package DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/Class::Accessor::Grouped Class::C3::Componentised/; use MRO::Compat; use mro 'c3'; use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder (); use Data::Dump 'dump'; use POSIX (); use File::Spec (); use Cwd (); use Digest::MD5 (); use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number (); use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase (); use String::ToIdentifier::EN (); use String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode (); use File::Temp (); use Class::Unload; use Class::Inspector (); use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number'; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils qw/split_name dumper_squashed eval_package_without_redefine_warnings class_path slurp_file/; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies (); use Try::Tiny; use DBIx::Class (); use Encode qw/encode decode/; use List::MoreUtils qw/all any firstidx uniq/; use File::Temp 'tempfile'; use namespace::clean; our $VERSION = '0.07033'; __PACKAGE__->mk_group_ro_accessors('simple', qw/ schema schema_class exclude constraint additional_classes additional_base_classes left_base_classes components schema_components skip_relationships skip_load_external moniker_map col_accessor_map custom_column_info inflect_singular inflect_plural debug dump_directory dump_overwrite really_erase_my_files resultset_namespace default_resultset_class schema_base_class result_base_class result_roles use_moose only_autoclean overwrite_modifications relationship_attrs _tables classes _upgrading_classes monikers dynamic naming datetime_timezone datetime_locale config_file loader_class table_comments_table column_comments_table class_to_table moniker_to_table uniq_to_primary quiet /); __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple', qw/ version_to_dump schema_version_to_dump _upgrading_from _upgrading_from_load_classes _downgrading_to_load_classes _rewriting_result_namespace use_namespaces result_namespace generate_pod pod_comment_mode pod_comment_spillover_length preserve_case col_collision_map rel_collision_map rel_name_map real_dump_directory result_components_map result_roles_map datetime_undef_if_invalid _result_class_methods naming_set filter_generated_code db_schema qualify_objects moniker_parts /); my $CURRENT_V = 'v7'; my @CLASS_ARGS = qw( schema_components schema_base_class result_base_class additional_base_classes left_base_classes additional_classes components result_roles ); my $CR = "\x0d"; my $LF = "\x0a"; my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base - Base DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader Implementation. =head1 SYNOPSIS See L. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the base class for the storage-specific C classes, and implements the common functionality between them. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR OPTIONS These constructor options are the base options for L. Available constructor options are: =head2 skip_relationships Skip setting up relationships. The default is to attempt the loading of relationships. =head2 skip_load_external Skip loading of other classes in @INC. The default is to merge all other classes with the same name found in @INC into the schema file we are creating. =head2 naming Static schemas (ones dumped to disk) will, by default, use the new-style relationship names and singularized Results, unless you're overwriting an existing dump made by an older version of L, in which case the backward compatible RelBuilder will be activated, and the appropriate monikerization used. Specifying naming => 'current' will disable the backward-compatible RelBuilder and use the new-style relationship names along with singularized Results, even when overwriting a dump made with an earlier version. The option also takes a hashref: naming => { relationships => 'v8', monikers => 'v8', column_accessors => 'v8', force_ascii => 1, } or naming => { ALL => 'v8', force_ascii => 1 } The keys are: =over 4 =item ALL Set L, L and L to the specified value. =item relationships How to name relationship accessors. =item monikers How to name Result classes. =item column_accessors How to name column accessors in Result classes. =item force_ascii For L mode and later, uses L instead of L to force monikers and other identifiers to ASCII. =back The values can be: =over 4 =item current Latest style, whatever that happens to be. =item v4 Unsingularlized monikers, C only relationships with no _id stripping. =item v5 Monikers singularized as whole words, C relationships for FKs on C constraints, C<_id> stripping for belongs_to relationships. Some of the C<_id> stripping edge cases in C<0.05003> have been reverted for the v5 RelBuilder. =item v6 All monikers and relationships are inflected using L, and there is more aggressive C<_id> stripping from relationship names. In general, there is very little difference between v5 and v6 schemas. =item v7 This mode is identical to C mode, except that monikerization of CamelCase table names is also done better (but best in v8.) CamelCase column names in case-preserving mode will also be handled better for relationship name inflection (but best in v8.) See L. In this mode, CamelCase L are normalized based on case transition instead of just being lowercased, so C becomes C. =item v8 (EXPERIMENTAL) The default mode is L, to get L mode, you have to specify it in L explicitly until C<0.08> comes out. L and L are created using L or L if L is set; this is only significant for names with non-C<\w> characters such as C<.>. CamelCase identifiers with words in all caps, e.g. C are supported correctly in this mode. For relationships, belongs_to accessors are made from column names by stripping postfixes other than C<_id> as well, for example just C, C<_?ref>, C<_?cd>, C<_?code> and C<_?num>, case insensitively. =item preserve For L, this option does not inflect the table names but makes monikers based on the actual name. For L this option does not normalize CamelCase column names to lowercase column accessors, but makes accessors that are the same names as the columns (with any non-\w chars replaced with underscores.) =item singular For L, singularizes the names using the most current inflector. This is the same as setting the option to L. =item plural For L, pluralizes the names, using the most current inflector. =back Dynamic schemas will always default to the 0.04XXX relationship names and won't singularize Results for backward compatibility, to activate the new RelBuilder and singularization put this in your C file: __PACKAGE__->naming('current'); Or if you prefer to use 0.07XXX features but insure that nothing breaks in the next major version upgrade: __PACKAGE__->naming('v7'); =head2 quiet If true, will not print the usual C messages. Does not affect warnings (except for warnings related to L.) =head2 generate_pod By default POD will be generated for columns and relationships, using database metadata for the text if available and supported. Comment metadata can be stored in two ways. The first is that you can create two tables named C and C respectively. These tables must exist in the same database and schema as the tables they describe. They both need to have columns named C and C. The second one needs to have a column named C. Then data stored in these tables will be used as a source of metadata about tables and comments. (If you wish you can change the name of these tables with the parameters L and L.) As a fallback you can use built-in commenting mechanisms. Currently this is only supported for PostgreSQL, Oracle and MySQL. To create comments in PostgreSQL you add statements of the form C, the same syntax is used in Oracle. To create comments in MySQL you add C to the end of the column or table definition. Note that MySQL restricts the length of comments, and also does not handle complex Unicode characters properly. Set this to C<0> to turn off all POD generation. =head2 pod_comment_mode Controls where table comments appear in the generated POD. Smaller table comments are appended to the C section of the documentation, and larger ones are inserted into C instead. You can force a C section to be generated with the comment always, only use C, or choose the length threshold at which the comment is forced into the description. =over 4 =item name Use C section only. =item description Force C always. =item auto Use C if length > L, this is the default. =back =head2 pod_comment_spillover_length When pod_comment_mode is set to C, this is the length of the comment at which it will be forced into a separate description section. The default is C<60> =head2 table_comments_table The table to look for comments about tables in. By default C. See L for details. This must not be a fully qualified name, the table will be looked for in the same database and schema as the table whose comment is being retrieved. =head2 column_comments_table The table to look for comments about columns in. By default C. See L for details. This must not be a fully qualified name, the table will be looked for in the same database and schema as the table/column whose comment is being retrieved. =head2 relationship_attrs Hashref of attributes to pass to each generated relationship, listed by type. Also supports relationship type 'all', containing options to pass to all generated relationships. Attributes set for more specific relationship types override those set in 'all', and any attributes specified by this option override the introspected attributes of the foreign key if any. For example: relationship_attrs => { has_many => { cascade_delete => 1, cascade_copy => 1 }, might_have => { cascade_delete => 1, cascade_copy => 1 }, }, use this to turn L cascades to on on your L and L relationships, they default to off. Can also be a coderef, for more precise control, in which case the coderef gets this hash