package DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base/; use mro 'c3'; use Try::Tiny; use List::MoreUtils 'any'; use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/; use namespace::clean; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table (); our $VERSION = '0.07033'; __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple', qw/ _disable_pk_detection _disable_uniq_detection _disable_fk_detection _passwords quote_char name_sep /); =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader DBI Implementation. =head1 SYNOPSIS See L =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the base class for L classes for DBI-based storage backends, and implements the common functionality between them. See L for the available options. =head1 METHODS =head2 new Overlays L to do some DBI-specific things. =cut sub new { my $self = shift->next::method(@_); # rebless to vendor-specific class if it exists and loads and we're not in a # custom class. if (not $self->loader_class) { my $driver = $self->dbh->{Driver}->{Name}; my $subclass = 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::' . $driver; if ((not $self->isa($subclass)) && $self->load_optional_class($subclass)) { bless $self, $subclass; $self->_rebless; Class::C3::reinitialize() if $] < 5.009005; } } # Set up the default quoting character and name seperators $self->quote_char($self->_build_quote_char); $self->name_sep($self->_build_name_sep); $self->_setup; return $self; } sub _build_quote_char { my $self = shift; my $quote_char = $self->dbh->get_info(29) || $self->schema->storage->sql_maker->quote_char || q{"}; # For our usage as regex matches, concatenating multiple quote_char # values works fine (e.g. s/[\Q<>\E]// if quote_char was [ '<', '>' ]) if (ref $quote_char eq 'ARRAY') { $quote_char = join '', @$quote_char; } return $quote_char; } sub _build_name_sep { my $self = shift; return $self->dbh->get_info(41) || $self->schema->storage->sql_maker->name_sep || '.'; } # Override this in vendor modules to do things at the end of ->new() sub _setup { } # Override this in vendor module to load a subclass if necessary sub _rebless { } sub _system_schemas { return ('information_schema'); } sub _system_tables { return (); } sub _dbh_tables { my ($self, $schema) = (shift, shift); my ($table_pattern, $table_type_pattern) = @_ ? @_ : ('%', '%'); return $self->dbh->tables(undef, $schema, $table_pattern, $table_type_pattern); } # default to be overridden in subclasses if necessary sub _supports_db_schema { 1 } # Returns an array of table objects sub _tables_list { my ($self, $opts) = (shift, shift); my @tables; my $qt = qr/[\Q$self->{quote_char}\E"'`\[\]]/; my $nqt = qr/[^\Q$self->{quote_char}\E"'`\[\]]/; my $ns = qr/[\Q$self->{name_sep}\E]/; my $nns = qr/[^\Q$self->{name_sep}\E]/; foreach my $schema (@{ $self->db_schema || [undef] }) { my @raw_table_names = $self->_dbh_tables($schema, @_); TABLE: foreach my $raw_table_name (@raw_table_names) { my $quoted = $raw_table_name =~ /^$qt/; # These regexes are not entirely correct, but hopefully they will work # in most cases. RT reports welcome. my ($schema_name, $table_name1, $table_name2) = $quoted ? $raw_table_name =~ /^(?:${qt}(${nqt}+?)${qt}${ns})?(?:${qt}(.+?)${qt}|(${nns}+))\z/ : $raw_table_name =~ /^(?:(${nns}+?)${ns})?(?:${qt}(.+?)${qt}|(${nns}+))\z/; my $table_name = $table_name1 || $table_name2; foreach my $system_schema ($self->_system_schemas) { if ($schema_name) { my $matches = 0; if (ref $system_schema) { $matches = 1 if $schema_name =~ $system_schema && $schema !