/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * File: vm/memory_object.c * Author: Michael Wayne Young * * External memory management interface control functions. */ #include /* * Interface dependencies: */ #include /* For pointer_t */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Implementation dependencies: */ #include /* For memcpy() */ #include #include #include /* For current_thread() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For pmap_clear_modify */ #include /* For kernel_map, vm_move */ #include /* For vm_map_pageable */ #include /* Needed by some vm_page.h macros */ #if MACH_PAGEMAP #include #endif /* MACH_PAGEMAP */ #include memory_object_default_t memory_manager_default = MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL; decl_mutex_data(, memory_manager_default_lock) /* * Routine: memory_object_should_return_page * * Description: * Determine whether the given page should be returned, * based on the page's state and on the given return policy. * * We should return the page if one of the following is true: * * 1. Page is dirty and should_return is not RETURN_NONE. * 2. Page is precious and should_return is RETURN_ALL. * 3. Should_return is RETURN_ANYTHING. * * As a side effect, m->dirty will be made consistent * with pmap_is_modified(m), if should_return is not * MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_NONE. */ #define memory_object_should_return_page(m, should_return) \ (should_return != MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_NONE && \ (((m)->dirty || ((m)->dirty = pmap_is_modified((m)->phys_page))) || \ ((m)->precious && (should_return) == MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_ALL) || \ (should_return) == MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_ANYTHING)) typedef int memory_object_lock_result_t; #define MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE 0 #define MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_BLOCK 1 #define MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_CLEAN 2 #define MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_RETURN 3 memory_object_lock_result_t memory_object_lock_page( vm_page_t m, memory_object_return_t should_return, boolean_t should_flush, vm_prot_t prot); /* * Routine: memory_object_lock_page * * Description: * Perform the appropriate lock operations on the * given page. See the description of * "memory_object_lock_request" for the meanings * of the arguments. * * Returns an indication that the operation * completed, blocked, or that the page must * be cleaned. */ memory_object_lock_result_t memory_object_lock_page( vm_page_t m, memory_object_return_t should_return, boolean_t should_flush, vm_prot_t prot) { XPR(XPR_MEMORY_OBJECT, "m_o_lock_page, page 0x%X rtn %d flush %d prot %d\n", (integer_t)m, should_return, should_flush, prot, 0); /* * If we cannot change access to the page, * either because a mapping is in progress * (busy page) or because a mapping has been * wired, then give up. */ if (m->busy || m->cleaning) return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_BLOCK); /* * Don't worry about pages for which the kernel * does not have any data. */ if (m->absent || m->error || m->restart) { if(m->error && should_flush) { /* dump the page, pager wants us to */ /* clean it up and there is no */ /* relevant data to return */ if(m->wire_count == 0) { VM_PAGE_FREE(m); return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE); } } else { return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE); } } assert(!m->fictitious); /* * If the page is wired, just clean or return the page if needed. * Wired pages don't get flushed or disconnected from the pmap. */ if (m->wire_count != 0) { if (memory_object_should_return_page(m, should_return)) { if (m->dirty) return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_CLEAN); else return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_RETURN); } return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE); } /* * If the page is to be flushed, allow * that to be done as part of the protection. */ if (should_flush) prot = VM_PROT_ALL; /* * Set the page lock. * * If we are decreasing permission, do it now; * let the fault handler take care of increases * (pmap_page_protect may not increase protection). */ if (prot != VM_PROT_NO_CHANGE) { pmap_page_protect(m->phys_page, VM_PROT_ALL & ~prot); PAGE_WAKEUP(m); } /* * Handle page returning. */ if (memory_object_should_return_page(m, should_return)) { /* * If we weren't planning * to flush the page anyway, * we may need to remove the * page from the pageout * system and from physical * maps now. */ vm_page_lockspin_queues(); VM_PAGE_QUEUES_REMOVE(m); vm_page_unlock_queues(); if (!should_flush) pmap_disconnect(m->phys_page); if (m->dirty) return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_CLEAN); else return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_RETURN); } /* * Handle flushing */ if (should_flush) { VM_PAGE_FREE(m); } else { /* * XXX Make clean but not flush a paging hint, * and deactivate the pages. This is a hack * because it overloads flush/clean with * implementation-dependent meaning. This only * happens to pages that are already clean. */ if (vm_page_deactivate_hint && (should_return != MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_NONE)) { vm_page_lock_queues(); vm_page_deactivate(m); vm_page_unlock_queues(); } } return(MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE); } #define LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, action, po, ro, ioerr, iosync) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ \ register int upl_flags; \ memory_object_t pager; \ \ if ((pager = (object)->pager) != MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL) { \ vm_object_paging_begin(object); \ vm_object_unlock(object); \ \ if (iosync) \ upl_flags = UPL_MSYNC | UPL_IOSYNC; \ else \ upl_flags = UPL_MSYNC; \ \ (void) memory_object_data_return(pager, \ po, \ data_cnt, \ ro, \ ioerr, \ (action) == MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_CLEAN,\ !should_flush, \ upl_flags); \ \ vm_object_lock(object); \ vm_object_paging_end(object); \ } \ MACRO_END /* * Routine: memory_object_lock_request [user interface] * * Description: * Control use of the data associated with the given * memory object. For each page in the given range, * perform the following operations, in order: * 1) restrict access to the page (disallow * forms specified by "prot"); * 2) return data to the manager (if "should_return" * is RETURN_DIRTY and the page is dirty, or * "should_return" is RETURN_ALL and the page * is either dirty or precious); and, * 3) flush the cached copy (if "should_flush" * is asserted). * The set of pages is defined by a starting offset * ("offset") and size ("size"). Only pages with the * same page alignment as the starting offset are * considered. * * A single acknowledgement is sent (to the "reply_to" * port) when these actions are complete. If successful, * the naked send right for reply_to is consumed. */ kern_return_t memory_object_lock_request( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset, memory_object_size_t size, memory_object_offset_t * resid_offset, int * io_errno, memory_object_return_t should_return, int flags, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_object_t object; __unused boolean_t should_flush; should_flush = flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_FLUSH; XPR(XPR_MEMORY_OBJECT, "m_o_lock_request, control 0x%X off 0x%X size 0x%X flags %X prot %X\n", (integer_t)control, offset, size, (((should_return&1)<<1)|should_flush), prot); /* * Check for bogus arguments. */ object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if ((prot & ~VM_PROT_ALL) != 0 && prot != VM_PROT_NO_CHANGE) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); size = round_page_64(size); /* * Lock the object, and acquire a paging reference to * prevent the memory_object reference from being released. */ vm_object_lock(object); vm_object_paging_begin(object); offset -= object->paging_offset; (void)vm_object_update(object, offset, size, resid_offset, io_errno, should_return, flags, prot); vm_object_paging_end(object); vm_object_unlock(object); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * memory_object_release_name: [interface] * * Enforces name semantic on memory_object reference count decrement * This routine should not be called unless the caller holds a name * reference gained through the memory_object_named_create or the * memory_object_rename call. * If the TERMINATE_IDLE flag is set, the call will return if the * reference count is not 1. i.e. idle with the only remaining reference * being the name. * If the decision is made to proceed the name field flag is set to * false and the reference count is decremented. If the RESPECT_CACHE * flag is set and the reference count has gone to zero, the * memory_object is checked to see if it is cacheable otherwise when * the reference count is zero, it is simply terminated. */ kern_return_t memory_object_release_name( memory_object_control_t control, int flags) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_object_release_name(object, flags); } /* * Routine: memory_object_destroy [user interface] * Purpose: * Shut down a memory object, despite the * presence of address map (or other) references * to the vm_object. */ kern_return_t memory_object_destroy( memory_object_control_t control, kern_return_t reason) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return (vm_object_destroy(object, reason)); } /* * Routine: vm_object_sync * * Kernel internal function to synch out pages in a given * range within an object to its memory manager. Much the * same as memory_object_lock_request but page protection * is not changed. * * If the should_flush and should_return flags are true pages * are flushed, that is dirty & precious pages are written to * the memory manager and then discarded. If should_return * is false, only precious pages are returned to the memory * manager. * * If should flush is false and should_return true, the memory * manager's copy of the pages is updated. If should_return * is also false, only the precious pages are updated. This * last option is of limited utility. * * Returns: * FALSE if no pages were returned to the pager * TRUE otherwise. */ boolean_t vm_object_sync( vm_object_t object, vm_object_offset_t offset, vm_object_size_t size, boolean_t should_flush, boolean_t should_return, boolean_t should_iosync) { boolean_t rv; int flags; XPR(XPR_VM_OBJECT, "vm_o_sync, object 0x%X, offset 0x%X size 0x%x flush %d rtn %d\n", (integer_t)object, offset, size, should_flush, should_return); /* * Lock the object, and acquire a paging reference to * prevent the memory_object and control ports from * being destroyed. */ vm_object_lock(object); vm_object_paging_begin(object); if (should_flush) flags = MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_FLUSH; else flags = 0; if (should_iosync) flags |= MEMORY_OBJECT_IO_SYNC; rv = vm_object_update(object, offset, (vm_object_size_t)size, NULL, NULL, (should_return) ? MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_ALL : MEMORY_OBJECT_RETURN_NONE, flags, VM_PROT_NO_CHANGE); vm_object_paging_end(object); vm_object_unlock(object); return rv; } static int vm_object_update_extent( vm_object_t object, vm_object_offset_t offset, vm_object_offset_t offset_end, vm_object_offset_t *offset_resid, int *io_errno, boolean_t should_flush, memory_object_return_t should_return, boolean_t should_iosync, vm_prot_t prot) { vm_page_t m; int retval = 0; vm_size_t data_cnt = 0; vm_object_offset_t paging_offset = 0; vm_object_offset_t last_offset = offset; memory_object_lock_result_t page_lock_result; memory_object_lock_result_t pageout_action; pageout_action = MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE; for (; offset < offset_end && object->resident_page_count; offset += PAGE_SIZE_64) { /* * Limit the number of pages to be cleaned at once. */ if (data_cnt >= PAGE_SIZE * MAX_UPL_TRANSFER) { LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, pageout_action, paging_offset, offset_resid, io_errno, should_iosync); data_cnt = 0; } while ((m = vm_page_lookup(object, offset)) != VM_PAGE_NULL) { page_lock_result = memory_object_lock_page(m, should_return, should_flush, prot); XPR(XPR_MEMORY_OBJECT, "m_o_update: lock_page, obj 0x%X offset 0x%X result %d\n", (integer_t)object, offset, page_lock_result, 0, 0); switch (page_lock_result) { case MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_DONE: /* * End of a cluster of dirty pages. */ if (data_cnt) { LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, pageout_action, paging_offset, offset_resid, io_errno, should_iosync); data_cnt = 0; continue; } break; case MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_BLOCK: /* * Since it is necessary to block, * clean any dirty pages now. */ if (data_cnt) { LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, pageout_action, paging_offset, offset_resid, io_errno, should_iosync); data_cnt = 0; continue; } PAGE_SLEEP(object, m, THREAD_UNINT); continue; case MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_CLEAN: case MEMORY_OBJECT_LOCK_RESULT_MUST_RETURN: /* * The clean and return cases are similar. * * if this would form a discontiguous block, * clean the old pages and start anew. * * Mark the page busy since we will unlock the * object if we issue the LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT */ m->busy = TRUE; if (data_cnt && ((last_offset != offset) || (pageout_action != page_lock_result))) { LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, pageout_action, paging_offset, offset_resid, io_errno, should_iosync); data_cnt = 0; } m->busy = FALSE; if (m->cleaning) { PAGE_SLEEP(object, m, THREAD_UNINT); continue; } if (data_cnt == 0) { pageout_action = page_lock_result; paging_offset = offset; } data_cnt += PAGE_SIZE; last_offset = offset + PAGE_SIZE_64; vm_page_lockspin_queues(); /* * Clean */ m->list_req_pending = TRUE; m->cleaning = TRUE; if (should_flush && /* let's no flush a wired page... */ !m->wire_count) { /* * and add additional state * for the flush */ m->busy = TRUE; m->pageout = TRUE; vm_page_wire(m); } vm_page_unlock_queues(); retval = 1; break; } break; } } /* * We have completed the scan for applicable pages. * Clean any pages that have been saved. */ if (data_cnt) { LIST_REQ_PAGEOUT_PAGES(object, data_cnt, pageout_action, paging_offset, offset_resid, io_errno, should_iosync); } return (retval); } /* * Routine: vm_object_update * Description: * Work function for m_o_lock_request(), vm_o_sync(). * * Called with object locked and paging ref taken. */ kern_return_t vm_object_update( register vm_object_t object, register vm_object_offset_t offset, register vm_object_size_t size, register vm_object_offset_t *resid_offset, int *io_errno, memory_object_return_t should_return, int flags, vm_prot_t protection) { vm_object_t copy_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL; boolean_t data_returned = FALSE; boolean_t update_cow; boolean_t should_flush = (flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_FLUSH) ? TRUE : FALSE; boolean_t should_iosync = (flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_IO_SYNC) ? TRUE : FALSE; int num_of_extents; int n; #define MAX_EXTENTS 8 #define EXTENT_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 256) #define RESIDENT_LIMIT (1024 * 32) struct extent { vm_object_offset_t e_base; vm_object_offset_t e_min; vm_object_offset_t e_max; } extents[MAX_EXTENTS]; /* * To avoid blocking while scanning for pages, save * dirty pages to be cleaned all at once. * * XXXO A similar strategy could be used to limit the * number of times that a scan must be restarted for * other reasons. Those pages that would require blocking * could be temporarily collected in another list, or * their offsets could be recorded in a small array. */ /* * XXX NOTE: May want to consider converting this to a page list * XXX vm_map_copy interface. Need to understand object * XXX coalescing implications before doing so. */ update_cow = ((flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_FLUSH) && (!(flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_NO_CHANGE) && !(flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_PURGE))) || (flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_SYNC); if (update_cow || (flags & (MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_PURGE | MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_SYNC))) { int collisions = 0; while ((copy_object = object->copy) != VM_OBJECT_NULL) { /* * need to do a try here since we're swimming upstream * against the normal lock ordering... however, we need * to hold the object stable until we gain control of the * copy object so we have to be careful how we approach this */ if (vm_object_lock_try(copy_object)) { /* * we 'won' the lock on the copy object... * no need to hold the object lock any longer... * take a real reference on the copy object because * we're going to call vm_fault_page on it which may * under certain conditions drop the lock and the paging * reference we're about to take... the reference * will keep the copy object from going away if that happens */ vm_object_unlock(object); vm_object_reference_locked(copy_object); break; } vm_object_unlock(object); collisions++; mutex_pause(collisions); vm_object_lock(object); } } if ((copy_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL && update_cow) || (flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_SYNC)) { vm_map_size_t i; vm_map_size_t copy_size; vm_map_offset_t copy_offset; vm_prot_t prot; vm_page_t page; vm_page_t top_page; kern_return_t error = 0; struct vm_object_fault_info fault_info; if (copy_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL) { /* * translate offset with respect to shadow's offset */ copy_offset = (offset >= copy_object->shadow_offset) ? (vm_map_offset_t)(offset - copy_object->shadow_offset) : (vm_map_offset_t) 0; if (copy_offset > copy_object->size) copy_offset = copy_object->size; /* * clip size with respect to shadow offset */ if (offset >= copy_object->shadow_offset) { copy_size = size; } else if (size >= copy_object->shadow_offset - offset) { copy_size = size - (copy_object->shadow_offset - offset); } else { copy_size = 0; } if (copy_offset + copy_size > copy_object->size) { if (copy_object->size >= copy_offset) { copy_size = copy_object->size - copy_offset; } else { copy_size = 0; } } copy_size+=copy_offset; } else { copy_object = object; copy_size = offset + size; copy_offset = offset; } fault_info.interruptible = THREAD_UNINT; fault_info.behavior = VM_BEHAVIOR_SEQUENTIAL; fault_info.user_tag = 0; fault_info.lo_offset = copy_offset; fault_info.hi_offset = copy_size; fault_info.no_cache = FALSE; vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); for (i = copy_offset; i < copy_size; i += PAGE_SIZE) { RETRY_COW_OF_LOCK_REQUEST: fault_info.cluster_size = copy_size - i; prot = VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ; switch (vm_fault_page(copy_object, i, VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ, FALSE, &prot, &page, &top_page, (int *)0, &error, FALSE, FALSE, &fault_info)) { case VM_FAULT_SUCCESS: if (top_page) { vm_fault_cleanup( page->object, top_page); vm_object_lock(copy_object); vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); } vm_page_lock_queues(); if (!page->active && !page->inactive) vm_page_deactivate(page); vm_page_unlock_queues(); PAGE_WAKEUP_DONE(page); break; case