/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if MACH_KDB #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if DEBUG #define DBG(x...) kprintf("DBG: " x) #else #define DBG(x...) #endif extern thread_t Shutdown_context(thread_t thread, void (*doshutdown)(processor_t),processor_t processor); extern void wakeup(void *); extern unsigned KernelRelocOffset; static int max_cpus_initialized = 0; unsigned int LockTimeOut; unsigned int LockTimeOutTSC; unsigned int MutexSpin; #define MAX_CPUS_SET 0x1 #define MAX_CPUS_WAIT 0x2 /* IO memory map services */ /* Map memory map IO space */ vm_offset_t ml_io_map( vm_offset_t phys_addr, vm_size_t size) { return(io_map(phys_addr,size,VM_WIMG_IO)); } /* boot memory allocation */ vm_offset_t ml_static_malloc( __unused vm_size_t size) { return((vm_offset_t)NULL); } void ml_get_bouncepool_info(vm_offset_t *phys_addr, vm_size_t *size) { *phys_addr = bounce_pool_base; *size = bounce_pool_size; } vm_offset_t ml_boot_ptovirt( vm_offset_t paddr) { return (vm_offset_t)((paddr-KernelRelocOffset) | LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS); } vm_offset_t ml_static_ptovirt( vm_offset_t paddr) { return (vm_offset_t)((unsigned) paddr | LINEAR_KERNEL_ADDRESS); } /* * Routine: ml_static_mfree * Function: */ void ml_static_mfree( vm_offset_t vaddr, vm_size_t size) { vm_offset_t vaddr_cur; ppnum_t ppn; // if (vaddr < VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) return; assert((vaddr & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) == 0); /* must be page aligned */ for (vaddr_cur = vaddr; vaddr_cur < round_page_32(vaddr+size); vaddr_cur += PAGE_SIZE) { ppn = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)vaddr_cur); if (ppn != (vm_offset_t)NULL) { kernel_pmap->stats.resident_count++; if (kernel_pmap->stats.resident_count > kernel_pmap->stats.resident_max) { kernel_pmap->stats.resident_max = kernel_pmap->stats.resident_count; } pmap_remove(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)vaddr_cur, (addr64_t)(vaddr_cur+PAGE_SIZE)); vm_page_create(ppn,(ppn+1)); vm_page_wire_count--; } } } /* virtual to physical on wired pages */ vm_offset_t ml_vtophys( vm_offset_t vaddr) { return kvtophys(vaddr); } /* * Routine: ml_nofault_copy * Function: Perform a physical mode copy if the source and * destination have valid translations in the kernel pmap. * If translations are present, they are assumed to * be wired; i.e. no attempt is made to guarantee that the * translations obtained remained valid for * the duration of the copy process. */ vm_size_t ml_nofault_copy( vm_offset_t virtsrc, vm_offset_t virtdst, vm_size_t size) { addr64_t cur_phys_dst, cur_phys_src; uint32_t count, nbytes = 0; while (size > 0) { if (!(cur_phys_src = kvtophys(virtsrc))) break; if (!(cur_phys_dst = kvtophys(virtdst))) break; if (!pmap_valid_page(i386_btop(cur_phys_dst)) || !pmap_valid_page(i386_btop(cur_phys_src))) break; count = PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_src & PAGE_MASK); if (count > (PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_dst & PAGE_MASK))) count = PAGE_SIZE - (cur_phys_dst & PAGE_MASK); if (count > size) count = size; bcopy_phys(cur_phys_src, cur_phys_dst, count); nbytes += count; virtsrc += count; virtdst += count; size -= count; } return nbytes; } /* Interrupt handling */ /* Initialize Interrupts */ void ml_init_interrupt(void) { (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE); } /* Get Interrupts Enabled */ boolean_t ml_get_interrupts_enabled(void) { unsigned long flags; __asm__ volatile("pushf; popl %0" : "=r" (flags)); return (flags & EFL_IF) != 0; } /* Set Interrupts Enabled */ boolean_t ml_set_interrupts_enabled(boolean_t enable) { unsigned long flags; __asm__ volatile("pushf; popl %0" : "=r" (flags)); if (enable) { ast_t *myast; myast = ast_pending(); if ( (get_preemption_level() == 0) && (*myast & AST_URGENT) ) { __asm__ volatile("sti"); __asm__ volatile ("int $0xff"); } else { __asm__ volatile ("sti"); } } else { __asm__ volatile("cli"); } return (flags & EFL_IF) != 0; } /* Check if running at interrupt context */ boolean_t ml_at_interrupt_context(void) { return get_interrupt_level() != 0; } /* Generate a fake interrupt */ void ml_cause_interrupt(void) { panic("ml_cause_interrupt not defined yet on Intel"); } void ml_thread_policy( thread_t thread, __unused unsigned policy_id, unsigned