/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * HISTORY * * Revision 1998/09/22 21:05:48 wsanchez * Import of Mac OS X kernel (~semeria) * * Revision 1998/03/07 02:26:09 wsanchez * Import of OSF Mach kernel (~mburg) * * Revision 1997/03/27 18:47:01 barbou * Merge smp_shared merges into mainline. * [1996/09/19 13:55:17 addis] * Make tr_indent NCPU safe. * [95/10/09 rwd] * Added TR_INIT() macro. * Change from NMK16.1 [93/09/22 paire] * [94/02/04 paire] * [97/02/25 barbou] * * Revision 1995/02/23 16:34:23 alanl * Taken from DIPC2_SHARED. Change to !FREE Copyright. * [95/01/05 rwd] * * Revision 1994/08/18 01:07:26 alanl * + Allow tracing strictly based on MACH_TR; * don't also require MACH_ASSERT (alanl). * + ANSI-fication: cast tr arguments (alanl). * + Added tr_indent and macros to use it (sjs). * [1994/08/18 01:06:09 alanl] * * Revision 1994/08/08 17:59:35 rwd * Include mach_tr.h * [94/08/08 rwd] * * Revision 1994/08/05 19:36:08 mmp * Added prototype for db_show_tr. * * Conditionalize on MACH_TR * [94/07/20 rwd] * * Revision 1994/08/04 01:43:04 mmp * DIPC: moved from norma/ to ddb/. Updated includes. * [1994/08/03 13:37:46 mmp] * * Revision 1994/03/07 16:55:24 paire * Added ANSI prototypes. * [94/02/15 paire] * * Added TR_INIT() macro. * Change from NMK16.1 [93/09/22 paire] * [94/02/04 paire] * * Revision 1993/06/02 23:57:10 jeffc * Added to OSF/1 R1.3 from NMK15.0. * [1993/06/02 21:22:08 jeffc] * * Revision 1.1 1992/09/30 02:34:09 robert * Initial revision * * $EndLog$ */ /* * File: ddb/tr.h * Author: Alan Langerman, Jeffrey Heller * Date: 1992 * * Internal trace routines. Like old-style XPRs but * less formatting. */ #include #include #include /* * Originally, we only wanted tracing when * MACH_TR and MACH_ASSERT were turned on * together. Now, there's no reason why * MACH_TR and MACH_ASSERT can't be completely * orthogonal. */ #define TRACE_BUFFER (MACH_TR) /* * Log events in a circular trace buffer for future debugging. * Events are unsigned integers. Each event has a descriptive * message. * * TR_DECL must be used at the beginning of a routine using * one of the tr calls. The macro should be passed the name * of the function surrounded by quotation marks, e.g., * TR_DECL("netipc_recv_intr"); * and should be terminated with a semi-colon. The TR_DECL * must be the *last* declaration in the variable declaration * list, or syntax errors will be introduced when TRACE_BUFFER * is turned off. */ #ifndef _DDB_TR_H_ #define _DDB_TR_H_ #if TRACE_BUFFER #include #define __ui__ (unsigned int) #define TR_INIT() tr_init() #define TR_SHOW(a,b,c) show_tr((a),(b),(c)) #define TR_DECL(funcname) char *__ntr_func_name__ = funcname #define tr1(msg) \ tr(__ntr_func_name__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg), \ 0,0,0,0) #define tr2(msg,tag1) \ tr(__ntr_func_name__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg), \ __ui__(tag1),0,0,0) #define tr3(msg,tag1,tag2) \ tr(__ntr_func_name__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg), \ __ui__(tag1),__ui__(tag2),0,0) #define tr4(msg,tag1,tag2,tag3) \ tr(__ntr_func_name__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg), \ __ui__(tag1),__ui__(tag2),__ui__(tag3),0) #define tr5(msg,tag1,tag2,tag3,tag4) \ tr(__ntr_func_name__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (msg), \ __ui__(tag1),__ui__(tag2),__ui__(tag3),__ui__(tag4)) /* * Adjust tr log indentation based on function * call graph. */ #if NCPUS == 1 extern int tr_indent; #define tr_start() tr_indent++ #define tr_stop() tr_indent-- #else /* NCPUS == 1 */ extern int tr_indent[NCPUS]; #define tr_start() tr_indent[cpu_number()]++ #define tr_stop() (--tr_indent[cpu_number()]<0?tr_indent[cpu_number()]=0:0); #endif /* NCPUS == 1 */ extern void tr_init(void); extern void tr( char *funcname, char *file, unsigned int lineno, char *fmt, unsigned int tag1, unsigned int tag2, unsigned int tag3, unsigned int tag4); extern void db_show_tr( db_expr_t addr, boolean_t have_addr, db_expr_t count, char * modif); #else /* TRACE_BUFFER */ #define TR_INIT() #define TR_SHOW(a,b,c) #define TR_DECL(funcname) #define tr1(msg) #define tr2(msg, tag1) #define tr3(msg, tag1, tag2) #define tr4(msg, tag1, tag2, tag3) #define tr5(msg, tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4) #define tr_start() #define tr_stop() #endif /* TRACE_BUFFER */ #endif /* _DDB_TR_H_ */