/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify and freely distribute * the software in this file and its documentation for any purpose without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and * that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. Further, provided that the name of Open * Software Foundation, Inc. ("OSF") not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without prior * written permission from OSF. OSF makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. */ /* * HISTORY * * Revision 1998/09/22 21:05:36 wsanchez * Import of Mac OS X kernel (~semeria) * * Revision 1998/03/07 02:25:37 wsanchez * Import of OSF Mach kernel (~mburg) * * Revision 1994/01/28 17:23:00 chasb * Expand Copyrights * [1994/01/27 19:40:16 chasb] * * Revision 1993/06/09 02:27:36 gm * Added to OSF/1 R1.3 from NMK15.0. * [1993/06/02 21:04:03 jeffc] * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/19 16:13:10 devrcs * pick up file_io.h from bootstrap directory * [1993/02/27 15:01:09 david] * * Added new arguments and a missing one to db_add_symbol_table * [barbou@gr.osf.org] * [92/12/03 bernadat] * * Added gcc symbol table handling based on db_aout.c (Revsion 2.4) * [91/07/31 tak] * * Revision 1.1 1992/09/30 02:02:23 robert * Initial revision * * $EndLog$ */ /* CMU_HIST */ /* * Revision 2.1 91/07/31 13:13:51 jeffreyh * Created. * * 31-Jul-91 Jeffrey Heller (tak) at Open Software Foundation * Added gcc symbol table handling based on db_aout.c (Revsion 2.4) * */ /* CMU_ENDHIST */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * Symbol table routines for a.out format files. */ #include #include /* data types */ #include #ifdef DB_GCC_AOUT #include /* a.out symbol table */ #include /* * An a.out symbol table as loaded into the kernel debugger: * * symtab -> size of symbol entries, in bytes * sp -> first symbol entry * ... * ep -> last symbol entry + 1 * strtab == start of string table * size of string table in bytes, * including this word * -> strings */ /* * Find pointers to the start and end of the symbol entries, * given a pointer to the start of the symbol table. */ #define db_get_aout_symtab(symtab, sp, ep) \ (sp = (struct nlist *)((symtab) + 1), \ ep = (struct nlist *)((char *)sp + *(symtab))) X_db_sym_init(symtab, esymtab, name) int * symtab; /* pointer to start of symbol table */ char * esymtab; /* pointer to end of string table, for checking - rounded up to integer boundary */ char * name; { register struct nlist *sym_start, *sym_end; register struct nlist *sp; register char * strtab; register int strlen; db_get_aout_symtab(symtab, sym_start, sym_end); strtab = (char *)sym_end; strlen = *(int *)strtab; if (strtab + ((strlen + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int)-1)) != esymtab) { db_printf("[ %s symbol table not valid ]\n", name); return; } db_printf("[ preserving %#x bytes of %s symbol table ]\n", esymtab - (char *)symtab, name); for (sp = sym_start; sp < sym_end; sp++) { register int strx; strx = sp->n_un.n_strx; if (strx != 0) { if (strx > strlen) { db_printf("Bad string table index (%#x)\n", strx); sp->n_un.n_name = 0; continue; } sp->n_un.n_name = strtab + strx; } } db_add_symbol_table(sym_start, sym_end, name, (char *)symtab, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); } /* * check file name or not (check xxxx.x pattern) */ boolean_t X_db_is_filename(name) register char *name; { while (*name) { if (*name == '.') { if (name[1]) return(TRUE); } name++; } return(FALSE); } /* * special name comparison routine with a name in the symbol table entry */ boolean_t X_db_eq_name(sp, name) struct nlist *sp; char *name; { register char *s1, *s2; s1 = sp->n_un.n_name; s2 = name; if (*s1 == '_' && *s2 && *s2 != '_') s1++; while (*s2) { if (*s1++ != *s2++) { /* * check .c .o file name comparison case */ if (*s2 == 0 && sp->n_un.n_name <= s1 - 2 && s1[-2] == '.' && s1[-1] == 'o') return(TRUE); return(FALSE); } } /* * do special check for * xxx:yyy for N_FUN * xxx.ttt for N_DATA and N_BSS */ return(*s1 == 0 || (*s1 == ':' && sp->n_type == N_FUN) || (*s1 == '.' && (sp->n_type == N_DATA || sp->n_type == N_BSS))); } /* * search a symbol table with name and type * fp(in,out): last found text file name symbol entry */ struct nlist * X_db_search_name(sp, ep, name, type, fp) register struct nlist *sp; struct nlist *ep; char *name; int type; struct nlist **fp; { struct nlist *file_sp = *fp; struct nlist *found_sp = 0; for ( ; sp < ep; sp++) { if (sp->n_type == N_TEXT && X_db_is_filename(sp->n_un.n_name)) *fp = sp; if (type) { if (sp->n_type == type) { if (X_db_eq_name(sp, name)) return(sp); } if (sp->n_type == N_SO) *fp = sp; continue; } if (sp->n_type & N_STAB) continue; if (sp->n_un.n_name && X_db_eq_name(sp, name)) { /* * In case of qaulified search by a file, * return it immediately with some check. * Otherwise, search external one */ if (file_sp) { if ((file_sp == *fp) || (sp->n_type & N_EXT)) return(sp); } else if (sp->n_type & N_EXT) return(sp); else found_sp = sp; } } return(found_sp); } /* * search a symbol with file, func and line qualification */ struct nlist * X_db_qualified_search(stab, file, sym, line) db_symtab_t *stab; char *file; char *sym; int line; { register struct nlist *sp = (struct nlist *)stab->start; struct nlist *ep = (struct nlist *)stab->end; struct nlist *fp = 0; struct nlist *found_sp; unsigned func_top; boolean_t in_file; if (file == 0 && sym == 0) return(0); if (file) { if ((sp = X_db_search_name(sp, ep, file, N_TEXT, &fp)) == 0) return(0); } if (sym) { sp = X_db_search_name(sp, ep, sym, (line > 0)? N_FUN: 0, &fp); if (sp == 0) return(0); } if (line > 0) { if (file && !X_db_eq_name(fp, file)) return(0); found_sp = 0; if (sp->n_type == N_FUN) { /* * qualfied by function name * search backward because line number entries * for the function are above it in this case. */ func_top = sp->n_value; for (sp--; sp >= (struct nlist *)stab->start; sp--) { if (sp->n_type != N_SLINE) continue; if (sp->n_value < func_top) break; if (sp->n_desc <= line) { if (found_sp == 0 || found_sp->n_desc < sp->n_desc) found_sp = sp; if (sp->n_desc == line) break; } } if (sp->n_type != N_SLINE || sp->n_value < func_top) return(0); } else { /* * qualified by only file name * search forward in this case */ in_file = TRUE; for (sp++; sp < ep; sp++) { if (sp->n_type == N_TEXT && X_db_is_filename(sp->n_un.n_name)) break; /* enter into another file */ if (sp->n_type == N_SOL) { in_file = X_db_eq_name(sp, file); continue; } if (!in_file || sp->n_type != N_SLINE) continue; if (sp->n_desc <= line) { if (found_sp == 0 || found_sp->n_desc < sp->n_desc) found_sp = sp; if (sp->n_desc == line) break; } } } sp = found_sp; } return(sp); } /* * lookup symbol by name */ db_sym_t X_db_lookup(stab, symstr) db_symtab_t *stab; char * symstr; { register char *p; register n; int n_name; int line_number; char *file_name = 0; char *sym_name = 0; char *component[3]; struct nlist *found = 0; /* * disassemble component: [file_name:]symbol[:line_nubmer] */ component[0] = symstr; component[1] = component[2] = 0; for (p = symstr, n = 1; *p; p++) { if (*p == ':') { if (n >= 3) break; *p = 0; component[n++] = p+1; } } if (*p != 0) goto out; line_number = 0; n_name = n; p = component[n-1]; if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') { if (n == 1) goto out; for (line_number = 0; *p; p++) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') goto out; line_number = line_number*10 + *p - '0'; } n_name--; } else if (n >= 3) goto out; if (n_name == 1) { if (X_db_is_filename(component[0])) { file_name = component[0]; sym_name = 0; } else { file_name = 0; sym_name = component[0]; } } else { file_name = component[0]; sym_name = component[1]; } found = X_db_qualified_search(stab, file_name, sym_name, line_number); out: while (--n > 1) component[n][-1] = ':'; return((db_sym_t) found); } db_sym_t X_db_search_symbol(symtab, off, strategy, diffp) db_symtab_t * symtab; register db_addr_t off; db_strategy_t strategy; db_expr_t *diffp; /* in/out */ { register unsigned int diff = *diffp; register struct nlist *symp = 0; register struct nlist *sp, *ep; sp = (struct nlist *)symtab->start; ep = (struct nlist *)symtab->end; for (; sp < ep; sp++) { if (sp->n_un.n_name == 0) continue; if ((sp->n_type & N_STAB) != 0) continue; if (off >= sp->n_value) { if (off - sp->n_value < diff) { diff = off - sp->n_value; symp = sp; if (diff == 0 && (sp->n_type & N_EXT)) break; } else if (off - sp->n_value == diff) { if (symp == 0) symp = sp; else if ((symp->n_type & N_EXT) == 0 && (sp->n_type & N_EXT) != 0) symp = sp; /* pick the external symbol */ } } } if (symp == 0) { *diffp = off; } else { *diffp = diff; } return ((db_sym_t)symp); } /* * Return the name and value for a symbol. */ void X_db_symbol_values(sym, namep, valuep) db_sym_t sym; char **namep; db_expr_t *valuep; { register struct nlist *sp; sp = (struct nlist *)sym; if (namep) *namep = sp->n_un.n_name; if (valuep) *valuep = sp->n_value; } #define X_DB_MAX_DIFF 8 /* maximum allowable diff at the end of line */ /* * search symbol by value */ X_db_search_by_addr(stab, addr, file, func, line, diff) db_symtab_t *stab; register unsigned addr; char **file; char **func; int *line; unsigned *diff; { register struct nlist *sp; register struct nlist *line_sp, *func_sp, *file_sp, *line_func; register func_diff, line_diff; boolean_t found_line = FALSE; struct nlist *ep = (struct nlist *)stab->end; line_sp = func_sp = file_sp = line_func = 0; *file = *func = 0; *line = 0; for (sp = (struct nlist *)stab->start; sp < ep; sp++) { switch(sp->n_type) { case N_SLINE: if (sp->n_value <= addr) { if (line_sp == 0 || line_diff >= addr - sp->n_value) { if (line_func) line_func = 0; line_sp = sp; line_diff = addr - sp->n_value; } } if (sp->n_value >= addr && line_sp) found_line = TRUE; continue; case N_FUN: if ((found_line || (line_sp && line_diff < X_DB_MAX_DIFF)) && line_func == 0) line_func = sp; continue; case N_TEXT: if (X_db_is_filename(sp->n_un.n_name)) { if (sp->n_value > addr) continue; if (file_sp == 0 || file_sp->n_value < sp->n_value) file_sp = sp; } else if (sp->n_value <= addr && (func_sp == 0 || func_diff > addr - sp->n_value)) { func_sp = sp; func_diff = addr - sp->n_value; } continue; case N_TEXT|N_EXT: if (sp->n_value <= addr && (func_sp == 0 || func_diff >= addr - sp->n_value)) { func_sp = sp; func_diff = addr - sp->n_value; if (func_diff == 0 && file_sp && func_sp) break; } default: continue; } break; } if (line_sp) { if (line_func == 0 || func_sp == 0 || line_func->n_value != func_sp->n_value) line_sp = 0; } if (file_sp) { *diff = addr - file_sp->n_value; *file = file_sp->n_un.n_name; } if (func_sp) { *diff = addr - func_sp->n_value; *func = (func_sp->n_un.n_name[0] == '_')? func_sp->n_un.n_name + 1: func_sp->n_un.n_name; } if (line_sp) { *diff = addr - line_sp->n_value; *line = line_sp->n_desc; } return(file_sp || func_sp || line_sp); } /* ARGSUSED */ boolean_t X_db_line_at_pc(stab, sym, file, line, pc) db_symtab_t *stab; db_sym_t sym; char **file; int *line; db_expr_t pc; { char *func; unsigned diff; boolean_t found; found = X_db_search_by_addr(stab,(unsigned)pc,file,&func,line,&diff); return(found && func && *file); } /* * Initialization routine for a.out files. */ kdb_init() { extern char *esym; extern int end; if (esym > (char *)&end) { X_db_sym_init((int *)&end, esym, "mach"); } } /* * Read symbol table from file. * (should be somewhere else) */ #include #include read_symtab_from_file(fp, symtab_name) struct file *fp; char * symtab_name; { vm_size_t resid; kern_return_t result; vm_offset_t symoff; vm_size_t symsize; vm_offset_t stroff; vm_size_t strsize; vm_size_t table_size; vm_offset_t symtab; if (!get_symtab(fp, &symoff, &symsize)) { boot_printf("[ error %d reading %s file header ]\n", result, symtab_name); return; } stroff = symoff + symsize; result = read_file(fp, (vm_offset_t)stroff, (vm_offset_t)&strsize, sizeof(strsize), &resid); if (result || resid) { boot_printf("[ no valid symbol table present for %s ]\n", symtab_name); return; } table_size = sizeof(int) + symsize + strsize; table_size = (table_size + sizeof(int)-1) & ~(sizeof(int)-1); result = kmem_alloc_wired(kernel_map, &symtab, table_size); if (result) { boot_printf("[ error %d allocating space for %s symbol table ]\n", result, symtab_name); return; } *(int *)symtab = symsize; result = read_file(fp, symoff, symtab + sizeof(int), symsize, &resid); if (result || resid) { boot_printf("[ error %d reading %s symbol table ]\n", result, symtab_name); return; } result = read_file(fp, stroff, symtab + sizeof(int) + symsize, strsize, &resid); if (result || resid) { boot_printf("[ error %d reading %s string table ]\n", result, symtab_name); return; } X_db_sym_init((int *)symtab, (char *)(symtab + table_size), symtab_name); } #endif /* DB_GCC_AOUT */