VM_FAULT_RETRY: prot = VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ; vm_object_lock(copy_object); vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); goto RETRY_COW_OF_LOCK_REQUEST; case VM_FAULT_INTERRUPTED: prot = VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ; vm_object_lock(copy_object); vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); goto RETRY_COW_OF_LOCK_REQUEST; case VM_FAULT_MEMORY_SHORTAGE: VM_PAGE_WAIT(); prot = VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ; vm_object_lock(copy_object); vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); goto RETRY_COW_OF_LOCK_REQUEST; case VM_FAULT_FICTITIOUS_SHORTAGE: vm_page_more_fictitious(); prot = VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ; vm_object_lock(copy_object); vm_object_paging_begin(copy_object); goto RETRY_COW_OF_LOCK_REQUEST; case VM_FAULT_MEMORY_ERROR: if (object != copy_object) vm_object_deallocate(copy_object); vm_object_lock(object); goto BYPASS_COW_COPYIN; } } vm_object_paging_end(copy_object); } if ((flags & (MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_SYNC | MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_SYNC))) { if (copy_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL && copy_object != object) { vm_object_unlock(copy_object); vm_object_deallocate(copy_object); vm_object_lock(object); } return KERN_SUCCESS; } if (copy_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL && copy_object != object) { if ((flags & MEMORY_OBJECT_DATA_PURGE)) { copy_object->shadow_severed = TRUE; copy_object->shadowed = FALSE; copy_object->shadow = NULL; /* * delete the ref the COW was holding on the target object */ vm_object_deallocate(object); } vm_object_unlock(copy_object); vm_object_deallocate(copy_object); vm_object_lock(object); } BYPASS_COW_COPYIN: /* * when we have a really large range to check relative * to the number of actual resident pages, we'd like * to use the resident page list to drive our checks * however, the object lock will get dropped while processing * the page which means the resident queue can change which * means we can't walk the queue as we process the pages * we also want to do the processing in offset order to allow * 'runs' of pages to be collected if we're being told to * flush to disk... the resident page queue is NOT ordered. * * a temporary solution (until we figure out how to deal with * large address spaces more generically) is to pre-flight * the resident page queue (if it's small enough) and develop * a collection of extents (that encompass actual resident pages) * to visit. This will at least allow us to deal with some of the * more pathological cases in a more efficient manner. The current * worst case (a single resident page at the end of an extremely large * range) can take minutes to complete for ranges in the terrabyte * category... since this routine is called when truncating a file, * and we currently support files up to 16 Tbytes in size, this * is not a theoretical problem */ if ((object->resident_page_count < RESIDENT_LIMIT) && (atop_64(size) > (unsigned)(object->resident_page_count/(8 * MAX_EXTENTS)))) { vm_page_t next; vm_object_offset_t start; vm_object_offset_t end; vm_object_size_t e_mask; vm_page_t m; start = offset; end = offset + size; num_of_extents = 0; e_mask = ~((vm_object_size_t)(EXTENT_SIZE - 1)); m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&object->memq); while (!queue_end(&object->memq, (queue_entry_t) m)) { next = (vm_page_t) queue_next(&m->listq); if ((m->offset >= start) && (m->offset < end)) { /* * this is a page we're interested in * try to fit it into a current extent */ for (n = 0; n < num_of_extents; n++) { if ((m->offset & e_mask) == extents[n].e_base) { /* * use (PAGE_SIZE - 1) to determine the * max offset so that we don't wrap if * we're at the last page of the space */ if (m->offset < extents[n].e_min) extents[n].e_min = m->offset; else if ((m->offset + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) > extents[n].e_max) extents[n].e_max = m->offset + (PAGE_SIZE - 1); break; } } if (n == num_of_extents) { /* * didn't find a current extent that can encompass * this page */ if (n < MAX_EXTENTS) { /* * if we still have room, * create a new extent */ extents[n].e_base = m->offset & e_mask; extents[n].e_min = m->offset; extents[n].e_max = m->offset + (PAGE_SIZE - 1); num_of_extents++; } else { /* * no room to create a new extent... * fall back to a single extent based * on the min and max page offsets * we find in the range we're interested in... * first, look through the extent list and * develop the overall min and max for the * pages we've looked at up to this point */ for (n = 1; n < num_of_extents; n++) { if (extents[n].e_min < extents[0].e_min) extents[0].e_min = extents[n].e_min; if (extents[n].e_max > extents[0].e_max) extents[0].e_max = extents[n].e_max; } /* * now setup to run through the remaining pages * to determine the overall min and max * offset for the specified range */ extents[0].e_base = 0; e_mask = 0; num_of_extents = 1; /* * by continuing, we'll reprocess the * page that forced us to abandon trying * to develop multiple extents */ continue; } } } m = next; } } else { extents[0].e_min = offset; extents[0].e_max = offset + (size - 1); num_of_extents = 1; } for (n = 0; n < num_of_extents; n++) { if (vm_object_update_extent(object, extents[n].e_min, extents[n].e_max, resid_offset, io_errno, should_flush, should_return, should_iosync, protection)) data_returned = TRUE; } return (data_returned); } /* * Routine: memory_object_synchronize_completed [user interface] * * Tell kernel that previously synchronized data * (memory_object_synchronize) has been queue or placed on the * backing storage. * * Note: there may be multiple synchronize requests for a given * memory object outstanding but they will not overlap. */ kern_return_t memory_object_synchronize_completed( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset, vm_offset_t length) { vm_object_t object; msync_req_t msr; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); XPR(XPR_MEMORY_OBJECT, "m_o_sync_completed, object 0x%X, offset 0x%X length 0x%X\n", (integer_t)object, offset, length, 0, 0); /* * Look for bogus arguments */ if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); vm_object_lock(object); /* * search for sync request structure */ queue_iterate(&object->msr_q, msr, msync_req_t, msr_q) { if (msr->offset == offset && msr->length == length) { queue_remove(&object->msr_q, msr, msync_req_t, msr_q); break; } }/* queue_iterate */ if (queue_end(&object->msr_q, (queue_entry_t)msr)) { vm_object_unlock(object); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } msr_lock(msr); vm_object_unlock(object); msr->flag = VM_MSYNC_DONE; msr_unlock(msr); thread_wakeup((event_t) msr); return KERN_SUCCESS; }/* memory_object_synchronize_completed */ static kern_return_t vm_object_set_attributes_common( vm_object_t object, boolean_t may_cache, memory_object_copy_strategy_t copy_strategy, boolean_t temporary, boolean_t silent_overwrite, boolean_t advisory_pageout) { boolean_t object_became_ready; XPR(XPR_MEMORY_OBJECT, "m_o_set_attr_com, object 0x%X flg %x strat %d\n", (integer_t)object, (may_cache&1)|((temporary&1)<1), copy_strategy, 0, 0); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* * Verify the attributes of importance */ switch(copy_strategy) { case MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE: case MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_DELAY: break; default: return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } #if !ADVISORY_PAGEOUT if (silent_overwrite || advisory_pageout) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); #endif /* !ADVISORY_PAGEOUT */ if (may_cache) may_cache = TRUE; if (temporary) temporary = TRUE; vm_object_lock(object); /* * Copy the attributes */ assert(!object->internal); object_became_ready = !object->pager_ready; object->copy_strategy = copy_strategy; object->can_persist = may_cache; object->temporary = temporary; object->silent_overwrite = silent_overwrite; object->advisory_pageout = advisory_pageout; /* * Wake up anyone waiting for the ready attribute * to become asserted. */ if (object_became_ready) { object->pager_ready = TRUE; vm_object_wakeup(object, VM_OBJECT_EVENT_PAGER_READY); } vm_object_unlock(object); return(KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Set the memory object attribute as provided. * * XXX This routine cannot be completed until the vm_msync, clean * in place, and cluster work is completed. See ifdef notyet * below and note that vm_object_set_attributes_common() * may have to be expanded. */ kern_return_t memory_object_change_attributes( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_flavor_t flavor, memory_object_info_t attributes, mach_msg_type_number_t count) { vm_object_t object; kern_return_t result = KERN_SUCCESS; boolean_t temporary; boolean_t may_cache; boolean_t invalidate; memory_object_copy_strategy_t copy_strategy; boolean_t silent_overwrite; boolean_t advisory_pageout; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); vm_object_lock(object); temporary = object->temporary; may_cache = object->can_persist; copy_strategy = object->copy_strategy; silent_overwrite = object->silent_overwrite; advisory_pageout = object->advisory_pageout; #if notyet invalidate = object->invalidate; #endif vm_object_unlock(object); switch (flavor) { case OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVIOR_INFO: { old_memory_object_behave_info_t behave; if (count != OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT) { result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } behave = (old_memory_object_behave_info_t) attributes; temporary = behave->temporary; invalidate = behave->invalidate; copy_strategy = behave->copy_strategy; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVIOR_INFO: { memory_object_behave_info_t behave; if (count != MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT) { result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } behave = (memory_object_behave_info_t) attributes; temporary = behave->temporary; invalidate = behave->invalidate; copy_strategy = behave->copy_strategy; silent_overwrite = behave->silent_overwrite; advisory_pageout = behave->advisory_pageout; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_PERFORMANCE_INFO: { memory_object_perf_info_t perf; if (count != MEMORY_OBJECT_PERF_INFO_COUNT) { result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } perf = (memory_object_perf_info_t) attributes; may_cache = perf->may_cache; break; } case OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO: { old_memory_object_attr_info_t attr; if (count != OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT) { result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } attr = (old_memory_object_attr_info_t) attributes; may_cache = attr->may_cache; copy_strategy = attr->copy_strategy; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO: { memory_object_attr_info_t attr; if (count != MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT) { result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } attr = (memory_object_attr_info_t) attributes; copy_strategy = attr->copy_strategy; may_cache = attr->may_cache_object; temporary = attr->temporary; break; } default: result = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) return(result); if (copy_strategy == MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_TEMPORARY) { copy_strategy = MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_DELAY; temporary = TRUE; } else { temporary = FALSE; } /* * XXX may_cache may become a tri-valued variable to handle * XXX uncache if not in use. */ return (vm_object_set_attributes_common(object, may_cache, copy_strategy, temporary, silent_overwrite, advisory_pageout)); } kern_return_t memory_object_get_attributes( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_flavor_t flavor, memory_object_info_t attributes, /* pointer to OUT array */ mach_msg_type_number_t *count) /* IN/OUT */ { kern_return_t ret = KERN_SUCCESS; vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); vm_object_lock(object); switch (flavor) { case OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVIOR_INFO: { old_memory_object_behave_info_t behave; if (*count < OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT) { ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } behave = (old_memory_object_behave_info_t) attributes; behave->copy_strategy = object->copy_strategy; behave->temporary = object->temporary; #if notyet /* remove when vm_msync complies and clean in place fini */ behave->invalidate = object->invalidate; #else behave->invalidate = FALSE; #endif *count = OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVIOR_INFO: { memory_object_behave_info_t behave; if (*count < MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT) { ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } behave = (memory_object_behave_info_t) attributes; behave->copy_strategy = object->copy_strategy; behave->temporary = object->temporary; #if notyet /* remove when vm_msync complies and clean in place fini */ behave->invalidate = object->invalidate; #else behave->invalidate = FALSE; #endif behave->advisory_pageout = object->advisory_pageout; behave->silent_overwrite = object->silent_overwrite; *count = MEMORY_OBJECT_BEHAVE_INFO_COUNT; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_PERFORMANCE_INFO: { memory_object_perf_info_t perf; if (*count < MEMORY_OBJECT_PERF_INFO_COUNT) { ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } perf = (memory_object_perf_info_t) attributes; perf->cluster_size = PAGE_SIZE; perf->may_cache = object->can_persist; *count = MEMORY_OBJECT_PERF_INFO_COUNT; break; } case OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO: { old_memory_object_attr_info_t attr; if (*count < OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT) { ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } attr = (old_memory_object_attr_info_t) attributes; attr->may_cache = object->can_persist; attr->copy_strategy = object->copy_strategy; *count = OLD_MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT; break; } case MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO: { memory_object_attr_info_t attr; if (*count < MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT) { ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } attr = (memory_object_attr_info_t) attributes; attr->copy_strategy = object->copy_strategy; attr->cluster_size = PAGE_SIZE; attr->may_cache_object = object->can_persist; attr->temporary = object->temporary; *count = MEMORY_OBJECT_ATTR_INFO_COUNT; break; } default: ret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } vm_object_unlock(object); return(ret); } kern_return_t memory_object_iopl_request( ipc_port_t port, memory_object_offset_t offset, upl_size_t *upl_size, upl_t *upl_ptr, upl_page_info_array_t user_page_list, unsigned int *page_list_count, int *flags) { vm_object_t object; kern_return_t ret; int caller_flags; caller_flags = *flags; if (caller_flags & ~UPL_VALID_FLAGS) { /* * For forward compatibility's sake, * reject any unknown flag. */ return KERN_INVALID_VALUE; } if (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_NAMED_ENTRY) { vm_named_entry_t named_entry; named_entry = (vm_named_entry_t)port->ip_kobject; /* a few checks to make sure user is obeying rules */ if(*upl_size == 0) { if(offset >= named_entry->size) return(KERN_INVALID_RIGHT); *upl_size = named_entry->size - offset; } if(caller_flags & UPL_COPYOUT_FROM) { if((named_entry->protection & VM_PROT_READ) != VM_PROT_READ) { return(KERN_INVALID_RIGHT); } } else { if((named_entry->protection & (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE)) != (VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE)) { return(KERN_INVALID_RIGHT); } } if(named_entry->size < (offset + *upl_size)) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* the callers parameter offset is defined to be the */ /* offset from beginning of named entry offset in object */ offset = offset + named_entry->offset; if(named_entry->is_sub_map) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); named_entry_lock(named_entry); if (named_entry->is_pager) { object = vm_object_enter(named_entry->backing.pager, named_entry->offset + named_entry->size, named_entry->internal, FALSE, FALSE); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) { named_entry_unlock(named_entry); return(KERN_INVALID_OBJECT); } /* JMM - drop reference on pager here? */ /* create an extra reference for the named entry */ vm_object_lock(object); vm_object_reference_locked(object); named_entry->backing.object = object; named_entry->is_pager = FALSE; named_entry_unlock(named_entry); /* wait for object to be ready */ while (!object->pager_ready) { vm_object_wait(object, VM_OBJECT_EVENT_PAGER_READY, THREAD_UNINT); vm_object_lock(object); } vm_object_unlock(object); } else { /* This is the case where we are going to map */ /* an already mapped object. If the object is */ /* not ready it is internal. An external */ /* object cannot be mapped until it is ready */ /* we can therefore avoid the ready check */ /* in this case. */ object = named_entry->backing.object; vm_object_reference(object); named_entry_unlock(named_entry); } } else if (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_MEM_OBJ_CONTROL) { memory_object_control_t control; control = (memory_object_control_t) port; if (control == NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); vm_object_reference(object); } else { return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (!object->private) { if (*upl_size > (MAX_UPL_TRANSFER*PAGE_SIZE)) *upl_size = (MAX_UPL_TRANSFER*PAGE_SIZE); if (object->phys_contiguous) { *flags = UPL_PHYS_CONTIG; } else { *flags = 0; } } else { *flags = UPL_DEV_MEMORY | UPL_PHYS_CONTIG; } ret = vm_object_iopl_request(object, offset, *upl_size, upl_ptr, user_page_list, page_list_count, caller_flags); vm_object_deallocate(object); return ret; } /* * Routine: memory_object_upl_request [interface] * Purpose: * Cause the population of a portion of a vm_object. * Depending on the nature of the request, the pages * returned may be contain valid data or be uninitialized. * */ kern_return_t memory_object_upl_request( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset, upl_size_t size, upl_t *upl_ptr, upl_page_info_array_t user_page_list, unsigned int *page_list_count, int cntrl_flags) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_object_upl_request(object, offset, size, upl_ptr, user_page_list, page_list_count, cntrl_flags); } /* * Routine: memory_object_super_upl_request [interface] * Purpose: * Cause the population of a portion of a vm_object * in much the same way as memory_object_upl_request. * Depending on the nature of the request, the pages * returned may be contain valid data or be uninitialized. * However, the region may be expanded up to the super * cluster size provided. */ kern_return_t memory_object_super_upl_request( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset, upl_size_t size, upl_size_t super_cluster, upl_t *upl, upl_page_info_t *user_page_list, unsigned int *page_list_count, int cntrl_flags) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_object_super_upl_request(object, offset, size, super_cluster, upl, user_page_list, page_list_count, cntrl_flags); } kern_return_t memory_object_cluster_size(memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t *start, vm_size_t *length, memory_object_fault_info_t fault_info) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL || object->paging_offset > *start) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); *start -= object->paging_offset; vm_object_cluster_size(object, (vm_object_offset_t *)start, length, (vm_object_fault_info_t)fault_info); *start += object->paging_offset; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } int vm_stat_discard_cleared_reply = 0; int vm_stat_discard_cleared_unset = 0; int vm_stat_discard_cleared_too_late = 0; /* * Routine: host_default_memory_manager [interface] * Purpose: * set/get the default memory manager port and default cluster * size. * * If successful, consumes the supplied naked send right. */ kern_return_t host_default_memory_manager( host_priv_t host_priv, memory_object_default_t *default_manager, __unused memory_object_cluster_size_t cluster_size) { memory_object_default_t current_manager; memory_object_default_t new_manager; memory_object_default_t returned_manager; kern_return_t result = KERN_SUCCESS; if (host_priv == HOST_PRIV_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_HOST); assert(host_priv == &realhost); new_manager = *default_manager; mutex_lock(&memory_manager_default_lock); current_manager = memory_manager_default; returned_manager = MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL; if (new_manager == MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL) { /* * Retrieve the current value. */ returned_manager = current_manager; memory_object_default_reference(returned_manager); } else { /* * If this is the first non-null manager, start * up the internal pager support. */ if (current_manager == MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL) { result = vm_pageout_internal_start(); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) goto out; } /* * Retrieve the current value, * and replace it with the supplied value. * We return the old reference to the caller * but we have to take a reference on the new * one. */ returned_manager = current_manager; memory_manager_default = new_manager; memory_object_default_reference(new_manager); /* * In case anyone's been waiting for a memory * manager to be established, wake them up. */ thread_wakeup((event_t) &memory_manager_default); } out: mutex_unlock(&memory_manager_default_lock); *default_manager = returned_manager; return(result); } /* * Routine: memory_manager_default_reference * Purpose: * Returns a naked send right for the default * memory manager. The returned right is always * valid (not IP_NULL or IP_DEAD). */ __private_extern__ memory_object_default_t memory_manager_default_reference(void) { memory_object_default_t current_manager; mutex_lock(&memory_manager_default_lock); current_manager = memory_manager_default; while (current_manager == MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL) { wait_result_t res; res = thread_sleep_mutex((event_t) &memory_manager_default, &memory_manager_default_lock, THREAD_UNINT); assert(res == THREAD_AWAKENED); current_manager = memory_manager_default; } memory_object_default_reference(current_manager); mutex_unlock(&memory_manager_default_lock); return current_manager; } /* * Routine: memory_manager_default_check * * Purpose: * Check whether a default memory manager has been set * up yet, or not. Returns KERN_SUCCESS if dmm exists, * and KERN_FAILURE if dmm does not exist. * * If there is no default memory manager, log an error, * but only the first time. * */ __private_extern__ kern_return_t memory_manager_default_check(void) { memory_object_default_t current; mutex_lock(&memory_manager_default_lock); current = memory_manager_default; if (current == MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL) { static boolean_t logged; /* initialized to 0 */ boolean_t complain = !logged; logged = TRUE; mutex_unlock(&memory_manager_default_lock); if (complain) printf("Warning: No default memory manager\n"); return(KERN_FAILURE); } else { mutex_unlock(&memory_manager_default_lock); return(KERN_SUCCESS); } } __private_extern__ void memory_manager_default_init(void) { memory_manager_default = MEMORY_OBJECT_DEFAULT_NULL; mutex_init(&memory_manager_default_lock, 0); } /* Allow manipulation of individual page state. This is actually part of */ /* the UPL regimen but takes place on the object rather than on a UPL */ kern_return_t memory_object_page_op( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset, int ops, ppnum_t *phys_entry, int *flags) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_object_page_op(object, offset, ops, phys_entry, flags); } /* * memory_object_range_op offers performance enhancement over * memory_object_page_op for page_op functions which do not require page * level state to be returned from the call. Page_op was created to provide * a low-cost alternative to page manipulation via UPLs when only a single * page was involved. The range_op call establishes the ability in the _op * family of functions to work on multiple pages where the lack of page level * state handling allows the caller to avoid the overhead of the upl structures. */ kern_return_t memory_object_range_op( memory_object_control_t control, memory_object_offset_t offset_beg, memory_object_offset_t offset_end, int ops, int *range) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return vm_object_range_op(object, offset_beg, offset_end, ops, range); } kern_return_t memory_object_pages_resident( memory_object_control_t control, boolean_t * has_pages_resident) { vm_object_t object; *has_pages_resident = FALSE; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (object->resident_page_count) *has_pages_resident = TRUE; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } kern_return_t memory_object_signed( memory_object_control_t control, boolean_t is_signed) { vm_object_t object; object = memory_object_control_to_vm_object(control); if (object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; vm_object_lock(object); object->code_signed = is_signed; vm_object_unlock(object); return KERN_SUCCESS; } static zone_t mem_obj_control_zone; __private_extern__ void memory_object_control_bootstrap(void) { int i; i = (vm_size_t) sizeof (struct memory_object_control); mem_obj_control_zone = zinit (i, 8192*i, 4096, "mem_obj_control"); return; } __private_extern__ memory_object_control_t memory_object_control_allocate( vm_object_t object) { memory_object_control_t control; control = (memory_object_control_t)zalloc(mem_obj_control_zone); if (control != MEMORY_OBJECT_CONTROL_NULL) { control->moc_object = object; control->moc_ikot = IKOT_MEM_OBJ_CONTROL; /* fake ip_kotype */ } return (control); } __private_extern__ void memory_object_control_collapse( memory_object_control_t control, vm_object_t object) { assert((control->moc_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL) && (control->moc_object != object)); control->moc_object = object; } __private_extern__ vm_object_t memory_object_control_to_vm_object( memory_object_control_t control) { if (control == MEMORY_OBJECT_CONTROL_NULL || control->moc_ikot != IKOT_MEM_OBJ_CONTROL) return VM_OBJECT_NULL; return (control->moc_object); } memory_object_control_t convert_port_to_mo_control( __unused mach_port_t port) { return MEMORY_OBJECT_CONTROL_NULL; } mach_port_t convert_mo_control_to_port( __unused memory_object_control_t control) { return MACH_PORT_NULL; } void memory_object_control_reference( __unused memory_object_control_t control) { return; } /* * We only every issue one of these references, so kill it * when that gets released (should switch the real reference * counting in true port-less EMMI). */ void memory_object_control_deallocate( memory_object_control_t control) { zfree(mem_obj_control_zone, control); } void memory_object_control_disable( memory_object_control_t control) { assert(control->moc_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL); control->moc_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL; } void memory_object_default_reference( memory_object_default_t dmm) { ipc_port_make_send(dmm); } void memory_object_default_deallocate( memory_object_default_t dmm) { ipc_port_release_send(dmm); } memory_object_t convert_port_to_memory_object( __unused mach_port_t port) { return (MEMORY_OBJECT_NULL); } mach_port_t convert_memory_object_to_port( __unused memory_object_t object) { return (MACH_PORT_NULL); } /* Routine memory_object_reference */ void memory_object_reference( memory_object_t memory_object) { (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_reference)( memory_object); } /* Routine memory_object_deallocate */ void memory_object_deallocate( memory_object_t memory_object) { (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_deallocate)( memory_object); } /* Routine memory_object_init */ kern_return_t memory_object_init ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_control_t memory_control, memory_object_cluster_size_t memory_object_page_size ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_init)( memory_object, memory_control, memory_object_page_size); } /* Routine memory_object_terminate */ kern_return_t memory_object_terminate ( memory_object_t memory_object ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_terminate)( memory_object); } /* Routine memory_object_data_request */ kern_return_t memory_object_data_request ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_offset_t offset, memory_object_cluster_size_t length, vm_prot_t desired_access, memory_object_fault_info_t fault_info ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_data_request)( memory_object, offset, length, desired_access, fault_info); } /* Routine memory_object_data_return */ kern_return_t memory_object_data_return ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_offset_t offset, vm_size_t size, memory_object_offset_t *resid_offset, int *io_error, boolean_t dirty, boolean_t kernel_copy, int upl_flags ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_data_return)( memory_object, offset, size, resid_offset, io_error, dirty, kernel_copy, upl_flags); } /* Routine memory_object_data_initialize */ kern_return_t memory_object_data_initialize ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_offset_t offset, vm_size_t size ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_data_initialize)( memory_object, offset, size); } /* Routine memory_object_data_unlock */ kern_return_t memory_object_data_unlock ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_offset_t offset, vm_size_t size, vm_prot_t desired_access ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_data_unlock)( memory_object, offset, size, desired_access); } /* Routine memory_object_synchronize */ kern_return_t memory_object_synchronize ( memory_object_t memory_object, memory_object_offset_t offset, vm_size_t size, vm_sync_t sync_flags ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_synchronize)( memory_object, offset, size, sync_flags); } /* * memory_object_map() is called by VM (in vm_map_enter() and its variants) * each time a "named" VM object gets mapped directly or indirectly * (copy-on-write mapping). A "named" VM object has an extra reference held * by the pager to keep it alive until the pager decides that the * memory object (and its VM object) can be reclaimed. * VM calls memory_object_last_unmap() (in vm_object_deallocate()) when all * the mappings of that memory object have been removed. * * For a given VM object, calls to memory_object_map() and memory_object_unmap() * are serialized (through object->mapping_in_progress), to ensure that the * pager gets a consistent view of the mapping status of the memory object. * * This allows the pager to keep track of how many times a memory object * has been mapped and with which protections, to decide when it can be * reclaimed. */ /* Routine memory_object_map */ kern_return_t memory_object_map ( memory_object_t memory_object, vm_prot_t prot ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_map)( memory_object, prot); } /* Routine memory_object_last_unmap */ kern_return_t memory_object_last_unmap ( memory_object_t memory_object ) { return (memory_object->mo_pager_ops->memory_object_last_unmap)( memory_object); } /* Routine memory_object_create */ kern_return_t memory_object_create ( memory_object_default_t default_memory_manager, vm_size_t new_memory_object_size, memory_object_t *new_memory_object ) { return default_pager_memory_object_create(default_memory_manager, new_memory_object_size, new_memory_object); } upl_t convert_port_to_upl( ipc_port_t port) { upl_t upl; ip_lock(port); if (!ip_active(port) || (ip_kotype(port) != IKOT_UPL)) { ip_unlock(port); return (upl_t)NULL; } upl = (upl_t) port->ip_kobject; ip_unlock(port); upl_lock(upl); upl->ref_count+=1; upl_unlock(upl); return upl; } mach_port_t convert_upl_to_port( __unused upl_t upl) { return MACH_PORT_NULL; } __private_extern__ void upl_no_senders( __unused ipc_port_t port, __unused mach_port_mscount_t mscount) { return; }