~ $system_schema; } else { $matches = 1 if $schema_name eq $system_schema && $schema ne $system_schema; } next TABLE if $matches; } } foreach my $system_table ($self->_system_tables) { my $matches = 0; if (ref $system_table) { $matches = 1 if $table_name =~ $system_table; } else { $matches = 1 if $table_name eq $system_table } next TABLE if $matches; } $schema_name ||= $schema; my $table = DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table->new( loader => $self, name => $table_name, schema => $schema_name, ($self->_supports_db_schema ? () : ( ignore_schema => 1 )), ); push @tables, $table; } } return $self->_filter_tables(\@tables, $opts); } # apply constraint/exclude and ignore bad tables and views sub _filter_tables { my ($self, $tables, $opts) = @_; my @tables = @$tables; my @filtered_tables; $opts ||= {}; my $constraint = $opts->{constraint}; my $exclude = $opts->{exclude}; @tables = grep { /$constraint/ } @tables if defined $constraint; @tables = grep { ! /$exclude/ } @tables if defined $exclude; TABLE: for my $table (@tables) { try { local $^W = 0; # for ADO my $sth = $self->_sth_for($table, undef, \'1 = 0'); $sth->execute; 1; } catch { warn "Bad table or view '$table', ignoring: $_\n"; 0; } or next TABLE; push @filtered_tables, $table; } return @filtered_tables; } =head2 load We override L here to hook in our localized settings for C<$dbh> error handling. =cut sub load { my $self = shift; local $self->dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; local $self->dbh->{PrintError} = 0; $self->next::method(@_); $self->schema->storage->disconnect unless $self->dynamic; } sub _sth_for { my ($self, $table, $fields, $where) = @_; my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($self->schema->storage->sql_maker ->select(\$table->sql_name, $fields, $where)); return $sth; } # Returns an arrayref of column names sub _table_columns { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $sth = $self->_sth_for($table, undef, \'1 = 0'); $sth->execute; my $retval = [ map $self->_lc($_), @{$sth->{NAME}} ]; $sth->finish; return $retval; } # Returns arrayref of pk col names sub _table_pk_info { my ($self, $table) = @_; return [] if $self->_disable_pk_detection; my @primary = try { $self->dbh->primary_key('', $table->schema, $table->name); } catch { warn "Cannot find primary keys for this driver: $_"; $self->_disable_pk_detection(1); return (); }; return [] if not @primary; @primary = map { $self->_lc($_) } @primary; s/[\Q$self->{quote_char}\E]//g for @primary; return \@primary; } # Override this for vendor-specific uniq info sub _table_uniq_info { my ($self, $table) = @_; return [] if $self->_disable_uniq_detection; if (not $self->dbh->can('statistics_info')) { warn "No UNIQUE constraint information can be gathered for this driver"; $self->_disable_uniq_detection(1); return []; } my %indices; my $sth = $self->dbh->statistics_info(undef, $table->schema, $table->name, 1, 1); while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { # skip table-level stats, conditional indexes, and any index missing # critical fields next if $row->{TYPE} eq 'table' || defined $row->{FILTER_CONDITION} || !$row->{INDEX_NAME} || !defined $row->{ORDINAL_POSITION} || !$row->{COLUMN_NAME}; $indices{$row->{INDEX_NAME}}[$row->{ORDINAL_POSITION}] = $self->_lc($row->{COLUMN_NAME}); } $sth->finish; my @retval; foreach my $index_name (keys %indices) { my $index = $indices{$index_name}; push(@retval, [ $index_name => [ @$index[1..$#$index] ] ]); } return \@retval; } sub _table_comment { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $comments_table = $table->clone; $comments_table->name($self->table_comments_table); my ($comment) = (exists $self->_tables->{$comments_table->sql_name} || undef) && try { $dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF") }; SELECT comment_text FROM @{[ $comments_table->sql_name ]} WHERE table_name = @{[ $dbh->quote($table->name) ]} EOF # Failback: try the REMARKS column on table_info if (!