Global{'records'} = 0; # initialize record count. $Global{'searchResults'} = {}; # initialize results hash. $mesg = $Global{ldap}->search( base => $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, filter => $Global{filter}, attrs => $Global{att_wanted}, callback => \&print_entry, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { ERROR($mesg->code); } # # Create Hierarchial DN list box data tree, # and display data. # eval { # # Create the base point. # $Global{'searchHList'}->add($LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, -text=>$LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $results = $Global{'searchResults'}; @dnKeys = sort(keys(%$results)); # # build the hierachical list using the DN # foreach my $dnvar ( @dnKeys ) { $var = $$results{$dnvar}; # get entry data array $shbase = $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE . $sepChar . $$var[0]; # create new leaf $Global{'searchHList'}->add($shbase, -text => $$var[0]); # add leaf to tree. } $Global{'searchHList'}->pack(-side => "right"); }; # End of eval ERROR( \$@ ) if ( $@ ); # # Get and print out the record attributes. # sub print_entry { my($mesg,$entry) = @_; my @ref = (); my $dn; my $max; my $data = []; my $information = {}; if ( !defined($entry) ) { return; } $dn = $entry->dn; # store the entry dn ++$Global{'records'}; $msgbox->delete("0.0", "end") if ( !($Global{'records'} % 10 )); $msgbox->update if ( !($Global{'records'} % 10 )); $msgbox->insert("0.0", "Entries found: $Global{'records'}") if ( !($Global{'records'} % 10 )); $msgbox->update if ( !($Global{'records'} % 10 )); # # # @ref = $mesg->referrals(); if ( @ref ) { foreach (@ref ) { my $rvar = "LDAP Referral: $_"; ERROR(\$rvar); } } else { # # Get a list of record attributes # my @attrs = sort $entry->attributes; $max = 0; # # Calculate each attribute`s text length. # We use this to create a pretty print out in the # List Box # foreach (@attrs) { $max = length($_) if length($_) > $max } # # Get attribute`s data # foreach (@attrs) { # my $attr = $entry->get_value($_, asref => 1); my $attr = []; @$attr = $entry->get_value($_); next unless $attr; if ( /^jpegPhoto/i ) { # # record jpegPhoto data. # $encoded = encode_base64(@$attr[0]); $$information{$_} = $encoded; next; } $$information{$_} = $attr; # record ldap data next; } } push(@$data, $dn); # dn of entry push(@$data, $max); # max attribute string lenght push(@$data, $information); ${$Global{'searchResults'}}{$dn} = $data; } $Global{mainWindow} -> Unbusy; # window is not busy } # End of search subroutine sub AClear { # # Clear out text in Attribute Box # $Global{'adata'} = ""; } # End of AClear subroutine # # Change to a new directory server. # sub server { my $widget; my $ptr; my $mesg; my $error; $error = 0; $currentPanel = $Global{nb} -> raised(); $Global{nb} -> raise('INFO'); $Global{ldap}->unbind if ( defined($Global{ldap}) ); $Global{ldap} = undef if ( defined($Global{ldap}) ); # # Put directory server name in list box # $Global{'slist'}->insert(0 , $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}); $sslist->insert(0 , $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}) if ( Exists($sslist) ) ; $Global{dsadsls}->insert(0, $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}) if ( $Global{dsadsls} ); # # Destroy the dn history list if it exists. # $Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); $Global{mainWindow} -> Busy(-recurse => 1); # window is busy $Global{mainWindow} -> update; # Allow Tk to update $ptr = 1; %Tree = (); # Delete the old stuff. %BASEDN = (); # Delete the old stuff. @NcKeys = (); # Delete the old stuff. $Global{'sbtree'}->delete("all"); $msgbox->delete("0.0", "end"); $msgbox->update(); $error = dirConn(); if ( !$error ) { if ( $Global{'CORE_SERVER'} ne $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'} && defined($server{$Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}} ) ) { # user defined base my $t1 = []; push(@$t1, getBases($Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, $server{$Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}})); $ncbase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $Tree{$ncbase} = $t1; $BASEDN{$ncbase} = $ncbase; } elsif ( $Global{setVersion} == 3 ) { my $entry; # use root_dse to find the bases $entry = $Global{ldap}->root_dse(); if ( defined($entry) ) { my $attr = $entry->get_value('namingContexts', asref => 1); if ( defined($attr) ) { foreach my $ncbase ( @$attr ) { $Global{mainWindow}->update; my $t1 = []; push(@$t1, getBases($Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, $ncbase)); $ncbase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $Tree{$ncbase} = $t1; $BASEDN{$ncbase} = $ncbase; } } } } # # Create the search base tree # &initTree(); @NcKeys = sort(keys(%Tree)); } else { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { ERROR(\$Global{dirConnError}); $msgbox->insert("1", "$Global{dirConnError}"); $msgbox->update; } else { ERROR($error); } } if ( @NcKeys) { $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = shift (@NcKeys); $DN_BASE = $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE; } else { $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = ""; $DN_BASE = ""; } $sbblist->insert(0 , $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $dnblist->insert(0 , $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $Global{dsasbls}->insert(0, $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE) if ( $Global{dsasbls} ); $Global{'CORE_SERVER'} = $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}; $Global{mainWindow} -> update; # $Global{mainWindow} -> Unbusy; # window is not busy $Global{nb} -> raise($currentPanel); } # End of server subroutine sub base { # # Put directory server search base into the list box. # $sbblist->insert(0 , $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE); $Global{dsasbls}->insert(0, $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE) if ( $Global{dsasbls} ); } # End of base subroutine sub dnbase { # Put dn base into the list box. $dnblist->insert(0 , $DN_BASE); } # End of dnbase subroutine sub setFilter { # # Put search filter conditions into the list box. # $flclist->insert(0 , $Global{'infoFilter'}); } # End of setFilter subroutine # # Make the correction and bind to the directory server. # sub dirConn { my $error; $error = 0; $Global{dirConnError} = undef(); # # Make the connection to the directory server # if ( $Global{port} == 636 || $Global{'setSSL'} ) { $bindcommand = 'require Net::LDAPS; new Net::LDAPS( $Global{LDAP_SERVER}, timeout => 1, port => $Global{port}, debug => $opt{d} ) '; if ( $Global{'platform'} eq 'MSWin32') { $error = "This program currently does not support SSL on Microsoft Windows systems."; ERROR(\$error); return 1; } $Global{ldap} = eval $bindcommand; if ($@) { $msgbox->insert("0.0", $@) if ($@ && Tk::Exists($msgbox)) ; return -1; } if ( !($Global{ldap}->isa('Net::LDAPS') ) ) { $Global{dirConnError} = "LDAPS connection error to $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}."; return -1; } } else { $Global{ldap} = new Net::LDAP( $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}, timeout => 1, port => $Global{port}, debug => $opt_d, ) or $error = 1; if ( $error ) { $Global{dirConnError} = "LDAP connection error to $Global{'LDAP_SERVER'}."; return 1; } } $mesg = $Global{ldap}->bind( password => "$Global{'bindpw'}", dn => "$Global{'binddn'}", version => $Global{'setVersion'}, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { # $errstr = $mesg->code; # ERROR($errstr); return $mesg->code; } return 0; } # End of subroutine dirConn # # Connect and bind to the referral directory server # sub dirRConn { my ($url) = @_; my $error; $error = 0; $Global{dirConnError} = undef(); # # Make the connection to the directory server # if ( $Global{port} == 636 || $Global{'setSSL'} ) { $bindcommand = 'require Net::LDAPS; new Net::LDAPS( $url, timeout => 1, debug => $opt{d} ) '; if ( $Global{'platform'} eq 'MSWin32') { $error = "This program currently does not support SSL on Microsoft Windows systems."; ERROR(\$error); return 1; } $Global{rldap} = eval $bindcommand; if ($@) { $msgbox->insert("0.0", $@) if ($@ && Tk::Exists($msgbox)) ; return -1; } if ( !