/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Header files for the hardware virtual memory mapping stuff */ #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifndef _PPC_MAPPINGS_H_ #define _PPC_MAPPINGS_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Don't change these structures unless you change the assembly code */ /* * This control block serves as anchor for all virtual mappings of the same physical * page, i.e., aliases. There is a table for each bank (mem_region). All tables * must reside in V=R storage and within the first 2GB of memory. Also, the * mappings to which it points must be on at least a 64-byte boundary. These * requirements allow a total of 2 bits for status and flags, and allow all address * calculations to be 32-bit. */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct phys_entry { addr64_t ppLink; /* Physical pointer to aliased mappings and flags */ #define ppLock 0x8000000000000000LL /* Lock for alias chain */ #define ppFlags 0x700000000000000FLL /* Status and flags */ #define ppI 0x2000000000000000LL /* Cache inhibited */ #define ppIb 2 /* Cache inhibited */ #define ppG 0x1000000000000000LL /* Guarded */ #define ppGb 3 /* Guarded */ #define ppR 0x0000000000000008LL /* Referenced */ #define ppRb 60 /* Referenced */ #define ppC 0x0000000000000004LL /* Changed */ #define ppCb 61 /* Changed */ /* The lock, attribute, and flag bits are arranged so that their positions may be * described by a contiguous mask of one bits wrapping from bit postion 63 to 0. * In assembly language, we can then rapidly produce this mask with: * li r0,ppLFAmask ; r0 <- 0x00000000000000FF * rotrdi r0,r0,ppLFArrot ; r0 <- 0xF00000000000000F */ #define ppLFAmask 0x00FF /* One bit for each lock, attr, or flag bit */ #define ppLFArrot 4 /* Right-rotate count to obtain 64-bit mask */ } phys_entry_t; #pragma pack() #define physEntrySize sizeof(phys_entry_t) /* Memory may be non-contiguous. This data structure contains info * for mapping this non-contiguous space into the contiguous * physical->virtual mapping tables. An array of this type is * provided to the pmap system at bootstrap by ppc_vm_init. * */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct mem_region { phys_entry_t *mrPhysTab; /* Base of region table */ ppnum_t mrStart; /* Start of region */ ppnum_t mrEnd; /* Last page in region */ ppnum_t mrAStart; /* Next page in region to allocate */ ppnum_t mrAEnd; /* Last page in region to allocate */ } mem_region_t; #pragma pack() #define mrSize sizeof(mem_region_t) #define PMAP_MEM_REGION_MAX 11 extern mem_region_t pmap_mem_regions[PMAP_MEM_REGION_MAX + 1]; extern unsigned int pmap_mem_regions_count; /* Prototypes */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct PCA { /* PTEG Control Area */ union flgs { unsigned int PCAallo; /* Allocation controls */ struct PCAalflgs { /* Keep these in order!!! */ unsigned char PCAfree; /* Indicates the slot is free */ unsigned char PCAsteal; /* Steal scan start position */ unsigned char PCAauto; /* Indicates that the PTE was autogenned */ unsigned char PCAmisc; /* Misc. flags */ #define PCAlock 1 /* This locks up the associated PTEG */ #define PCAlockb 31 } PCAalflgs; } flgs; } PCA_t; #pragma pack() /* The hash table is composed of mappings organized into G groups of S slots * each. In the macros below, by GV_GROUPS_LG2, GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2, and GV_SLOTS_LG2, the number * of groups, the size (in bytes) of a slot, and the number of slots in a group are given. * Since these values are given as log2, they're restricted to powers of two. Fast operation * and all that. * * This patch of macros define all of the hash table's metrics and handy masks. It's a * build-time thing because it's faster that way. Only the first group of values may * be adjusted. */ #define GV_GROUPS_LG2 10 /* 1024 groups per hash table (log2(max) is 14, viz. 16K groups) */ #define GV_SLOTS_LG2 3 /* 8 slots per group (log2(max) is 8, viz. 256 slots) */ #define GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2 5 /* 32 bytes per slot (mapping size) */ #define GV_PGIDX_SZ_LG2 3 /* 64-bit Hash-table-page physical-addrress index entry size */ #define GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2 12 /* 4k-byte hash-table-page size */ #define GV_GROUPS (1 << GV_GROUPS_LG2) #define GV_SLOT_SZ (1 << GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2) #define GV_SLOTS (1 << GV_SLOTS_LG2) #define GV_PAGE_SZ (1 << GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2) #define GV_GRP_MASK (GV_GROUPS - 1) #define GV_SLOT_MASK (GV_SLOTS - 1) #define GV_PAGE_MASK (GV_PAGE_SZ - 1) #define GV_HPAGES (1 << (GV_GROUPS_LG2 + GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2 + GV_SLOTS_LG2 - GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2)) #define GV_GRPS_PPG_LG2 (GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2 - (GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2 + GV_SLOTS_LG2)) #define GV_GRPS_PPG (1 << GV_GRPS_PPG_LG2) #define GV_SLTS_PPG_LG2 (GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2 - GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2) #define GV_SLTS_PPG (1 << GV_SLTS_PPG_LG2) #define GV_HPAGE_SHIFT (GV_PGIDX_SZ_LG2 - GV_GRPS_PPG_LG2) #define GV_HPAGE_MASK ((GV_HPAGES - 1) << GV_PGIDX_SZ_LG2) #define GV_HGRP_SHIFT (GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2 + GV_SLOTS_LG2) #define GV_HGRP_MASK ((GV_GRPS_PPG - 1) << GV_HGRP_SHIFT) #define GV_MAPWD_BITS_LG2 5 /* 32-bit active map word size */ #define GV_MAPWD_SZ_LG2 (GV_MAPWD_BITS_LG2 - 3) #define GV_BAND_SHIFT (GV_MAPWD_BITS_LG2 + GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2) #define GV_BAND_SZ_LG2 (GV_PAGE_SZ_LG2 - GV_SLOT_SZ_LG2 - GV_MAPWD_BITS_LG2) #define GV_BAND_MASK (((1 << GV_BAND_SZ_LG2) - 1) << GV_BAND_SHIFT) #define GV_MAP_WORDS (1 << (GV_GROUPS_LG2 + GV_SLOTS_LG2 - GV_MAPWD_BITS_LG2)) #define GV_MAP_MASK ((GV_MAP_WORDS - 1) << GV_MAPWD_SZ_LG2) #define GV_MAP_SHIFT (GV_PGIDX_SZ_LG2 - GV_BAND_SZ_LG2) /* Mappings currently come in two sizes: 64 and 128 bytes. The only difference is the * number of skiplists (ie, mpLists): 64-byte mappings have 1-4 lists and 128-byte mappings * have from 5-12. Only 1 in 256 mappings is large, so an average mapping is 64.25 bytes. * All mappings are 64-byte aligned. * * Special note on mpFIP and mpRIP: * These flags are manipulated under various locks. RIP is always set under an * exclusive lock while FIP is shared. The only worry is that there is a possibility that * FIP could be attempted by more than 1 processor at a time. Obviously, one will win. * The other(s) bail all the way to user state and may refault (or not). There are only * a few things in mpFlags that are not static, mpFIP, mpRIP, and mpBusy. * * We organize these so that mpFIP is in a byte with static data and mpRIP is in another. * That means that we can use a store byte to update the guys without worrying about load * and reserve. Note that mpFIP must be set atomically because it is under a share lock; * but, it may be cleared with a simple store byte. Because mpRip is set once and then never * cleared, we can get away with setting it by means of a simple store byte. * */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct mapping { unsigned int mpFlags; /* 0x000 - Various flags, lock bit. These are static except for lock */ #define mpBusy 0xFF000000 /* Busy count */ #define mpPrevious 0x00800000 /* A previous mapping exists in a composite */ #define mpNext 0x00400000 /* A next mapping exist in a composite */ #define mpPIndex 0x003F0000 /* Index into physical table (in words) */ #define mpType 0x0000F000 /* Mapping type: */ #define mpNormal 0x00000000 /* Normal logical page - backed by RAM, RC maintained, logical page size == physical page size */ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS CODE */ #define mpBlock 0x00001000 /* Block mapping - used for I/O memory or non-RC maintained RAM, logical page size is independent from physical */ #define mpMinSpecial 0x00002000 /* Any mapping with this type or above has extra special handling */ #define mpNest 0x00002000 /* Forces transtion to an alternate address space after applying relocation */ #define mpLinkage 0x00003000 /* Transition to current user address space with relocation - used for copyin/out/pv */ #define mpACID 0x00004000 /* Address Chunk ID - provides the address space ID for VSID calculation. Normally mapped at chunk size - 2KB */ #define mpGuest 0x00005000 /* Guest->physical shadow mapping */ /* 0x00006000 - 0x0000F000 Reserved */ #define mpFIP 0x00000800 /* Fault in progress */ #define mpFIPb 20 /* Fault in progress */ #define mpPcfg 0x00000700 /* Physical Page configuration */ #define mpPcfgb 23 /* Physical Page configuration index bit */ #define mpRIP 0x00000080 /* Remove in progress - DO NOT MOVE */ #define mpRIPb 24 /* Remove in progress */ #define mpPerm 0x00000040 /* Mapping is permanent - DO NOT MOVE */ #define mpPermb 25 /* Mapping is permanent */ #define mpBSu 0x00000020 /* Basic Size unit - 0 = 4KB, 1 = 32MB */ #define mpBSub 26 /* Basic Size unit - 0 = 4KB, 1 = 32MB */ #define mpLists 0x0000001F /* Number of skip lists mapping is on, max of 27 */ #define mpListsb 27 /* Number of skip lists mapping is on, max of 27 */ #define mpgFlags 0x0000001F /* Shadow cache mappings re-use mpLists for flags: */ #define mpgGlobal 0x00000004 /* Mapping is global (1) or local (0) */ #define mpgFree 0x00000002 /* Mapping is free */ #define mpgDormant 0x00000001 /* Mapping is dormant */ unsigned short mpSpace; /* 0x004 - Address space hash */ union { unsigned short mpBSize; /* 0x006 - Block size - 1 in pages - max block size 256MB */ unsigned char mpgCursor; /* 0x006 - Shadow-cache group allocation cursor (first mapping in the group) */ } u; unsigned int mpPte; /* 0x008 - Offset to PTEG in hash table. Offset to exact PTE if mpHValid set - NOTE: this MUST be 0 for block mappings */ #define mpHValid 0x00000001 /* PTE is entered in hash table */ #define mpHValidb 31 /* PTE is entered in hash table */ ppnum_t mpPAddr; /* 0x00C - Physical page number */ addr64_t mpVAddr; /* 0x010 - Starting virtual address */ #define mpHWFlags 0x0000000000000FFFULL /* Reference/Change, WIMG, AC, N, protection flags from PTE */ #define mpHWFlagsb 52 #define mpN 0x0000000000000004ULL /* Page-level no-execute (PowerAS machines) */ #define mpNb 61 #define mpPP 0x0000000000000003ULL /* Protection flags */ #define mpPPb 62 #define mpPPe 63 #define mpKKN 0x0000000000000007ULL /* Segment key and no execute flag (nested pmap) */ #define mpKKNb 61 #define mpWIMG 0x0000000000000078ULL /* Attribute bits */ #define mpWIMGb 57 #define mpW 0x0000000000000040ULL #define mpWb 57 #define mpI 0x0000000000000020ULL #define mpIb 58 #define mpM 0x0000000000000010ULL #define mpMb 59 #define mpG 0x0000000000000008ULL #define mpGb 60 #define mpWIMGe 60 #define mpC 0x0000000000000080ULL /* Change bit */ #define mpCb 56 #define mpR 0x0000000000000100ULL /* Reference bit */ #define mpRb 55 addr64_t mpAlias; /* 0x018 - Pointer to alias mappings of physical page */ #define mpNestReloc mpAlias /* 0x018 - Redefines mpAlias relocation value of vaddr to nested pmap value */ #define mpBlkRemCur mpAlias /* 0x018 - Next offset in block map to remove (this is 4 bytes) */ addr64_t mpList0; /* 0x020 - Forward chain of mappings. This one is always used */ addr64_t mpList[3]; /* 0x028 - Forward chain of mappings. Next higher order */ /* 0x040 - End of basic mapping */ #define mpBasicSize 64 #define mpBasicLists 4 /* note the dependence on kSkipListMaxLists, which must be <= #lists in a 256-byte mapping (ie, <=28) */ /* addr64_t mpList4[8]; 0x040 - First extended list entries */ /* 0x080 - End of first extended mapping */ /* addr64_t mpList12[8]; 0x080 - Second extended list entries */ /* 0x0C0 - End of second extended mapping */ /* addr64_t mpList20[8]; 0x0C0 - Third extended list entries */ /* 0x100 - End of third extended mapping */ } mapping_t; #pragma pack() #define MAPPING_NULL ((struct mapping *) 0) #define mapDirect 0x08 #define mapRWNA 0x00000000 #define mapRWRO 0x00000001 #define mapRWRW 0x00000002 #define mapRORO 0x00000003 /* All counts are in units of basic 64-byte mappings. A 128-byte mapping is * just two adjacent 64-byte entries. */ #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */ typedef struct mappingflush { addr64_t addr; /* Start address to search mapping */ unsigned int spacenum; /* Last space num to search pmap */ unsigned int mapfgas[1]; /* Pad to 64 bytes */ } mappingflush_t; typedef struct mappingctl { unsigned int mapclock; /* Mapping allocation lock */ unsigned int mapcrecurse; /* Mapping allocation recursion control */ struct mappingblok *mapcnext; /* First mapping block with free entries */ struct mappingblok *mapclast; /* Last mapping block with free entries */ struct mappingblok *mapcrel; /* List of deferred block releases */ unsigned int mapcfree; /* Total free entries on list */ unsigned int mapcinuse; /* Total entries in use */ unsigned int mapcreln; /* Total blocks on pending release list */ int mapcholdoff; /* Hold off clearing release list */ unsigned int mapcfreec; /* Total calls to mapping free */ unsigned int mapcallocc; /* Total calls to mapping alloc */ unsigned int mapcbig; /* Count times a big mapping was requested of mapping_alloc */ unsigned int mapcbigfails; /* Times caller asked for a big one but we gave 'em a small one */ unsigned int mapcmin; /* Minimum free mappings to keep */ unsigned int mapcmaxalloc; /* Maximum number of mappings allocated at one time */ unsigned int mapcgas[1]; /* Pad to 64 bytes */ struct mappingflush mapcflush; } mappingctl_t; #pragma pack() /* MAPPERBLOK is the number of basic 64-byte mappings per block (ie, per page.) */ #define MAPPERBLOK 63 #define MAPALTHRSH (4*MAPPERBLOK) #define MAPFRTHRSH (2 * ((MAPALTHRSH + MAPPERBLOK - 1) / MAPPERBLOK)) typedef struct mappingblok { unsigned int mapblokfree[2]; /* Bit map of free mapping entrys */ addr64_t mapblokvrswap; /* Virtual address XORed with physical address */ unsigned int mapblokflags; /* Various flags */ #define mbPerm 0x80000000 /* Block is permanent */ struct mappingblok *nextblok; /* Pointer to the next mapping block */ } mappingblok_t; #define mapRemChunk 128 #define mapRetCode 0xF #define mapRtOK 0 #define mapRtBadLk 1 #define mapRtPerm 2 #define mapRtNotFnd 3 #define mapRtBlock 4 #define mapRtNest 5 #define mapRtRemove 6 #define mapRtMapDup 7 #define mapRtGuest 8 #define mapRtEmpty 9 #define mapRtSmash 10 /* Mapping already exists and doesn't match new mapping */ #define mapRtBadSz 11 /* Requested size too big or more than 256MB and not mult of 32MB */ /* * This struct describes available physical page configurations * Note: * Index 0 is required and is the primary page configuration (4K, non-large) * Index 1 is the primary large page config if supported by hw (16M, large page) */ typedef struct pcfg { uint8_t pcfFlags; /* Flags */ #define pcfValid 0x80 /* Configuration is valid */ #define pcfLarge 0x40 /* Large page */ #define pcfDedSeg 0x20 /* Requires dedicated segment */ uint8_t pcfEncode; /* Implementation specific PTE encoding */ uint8_t pcfPSize; /* Page size in powers of 2 */ uint8_t pcfShift; /* Shift for PTE construction */ } pcfg; #define pcfDefPcfg 0 /* Primary page configuration */ #define pcfLargePcfg 1 /* Primary large page configuration */ extern pcfg pPcfg[8]; /* Supported page configurations */ extern mappingctl_t mapCtl; /* Mapping allocation control */ extern unsigned char ppc_prot[]; /* Mach -> PPC protection translation table */ vm_prot_t getProtPPC(int, boolean_t); /* Safe Mach -> PPC protection key conversion */ extern addr64_t mapping_remove(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va); /* Remove a single mapping for this VADDR */ extern mapping_t *mapping_find(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, addr64_t *nextva, int full); /* Finds a mapping */ extern void mapping_free_init(vm_offset_t mbl, int perm, boolean_t locked); /* Sets start and end of a block of mappings */ extern void mapping_prealloc(unsigned int); /* Preallocate mappings for large use */ extern void mapping_relpre(void); /* Releases preallocate request */ extern void mapping_init(void); /* Do initial stuff */ extern mapping_t *mapping_alloc(int lists); /* Obtain a mapping */ extern void mapping_free(struct mapping *mp); /* Release a mapping */ extern boolean_t