policy_info) { if (policy_info & MACHINE_NETWORK_WORKLOOP) { spl_t s = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); set_priority(thread, thread->priority + 1); thread_unlock(thread); splx(s); } } /* Initialize Interrupts */ void ml_install_interrupt_handler( void *nub, int source, void *target, IOInterruptHandler handler, void *refCon) { boolean_t current_state; current_state = ml_get_interrupts_enabled(); PE_install_interrupt_handler(nub, source, target, (IOInterruptHandler) handler, refCon); (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(current_state); initialize_screen(NULL, kPEAcquireScreen); } void machine_signal_idle( processor_t processor) { cpu_interrupt(processor->cpu_num); } thread_t machine_processor_shutdown( thread_t thread, void (*doshutdown)(processor_t), processor_t processor) { vmx_suspend(); fpu_save_context(thread); return(Shutdown_context(thread, doshutdown, processor)); } kern_return_t ml_processor_register( cpu_id_t cpu_id, uint32_t lapic_id, processor_t *processor_out, ipi_handler_t *ipi_handler, boolean_t boot_cpu) { int target_cpu; cpu_data_t *this_cpu_datap; this_cpu_datap = cpu_data_alloc(boot_cpu); if (this_cpu_datap == NULL) { return KERN_FAILURE; } target_cpu = this_cpu_datap->cpu_number; assert((boot_cpu && (target_cpu == 0)) || (!boot_cpu && (target_cpu != 0))); lapic_cpu_map(lapic_id, target_cpu); this_cpu_datap->cpu_id = cpu_id; this_cpu_datap->cpu_phys_number = lapic_id; this_cpu_datap->cpu_console_buf = console_cpu_alloc(boot_cpu); if (this_cpu_datap->cpu_console_buf == NULL) goto failed; this_cpu_datap->cpu_chud = chudxnu_cpu_alloc(boot_cpu); if (this_cpu_datap->cpu_chud == NULL) goto failed; if (!boot_cpu) { cpu_thread_alloc(this_cpu_datap->cpu_number); if (this_cpu_datap->lcpu.core == NULL) goto failed; pmCPUStateInit(); this_cpu_datap->cpu_pmap = pmap_cpu_alloc(boot_cpu); if (this_cpu_datap->cpu_pmap == NULL) goto failed; this_cpu_datap->cpu_processor = cpu_processor_alloc(boot_cpu); if (this_cpu_datap->cpu_processor == NULL) goto failed; /* * processor_init() deferred to topology start * because "slot numbers" a.k.a. logical processor numbers * are not yet finalized. */ } *processor_out = this_cpu_datap->cpu_processor; *ipi_handler = NULL; if (target_cpu == machine_info.max_cpus - 1) { /* * All processors are now registered but not started (except * for this "in-limbo" boot processor). We call to the machine * topology code to finalize and activate the topology. */ cpu_topology_start(); } return KERN_SUCCESS; failed: cpu_processor_free(this_cpu_datap->cpu_processor); pmap_cpu_free(this_cpu_datap->cpu_pmap); chudxnu_cpu_free(this_cpu_datap->cpu_chud); console_cpu_free(this_cpu_datap->cpu_console_buf); return KERN_FAILURE; } void ml_cpu_get_info(ml_cpu_info_t *cpu_infop) { boolean_t os_supports_sse; i386_cpu_info_t *cpuid_infop; if (cpu_infop == NULL) return; /* * Are we supporting MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3? * As distinct from whether the cpu has these capabilities. */ os_supports_sse = get_cr4() & CR4_XMM; if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSE4_2) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 8; else if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSE4_1) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 7; else if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSSE3) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 6; else if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSE3) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 5; else if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSE2) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 4; else if ((cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_SSE) && os_supports_sse) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 3; else if (cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_MMX) cpu_infop->vector_unit = 2; else cpu_infop->vector_unit = 0; cpuid_infop = cpuid_info(); cpu_infop->cache_line_size = cpuid_infop->cache_linesize; cpu_infop->l1_icache_size = cpuid_infop->cache_size[L1I]; cpu_infop->l1_dcache_size = cpuid_infop->cache_size[L1D]; if (cpuid_infop->cache_size[L2U] > 0) { cpu_infop->l2_settings = 1; cpu_infop->l2_cache_size = cpuid_infop->cache_size[L2U]; } else { cpu_infop->l2_settings = 0; cpu_infop->l2_cache_size = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (cpuid_infop->cache_size[L3U] > 0) { cpu_infop->l3_settings = 1; cpu_infop->l3_cache_size = cpuid_infop->cache_size[L3U]; } else { cpu_infop->l3_settings = 0; cpu_infop->l3_cache_size = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } void ml_init_max_cpus(unsigned long max_cpus) { boolean_t current_state; current_state = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); if (max_cpus_initialized != MAX_CPUS_SET) { if (max_cpus > 0 && max_cpus <= MAX_CPUS) { /* * Note: max_cpus is the number of enabled processors * that ACPI found; max_ncpus is the maximum number * that the kernel supports or that the "cpus=" * boot-arg has set. Here we take int minimum. */ machine_info.max_cpus = MIN(max_cpus, max_ncpus); } if (max_cpus_initialized == MAX_CPUS_WAIT) wakeup((event_t)&max_cpus_initialized); max_cpus_initialized = MAX_CPUS_SET; } (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(current_state); } int ml_get_max_cpus(void) { boolean_t current_state; current_state = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); if (max_cpus_initialized != MAX_CPUS_SET) { max_cpus_initialized = MAX_CPUS_WAIT; assert_wait((event_t)&max_cpus_initialized, THREAD_UNINT); (void)thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); } (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(current_state); return(machine_info.max_cpus); } /* * Routine: ml_init_lock_timeout * Function: */ void ml_init_lock_timeout(void) { uint64_t abstime; uint32_t mtxspin; /* LockTimeOut is absolutetime, LockTimeOutTSC is in TSC ticks */ nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(NSEC_PER_SEC>>2, &abstime); LockTimeOut = (uint32_t) abstime; LockTimeOutTSC = (uint32_t) tmrCvt(abstime, tscFCvtn2t); if (PE_parse_boot_argn("mtxspin", &mtxspin, sizeof (mtxspin))) { if (mtxspin > USEC_PER_SEC>>4) mtxspin = USEC_PER_SEC>>4; nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(mtxspin*NSEC_PER_USEC, &abstime); } else { nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(10*NSEC_PER_USEC, &abstime); } MutexSpin = (unsigned int)abstime; } /* * This is called from the machine-independent routine cpu_up() * to perform machine-dependent info updates. Defer to cpu_thread_init(). */ void ml_cpu_up(void) { return; } /* * This is called from the machine-independent routine cpu_down() * to perform machine-dependent info updates. */ void ml_cpu_down(void) { return; } /* * The following are required for parts of the kernel * that cannot resolve these functions as inlines: */ extern thread_t current_act(void); thread_t current_act(void) { return(current_thread_fast()); } #undef current_thread extern thread_t current_thread(void); thread_t current_thread(void) { return(current_thread_fast()); } boolean_t ml_is64bit(void) { return (cpu_mode_is64bit()); } boolean_t ml_thread_is64bit(thread_t thread) { return (thread_is_64bit(thread)); } boolean_t ml_state_is64bit(void *saved_state) { return is_saved_state64(saved_state); } void ml_cpu_set_ldt(int selector) { /* * Avoid loading the LDT * if we're setting the KERNEL LDT and it's already set. */ if (selector == KERNEL_LDT && current_cpu_datap()->cpu_ldt == KERNEL_LDT) return; /* * If 64bit this requires a mode switch (and back). */ if (cpu_mode_is64bit()) ml_64bit_lldt(selector); else lldt(selector); current_cpu_datap()->cpu_ldt = selector; } void ml_fp_setvalid(boolean_t value) { fp_setvalid(value); } uint64_t ml_cpu_int_event_time(void) { return current_cpu_datap()->cpu_int_event_time; } #if MACH_KDB /* * Display the global msrs * * * ms */ void db_msr(__unused db_expr_t addr, __unused int have_addr, __unused db_expr_t count, __unused char *modif) { uint32_t i, msrlow, msrhigh; /* Try all of the first 4096 msrs */ for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { if (!rdmsr_carefully(i, &msrlow, &msrhigh)) { db_printf("%08X - %08X.%08X\n", i, msrhigh, msrlow); } } /* Try all of the 4096 msrs at 0x0C000000 */ for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { if (!rdmsr_carefully(0x0C000000 | i, &msrlow, &msrhigh)) { db_printf("%08X - %08X.%08X\n", 0x0C000000 | i, msrhigh, msrlow); } } /* Try all of the 4096 msrs at 0xC0000000 */ for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { if (!rdmsr_carefully(0xC0000000 | i, &msrlow, &msrhigh)) { db_printf("%08X - %08X.%08X\n", 0xC0000000 | i, msrhigh, msrlow); } } } #endif