of parameters (as a list:) rel_name # the name of the relationship local_source # the DBIx::Class::ResultSource object for the source the rel is *from* remote_source # the DBIx::Class::ResultSource object for the source the rel is *to* local_table # a DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table object for the table of the source the rel is from local_cols # an arrayref of column names of columns used in the rel in the source it is from remote_table # a DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table object for the table of the source the rel is to remote_cols # an arrayref of column names of columns used in the rel in the source it is to attrs # the attributes that would be set it should return the new hashref of attributes, or nothing for no changes. For example: relationship_attrs => sub { my %p = @_; say "the relationship name is: $p{rel_name}"; say "the local class is: ", $p{local_source}->result_class; say "the remote class is: ", $p{remote_source}->result_class; say "the local table is: ", $p{local_table}->sql_name; say "the rel columns in the local table are: ", (join ", ", @{$p{local_cols}}); say "the remote table is: ", $p{remote_table}->sql_name; say "the rel columns in the remote table are: ", (join ", ", @{$p{remote_cols}}); if ($p{local_table} eq 'dogs' && @{$p{local_cols}} == 1 && $p{local_cols}[0] eq 'name') { $p{attrs}{could_be_snoopy} = 1; reutrn $p{attrs}; } }, These are the default attributes: has_many => { cascade_delete => 0, cascade_copy => 0, }, might_have => { cascade_delete => 0, cascade_copy => 0, }, belongs_to => { on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', is_deferrable => 1, }, For L relationships, these defaults are overridden by the attributes introspected from the foreign key in the database, if this information is available (and the driver is capable of retrieving it.) This information overrides the defaults mentioned above, and is then itself overridden by the user's L for C if any are specified. In general, for most databases, for a plain foreign key with no rules, the values for a L relationship will be: on_delete => 'NO ACTION', on_update => 'NO ACTION', is_deferrable => 0, In the cases where an attribute is not supported by the DB, a value matching the actual behavior is used, for example Oracle does not support C rules, so C is set to C. This is done so that the behavior of the schema is preserved when cross deploying to a different RDBMS such as SQLite for testing. In the cases where the DB does not support C foreign keys, the value is set to C<1> if L has a working C<< $storage->with_deferred_fk_checks >>. This is done so that the same L code can be used, and cross deployed from and to such databases. =head2 debug If set to true, each constructive L statement the loader decides to execute will be C-ed before execution. =head2 db_schema Set the name of the schema to load (schema in the sense that your database vendor means it). Can be set to an arrayref of schema names for multiple schemas, or the special value C<%> for all schemas. For MSSQL, Sybase ASE, and Informix can be set to a hashref of databases as keys and arrays of owners as values, set to the value: { '%' => '%' } for all owners in all databases. Name clashes resulting from the same table name in different databases/schemas will be resolved automatically by prefixing the moniker with the database and/or schema. To prefix/suffix all monikers with the database and/or schema, see L. =head2 moniker_parts The database table names are represented by the L class in the loader, the L class for Sybase ASE and L for Informix. Monikers are created normally based on just the L property, corresponding to the table name, but can consist of other parts of the fully qualified name of the table. The L option is an arrayref of methods on the table class corresponding to parts of the fully qualified table name, defaulting to C<['name']>, in the order those parts are used to create the moniker name. The C<'name'> entry B be present. Below is a table of supported databases and possible L. =over 4 =item * DB2, Firebird, mysql, Oracle, Pg, SQLAnywhere, SQLite, MS Access C, C =item * Informix, MSSQL, Sybase ASE C, C, C =back =head2 constraint Only load tables matching regex. Best specified as a qr// regex. =head2 exclude Exclude tables matching regex. Best specified as a qr// regex. =head2 moniker_map Overrides the default table name to moniker translation. Can be either a hashref of table keys and moniker values, or a coderef for a translator function taking a L argument (which stringifies to the unqualified table name) and returning a scalar moniker. If the hash entry does not exist, or the function returns a false value, the code falls back to default behavior for that table name. The default behavior is to split on case transition and non-alphanumeric boundaries, singularize the resulting phrase, then join the titlecased words together. Examples: Table Name | Moniker Name --------------------------------- luser | Luser luser_group | LuserGroup luser-opts | LuserOpt stations_visited | StationVisited routeChange | RouteChange =head2 col_accessor_map Same as moniker_map, but for column accessor names. If a coderef is passed, the code is called with arguments of the name of the column in the underlying database, default accessor name that DBICSL would ordinarily give this column, { table_class => name of the DBIC class we are building, table_moniker => calculated moniker for this table (after moniker_map if present), table => table object of interface DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table, full_table_name => schema-qualified name of the database table (RDBMS specific), schema_class => name of the schema class we are building, column_info => hashref of column info (data_type, is_nullable, etc), } the L
stringifies to the unqualified table name. =head2 rel_name_map Similar in idea to moniker_map, but different in the details. It can be a hashref or a code ref. If it is a hashref, keys can be either the default relationship name, or the moniker. The keys that are the default relationship name should map to the name you want to change the relationship to. Keys that are monikers should map to hashes mapping relationship names to their translation. You can do both at once, and the more specific moniker version will be picked up first. So, for instance, you could have { bar => "baz", Foo => { bar => "blat", }, } and relationships that would have been named C will now be named C except that in the table whose moniker is C it will be named C. If it is a coderef, the argument passed will be a hashref of this form: { name => default relationship name, type => the relationship type eg: C, local_class => name of the DBIC class we are building, local_moniker => moniker of the DBIC class we are building, local_columns => columns in this table in the relationship, remote_class => name of the DBIC class we are related to, remote_moniker => moniker of the DBIC class we are related to, remote_columns => columns in the other table in the relationship, } DBICSL will try to use the value returned as the relationship name. =head2 inflect_plural Just like L above (can be hash/code-ref, falls back to default if hash key does not exist or coderef returns false), but acts as a map for pluralizing relationship names. The default behavior is to utilize L. =head2 inflect_singular As L above, but for singularizing relationship names. Default behavior is to utilize L. =head2 schema_base_class Base class for your schema classes. Defaults to 'DBIx::Class::Schema'. =head2 schema_components List of components to load into the Schema class. =head2 result_base_class Base class for your table classes (aka result classes). Defaults to 'DBIx::Class::Core'. =head2 additional_base_classes List of additional base classes all of your table classes will use. =head2 left_base_classes List of additional base classes all of your table classes will use that need to be leftmost. =head2 additional_classes List of additional classes which all of your table classes will use. =head2 components List of additional components to be loaded into all of your Result classes. A good example would be L =head2 result_components_map A hashref of moniker keys and component values. Unlike L, which loads the given components into every Result class, this option allows you to load certain components for specified Result classes. For example: result_components_map => { StationVisited => '+YourApp::Schema::Component::StationVisited', RouteChange => [ '+YourApp::Schema::Component::RouteChange', 'InflateColumn::DateTime', ], } You may use this in conjunction with L. =head2 result_roles List of L roles to be applied to all of your Result classes. =head2 result_roles_map A hashref of moniker keys and role values. Unlike L, which applies the given roles to every Result class, this option allows you to apply certain roles for specified Result classes. For example: result_roles_map => { StationVisited => [ 'YourApp::Role::Building', 'YourApp::Role::Destination', ], RouteChange => 'YourApp::Role::TripEvent', } You may use this in conjunction with L. =head2 use_namespaces This is now the default, to go back to L pass a C<0>. Generate result class names suitable for L and call that instead of L. When using this option you can also specify any of the options for C (i.e. C, C, C), and they will be added to the call (and the generated result class names adjusted appropriately). =head2 dump_directory The value of this option is a perl libdir pathname. Within that directory this module will create a baseline manual L module set, based on what it creates at runtime. The created schema class will have the same classname as the one on which you are setting this option (and the ResultSource classes will be based on this name as well). Normally you wouldn't hard-code this setting in your schema class, as it is meant for one-time manual usage. See L for examples of the recommended way to access this functionality. =head2 dump_overwrite Deprecated. See L below, which does *not* mean the same thing as the old C setting from previous releases. =head2 really_erase_my_files Default false. If true, Loader will unconditionally delete any existing files before creating the new ones from scratch when dumping a schema to disk. The default behavior is instead to only replace the top portion of the file, up to and including the final stanza which contains C<# DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST PART OF THIS FILE> leaving any customizations you placed after that as they were. When C is not set, if the output file already exists, but the aforementioned final stanza is not found, or the checksum contained there does not match the generated contents, Loader will croak and not touch the file. You should really be using version control on your schema classes (and all of the rest of your code for that matter). Don't blame me if a bug in this code wipes something out when it shouldn't have, you've been warned. =head2 overwrite_modifications Default false. If false, when updating existing files, Loader will refuse to modify any Loader-generated code that has been modified since its last run (as determined by the checksum Loader put in its comment lines). If true, Loader will discard any manual modifications that have been made to Loader-generated code. Again, you should be using version control on your schema classes. Be careful with this option. =head2 custom_column_info Hook for adding extra attributes to the L for a column. Must be a coderef that returns a hashref with the extra attributes. Receives the L
(which stringifies to the unqualified table name), column name and column_info. For example: custom_column_info => sub { my ($table, $column_name, $column_info) = @_; if ($column_name eq 'dog' && $column_info->{default_value} eq 'snoopy') { return { is_snoopy => 1 }; } }, This attribute can also be used to set C on a non-datetime column so it also receives the L and/or L. =head2 datetime_timezone Sets the timezone attribute for L for all columns with the DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP data_types. =head2 datetime_locale Sets the locale attribute for L for all columns with the DATE/DATETIME/TIMESTAMP data_types. =head2 datetime_undef_if_invalid Pass a C<0> for this option when using MySQL if you B want C<< datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1 >> in your column info for DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP columns. The default is recommended to deal with data such as C<00/00/00> which sometimes ends up in such columns in MySQL. =head2 config_file File in Perl format, which should return a HASH reference, from which to read loader options. =head2 preserve_case Normally database names are lowercased and split by underscore, use this option if you have CamelCase database names. Drivers for case sensitive databases like Sybase ASE or MSSQL with a case-sensitive collation will turn this option on unconditionally. B L = C is highly recommended with this option as the semantics of this mode are much improved for CamelCase database names. L = C or greater is required with this option. =head2 qualify_objects Set to true to prepend the L to table names for C<< __PACKAGE__->table >> calls, and to some other things like Oracle sequences. This attribute is automatically set to true for multi db_schema configurations, unless explicitly set to false by the user. =head2 use_moose Creates Schema and Result classes that use L, L and L (or L, see below). The default content after the md5 sum also makes the classes immutable. It is safe to upgrade your existing Schema to this option. =head2 only_autoclean By default, we use L to remove imported functions from your generated classes. It uses L to do this, after telling your object's metaclass that any operator Ls in your class are methods, which will cause namespace::autoclean to spare them from removal. This prevents the "Hey, where'd my overloads go?!" effect. If you don't care about operator overloads, enabling this option falls back to just using L itself. If none of the above made any sense, or you don't have some pressing need to only use L, leaving this set to the default is recommended. =head2 col_collision_map This option controls how accessors for column names which collide with perl methods are named. See L for more information. This option takes either a single L format or a hashref of strings which are compiled to regular expressions that map to L formats. Examples: col_collision_map => 'column_%s' col_collision_map => { '(.*)' => 'column_%s' } col_collision_map => { '(foo).*(bar)' => 'column_%s_%s' } =head2 rel_collision_map Works just like L, but for relationship names/accessors rather than column names/accessors. The default is to just append C<_rel> to the relationship name, see L. =head2 uniq_to_primary Automatically promotes the largest unique constraints with non-nullable columns on tables to primary keys, assuming there is only one largest unique constraint. =head2 filter_generated_code An optional hook that lets you filter the generated text for various classes through a function that change it in any way that you want. The function will receive the type of file, C or C, class and code; and returns the new code to use instead. For instance you could add custom comments, or do anything else that you want. The option can also be set to a string, which is then used as a filter program, e.g. C. If this exists but fails to return text matching C, no file will be generated. filter_generated_code => sub { my ($type, $class, $text) = @_; ... return $new_code; } =head1 METHODS None of these methods are intended for direct invocation by regular users of L. Some are proxied via L. =cut # ensure that a peice of object data is a valid arrayref, creating # an empty one or encapsulating whatever's there. sub _ensure_arrayref { my $self = shift; foreach (@_) { $self->{$_} ||= []; $self->{$_} = [ $self->{$_} ] unless ref $self->{$_} eq 'ARRAY'; } } =head2 new Constructor for L, used internally by L. =cut sub new { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; if (exists $args{column_accessor_map}) { $args{col_accessor_map} = delete $args{column_accessor_map}; } my $self = { %args }; # don't lose undef options for (values %$self) { $_ = 0 unless defined $_; } bless $self => $class; if (my $config_file = $self->config_file) { my $config_opts = do $config_file; croak "Error reading config from $config_file: $@" if $@; croak "Config file $config_file must be a hashref" unless ref($config_opts) eq 'HASH'; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$config_opts) { $self->{$k} = $v unless exists $self->{$k}; } } if (defined $self->{result_component_map}) { if (defined $self->result_components_map) { croak "Specify only one of result_components_map or result_component_map"; } $self->result_components_map($self->{result_component_map}) } if (defined $self->{result_role_map}) { if (defined $self->result_roles_map) { croak "Specify only one of result_roles_map or result_role_map"; } $self->result_roles_map($self->{result_role_map}) } croak "the result_roles and result_roles_map options may only be used in conjunction with use_moose=1" if ((not defined $self->use_moose) || (not $self->use_moose)) && ((defined $self->result_roles) || (defined $self->result_roles_map)); $self->_ensure_arrayref(qw/schema_components additional_classes additional_base_classes left_base_classes components result_roles /); $self->_validate_class_args; croak "result_components_map must be a hash" if defined $self->result_components_map && ref $self->result_components_map ne 'HASH'; if ($self->result_components_map) { my %rc_map = %{ $self->result_components_map }; foreach my $moniker (keys %rc_map) { $rc_map{$moniker} = [ $rc_map{$moniker} ] unless ref $rc_map{$moniker}; } $self->result_components_map(\%rc_map); } else { $self->result_components_map({}); } $self->_validate_result_components_map; croak "result_roles_map must be a hash" if defined $self->result_roles_map && ref $self->result_roles_map ne 'HASH'; if ($self->result_roles_map) { my %rr_map = %{ $self->result_roles_map }; foreach my $moniker (keys %rr_map) { $rr_map{$moniker} = [ $rr_map{$moniker} ] unless ref $rr_map{$moniker}; } $self->result_roles_map(\%rr_map); } else { $self->result_roles_map({}); } $self->_validate_result_roles_map; if ($self->use_moose) { if (not DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for('use_moose')) { die sprintf "You must install the following CPAN modules to enable the use_moose option: %s.