/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #ifdef __ppc__ # include # include # include #else # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include extern int is_suser(void); static uint32_t pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Only one control operation at a time please */ uint32_t pmsBroadcastWait = 0; /* Number of outstanding broadcasts */ int pmsInstalled = 0; /* Power Management Stepper can run and has table installed */ int pmsExperimental = 0; /* Power Management Stepper in experimental mode */ decl_simple_lock_data(,pmsBuildLock) /* Make sure only one guy can replace table at the same time */ static pmsDef *altDpmsTab; /* Alternate step definition table */ static uint32_t altDpmsTabSize = 0; /* Size of alternate step definition table */ pmsDef pmsDummy = { /* This is the dummy step for initialization. All it does is to park */ .pmsLimit = 0, /* Time doesn't matter for a park */ .pmsStepID = pmsMaxStates - 1, /* Use the very last ID number for the dummy */ .pmsSetCmd = pmsParkIt, /* Force us to be parked */ .sf.pmsSetFuncInd = 0, /* No platform call for this one */ .pmsDown = pmsPrepSleep, /* We always park */ .pmsNext = pmsPrepSleep /* We always park */ }; pmsStat pmsStatsd[4][pmsMaxStates]; /* Generate enough statistics blocks for 4 processors */ pmsCtl pmsCtls = { /* Power Management Stepper control */ .pmsStats = pmsStatsd, }; pmsSetFunc_t pmsFuncTab[pmsSetFuncMax] = {NULL}; /* This is the function index table */ pmsQueryFunc_t pmsQueryFunc; /* Pointer to pmsQuery function */ uint32_t pmsPlatformData = 0; /* Data provided by and passed to platform functions */ #ifdef __ppc__ # define PER_PROC_INFO struct per_proc_info # define GET_PER_PROC_INFO() getPerProc() #else # define PER_PROC_INFO cpu_data_t # define GET_PER_PROC_INFO() current_cpu_datap() #endif /* * Do any initialization needed */ void pmsInit(void) { int i; simple_lock_init(&pmsBuildLock, 0); /* Initialize the build lock */ for(i = 0; i < pmsMaxStates; i++) pmsCtls.pmsDefs[i] = &pmsDummy; /* Initialize the table to dummy steps */ pmsCPUMachineInit(); } /* * Start the power management stepper on all processors * * All processors must be parked. This should be called when the hardware * is ready to step. Probably only at boot and after wake from sleep. * */ void pmsStart(void) { boolean_t intr; if(!pmsInstalled) return; /* We can't do this if no table installed */ intr = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* No interruptions in here */ pmsRun(pmsStartUp); /* Start running the stepper everywhere */ (void)ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intr); /* Restore interruptions */ } /* * Park the stepper execution. This will force the stepper on this * processor to abandon its current step and stop. No changes to the * hardware state is made and any previous step is lost. * * This is used as the initial state at startup and when the step table * is being changed. * */ void pmsPark(void) { boolean_t intr; if(!pmsInstalled) return; /* We can't do this if no table installed */ intr = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* No interruptions in here */ pmsSetStep(pmsParked, 0); /* Park the stepper */ (void)ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intr); /* Restore interruptions */ } /* * Steps down to a lower power. * Interrupts must be off... */ void pmsDown(void) { PER_PROC_INFO *pp; uint32_t nstate; pp = GET_PER_PROC_INFO(); /* Get our per_proc */ if(!pmsInstalled || pp->pms.pmsState == pmsParked) return; /* No stepping if parked or not installed */ nstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[pp->pms.pmsState]->pmsDown; /* Get the downward step */ pmsSetStep(nstate, 0); /* Step to it */ } /* * Steps up to a higher power. The "timer" parameter is true if the * step was driven due to the pms timer expiring. * * Interrupts must be off... */ int pmsStepIdleSneaks; int pmsStepIdleTries; void pmsStep(int timer) { PER_PROC_INFO *pp; uint32_t nstate; uint32_t tstate; uint32_t pkgstate; int dir; int i; pp = GET_PER_PROC_INFO(); /* Get our per_proc */ if(!pmsInstalled || pp->pms.pmsState == pmsParked) return; /* No stepping if parked or not installed */ /* * Assume a normal step. */ nstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[pp->pms.pmsState]->pmsNext; /* * If we are idling and being asked to step up, check to see whether * the package we're in is already at a non-idle power state. If so, * attempt to work out what state that is, and go there directly to * avoid wasting time ramping up. */ if ((pp->pms.pmsState == pmsIdle) && ((pkgstate = pmsCPUPackageQuery()) != ~(uint32_t)0)) { /* * Search forward through the stepper program, * avoid looping for too long. */ tstate = nstate; pmsStepIdleTries++; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { /* * Compare command with current package state */ if ((pmsCtls.pmsDefs[tstate]->pmsSetCmd & pmsCPU) == pkgstate) { nstate = tstate; pmsStepIdleSneaks++; break; } /* * Advance to the next step in the program. */ if (pmsCtls.pmsDefs[tstate]->pmsNext == tstate) break; /* infinite loop */ tstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[tstate]->pmsNext; } } /* * Default to a step up. */ dir = 1; /* * If we are stepping as a consequence of timer expiry, select the * alternate exit path and note this as downward step for accounting * purposes. */ if (timer && (pmsCtls.pmsDefs[pp->pms.pmsState]->pmsSetCmd == pmsDelay)) { nstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[pp->pms.pmsState]->pmsTDelay; /* * Delayed steps are a step down for accounting purposes. */ dir = 0; } pmsSetStep(nstate, dir); } /* * Set a specific step * * We do not do statistics if exiting park * Interrupts must be off... * */ void pmsSetStep(uint32_t nstep, int dir) { PER_PROC_INFO *pp; uint32_t pstate, nCSetCmd, mCSetCmd; pmsDef *pnstate, *pcstate; uint64_t tb, dur; int cpu; pp = GET_PER_PROC_INFO(); /* Get our per_proc */ cpu = cpu_number(); /* Get our processor */ while(1) { /* Keep stepping until we get a delay */ if(pp->pms.pmsCSetCmd & pmsMustCmp) { /* Do we have to finish the delay before changing? */ while(mach_absolute_time() < pp->pms.pmsPop); /* Yes, spin here... */ } if((nstep == pmsParked) || ((uint32_t)pmsCtls.pmsDefs[nstep]->pmsSetCmd == pmsParkIt)) { /* Are we parking? */ tb = mach_absolute_time(); /* What time is it? */ pp->pms.pmsStamp = tb; /* Show transition now */ pp->pms.pmsPop = HalfwayToForever; /* Set the pop way into the future */ pp->pms.pmsState = pmsParked; /* Make sure we are parked */ etimer_resync_deadlines(); /* Cancel our timer if going */ return; } pnstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[nstep]; /* Point to the state definition */ pstate = pp->pms.pmsState; /* Save the current step */ pp->pms.pmsState = nstep; /* Set the current to the next step */ if(pnstate->pmsSetCmd != pmsDelay) { /* If this is not a delayed state, change the actual hardware now */ if(pnstate->pmsSetCmd & pmsCngCPU) pmsCPUSet(pnstate->pmsSetCmd); /* We have some CPU work to do... */ if((uint32_t)pnstate->sf.pmsSetFunc) pnstate->sf.pmsSetFunc(pnstate->pmsSetCmd, cpu, pmsPlatformData); /* Tell the platform to set power mode */ mCSetCmd = pnstate->pmsSetCmd & (pmsCngXClk | pmsCngCPU | pmsCngVolt); /* Isolate just the change flags */ mCSetCmd = (mCSetCmd - (mCSetCmd >> 7)) | pmsSync | pmsMustCmp | pmsPowerID; /* Form mask of bits that come from new command */ nCSetCmd = pp->pms.pmsCSetCmd & ~mCSetCmd; /* Clear changing bits */ nCSetCmd = nCSetCmd | (pnstate->pmsSetCmd & mCSetCmd); /* Flip on the changing bits and the always copy bits */ pp->pms.pmsCSetCmd = nCSetCmd; /* Set it for real */ } tb = mach_absolute_time(); /* What time is it? */ pp->pms.pmsPop = tb + pnstate->pmsLimit; /* Set the next pop */ if((pnstate->pmsSetCmd != pmsDelay) && (pp->pms.pmsCSetCmd & pmsSync) && (pnstate->pmsLimit != 0)) { /* Is this a synchronous command with a delay? */ while(mach_absolute_time() < pp->pms.pmsPop); /* Yes, spin here and wait it out... */ } /* * Gather some statistics */ dur = tb - pp->pms.pmsStamp; /* Get the amount of time we were in the old step */ pp->pms.pmsStamp = tb; /* Set the new timestamp */ if(!(pstate == pmsParked)) { /* Only take stats if we were not parked */ pcstate = pmsCtls.pmsDefs[pstate]; /* Get the previous step */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][pcstate->pmsStepID].stTime[dir] += dur; /* Accumulate the total time in the old step */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][pcstate->pmsStepID].stCnt[dir] += 1; /* Count transitions */ } /* * See if we are done chaining steps */ if((pnstate->pmsSetCmd == pmsDelay) || (!(pp->pms.pmsCSetCmd & pmsSync) && (pnstate->pmsLimit != 0))) { /* Is this not syncronous and a non-zero delay or a delayed step? */ etimer_resync_deadlines(); /* Start the timers ticking */ break; /* We've stepped as far as we're going to... */ } nstep = pnstate->pmsNext; /* Chain on to the next */ } } /* * Either park the stepper or force the step on a parked stepper for local processor only * */ void pmsRunLocal(uint32_t nstep) { PER_PROC_INFO *pp; uint32_t lastState; int cpu, i; boolean_t intr; if(!pmsInstalled) /* Ignore this if no step programs installed... */ return; intr = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* No interruptions in here */ pp = GET_PER_PROC_INFO(); /* Get our per_proc */ if(nstep == pmsStartUp) { /* Should we start up? */ pmsCPUInit(); /* Get us up to full with high voltage and park */ nstep = pmsNormHigh; /* Change request to transition to normal high */ } lastState = pp->pms.pmsState; /* Remember if we are parked now */ pmsSetStep(nstep, 1); /* Step to the new state */ if((lastState == pmsParked) && (pp->pms.pmsState != pmsParked)) { /* Did we just unpark? */ cpu = cpu_number(); /* Get our processor */ for(i = 0; i < pmsMaxStates; i++) { /* Step through the steps and clear the statistics since we were parked */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][i].stTime[0] = 0; /* Clear accumulated time - downward */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][i].stTime[1] = 0; /* Clear accumulated time - forward */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][i].stCnt[0] = 0; /* Clear transition count - downward */ pmsCtls.pmsStats[cpu][i].stCnt[1] = 0; /* Clear transition count - forward */ } } (void)ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intr); /* Restore interruptions */ } /* * Control the Power Management Stepper. * Called from user state by the superuser. * Interruptions disabled. * */ kern_return_t pmsControl(uint32_t request, user_addr_t reqaddr, uint32_t reqsize) { uint32_t nstep = 0, result, presult; int ret, cpu; kern_return_t kret = KERN_SUCCESS; pmsDef *ndefs; PER_PROC_INFO *pp; pp = GET_PER_PROC_INFO(); /* Get our per_proc */ cpu = cpu_number(); /* Get our processor */ if(!is_suser()) { /* We are better than most, */ kret = KERN_FAILURE; goto out; } if(request >= pmsCFree) { /* Can we understand the request? */ kret = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto out; } if(request == pmsCQuery) { /* Are we just checking? */ result = pmsCPUQuery() & pmsCPU; /* Get the processor data and make sure there is no slop */ presult = 0; /* Assume nothing */ if((uint32_t)pmsQueryFunc) presult = pmsQueryFunc(cpu, pmsPlatformData); /* Go get the platform state */ kret = result | (presult & (pmsXClk | pmsVoltage | pmsPowerID)); /* Merge the platform state with no slop */ goto out; } if(request == pmsCExperimental) { /* Enter experimental mode? */ if(pmsInstalled || (pmsExperimental & 1)) { /* Are we already running or in experimental? */ kret = KERN_FAILURE; goto out; } pmsExperimental |= 1; /* Flip us into experimental but don't change other flags */ pmsCPUConf(); /* Configure for this machine */ pmsStart(); /* Start stepping */ goto out; } if(request == pmsCCnfg) { /* Do some up-front checking before we commit to doing this */ if((reqsize > (pmsMaxStates * sizeof(pmsDef))) || (reqsize < (pmsFree * sizeof(pmsDef)))) { /* Check that the size is reasonable */ kret = KERN_NO_SPACE; goto out; } } if (request == pmsGCtls) { if (reqsize != sizeof(pmsCtls)) { kret = KERN_FAILURE; goto out; } ret = copyout(&pmsCtls, reqaddr, reqsize); goto out; } if (request == pmsGStats) { if (reqsize != sizeof(pmsStatsd)) { /* request size is fixed */ kret = KERN_FAILURE; goto out; } ret = copyout(&pmsStatsd, reqaddr, reqsize); goto out; } /* * We are committed after here. If there are any errors detected, we shouldn't die, but we * will be stuck in park. * * Also, we can possibly end up on another processor after the broadcast. * */ if(!hw_compare_and_store(0, 1, &pmsSyncrolator)) { /* Are we already doing this? */ /* Tell them that we are already busy and to try again */ kret = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; goto out; } // NOTE: We will block in the following code until everyone has finished the prepare pmsRun(pmsPrepCng); /* Get everyone parked and in a proper state for step table changes, including me */ if(request == pmsCPark) { /* Is all we're supposed to do park? */ pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Free us up */ goto out; } switch(request) { /* Select the routine */ case pmsCStart: /* Starts normal steppping */ nstep = pmsNormHigh; /* Set the request */ break; case pmsCFLow: /* Forces low power */ nstep = pmsLow; /* Set request */ break; case pmsCFHigh: /* Forces high power */ nstep = pmsHigh; /* Set request */ break; case pmsCCnfg: /* Loads new stepper program */ if(!(ndefs = (pmsDef *)kalloc(reqsize))) { /* Get memory for the whole thing */ pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Free us up */ kret = KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS; goto out; } ret = copyin(reqaddr, (void *)ndefs, reqsize); /* Get the new config table */ if(ret) { /* Hmmm, something went wrong with the copyin */ kfree(ndefs, reqsize); /* Free up the copied in data */ pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Free us up */ kret = KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS; goto out; } kret = pmsBuild(ndefs, reqsize, NULL, 0, NULL); /* Go build and replace the tables. Make sure we keep the old platform stuff */ if(kret) { /* Hmmm, something went wrong with the compilation */ kfree(ndefs, reqsize); /* Free up the copied in data */ pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Free us up */ goto out; } nstep = pmsNormHigh; /* Set the request */ break; default: panic("pmsCntrl: stepper control is so very, very confused = %08X\n", request); } pmsRun(nstep); /* Get everyone into step */ pmsSyncrolator = 0; /* Free us up */ out: return kret; } /* * Broadcast a change to all processors including ourselves. * * Interruptions are disabled. */ void pmsRun(uint32_t nstep) { pmsCPURun(nstep); } /* * Build the tables needed for the stepper. This includes both the step definitions and the step control table. * * We most absolutely need to be parked before this happens because we're gonna change the table. * We're going to have to be pretty complete about checking for errors. * Also, a copy is always made because we don't want to be crippled by not being able to change * the table or description formats. * * We pass in a table of external functions and the new stepper def uses the corresponding * indexes rather than actual function addresses. This is done so that a proper table can be * built with the control syscall. It can't supply addresses, so the index has to do. We * internalize the table so our caller does not need to keep it. Note that passing in a 0 * will use the current function table. Also note that entry 0 is reserved and must be 0, * we will check and fail the build. * * The platformData parameter is a 32-bit word of data that is passed unaltered to the set function. * * The queryFunc parameter is the address of a function that will return the current state of the platform. * The format of the data returned is the same as the platform specific portions of pmsSetCmd, i.e., pmsXClk, * pmsVoltage, and any part of pmsPowerID that is maintained by the platform hardware (an example would