/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_FREE_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * @APPLE_FREE_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* Firmware.s Handle things that should be treated as an extension of the hardware Lovingly crafted by Bill Angell using traditional methods and only natural or recycled materials. No animal products are used other than rendered otter bile and deep fried pork lard. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Here we generate the table of supported firmware calls */ .data .align 5 /* Line up on cache line */ .globl EXT(FWtable) EXT(FWtable): .globl CutTrace /* Let everyone know 'bout it */ .set CutTrace,(.-EXT(FWtable))/4|0x80000000 /* Call number for CutTrace */ .long callUnimp /* This was already handled in lowmem_vectors */ #include .set EXT(FirmwareCnt), (.-EXT(FWtable))/4 /* Get the top number */ .text #define SIMPLESCC 1 #define NOTQUITEASSIMPLE 1 /* * This routine handles the firmware call routine. It must be entered with IR and DR off, * interruptions disabled, and in supervisor state. * * When we enter, we expect R0 to have call number, and LR * to point to the return. Also, all registers saved in savearea in R13. * R3 is as passed in by the user. All others must be gotten from the save area */ .align 5 .globl EXT(FirmwareCall) LEXT(FirmwareCall) rlwinm r1,r0,2,1,29 /* Clear out bit 0 and multiply by 4 */ lis r12,HIGH_ADDR(EXT(FWtable)) /* Get the high part of the firmware call table */ cmplwi r1,EXT(FirmwareCnt)*4 /* Is it a valid firmware call number */ ori r12,r12,LOW_ADDR(EXT(FWtable)) /* Now the low part */ ble+ goodCall /* Yeah, it is... */ li r3,T_SYSTEM_CALL /* Tell the vector handler that we know nothing */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... goodCall: mfsprg r10,0 /* Make sure about the per_proc block */ lwzx r1,r1,r12 /* Pick up the address of the routine */ lwz r4,saver4+4(r13) /* Pass in caller's R4 */ lwz r5,saver5+4(r13) /* Pass in caller's R5 */ rlwinm. r1,r1,0,0,29 /* Make sure the flag bits are clear */ mtlr r1 /* Put it in the LR */ beq- callUnimp /* This one was unimplimented... */ blrl /* Call the routine... */ stw r3,saver3+4(r13) /* Pass back the return code to caller */ li r3,T_IN_VAIN /* Tell the vector handler that we took care of it */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... callUnimp: li r3,T_SYSTEM_CALL /* Tell the vector handler that we know nothing */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * This routine is used to store using a real address. It stores parmeter1 at parameter2. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(StoreReal) LEXT(StoreReal) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(StoreRealCall) /* Get the top part of the SC number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(StoreRealCall) /* and the bottom part */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ .align 5 .globl EXT(StoreRealLL) LEXT(StoreRealLL) stw r3,0(r4) /* Store the word */ blr /* Leave... */ /* * This routine is used to clear a range of physical pages. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(ClearReal) LEXT(ClearReal) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(ClearRealCall) /* Get the top part of the SC number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(ClearRealCall) /* and the bottom part */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ .align 5 .globl EXT(ClearRealLL) LEXT(ClearRealLL) /* * We take the first parameter as a physical address. The second is the length in bytes. * Being crazy, I'll round the address down, and the length up. We could end up clearing * an extra page at the start and one at the end, but we don't really care. If someone * is stupid enough to give me unaligned addresses and lengths, I am just arrogant enough * to take them at their word and to hell with them. */ neg r5,r3 /* Negate the address */ addi r4,r4,4095 /* Round length up */ rlwinm r5,r5,0,20,31 /* Save extra length */ rlwinm r3,r3,0,0,19 /* Round the page on down */ add r4,r4,r5 /* Add up all extra lengths */ li r6,32 /* Get a displacement */ rlwinm r4,r4,0,0,19 /* Round the length back down */ clrloop: subi r4,r4,32 /* Back off a cache line */ dcbz 0,r3 /* Do the even line */ sub. r4,r4,r6 /* Back off a second time (we only do this to generate a CR */ dcbz r6,r3 /* Clear the even line */ addi r3,r3,64 /* Move up to every other line */ bgt+ clrloop /* Go until we've done it all... */ blr /* Leave... */ /* * This routine will read in 32 byte of real storage. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(ReadReal) LEXT(ReadReal) mfsprg r9,2 ; Get the features mfmsr r0 ; Get the MSR li r8,lo16(MASK(MSR_DR)) ; Get the DR bit rlwinm. r9,r9,0,pf64Bitb,pf64Bitb ; Are we 64-bit? ori r8,r8,lo16(MASK(MSR_EE)) ; Add in the EE bit li r7,1 ; Get set for it andc r8,r0,r8 ; Turn off EE and DR bt-- cr0_eq,rr32a ; Yes, we are... rldimi r8,r7,63,MSR_SF_BIT ; Set SF bit (bit 0) sldi r3,r3,32 ; Slide on over for true 64-bit address mtmsrd r8 isync or r3,r3,r4 ; Join top and bottom of address mr r4,r5 ; Set destination address b rrJoina ; Join on up... rr32a: mr r3,r4 ; Position bottom of long long mr r4,r5 ; Set destination address mtmsr r8 /* Disable EE and DR */ isync /* Just make sure about it */ rrJoina: lwz r5,0(r3) /* Get word 0 */ lwz r6,4(r3) /* Get word 1 */ lwz r7,8(r3) /* Get word 2 */ lwz r8,12(r3) /* Get word 3 */ lis r2,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Get the vector enable lwz r9,16(r3) /* Get word 4 */ ori r2,r2,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Get the FP enable lwz r10,20(r3) /* Get word 5 */ andc r0,r0,r2 ; Clear VEC and FP enables lwz r11,24(r3) /* Get word 6 */ lwz r12,28(r3) /* Get word 7 */ bt-- cr0_eq,rr32b ; We are not 64-bit... mtmsrd r0 isync b rrJoinb ; Join on up... rr32b: mtmsr r0 /* Restore original machine state */ isync /* Insure goodness */ rrJoinb: stw r5,0(r4) /* Set word 0 */ stw r6,4(r4) /* Set word 1 */ stw r7,8(r4) /* Set word 2 */ stw r8,12(r4) /* Set word 3 */ stw r9,16(r4) /* Set word 4 */ stw r10,20(r4) /* Set word 5 */ stw r11,24(r4) /* Set word 6 */ stw r12,28(r4) /* Set word 7 */ blr /* * This routine is used to load all 4 DBATs. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(LoadDBATs) LEXT(LoadDBATs) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(LoadDBATsCall) /* Top half of LoadDBATsCall firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(LoadDBATsCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ .align 5 .globl EXT(xLoadDBATsLL) LEXT(xLoadDBATsLL) lwz r4,0(r3) /* Get DBAT 0 high */ lwz r5,4(r3) /* Get DBAT 0 low */ lwz r6,8(r3) /* Get DBAT 1 high */ lwz r7,12(r3) /* Get DBAT 1 low */ lwz r8,16(r3) /* Get DBAT 2 high */ lwz r9,20(r3) /* Get DBAT 2 low */ lwz r10,24(r3) /* Get DBAT 3 high */ lwz r11,28(r3) /* Get DBAT 3 low */ sync /* Common decency and the state law require that you wash your hands */ mtdbatu 0,r4 /* Load DBAT 0 high */ mtdbatl 0,r5 /* Load DBAT 0 low */ mtdbatu 1,r6 /* Load DBAT 1 high */ mtdbatl 1,r7 /* Load DBAT 1 low */ mtdbatu 2,r8 /* Load DBAT 2 high */ mtdbatl 2,r9 /* Load DBAT 2 low */ mtdbatu 3,r10 /* Load DBAT 3 high */ mtdbatl 3,r11 /* Load DBAT 3 low */ sync /* Make sure it's done */ isync /* Toss out anything new */ blr /* Leave... */ /* * This routine is used to load all 4 IBATs. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(LoadIBATs) LEXT(LoadIBATs) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(LoadIBATsCall) /* Top half of LoadIBATsCall firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(LoadIBATsCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ .align 5 .globl EXT(xLoadIBATsLL) LEXT(xLoadIBATsLL) lwz r4,0(r3) /* Get IBAT 0 high */ lwz r5,4(r3) /* Get IBAT 0 low */ lwz r6,8(r3) /* Get IBAT 1 high */ lwz r7,12(r3) /* Get IBAT 1 low */ lwz r8,16(r3) /* Get IBAT 2 high */ lwz r9,20(r3) /* Get IBAT 2 low */ lwz r10,24(r3) /* Get IBAT 3 high */ lwz r11,28(r3) /* Get IBAT 3 low */ sync /* Common decency and the state law require that you wash your hands */ mtibatu 0,r4 /* Load IBAT 0 high */ mtibatl 0,r5 /* Load IBAT 0 low */ mtibatu 1,r6 /* Load IBAT 1 high */ mtibatl 1,r7 /* Load IBAT 1 low */ mtibatu 2,r8 /* Load IBAT 2 high */ mtibatl 2,r9 /* Load IBAT 2 low */ mtibatu 3,r10 /* Load IBAT 3 high */ mtibatl 3,r11 /* Load IBAT 3 low */ sync /* Make sure it's done */ isync /* Toss out anything new */ blr /* Leave... */ /* * This is the glue to call the CutTrace firmware call * dbgTrace(id, p1, p2, p3, p4) */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgTrace) LEXT(dbgTrace) mr r2,r3 mr r3,r4 lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CutTrace) /* Top half of CreateFakeIO firmware call number */ mr r4,r5 mr r5,r6 ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CutTrace) /* Bottom half */ mr r6,r7 sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ /* * This is the glue to create a fake I/O interruption */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateFakeIO) LEXT(CreateFakeIO) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CreateFakeIOCall) /* Top half of CreateFakeIO firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CreateFakeIOCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ /* * This is the glue to create a fake Dec interruption */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateFakeDEC) LEXT(CreateFakeDEC) #if 0 mflr r4 ; (TEST/DEBUG) bl EXT(ml_sense_nmi) ; (TEST/DEBUG) mtlr r4 ; (TEST/DEBUG) #endif lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CreateFakeDECCall) /* Top half of CreateFakeDEC firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CreateFakeDECCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ /* * This is the glue to create a shutdown context */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateShutdownCTX) LEXT(CreateShutdownCTX) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(CreateShutdownCTXCall) /* Top half of CreateFakeIO firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(CreateShutdownCTXCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ /* * This is the glue to choke system */ .align 5 .globl EXT(ChokeSys) LEXT(ChokeSys) lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(Choke) /* Top half of Choke firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(Choke) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Do it to it */ blr /* Bye bye, Birdie... */ /* * Used to initialize the SCC for debugging output */ .align 5 .globl EXT(fwSCCinit) LEXT(fwSCCinit) mfmsr r8 /* Save the MSR */ mr. r3,r3 /* See if printer or modem */ rlwinm r12,r8,0,28,25 /* Turn off translation */ lis r10,0xF301 /* Set the top part */ rlwinm r12,r12,0,17,15 /* Turn off interruptions */ #if 0 mtmsr r12 /* Smash the MSR */ isync /* Make it clean */ #endif ori r10,r10,0x2000 /* Assume the printer (this is the normal one) */ beq+ fwSCCprnt /* It sure are... */ ori r10,r10,0x0002 /* Move it over to the modem port */ fwSCCprnt: dcbf 0,r10 /* Insure it is out */ sync eieio dcbi 0,r10 /* Toss it */ sync li r7,0x09 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x80 /* Reset channel A */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x04 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x44 /* x16 clock, 1 stop bit */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x03 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0xC0 /* 8 bits per char */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x05 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0xE2 /* DTR mode, 8bit/char */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x02 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x00 /* Vector 0 */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0A /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x00 /* Clear misc controls */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0B /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x50 /* B/R gen T/R */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0C /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0A /* 9600 baud low */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0D /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x00 /* 9600 baud high */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x03 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0xC1 /* 8 bits/char, Rx enable */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x05 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0xEA /* 8 bits/char, Tx enable */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0E /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x01 /* BR rate gen enable */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0F /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x00 /* ints off */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x10 /* Reset ext/stat ints */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x10 /* Reset ext/stat ints */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x01 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x10 /* int on Rx, no Tx int enable */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x09 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x0A /* int on Rx, Tx int enable */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Master enable, no vector */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x09 /* Set the register */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio li r7,0x02 /* No vector */ stb r7,0(r10) /* Set the register */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Master enable, no vector */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio lbz r7,0(r10) /* Clear interrupts */ sync /* Master enable, no vector */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio wSCCrdy: eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* Get current status */ dcbi 0,r10 sync andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* Is transmitter empty? */ beq wSCCrdy /* Nope... */ eieio #if 0 mtmsr r8 /* Restore 'rupts and TR */ isync #endif blr /* Leave... */ /* * This routine is used to write debug output to either the modem or printer port. * parm 1 is printer (0) or modem (1); parm 2 is ID (printed directly); parm 3 converted to hex */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgDisp) LEXT(dbgDisp) mr r12,r0 /* Keep R0 pristene */ lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(dbgDispCall) /* Top half of dbgDispCall firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(dbgDispCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Go display the stuff */ mr r0,r12 /* Restore R0 */ blr /* Return... */ /* Here's the low-level part of dbgDisp */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgDispLL) LEXT(dbgDispLL) dbgDispInt: mfmsr r8 /* Save the MSR */ #if 0 lis r10,0xF301 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ ori r10,r10,0x2002 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ li r7,0x35 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ stb r7,4(r10) /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ lis r7,10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ spw6: addi r7,r7,-1 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mr. r7,r7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bne- spw6 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif rlwinm r12,r8,0,28,25 /* Turn off translation */ rlwinm r12,r12,0,17,15 /* Turn off interruptions */ mflr r11 /* Save the link register */ #if 0 mr r7,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bl dumpr7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif mr. r3,r3 /* See if printer or modem */ lis r10,0xF301 /* Set the top part */ mr r3,r4 /* Copy the ID parameter */ #if 0 mr r9,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mtmsr r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ isync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #if 0 mtmsr r8 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ isync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif lis r12,0xF301 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ ori r12,r12,0x2002 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #if 1 dcbf 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif xqrw1: eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ lbz r7,0(r12) /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ beq xqrw1 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ li r7,0x36 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ stb r7,4(r12) /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio dcbf 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ lis r7,10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ spw7: addi r7,r7,-1 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mr. r7,r7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bne- spw7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mr r12,r9 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif mtmsr r12 /* Smash the MSR */ isync /* Make it clean */ #if SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE ori r10,r10,0x3010 /* Assume the printer (this is the normal one) */ #else ori r10,r10,0x2000 /* Assume the printer (this is the normal one) */ #endif beq+ dbgDprintr /* It sure are... */ #if SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE ori r10,r10,0x0020 /* Move it over to the modem port */ #else ori r10,r10,0x0002 /* Move it over to the modem port */ #if !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE lis r7,0xF300 /* Address of SCC rounded to 128k */ ori r7,r7,0x0032 /* Make it cache inhibited */ mtdbatl 3,r7 /* Load DBAT 3 low */ lis r7,0xF300 /* Address of SCC rounded to 128k */ ori r7,r7,0x0002 /* Make it supervisor only */ mtdbatu 3,r7 /* Load DBAT 3 high */ ori r12,r12,0x0010 /* Turn on DR */ mtmsr r12 /* Smash the MSR */ isync /* Make it clean */ #endif #endif dbgDprintr: sync #if 0 mr r7,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bl dumpr7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif dcbi 0,r10 /* Toss it */ eieio #if 0 lis r12,0xF301 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ ori r12,r12,0x2002 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ li r7,0x37 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ stb r7,4(r12) /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ lis r7,12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ spw8: addi r7,r7,-1 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mr. r7,r7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bne- spw8 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r12 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif /* Print the ID parameter */ lis r12,HIGH_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Get the display locker outer */ ori r12,r12,LOW_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Last part */ lwarx r7,0,r12 ; ? ddwait0: lwarx r7,0,r12 /* Get the lock */ mr. r7,r7 /* Is it locked? */ bne- ddwait0 /* Yup... */ stwcx. r12,0,r12 /* Try to get it */ bne- ddwait0 /* Nope, start all over... */ #if 0 dcbf 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ li r7,0x38 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ stb r7,6(r10) /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ lis r7,10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ spwa: addi r7,r7,-1 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ mr. r7,r7 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ bne- spwa /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbf 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ sync /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ dcbi 0,r10 /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ eieio /* (TEST/DEBUG) */ #endif rlwinm r3,r3,8,0,31 /* Get the first character */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ rlwinm r3,r3,8,0,31 /* Get the second character */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ rlwinm r3,r3,8,0,31 /* Get the third character */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ rlwinm r3,r3,8,0,31 /* Get the fourth character */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ li r3,0x20 /* Get a space for a separator */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ bl dbg4byte /* Print register 5 in hex */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ mtlr r11 /* Get back the return */ #if !SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE li r7,0 /* Get a zero */ mtdbatu 3,r7 /* Invalidate DBAT 3 upper */ mtdbatl 3,r7 /* Invalidate DBAT 3 lower */ #endif lis r12,HIGH_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Get the display locker outer */ li r7,0 /* Get a zero */ ori r12,r12,LOW_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Last part */ dcbi 0,r10 /* ? */ stw r7,0(r12) /* Release the display lock */ mtmsr r8 /* Restore the MSR */ isync /* Wait for it */ blr /* Leave... */ dbg4byte: mflr r12 /* Save the return */ lis r4,HIGH_ADDR(hexTab) /* Point to the top of table */ li r6,8 /* Set number of hex digits to dump */ ori r4,r4,LOW_ADDR(hexTab) /* Point to the bottom of table */ dbgDnext: rlwinm r5,r5,4,0,31 /* Rotate a nybble */ subi r6,r6,1 /* Back down the count */ rlwinm r3,r5,0,28,31 /* Isolate the last nybble */ lbzx r3,r4,r3 /* Convert to ascii */ bl dbgDchar /* Print it */ mr. r6,r6 /* Any more? */ bne+ dbgDnext /* Convert 'em all... */ li r3,0x20 /* Space */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ mtlr r12 /* Restore LR */ blr /* Return... */ /* Write to whichever serial port. Try to leave it clean, but not too hard (this is a hack) */ dbgDchar: #if SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE stb r3,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ lis r7,3 /* Get enough for about 1ms */ dbgDchar0: addi r7,r7,-1 /* Count down */ mr. r7,r7 /* Waited long enough? */ bgt+ dbgDchar0 /* Nope... */ #endif #if NOTQUITEASSIMPLE #if 0 li r7,0x01 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbi 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* kill it off */ eieio li r7,0x00 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbi 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* kill it off */ eieio #endif qrw1: eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbi 0,r10 sync andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* ? */ beq qrw1 /* Nope... */ eieio stb r3,4(r10) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio qrw2: eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbi 0,r10 sync andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* ? */ beq qrw2 /* Nope... */ #if 0 eieio li r7,0x10 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ dcbi 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* kill it off */ eieio #endif lis r7,0x0080 /* ? */ lis r9,0xF300 /* ? */ ori r7,r7,0x010F /* ? */ stw r7,0x28(r9) /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Force it out */ sync /* Make sure it's out there */ dcbi 0,r10 eieio #endif #if !SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE rlwinm r9,r10,0,0,29 /* Get channel a */ eieio /* Barricade it */ li r7,0x03 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r9) /* ? */ eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r9) /* ? */ eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r9) /* ? */ dchrw1: eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* ? */ beq dchrw1 /* Nope... */ stb r3,4(r10) /* ? */ sync /* Make sure it's there */ eieio /* Don't get confused */ dchrw2: eieio /* Barricade it */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ andi. r7,r7,0x04 /* ? */ beq dchrw2 /* Nope... */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ lbz r7,0(r10) /* ? */ andi. r7,r7,0x40 /* ? */ beq+ nounder /* Nope... */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ li r7,0xC0 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ nounder: eieio /* Avoid confusion */ li r7,0x10 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ li r7,0x38 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r9) /* ? */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ li r7,0x30 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ li r7,0x20 /* ? */ stb r7,0(r10) /* ? */ eieio /* Avoid confusion */ sync #endif blr /* Return */ .globl hexTab hexTab: STRINGD "0123456789ABCDEF" /* Convert hex numbers to printable hex */ /* * Dumps all the registers in the savearea in R13 */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgRegsLL) LEXT(dbgRegsLL) b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... #if 0 li r3,0 /* ? */ bl dbgRegsCm /* Join on up... */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgRegs) LEXT(dbgRegs) dbgRegsCm: mfmsr r8 /* Save the MSR */ mr. r3,r3 /* ? */ rlwinm r12,r8,0,28,25 /* Turn off translation */ lis r10,0xF301 /* Set the top part */ rlwinm r12,r12,0,17,15 /* Turn off interruptions */ mtmsr r12 /* Smash the MSR */ isync /* Make it clean */ #if SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE ori r10,r10,0x3010 /* ? */ #else ori r10,r10,0x2000 /* ? */ #endif mflr r11 /* Save the link register */ beq+ dbgDprints /* It sure are... */ #if SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE ori r10,r10,0x0020 /* ? */ #else ori r10,r10,0x0002 /* ? */ dcbf 0,r10 /* Insure it is out */ sync dcbi 0,r10 /* Toss it */ #if !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE lis r7,0xF300 /* ? */ ori r7,r7,0x0032 /* ? */ mtdbatl 3,r7 /* ? */ lis r7,0xF300 /* ? */ ori r7,r7,0x0002 /* ? */ mtdbatu 3,r7 /* ? */ ori r12,r12,0x0010 /* ? */ mtmsr r12 /* ? */ isync /* ? */ #endif #endif dbgDprints: lis r3,HIGH_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Get the display locker outer */ ori r3,r3,LOW_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Last part */ lwarx r5,0,r3 ; ? ddwait1: lwarx r5,0,r3 /* Get the lock */ mr. r5,r5 /* Is it locked? */ bne- ddwait1 /* Yup... */ stwcx. r3,0,r3 /* Try to get it */ bne- ddwait1 /* Nope, start all over... */ li r3,0x52 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x65 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x67 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x73 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver0(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver1(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver2(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver3(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver4(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver5(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver6(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver7(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver8(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver9(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver10(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver11(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver12(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver13(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver14(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver15(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver16(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver17(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver18(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver19(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver20(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver21(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver22(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver23(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver24(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver25(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver26(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver27(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,saver28(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver29(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver30(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,saver31(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ /* Segment registers */ li r3,0x53 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x65 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x67 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x73 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savesr0(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr1(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr2(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr3(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savesr4(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr5(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr6(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr7(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savesr8(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr9(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr10(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr11(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savesr12(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr13(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr14(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesr15(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x30 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x31 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x64 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x64 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savesrr0(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savesrr1(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savedar(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savedsisr(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x6C /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x63 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x63 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x20 /* Print eyecatcher */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ lwz r5,savelr(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savecr(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ lwz r5,savectr(r13) /* Do register */ bl dbg4byte /* Print */ li r3,0x0A /* Linefeed */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ li r3,0x0D /* Carriage return */ bl dbgDchar /* Send it */ mtlr r11 /* Get back the return */ dcbi 0,r10 /* ? */ #if !SIMPLESCC && !NOTQUITEASSIMPLE li r7,0 /* Get a zero */ mtdbatu 3,r7 /* Invalidate DBAT 3 upper */ mtdbatl 3,r7 /* Invalidate DBAT 3 lower */ #endif lis r3,HIGH_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Get the display locker outer */ li r7,0 /* Get a zero */ ori r3,r3,LOW_ADDR(fwdisplock) /* Last part */ stw r7,0(r3) /* Clear display lock */ mtmsr r8 /* Restore the MSR */ isync /* Wait for it */ blr /* Leave... */ #endif /* * Used for debugging to leave stuff in 0x380-0x3FF (128 bytes). * Mapping is V=R. Stores and loads are real. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgCkpt) LEXT(dbgCkpt) mr r12,r0 /* Keep R0 pristene */ lis r0,HIGH_ADDR(dbgCkptCall) /* Top half of dbgCkptCall firmware call number */ ori r0,r0,LOW_ADDR(dbgCkptCall) /* Bottom half */ sc /* Go stash the stuff */ mr r0,r12 /* Restore R0 */ blr /* Return... */ /* Here's the low-level part of dbgCkpt */ .align 5 .globl EXT(dbgCkptLL) LEXT(dbgCkptLL) li r12,0x380 /* Point to output area */ li r1,32 /* Get line size */ dcbz 0,r12 /* Make sure we don't fetch a cache line */ lwz r4,0x00(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ dcbt r1,r3 /* Start in the next line */ lwz r5,0x04(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r6,0x08(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r7,0x0C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r8,0x10(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r9,0x14(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r10,0x18(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r11,0x1C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ add r3,r3,r1 /* Bump input */ stw r4,0x00(r12) /* Store it */ stw r5,0x04(r12) /* Store it */ stw r6,0x08(r12) /* Store it */ stw r7,0x0C(r12) /* Store it */ stw r8,0x10(r12) /* Store it */ stw r9,0x14(r12) /* Store it */ stw r10,0x18(r12) /* Store it */ stw r11,0x1C(r12) /* Store it */ dcbz r1,r12 /* Clear the next line */ add r12,r12,r1 /* Point to next output line */ lwz r4,0x00(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r5,0x04(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r6,0x08(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r7,0x0C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r8,0x10(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r9,0x14(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r10,0x18(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r11,0x1C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ dcbt r1,r3 /* Touch the next line */ add r3,r3,r1 /* Point to next input line */ stw r4,0x00(r12) /* Store it */ stw r5,0x04(r12) /* Store it */ stw r6,0x08(r12) /* Store it */ stw r7,0x0C(r12) /* Store it */ stw r8,0x10(r12) /* Store it */ stw r9,0x14(r12) /* Store it */ stw r10,0x18(r12) /* Store it */ stw r11,0x1C(r12) /* Store it */ dcbz r1,r12 /* Clear the next line */ add r12,r12,r1 /* Point to next output line */ lwz r4,0x00(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r5,0x04(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r6,0x08(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r7,0x0C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r8,0x10(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r9,0x14(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r10,0x18(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r11,0x1C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ dcbt r1,r3 /* Touch the next line */ add r3,r3,r1 /* Point to next input line */ stw r4,0x00(r12) /* Store it */ stw r5,0x04(r12) /* Store it */ stw r6,0x08(r12) /* Store it */ stw r7,0x0C(r12) /* Store it */ stw r8,0x10(r12) /* Store it */ stw r9,0x14(r12) /* Store it */ stw r10,0x18(r12) /* Store it */ stw r11,0x1C(r12) /* Store it */ dcbz r1,r12 /* Clear the next line */ add r12,r12,r1 /* Point to next output line */ lwz r4,0x00(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r5,0x04(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r6,0x08(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r7,0x0C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r8,0x10(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r9,0x14(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r10,0x18(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ lwz r11,0x1C(r3) /* Load up storage to checkpoint */ stw r4,0x00(r12) /* Store it */ stw r5,0x04(r12) /* Store it */ stw r6,0x08(r12) /* Store it */ stw r7,0x0C(r12) /* Store it */ stw r8,0x10(r12) /* Store it */ stw r9,0x14(r12) /* Store it */ stw r10,0x18(r12) /* Store it */ stw r11,0x1C(r12) /* Store it */ blr /* * Do Preemption. Forces a T_PREEMPT trap to allow a preemption to occur. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(DoPreemptLL) LEXT(DoPreemptLL) li r3,T_PREEMPT /* Set preemption interrupt value */ stw r3,saveexception(r13) /* Modify the exception type to preemption */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Force 'rupt handler to dispatch with new context * R3 at the call contains the new savearea. * R4 at the call contains a return code to pass back in R3. * Forces a T_CSWITCH */ .align 5 .globl EXT(SwitchContextLL) LEXT(SwitchContextLL) li r3,T_CSWITCH /* Set context switch value */ stw r3,saveexception(r13) /* Modify the exception type to switch context */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Create a fake I/O 'rupt. * Forces a T_INTERRUPT trap to pretend that an actual I/O interrupt occurred. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateFakeIOLL) LEXT(CreateFakeIOLL) li r3,T_INTERRUPT /* Set external interrupt value */ stw r3,saveexception(r13) /* Modify the exception type to external */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Create a shutdown context * Forces a T_SHUTDOWN trap. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateShutdownCTXLL) LEXT(CreateShutdownCTXLL) li r3,T_SHUTDOWN /* Set external interrupt value */ stw r3,saveexception(r13) /* Modify the exception type to external */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Create a fake decrementer 'rupt. * Forces a T_DECREMENTER trap to pretend that an actual decrementer interrupt occurred. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(CreateFakeDECLL) LEXT(CreateFakeDECLL) li r3,T_DECREMENTER /* Set decrementer interrupt value */ stw r3,saveexception(r13) /* Modify the exception type to external */ b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Choke the system. */ .align 5 .globl EXT(DoChokeLL) LEXT(DoChokeLL) li r3,T_CHOKE ; Set external interrupt value stw r3,saveexception(r13) ; Modify the exception type to external b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... /* * Null firmware call */ .align 5 .globl EXT(NullLL) LEXT(NullLL) li r3,T_IN_VAIN ; Set to just ignore this one b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... ; ; Null firmware call ; .align 5 .globl EXT(iNullLL) LEXT(iNullLL) mfspr r4,pmc1 ; Get stamp stw r4,0x6100+(9*16)+0x0(0) ; Save it #if 1 mfspr r4,pmc2 ; Get stamp stw r4,0x6100+(9*16)+0x4(0) ; Save it mfspr r4,pmc3 ; Get stamp stw r4,0x6100+(9*16)+0x8(0) ; Save it mfspr r4,pmc4 ; Get stamp stw r4,0x6100+(9*16)+0xC(0) ; Save it #endif li r3,T_IN_VAIN ; Set to just ignore this one b EXT(FCReturn) ; Bye dudes... ; ; Set the low level trace flags ; .align 5 .globl EXT(LLTraceSet) LEXT(LLTraceSet) mr r4,r3 ; Save the new value lwz r3,traceMask(0) ; Get the old trace flags to pass back stw r4,traceMask(0) ; Replace with the new ones blr ; Leave... #if 0 /* ; *************************************************************************** ; ; ----------------- Grateful Deb ---------------- ; ; Debugging: direct draw into main screen menu bar ; ; Takes R4 value, converts it to hex characters and displays it. ; ; Gotta make sure the DCBST is done to force the pixels from the cache. ; ; Position is taken as column, row (0 based) from R3. ; Characters are from hexfont, and are 16x16 pixels. ; ; Only works with two processors so far ; ; ; *************************************************************************** */ #define GDfromright 20 #define GDfontsize 16 .align 5 .globl EXT(GratefulDeb) LEXT(GratefulDeb) mfspr r6,pir /* Get the PIR */ lis r5,HIGH_ADDR(EXT(GratefulDebWork)) /* Point to our work area */ rlwinm r6,r6,8,23,23 /* Get part of the offset to our processors area */ ori r5,r5,LOW_ADDR(EXT(GratefulDebWork)) /* Start building the address */ rlwimi r6,r6,2,21,21 /* Get the rest of the offset to our processors area */ add r6,r6,r5 /* Point at our CPU's work area */ mfmsr r5 /* Get that MSR */ stmw r0,GDsave(r6) /* Save all registers */ lwz r10,GDready(r6) /* See if we're all ready to go */ ori r0,r5,0x2000 /* Turn on the floating point */ mr r31,r6 /* Get a more sane base register */ mr. r10,r10 /* Are we all set? */ mtmsr r0 /* Enable floating point */ isync stfd f0,GDfp0(r31) /* Save FP */ stfd f1,GDfp1(r31) /* Save FP */ stfd f2,GDfp2(r31) /* Save FP */ stfd f3,GDfp3(r31) /* Save FP */ beq- GDbailout /* Go and bail... */ rlwinm r25,r3,0,16,31 /* Isolate just the row number */ lwz r28,GDtopleft(r31) /* Get the physical address of our line 0 */ rlwinm r3,r3,16,16,31 /* Isolate the column number */ lwz r27,GDrowbytes(r31) /* Get the number of bytes per row */ lwz r9,GDrowchar(r31) /* Get the number of bytes per row of full leaded charactrers */ lwz r26,GDdepth(r31) /* Get the bit depth */ mullw r25,r25,r9 /* get offset to the row to write in bytes */ lwz r24,GDcollgn(r31) /* Get the size of columns in bytes */ add r25,r28,r25 /* Physical address of row */ mullw r3,r3,r24 /* Get byte offset to first output column */ li r9,32 /* Get the initial shift calc */ lis r20,HIGH_ADDR(hexfont) /* Point to the font */ li r18,GDfontsize /* Get the number of rows in the font */ ori r20,r20,LOW_ADDR(hexfont) /* Point to the low part */ add r21,r25,r3 /* Physical address of top left output pixel */ sub r9,r9,r26 /* Get right shift justifier for pixel size */ li r7,32 /* Number of bits per word */ startNybble: la r6,GDrowbuf1(r31) /* Point to the row buffer */ li r19,8 /* Get the number of characters in a row */ getNybble: rlwinm r10,r4,9,23,26 /* Get the top nybble * 32 */ rlwinm r4,r4,4,0,31 /* Rotate a nybble */ add r10,r20,r10 /* Point to the character in the font */ rlwinm r16,r26,4,0,27 /* Width of row in actual bits */ lhz r15,0(r10) /* Get the next row of the font */ rendrow: rlwinm r17,r15,16,0,0 /* Get the next font pixel in the row */ rlwinm r15,r15,1,16,31 /* Move in the next font pixel */ srawi r17,r17,31 /* Fill with 1s if black and 0s if white (reversed) */ slw r14,r14,r26 /* Make room for our pixel in a register */ srw r17,r17,r9 /* Isolate one pixels worth of black or white */ sub. r7,r7,r26 /* See how may bits are left */ sub r16,r16,r26 /* Count how many bits are left to store for this row */ or r14,r14,r17 /* Put in the pixel */ bne+ notfull /* Finish rendering this word */ not r14,r14 /* Invert to black on white */ stw r14,0(r6) /* Write out the word */ li r7,32 /* Bit per word count */ addi r6,r6,4 /* Point to the next word */ notfull: mr. r16,r16 /* Have we finished the whole character row? */ bne+ rendrow /* Finish rendering the row */ addic. r19,r19,-1 /* Are we finished with a whole display row yet? */ bne+ getNybble /* Not yet... */ la r6,GDrowbuf1(r31) /* Point to the row buffer */ rlwinm r19,r26,31,0,29 /* Number of cache lines (depth/2) */ mr r14,r21 /* Get the frame buffer address */ // BREAKPOINT_TRAP blitrow: lfd f0,0(r6) /* Load a line */ lfd f1,8(r6) lfd f2,16(r6) lfd f3,24(r6) stfd f0,0(r14) /* Blit a line */ stfd f1,8(r14) stfd f2,16(r14) stfd f3,24(r14) addi r6,r6,32 /* Next buffered line */ dcbst 0,r14 /* Force the line to the screen */ sync /* Make sure the line is on it's way */ eieio /* Make sure we beat the invalidate */ dcbi 0,r14 /* Make sure we leave no paradox */ addic. r19,r19,-1 /* Done all lines yet? */ addi r14,r14,32 /* Point to the next output */ bne+ blitrow /* Nope, do it some more... */ addic. r18,r18,-1 /* Have we done all the rows in character yet? */ addi r20,r20,2 /* Offset the font to the next row */ add r21,r21,r27 /* Point to start of next row */ bne+ startNybble /* Nope, go through the word one more time... */ GDbailout: mr r1,r31 /* Move the workarea base */ lfd f0,GDfp0(r31) /* Restore FP */ lfd f1,GDfp1(r31) /* Restore FP */ lfd f2,GDfp2(r31) /* Restore FP */ lfd f3,GDfp3(r31) /* Restore FP */ mtmsr r5 /* Disable floating point */ isync lmw r3,GDsave+12(r1) /* Restore most registers */ lwz r0,GDsave(r1) /* Restore R0 */ lwz r1,GDsave+4(r1) /* Finally, R1 */ blr /* Leave... */ /* * void GratefulDebDisp(unsigned int coord, unsigned int data); */ .align 5 .globl EXT(GratefulDebDisp) LEXT(GratefulDebDisp) mfmsr r9 /* Save the current MSR */ mflr r7 /* Save the return */ andi. r8,r9,0x7FCF /* Clear interrupt and translation */ mtmsr r8 /* Turn 'em really off */ isync /* Make sure about the translation part */ bl EXT(GratefulDeb) /* Display it */ mtmsr r9 /* Restore interrupt and translation */ mtlr r7 /* Restore return */ isync /* Make sure */ blr #endif /* * void checkNMI(void); */ .align 5 .globl EXT(checkNMI) LEXT(checkNMI) mfmsr r9 /* Save it */ andi. r8,r9,0x7FCF /* Clear it */ mtmsr r8 /* Disable it */ isync /* Fence it */ lis r7,0xF300 /* Find it */ lis r2,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Get the vector enable ori r7,r7,0x0020 /* Find it */ ori r2,r2,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Get the FP enable dcbi 0,r7 /* Toss it */ sync /* Sync it */ andc r9,r9,r2 ; Clear VEC and FP enables eieio /* Get it */ lwz r6,0x000C(r7) /* Check it */ eieio /* Fence it */ dcbi 0,r7 /* Toss it */ rlwinm. r4,r6,0,19,19 /* Check it */ rlwinm r6,r6,0,20,18 /* Clear it */ sync /* Sync it */ eieio /* Fence it */ beq+ xnonmi /* Branch on it */ stw r6,0x0008(r7) /* Reset it */ sync /* Sync it */ dcbi 0,r6 /* Toss it */ eieio /* Fence it */ mtmsr r9 /* Restore it */ isync /* Hold it */ BREAKPOINT_TRAP /* Kill it */ blr /* Return from it */ xnonmi: /* Label it */ mtmsr r9 /* Restore it */ isync /* Hold it */ blr /* Return from it */ ; ; Saves floating point registers ; .align 5 .globl EXT(stFloat) LEXT(stFloat) lis r2,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Get the vector enable li r4,0 ori r2,r2,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Get the FP enable ori r4,r4,lo16(MASK(MSR_EE)) ; Get the EE bit mfmsr r0 ; Save the MSR andc r4,r0,r4 ; Clear EE ori r4,r4,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Enable floating point mtmsr r4 isync andc r0,r0,r2 ; Clear VEC and FP enables stfd f0,0x00(r3) stfd f1,0x08(r3) stfd f2,0x10(r3) stfd f3,0x18(r3) stfd f4,0x20(r3) stfd f5,0x28(r3) stfd f6,0x30(r3) stfd f7,0x38(r3) stfd f8,0x40(r3) stfd f9,0x48(r3) stfd f10,0x50(r3) stfd f11,0x58(r3) stfd f12,0x60(r3) stfd f13,0x68(r3) stfd f14,0x70(r3) stfd f15,0x78(r3) stfd f16,0x80(r3) stfd f17,0x88(r3) stfd f18,0x90(r3) stfd f19,0x98(r3) stfd f20,0xA0(r3) stfd f21,0xA8(r3) stfd f22,0xB0(r3) stfd f23,0xB8(r3) stfd f24,0xC0(r3) stfd f25,0xC8(r3) stfd f26,0xD0(r3) stfd f27,0xD8(r3) stfd f28,0xE0(r3) stfd f29,0xE8(r3) stfd f30,0xF0(r3) stfd f31,0xF8(r3) mffs f0 stfd f0,0x100(r3) lfd f0,0x00(r3) mtmsr r0 isync blr ; ; Saves vector registers. Returns 0 if non-Altivec machine. ; .align 5 .globl EXT(stVectors) LEXT(stVectors) lis r2,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Get the vector enable li r4,0 ori r2,r2,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Get the FP enable ori r4,r4,lo16(MASK(MSR_EE)) ; Get the EE bit mfsprg r6,2 ; Get features mr r5,r3 ; Save area address rlwinm. r6,r6,0,pfAltivecb,pfAltivecb ; Do we have Altivec? li r3,0 ; Assume failure beqlr- ; No... mfmsr r0 ; Save the MSR andc r4,r0,r4 ; Clear EE oris r4,r4,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Enable vectors mtmsr r4 isync andc r0,r0,r2 ; Clear FP and VEC stvxl v0,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v1,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v2,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v3,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v4,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v5,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v6,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v7,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v8,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v9,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v10,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v11,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v12,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v13,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v14,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v15,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v16,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v17,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v18,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v19,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v20,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v21,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v22,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v23,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v24,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v25,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v26,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v27,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v28,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v29,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v30,0,r5 addi r5,r5,16 stvxl v31,0,r5 mfvscr v31 addi r6,r5,16 stvxl v31,0,r6 li r3,1 lvxl v31,0,r5 mtmsr r0 isync blr ; ; Saves yet more registers ; .align 5 .globl EXT(stSpecrs) LEXT(stSpecrs) lis r2,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)) ; Get the vector enable li r4,0 ori r2,r2,lo16(MASK(MSR_FP)) ; Get the FP enable ori r4,r4,lo16(MASK(MSR_EE)) ; Get the EE bit mfsprg r9,2 ; Get feature flags mtcrf 0x02,r9 ; move pf64Bit cr6 mfmsr r0 ; Save the MSR andc r0,r0,r2 ; Turn off VEC and FP andc r4,r0,r4 ; And EE mtmsr r4 isync mfpvr r12 stw r12,4(r3) rlwinm r12,r12,16,16,31 bt++ pf64Bitb,stsSF1 ; skip if 64-bit (only they take the hint) mfdbatu r4,0 mfdbatl r5,0 mfdbatu r6,1 mfdbatl r7,1 mfdbatu r8,2 mfdbatl r9,2 mfdbatu r10,3 mfdbatl r11,3 stw r4,8(r3) stw r5,12(r3) stw r6,16(r3) stw r7,20(r3) stw r8,24(r3) stw r9,28(r3) stw r10,32(r3) stw r11,36(r3) mfibatu r4,0 mfibatl r5,0 mfibatu r6,1 mfibatl r7,1 mfibatu r8,2 mfibatl r9,2 mfibatu r10,3 mfibatl r11,3 stw r4,40(r3) stw r5,44(r3) stw r6,48(r3) stw r7,52(r3) stw r8,56(r3) stw r9,60(r3) stw r10,64(r3) stw r11,68(r3) mfsprg r4,0 mfsprg r5,1 mfsprg r6,2 mfsprg r7,3 stw r4,72(r3) stw r5,76(r3) stw r6,80(r3) stw r7,84(r3) mfsdr1 r4 stw r4,88(r3) la r4,92(r3) li r5,0 stSnsr: mfsrin r6,r5 addis r5,r5,0x1000 stw r6,0(r4) mr. r5,r5 addi r4,r4,4 bne+ stSnsr cmplwi r12,PROCESSOR_VERSION_750 mfspr r4,hid0 stw r4,(39*4)(r3) li r4,0 li r5,0 li r6,0 li r7,0 mfspr r4,hid1 mfspr r5,l2cr mfspr r6,msscr0 mfspr r7,msscr1 stw r4,(40*4)(r3) stw r6,(42*4)(r3) stw r5,(41*4)(r3) stw r7,(43*4)(r3) li r4,0 beq isis750 mfspr r4,pir isis750: stw r4,0(r3) li r4,0 li r5,0 li r6,0 li r7,0 blt- b4750 mfspr r4,thrm1 mfspr r5,thrm2 mfspr r6,thrm3 mfspr r7,ictc b4750: stw r4,(44*4)(r3) stw r5,(45*4)(r3) stw r6,(46*4)(r3) stw r7,(47*4)(r3) li r4,0 li r6,0 cmplwi r12,PROCESSOR_VERSION_7400 bne nnmax mfspr r6,dabr mfpvr r5 rlwinm r5,r5,0,16,31 cmplwi r5,0x1101 beq gnmax cmplwi r5,0x1102 bne nnmax gnmax: mfspr r4,1016 nnmax: stw r4,(48*4)(r3) stw r6,(49*4)(r3) mtmsr r0 isync blr stsSF1: mfsprg r4,0 mfsprg r5,1 mfsprg r6,2 mfsprg r7,3 std r4,(18*4)(r3) std r5,(20*4)(r3) std r6,(22*4)(r3) std r7,(24*4)(r3) mfsdr1 r4 std r4,(26*4)(r3) mfspr r4,hid0 std r4,(28*4)(r3) mfspr r4,hid1 std r4,(30*4)(r3) mfspr r4,hid4 std r4,(32*4)(r3) mfspr r4,hid5 std r4,(34*4)(r3) stsSF2: li r5,0 la r4,(80*4)(r3) stsslbm: slbmfee r6,r5 slbmfev r7,r5 std r6,0(r4) std r7,8(r4) addi r5,r5,1 cmplwi r5,64 addi r4,r4,16 blt stsslbm mtmsr r0 isync blr ; ; fwEmMck - this forces the hardware to emulate machine checks ; Only valid on 64-bit machines ; Note: we want interruptions disabled here ; .globl EXT(fwEmMck) .align 5 LEXT(fwEmMck) rlwinm r3,r3,0,1,0 ; Copy low of high high - scomd rlwinm r5,r5,0,1,0 ; Copy low of high high - hid1 rlwinm r7,r7,0,1,0 ; Copy low of high high - hid4 rlwimi r3,r4,0,0,31 ; Copy low of low low rlwimi r5,r6,0,0,31 ; Copy low of low low rlwimi r7,r8,0,0,31 ; Copy low of low low lis r9,3 ; Start forming hid1 error inject mask lis r10,hi16(0x01084083) ; Start formaing hid4 error inject mask ori r9,r9,0xC000 ; Next bit ori r10,r10,lo16(0x01084083) ; Next part sldi r9,r9,32 ; Shift up high sldi r10,r10,8 ; Shift into position mfspr r0,hid1 ; Get hid1 mfspr r2,hid4 ; and hid4 and r5,r5,r9 ; Keep only error inject controls - hid1 and r7,r7,r10 ; Keep only error inject controls - hid4 andc r0,r0,r9 ; Clear error inject controls hid1 andc r2,r2,r10 ; Clear error inject controls hid4 or r0,r0,r5 ; Add in the new controls hid1 or r2,r2,r7 ; Add in the new controls hid4 /* ? */ #if 0 lis r12,CoreErrI ; Get the error inject controls sync mtspr scomd,r3 ; Set the error inject controls mtspr scomc,r12 ; Request error inject mfspr r11,scomc ; Get back the status (we just ignore it) #endif sync isync mtspr hid1,r0 ; Move in hid1 controls mtspr hid1,r0 ; We need to do it twice isync sync mtspr hid4,r2 ; Move in hid4 controls isync blr ; Leave... ; ; fwSCOMrd - read/write SCOM ; .align 5 .globl EXT(fwSCOM) LEXT(fwSCOM) lhz r12,scomfunc(r3) ; Get the function lwz r4,scomreg(r3) ; Get the register rldicr r4,r4,8,47 ; Position for SCOM mr. r12,r12 ; See if read or write bne fwSCwrite ; Go do a write mfsprg r0,2 ; Get the feature flags ori r4,r4,0x8000 ; Set to read data rlwinm. r0,r0,pfSCOMFixUpb+1,31,31 ; Set shift if we need a fix me up sync mtspr scomc,r4 ; Request the register mfspr r11,scomd ; Get the register contents mfspr r10,scomc ; Get back the status sync isync sld r11,r11,r0 ; Fix up if needed std r11,scomdata(r3) ; Save result eieio std r10,scomstat(r3) ; Save status blr fwSCwrite: ld r5,scomdata(r3) ; Get the data sync mtspr scomd,r5 ; Set the data mtspr scomc,r4 ; Set it mfspr r10,scomc ; Get back the status sync isync std r10,scomstat(r3) ; Save status blr ; ; diagTrap - this is used to trigger checks from user space ; any "twi 31,r31,0xFFFx" will come here (x = 0 to F). ; On entry R3 points to savearea. ; R4 is the "x" from instruction; ; Pass back 1 to no-op twi and return to user ; Pass back 0 to treat as normal twi. ; .globl EXT(diagTrap) .align 5 LEXT(diagTrap) li r3,1 ; Ignore TWI blr ; Leave... ; ; setPmon - this is used to manipulate MMCR0 and MMCR1 .globl EXT(setPmon) .align 5 LEXT(setPmon) li r0,0 isync mtspr mmcr0,r0 ; Clear MMCR0 mtspr mmcr1,r0 ; Clear MMCR1 mtspr pmc1,r0 mtspr pmc2,r0 mtspr pmc3,r0 mtspr pmc4,r0 isync mtspr mmcr0,r3 ; Set MMCR0 mtspr mmcr1,r4 ; Set MMCR1 isync blr ; Leave...