$comment && $dbh->can('table_info')) { my $sth = $self->_dbh_table_info( $dbh, undef, $table->schema, $table->name ); my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $comment = $info->{REMARKS}; } return $comment; } sub _column_comment { my ($self, $table, $column_number, $column_name) = @_; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $comments_table = $table->clone; $comments_table->name($self->column_comments_table); my ($comment) = (exists $self->_tables->{$comments_table->sql_name} || undef) && try { $dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF") }; SELECT comment_text FROM @{[ $comments_table->sql_name ]} WHERE table_name = @{[ $dbh->quote($table->name) ]} AND column_name = @{[ $dbh->quote($column_name) ]} EOF # Failback: try the REMARKS column on column_info if (!$comment && $dbh->can('column_info')) { if (my $sth = try { $self->_dbh_column_info( $dbh, undef, $table->schema, $table->name, $column_name ) }) { my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $comment = $info->{REMARKS}; } } return $comment; } # Find relationships sub _table_fk_info { my ($self, $table) = @_; return [] if $self->_disable_fk_detection; my $sth = try { $self->dbh->foreign_key_info( '', '', '', '', ($table->schema || ''), $table->name ); } catch { warn "Cannot introspect relationships for this driver: $_"; $self->_disable_fk_detection(1); return undef; }; return [] if !$sth; my %rels; my @rules = ( 'CASCADE', 'RESTRICT', 'SET NULL', 'NO ACTION', 'SET DEFAULT', ); my $i = 1; # for unnamed rels, which hopefully have only 1 column ... REL: while(my $raw_rel = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my $uk_scm = $raw_rel->[1]; my $uk_tbl = $raw_rel->[2]; my $uk_col = $self->_lc($raw_rel->[3]); my $fk_scm = $raw_rel->[5]; my $fk_col = $self->_lc($raw_rel->[7]); my $key_seq = $raw_rel->[8] - 1; my $relid = ($raw_rel->[11] || ( "__dcsld__" . $i++ )); my $update_rule = $raw_rel->[9]; my $delete_rule = $raw_rel->[10]; $update_rule = $rules[$update_rule] if defined $update_rule; $delete_rule = $rules[$delete_rule] if defined $delete_rule; my $is_deferrable = $raw_rel->[13]; ($is_deferrable = $is_deferrable == 7 ? 0 : 1) if defined $is_deferrable; foreach my $var ($uk_scm, $uk_tbl, $uk_col, $fk_scm, $fk_col, $relid) { $var =~ s/[\Q$self->{quote_char}\E]//g if defined $var; } if ($self->db_schema && $self->db_schema->[0] ne '%' && (not any { $_ eq $uk_scm } @{ $self->db_schema })) { next REL; } $rels{$relid}{tbl} ||= DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table->new( loader => $self, name => $uk_tbl, schema => $uk_scm, ($self->_supports_db_schema ? () : ( ignore_schema => 1 )), ); $rels{$relid}{attrs}{on_delete} = $delete_rule if $delete_rule; $rels{$relid}{attrs}{on_update} = $update_rule if $update_rule; $rels{$relid}{attrs}{is_deferrable} = $is_deferrable if defined $is_deferrable; # Add this data IN ORDER $rels{$relid}{rcols}[$key_seq] = $uk_col; $rels{$relid}{lcols}[$key_seq] = $fk_col; } $sth->finish; my @rels; foreach my $relid (keys %rels) { push(@rels, { remote_columns => [ grep defined, @{ $rels{$relid}{rcols} } ], local_columns => [ grep defined, @{ $rels{$relid}{lcols} } ], remote_table => $rels{$relid}->{tbl}, (exists $rels{$relid}{attrs} ? (attrs => $rels{$relid}{attrs}) : () ), _constraint_name => $relid, }); } return \@rels; } # ported in from DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI: sub _columns_info_for { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $dbh = $self->schema->storage->dbh; my %result; if (my $sth = try { $self->_dbh_column_info($dbh, undef, $table->schema, $table->name, '%' ) }) { COL_INFO: while (my $info = try { $sth->fetchrow_hashref } catch { +{} }) { next COL_INFO unless %$info; my $column_info = {}; $column_info->{data_type} = lc $info->{TYPE_NAME}; my $size = $info->{COLUMN_SIZE}; if (defined $size && defined $info->{DECIMAL_DIGITS}) { $column_info->{size} = [$size, $info->{DECIMAL_DIGITS}]; } elsif (defined $size) { $column_info->{size} = $size; } $column_info->{is_nullable} = $info->{NULLABLE} ? 