/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifndef _PPC_SAVEAREA_H_ #define _PPC_SAVEAREA_H_ #ifndef ASSEMBLER #include #ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE #if defined(MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE) || defined(BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE) #include #include #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct savearea_comm { /* * The following fields are common to all saveareas and are used to manage individual * contexts. * * Fields that start with "save" are part of the individual saveareas. Those that * start with "sac" pertain to the free pool stuff and are valid only on the first slot * in the page. */ /* Keep the save_prev, sac_next, and sac_prev in these positions, some assembler code depends upon it to * match up with fields in saveanchor. */ /* offset 0x000 */ addr64_t save_prev; /* The address of the previous (or next) savearea */ addr64_t sac_next; /* Points to next savearea page that has a free slot - real */ addr64_t sac_prev; /* Points to previous savearea page that has a free slot - real */ unsigned int save_level; /* Context ID */ unsigned int save_01C; /* 0x20 */ unsigned int save_time[2]; /* Context save time - for debugging or performance */ struct thread *save_act; /* Associated thread */ unsigned int save_02c; uint64_t sac_vrswap; /* XOR mask to swap V to R or vice versa */ unsigned int save_flags; /* Various flags */ unsigned int sac_flags; /* Various flags */ /* offset 0x040 */ uint64_t save_misc0; /* Various stuff */ uint64_t save_misc1; /* Various stuff - snapshot chain during hibernation */ unsigned int sac_alloc; /* Bitmap of allocated slots */ unsigned int save_054; unsigned int save_misc2; unsigned int save_misc3; /* offset 0x0060 */ } savearea_comm; #pragma pack() /* * This type of savearea contains all of the general context. */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct savearea { savearea_comm save_hdr; /* Stuff common to all saveareas */ uint64_t save_xdat0; /* Exception data 0 */ uint64_t save_xdat1; /* Exception data 1 */ uint64_t save_xdat2; /* Exception data 2 */ uint64_t save_xdat3; /* Exception data 3 */ /* offset 0x0080 */ uint64_t save_r0; uint64_t save_r1; uint64_t save_r2; uint64_t save_r3; /* offset 0x0A0 */ uint64_t save_r4; uint64_t save_r5; uint64_t save_r6; uint64_t save_r7; /* offset 0x0C0 */ uint64_t save_r8; uint64_t save_r9; uint64_t save_r10; uint64_t save_r11; /* offset 0x0E0 */ uint64_t save_r12; uint64_t save_r13; uint64_t save_r14; uint64_t save_r15; /* offset 0x100 */ uint64_t save_r16; uint64_t save_r17; uint64_t save_r18; uint64_t save_r19; /* offset 0x120 */ uint64_t save_r20; uint64_t save_r21; uint64_t save_r22; uint64_t save_r23; /* offset 0x140 */ uint64_t save_r24; uint64_t save_r25; uint64_t save_r26; uint64_t save_r27; /* offset 0x160 */ uint64_t save_r28; uint64_t save_r29; uint64_t save_r30; uint64_t save_r31; /* offset 0x180 */ uint64_t save_srr0; uint64_t save_srr1; uint64_t save_xer; uint64_t save_lr; /* offset 0x1A0 */ uint64_t save_ctr; uint64_t save_dar; unsigned int save_cr; unsigned int save_dsisr; unsigned int save_exception; unsigned int save_vrsave; /* offset 0x1C0 */ unsigned int save_vscr[4]; unsigned int save_fpscrpad; unsigned int save_fpscr; unsigned int save_1d8[2]; /* offset 0x1E0 */ unsigned int save_1E0[8]; /* offset 0x200 - keep on 128 byte bndry */ uint32_t save_pmc[8]; uint64_t save_mmcr0; /* offset 0x220 */ uint64_t save_mmcr1; uint64_t save_mmcr2; unsigned int save_238[2]; /* offset 0x240 */ unsigned int save_instr[16]; /* Instrumentation or emulation. Note: save_instr[0] is number of instructions */ /* offset 0x280 */ } savearea_t; #pragma pack() /* * This type of savearea contains all of the floating point context. */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct savearea_fpu { savearea_comm save_hdr; /* Stuff common to all saveareas */ unsigned int save_060[8]; /* Fill 32 bytes */ /* offset 0x0080 */ double save_fp0; double save_fp1; double save_fp2; double save_fp3; double save_fp4; double save_fp5; double save_fp6; double save_fp7; double save_fp8; double save_fp9; double save_fp10; double save_fp11; double save_fp12; double save_fp13; double save_fp14; double save_fp15; double save_fp16; double save_fp17; double save_fp18; double save_fp19; double save_fp20; double save_fp21; double save_fp22; double save_fp23; double save_fp24; double save_fp25; double save_fp26; double save_fp27; double save_fp28; double save_fp29; double save_fp30; double save_fp31; /* offset 0x180 */ unsigned int save_180[8]; unsigned int save_1A0[8]; unsigned int save_1C0[8]; unsigned int save_1E0[8]; unsigned int save_200[8]; unsigned int save_220[8]; unsigned int save_240[8]; unsigned int save_260[8]; /* offset 0x280 */ } savearea_fpu; #pragma pack() /* * This type of savearea contains all of the vector context. */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct savearea_vec { savearea_comm save_hdr; /* Stuff common to all saveareas */ unsigned int save_060[7]; /* Fill 32 bytes */ unsigned int save_vrvalid; /* Valid registers in saved context */ /* offset 0x0080 */ unsigned int save_vr0[4]; unsigned int save_vr1[4]; unsigned int save_vr2[4]; unsigned int save_vr3[4]; unsigned int save_vr4[4]; unsigned int save_vr5[4]; unsigned int save_vr6[4]; unsigned int save_vr7[4]; unsigned int save_vr8[4]; unsigned int save_vr9[4]; unsigned int save_vr10[4]; unsigned int save_vr11[4]; unsigned int save_vr12[4]; unsigned int save_vr13[4]; unsigned int save_vr14[4]; unsigned int save_vr15[4]; unsigned int save_vr16[4]; unsigned int save_vr17[4]; unsigned int save_vr18[4]; unsigned int save_vr19[4]; unsigned int save_vr20[4]; unsigned int save_vr21[4]; unsigned int save_vr22[4]; unsigned int save_vr23[4]; unsigned int save_vr24[4]; unsigned int save_vr25[4]; unsigned int save_vr26[4]; unsigned int save_vr27[4]; unsigned int save_vr28[4]; unsigned int save_vr29[4]; unsigned int save_vr30[4]; unsigned int save_vr31[4]; /* offset 0x280 */ } savearea_vec; #pragma pack() #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE || BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #ifdef MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ struct Saveanchor { /* * Note that this force aligned in aligned_data.s and must be in V=R storage. * Also, all addresses in chains are physical. This structure can only be * updated with translation and interrupts disabled. This is because it is * locked during exception processing and if we were to take a PTE miss while the * lock were held, well, that would be very bad now wouldn't it? * Note that the first 24 bytes must be the same format as a savearea header. */ unsigned int savelock; /* 000 Lock word for savearea free list manipulation */ int saveRSVD4; /* 004 reserved */ addr64_t savepoolfwd; /* 008 Forward anchor for the free pool */ addr64_t savepoolbwd; /* 010 Backward anchor for the free pool */ volatile addr64_t savefree; /* 018 Anchor for the global free list */ volatile unsigned int savefreecnt; /* 020 Number of saveareas on global free list */ volatile int saveadjust; /* 024 If 0 number of saveareas is ok, otherwise # to change (pos means grow, neg means shrink */ volatile int saveinuse; /* 028 Number of areas in use counting those on the local free list */ unsigned int savetarget; /* 02C Number of saveareas needed */ int savemaxcount; /* 030 Maximum saveareas ever allocated */ unsigned int saveinusesnapshot; /* 034 snapshot inuse count */ volatile addr64_t savefreesnapshot; /* 038 snapshot global free list header */ /* 040 */ }; #pragma pack() extern struct Saveanchor saveanchor; /* Aliged savearea anchor */ #define sac_cnt (4096 / sizeof(struct savearea)) /* Number of saveareas per page */ #define sac_empty (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - sac_cnt)) /* Mask with all entries empty */ #define sac_perm 0x40000000 /* Page permanently assigned */ #define sac_permb 1 /* Page permanently assigned - bit position */ #define LocalSaveTarget (((8 + sac_cnt - 1) / sac_cnt) * sac_cnt) /* Target for size of local savearea free list */ #define LocalSaveMin (LocalSaveTarget / 2) /* Min size of local savearea free list before we grow */ #define LocalSaveMax (LocalSaveTarget * 2) /* Max size of local savearea free list before we trim */ #define FreeListMin (2 * LocalSaveTarget) /* Always make sure there are enough to fill local list twice per processor */ #define SaveLowHysteresis LocalSaveTarget /* The number off from target before we adjust upwards */ #define SaveHighHysteresis (2 * FreeListMin) /* The number off from target before we adjust downwards */ #define InitialSaveAreas (2 * FreeListMin) /* The number of saveareas to make at boot time */ #define InitialSaveTarget FreeListMin /* The number of saveareas for an initial target. This should be the minimum ever needed. */ #define InitialSaveBloks (InitialSaveAreas + sac_cnt - 1) / sac_cnt /* The number of savearea blocks to allocate at boot */ #define BackPocketSaveBloks 8 /* Number of pages of back pocket saveareas */ void save_queue(ppnum_t); /* Add a new savearea block to the free list */ addr64_t save_get_init(void); /* special savearea-get for cpu initialization (returns physical address) */ struct savearea *save_get(void); /* Obtains a savearea from the free list (returns virtual address) */ reg64_t save_get_phys_32(void); /* Obtains a savearea from the free list (returns phys addr in r3) */ reg64_t save_get_phys_64(void); /* Obtains a savearea from the free list (returns phys addr in r3) */ struct savearea *save_alloc(void); /* Obtains a savearea and allocates blocks if needed */ struct savearea *save_cpv(addr64_t); /* Converts a physical savearea address to virtual */ void save_ret(struct savearea *); /* Returns a savearea to the free list by virtual address */ void save_ret_wMSR(struct savearea *, reg64_t); /* returns a savearea and restores an MSR */ void save_ret_phys(reg64_t); /* Returns a savearea to the free list by physical address */ void save_adjust(void); /* Adjust size of the global free list */ struct savearea_comm *save_trim_free(void); /* Remove free pages from savearea pool */ int save_recover(void); /* returns nonzero if we can recover enough from the free pool */ void savearea_init(vm_offset_t addr); /* Boot-time savearea initialization */ void save_fake_zone_info( /* report savearea usage statistics as fake zone info */ int *count, vm_size_t *cur_size, vm_size_t *max_size, vm_size_t *elem_size, vm_size_t *alloc_size, int *collectable, int *exhaustable); void save_snapshot(void); void save_snapshot_restore(void); void save_release(struct savearea *); #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */ #endif /* ndef ASSEMBLER */ #define SAVattach 0x80000000 /* Savearea has valid context */ #define SAVrststk 0x00010000 /* Indicates that the current stack should be reset to empty */ #define SAVsyscall 0x00020000 /* Indicates that the savearea is associated with a syscall */ #define SAVredrive 0x00040000 /* Indicates that the low-level fault handler associated */ #define SAVredriveb 13 /* Indicates that the low-level fault handler associated */ #define SAVinstrument 0x00080000 /* Indicates that we should return instrumentation data */ #define SAVinstrumentb 12 /* Indicates that we should return instrumentation data */ #define SAVeat 0x00100000 /* Indicates that interruption should be ignored */ #define SAVeatb 11 /* Indicates that interruption should be ignored */ #define SAVinject 0x00200000 /* Indicates that save_instr contains code to inject */ #define SAVinjectb 10 /* Indicates that save_instr contains code to inject */ #define SAVtype 0x0000FF00 /* Shows type of savearea */ #define SAVtypeshft 8 /* Shift to position type */ #define SAVempty 0x86 /* Savearea is on free list */ #define SAVgeneral 0x01 /* Savearea contains general context */ #define SAVfloat 0x02 /* Savearea contains floating point context */ #define SAVvector 0x03 /* Savearea contains vector context */ #endif /* _PPC_SAVEAREA_H_ */ #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */