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CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission, * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.'' * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * */ /* * File: vm_param.h * Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr. * Date: 1985 * * I386 machine dependent virtual memory parameters. * Most of the declarations are preceeded by I386_ (or i386_) * which is OK because only I386 specific code will be using * them. */ #ifndef _MACH_I386_VM_PARAM_H_ #define _MACH_I386_VM_PARAM_H_ #define BYTE_SIZE 8 /* byte size in bits */ #define I386_PGBYTES 4096 /* bytes per 80386 page */ #define I386_PGSHIFT 12 /* number of bits to shift for pages */ #define PAGE_SIZE I386_PGBYTES #define PAGE_SHIFT I386_PGSHIFT #define PAGE_MASK (PAGE_SIZE - 1) /* * Convert bytes to pages and convert pages to bytes. * No rounding is used. */ #define i386_btop(x) (((pmap_paddr_t)(x)) >> I386_PGSHIFT) #define machine_btop(x) i386_btop(x) #define i386_ptob(x) (((pmap_paddr_t)(x)) << I386_PGSHIFT) /* * Round off or truncate to the nearest page. These will work * for either addresses or counts. (i.e. 1 byte rounds to 1 page * bytes. */ #define i386_round_page(x) ((((pmap_paddr_t)(x)) + I386_PGBYTES - 1) & \ ~(I386_PGBYTES-1)) #define i386_trunc_page(x) (((pmap_paddr_t)(x)) & ~(I386_PGBYTES-1)) #define VM_MIN_ADDRESS64 ((user_addr_t) 0x0000000000000000ULL) /* * default top of user stack... it grows down from here */ #define VM_USRSTACK64 ((user_addr_t) 0x00007FFF5FC00000ULL) #define VM_DYLD64 ((user_addr_t) 0x00007FFF5FC00000ULL) #define VM_LIB64_SHR_DATA ((user_addr_t) 0x00007FFF60000000ULL) #define VM_LIB64_SHR_TEXT ((user_addr_t) 0x00007FFF80000000ULL) /* * the end of the usable user address space , for now about 47 bits. * the 64 bit commpage is past the end of this */ #define VM_MAX_PAGE_ADDRESS ((user_addr_t) 0x00007FFFFFE00000ULL) /* * canonical end of user address space for limits checking */ #define VM_MAX_USER_PAGE_ADDRESS ((user_addr_t)0x00007FFFFFFFF000ULL) /* system-wide values */ #define MACH_VM_MIN_ADDRESS ((mach_vm_offset_t) 0) #define MACH_VM_MAX_ADDRESS ((mach_vm_offset_t) VM_MAX_PAGE_ADDRESS) /* process-relative values (all 32-bit legacy only for now) */ #define VM_MIN_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0) #define VM_USRSTACK32 ((vm_offset_t) 0xC0000000) #define VM_MAX_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0xFFE00000) #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE /* Kernel-wide values */ #define VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0x00001000U) /* * XXX * The kernel max VM address is limited to 0xFF3FFFFF for now because * some data structures are explicitly allocated at 0xFF400000 without * VM's knowledge (see osfmk/i386/locore.s for the allocation of PTmap and co.). * We can't let VM allocate memory from there. */ #define VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0xFE7FFFFFU) #define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE (I386_PGBYTES*4) #define VM_MAP_MIN_ADDRESS MACH_VM_MIN_ADDRESS #define VM_MAP_MAX_ADDRESS MACH_VM_MAX_ADDRESS /* FIXME - always leave like this? */ #define INTSTACK_SIZE (I386_PGBYTES*4) #ifdef MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE /* For implementing legacy 32-bit interfaces */ #define VM32_SUPPORT #define VM32_MIN_ADDRESS ((vm32_offset_t) 0) #define VM32_MAX_ADDRESS ((vm32_offset_t) (VM_MAX_PAGE_ADDRESS & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0x00000000) #define VM_MIN_KERNEL_LOADED_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0x00000000U) #define VM_MAX_KERNEL_LOADED_ADDRESS ((vm_offset_t) 0x1fffffffU) #define NCOPY_WINDOWS 4 /* * Conversion between 80386 pages and VM pages */ #define trunc_i386_to_vm(p) (atop(trunc_page(i386_ptob(p)))) #define round_i386_to_vm(p) (atop(round_page(i386_ptob(p)))) #define vm_to_i386(p) (i386_btop(ptoa(p))) #define PMAP_ENTER(pmap, virtual_address, page, protection, flags, wired) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ pmap_t __pmap = (pmap); \ vm_page_t __page = (page); \ vm_prot_t __prot__ = (protection); \ \ if (__pmap == kernel_pmap) { \ __prot__ |= VM_PROT_WRITE; \ } else { \ assert(!__page->encrypted); \ } \ \ pmap_enter( \ __pmap, \ (virtual_address), \ __page->phys_page, \ __prot__, \ flags, \ (wired) \ ); \ MACRO_END #define IS_USERADDR64_CANONICAL(addr) \ ((addr) < (VM_MAX_USER_PAGE_ADDRESS + PAGE_SIZE)) #endif /* MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* _MACH_I386_VM_PARAM_H_ */