mapping_tst_ref(ppnum_t pa); /* Tests the reference bit of a physical page */ extern boolean_t mapping_tst_mod(ppnum_t pa); /* Tests the change bit of a physical page */ extern void mapping_set_ref(ppnum_t pa); /* Sets the reference bit of a physical page */ extern void mapping_clr_ref(ppnum_t pa); /* Clears the reference bit of a physical page */ extern void mapping_set_mod(ppnum_t pa); /* Sets the change bit of a physical page */ extern void mapping_clr_mod(ppnum_t pa); /* Clears the change bit of a physical page */ extern unsigned int mapping_tst_refmod(ppnum_t pa); /* Tests the reference and change bits of a physical page */ extern void mapping_clr_refmod(ppnum_t pa, unsigned int mask); /* Clears the reference and change bits of a physical page */ extern void mapping_protect_phys(ppnum_t pa, vm_prot_t prot); /* Change protection of all mappings to page */ extern void mapping_protect(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, vm_prot_t prot, addr64_t *nextva); /* Change protection of a single mapping to page */ extern addr64_t mapping_make(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, ppnum_t pa, unsigned int flags, unsigned int size, vm_prot_t prot); /* Make a mapping */ /* Flags for mapping_make */ #define mmFlgBlock 0x80000000 /* This is a block map, use size for number of pages covered */ #define mmFlgUseAttr 0x40000000 /* Use specified attributes */ #define mmFlgPerm 0x20000000 /* Mapping is permanant */ #define mmFlgPcfg 0x07000000 /* Physical page configuration index */ #define mmFlgCInhib 0x00000002 /* Cahching inhibited - use if mapFlgUseAttr set or block */ #define mmFlgGuarded 0x00000001 /* Access guarded - use if mapFlgUseAttr set or block */ extern void mapping_purge(ppnum_t pa); /* Remove all mappings for this physent */ extern addr64_t mapping_p2v(pmap_t pmap, ppnum_t pa); /* Finds first virtual mapping of a physical page in a space */ extern void mapping_drop_busy(struct mapping *mapping); /* Drops busy count on mapping */ extern phys_entry_t *mapping_phys_lookup(ppnum_t pp, unsigned int *pindex); /* Finds the physical entry for the page */ extern int mapalc1(struct mappingblok *mb); /* Finds and allcates a 1-bit mapping entry */ extern int mapalc2(struct mappingblok *mb); /* Finds and allcates a 2-bit mapping entry */ extern void ignore_zero_fault(boolean_t type); /* Sets up to ignore or honor any fault on page 0 access for the current thread */ extern void mapping_hibernate_flush(void); extern void mapping_fake_zone_info( /* return mapping usage stats as a fake zone info */ int *count, vm_size_t *cur_size, vm_size_t *max_size, vm_size_t *elem_size, vm_size_t *alloc_size, int *collectable, int *exhaustable); extern mapping_t *hw_rem_map(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, addr64_t *next); /* Remove a mapping from the system */ extern mapping_t *hw_purge_map(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, addr64_t *next); /* Remove a regular mapping from the system */ extern mapping_t *hw_purge_space(struct phys_entry *pp, pmap_t pmap); /* Remove the first mapping for a specific pmap from physentry */ extern mapping_t *hw_purge_phys(struct phys_entry *pp); /* Remove the first mapping for a physentry */ extern mapping_t *hw_scrub_guest(struct phys_entry *pp, pmap_t pmap); /* Scrub first guest mapping belonging to this host */ extern mapping_t *hw_find_map(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, addr64_t *nextva); /* Finds a mapping */ extern mapping_t *hw_find_space(struct phys_entry *pp, unsigned int space); /* Given a phys_entry, find its first mapping in the specified space */ extern addr64_t hw_add_map(pmap_t pmap, struct mapping *mp); /* Add a mapping to a pmap */ extern unsigned int hw_protect(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, vm_prot_t prot, addr64_t *nextva); /* Change the protection of a virtual page */ extern unsigned int hw_test_rc(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, boolean_t reset); /* Test and optionally reset the RC bit of specific mapping */ extern unsigned int hw_clear_maps(void); extern unsigned int hw_walk_phys(struct phys_entry *pp, unsigned int preop, unsigned int op, /* Perform function on all mappings on a physical page */ unsigned int postop, unsigned int parm, unsigned int opmod); /* Opcodes for hw_walk_phys */ #define hwpNoop 0 /* No operation */ #define hwpSPrtPhy 1 /* Sets protection in physent (obsolete) */ #define hwpSPrtMap 2 /* Sets protection in mapping */ #define hwpSAtrPhy 3 /* Sets attributes in physent */ #define hwpSAtrMap 4 /* Sets attributes in mapping */ #define hwpCRefPhy 5 /* Clears reference in physent */ #define hwpCRefMap 6 /* Clears reference in mapping */ #define hwpCCngPhy 7 /* Clears change in physent */ #define hwpCCngMap 8 /* Clears change in mapping */ #define hwpSRefPhy 9 /* Sets reference in physent */ #define hwpSRefMap 10 /* Sets reference in mapping */ #define hwpSCngPhy 11 /* Sets change in physent */ #define hwpSCngMap 12 /* Sets change in mapping */ #define hwpTRefPhy 13 /* Tests reference in physent */ #define hwpTRefMap 14 /* Tests reference in mapping */ #define hwpTCngPhy 15 /* Tests change in physent */ #define hwpTCngMap 16 /* Tests change in mapping */ #define hwpTRefCngPhy 17 /* Tests reference and change in physent */ #define hwpTRefCngMap 18 /* Tests reference and change in mapping */ #define hwpCRefCngPhy 19 /* Clears reference and change in physent */ #define hwpCRefCngMap 20 /* Clears reference and change in mapping */ /* Operation modifiers for connected PTE visits for hw_walk_phys */ #define hwpPurgePTE 0 /* Invalidate/purge PTE and merge RC bits for each connected mapping */ #define hwpMergePTE 1 /* Merge RC bits for each connected mapping */ #define hwpNoopPTE 2 /* Take no additional action for each connected mapping */ extern void hw_set_user_space(pmap_t pmap); /* Indicate we need a space switch */ extern void hw_set_user_space_dis(pmap_t pmap); /* Indicate we need a space switch (already disabled) */ extern void hw_setup_trans(void); /* Setup hardware for translation */ extern void hw_start_trans(void); /* Start translation for the first time */ extern void hw_map_seg(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t seg, addr64_t va); /* Validate a segment */ extern void hw_blow_seg(addr64_t seg); /* Invalidate a segment */ extern void invalidateSegs(pmap_t pmap); /* Invalidate the segment cache */ extern struct phys_entry *pmap_find_physentry(ppnum_t pa); extern void mapLog(unsigned int laddr, unsigned int type, addr64_t va); extern unsigned int mapSkipListVerifyC(pmap_t pmap, unsigned long long *dumpa); extern kern_return_t hw_copypv_32(addr64_t source, addr64_t sink, unsigned int size, int which); extern void hw_rem_all_gv(pmap_t pmap); /* Remove all of a guest's mappings */ extern void hw_rem_local_gv(pmap_t gpmap); /* Remove guest local mappings */ extern unsigned int hw_res_map_gv(pmap_t hpmap, pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t hva, addr64_t gva, vm_prot_t prot); /* Resume a guest mapping */ extern void hw_add_map_gv(pmap_t hpmap, pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t gva, unsigned int mflags, ppnum_t pa); /* Add a guest mapping */ extern void hw_susp_map_gv(pmap_t hpmap, pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t gva); /* Suspend a guest mapping */ extern unsigned int hw_test_rc_gv(pmap_t hpmap, pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t gva, unsigned int reset); /* Test/reset mapping ref and chg */ extern unsigned int hw_protect_gv(pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t va, vm_prot_t prot); /* Change the protection of a guest page */ extern addr64_t hw_gva_to_hva(pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t gva); /* Convert guest to host virtual address */ extern unsigned int hw_find_map_gv(pmap_t gpmap, addr64_t gva, void *mpbuf); /* Find and copy guest mapping into buffer */ extern unsigned int mappingdeb0; /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ extern unsigned int incrVSID; /* VSID increment value */ extern int mapSetLists(pmap_t); extern void consider_mapping_adjust(void); #endif /* _PPC_MAPPINGS_H_ */ #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */