/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include /* * Affinity involves 2 objects: * - affinity namespace: * shared by a task family, this controls affinity tag lookup and * allocation; it anchors all affinity sets in one namespace * - affinity set: * anchors all threads with membership of this affinity set * and which share an affinity tag in the owning namespace. * * Locking: * - The task lock protects the creation of an affinity namespace. * - The affinity namespace mutex protects the inheritance of a namespace * and its thread membership. This includes its destruction when the task * reference count goes to zero. * - The thread mutex protects a thread's affinity set membership, but in * addition, the thread_lock is taken to write thread->affinity_set since this * field (representng the active affinity set) is read by the scheduler. * * The lock ordering is: task lock, thread mutex, namespace mutex, thread lock. */ #if AFFINITY_DEBUG #define DBG(x...) kprintf("DBG: " x) #else #define DBG(x...) #endif struct affinity_space { mutex_t aspc_lock; uint32_t aspc_task_count; queue_head_t aspc_affinities; }; typedef struct affinity_space *affinity_space_t; static affinity_space_t affinity_space_alloc(void); static void affinity_space_free(affinity_space_t aspc); static affinity_set_t affinity_set_alloc(void); static void affinity_set_free(affinity_set_t aset); static affinity_set_t affinity_set_find(affinity_space_t aspc, uint32_t tag); static void affinity_set_place(affinity_space_t aspc, affinity_set_t aset); static void affinity_set_add(affinity_set_t aset, thread_t thread); static affinity_set_t affinity_set_remove(affinity_set_t aset, thread_t thread); /* * The following globals may be modified by the sysctls * kern.affinity_sets_enabled - disables hinting if cleared * kern.affinity_sets_mapping - controls cache distribution policy * See bsd/kern_sysctl.c */ boolean_t affinity_sets_enabled = TRUE; int affinity_sets_mapping = 1; boolean_t thread_affinity_is_supported(void) { return (ml_get_max_affinity_sets() != 0); } /* * thread_affinity_get() * Return the affinity tag for a thread. * Called with the thread mutex held. */ uint32_t thread_affinity_get(thread_t thread) { uint32_t tag; if (thread->affinity_set != NULL) tag = thread->affinity_set->aset_tag; else tag = THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL; return tag; } /* * thread_affinity_set() * Place a thread in an affinity set identified by a tag. * Called with thread referenced but not locked. */ kern_return_t thread_affinity_set(thread_t thread, uint32_t tag) { affinity_set_t aset; affinity_set_t empty_aset = NULL; affinity_space_t aspc; affinity_space_t new_aspc = NULL; DBG("thread_affinity_set(%p,%u)\n", thread, tag); task_lock(thread->task); aspc = thread->task->affinity_space; if (aspc == NULL) { task_unlock(thread->task); new_aspc = affinity_space_alloc(); if (new_aspc == NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; task_lock(thread->task); if (thread->task->affinity_space == NULL) { thread->task->affinity_space = new_aspc; new_aspc = NULL; } aspc = thread->task->affinity_space; } task_unlock(thread->task); if (new_aspc) affinity_space_free(new_aspc); thread_mtx_lock(thread); if (!thread->active) { /* Beaten to lock and the thread is dead */ thread_mtx_unlock(thread); return KERN_TERMINATED; } mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); aset = thread->affinity_set; if (aset != NULL) { /* * Remove thread from current affinity set */ DBG("thread_affinity_set(%p,%u) removing from aset %p\n", thread, tag, aset); empty_aset = affinity_set_remove(aset, thread); } if (tag != THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL) { aset = affinity_set_find(aspc, tag); if (aset != NULL) { /* * Add thread to existing affinity set */ DBG("thread_affinity_set(%p,%u) found aset %p\n", thread, tag, aset); } else { /* * Use the new affinity set, add this thread * and place it in a suitable processor set. */ if (empty_aset != NULL) { aset = empty_aset; empty_aset = NULL; } else { aset = affinity_set_alloc(); if (aset == NULL) { mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); thread_mtx_unlock(thread); return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } } DBG("thread_affinity_set(%p,%u) (re-)using aset %p\n", thread, tag, aset); aset->aset_tag = tag; affinity_set_place(aspc, aset); } affinity_set_add(aset, thread); } mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); thread_mtx_unlock(thread); /* * If we wound up not using an empty aset we created, * free it here. */ if (empty_aset != NULL) affinity_set_free(empty_aset); if (thread == current_thread()) thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * task_affinity_create() * Called from task create. */ void task_affinity_create(task_t parent_task, task_t child_task) { affinity_space_t aspc = parent_task->affinity_space; DBG("task_affinity_create(%p,%p)\n", parent_task, child_task); assert(aspc); /* * Bump the task reference count on the shared namespace and * give it to the child. */ mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); aspc->aspc_task_count++; child_task->affinity_space = aspc; mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); } /* * task_affinity_deallocate() * Called from task_deallocate() when there's a namespace to dereference. */ void task_affinity_deallocate(task_t task) { affinity_space_t aspc = task->affinity_space; DBG("task_affinity_deallocate(%p) aspc %p task_count %d\n", task, aspc, aspc->aspc_task_count); mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); if (--(aspc->aspc_task_count) == 0) { assert(queue_empty(&aspc->aspc_affinities)); mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); affinity_space_free(aspc); } else { mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); } } /* * task_affinity_info() * Return affinity tag info (number, min, max) for the task. */ kern_return_t task_affinity_info( task_t task, task_info_t task_info_out, mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count) { affinity_set_t aset; affinity_space_t aspc; task_affinity_tag_info_t info; *task_info_count = TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO_COUNT; info = (task_affinity_tag_info_t) task_info_out; info->set_count = 0; info->task_count = 0; info->min = THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL; info->max = THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL; task_lock(task); aspc = task->affinity_space; if (aspc) { mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); queue_iterate(&aspc->aspc_affinities, aset, affinity_set_t, aset_affinities) { info->set_count++; if (info->min == THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL || aset->aset_tag < (uint32_t) info->min) info->min = aset->aset_tag; if (info->max == THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL || aset->aset_tag > (uint32_t) info->max) info->max = aset->aset_tag; } info->task_count = aspc->aspc_task_count; mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); } task_unlock(task); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Called from thread_dup() during fork() with child's mutex held. * Set the child into the parent's affinity set. * Note the affinity space is shared. */ void thread_affinity_dup(thread_t parent, thread_t child) { affinity_set_t aset; affinity_space_t aspc; thread_mtx_lock(parent); aset = parent->affinity_set; DBG("thread_affinity_dup(%p,%p) aset %p\n", parent, child, aset); if (aset == NULL) { thread_mtx_unlock(parent); return; } aspc = aset->aset_space; assert(aspc == parent->task->affinity_space); assert(aspc == child->task->affinity_space); mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); affinity_set_add(aset, child); mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); thread_mtx_unlock(parent); } /* * thread_affinity_terminate() * Remove thread from any affinity set. * Called with the thread mutex locked. */ void thread_affinity_terminate(thread_t thread) { affinity_set_t aset = thread->affinity_set; affinity_space_t aspc; DBG("thread_affinity_terminate(%p)\n", thread); aspc = aset->aset_space; mutex_lock(&aspc->aspc_lock); if (affinity_set_remove(aset, thread)) { affinity_set_free(aset); } mutex_unlock(&aspc->aspc_lock); } /* * Create an empty affinity namespace data structure. */ static affinity_space_t affinity_space_alloc(void) { affinity_space_t aspc; aspc = (affinity_space_t) kalloc(sizeof(struct affinity_space)); if (aspc == NULL) return NULL; mutex_init(&aspc->aspc_lock, 0); queue_init(&aspc->aspc_affinities); aspc->aspc_task_count = 1; DBG("affinity_space_create() returns %p\n", aspc); return aspc; } /* * Destroy the given empty affinity namespace data structure. */ static void affinity_space_free(affinity_space_t aspc) { assert(queue_empty(&aspc->aspc_affinities)); DBG("affinity_space_free(%p)\n", aspc); kfree(aspc, sizeof(struct affinity_space)); } /* * Create an empty affinity set data structure * entering it into a list anchored by the owning task. */ static affinity_set_t affinity_set_alloc(void) { affinity_set_t aset; aset = (affinity_set_t) kalloc(sizeof(struct affinity_set)); if (aset == NULL) return NULL; aset->aset_thread_count = 0; queue_init(&aset->aset_affinities); queue_init(&aset->aset_threads); aset->aset_num = 0; aset->aset_pset = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; aset->aset_space = NULL; DBG("affinity_set_create() returns %p\n", aset); return aset; } /* * Destroy the given empty affinity set data structure * after removing it from the parent task. */ static void affinity_set_free(affinity_set_t aset) { assert(queue_empty(&aset->aset_threads)); DBG("affinity_set_free(%p)\n", aset); kfree(aset, sizeof(struct affinity_set)); } /* * Add a thread to an affinity set. * The caller must have the thread mutex and space locked. */ static void affinity_set_add(affinity_set_t aset, thread_t thread) { spl_t s; DBG("affinity_set_add(%p,%p)\n", aset, thread); queue_enter(&aset->aset_threads, thread, thread_t, affinity_threads); aset->aset_thread_count++; s = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); thread->affinity_set = affinity_sets_enabled ? aset : NULL; thread_unlock(thread); splx(s); } /* * Remove a thread from an affinity set returning the set if now empty. * The caller must have the thread mutex and space locked. */ static affinity_set_t affinity_set_remove(affinity_set_t aset, thread_t thread) { spl_t s; s = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); thread->affinity_set = NULL; thread_unlock(thread); splx(s); aset->aset_thread_count--; queue_remove(&aset->aset_threads, thread, thread_t, affinity_threads); if (queue_empty(&aset->aset_threads)) { queue_remove(&aset->aset_space->aspc_affinities, aset, affinity_set_t, aset_affinities); assert(aset->aset_thread_count == 0); aset->aset_tag = THREAD_AFFINITY_TAG_NULL; aset->aset_num = 0; aset->aset_pset = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; aset->aset_space = NULL; DBG("affinity_set_remove(%p,%p) set now empty\n", aset, thread); return aset; } else { DBG("affinity_set_remove(%p,%p)\n", aset, thread); return NULL; } } /* * Find an affinity set in the parent task with the given affinity tag. * The caller must have the space locked. */ static affinity_set_t affinity_set_find(affinity_space_t space, uint32_t tag) { affinity_set_t aset; queue_iterate(&space->aspc_affinities, aset, affinity_set_t, aset_affinities) { if (aset->aset_tag == tag) { DBG("affinity_set_find(%p,%u) finds %p\n", space, tag, aset); return aset; } } DBG("affinity_set_find(%p,%u) not found\n", space, tag); return NULL; } /* * affinity_set_place() assigns an affinity set to a suitable processor_set. * The selection criteria is: * - the set currently occupied by the least number of affinities * belonging to the owning the task. * The caller must have the space locked. */ static void affinity_set_place(affinity_space_t aspc, affinity_set_t new_aset) { unsigned int num_cpu_asets = ml_get_max_affinity_sets(); unsigned int set_occupancy[num_cpu_asets]; unsigned int i; unsigned int i_least_occupied; affinity_set_t aset; for (i = 0; i < num_cpu_asets; i++) set_occupancy[i] = 0; /* * Scan the affinity sets calculating the number of sets * occupy the available physical affinities. */ queue_iterate(&aspc->aspc_affinities, aset, affinity_set_t, aset_affinities) { set_occupancy[aset->aset_num]++; } /* * Find the least occupied set (or the first empty set). * To distribute placements somewhat, start searching from * a cpu affinity chosen randomly per namespace: * [(unsigned int)aspc % 127] % num_cpu_asets * unless this mapping policy is overridden. */ if (affinity_sets_mapping == 0) i_least_occupied = 0; else i_least_occupied = ((unsigned int)aspc % 127) % num_cpu_asets; for (i = 0; i < num_cpu_asets; i++) { unsigned int j = (i_least_occupied + i) % num_cpu_asets; if (set_occupancy[j] == 0) { i_least_occupied = j; break; } if (set_occupancy[j] < set_occupancy[i_least_occupied]) i_least_occupied = j; } new_aset->aset_num = i_least_occupied; new_aset->aset_pset = ml_affinity_to_pset(i_least_occupied); /* Add the new affinity set to the group */ new_aset->aset_space = aspc; queue_enter(&aspc->aspc_affinities, new_aset, affinity_set_t, aset_affinities); DBG("affinity_set_place(%p,%p) selected affinity %u pset %p\n", aspc, new_aset, new_aset->aset_num, new_aset->aset_pset); }