($Global{rldap}->isa('Net::LDAPS') ) ) { $Global{dirConnError} = "LDAPS connection error to $url."; return -1; } } else { $Global{rldap} = new Net::LDAP( $url, timeout => 1, debug => $opt_d, ) or $error = 1; if ( $error ) { $Global{dirConnError} = "LDAP connection error to $url."; return 1; } } $mesg = $Global{rldap}->bind( password => "$Global{'bindpw'}", dn => "$Global{'binddn'}", version => $Global{'setVersion'}, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { # $errstr = $mesg->code; # ERROR($errstr); return $mesg->code; } return 0; } # End of subroutine dirRConn # # Disconnect from the directory server. # sub dirRUConn { $Global{rldap}->disconnect; delete($Global{rldap}); return 0; } # End of subroutine dirRUConn # # Detect and record the sub-bases, or branches, of the directory. # sub getBases() { my $mesg; my ( $host, $base ) = @_; my @base = (); my $ptr; my $match; my $error = 0; # initialize error flag. if ( $Global{'nismapname'} ) { # # Solaris Native LDAP enabled # #$match = "(|(ou=*)(nismapname=*)(objectClass=organizationalUnit))"; #search only for ou entries. $match = "(|(objectClass=nisMap)(objectClass=organizationalUnit)(objectClass=automountMap))"; #search only for ou entries. } else { $match = "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)"; #search only for ou entries. } my $f = Net::LDAP::Filter->new($match) or $error = 1; if ( $error ) { $error = "getBases subroutine Bad filter $match"; ERROR(\$error); return @base; } $base[0] = $base; $ptr = 0; while ( $ptr < @base ) { if ( @base < $Global{'limit'} ) { $splashList->insert("1", "Searching $base") if ( defined( $splash) ); $splash->update() if ( defined( $splash) ); $msgbox->insert("0", "Searching $base") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); my @new_base = calBase($base, $f ); push(@base, @new_base); } $base = $base[++$ptr]; } shift(@base); # get rid of the namingContext entry return @base; } # End of subroutine getBases() sub calBase() { my ( $base, $f ) = @_; my $mesg; my $entry; my $errstr; my $error = 0; my @new_base = (); $mesg = $Global{ldap}->search( base => $base, filter => $f, attrs => [ "cn","nismapname","automountMapName" ], scope => "one", ); # # Check for an error on search # Search call work, but there was an ldap error. # if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 11 ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return @new_base; } else { $entry = $mesg->entry; return @new_base unless defined($entry); $count = $mesg->count(); for($i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) { my $entry = $mesg->entry($i); $dn = $entry->dn; $dn = canonical_dn($dn,casefold => "lower"); $dn =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $_ = $dn; # # Record only dn that start with ou=, or in some cases nismapname. # Normal entrys can be mixed in with these objects. # if ( $Global{'nismapname'} && ( /^ou=/ || /^nismapname/i || /^automountMapName/i ) ) { push(@new_base, $dn); # record only dn that start with ou= } elsif ( /^ou=/ ) { push(@new_base, $dn); # record only dn that start with ou= } } return @new_base; } } # End of subroutine calBase() # # Determine new mainWindow position. # sub globalPos { my @pos; @pos = split(/\+/,$Global{'mainWindow'}->geometry()); $Global{'horz'} = $pos[1]; $Global{'vert'} = $pos[2]; } # End of subrountine globalPos sub root_cancel { $Global{'rootWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'rootWindow'}); } # End of subrountine root_cancel # # Display jpegPhoto in separate window if Tk::JPEG is used. # sub displayPhoto { my ($picture, $dn) = @_; my $jpegFile = $ENV{'TMP'} ."/jpegfile.$$"; # # Store the jpeg data to a temp file. # open(TMP, "+>$jpegFile"); $| = 1; print TMP $picture; close(TMP); if ( !-e "$jpegFile" ) { my $str = "Could not create temporary jpeg file $jpegFile"; ERROR( \$str ); return; } # # Create a TK window to display the jpeg picture. # my $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw->title("JPEG PHOTO DISPLAY"); my $list = $mw ->Listbox( -height => 1, width => length($dn) ); $list->pack( -side => "top" ); $list->insert("end", $dn); my $image = $mw->Photo(-file => $jpegFile, -format => "jpeg" ); $mw->Label(-image => $image)->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $mw->Button(-text => 'CLOSE WINDOW', -command => [destroy => $mw])->pack; MainLoop; unlink $jpegFile; } # End of displayPhoto # # Create Main Error Window # sub ERROR { my ($errcode ) = @_; my $errmsg; return if ($errcode == 48 && $Global{'setVersion'} == 3 ); # Anonymous bind error, not really an error. my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 150; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 150; if ( ref($errcode) ) { $errmsg = $$errcode; } else { $errmsg = ldap_error_text($errcode); } my @errmsg = split(/\n/,$errmsg); # # Create Main Error Window # if ( ! Exists($Global{'errorWindow'} ) ) { $Global{'errorWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'errorWindow'}->title("ERROR MESSAGES"); $Global{'errorWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process dismiss button # $Global{'errorWindow'}->Button( -text => "DISMISS", -command => \&dismiss, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; $errlist = $Global{'errorWindow'} ->Scrolled(Listbox, -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 70, -height => 10 ); $errlist->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); } $errlist->insert("end", "Error Code: $errcode") if ( !ref($errcode) ); $errlist->insert("end", "") if ( !ref($errcode) ); foreach my $msg ( @errmsg ) { $errlist->insert("end", $msg); } sub dismiss{ $Global{'errorWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'errorWindow'}); $errlist = undef(); } # End of dismiss subroutine } # End of ERROR subroutine # # LDAP Error check, some return codes are not really errors. # You can retry the ldap action after waiting a while. # sub CheckError { my ( $error ) = @_; # # Check for DSA busy or internal error # if ( $Global{loopCount} > 61 ) { return 0; # return an error condition. } ++$Global{loopCount}; # Increment the loop counter. if ( $error =~ /too busy/ || $error =~ /Server encountered an internal error/ ) { # # DSA Busy. # sleep 1; return 1; # No error, try again } else { # # DSA did not return "DSA busy" message # return 0; # error } } # End of subrountine CheckError # # Create Main Bind Window # sub BIND { $dn_data = ""; $pw_data = ""; &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 150; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 150; if ( !Tk::Exists( $Global{'bindWindow'} ) ) { # # Create Main Bind Window # $Global{'bindWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'bindWindow'}->title("SET BIND CREDENTIALS"); $Global{'bindWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process accept button # $Global{'bindWindow'}->Button( -text => "ACCEPT", -command => \&accept, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; # # Create process cancel button # $Global{'bindWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL", -command => \&cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; my $binddnframe = $Global{'bindWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "DN", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); # # Create DN Entry text box. # $dn_data = $Global{binddn} if ( length($Global{binddn}) ); $binddnframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$dn_data, -width => 25 ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); my $bindpwframe = $Global{'bindWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "PASSWORD", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); # # Create Password Entry text box. # $bindpwdata = $bindpwframe->Entry(-show => '*', -textvariable => \$pw_data, -width => 25, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); $bindpwdata->bind('' => \&accept ); sub cancel{ $Global{'bindWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'bindWindow'}); $Global{'bindWindow'} = undef(); } # End of cancel subroutine sub accept{ my $mesg; if (defined($Global{ldap}) ) { # # Connect to directory server # $mesg = $Global{ldap}->bind( password => "$pw_data", dn => "$dn_data", version => $Global{'setVersion'}, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); } else { $Global{'bindWindow'}->Busy(-recurse => 1); $Global{'binddn'} = $dn_data; $Global{'bindpw'} = $pw_data; &server; $Global{'bindWindow'}->Unbusy; } } $Global{'bindWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'bindWindow'}); $Global{'bindWindow'} = undef(); } # End of accept subroutine } } # End of BIND subroutine # # Create Main Port Window # sub PORT { $port_data = $Global{port}; &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 150; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 150; # # Create Main Port Window # $Global{'portWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'portWindow'}->title("DIRECTORY PORT"); $Global{'portWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process accept button # $Global{'portWindow'}->Button( -text => "ACCEPT", -command => \&portAccept, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; # # Create process cancel button # $Global{'portWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL", -command => \&portCancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; $Global{'portWindow'}->Label(-text => "Port 389 default") ->pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'w', -pady => 1 ); $Global{'portWindow'}->Label(-text => "Port 636 ssl default") ->pack( -side => "top", -anchor => 'w', -pady => 1 ); # # Create a ssl Checkbutton that will set up ssl variable # to set ssl if not port 636. # #$Global{'portWindow'} -> Checkbutton( # -text => "SSL connection", # -variable => \$Global{'setSSL'}, # -font => $Global{'Font'} ) # -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w" ); $PSSLstatus = $Global{'portWindow'} -> Label -> pack(-side => "top", -anchor => "w" ); if ( $Global{setSSL} ) { $PSSLstatus->configure( -text => "SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } else { $PSSLstatus->configure(-text => "NON-SSL", -font => $Global{Font}); } my $portframe = $Global{'portWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "PORT", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); # # Create Port Entry text box. # $portframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$port_data, -width => 10 ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); sub portCancel{ $Global{'portWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'portWindow'}); $Global{'portWindow'} = undef(); } # End of cancel subroutine sub portAccept{ $Global{port} = $port_data; if ( $Global{setSSL} ) { $Global{sslport} = $port_data;} else { $Global{nsslport} = $port_data;} $Global{dsaptls}->insert(0, $Global{port}); $Global{'portWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'portWindow'}); $Global{'portWindow'} = undef(); } # End of accept subroutine } # End of PORT subroutine # # Create Schema Display Window # sub print_loop() { my $list = shift; my $ocs = shift; my $Title = shift; #my $method = shift; my $asize; my $ahash; my $var; foreach $ahash ( @$ocs) { $list->insert("end", "$Title\n"); # # Get and display the data for this object # my @hkeys = keys(%$ahash); foreach $var (@hkeys) { # Step thru the hash keys next if ( $var =~ /type/); # do not care about type $alArray = $$ahash{$var}; if ( ref($alArray) eq 'ARRAY' ) { # it is a n array pointer so there is probably a list. my $asize = @$alArray; # get the size of the list. # # if the array has size then print the array # else ignore the array. # if ( $asize ) { # Okay, there is something in the array. $list->insert("end", "\t$var: "); foreach $a ( @$alArray ) { $list->insert("end", "$a "); } $list->insert("end", "\n"); } } else { # There is not an array if ( $alArray == 1) { # it is just information attribute for the object $list->insert("end", "\t$var\n"); } else { $list->insert("end", "\t$var: $alArray\n"); } } } } } # End of subroutine print_loop sub schema_clear { # # Clear out text in List Box # $schema_list->delete("1.0", "end"); } # End of clear subroutine # # # Get the directory schema # sub schema { my $mesg; my $error = 0; $schemaHash{'obj'} = {}; $schemaHash{'tree'} = {}; $msgbox->insert("0.0", "Retrieving schema information."); $msgbox->update; &schema_clear(); $Global{'max'} = 0; # Reset objectclass name lenght. my $dt = "/tmp/schema.dat.$$"; if ( ! defined($Global{ldap}) ) { # # Connect to directory server # $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $schema_list->insert("end", "$Global{dirConnError}\n"); } else { ERROR($error); } return; } } # # Get the schema, tries to read rootdse, if unable assumes cn=schema. # This is NOT always the case. # $schema = undef(); my @items; my @item; my $dsml; $schemaHash{'schema'} = $Global{ldap}->schema(); if ( defined($schemaHash{'schema'}) ) { if ( $Global{'sfile'} && defined($schemaHash{'schema'}) ) { if ( $Global{'xml'} ) { # # write XML text to file instead of text box # # @xml_data = (); # $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new( output => \@xml_data, pretty_print => 1 ); open(FXML, ">$Global{'fdata'}"); $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new( output => *FXML, pretty_print => 1 ); $dsml->write_schema($schemaHash{'schema'}); $dsml->end_dsml; close(FXML); } else { # # write straight text to file instead of text box # $schemaHash{'schema'}->dump( $Global{'fdata'} ); } $schema_list->insert("end", "Schema data written to file: $Global{'fdata'}\n"); $Global{'sfile'} = 0; $Global{'fdata'} = ""; $Global{'xml'} = 0; return; } # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; $ra_atts = []; # # Get the attributes # @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_attributes(); $schemaHash{'atts'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the attributes # if ( $selectAll || $selectAtt ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'atts'}, "attributeType") if ( defined($schemaHash{'atts'}) ); } $ra_atts = []; # # Get the schema objectclasses # @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_objectclasses(); $schemaHash{'ocs'} = $ra_atts; # # Calculate the text length of each objectclass string. # foreach my $var (@$ra_atts) { $Global{'max'} = length($$var{'name'}) if length($$var{'name'}) > $Global{'max'} ; } # # Add 6 to the max objectclass string size, # got to allow for graphics information. # $Global{'max'} += 6; # # Display the objectclasses # if ( $selectAll || $selectObj ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'ocs'}, "objectClasses") if ( defined($schemaHash{'ocs'}) ); } # # Get the schema matchingrules # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_matchingrules(); $schemaHash{'mrs'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the matchingrules # if ( $selectAll || $selectMatch ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'mrs'}, "matchingRules" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'mrs'}) ); } # # Get the schema matchingruleuse # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_matchingruleuses(); $schemaHash{'mru'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the matchingruleuse # if ( $selectAll || $selectMru ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'mru'}, "matchingRuleUse" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'mru'}) ); } # # Get the schema ldapsyntaxes # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_syntaxes(); $schemaHash{'lsyn'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the ldapsyntaxes # if ( $selectAll || $selectSyn ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'lsyn'}, "ldapSyntax" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'lsyn'}) ); } # # Get the schema nameForms # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_nameforms(); $schemaHash{'nfm'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the nameForms # if ( $selectAll || $selectNf ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'nfm'}, "nameForms" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'nfm'}) ); } # # Get the schema ditstructurerules # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_ditstructurerules(); $schemaHash{'dits'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the ditstructurerules # if ( $selectAll || $selectDsr ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'dits'}, "ditstructurerules" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'dits'}) ); } # # Get the schema ditcontentrules # $ra_atts = []; @$ra_atts = $schemaHash{'schema'}->all_ditcontentrules(); $schemaHash{'ditc'} = $ra_atts; # # Display the ditcontentrules # if ( $selectAll || $selectDcr ) { &print_loop($schema_list, $schemaHash{'ditc'}, "ditcontentrules" ) if ( defined($schemaHash{'ditc'}) ); } $Global{'max'} = 50 if ( $Global{'max'} > 50 ); &objTree(); # Create the objectClass tree $Global{'olist'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'olist'}); $Global{mainWindow} -> update; # Allow Tk to update &initializeP5a(); # Finish making panel 5 } # End of if ( defined($schema) ) else { $schema_list->insert("end", "The schema object was return undefined.\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", "There are several problems that can cause\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", "this situation.\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", "1. Your server may require you to be bound\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " to the directory as the directory\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " administrator. Bind to the directory\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " as the directory administrator and \n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " retry pulling the schema data.\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", "\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", "2. Your server is a version 2 LDAP server\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " or the version 3 LDAP radio button is in\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " the version 2 position. Version 2 LDAP\n"); $schema_list->insert("end", " servers will not return schema data.\n"); } } # End of schema subroutine sub objTree { my $ocs = $schemaHash{'ocs'}; my $obj = $schemaHash{'obj'}; #$schemaHash{'tree'} = {}; my $tree = $schemaHash{'tree'}; my $schema = $schemaHash{'schema'}; my @tmpKeys; my $size; my $Path; my $done; my @sup; my @name; my $name; my $SUP; my $array; if ( !defined($ocs) || !defined($tree) || !defined($obj) || !defined($schema) ) { # # No schema data available # my $error = "LDAP Schema data is not available."; ERROR(\$error); return; } # # Get the schema objectClasses # foreach my $aobj ( @$ocs) { # # Get the oid number of the objectclass. # my $oid; undef($oid); $oid = $$aobj{'oid'}; next if ( !defined($oid) ); @sup = $$aobj{'sup'}[0]; @name = $$aobj{'name'}; $$obj{"$name[0]"} = [ "$oid", "$sup[0]" ]; # store data } # # get objectclass hash keys. # @tmpKeys = sort(keys(%$obj)) if (defined($$obj{'top'})); $$tree{'top'} = [0,]; # pre-load top objectclass. foreach (@tmpKeys) { next if ( $_ eq "" || $_ eq "top" ); $done = 0; # initialize done flag $Path = ""; # initialize objectclass Path $name = $_; while ( !$done ) { $SUP = $$obj{$_}->[1]; # get current objectclass's superior $SUP = "top" if ( $SUP eq "" ); # on null superior, make top superior if ( $Path eq "" ) { $Path = $SUP; # Start objectclass path. } else { $Path = $SUP . $sepChar . $Path; # add new objectclass to path. } $done = 1 if ( $SUP eq 'top' ) ; # when we reach objectclass top we are done. $_ = $SUP; # walk back up the chain } if ( defined($$tree{$Path}) ) { # # Path key has already been initialized, add current objectclass # to list. # $array = $$tree{$Path}; push(@$array,$name); } else { # # Path key needs to be initialized, add current objectclass # to list. # $$tree{$Path} = [0, "$name"]; } } # # Allow mainWindow to update # $Global{'mainWindow'}->update; } sub Hierarchial { &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'}; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 200 ; my $ocs = $schemaHash{'ocs'}; my $obj = $schemaHash{'obj'}; my $tree = $schemaHash{'tree'}; my $schema = $schemaHash{'schema'}; my @tmpKeys; my $size; my $Path; my $done; my @sup; my @name; my $name; my $SUP; my $array; # # Set up the Tk windows. # # if ( ! Exists($Global{'histWindow'} ) ) { eval { $Global{'histWindow'} = MainWindow->new(); $Global{'histWindow'}->title("HIERARCHICAL OBJECTCLASS DISPLAY WINDOW"); }; ERROR(\$@) if ( $@ ); } else { my $wstate = $Global{'histWindow'}->state(); if ( $wstate =~ /iconic/ || $wstate =~ /withdrawn/ ) { $Global{'histWindow'}->deiconify() if Tk::Exists($Global{'histWindow'}); $Global{'histWindow'}->raise() if Tk::Exists($Global{'histWindow'}); } } $Global{'histWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create label box # if ( !Exists($Global{'label'}) ) { $Global{'label'} = $Global{'histWindow'}->Label()->pack; } $hbutton = $Global{'histWindow'}->Button( -text => "CLOSE HIERARCHICAL DISPLAY WINDOW", -command => \&hist_cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) if ( Exists($Global{'histWindow'} ) && !Exists($hbutton ) ); # # Create list box, this is where the selected objectclass data will # be displayed. # if ( !Exists($Global{'list'}) ) { $Global{'list'} = $Global{'histWindow'}->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -width=>50, -wrap => "none", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -height => 20 ) ->pack(-side => "left"); } # # Create Hierarchial list box, this is where the objectclass data # tree will be displayed. # if ( !Exists($Global{'hlist'}) ) { $Global{'hlist'} = $Global{'histWindow'}->Scrolled('HList', -font => $Global{'Font'}, -scrollbars => 'se', -width => $Global{'max'}, -height => 20, -itemtype => 'text', -separator => $sepChar, -selectmode => 'single', -browsecmd => sub { # my $objects = shift; my $oid; my @objectclasses = (); @objectclasses = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); $Global{'list'}->delete("1.0", "end"); $Global{'label'}->configure(-text=>$objects); $Global{'list'}->insert("end", " \n"); foreach my $var (@objectclasses) { $Global{mainWindow}->update; $oid = $$obj{$var}->[0]; # # Get the various other items associated with # this objectclass. # my $ahash = $schema->objectclass( $oid ); my @hkeys = sort(keys(%$ahash)); # # Get and display the objectclass name. # $alArray = $$ahash{'name'}; $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "name: $alArray\n"); foreach $varr (@hkeys) { # Step thru the hash keys next if ( $varr =~ /name/); # already done name. next if ( $varr =~ /type/); # do not care about type $alArray = $$ahash{$varr}; if ( ref($alArray) eq 'ARRAY' ) { # it is a n array pointer so there is probably a list. my $asize = @$alArray; # get the size of the list. # # if the array has size then print the array # else ignore the array. # if ( $asize ) { # Okay, there is something in the array. $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "\t$varr: "); foreach $a ( @$alArray ) { $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "$a "); } $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "\n"); } } else { # It is not an array if ( $alArray == 1) { # it is just and information attribute for the object $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "\t$varr\n"); } else { $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "\t$varr: $alArray\n"); } } } $Global{'list'}->insert("end", " \n"); $Global{'list'}->insert("end", "--------------------------------------------------\n"); $Global{'list'}->insert("end", " \n"); } } # End of subroutine browsecmd ); # End of Scrolled HList. @tmpKeys = sort(keys(%$tree)); my $base; $base = ""; # # Create Hierarchial list box data tree, # and display data. # eval{ foreach ( @tmpKeys ) { if ( $$tree{$_} ->[0] == 0 ) { $$tree{$_} ->[0] = 1; $Global{'hlist'}->add($_, -text=>$_); # do the base. } $base = $_; $array = $$tree{$_}; $ptr = 0; foreach my $var ( @$array ) { if ( !$ptr ) { $ptr = 1; next; } $_ = $base . $sepChar . $var; $Global{'hlist'}->add($_, -text => $var); if ( defined($$tree{$_}) ) { $$tree{$_}->[0] = 1; } } } $Global{'hlist'}->pack(-side => "right"); }; print "$@" if ( defined($@)); @tmpKeys = sort(keys(%$tree)); # # Reset objectClass array. # foreach ( @tmpKeys ) { if ( defined($$tree{$_}) ) { $$tree{$_}->[0] = 0; } } } sub hist_clear { # # Clear out text in List Box # $Global{'list'}->delete("1.0", "end"); } # End of clear subroutine sub hist_cancel{ $Global{'list'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'list'}); $Global{'hlist'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'hlist'}); $Global{'histWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'histWindow'}); } # End of cancel subroutine } # End of subroutine Hierarchial # # Create Accept/Cancel Window # sub questionAction { &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 0; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 50; # # Create Main Window # $Global{'answerWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'answerWindow'}->title("CONFIRM DECISION"); $Global{'answerWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process accept button # $Global{'answerWindow'}->Button( -text => "ACCEPT", -command => \&doAction, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; # # Create process cancel button # $Global{'answerWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL", -command => \&cancelAction, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; sub cancelAction{ $Global{'answerWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'answerWindow'}); delete($Global{'answerWindow'}); } # End of cancel subroutine sub doAction{ $Global{'answerWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'answerWindow'}); delete($Global{'answerWindow'}); $Global{'searchHistWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHistWindow'}); $Global{'searchHistWindow'} = undef(); &ldapActionDelete; # Delete the entry from the directory } # End of accept subroutine } # End of questionAction subroutine # # Create ldapAction Window # sub ldapAction { $Global{'ldapActionDN'} = shift; $Global{actionDelete}->configure( -state => 'normal'); $Global{actionDisplay}->configure( -state => 'normal'); $Global{actionEdit}->configure( -state => 'normal'); $Global{actionRename}->configure( -state => 'normal'); $Global{actionLdif}->configure( -state => 'normal'); $Global{actionCancel}->configure( -state => 'normal'); } # End of ldapAction subroutine sub ldapActionCancel{ delete($Global{'ldapActionDN'}); $Global{actionDelete}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionDisplay}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionEdit}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionRename}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionLdif}->configure( -state => 'disable'); $Global{actionCancel}->configure( -state => 'disable'); } # End of cancel subroutine sub ldapActionCreateEntry { if ( !Exists($Global{'olist'}) ) { &initializeP5a(); # Finish making panel 5 } } # End of subroutine ldapActionCreateEntry sub makeTheEntry { &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 100; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 100; %Creation = (); # # Create Main Window # if (! Exists($Global{'createWindow'}) ) { $Global{'createWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'createWindow'}->title("CREATE DIRECTORY ENTRY"); $Global{'createWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process Exit button # $createExit = $Global{'createWindow'}->Button( -text => "CANCEL CREATE ENTRY DISPLAY", -command => \&create_cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; $Global{'createWindow'}->Label( -text => "Select a radiobutton to indicate the Naming Attribute and make sure your dn base is correct.") ->pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w'); $Global{'createWindow'}->Label( -text => "All attributes in red, or located above the objectClass attributes, must have data") ->pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w'); $Global{'createWindow'}->Label(-text => "entered for the attribute.") ->pack(-side => "top", -anchor => 'w'); # # Create a ROText Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $createlist = $Global{'createWindow'} ->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 100, -height => 20, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $createlist->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); $max = 0; foreach ( @{$Global{entryData}->{must}} ) { $max = length($_) if ( length($_) > $max ); } foreach ( @{$Global{entryData}->{may}} ) { $max = length($_) if ( length($_) > $max ); } $Creation{dn} = []; $Creation{dn}->[0] = "$DN_BASE"; $dnLabel = $createlist->Label(-text => "dn", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -relief => 'groove', -anchor => 'e', # -foreground => 'red', -width => ($max+7) ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => $dnLabel ); $dnTxt = $createlist->Entry(-width => 65, -textvariable => \$Creation{dn}->[0] ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => $dnTxt ); $createlist->insert("end", "\n"); # position to the next row. # # create attribute label # #$tmpdn = ""; foreach ( @{$Global{entryData}->{must}} ) { $Creation{$_} = [] if ( !/objectClass/ ); $Creation{$_}->[0] = "" if ( !/objectClass/ ); $NamingAttribute = ""; ${$_} = $createlist->Radiobutton( -text => "", -anchor => 'w', -variable => \$NamingAttribute, -value => "$_" ) if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); ${$_} = $createlist->Label(-text => "$_", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -relief => 'groove', -foreground => 'red', -anchor => 'e', -width => ($max+2) ) if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); # # create data entry window # ${$_} = $createlist->Entry(-width => 65, -textvariable => \$Creation{$_}->[0] ) if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ) if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->insert("end", "\n") if ( !/objectClass/ ); } $ptr = 0; $Creation{objectClass} = []; foreach ( @{$Global{entryData}->{objectClass}} ) { $Creation{objectClass}->[$ptr] = "$_"; ${$_} = $createlist->Label(-text => "objectClass", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -relief => 'groove', -anchor => 'e', -width => ($max+7) ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); # # create data entry window # ${$_} = $createlist->Label(-width => 65, -anchor => 'w', -text => $Creation{objectClass}->[$ptr]); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); $createlist->insert("end", "\n"); # position to the next row. ++$ptr; } $Global{'createWindow'} ->update; foreach ( @{$Global{entryData}->{may}} ) { $Creation{$_} = []; $Creation{$_}->[0] = ""; ${$_} = $createlist->Radiobutton( -text => "", -anchor => 'w', -variable => \$NamingAttribute, -value => "$_" ) if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); ${$_} = $createlist->Label(-text => "$_", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -relief => 'groove', -anchor => 'e', -width => ($max+2) )if ( !/objectClass/ ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); # # create data entry window # ${$_} = $createlist->Entry(-width => 65, -textvariable => \$Creation{$_}->[0] ); $createlist->windowCreate("end", -window => ${$_} ); $createlist->insert("end", "\n"); # position to the next row. } # # Create the Create button # $createMe = $Global{'createWindow'}->Button( -text => "CREATE ENTRY", -command => \&create_entry, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; } } # End of subroutine makeTheEntry sub create_cancel { $Global{ceObject} = undef(); $Global{colist}->delete("1.0","end"); $Global{'createWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'createWindow'}); $Global{'createWindow'} = undef(); } # End of create_cancel subroutine sub create_entry { my $error; my $do_it; my @add = (); my $mesg; my $rmesg; my $DN; push(@add, 'objectClass'); push(@add, $Creation{objectClass}); delete($Creation{objectClass}); if ( length($NamingAttribute) ) { $DN = "$NamingAttribute=". $Creation{$NamingAttribute}[0] . "," . $Creation{dn}[0]; } else { $DN = $Creation{dn}[0]; } delete($Creation{dn}); my @attrs = keys( %Creation ); foreach $att ( @attrs ) { if ( length($Creation{$att}->[0]) ) { push(@add, $att); push(@add, $Creation{$att}); } } $Global{ldap}->unbind if ( defined($Global{ldap}) ); $Global{ldap} = undef if ( defined($Global{ldap}) ); $error = 0; $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "Create Entry $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); } else { ERROR($error); } # %Creation = (); # &create_cancel; return; } $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->add($DN, attrs => \@add ); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { print "LDAP Referral: $rref \n" if $debug; $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->add($DN, attrs => \@add ); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error creating this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } else { # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } %Creation = (); &create_cancel; } # End of subroutine create_entry # # Do LDAP entry data display. # sub ldapActionDisplay { my $dataArray; my $blank = " "; my $data; my $dn; my $max; my $lb; my $info; my $text; my @infoKeys; my @DNs = (); if ( !$Global{'ldapActionDN'} ) { &ldapActionCancel; return; } my $objects = $Global{'ldapActionDN'}; &ldapActionCancel; # # Display the DN search results list box. # $Global{nb}->raise("SEARCH DISPLAY"); delete($Global{'ldapActionDN'}); # clear the entry data display window. if ( $display_clear ) { &display_clear(); } # # Format and display the data associcated with the dn # passed to this subroutine. # @DNs = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); # split base from dn. $dataArray = $Global{'searchResults'}; $data = $$dataArray{$DNs[1]}; # get data associated with this dn $dn = $$data[0]; # get DN $max = $$data[1]; # get max size of atttributes $info = $$data[2]; # get data hash address. @infoKeys = sort(keys(%$info)); # get a list of all attributes. $text = sprintf "%${max}s: %s\n",'dn',$dn; $list->insert("end", $text); # insert data # # For each attribute display it's data # foreach my $var (@infoKeys) { if ( $var =~ /^jpegPhoto/i ) { # # Display jpegPhoto in separate window if Tk::JPEG is used. # my $Value = decode_base64($$info{$var}); displayPhoto($Value, $dn ) if ( $Global{'jpeg'}) ; $dstring = "JpegPhoto binary data is not being displayed.\n"; # # $text = sprintf "%${max}s: %s\n",$var,$dstring; $list->insert("end", $text); # position to the next row. next; } my $values = $$info{$var}; # get attribute data array. foreach my $Value ( @$values) { # # Format data and print data into Entry Box # if ( $var =~ /;binary$/ ) { $encoded = encode_base64($Value); $text = sprintf "%${max}s: %s\n",$var,$encoded; } else { $text = sprintf "%${max}s: %s\n",$var,$Value; } $list->insert("end", $text); # position to the next row. } } # position to the next row. $list->insert("end", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); $list->insert("end", "\n"); } # # Do LDAP entry edit. # sub ldapActionEdit { my $dataArray; my $editArray; my $blank = " "; my $data; my $dn; my $max; my $lb; my $info; my @infoKeys; my @DNs = (); my @tmp1 = (); #my $index; my $indexCount; my $text; if ( !$Global{'ldapActionDN'} ) { &ldapActionCancel(); return; } my $objects = $Global{'ldapActionDN'}; &ldapActionCancel(); return if Tk::Exists($Global{'editWindow'}); &displayEdit(); # clear the entry data display window. # # Format and display the data associcated with the dn # passed to this subroutine. # @DNs = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); # split base from dn. $dataArray = $Global{'searchResults'}; $data = $$dataArray{$DNs[1]}; # get data associated with this dn $dn = $$data[0]; # get DN my $tmpdn = $dn; # save DN $Global{'entryDN'} = $dn; # save DN $max = $$data[1]; # get max size of atttributes $info = $$data[2]; # get data hash address. @tmp1 = sort(keys(%$info)); # get a list of all attributes. foreach my $attrKey ( @tmp1 ) { # # User can not edit these attributes, remove from the list of # attributes to display. # if ( $attrKey =~ /createTimeStamp/i || $attrKey =~ /modifyTimeStamp/i || $attrKey =~ /creatorsName/i || $attrKey =~ /modifiersName/i ) { next; } push( @infoKeys, $attrKey ); # get a list of all attributes. } # # create attribute label # $text = sprintf "%${max}s",'DN'; $lb = $elist->Label(-text => $text, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -relief => 'groove', -anchor => 'e', -width => ($max+2) ); $elist->windowCreate("end", -window => $lb ); # # create data entry window # $lb = $elist->Entry(-width => 85, -textvariable => \$tmpdn); $elist->windowCreate("end", -window => $lb ); $elist->insert("end", "\n"); # position to the next row. # # For each attribute display it's data # my $sptr = 0; foreach my $var (@infoKeys) { $$Global{'multi'}[$sptr] = 0; $text = sprintf "%${max}s",$var; my $values = $$info{$var}; # get attribute data array. $$Global{'multi'}[$sptr] = 1 if (@$values > 1); foreach my $Value ( @$values ) { if ( $var =~ /;binary$/ ) { next; } # We do not do binary data, yet. # # create attribute action button # $ab = $elist->Button(-text => $text, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'raised' ); $elist->windowCreate("end", -window => $ab ); # # Format data and print data into Entry Box # $lb = $elist->Listbox(-width => 85, -height => 1 ); $elist->windowCreate("end", -window => $lb ); $lb->insert('end', $Value ); $ab->configure( -command => [ \&changeAttribute, \$ab, \$lb, \$Value, \$var, $sptr ] ); # position to the next row. $elist->insert("end", "\n"); } ++$sptr; } $lb = $elist->Entry(-width => 85, -textvariable => \$blank); $elist->windowCreate("end", -window => $lb ); # position to the next row. $elist->insert("end", "\n"); } sub changeAttribute { my ( $ab, $lb, $Value, $attr, $mv ) = @_; # # Create change attribute Window # if (!Exists($Global{'changeWindow'}) ) { &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 75; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 75; my $acframe; my $alframe; my $attribute; $Global{'tmpADD'} = {}; $Global{'tmpDELETE'} = {}; $Global{'tmpREPLACE'} = {}; $Global{'changeWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'changeWindow'}->title("ATTRIBUTE MODIFICATION WINDOW"); $Global{'changeWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process Cancel button # $Global{'changeWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL ATTRIBUTE EDIT", -command => \&change_cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; # # Create frame for clear buttons. # $acframe = $Global{'changeWindow'}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 2); # # Create Clear Data # $acframe -> Button(-text => " ACCEPT DATA CHANGE ", -command => \&makeChanges, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) ->pack( -fill => 'both' ); # # Create list frame. # $outerframe = $Global{'changeWindow'}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 2, -expand => 1); # # Create data frame. # $alframe = $outerframe->LabFrame(-label => "ATTRIBUTE DATA", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 2, -expand => 1); # # Create a Text Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $attrlist = $alframe ->Text( -width => 80, -height => 1, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $attrlist->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); $attrlist->insert('end', $$Value); if ( $Global{'add_new_attribute'} ) { # # Create data frame. # $Global{'newAttributeFrame'} = $outerframe->LabFrame( -label => "NEW ATTRBUTE NAME", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 2, -expand => 1); # # Create a Text Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $Global{'newAttribute'} = $Global{'newAttributeFrame'}->Text( -width => 80, -height => 1, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $Global{'newAttribute'}->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); $Global{'newAttributeReady'} = 1 ; } # # Create process Add button # $Global{'changeWindow'}->Button(-text => "ADD", -command => [\&add_data, $attr, $Value, \$attrlist], -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-side => $Global{'hand'}, -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; if ( !defined($Global{'add_new_attribute'}) ) { # # Create process Delete button # $Global{'changeWindow'}->Button(-text => "DELETE", -command => [\&delete_data, $attr, $Value], -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-side => $Global{'hand'}, -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; # # Create process Replace button # $Global{'changeWindow'}->Button(-text => "REPLACE", -command => [\&replace_data, $attr, $Value,\$attrlist, $mv], -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-side => $Global{'hand'}, -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; $Global{'multi'} = []; } } else { return; } sub delete_data { my ( $attr, $Value ) = @_; # # # $Global{'tmpDELETE'}{$$attr} = $$Value; } # End of delete_data subroutine sub replace_data { my ( $attr, $Value, $tbox,$mv ) = @_; # # Replace this attributes value. # But what if this is a multi-valued attribute. # if ( $$Global{'multi'}[$mv] ) { # # User says it is a multi-valued attribute. # # First I add the new data then delete the old data. # $Global{'tmpDELETE'}{$$attr} = $$Value; $Global{'tmpADD'}{$$attr} = $$tbox->get('1.0','1.end'); } else { $Global{'tmpREPLACE'}{$$attr} = $$tbox->get('1.0','1.end'); } } # End of replace_data subroutine sub add_data { my ( $attr, $Value, $tbox ) = @_; my $newAttribute; if ( $Global{'newAttributeReady'} ) { # # add new attribute and it's value # $newAttribute = $Global{'newAttribute'}->get('1.0','1.end'); #print $newAttribute, "\n"; $Global{'tmpADD'}{$newAttribute} = $$tbox->get('1.0','1.end'); } else { # # add new value to attribute # $Global{'tmpADD'}{$$attr} = $$tbox->get('1.0','1.end'); } } # End of add_data subroutine sub makeChanges { my $tmp = $Global{'tmpADD'}; my @Keys = sort(keys(%$tmp)); if ( @Keys ) { foreach my $var ( @Keys) { $Global{'add'}{$var} = $Global{'tmpADD'}{$var}; # print $var, " == ", $Global{'tmpADD'}{$var},"\n"; } $Global{tmpADD} = {}; $Global{'newAttribute'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'newAttribute'}); $Global{'newAttributeFrame'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'newAttributeFrame'}); delete( $Global{'newAttributeReady'} ) if ( defined($Global{'newAttributeReady'} )); delete( $Global{'newAttribute'}) if ( defined($Global{'newAttribute'} )); delete( $Global{'newAttributeFrame'}) if ( defined($Global{'newAttributeFrame'} )); } $tmp = $Global{'tmpDELETE'}; @Keys = sort(keys(%$tmp)); if ( @Keys ) { foreach my $var ( @Keys) { $Global{'delete'}{$var} = $Global{'tmpDELETE'}{$var}; # print $Global{'tmpDELETE'}{$var},"\n"; } $Global{tmpDELETE} = {}; } $tmp = $Global{'tmpREPLACE'}; @Keys = sort(keys(%$tmp)); if ( @Keys ) { foreach my $var ( @Keys) { $Global{'replace'}{$var} = $Global{'tmpREPLACE'}{$var}; # print $Global{'tmpREPLACE'}{$var},"\n"; } $Global{tmpREPLACE} = {}; } $Global{'changeWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'changeWindow'}); } # End of clear subroutine sub change_cancel { $Global{tmpADD} = {}; $Global{tmpDELETE} = {}; $Global{tmpREPLACE} = {}; $Global{'multi'} = []; $Global{'changeWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'changeWindow'}); } # End of cancel subroutine } # End of subroutine changeAttribute # # Do LDAP entry delete. # sub ldapActionDelete { my $error; my $mesg; my $rmesg; my @DNs; my $do_it; my $okay; my @referral; my $rresult; if ( !$Global{'ldapActionDN'} ) { &ldapActionCancel(); return; } my $objects = $Global{'ldapActionDN'}; &ldapActionCancel(); @DNs = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); # split base from dn. $error = 0; if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "ldapActionDelete $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); } else { ERROR($error); } return; } } $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; $okay = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->delete($DNs[1]); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { print "LDAP Referral: $rref \n" if $debug; $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->delete($DNs[1]); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error deleteing this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } # End of if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) else { print "Delete check busy now\n" if ( $debug ); # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } # End of else for if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) } # End of if ( $mesg->code ) else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } # End of while ($do_it == 1 ) # # Destroy the dn history list if it exists. # $Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); $Global{nb}->raise('SEARCH'); } # End of ldapActionDelete subroutine # # Do create entry from ldif file. # sub ldapActionCreateLdifEntry { my $error; my $mesg; my $rmesg; my $f; my $ldif; my @entry; my $do_it; my $type; my $task; my $rresult; my @referral; $error = 0; if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "ldapActionCreateLdifEntry $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); return; } else { ERROR($error); return; } } } @entry = (); if ( $Global{createLdifFile} && -f $Global{createLdifFile}) { $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( "$Global{createLdifFile}", "r", onerror => 'undef' ); if ( $ldif->error() ) { $mesg = "MESG create entry error msg: " . $ldif->error() . "\n"; $mesg .= "Error lines:\n" . $ldif->error_lines() . "\n"; ERROR(\$mesg); } while( not $ldif->eof() ) { $entry = $ldif->read_entry(); if ( $ldif->error() ) { $mesg = "LDIF create entry error msg: " . $ldif->error() . "\n"; $mesg .= "Error lines:\n" . $ldif->error_lines() . "\n"; ERROR(\$mesg); } else { $op = $$entry{changetype}; if ( $op =~ /add/) { $type = "add"; # $mesg = $Global{ldap}->add($entry); $task = '$Global{ldap}->add($entry)'; } else { $type = "change"; $op = $$entry{changes}; #$mesg = $Global{ldap}->modify($entry); $task = '$entry->update($Global{ldap})'; } $do_it = 1; while ( $do_it ) { $mesg = eval $task; if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { print "LDAP Referral: $rref \n" if $debug; $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $task = '$entry->update($Global{rldap})'; $rmesg = eval $task; if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral updating this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } # End of if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) else { print "Delete check busy now\n" if ( $debug ); # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } # End of if ( $mesg->code ) else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } # End of else for if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) } # End of while ( $do_it ) } # End of else for if ( $ldif->error() ) } $ldif->done(); @entry = undef; } else { $msgbox->insert("0", "LDIF file not defined or does not exist.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $mesg = "LDIF file not defined or does not exist."; ERROR(\$mesg); } $mesg = undef; } # End of ldapActionCreateLdifEntry subroutine # # Do LDAP multi-entry save to ldif # sub ldapActionMultiSaveToLdif { my $error; my $mesg; my $f; my $ldif; my @entry; my $do_it; &ldapActionCancel(); $error = 0; if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "ldapActionMultiSaveToLdif $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); return; } else { ERROR($error); return; } } } @entry = (); $mesg = $Global{ldap}->search( base => $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, filter => $Global{filter}, attrs => $Global{att_wanted}, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { ERROR($mesg->code); } if ( $mesg->count ) { if ( $Global{ldifFile} ) { @entry = $mesg->all_entries; if ( $Global{ldif} ) { $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( "$Global{ldifFile}", "w", onerror => 'undef' ); $ldif->write(@entry, -encode => "base64"); $ldif->done(); } elsif ( $Global{xml} ) { open(FXML, ">$Global{'ldifFile'}"); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => *FXML, pretty_print => 1); $dsml->write_entry(@entry); $dsml->end_dsml; close(FXML); } else { print "saveldif ",$Global{ldif}, "\n"; print "saveXml ",$Global{xml}, "\n"; $msgbox->insert("0", "Neither LDIF or XML variable is defined.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } @entry = undef; } else { $msgbox->insert("0", "LDIF file not defined.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } $mesg = undef; } else { $msgbox->insert("0", "No entry found for ldif storage.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } } # End of ldapActionMultiSaveToLdif subroutine # # Do single LDAP entry save to ldif # sub ldapActionSaveToLdif { my $error; my $mesg; my $f; my $ldif; my @entry; my $do_it; if ( !$Global{'ldapActionDN'} ) { &ldapActionCancel(); return; } my $objects = $Global{'ldapActionDN'}; &ldapActionCancel(); @DNs = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); # split base from dn. $error = 0; if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "ldapActionSaveToLdif $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); return; } else { ERROR($error); return; } } } @entry = (); $mesg = $Global{ldap}->search( base => $LDAP_SEARCH_BASE, filter => $Global{filter}, attrs => $Global{att_wanted}, ); if ( $mesg->code && $mesg->code != 48 ) { ERROR($mesg->code); } if ( $mesg->count ) { if ( $Global{ldifFile} ) { @entry = $mesg->all_entries; foreach $entry (@entry) { my $edn = $entry->dn; if ( $DNs[1] eq $edn ) { if ( $Global{ldif} ) { $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( "$Global{ldifFile}", "w", onerror => 'undef' ); $ldif->write($entry, -encode => "base64"); $ldif->done(); } elsif ( $Global{xml} ) { open(FXML, ">$Global{'ldifFile'}"); my $dsml = Net::LDAP::DSML->new(output => *FXML, pretty_print => 1); $dsml->write_entry($entry); $dsml->end_dsml; close(FXML); } else { print "saveldif ",$Global{ldif}, "\n"; print "saveXml ",$Global{xml}, "\n"; $msgbox->insert("0", "Neither LDIF or XML variable is defined.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } } else { $entry = undef; } } } else { $msgbox->insert("0", "LDIF file not defined.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } $mesg = undef; } else { $msgbox->insert("0", "No entry found for ldif storage.") if ( defined( $msgbox) ); $msgbox->update() if ( defined( $msgbox) ); } } # End of ldapActionSaveToLdif subroutine # # Do LDAP entry rename. # sub ldapActionRename { my $error; my $mesg; my $rmesg; $error = 0; my $do_it; my $rresult; my @referral; if ( $Global{'Rename'} == -1 ) { return; } if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "ldapActionRename $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); return; } else { ERROR($error); } } } $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->moddn($Global{'RenameDN'}, newrdn => $Global{'newrdn'}, deleteoldrdn => $Global{'deleteoldrdn'}, newsuperior => $Global{'newsuperior'} ); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { print "LDAP Referral: $rref \n" if $debug; $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Rename referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->moddn($Global{'RenameDN'}, newrdn => $Global{'newrdn'}, deleteoldrdn => $Global{'deleteoldrdn'}, newsuperior => $Global{'newsuperior'} ); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error renaming this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } # End of if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) else { # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } # End of if ( $mesg->code ) else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } # End of while ($do_it == 1 ) # # Destroy the dn history list if it exists. # $Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); $Global{nb}->raise('SEARCH'); } # End of subroutine ldapActionRename # # Create Rename DATA Window # sub getRenameData { $Global{'newsuperior'} = ""; $Global{'newrdn'} = ""; $Global{'RenameDN'} = ""; $Global{'deleteoldrdn'} = 1; &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 0; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 50; my @rdnData; my $rdn; my $super; my $delrdn; my @DNs; if ( !$Global{'ldapActionDN'} ) { &ldapActionCancel(); return; } my $objects = $Global{'ldapActionDN'}; &ldapActionCancel(); @DNs = split(/$sepChar/,$objects); # split base from dn. $Global{'RenameDN'} = $DNs[1]; @rdnData = split(/,/,$DNs[1]); $rdn = shift(@rdnData); foreach my $var (@rdnData) { $super .= $var . ","; } chop($super); # get rid of trailing comma # # Create Data Window # $Global{'renameWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'renameWindow'}->title("MODDN INFORMATION"); $Global{'renameWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process accept button # $Global{'renameWindow'}->Button( -text => "ACCEPT", -command => \&rdnAccept, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) -> pack(-side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; # # Create process cancel button # $Global{'renameWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL", -command => \&rdnCancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3) -> pack(-side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ) ; my $newrdnframe = $Global{'renameWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "Newrdn", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); # # Create newrdn text box. # my $t1 = $newrdnframe->Entry(-textvariable => \$Global{'newrdn'}, -width => 25 ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); $t1->insert("end", $rdn); # # Create a Deleteoldrdn Radiobutton that will execute subroutine clear # to clear the List box before each directory query. # $delrdn = $Global{'renameWindow'} -> Checkbutton(-text => "DELETE OLD RDN DATA", -variable => \$Global{'deleteoldrdn'}, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-anchor => 'sw' ); $delrdn->select(); my $newsuperiorframe = $Global{'renameWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "Newsuperior RDN", -labelside => "acrosstop") ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 5 ); # # Create Password Entry text box. # my $t2 = $newsuperiorframe->Entry( -textvariable => \$Global{'newsuperior'}, -width => 25, -font => $Global{'Font'} ) -> pack(-fill => 'x'); $t2->insert("end", $super); sub rdnCancel{ $Global{'renameWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'renameWindow'}); delete($Global{'renameWindow'}); delete( $Global{'newsuperior'}); delete( $Global{'newrdn'}); delete( $Global{'deleteoldrdn'} ); delete( $Global{'RenameDN'} ); } # End of cancel subroutine sub rdnAccept{ # # Clean up data and close windows, forces another search to # get valid new data. # $Global{'renameWindow'}->destroy() if Tk::Exists($Global{'renameWindow'}); $Global{'searchHistWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHistWindow'}); $Global{'renameWindow'} = undef(); $Global{'searchHistWindow'} = undef(); &ldapActionRename(); # Rename the entry in the directory delete( $Global{'newsuperior'}); delete( $Global{'newrdn'}); delete( $Global{'deleteoldrdn'} ); delete( $Global{'RenameDN'} ); delete($Global{'index'}) if ( defined($Global{'index'})); } # End of accept subroutine } # End of getRenameData subroutine sub display_clear { # # Clear out text in List Box # $list->delete("1.0", "end"); } # End of clear subroutine sub displayEdit() { my $ecframe; my $elframe; my $erbclear; &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 75; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 75; # # Create Edit Window # if (!Exists($Global{'editWindow'}) ) { $Global{'editWindow'} = MainWindow->new; $Global{'editWindow'}->title("ENTRY EDIT DISPLAY"); $Global{'editWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); # # Create process Exit button # $Global{'editWindow'}->Button(-text => "CANCEL ENTRY EDIT", -command => \&edit_cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; # # Create frame for clear buttons. # $ecframe = $Global{'editWindow'}->Frame() ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "bottom", -padx => 5, -pady => 2); # # Create Clear Data # $ecframe -> Button(-text => " CHANGE DATA ", -command => \&changeEntry, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 3 ) ->pack( -fill => 'both' ); # # Create list frame. # $elframe = $Global{'editWindow'}->LabFrame(-label => "ENTRY DATA", -labelside => "acrosstop" ) ->pack( -fill => "both", -side => "top", -padx => 5, -pady => 2, -expand => 1); # # Create a ROText Box that will actually contain the # returned directory data. # $elist = $elframe ->Scrolled('Text', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => 80, -height => 20, -wrap => 'none', -font => $Global{'Font'} ); $elist->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); # # Create process add new attribute button # $elframe->Button(-text => "ADD\nATTRIBUTE", -command => \&add_new_attribute, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-side => $Global{'hand'}, -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) ; } sub edit_cancel{ delete($Global{'add'}); delete($Global{'delete'}); delete($Global{'replace'}); $Global{'editWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'editWindow'}); } # End of cancel subroutine } # End of subroutine displayEdit # # Add new attribute to entry that is being edited. # sub add_new_attribute { $Global{'add_new_attribute'} = 1; changeAttribute( 1,1,1,1); delete($Global{'add_new_attribute'}); } # End of subroutine add_new_attribute # # Execute any LDAP add, delete, or replace changes. # sub changeEntry { my $errstr; my $mesg; my $rmesg; my $error = 0; # initialize error flag. my $do_it; my $rresult; my @referral; if ( !defined($Global{ldap}) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error == 1 ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "changeEntry $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); } else { ERROR($error); } return; } } # # Execute any LDAP add changes. # if ( defined($Global{'add'}) ) { $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, add => $Global{'add'}); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { print "LDAP Referral: $rref \n" if $debug; $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, add => $Global{'add'}); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error adding an attribute to this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } else { # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } delete( $Global{'add'} ); } # # Execute any delete changes. # if ( defined($Global{'delete'}) ) { $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, delete => $Global{'delete'}); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, delete => $Global{'delete'}); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error deleteing an attribute on this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } else { # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } delete( $Global{'delete'} ); } # # Execute any replace changes. # if ( defined($Global{'replace'}) ) { $do_it = 1; $Global{loopCount} = 0; while ($do_it == 1 ) { $mesg = $Global{ldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, replace => $Global{'replace'}); if ( $mesg->code ) { if ( $mesg->code == 10 && $Global{fref} ) { # # Being refer'ed to another directory server. # # @referral = $mesg->referrals(); foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $rresult = &dirRConn($rref); if ( $rresult != 0 ) { print "Referral connect error, trying next now\n" if ( $debug ); next; } else { $rmesg = $Global{rldap}->modify( $Global{'entryDN'}, replace => $Global{'replace'}); if ( !$rmesg->code ) { &dirRUConn(); $do_it = 0; last; } } } # End of foreach my $rref (@ref ) if ( $do_it ) { # # All referrals have been tried, there is a major error. # &dirRUConn(); $errstr = "There has been a major referral error replacing an attribute on this DN."; $errstr .= "The following referrals were tried;\n"; foreach my $rref (@referral ) { $errstr .= "$rref\n"; } ERROR($errstr); return; } # End of if ( $do_it ) } else { # # There was an error, check for dsa busy # error. # # $errstr = $mesg->code; $errstr = ldap_error_text($errstr); # # Check for server busy. # if ( !(CheckError($errstr) ) ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; ERROR($errstr); return; } } } else { # # There was no error # $do_it = 0; } } delete( $Global{'replace'} ); } # # Clean up data and close windows, forces another search to # get valid new data. # delete($Global{'index'}) if ( defined($Global{'index'})); delete($Global{'tmpADD'}) if ( defined($Global{'tmpADD'})); delete($Global{'tmpDELETE'}) if ( defined($Global{'tmpDELETE'})); delete($Global{'tmpREPLACE'}) if ( defined($Global{'tmpREPLACE'})); delete($Global{'add'}) if ( defined($Global{'add'})); delete($Global{'delete'}) if ( defined($Global{'delete'})); delete($Global{'replace'}) if ( defined($Global{'replace'})); $Global{'editWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'editWindow'}); $Global{'changeWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'changeWindow'}); $Global{'searchHistWindow'}->destroy if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHistWindow'}); # # Destroy the dn history list if it exists. # $Global{'searchHList'}->delete('all') if Tk::Exists($Global{'searchHList'}); $Global{nb}->raise('SEARCH'); } # End of changeEntry subroutine # # Get and display the root dse entry. # sub rootDse { my $base; &globalPos(); my $x = $Global{'horz'} + 150; my $y = $Global{'vert'} + 150; my $error; my $mesg; $error = 0; if ( !defined($Global{ldap} ) ) { $error = dirConn(); if ( $error ) { if ( defined($Global{dirConnError}) ) { $error = "rootDSE $Global{dirConnError}"; ERROR(\$error); } else { ERROR($error); } return; } } my $root = $Global{ldap}->root_dse(); my @Attributes = ( qw(subschemaSubentry namingContexts supportedLDAPVersion supportedControl supportedExtension altServer supportedSASLMechanisms) ); if ( !defined($root) ) { my $error = "Root DSE entry could not be obtained."; ERROR(\$error); return; } # # Set up the Tk windows. # # if ( ! Exists($Global{'rootWindow'} ) ) { $Global{'rootWindow'} = MainWindow->new(); $Global{'rootWindow'}->title("ROOT DSE ENTRY"); $Global{'rootWindow'}->geometry("+$x+$y"); } # # Create label box # # if ( !Exists($Global{'labelDSE'}) ) { $Global{'labelDSE'} = $Global{'rootWindow'}->Label()->pack; } # # Create process Exit button # $Global{'ebuttonDSE'} = $Global{'rootWindow'}->Button( -text => "CLOSE ROOT DSE DISPLAY WINDOW", -command => \&root_cancel, -font => $Global{'Font'}, -borderwidth => 5 ) -> pack(-fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => 2 ) if ( Exists($Global{'rootWindow'} ) && !Exists($Global{'ebuttonDSE'} ) ); # # Create list box, this is where the selected objectclass data will # be displayed. # if ( !Exists($Global{'listDSE'}) ) { $Global{'listDSE'} = $Global{'rootWindow'}->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => 'se', -width=>50, -wrap => "none", -font => $Global{'Font'}, -height => 10 ) ->pack(); } else { # # clear the list box # $Global{'listDSE'}->delete("1.0", "end"); } foreach $attr (@Attributes) { $base = $root->get_value( $attr, asref => 1); foreach (@$base) { $Global{'listDSE'}->insert("end", "$attr: $_\n"); } } } # End of subrountine rootDse #----------------------------------------# # Usage() - display simple usage message # #----------------------------------------# sub Usage { print( "Usage: [-h] | [-d <#> ] | [-n] | -i \n" ); print( "\t-d Perl-LDAP debug mode. Display debug messages to stdout.\n" ); print( "\t Should be used with -n so that process will not fork a\n" ); print( "\t new process.\n" ); print( "\t Value: 0 - display tklkup messages only.\n" ); print( "\t Value: 1 - Show outgoing packets (using asn_hexdump).\n" ); print( "\t Value: 2 - Show incoming packets (using asn_hexdump).\n" ); print( "\t Value: 4 - Show outgoing packets (using asn_dump).\n" ); print( "\t Value: 8 - Show incoming packets (using asn_dump).\n" ); print( "\t These values can be add to display several functions.\n" ); print( "\t-h Help. Display this message.\n" ); print( "\t-i Use the named file as the initialization file.\n" ); print( "\t-n Tklkup debug mode. Display debug messages to stdout.\n" ); print( "\n" ); print( "\t Perldoc pod documentation is included in this script.\n" ); print( "\t To read the pod documentation do the following;\n" ); print( "\t perldoc