/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !MACH_KDP #include #endif #ifdef __ppc__ #include #include #endif #ifdef __i386__ #include #include #endif #include unsigned int halt_in_debugger = 0; unsigned int switch_debugger = 0; unsigned int current_debugger = 0; unsigned int active_debugger = 0; unsigned int debug_mode=0; unsigned int disable_debug_output = TRUE; unsigned int systemLogDiags = FALSE; unsigned int panicDebugging = FALSE; unsigned int logPanicDataToScreen = FALSE; int mach_assert = 1; const char *panicstr = (char *) 0; decl_simple_lock_data(,panic_lock) int paniccpu; volatile int panicwait; volatile unsigned int nestedpanic= 0; unsigned int panic_is_inited = 0; unsigned int return_on_panic = 0; unsigned long panic_caller; #if CONFIG_EMBEDDED #define DEBUG_BUF_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE) #else #define DEBUG_BUF_SIZE (3 * PAGE_SIZE) #endif char debug_buf[DEBUG_BUF_SIZE]; char *debug_buf_ptr = debug_buf; unsigned int debug_buf_size = sizeof(debug_buf); static char model_name[64]; struct pasc { unsigned a: 7; unsigned b: 7; unsigned c: 7; unsigned d: 7; unsigned e: 7; unsigned f: 7; unsigned g: 7; unsigned h: 7; } __attribute__((packed)); typedef struct pasc pasc_t; void Assert( const char *file, int line, #if CONFIG_NO_PANIC_STRINGS __unused const char *expression #else const char *expression #endif ) { int saved_return_on_panic; if (!mach_assert) { return; } saved_return_on_panic = return_on_panic; return_on_panic = 1; panic_plain("%s:%d Assertion failed: %s", file, line, expression); return_on_panic = saved_return_on_panic; } /* * Carefully use the panic_lock. There's always a chance that * somehow we'll call panic before getting to initialize the * panic_lock -- in this case, we'll assume that the world is * in uniprocessor mode and just avoid using the panic lock. */ #define PANIC_LOCK() \ MACRO_BEGIN \ if (panic_is_inited) \ simple_lock(&panic_lock); \ MACRO_END #define PANIC_UNLOCK() \ MACRO_BEGIN \ if (panic_is_inited) \ simple_unlock(&panic_lock); \ MACRO_END void panic_init(void) { simple_lock_init(&panic_lock, 0); panic_is_inited = 1; panic_caller = 0; } void debug_log_init(void) { if (debug_buf_size != 0) return; debug_buf_ptr = debug_buf; debug_buf_size = sizeof(debug_buf); } #if __i386__ #define panic_stop() pmCPUHalt(PM_HALT_PANIC) #define panic_safe() pmSafeMode(x86_lcpu(), PM_SAFE_FL_SAFE) #define panic_normal() pmSafeMode(x86_lcpu(), PM_SAFE_FL_NORMAL) #else #define panic_stop() { while (1) ; } #define panic_safe() #define panic_normal() #endif #undef panic(...) void panic(const char *str, ...) { va_list listp; spl_t s; thread_t thread; wait_queue_t wq; s = splhigh(); disable_preemption(); panic_safe(); #ifdef __ppc__ lastTrace = LLTraceSet(0); /* Disable low-level tracing */ #endif thread = current_thread(); /* Get failing thread */ wq = thread->wait_queue; /* Save the old value */ thread->wait_queue = NULL; /* Clear the wait so we do not get double panics when we try locks */ if( logPanicDataToScreen ) disable_debug_output = FALSE; debug_mode = TRUE; /* panic_caller is initialized to 0. If set, don't change it */ if ( ! panic_caller ) panic_caller = (unsigned long)(char *)__builtin_return_address(0); restart: PANIC_LOCK(); if (panicstr) { if (cpu_number() != paniccpu) { PANIC_UNLOCK(); /* * Wait until message has been printed to identify correct * cpu that made the first panic. */ while (panicwait) continue; goto restart; } else { nestedpanic +=1; PANIC_UNLOCK(); Debugger("double panic"); printf("double panic: We are hanging here...\n"); panic_stop(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } panicstr = str; paniccpu = cpu_number(); panicwait = 1; PANIC_UNLOCK(); kdb_printf("panic(cpu %d caller 0x%08lX): ", (unsigned) paniccpu, panic_caller); if (str) { va_start(listp, str); _doprnt(str, &listp, consdebug_putc, 0); va_end(listp); } kdb_printf("\n"); /* * Release panicwait indicator so that other cpus may call Debugger(). */ panicwait = 0; Debugger("panic"); /* * Release panicstr so that we can handle normally other panics. */ PANIC_LOCK(); panicstr = (char *)0; PANIC_UNLOCK(); thread->wait_queue = wq; /* Restore the wait queue */ if (return_on_panic) { panic_normal(); enable_preemption(); splx(s); return; } kdb_printf("panic: We are hanging here...\n"); panic_stop(); /* NOTREACHED */ } void log(__unused int level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list listp; #ifdef lint level++; #endif /* lint */ #ifdef MACH_BSD disable_preemption(); va_start(listp, fmt); _doprnt(fmt, &listp, conslog_putc, 0); va_end(listp); enable_preemption(); #endif } void debug_putc(char c) { if ((debug_buf_size != 0) && ((debug_buf_ptr-debug_buf) < (int)debug_buf_size)) { *debug_buf_ptr=c; debug_buf_ptr++; } } /* In-place packing routines -- inefficient, but they're called at most once. */ int packA(char *inbuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t buflen) { unsigned int i, j = 0; pasc_t pack; length = MIN(((length & ~7) +8), buflen); for (i = 0; i < length; i+=8) { pack.a = inbuf[i]; pack.b = inbuf[i+1]; pack.c = inbuf[i+2]; pack.d = inbuf[i+3]; pack.e = inbuf[i+4]; pack.f = inbuf[i+5]; pack.g = inbuf[i+6]; pack.h = inbuf[i+7]; bcopy ((char *) &pack, inbuf + j, 7); j += 7; } return ((length * 7)/8); } void unpackA(char *inbuf, uint32_t length) { pasc_t packs; unsigned i = 0; length = (length * 8)/7; while (i < length) { packs = *(pasc_t *)&inbuf[i]; bcopy(&inbuf[i+7], &inbuf[i+8], MAX(0, (int) (length - i - 8))); inbuf[i++] = packs.a; inbuf[i++] = packs.b; inbuf[i++] = packs.c; inbuf[i++] = packs.d; inbuf[i++] = packs.e; inbuf[i++] = packs.f; inbuf[i++] = packs.g; inbuf[i++] = packs.h; } } extern void *proc_name_address(void *p); static void panic_display_process_name(void) { char proc_name[32] = "Unknown"; task_t ctask = 0; void *cbsd_info = 0; if (ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t)¤t_thread()->task, (vm_offset_t) &ctask, sizeof(task_t)) == sizeof(task_t)) if(ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t)&ctask->bsd_info, (vm_offset_t)&cbsd_info, sizeof(&ctask->bsd_info)) == sizeof(&ctask->bsd_info)) if (cbsd_info && (ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t) proc_name_address(cbsd_info), (vm_offset_t) &proc_name, sizeof(proc_name)) > 0)) proc_name[sizeof(proc_name) - 1] = '\0'; kdb_printf("\nBSD process name corresponding to current thread: %s\n", proc_name); } unsigned panic_active(void) { return ((panicstr != (char *) 0)); } void populate_model_name(char *model_string) { strlcpy(model_name, model_string, sizeof(model_name)); } static void panic_display_model_name(void) { char tmp_model_name[sizeof(model_name)]; if (ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t) &model_name, (vm_offset_t) &tmp_model_name, sizeof(model_name)) != sizeof(model_name)) return; model_name[sizeof(model_name) - 1] = '\0'; if (model_name[0] != 0) kdb_printf("System model name: %s\n", model_name); } static void panic_display_uptime(void) { uint64_t uptime; absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(mach_absolute_time(), &uptime); kdb_printf("\nSystem uptime in nanoseconds: %llu\n", uptime); } extern const char version[]; extern char osversion[]; __private_extern__ void panic_display_system_configuration(void) { static boolean_t config_displayed = FALSE; panic_display_process_name(); if (config_displayed == FALSE) { kdb_printf("\nMac OS version:\n%s\n", (osversion[0] != 0) ? osversion : "Not yet set"); kdb_printf("\nKernel version:\n%s\n",version); panic_display_model_name(); panic_display_uptime(); config_displayed = TRUE; } } extern zone_t first_zone; extern unsigned int num_zones, stack_total; #if defined(__i386__) extern unsigned int inuse_ptepages_count; #endif extern boolean_t panic_include_zprint; extern vm_size_t kalloc_large_total; __private_extern__ void panic_display_zprint() { if(panic_include_zprint == TRUE) { unsigned int i; struct zone zone_copy; if(first_zone!=NULL) { if(ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t)first_zone, (vm_offset_t)&zone_copy, sizeof(struct zone)) == sizeof(struct zone)) { for (i = 0; i < num_zones; i++) { if(zone_copy.cur_size > (1024*1024)) { kdb_printf("%.20s:%lu\n",zone_copy.zone_name,(uintptr_t)zone_copy.cur_size); } if(zone_copy.next_zone == NULL) { break; } if(ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t)zone_copy.next_zone, (vm_offset_t)&zone_copy, sizeof(struct zone)) != sizeof(struct zone)) { break; } } } } kdb_printf("Kernel Stacks:%lu\n",(uintptr_t)(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE * stack_total)); #if defined(__i386__) kdb_printf("PageTables:%lu\n",(uintptr_t)(PAGE_SIZE * inuse_ptepages_count)); #endif kdb_printf("Kalloc.Large:%lu\n",(uintptr_t)kalloc_large_total); } } #if !MACH_KDP static struct ether_addr kdp_current_mac_address = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; unsigned int not_in_kdp = 1; /* XXX ugly forward declares to stop warnings */ void *kdp_get_interface(void); void kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses(struct in_addr *, struct ether_addr *); void kdp_set_gateway_mac(void *); void kdp_set_interface(void *); void kdp_register_send_receive(void *, void *); void kdp_unregister_send_receive(void *, void *); void kdp_snapshot_preflight(int, void *, uint32_t, uint32_t); int kdp_stack_snapshot_geterror(void); int kdp_stack_snapshot_bytes_traced(void); void * kdp_get_interface( void) { return(void *)0; } unsigned int kdp_get_ip_address(void ) { return 0; } struct ether_addr kdp_get_mac_addr(void) { return kdp_current_mac_address; } void kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses( __unused struct in_addr *ipaddr, __unused struct ether_addr *macaddr) {} void kdp_set_gateway_mac(__unused void *gatewaymac) {} void kdp_set_interface(__unused void *ifp) {} void kdp_register_send_receive(__unused void *send, __unused void *receive) {} void kdp_unregister_send_receive(__unused void *send, __unused void *receive) {} void kdp_snapshot_preflight(__unused int pid, __unused void * tracebuf, __unused uint32_t tracebuf_size, __unused uint32_t options) {} int kdp_stack_snapshot_geterror(void) { return -1; } int kdp_stack_snapshot_bytes_traced(void) { return 0; } #endif