use strict; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/backcompat/0.04006/lib); use make_dbictest_db; plan skip_all => 'set SCHEMA_LOADER_TESTS_BACKCOMPAT to enable these tests' unless $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_TESTS_BACKCOMPAT}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /Dynamic schema|really_erase_my_files/; }; # Takes a $schema as input, runs 4 basic tests sub test_schema { my ($testname, $schema) = @_; $schema = $schema->clone if !ref $schema; isa_ok($schema, 'DBIx::Class::Schema', $testname); my $foo_rs = $schema->resultset('Bar')->search({ barid => 3})->search_related('fooref'); isa_ok($foo_rs, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet', $testname); my $foo_first = $foo_rs->first; like(ref $foo_first, qr/DBICTest::Schema::\d+::Foo/, $testname); my $foo_first_text = $foo_first->footext; is($foo_first_text, 'Foo record associated with the Bar with barid 3'); } my @invocations = ( 'hardcode' => sub { package DBICTest::Schema::5; use base qw/ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader /; __PACKAGE__->connection($make_dbictest_db::dsn); __PACKAGE__; }, 'normal' => sub { package DBICTest::Schema::6; use base qw/ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader /; __PACKAGE__->loader_options(); __PACKAGE__->connect($make_dbictest_db::dsn); }, 'make_schema_at' => sub { use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader qw/ make_schema_at /; make_schema_at( 'DBICTest::Schema::7', { really_erase_my_files => 1 }, [ $make_dbictest_db::dsn ], ); DBICTest::Schema::7->clone; }, 'embedded_options' => sub { package DBICTest::Schema::8; use base qw/ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader /; __PACKAGE__->connect( $make_dbictest_db::dsn, { loader_options => { really_erase_my_files => 1 } } ); }, 'embedded_options_in_attrs' => sub { package DBICTest::Schema::9; use base qw/ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader /; __PACKAGE__->connect( $make_dbictest_db::dsn, undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 1, loader_options => { really_erase_my_files => 1 } } ); }, 'embedded_options_make_schema_at' => sub { use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader qw/ make_schema_at /; make_schema_at( 'DBICTest::Schema::10', { }, [ $make_dbictest_db::dsn, { loader_options => { really_erase_my_files => 1 } }, ], ); "DBICTest::Schema::10"; }, 'almost_embedded' => sub { package DBICTest::Schema::11; use base qw/ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader /; __PACKAGE__->loader_options( really_erase_my_files => 1 ); __PACKAGE__->connect( $make_dbictest_db::dsn, undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 1 } ); }, 'make_schema_at_explicit' => sub { use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader; DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::make_schema_at( 'DBICTest::Schema::12', { really_erase_my_files => 1 }, [ $make_dbictest_db::dsn ], ); DBICTest::Schema::12->clone; } ); # 4 tests per k/v pair plan tests => 2 * @invocations; while(@invocations >= 2) { my $style = shift @invocations; my $subref = shift @invocations; test_schema($style, &$subref); }