be * the values of the gpios that correspond to pmsPowerID). The value should be constructed by querying * hardware rather than returning a value cached by software. One of the intents of this function is to * help recover lost or determine initial power states. * */ kern_return_t pmsBuild(pmsDef *pd, uint32_t pdsize, pmsSetFunc_t *functab, uint32_t platformData, pmsQueryFunc_t queryFunc) { int newsize, cstp, oldAltSize, xdsply; uint32_t setf, steps, i, nstps; uint64_t nlimit; pmsDef *newpd, *oldAlt; boolean_t intr; xdsply = (pmsExperimental & 3) != 0; /* Turn on kprintfs if requested or in experimental mode */ if(pdsize % sizeof(pmsDef)) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Length not multiple of definition size */ steps = pdsize / sizeof(pmsDef); /* Get the number of steps supplied */ if((steps >= pmsMaxStates) || (steps < pmsFree)) /* Complain if too big or too small */ return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Squeak loudly!!! */ if((uint32_t)functab && (uint32_t)functab[0]) /* Verify that if they supplied a new function table, entry 0 is 0 */ return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Fail because they didn't reserve entry 0 */ if(xdsply) kprintf("\n StepID Down Next HWSel HWfun Limit\n"); for(i = 0; i < steps; i++) { /* Step through and verify the definitions */ if(xdsply) kprintf(" %6d %6d %6d %08X %6d %20lld\n", pd[i].pmsStepID, pd[i].pmsDown, pd[i].pmsNext, pd[i].pmsSetCmd, pd[i].sf.pmsSetFuncInd, pd[i].pmsLimit); if((pd[i].pmsLimit != 0) && (pd[i].pmsLimit < 100ULL)) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: pmsLimit too small/n", i); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Has to be 100µS or more */ } if((pd[i].pmsLimit != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) && (pd[i].pmsLimit > (HalfwayToForever / 1000ULL))) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: pmsLimit too big\n", i); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Can't be too big */ } if(pd[i].pmsStepID != i) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: step ID does not match (%d)\n", i, pd[i].pmsStepID); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* ID must match */ } if(pd[i].sf.pmsSetFuncInd >= pmsSetFuncMax) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: function invalid (%d)\n", i, pd[i].sf.pmsSetFuncInd); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Fail if this function is not in the table */ } if((pd[i].pmsDown != pmsParked) && pd[i].pmsDown >= steps) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: pmsDown out of range (%d)\n", i, pd[i].pmsDown); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Step down must be in the table or park */ } if((pd[i].pmsNext != pmsParked) && pd[i].pmsNext >= steps) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: pmsNext out of range (%d)\n", i, pd[i].pmsNext); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Step up must be in the table or park */ } if((pd[i].pmsSetCmd == pmsDelay) && (pd[i].pmsTDelay >= steps)) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: pmsTDelay out of range (%d)\n", i, pd[i].pmsTDelay); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Delayed step must be in the table */ } if((pd[i].pmsSetCmd == pmsDelay) && (pd[i].pmsLimit == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)) { if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: delay time limit must not be infinite\n", i); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Delayed step must have a time limit */ } } /* * Verify that there are no infinite synchronous forward loops in the table */ if(xdsply) kprintf("\nInitial scan passed, start in loop check\n"); for(i = 0; i < steps; i++) { /* Start with each step. Inefficient, but who cares */ cstp = i; /* Set starting point */ nstps = 0; /* Initialize chain length counter */ while(1) { /* Do until we hit the end */ if(pd[cstp].pmsSetCmd == pmsParkIt) break; /* Parking always terminates a chain so no endless loop here */ if(pd[cstp].pmsSetCmd == pmsDelay) break; /* Delayed steps always terminate a chain so no endless loop here */ if((pd[cstp].pmsLimit != 0) && ((pd[cstp].pmsSetCmd & pmsSync) != pmsSync)) break; /* If time limit is not 0 and not synchrouous, no endless loop */ if(pd[cstp].pmsNext == pmsParked) break; /* If the next step is parked, no endless loop */ cstp = pd[cstp].pmsNext; /* Chain to the next */ nstps = nstps + 1; /* Count this step */ if(nstps >= steps) { /* We've stepped for more steps than we have, must be an endless loop! */ if(xdsply) kprintf("error step %3d: infinite pmsNext loop\n", i); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Suggest to our caller that they can't program... */ } } } if((pmsExperimental & 4) && (pmsInstalled) && ((uint32_t)functab != 0)) { /* If we are already initted and experimental is locked in, and we are doing first */ if(xdsply) kprintf("Experimental locked, ignoring driver pmsBuild\n"); return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; /* Just ignore the request. */ } /* * Well, things look ok, let's do it to it... */ if(xdsply) kprintf("Loop check passed, building and installing table\n"); newsize = steps * sizeof(pmsDef); /* Get the size needed for the definition blocks */ if(!(newpd = (pmsDef *)kalloc(newsize))) { /* Get memory for the whole thing */ return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; /* No storage... */ } bzero((void *)newpd, newsize); /* Make it pretty */ /* * Ok, this is it, finish intitializing, switch the tables, and pray... * We want no interruptions at all and we need to lock the table. Everybody should be parked, * so no one should ever touch this. The lock is to keep multiple builders safe. It probably * will never ever happen, but paranoia is a good thing... */ intr = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* No interruptions in here */ simple_lock(&pmsBuildLock); /* Lock out everyone... */ if(platformData) pmsPlatformData = platformData; /* Remember the platform data word passed in if any was... */ if((uint32_t)queryFunc) pmsQueryFunc = queryFunc; /* Remember the query function passed in, if it was... */ oldAlt = altDpmsTab; /* Remember any old alternate we had */ oldAltSize = altDpmsTabSize; /* Remember its size */ altDpmsTab = newpd; /* Point to the new table */ altDpmsTabSize = newsize; /* Set the size */ if((uint32_t)functab) { /* Did we get a new function table? */ for(i = 0; i < pmsSetFuncMax; i++) pmsFuncTab[i] = functab[i]; /* Copy in the new table */ } for(i = 0; i < pmsMaxStates; i++) pmsCtls.pmsDefs[i] = &pmsDummy; /* Initialize the table to point to the dummy step */ for(i = 0; i < steps; i++) { /* Replace the step table entries */ if(pd[i].pmsLimit == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) nlimit = century; /* Default to 100 years */ else nlimit = pd[i].pmsLimit; /* Otherwise use what was supplied */ nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(nlimit * 1000ULL, &newpd[i].pmsLimit); /* Convert microseconds to nanoseconds and then to ticks */ setf = pd[i].sf.pmsSetFuncInd; /* Make convienient */ newpd[i].sf.pmsSetFunc = pmsFuncTab[setf]; /* Replace the index with the function address */ newpd[i].pmsStepID = pd[i].pmsStepID; /* Set the step ID */ newpd[i].pmsSetCmd = pd[i].pmsSetCmd; /* Set the hardware selector ID */ newpd[i].pmsDown = pd[i].pmsDown; /* Set the downward step */ newpd[i].pmsNext = pd[i].pmsNext; /* Set the next setp */ newpd[i].pmsTDelay = pd[i].pmsTDelay; /* Set the delayed setp */ pmsCtls.pmsDefs[i] = &newpd[i]; /* Copy it in */ } #ifdef __ppc__ pmsCtlp = (uint32_t)&pmsCtls; /* Point to the new pms table */ #endif pmsInstalled = 1; /* The stepper has been born or born again... */ simple_unlock(&pmsBuildLock); /* Free play! */ (void)ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intr); /* Interrupts back the way there were */ if((uint32_t)oldAlt) /* If we already had an alternate, free it */ kfree(oldAlt, oldAltSize); if(xdsply) kprintf("Stepper table installed\n"); return KERN_SUCCESS; /* We're in fate's hands now... */ }