\n", DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for('use_moose'); } } $self->{_tables} = {}; $self->{monikers} = {}; $self->{moniker_to_table} = {}; $self->{class_to_table} = {}; $self->{classes} = {}; $self->{_upgrading_classes} = {}; $self->{schema_class} ||= ( ref $self->{schema} || $self->{schema} ); $self->{schema} ||= $self->{schema_class}; $self->{table_comments_table} ||= 'table_comments'; $self->{column_comments_table} ||= 'column_comments'; croak "dump_overwrite is deprecated. Please read the" . " DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base documentation" if $self->{dump_overwrite}; $self->{dynamic} = ! $self->{dump_directory}; $self->{temp_directory} ||= File::Temp::tempdir( 'dbicXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1, ); $self->{dump_directory} ||= $self->{temp_directory}; $self->real_dump_directory($self->{dump_directory}); $self->version_to_dump($DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::VERSION); $self->schema_version_to_dump($DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::VERSION); if (not defined $self->naming) { $self->naming_set(0); } else { $self->naming_set(1); } if ((not ref $self->naming) && defined $self->naming) { my $naming_ver = $self->naming; $self->{naming} = { relationships => $naming_ver, monikers => $naming_ver, column_accessors => $naming_ver, }; } elsif (ref $self->naming eq 'HASH' && exists $self->naming->{ALL}) { my $val = delete $self->naming->{ALL}; $self->naming->{$_} = $val foreach qw/relationships monikers column_accessors/; } if ($self->naming) { foreach my $key (qw/relationships monikers column_accessors/) { $self->naming->{$key} = $CURRENT_V if ($self->naming->{$key}||'') eq 'current'; } } $self->{naming} ||= {}; if ($self->custom_column_info && ref $self->custom_column_info ne 'CODE') { croak 'custom_column_info must be a CODE ref'; } $self->_check_back_compat; $self->use_namespaces(1) unless defined $self->use_namespaces; $self->generate_pod(1) unless defined $self->generate_pod; $self->pod_comment_mode('auto') unless defined $self->pod_comment_mode; $self->pod_comment_spillover_length(60) unless defined $self->pod_comment_spillover_length; if (my $col_collision_map = $self->col_collision_map) { if (my $reftype = ref $col_collision_map) { if ($reftype ne 'HASH') { croak "Invalid type $reftype for option 'col_collision_map'"; } } else { $self->col_collision_map({ '(.*)' => $col_collision_map }); } } if (my $rel_collision_map = $self->rel_collision_map) { if (my $reftype = ref $rel_collision_map) { if ($reftype ne 'HASH') { croak "Invalid type $reftype for option 'rel_collision_map'"; } } else { $self->rel_collision_map({ '(.*)' => $rel_collision_map }); } } if (defined(my $rel_name_map = $self->rel_name_map)) { my $reftype = ref $rel_name_map; if ($reftype ne 'HASH' && $reftype ne 'CODE') { croak "Invalid type $reftype for option 'rel_name_map', must be HASH or CODE"; } } if (defined(my $filter = $self->filter_generated_code)) { my $reftype = ref $filter; if ($reftype && $reftype ne 'CODE') { croak "Invalid type $reftype for option 'filter_generated_code, must be a scalar or a CODE reference"; } } if (defined $self->db_schema) { if (ref $self->db_schema eq 'ARRAY') { if (@{ $self->db_schema } > 1 && not defined $self->{qualify_objects}) { $self->{qualify_objects} = 1; } elsif (@{ $self->db_schema } == 0) { $self->{db_schema} = undef; } } elsif (not ref $self->db_schema) { if ($self->db_schema eq '%' && not defined $self->{qualify_objects}) { $self->{qualify_objects} = 1; } $self->{db_schema} = [ $self->db_schema ]; } } if (not $self->moniker_parts) { $self->moniker_parts(['name']); } else { if (not ref $self->moniker_parts) { $self->moniker_parts([ $self->moniker_parts ]); } if (ref $self->moniker_parts ne 'ARRAY') { croak 'moniker_parts must be an arrayref'; } if ((firstidx { $_ eq 'name' } @{ $self->moniker_parts }) == -1) { croak "moniker_parts option *must* contain 'name'"; } } return $self; } sub _check_back_compat { my ($self) = @_; # dynamic schemas will always be in 0.04006 mode, unless overridden if ($self->dynamic) { # just in case, though no one is likely to dump a dynamic schema $self->schema_version_to_dump('0.04006'); if (not $self->naming_set) { warn <_upgrading_from('v4'); } if ((not defined $self->use_namespaces) && ($self->naming_set)) { $self->use_namespaces(1); } $self->naming->{relationships} ||= 'v4'; $self->naming->{monikers} ||= 'v4'; if ($self->use_namespaces) { $self->_upgrading_from_load_classes(1); } else { $self->use_namespaces(0); } return; } # otherwise check if we need backcompat mode for a static schema my $filename = $self->get_dump_filename($self->schema_class); return unless -e $filename; my ($old_gen, $old_md5, $old_ver, $old_ts, $old_custom) = $self->_parse_generated_file($filename); return unless $old_ver; # determine if the existing schema was dumped with use_moose => 1 if (! defined $self->use_moose) { $self->{use_moose} = 1 if $old_gen =~ /^ (?!\s*\#) use \s+ Moose/xm; } my $load_classes = ($old_gen =~ /^__PACKAGE__->load_classes;/m) ? 1 : 0; my $result_namespace = do { ($old_gen =~ /result_namespace => (.+)/) ? $1 : '' }; my $ds = eval $result_namespace; die <<"EOF" if $@; Could not eval expression '$result_namespace' for result_namespace from $filename: $@ EOF $result_namespace = $ds || ''; if ($load_classes && (not defined $self->use_namespaces)) { warn <<"EOF" unless $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_BACKCOMPAT}; 'load_classes;' static schema detected, turning off 'use_namespaces'. Set the 'use_namespaces' attribute or the SCHEMA_LOADER_BACKCOMPAT environment variable to disable this warning. See perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Manual::UpgradingFromV4 for more details. EOF $self->use_namespaces(0); } elsif ($load_classes && $self->use_namespaces) { $self->_upgrading_from_load_classes(1); } elsif ((not $load_classes) && defined $self->use_namespaces && ! $self->use_namespaces) { $self->_downgrading_to_load_classes( $result_namespace || 'Result' ); } elsif ((not defined $self->use_namespaces) || $self->use_namespaces) { if (not $self->result_namespace) { $self->result_namespace($result_namespace || 'Result'); } elsif ($result_namespace ne $self->result_namespace) { $self->_rewriting_result_namespace( $result_namespace || 'Result' ); } } # XXX when we go past .0 this will need fixing my ($v) = $old_ver =~ /([1-9])/; $v = "v$v"; return if ($v eq $CURRENT_V || $old_ver =~ /^0\.\d\d999/); if (not %{ $self->naming }) { warn <<"EOF" unless $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_BACKCOMPAT}; Version $old_ver static schema detected, turning on backcompat mode. Set the 'naming' attribute or the SCHEMA_LOADER_BACKCOMPAT environment variable to disable this warning. See: 'naming' in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . See perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Manual::UpgradingFromV4 if upgrading from version 0.04006. EOF $self->naming->{relationships} ||= $v; $self->naming->{monikers} ||= $v; $self->naming->{column_accessors} ||= $v; $self->schema_version_to_dump($old_ver); } else { $self->_upgrading_from($v); } } sub _validate_class_args { my $self = shift; foreach my $k (@CLASS_ARGS) { next unless $self->$k; my @classes = ref $self->$k eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $self->$k } : $self->$k; $self->_validate_classes($k, \@classes); } } sub _validate_result_components_map { my $self = shift; foreach my $classes (values %{ $self->result_components_map }) { $self->_validate_classes('result_components_map', $classes); } } sub _validate_result_roles_map { my $self = shift; foreach my $classes (values %{ $self->result_roles_map }) { $self->_validate_classes('result_roles_map', $classes); } } sub _validate_classes { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $classes = shift; # make a copy to not destroy original my @classes = @$classes; foreach my $c (@classes) { # components default to being under the DBIx::Class namespace unless they # are preceeded with a '+' if ( $key =~ m/component/ && $c !~ s/^\+// ) { $c = 'DBIx::Class::' . $c; } # 1 == installed, 0 == not installed, undef == invalid classname my $installed = Class::Inspector->installed($c); if ( defined($installed) ) { if ( $installed == 0 ) { croak qq/$c, as specified in the loader option "$key", is not installed/; } } else { croak qq/$c, as specified in the loader option "$key", is an invalid class name/; } } } sub _find_file_in_inc { my ($self, $file) = @_; foreach my $prefix (@INC) { my $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, $file); return $fullpath if -f $fullpath # abs_path throws on Windows for nonexistant files and (try { Cwd::abs_path($fullpath) }) ne ((try { Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->catfile($self->dump_directory, $file)) }) || ''); } return; } sub _find_class_in_inc { my ($self, $class) = @_; return $self->_find_file_in_inc(class_path($class)); } sub _rewriting { my $self = shift; return $self->_upgrading_from || $self->_upgrading_from_load_classes || $self->_downgrading_to_load_classes || $self->_rewriting_result_namespace ; } sub _rewrite_old_classnames { my ($self, $code) = @_; return $code unless $self->_rewriting; my %old_classes = reverse %{ $self->_upgrading_classes }; my $re = join '|', keys %old_classes; $re = qr/\b($re)\b/; $code =~ s/$re/$old_classes{$1} || $1/eg; return $code; } sub _load_external { my ($self, $class) = @_; return if $self->{skip_load_external}; # so that we don't load our own classes, under any circumstances local *INC = [ grep $_ ne $self->dump_directory, @INC ]; my $real_inc_path = $self->_find_class_in_inc($class); my $old_class = $self->_upgrading_classes->{$class} if $self->_rewriting; my $old_real_inc_path = $self->_find_class_in_inc($old_class) if $old_class && $old_class ne $class; return unless $real_inc_path || $old_real_inc_path; if ($real_inc_path) { # If we make it to here, we loaded an external definition warn qq/# Loaded external class definition for '$class'\n/ if $self->debug; my $code = $self->_rewrite_old_classnames(slurp_file $real_inc_path); if ($self->dynamic) { # load the class too eval_package_without_redefine_warnings($class, $code); } $self->_ext_stmt($class, qq|# These lines were loaded from '$real_inc_path' found in \@INC.\n| .qq|# They are now part of the custom portion of this file\n| .qq|# for you to hand-edit. If you do not either delete\n| .qq|# this section or remove that file from \@INC, this section\n| .qq|# will be repeated redundantly when you re-create this\n| .qq|# file again via Loader! See skip_load_external to disable\n| .qq|# this feature.\n| ); chomp $code; $self->_ext_stmt($class, $code); $self->_ext_stmt($class, qq|# End of lines loaded from '$real_inc_path' | ); } if ($old_real_inc_path) { my $code = slurp_file $old_real_inc_path; $self->_ext_stmt($class, <<"EOF"); # These lines were loaded from '$old_real_inc_path', # based on the Result class name that would have been created by an older # version of the Loader. For a static schema, this happens only once during # upgrade. See skip_load_external to disable this feature. EOF $code = $self->_rewrite_old_classnames($code); if ($self->dynamic) { warn <<"EOF"; Detected external content in '$old_real_inc_path', a class name that would have been used by an older version of the Loader. * PLEASE RENAME THIS CLASS: from '$old_class' to '$class', as that is the new name of the Result. EOF eval_package_without_redefine_warnings($class, $code); } chomp $code; $self->_ext_stmt($class, $code); $self->_ext_stmt($class, qq|# End of lines loaded from '$old_real_inc_path' | ); } } =head2 load Does the actual schema-construction work. =cut sub load { my $self = shift; $self->_load_tables( $self->_tables_list({ constraint => $self->constraint, exclude => $self->exclude }) ); } =head2 rescan Arguments: schema Rescan the database for changes. Returns a list of the newly added table monikers. The schema argument should be the schema class or object to be affected. It should probably be derived from the original schema_class used during L. =cut sub rescan { my ($self, $schema) = @_; $self->{schema} = $schema; $self->_relbuilder->{schema} = $schema; my @created; my @current = $self->_tables_list({ constraint => $self->constraint, exclude => $self->exclude }); foreach my $table (@current) { if(!exists $self->_tables->{$table->sql_name}) { push(@created, $table); } } my %current; @current{map $_->sql_name, @current} = (); foreach my $table (values %{ $self->_tables }) { if (not exists $current{$table->sql_name}) { $self->_remove_table($table); } } delete @$self{qw/_dump_storage _relations_started _uniqs_started/}; my $loaded = $self->_load_tables(@current); foreach my $table (@created) { $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name} = $self->_table2moniker($table); } return map { $self->monikers->{$_->sql_name} } @created; } sub _relbuilder { my ($self) = @_; return if $self->{skip_relationships}; return $self->{relbuilder} ||= do { my $relbuilder_suff = {qw{ v4 ::Compat::v0_040 v5 ::Compat::v0_05 v6 ::Compat::v0_06 v7 ::Compat::v0_07 }} ->{$self->naming->{relationships}||$CURRENT_V} || ''; my $relbuilder_class = 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder'.$relbuilder_suff; $self->ensure_class_loaded($relbuilder_class); $relbuilder_class->new($self); }; } sub _load_tables { my ($self, @tables) = @_; # Save the new tables to the tables list and compute monikers foreach (@tables) { $self->_tables->{$_->sql_name} = $_; $self->monikers->{$_->sql_name} = $self->_table2moniker($_); } # check for moniker clashes my $inverse_moniker_idx; foreach my $imtable (values %{ $self->_tables }) { push @{ $inverse_moniker_idx->{$self->monikers->{$imtable->sql_name}} }, $imtable; } my @clashes; foreach my $moniker (keys %$inverse_moniker_idx) { my $imtables = $inverse_moniker_idx->{$moniker}; if (@$imtables > 1) { my $different_databases = $imtables->[0]->can('database') && (uniq map $_->database||'', @$imtables) > 1; my $different_schemas = (uniq map $_->schema||'', @$imtables) > 1; if ($different_databases || $different_schemas) { my ($use_schema, $use_database) = (1, 0); if ($different_databases) { $use_database = 1; # If any monikers are in the same database, we have to distinguish by # both schema and database. my %db_counts; $db_counts{$_}++ for map $_->database, @$imtables; $use_schema = any { $_ > 1 } values %db_counts; } foreach my $tbl (@$imtables) { delete $self->monikers->{$tbl->sql_name}; } my $moniker_parts = [ @{ $self->moniker_parts } ]; my $have_schema = 1 if any { $_ eq 'schema' } @{ $self->moniker_parts }; my $have_database = 1 if any { $_ eq 'database' } @{ $self->moniker_parts }; unshift @$moniker_parts, 'schema' if $use_schema && !$have_schema; unshift @$moniker_parts, 'database' if $use_database && !$have_database; local $self->{moniker_parts} = $moniker_parts; my %new_monikers; foreach my $tbl (@$imtables) { $new_monikers{$tbl->sql_name} = $self->_table2moniker($tbl); } foreach my $name (map $_->sql_name, @$imtables) { $self->monikers->{$name} = $new_monikers{$name}; } # check if there are still clashes my %by_moniker; while (my ($t, $m) = each %new_monikers) { push @{ $by_moniker{$m} }, $t; } foreach my $m (grep @{ $by_moniker{$_} } > 1, keys %by_moniker) { push @clashes, sprintf ("tried disambiguating by moniker_parts, but tables %s still reduced to the same source moniker '%s'", join (', ', @{ $by_moniker{$m} }), $m, ); } } else { push @clashes, sprintf ("tables %s reduced to the same source moniker '%s'", join (', ', map $_->sql_name, @$imtables), $moniker, ); } } } if (@clashes) { die 'Unable to load schema - chosen moniker/class naming style results in moniker clashes. ' . 'Change the naming style, or supply an explicit moniker_map: ' . join ('; ', @clashes) . "\n" ; } foreach my $tbl (@tables) { $self->_make_src_class($tbl); } foreach my $tbl (@tables) { $self->_setup_src_meta($tbl); } if(!$self->skip_relationships) { # The relationship loader needs a working schema local $self->{quiet} = 1; local $self->{dump_directory} = $self->{temp_directory}; $self->_reload_classes(\@tables); $self->_load_relationships(\@tables); # Remove that temp dir from INC so it doesn't get reloaded @INC = grep $_ ne $self->dump_directory, @INC; } foreach my $tbl (@tables) { $self->_load_roles($tbl); } foreach my $tbl (map { $self->classes->{$_->sql_name} } @tables) { $self->_load_external($tbl); } # Reload without unloading first to preserve any symbols from external # packages. $self->_reload_classes(\@tables, { unload => 0 }); # Drop temporary cache delete $self->{_cache}; return \@tables; } sub _reload_classes { my ($self, $tables, $opts) = @_; my @tables = @$tables; my $unload = $opts->{unload}; $unload = 1 unless defined $unload; # so that we don't repeat custom sections @INC = grep $_ ne $self->dump_directory, @INC; $self->_dump_to_dir(map { $self->classes->{$_->sql_name} } @tables); unshift @INC, $self->dump_directory; my @to_register; my %have_source = map { $_ => $self->schema->source($_) } $self->schema->sources; for my $table (@tables) { my $moniker = $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}; my $class = $self->classes->{$table->sql_name}; { no warnings 'redefine'; local *Class::C3::reinitialize = sub {}; # to speed things up, reinitialized below use warnings; if (my $mc = $self->_moose_metaclass($class)) { $mc->make_mutable; } Class::Unload->unload($class) if $unload; my ($source, $resultset_class); if ( ($source = $have_source{$moniker}) && ($resultset_class = $source->resultset_class) && ($resultset_class ne 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet') ) { my $has_file = Class::Inspector->loaded_filename($resultset_class); if (my $mc = $self->_moose_metaclass($resultset_class)) { $mc->make_mutable; } Class::Unload->unload($resultset_class) if $unload; $self->_reload_class($resultset_class) if $has_file; } $self->_reload_class($class); } push @to_register, [$moniker, $class]; } Class::C3->reinitialize; for (@to_register) { $self->schema->register_class(@$_); } } sub _moose_metaclass { return undef unless $INC{'Class/'}; # if CMOP is not loaded the class could not have loaded in the 1st place my $class = $_[1]; my $mc = try { Class::MOP::class_of($class) } or return undef; return $mc->isa('Moose::Meta::Class') ? $mc : undef; } # We use this instead of ensure_class_loaded when there are package symbols we # want to preserve. sub _reload_class { my ($self, $class) = @_; delete $INC{ +class_path($class) }; try { eval_package_without_redefine_warnings ($class, "require $class"); } catch { my $source = slurp_file $self->_get_dump_filename($class); die "Failed to reload class $class: $_.\n\nCLASS SOURCE:\n\n$source"; }; } sub _get_dump_filename { my ($self, $class) = (@_); $class =~ s{::}{/}g; return $self->dump_directory . q{/} . $class . q{.pm}; } =head2 get_dump_filename Arguments: class Returns the full path to the file for a class that the class has been or will be dumped to. This is a file in a temp dir for a dynamic schema. =cut sub get_dump_filename { my ($self, $class) = (@_); local $self->{dump_directory} = $self->real_dump_directory; return $self->_get_dump_filename($class); } sub _ensure_dump_subdirs { my ($self, $class) = (@_); my @name_parts = split(/::/, $class); pop @name_parts; # we don't care about the very last element, # which is a filename my $dir = $self->dump_directory; while (1) { if(!-d $dir) { mkdir($dir) or croak "mkdir('$dir') failed: $!"; } last if !@name_parts; $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, shift @name_parts); } } sub _dump_to_dir { my ($self, @classes) = @_; my $schema_class = $self->schema_class; my $schema_base_class = $self->schema_base_class || 'DBIx::Class::Schema'; my $target_dir = $self->dump_directory; warn "Dumping manual schema for $schema_class to directory $target_dir ...\n" unless $self->dynamic or $self->quiet; my $schema_text = qq|use utf8;\n| . qq|package $schema_class;\n\n| . qq|# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader\n| . qq|# DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST PART OF THIS FILE\n\n|; my $autoclean = $self->only_autoclean ? 'namespace::autoclean' : 'MooseX::MarkAsMethods autoclean => 1' ; if ($self->use_moose) { $schema_text.= qq|use Moose;\nuse $autoclean;\nextends '$schema_base_class';\n\n|; } else { $schema_text .= qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\nuse base '$schema_base_class';\n\n|; } my @schema_components = @{ $self->schema_components || [] }; if (@schema_components) { my $schema_components = dump @schema_components; $schema_components = "($schema_components)" if @schema_components == 1; $schema_text .= "__PACKAGE__->load_components${schema_components};\n\n"; } if ($self->use_namespaces) { $schema_text .= qq|__PACKAGE__->load_namespaces|; my $namespace_options; my @attr = qw/resultset_namespace default_resultset_class/; unshift @attr, 'result_namespace' unless (not $self->result_namespace) || $self->result_namespace eq 'Result'; for my $attr (@attr) { if ($self->$attr) { my $code = dumper_squashed $self->$attr; $namespace_options .= qq| $attr => $code,\n| } } $schema_text .= qq|(\n$namespace_options)| if $namespace_options; $schema_text .= qq|;\n|; } else { $schema_text .= qq|__PACKAGE__->load_classes;\n|; } { local $self->{version_to_dump} = $self->schema_version_to_dump; $self->_write_classfile($schema_class, $schema_text, 1); } my $result_base_class = $self->result_base_class || 'DBIx::Class::Core'; foreach my $src_class (@classes) { my $src_text = qq|use utf8;\n| . qq|package $src_class;\n\n| . qq|# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader\n| . qq|# DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST PART OF THIS FILE\n\n|; $src_text .= $self->_make_pod_heading($src_class); $src_text .= qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|; $src_text .= $self->_base_class_pod($result_base_class) unless $result_base_class eq 'DBIx::Class::Core'; if ($self->use_moose) { $src_text.= qq|use Moose;\nuse MooseX::NonMoose;\nuse $autoclean;|; # these options 'use base' which is compile time if (@{ $self->left_base_classes } || @{ $self->additional_base_classes }) { $src_text .= qq|\nBEGIN { extends '$result_base_class' }\n|; } else { $src_text .= qq|\nextends '$result_base_class';\n|; } } else { $src_text .= qq|use base '$result_base_class';\n|; } $self->_write_classfile($src_class, $src_text); } # remove Result dir if downgrading from use_namespaces, and there are no # files left. if (my $result_ns = $self->_downgrading_to_load_classes || $self->_rewriting_result_namespace) { my $result_namespace = $self->_result_namespace( $schema_class, $result_ns, ); (my $result_dir = $result_namespace) =~ s{::}{/}g; $result_dir = $self->dump_directory . '/' . $result_dir; unless (my @files = glob "$result_dir/*") { rmdir $result_dir; } } warn "Schema dump completed.\n" unless $self->dynamic or $self->quiet; } sub _sig_comment { my ($self, $version, $ts) = @_; return qq|\n\n# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader| . qq| v| . $version . q| @ | . $ts . qq|\n# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:|; } sub _write_classfile { my ($self, $class, $text, $is_schema) = @_; my $filename = $self->_get_dump_filename($class); $self->_ensure_dump_subdirs($class); if (-f $filename && $self->really_erase_my_files) { warn "Deleting existing file '$filename' due to " . "'really_erase_my_files' setting\n" unless $self->quiet; unlink($filename); } my ($old_gen, $old_md5, $old_ver, $old_ts, $old_custom) = $self->_parse_generated_file($filename); if (! $old_gen && -f $filename) { croak "Cannot overwrite '$filename' without 'really_erase_my_files'," . " it does not appear to have been generated by Loader" } my $custom_content = $old_custom || ''; # Use custom content from a renamed class, the class names in it are # rewritten below. if (my $renamed_class = $self->_upgrading_classes->{$class}) { my $old_filename = $self->_get_dump_filename($renamed_class); if (-f $old_filename) { $custom_content = ($self->_parse_generated_file ($old_filename))[4]; unlink $old_filename; } } $custom_content ||= $self->_default_custom_content($is_schema); # If upgrading to use_moose=1 replace default custom content with default Moose custom content. # If there is already custom content, which does not have the Moose content, add it. if ($self->use_moose) { my $non_moose_custom_content = do { local $self->{use_moose} = 0; $self->_default_custom_content; }; if ($custom_content eq $non_moose_custom_content) { $custom_content = $self->_default_custom_content($is_schema); } elsif ($custom_content !~ /\Q@{[$self->_default_moose_custom_content($is_schema)]}\E/) { $custom_content .= $self->_default_custom_content($is_schema); } } elsif (defined $self->use_moose && $old_gen) { croak 'It is not possible to "downgrade" a schema that was loaded with use_moose => 1 to use_moose => 0, due to differing custom content' if $old_gen =~ /use \s+ MooseX?\b/x; } $custom_content = $self->_rewrite_old_classnames($custom_content); $text .= qq|$_\n| for @{$self->{_dump_storage}->{$class} || []}; if ($self->filter_generated_code) { my $filter = $self->filter_generated_code; if (ref $filter eq 'CODE') { $text = $filter->( ($is_schema ? 'schema' : 'result'), $class, $text ); } else { my ($fh, $temp_file) = tempfile(); binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; print $fh $text; close $fh; open my $out, qq{$filter < "$temp_file"|} or croak "Could not open pipe to $filter: $!"; $text = decode('UTF-8', do { local $/; <$out> }); $text =~ s/$CR?$LF/\n/g; close $out; my $exit_code = $? >> 8; unlink $temp_file or croak "Could not remove temporary file '$temp_file': $!"; if ($exit_code != 0) { croak "filter '$filter' exited non-zero: $exit_code"; } } if (not $text or not $text =~ /\bpackage\b/) { warn("$class skipped due to filter") if $self->debug; return; } } # Check and see if the dump is in fact different my $compare_to; if ($old_md5) { $compare_to = $text . $self->_sig_comment($old_ver, $old_ts); if (Digest::MD5::md5_base64(encode 'UTF-8', $compare_to) eq $old_md5) { return unless $self->_upgrading_from && $is_schema; } } $text .= $self->_sig_comment( $self->version_to_dump, POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime) ); open(my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename) or croak "Cannot open '$filename' for writing: $!"; # Write the top half and its MD5 sum print $fh $text . Digest::MD5::md5_base64(encode 'UTF-8', $text) . "\n"; # Write out anything loaded via external partial class file in @INC print $fh qq|$_\n| for @{$self->{_ext_storage}->{$class} || []}; # Write out any custom content the user has added print $fh $custom_content; close($fh) or croak "Error closing '$filename': $!"; } sub _default_moose_custom_content { my ($self, $is_schema) = @_; if (not $is_schema) { return qq|\n__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;|; } return qq|\n__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);|; } sub _default_custom_content { my ($self, $is_schema) = @_; my $default = qq|\n\n# You can replace this text with custom| . qq| code or comments, and it will be preserved on regeneration|; if ($self->use_moose) { $default .= $self->_default_moose_custom_content($is_schema); } $default .= qq|\n1;\n|; return $default; } sub _parse_generated_file { my ($self, $fn) = @_; return unless -f $fn; open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $fn) or croak "Cannot open '$fn' for reading: $!"; my $mark_re = qr{^(# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:)([A-Za-z0-9/+]{22})\r?\n}; my ($md5, $ts, $ver, $gen); while(<$fh>) { if(/$mark_re/) { my $pre_md5 = $1; $md5 = $2; # Pull out the version and timestamp from the line above ($ver, $ts) = $gen =~ m/^# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v(.*?) @ (.*?)\r?\Z/m; $gen .= $pre_md5; croak "Checksum mismatch in '$fn', the auto-generated part of the file has been modified outside of this loader. Aborting.\nIf you want to overwrite these modifications, set the 'overwrite_modifications' loader option.\n" if !$self->overwrite_modifications && Digest::MD5::md5_base64(encode 'UTF-8', $gen) ne $md5; last; } else { $gen .= $_; } } my $custom = do { local $/; <$fh> } if $md5; $custom ||= ''; $custom =~ s/$CRLF|$LF/\n/g; close $fh; return ($gen, $md5, $ver, $ts, $custom); } sub _use { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; foreach (@_) { warn "$target: use $_;" if $self->debug; $self->_raw_stmt($target, "use $_;"); } } sub _inject { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; my $blist = join(q{ }, @_); return unless $blist; warn "$target: use base qw/$blist/;" if $self->debug; $self->_raw_stmt($target, "use base qw/$blist/;"); } sub _with { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; my $rlist = join(q{, }, map { qq{'$_'} } @_); return unless $rlist; warn "$target: with $rlist;" if $self->debug; $self->_raw_stmt($target, "\nwith $rlist;"); } sub _result_namespace { my ($self, $schema_class, $ns) = @_; my @result_namespace; $ns = $ns->[0] if ref $ns; if ($ns =~ /^\+(.*)/) { # Fully qualified namespace @result_namespace = ($1) } else { # Relative namespace @result_namespace = ($schema_class, $ns); } return wantarray ? @result_namespace : join '::', @result_namespace; } # Create class with applicable bases, setup monikers, etc sub _make_src_class { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $schema = $self->schema; my $schema_class = $self->schema_class; my $table_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}; my @result_namespace = ($schema_class); if ($self->use_namespaces) { my $result_namespace = $self->result_namespace || 'Result'; @result_namespace = $self->_result_namespace( $schema_class, $result_namespace, ); } my $table_class = join(q{::}, @result_namespace, $table_moniker); if ((my $upgrading_v = $self->_upgrading_from) || $self->_rewriting) { local $self->naming->{monikers} = $upgrading_v if $upgrading_v; my @result_namespace = @result_namespace; if ($self->_upgrading_from_load_classes) { @result_namespace = ($schema_class); } elsif (my $ns = $self->_downgrading_to_load_classes) { @result_namespace = $self->_result_namespace( $schema_class, $ns, ); } elsif ($ns = $self->_rewriting_result_namespace) { @result_namespace = $self->_result_namespace( $schema_class, $ns, ); } my $old_table_moniker = do { local $self->naming->{monikers} = $upgrading_v; $self->_table2moniker($table); }; my $old_class = join(q{::}, @result_namespace, $old_table_moniker); $self->_upgrading_classes->{$table_class} = $old_class unless $table_class eq $old_class; } $self->classes->{$table->sql_name} = $table_class; $self->moniker_to_table->{$table_moniker} = $table; $self->class_to_table->{$table_class} = $table; $self->_pod_class_list($table_class, 'ADDITIONAL CLASSES USED', @{$self->additional_classes}); $self->_use ($table_class, @{$self->additional_classes}); $self->_pod_class_list($table_class, 'LEFT BASE CLASSES', @{$self->left_base_classes}); $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->left_base_classes}); my @components = @{ $self->components || [] }; push @components, @{ $self->result_components_map->{$table_moniker} } if exists $self->result_components_map->{$table_moniker}; my @fq_components = @components; foreach my $component (@fq_components) { if ($component !~ s/^\+//) { $component = "DBIx::Class::$component"; } } $self->_pod_class_list($table_class, 'COMPONENTS LOADED', @fq_components); $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'load_components', @components) if @components; $self->_pod_class_list($table_class, 'ADDITIONAL BASE CLASSES', @{$self->additional_base_classes}); $self->_inject($table_class, @{$self->additional_base_classes}); } sub _is_result_class_method { my ($self, $name, $table) = @_; my $table_moniker = $table ? $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name} : ''; $self->_result_class_methods({}) if not defined $self->_result_class_methods; if (not exists $self->_result_class_methods->{$table_moniker}) { my (@methods, %methods); my $base = $self->result_base_class || 'DBIx::Class::Core'; my @components = @{ $self->components || [] }; push @components, @{ $self->result_components_map->{$table_moniker} } if exists $self->result_components_map->{$table_moniker}; for my $c (@components) { $c = $c =~ /^\+/ ? substr($c,1) : "DBIx::Class::$c"; } my @roles = @{ $self->result_roles || [] }; push @roles, @{ $self->result_roles_map->{$table_moniker} } if exists $self->result_roles_map->{$table_moniker}; for my $class ($base, @components, ($self->use_moose ? 'Moose::Object' : ()), @roles) { $self->ensure_class_loaded($class); push @methods, @{ Class::Inspector->methods($class) || [] }; } push @methods, @{ Class::Inspector->methods('UNIVERSAL') }; @methods{@methods} = (); $self->_result_class_methods->{$table_moniker} = \%methods; } my $result_methods = $self->_result_class_methods->{$table_moniker}; return exists $result_methods->{$name}; } sub _resolve_col_accessor_collisions { my ($self, $table, $col_info) = @_; while (my ($col, $info) = each %$col_info) { my $accessor = $info->{accessor} || $col; next if $accessor eq 'id'; # special case (very common column) if ($self->_is_result_class_method($accessor, $table)) { my $mapped = 0; if (my $map = $self->col_collision_map) { for my $re (keys %$map) { if (my @matches = $col =~ /$re/) { $info->{accessor} = sprintf $map->{$re}, @matches; $mapped = 1; } } } if (not $mapped) { warn <<"EOF"; Column '$col' in table '$table' collides with an inherited method. See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base . EOF $info->{accessor} = undef; } } } } # use the same logic to run moniker_map, col_accessor_map sub _run_user_map { my ( $self, $map, $default_code, $ident, @extra ) = @_; my $default_ident = $default_code->( $ident, @extra ); my $new_ident; if( $map && ref $map eq 'HASH' ) { $new_ident = $map->{ $ident }; } elsif( $map && ref $map eq 'CODE' ) { $new_ident = $map->( $ident, $default_ident, @extra ); } $new_ident ||= $default_ident; return $new_ident; } sub _default_column_accessor_name { my ( $self, $column_name ) = @_; my $preserve = ($self->naming->{column_accessors}||'') eq 'preserve'; my $v = $self->_get_naming_v('column_accessors'); my $accessor_name = $preserve ? $self->_to_identifier('column_accessors', $column_name) # assume CamelCase : $self->_to_identifier('column_accessors', $column_name, '_'); $accessor_name =~ s/\W+/_/g; # only if naming < v8, otherwise to_identifier # takes care of it if ($preserve) { return $accessor_name; } elsif ($v < 7 || (not $self->preserve_case)) { # older naming just lc'd the col accessor and that's all. return lc $accessor_name; } return join '_', map lc, split_name $column_name, $v; } sub _make_column_accessor_name { my ($self, $column_name, $column_context_info ) = @_; my $accessor = $self->_run_user_map( $self->col_accessor_map, sub { $self->_default_column_accessor_name( shift ) }, $column_name, $column_context_info, ); return $accessor; } # Set up metadata (cols, pks, etc) sub _setup_src_meta { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $schema = $self->schema; my $schema_class = $self->schema_class; my $table_class = $self->classes->{$table->sql_name}; my $table_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}; $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'table', $table->dbic_name); my $cols = $self->_table_columns($table); my $col_info = $self->__columns_info_for($table); ### generate all the column accessor names while (my ($col, $info) = each %$col_info) { # hashref of other info that could be used by # user-defined accessor map functions my $context = { table_class => $table_class, table_moniker => $table_moniker, table_name => $table, full_table_name => $table->dbic_name, schema_class => $schema_class, column_info => $info, }; $info->{accessor} = $self->_make_column_accessor_name( $col, $context ); } $self->_resolve_col_accessor_collisions($table, $col_info); # prune any redundant accessor names while (my ($col, $info) = each %$col_info) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; delete $info->{accessor} if $info->{accessor} eq $col; } my $fks = $self->_table_fk_info($table); foreach my $fkdef (@$fks) { for my $col (@{ $fkdef->{local_columns} }) { $col_info->{$col}{is_foreign_key} = 1; } } my $pks = $self->_table_pk_info($table) || []; my %uniq_tag; # used to eliminate duplicate uniqs $uniq_tag{ join("\0", @$pks) }++ if @$pks; # pk is a uniq my $uniqs = $self->_table_uniq_info($table) || []; my @uniqs; foreach my $uniq (@$uniqs) { my ($name, $cols) = @$uniq; next if $uniq_tag{ join("\0", @$cols) }++; # skip duplicates push @uniqs, [$name, $cols]; } my @non_nullable_uniqs = grep { all { $col_info->{$_}{is_nullable} == 0 } @{ $_->[1] } } @uniqs; if ($self->uniq_to_primary && (not @$pks) && @non_nullable_uniqs) { my @by_colnum = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map [ scalar @{ $_->[1] }, $_ ], @non_nullable_uniqs; if (not (@by_colnum > 1 && $by_colnum[0][0] == $by_colnum[1][0])) { my @keys = map $_->[1], @by_colnum; my $pk = $keys[0]; # remove the uniq from list @uniqs = grep { $_->[0] ne $pk->[0] } @uniqs; $pks = $pk->[1]; } } foreach my $pkcol (@$pks) { $col_info->{$pkcol}{is_nullable} = 0; } $self->_dbic_stmt( $table_class, 'add_columns', map { $_, ($col_info->{$_}||{}) } @$cols ); $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class, 'set_primary_key', @$pks) if @$pks; # Sort unique constraints by constraint name for repeatable results (rels # are sorted as well elsewhere.) @uniqs = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @uniqs; foreach my $uniq (@uniqs) { my ($name, $cols) = @$uniq; $self->_dbic_stmt($table_class,'add_unique_constraint', $name, $cols); } } sub __columns_info_for { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $result = $self->_columns_info_for($table); while (my ($col, $info) = each %$result) { $info = { %$info, %{ $self->_custom_column_info ($table, $col, $info) } }; $info = { %$info, %{ $self->_datetime_column_info($table, $col, $info) } }; $result->{$col} = $info; } return $result; } =head2 tables Returns a sorted list of loaded tables, using the original database table names. =cut sub tables { my $self = shift; return values %{$self->_tables}; } sub _get_naming_v { my ($self, $naming_key) = @_; my $v; if (($self->naming->{$naming_key}||'') =~ /^v(\d+)\z/) { $v = $1; } else { ($v) = $CURRENT_V =~ /^v(\d+)\z/; } return $v; } sub _to_identifier { my ($self, $naming_key, $name, $sep_char, $force) = @_; my $v = $self->_get_naming_v($naming_key); my $to_identifier = $self->naming->{force_ascii} ? \&String::ToIdentifier::EN::to_identifier : \&String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode::to_identifier; return $v >= 8 || $force ? $to_identifier->($name, $sep_char) : $name; } # Make a moniker from a table sub _default_table2moniker { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $v = $self->_get_naming_v('monikers'); my @name_parts = map $table->$_, @{ $self->moniker_parts }; my $name_idx = firstidx { $_ eq 'name' } @{ $self->moniker_parts }; my @all_parts; foreach my $i (0 .. $#name_parts) { my $part = $name_parts[$i]; if ($i != $name_idx || $v >= 8) { $part = $self->_to_identifier('monikers', $part, '_', 1); } if ($i == $name_idx && $v == 5) { $part = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_S($part); } my @part_parts = map lc, $v > 6 ? # use v8 semantics for all moniker parts except name ($i == $name_idx ? split_name $part, $v : split_name $part) : split /[\W_]+/, $part; if ($i == $name_idx && $v >= 6) { my $as_phrase = join ' ', @part_parts; my $inflected = ($self->naming->{monikers}||'') eq 'plural' ? Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_PL($as_phrase) : ($self->naming->{monikers}||'') eq 'preserve' ? $as_phrase : Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_S($as_phrase); @part_parts = split /\s+/, $inflected; } push @all_parts, map ucfirst, @part_parts; } return join '', @all_parts; } sub _table2moniker { my ( $self, $table ) = @_; $self->_run_user_map( $self->moniker_map, sub { $self->_default_table2moniker( shift ) }, $table ); } sub _load_relationships { my ($self, $tables) = @_; my @tables; foreach my $table (@$tables) { my $local_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}; my $tbl_fk_info = $self->_table_fk_info($table); foreach my $fkdef (@$tbl_fk_info) { $fkdef->{local_table} = $table; $fkdef->{local_moniker} = $local_moniker; $fkdef->{remote_source} = $self->monikers->{$fkdef->{remote_table}->sql_name}; } my $tbl_uniq_info = $self->_table_uniq_info($table); push @tables, [ $local_moniker, $tbl_fk_info, $tbl_uniq_info ]; } my $rel_stmts = $self->_relbuilder->generate_code(\@tables); foreach my $src_class (sort keys %$rel_stmts) { # sort by rel name my @src_stmts = map $_->[2], sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map [ ($_->{method} eq 'many_to_many' ? 1 : 0), $_->{args}[0], $_, ], @{ $rel_stmts->{$src_class} }; foreach my $stmt (@src_stmts) { $self->_dbic_stmt($src_class,$stmt->{method}, @{$stmt->{args}}); } } } sub _load_roles { my ($self, $table) = @_; my $table_moniker = $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}; my $table_class = $self->classes->{$table->sql_name}; my @roles = @{ $self->result_roles || [] }; push @roles, @{ $self->result_roles_map->{$table_moniker} } if exists $self->result_roles_map->{$table_moniker}; if (@roles) { $self->_pod_class_list($table_class, 'L ROLES APPLIED', @roles); $self->_with($table_class, @roles); } } # Overload these in driver class: # Returns an arrayref of column names sub _table_columns { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" } # Returns arrayref of pk col names sub _table_pk_info { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" } # Returns an arrayref of uniqs [ [ foo => [ col1, col2 ] ], [ bar => [ ... ] ] ] sub _table_uniq_info { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" } # Returns an arrayref of foreign key constraints, each # being a hashref with 3 keys: # local_columns (arrayref), remote_columns (arrayref), remote_table sub _table_fk_info { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" } # Returns an array of lower case table names sub _tables_list { croak "ABSTRACT METHOD" } # Execute a constructive DBIC class method, with debug/dump_to_dir hooks. sub _dbic_stmt { my $self = shift; my $class = shift; my $method = shift; # generate the pod for this statement, storing it with $self->_pod $self->_make_pod( $class, $method, @_ ) if $self->generate_pod; my $args = dump(@_); $args = '(' . $args . ')' if @_ < 2; my $stmt = $method . $args . q{;}; warn qq|$class\->$stmt\n| if $self->debug; $self->_raw_stmt($class, '__PACKAGE__->' . $stmt); return; } sub _make_pod_heading { my ($self, $class) = @_; return '' if not $self->generate_pod; my $table = $self->class_to_table->{$class}; my $pod; my $pcm = $self->pod_comment_mode; my ($comment, $comment_overflows, $comment_in_name, $comment_in_desc); $comment = $self->__table_comment($table); $comment_overflows = ($comment and length $comment > $self->pod_comment_spillover_length); $comment_in_name = ($pcm eq 'name' or ($pcm eq 'auto' and !$comment_overflows)); $comment_in_desc = ($pcm eq 'description' or ($pcm eq 'auto' and $comment_overflows)); $pod .= "=head1 NAME\n\n"; my $table_descr = $class; $table_descr .= " - " . $comment if $comment and $comment_in_name; $pod .= "$table_descr\n\n"; if ($comment and $comment_in_desc) { $pod .= "=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n${comment}\n\n"; } $pod .= "=cut\n\n"; return $pod; } # generates the accompanying pod for a DBIC class method statement, # storing it with $self->_pod sub _make_pod { my $self = shift; my $class = shift; my $method = shift; if ($method eq 'table') { my $table = $_[0]; $table = $$table if ref $table eq 'SCALAR'; $self->_pod($class, "=head1 TABLE: C<$table>"); $self->_pod_cut($class); } elsif ( $method eq 'add_columns' ) { $self->_pod( $class, "=head1 ACCESSORS" ); my $col_counter = 0; my @cols = @_; while( my ($name,$attrs) = splice @cols,0,2 ) { $col_counter++; $self->_pod( $class, '=head2 ' . $name ); $self->_pod( $class, join "\n", map { my $s = $attrs->{$_}; $s = !defined $s ? 'undef' : length($s) == 0 ? '(empty string)' : ref($s) eq 'SCALAR' ? $$s : ref($s) ? dumper_squashed $s : looks_like_number($s) ? $s : qq{'$s'}; " $_: $s" } sort keys %$attrs, ); if (my $comment = $self->__column_comment($self->class_to_table->{$class}, $col_counter, $name)) { $self->_pod( $class, $comment ); } } $self->_pod_cut( $class ); } elsif ( $method =~ /^(?:belongs_to|has_many|might_have)\z/ ) { $self->_pod( $class, "=head1 RELATIONS" ) unless $self->{_relations_started} { $class } ; my ( $accessor, $rel_class ) = @_; $self->_pod( $class, "=head2 $accessor" ); $self->_pod( $class, 'Type: ' . $method ); $self->_pod( $class, "Related object: L<$rel_class>" ); $self->_pod_cut( $class ); $self->{_relations_started} { $class } = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'many_to_many' ) { $self->_pod( $class, "=head1 RELATIONS" ) unless $self->{_relations_started} { $class } ; my ( $accessor, $rel1, $rel2 ) = @_; $self->_pod( $class, "=head2 $accessor" ); $self->_pod( $class, 'Type: many_to_many' ); $self->_pod( $class, "Composing rels: L -> $rel2" ); $self->_pod_cut( $class ); $self->{_relations_started} { $class } = 1; } elsif ($method eq 'add_unique_constraint') { $self->_pod($class, '=head1 UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS') unless $self->{_uniqs_started}{$class}; my ($name, $cols) = @_; $self->_pod($class, "=head2 C<$name>"); $self->_pod($class, '=over 4'); foreach my $col (@$cols) { $self->_pod($class, "=item \* L"); } $self->_pod($class, '=back'); $self->_pod_cut($class); $self->{_uniqs_started}{$class} = 1; } elsif ($method eq 'set_primary_key') { $self->_pod($class, "=head1 PRIMARY KEY"); $self->_pod($class, '=over 4'); foreach my $col (@_) { $self->_pod($class, "=item \* L"); } $self->_pod($class, '=back'); $self->_pod_cut($class); } } sub _pod_class_list { my ($self, $class, $title, @classes) = @_; return unless @classes && $self->generate_pod; $self->_pod($class, "=head1 $title"); $self->_pod($class, '=over 4'); foreach my $link (@classes) { $self->_pod($class, "=item * L<$link>"); } $self->_pod($class, '=back'); $self->_pod_cut($class); } sub _base_class_pod { my ($self, $base_class) = @_; return '' unless $self->generate_pod; return <<"EOF" =head1 BASE CLASS: L<$base_class> =cut EOF } sub _filter_comment { my ($self, $txt) = @_; $txt = '' if not defined $txt; $txt =~ s/(?:\015?\012|\015\012?)/\n/g; return $txt; } sub __table_comment { my $self = shift; if (my $code = $self->can('_table_comment')) { return $self->_filter_comment($self->$code(@_)); } return ''; } sub __column_comment { my $self = shift; if (my $code = $self->can('_column_comment')) { return $self->_filter_comment($self->$code(@_)); } return ''; } # Stores a POD documentation sub _pod { my ($self, $class, $stmt) = @_; $self->_raw_stmt( $class, "\n" . $stmt ); } sub _pod_cut { my ($self, $class ) = @_; $self->_raw_stmt( $class, "\n=cut\n" ); } # Store a raw source line for a class (for dumping purposes) sub _raw_stmt { my ($self, $class, $stmt) = @_; push(@{$self->{_dump_storage}->{$class}}, $stmt); } # Like above, but separately for the externally loaded stuff sub _ext_stmt { my ($self, $class, $stmt) = @_; push(@{$self->{_ext_storage}->{$class}}, $stmt); } sub _custom_column_info { my ( $self, $table_name, $column_name, $column_info ) = @_; if (my $code = $self->custom_column_info) { return $code->($table_name, $column_name, $column_info) || {}; } return {}; } sub _datetime_column_info { my ( $self, $table_name, $column_name, $column_info ) = @_; my $result = {}; my $type = $column_info->{data_type} || ''; if ((grep $_, @{ $column_info }{map "inflate_$_", qw/date datetime timestamp/}) or ($type =~ /date|timestamp/i)) { $result->{timezone} = $self->datetime_timezone if $self->datetime_timezone; $result->{locale} = $self->datetime_locale if $self->datetime_locale; } return $result; } sub _lc { my ($self, $name) = @_; return $self->preserve_case ? $name : lc($name); } sub _uc { my ($self, $name) = @_; return $self->preserve_case ? $name : uc($name); } sub _remove_table { my ($self, $table) = @_; try { my $schema = $self->schema; # in older DBIC it's a private method my $unregister = $schema->can('unregister_source') || $schema->can('_unregister_source'); $schema->$unregister(delete $self->monikers->{$table->sql_name}); delete $self->_upgrading_classes->{delete $self->classes->{$table->sql_name}}; delete $self->_tables->{$table->sql_name}; }; } # remove the dump dir from @INC on destruction sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; @INC = grep $_ ne $self->dump_directory, @INC; } =head2 monikers Returns a hashref of loaded table to moniker mappings. There will be two entries for each table, the original name and the "normalized" name, in the case that the two are different (such as databases that like uppercase table names, or preserve your original mixed-case definitions, or what-have-you). =head2 classes Returns a hashref of table to class mappings. In some cases it will contain multiple entries per table for the original and normalized table names, as above in L. =head1 NON-ENGLISH DATABASES If you use the loader on a database with table and column names in a language other than English, you will want to turn off the English language specific heuristics. To do so, use something like this in your loader options: naming => { monikers => 'v4' }, inflect_singular => sub { "$_[0]_rel" }, inflect_plural => sub { "$_[0]_rel" }, =head1 COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS Occasionally you may have a column name that collides with a perl method, such as C. In such cases, the default action is to set the C of the column spec to C. You can then name the accessor yourself by placing code such as the following below the md5: __PACKAGE__->add_column('+can' => { accessor => 'my_can' }); Another option is to use the L option. =head1 RELATIONSHIP NAME COLLISIONS In very rare cases, you may get a collision between a generated relationship name and a method in your Result class, for example if you have a foreign key called C. This is a problem because relationship names are also relationship accessor methods in L. The default behavior is to append C<_rel> to the relationship name and print out a warning that refers to this text. You can also control the renaming with the L option. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR See L and L. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0: