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CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * File: mach/host_special_ports.h * * Defines codes for access to host-wide special ports. */ #ifndef _MACH_HOST_SPECIAL_PORTS_H_ #define _MACH_HOST_SPECIAL_PORTS_H_ /* * Cannot be set or gotten from user space */ #define HOST_SECURITY_PORT 0 /* * Always provided by kernel (cannot be set from user-space). */ #define HOST_PORT 1 #define HOST_PRIV_PORT 2 #define HOST_IO_MASTER_PORT 3 #define HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT 7 /* room to grow */ /* * Not provided by kernel */ #define HOST_DYNAMIC_PAGER_PORT (1 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_AUDIT_CONTROL_PORT (2 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_USER_NOTIFICATION_PORT (3 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_LOCKD_PORT (5 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_SEATBELT_PORT (7 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_UNFREED_PORT (10 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_AMFID_PORT (11 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) #define HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_PORT (12 + HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_KERNEL_PORT) /* room to grow here as well */ /* * Special node identifier to always represent the local node. */ #define HOST_LOCAL_NODE -1 /* * Definitions for ease of use. * * In the get call, the host parameter can be any host, but will generally * be the local node host port. In the set call, the host must the per-node * host port for the node being affected. */ #define host_get_host_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_host_port(host, port) (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT) #define host_get_host_priv_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_PRIV_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_host_priv_port(host, port) (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT) #define host_get_io_master_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_IO_MASTER_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_io_master_port(host, port) (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT) /* * User-settable special ports. */ #define host_get_dynamic_pager_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_DYNAMIC_PAGER_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_dynamic_pager_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_DYNAMIC_PAGER_PORT, (port))) #define host_get_audit_control_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_AUDIT_CONTROL_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_audit_control_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_AUDIT_CONTROL_PORT, (port))) #define host_get_user_notification_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_USER_NOTIFICATION_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_user_notification_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_USER_NOTIFICATION_PORT, (port))) #define host_get_lockd_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_LOCKD_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_lockd_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_LOCKD_PORT, (port))) #define host_get_unfreed_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_UNFREED_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_unfreed_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_UNFREED_PORT, (port))) #define host_get_amfid_port(host, port) \ (host_get_special_port((host), \ HOST_LOCAL_NODE, HOST_AMFID_PORT, (port))) #define host_set_amfid_port(host, port) \ (host_set_special_port((host), HOST_AMFID_PORT, (port))) #endif /* _MACH_HOST_SPECIAL_PORTS_H_ */