1 : 0; $column_info->{default_value} = $info->{COLUMN_DEF} if defined $info->{COLUMN_DEF}; my $col_name = $info->{COLUMN_NAME}; $col_name =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; my $extra_info = $self->_extra_column_info( $table, $col_name, $column_info, $info ) || {}; $column_info = { %$column_info, %$extra_info }; $result{$col_name} = $column_info; } $sth->finish; } my $sth = $self->_sth_for($table, undef, \'1 = 0'); $sth->execute; my @columns = @{ $sth->{NAME} }; COL: for my $i (0 .. $#columns) { next COL if %{ $result{ $columns[$i] }||{} }; my $column_info = {}; $column_info->{data_type} = lc $sth->{TYPE}[$i]; my $size = $sth->{PRECISION}[$i]; if (defined $size && defined $sth->{SCALE}[$i]) { $column_info->{size} = [$size, $sth->{SCALE}[$i]]; } elsif (defined $size) { $column_info->{size} = $size; } $column_info->{is_nullable} = $sth->{NULLABLE}[$i] ? 1 : 0; if ($column_info->{data_type} =~ m/^(.*?)\((.*?)\)$/) { $column_info->{data_type} = $1; $column_info->{size} = $2; } my $extra_info = $self->_extra_column_info($table, $columns[$i], $column_info, $sth) || {}; $column_info = { %$column_info, %$extra_info }; $result{ $columns[$i] } = $column_info; } $sth->finish; foreach my $col (keys %result) { my $colinfo = $result{$col}; my $type_num = $colinfo->{data_type}; my $type_name; if (defined $type_num && $type_num =~ /^-?\d+\z/ && $dbh->can('type_info')) { my $type_name = $self->_dbh_type_info_type_name($type_num); $colinfo->{data_type} = lc $type_name if $type_name; } } # check for instances of the same column name with different case in preserve_case=0 mode if (not $self->preserve_case) { my %lc_colnames; foreach my $col (keys %result) { push @{ $lc_colnames{lc $col} }, $col; } if (keys %lc_colnames != keys %result) { my @offending_colnames = map @$_, grep @$_ > 1, values %lc_colnames; my $offending_colnames = join ", ", map "'$_'", @offending_colnames; croak "columns $offending_colnames in table @{[ $table->sql_name ]} collide in preserve_case=0 mode. preserve_case=1 mode required"; } # apply lowercasing my %lc_result; while (my ($col, $info) = each %result) { $lc_result{ $self->_lc($col) } = $info; } %result = %lc_result; } return \%result; } # Need to override this for the buggy Firebird ODBC driver. sub _dbh_type_info_type_name { my ($self, $type_num) = @_; # We wrap it in a try block for MSSQL+DBD::Sybase, which can have issues. # TODO investigate further my $type_info = try { $self->dbh->type_info($type_num) }; return $type_info ? $type_info->{TYPE_NAME} : undef; } # do not use this, override _columns_info_for instead sub _extra_column_info {} # override to mask warnings if needed sub _dbh_table_info { my ($self, $dbh) = (shift, shift); return $dbh->table_info(@_); } # override to mask warnings if needed (see mysql) sub _dbh_column_info { my ($self, $dbh) = (shift, shift); return $dbh->column_info(@_); } # If a coderef uses DBI->connect, this should get its connect info. sub _try_infer_connect_info_from_coderef { my ($self, $code) = @_; my ($dsn, $user, $pass, $params); no warnings 'redefine'; local *DBI::connect = sub { (undef, $dsn, $user, $pass, $params) = @_; }; $code->(); return ($dsn, $user, $pass, $params); } sub dbh { my $self = shift; return $self->schema->storage->dbh; } =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR See L and L. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0: