/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/90 */ /* * Command dispatcher. */ #include #ifdef AT386 #include #endif /* AT386 */ #include #include #include #if defined(__alpha) # include # if KDEBUG # include # endif #endif /* defined(__alpha) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__ppc__) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For db_stack_trace_cmd(). */ #include /* For db_show_one_zone, db_show_all_zones. */ #include /* For db_show_all_slocks(). */ #if NORMA_VM #include #endif /* NORMA_VM */ /* * Exported global variables */ boolean_t db_cmd_loop_done; jmp_buf_t *db_recover = 0; db_addr_t db_dot; db_addr_t db_last_addr; db_addr_t db_prev; db_addr_t db_next; /* * if 'ed' style: 'dot' is set at start of last item printed, * and '+' points to next line. * Otherwise: 'dot' points to next item, '..' points to last. */ boolean_t db_ed_style = TRUE; /* * Results of command search. */ #define CMD_UNIQUE 0 #define CMD_FOUND 1 #define CMD_NONE 2 #define CMD_AMBIGUOUS 3 #define CMD_HELP 4 /* Prototypes for functions local to this file. XXX -- should be static! */ void db_command( struct db_command **last_cmdp, /* IN_OUT */ db_expr_t *last_countp, /* IN_OUT */ char *last_modifp, /* IN_OUT */ struct db_command *cmd_table); void db_help_cmd(void); void db_fncall(void); void db_cmd_list(struct db_command *table); int db_cmd_search( char * name, struct db_command * table, struct db_command ** cmdp); /* out */ void db_command_list( struct db_command **last_cmdp, /* IN_OUT */ db_expr_t *last_countp, /* IN_OUT */ char *last_modifp, /* IN_OUT */ struct db_command *cmd_table); /* * Search for command prefix. */ int db_cmd_search( char * name, struct db_command * table, struct db_command ** cmdp) /* out */ { struct db_command *cmd; int result = CMD_NONE; for (cmd = table; cmd->name != 0; cmd++) { register char *lp; const char *rp; register int c; lp = name; rp = cmd->name; while ((c = *lp) == *rp) { if (c == 0) { /* complete match */ *cmdp = cmd; return (CMD_UNIQUE); } lp++; rp++; } if (c == 0) { /* end of name, not end of command - partial match */ if (result == CMD_FOUND) { result = CMD_AMBIGUOUS; /* but keep looking for a full match - this lets us match single letters */ } else { *cmdp = cmd; result = CMD_FOUND; } } } if (result == CMD_NONE) { /* check for 'help' */ if (!strncmp(name, "help", strlen(name))) result = CMD_HELP; } return (result); } void db_cmd_list(struct db_command *table) { struct db_command *new; struct db_command *old; struct db_command *cur; unsigned int l; unsigned int len; len = 1; for (cur = table; cur->name != 0; cur++) if ((l = strlen(cur->name)) >= len) len = l + 1; old = (struct db_command *)0; for (;;) { new = (struct db_command *)0; for (cur = table; cur->name != 0; cur++) if ((new == (struct db_command *)0 || strncmp(cur->name, new->name, strlen(cur->name)) < 0) && (old == (struct db_command *)0 || strncmp(cur->name, old->name, strlen(cur->name)) > 0)) new = cur; if (new == (struct db_command *)0) return; db_reserve_output_position(len); db_printf("%-*s", len, new->name); old = new; } } void db_command( struct db_command **last_cmdp, /* IN_OUT */ db_expr_t *last_countp, /* IN_OUT */ char *last_modifp, /* IN_OUT */ struct db_command *cmd_table) { struct db_command *cmd; int t; char modif[TOK_STRING_SIZE]; char *modifp = &modif[0]; db_expr_t addr, count; boolean_t have_addr = FALSE; int result; t = db_read_token(); if (t == tEOL || t == tSEMI_COLON) { /* empty line repeats last command, at 'next' */ cmd = *last_cmdp; count = *last_countp; modifp = last_modifp; addr = (db_expr_t)db_next; have_addr = FALSE; if (t == tSEMI_COLON) db_unread_token(t); } else if (t == tEXCL) { db_fncall(); return; } else if (t != tIDENT) { db_printf("?\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } else { /* * Search for command */ while (cmd_table) { result = db_cmd_search(db_tok_string, cmd_table, &cmd); switch (result) { case CMD_NONE: if (db_exec_macro(db_tok_string) == 0) return; db_printf("No such command \"%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_flush_lex(); return; case CMD_AMBIGUOUS: db_printf("Ambiguous\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; case CMD_HELP: db_cmd_list(cmd_table); db_flush_lex(); return; default: break; } if ((cmd_table = cmd->more) != 0) { t = db_read_token(); if (t != tIDENT) { db_cmd_list(cmd_table); db_flush_lex(); return; } } } if ((cmd->flag & CS_OWN) == 0) { /* * Standard syntax: * command [/modifier] [addr] [,count] */ t = db_read_token(); if (t == tSLASH) { t = db_read_token(); if (t != tIDENT) { db_printf("Bad modifier \"/%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_flush_lex(); return; } strlcpy(modif, db_tok_string, TOK_STRING_SIZE); } else { db_unread_token(t); modif[0] = '\0'; } if (db_expression(&addr)) { db_dot = (db_addr_t) addr; db_last_addr = db_dot; have_addr = TRUE; } else { addr = (db_expr_t) db_dot; have_addr = FALSE; } t = db_read_token(); if (t == tCOMMA) { if (!db_expression(&count)) { db_printf("Count missing after ','\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } } else { db_unread_token(t); count = -1; } } } if (cmd != 0) { /* * Execute the command. */ (*cmd->fcn)(addr, have_addr, count, modifp); if (cmd->flag & CS_SET_DOT) { /* * If command changes dot, set dot to * previous address displayed (if 'ed' style). */ if (db_ed_style) { db_dot = db_prev; } else { db_dot = db_next; } } else { /* * If command does not change dot, * set 'next' location to be the same. */ db_next = db_dot; } } *last_cmdp = cmd; *last_countp = count; strlcpy(last_modifp, modifp, TOK_STRING_SIZE); } void db_command_list( struct db_command **last_cmdp, /* IN_OUT */ db_expr_t *last_countp, /* IN_OUT */ char *last_modifp, /* IN_OUT */ struct db_command *cmd_table) { do { db_command(last_cmdp, last_countp, last_modifp, cmd_table); db_skip_to_eol(); } while (db_read_token() == tSEMI_COLON && db_cmd_loop_done == 0); } extern void db_system_stats(void); struct db_command db_show_all_cmds[] = { { .name = "acts", .fcn = db_show_all_acts, }, { .name = "spaces", .fcn = db_show_all_spaces, }, { .name = "tasks", .fcn = db_show_all_acts, }, /* temporary alias for sanity preservation */ { .name ="threads", db_show_all_acts, }, { .name = "zones", .fcn = db_show_all_zones, }, { .name = "vmtask", .fcn = db_show_all_task_vm, }, { .name = (const char *)NULL, }, }; /* XXX */ extern void db_show_thread_log(void); extern void db_show_etap_log(db_expr_t, int, db_expr_t, char *); struct db_command db_show_cmds[] = { { .name = "all", .more = db_show_all_cmds }, { .name = "registers", .fcn = db_show_regs, }, { .name = "variables", .fcn = db_show_variable, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "breaks", .fcn = db_listbreak_cmd, }, { .name = "watches", .fcn = db_listwatch_cmd, }, { .name = "task", .fcn = db_show_one_task, }, { .name = "act", .fcn = db_show_one_act, }, { .name = "shuttle", .fcn = db_show_shuttle, }, #if 0 { .name = "thread", .fcn = db_show_one_thread, }, #endif { .name = "vmtask", .fcn = db_show_one_task_vm, }, { .name = "macro", .fcn = (db_func)db_show_macro, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "runq", .fcn = (db_func)db_show_runq, }, { .name = "map", .fcn = (db_func)vm_map_print, }, { .name = "object", .fcn = vm_object_print, }, { .name = "page", .fcn = (db_func)vm_page_print, }, { .name = "copy", .fcn = (db_func)vm_map_copy_print, }, { .name = "port", .fcn = (db_func)ipc_port_print, }, { .name = "pset", .fcn = (db_func)ipc_pset_print, }, { .name = "kmsg", .fcn = (db_func)ipc_kmsg_print, }, { .name = "msg", .fcn = (db_func)ipc_msg_print, }, { .name = "ipc_port", .fcn = db_show_port_id, }, #if NORMA_VM { .name = "xmm_obj", .fcn = (db_func)xmm_obj_print, }, { .name = "xmm_reply", .fcn = (db_func)xmm_reply_print, }, #endif /* NORMA_VM */ #if TRACE_BUFFER { .name = "tr", .fcn = db_show_tr, }, #endif /* TRACE_BUFFER */ { .name = "space", .fcn = db_show_one_space, }, { .name = "system", .fcn = (db_func)db_system_stats, }, { .name = "zone", .fcn = db_show_one_zone, }, { .name = "lock", .fcn = (db_func)db_show_one_lock, }, { .name = "mutex_lock", .fcn = (db_func)db_show_one_mutex, }, { .name = "simple_lock", .fcn = (db_func)db_show_one_simple_lock, }, { .name = "thread_log", (db_func)db_show_thread_log, }, { .name = "shuttle", .fcn = db_show_shuttle, }, { .name = (const char *)NULL, }, }; #define db_switch_cpu kdb_on struct db_command db_command_table[] = { #if DB_MACHINE_COMMANDS /* this must be the first entry, if it exists */ { .name = "machine", }, #endif /* DB_MACHINE_COMMANDS */ { .name = "print", .fcn = (db_func)db_print_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "examine", .fcn = db_examine_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "x", .fcn = db_examine_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "xf", .fcn = db_examine_forward, .flag = CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "xb", .fcn = db_examine_backward, .flag = CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "search", .fcn = (db_func)db_search_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "set", .fcn = (db_func)db_set_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "write", .fcn = db_write_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "w", .fcn = db_write_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "delete", .fcn = (db_func)db_delete_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "d", .fcn = (db_func)db_delete_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "break", .fcn = db_breakpoint_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "dwatch", .fcn = db_deletewatch_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "watch", .fcn = db_watchpoint_cmd, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "step", .fcn = db_single_step_cmd, }, { .name = "s", .fcn = db_single_step_cmd, }, { .name = "continue", .fcn = db_continue_cmd, }, { .name = "c", .fcn = db_continue_cmd, }, { .name = "gdb", .fcn = db_continue_gdb, }, { .name = "until", .fcn = db_trace_until_call_cmd, }, /* As per request of DNoveck, CR1550, leave this disabled */ #if 0 /* until CR1440 is fixed, to avoid toe-stubbing */ { .name = "next", .fcn = db_trace_until_matching_cmd, }, #endif { .name = "match", .fcn = db_trace_until_matching_cmd, }, { .name = "trace", .fcn = db_stack_trace_cmd, }, { .name = "cond", .fcn = (db_func)db_cond_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "call", .fcn = (db_func)db_fncall, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "macro", .fcn = (db_func)db_def_macro_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "dmacro", .fcn = (db_func)db_del_macro_cmd, .flag = CS_OWN, }, { .name = "show", .more = db_show_cmds }, { .name = "cpu", .fcn = (db_func)db_switch_cpu, }, { .name = "dr", .fcn = db_display_real, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "di", .fcn = db_display_iokit, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "dk", .fcn = db_display_kmod, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "reboot", (db_func)db_reboot, }, #if !defined(__ppc__) { .name = "ms", .fcn = db_msr, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "cp", .fcn = db_cpuid, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "da", .fcn = db_apic, .flag = CS_MORE, }, #endif /* !__ppc__ */ #if defined(__ppc__) { .name = "lt", .fcn = db_low_trace, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dl", .fcn = db_display_long, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dc", .fcn = db_display_char, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dv", .fcn = db_display_virtual, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dm", .fcn = db_display_mappings, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dh", .fcn = db_display_hash, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dp", .fcn = db_display_pmap, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "ds", .fcn = db_display_save, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "dx", .fcn = db_display_xregs, .flag = CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, }, { .name = "gs", .fcn = db_gsnoop, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "cm", .fcn = db_check_mappings, .flag = CS_MORE, }, { .name = "cp", .fcn = db_check_pmaps, .flag = CS_MORE, }, #endif /* __ppc__ */ { .name = (const char *)NULL, }, }; /* this function should be called to install the machine dependent commands. It should be called before the debugger is enabled */ void db_machine_commands_install(struct db_command *ptr) { db_command_table[0].more = ptr; return; } struct db_command *db_last_command = 0; db_expr_t db_last_count = 0; char db_last_modifier[TOK_STRING_SIZE] = { '\0' }; void db_help_cmd(void) { struct db_command *cmd = db_command_table; while (cmd->name != 0) { db_printf("%-12s", cmd->name); db_end_line(); cmd++; } } int (*ddb_display)(void); extern int db_output_line; extern int db_macro_level; void db_command_loop(void) { jmp_buf_t db_jmpbuf; jmp_buf_t *prev = db_recover; /* * Initialize 'prev' and 'next' to dot. */ db_prev = db_dot; db_next = db_dot; if (ddb_display) (*ddb_display)(); db_cmd_loop_done = 0; while (!db_cmd_loop_done) { (void) _setjmp(db_recover = &db_jmpbuf); db_macro_level = 0; if (db_print_position() != 0) db_printf("\n"); db_output_line = 0; db_indent = 0; db_reset_more(); db_output_prompt(); (void) db_read_line("!!"); db_command_list(&db_last_command, &db_last_count, db_last_modifier, db_command_table); } db_recover = prev; } boolean_t db_exec_cmd_nest( const char *cmd, int size) { struct db_lex_context lex_context; db_cmd_loop_done = 0; if (cmd) { db_save_lex_context(&lex_context); db_switch_input(cmd, size); } db_command_list(&db_last_command, &db_last_count, db_last_modifier, db_command_table); if (cmd) db_restore_lex_context(&lex_context); return(db_cmd_loop_done == 0); } void db_error(const char *s) { db_macro_level = 0; if (db_recover) { if (s > (char *)1) db_printf(s); db_flush_lex(); _longjmp(db_recover, (s == (char *)1) ? 2 : 1); } else { if (s > (char *)1) db_printf(s); panic("db_error"); } } /* * Call random function: * !expr(arg,arg,arg) */ void db_fncall(void) { db_expr_t fn_addr; #define MAXARGS 11 uint32_t args[MAXARGS]; db_expr_t argwork; int nargs = 0; uint32_t retval; uint32_t (*func)(uint32_t, ...); int t; if (!db_expression(&fn_addr)) { db_printf("Bad function \"%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_flush_lex(); return; } func = (uint32_t (*) (uint32_t, ...))(unsigned long)fn_addr; t = db_read_token(); if (t == tLPAREN) { if (db_expression(&argwork)) { args[nargs] = (uint32_t)argwork; nargs++; while ((t = db_read_token()) == tCOMMA) { if (nargs == MAXARGS) { db_printf("Too many arguments\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } if (!db_expression(&argwork)) { db_printf("Argument missing\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } args[nargs] = (uint32_t)argwork; nargs++; } db_unread_token(t); } if (db_read_token() != tRPAREN) { db_printf("?\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } } while (nargs < MAXARGS) { args[nargs++] = 0; } retval = (*func)(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9] ); db_printf(" %#n\n", retval); } boolean_t db_option( const char *modif, int option) { const char *p; for (p = modif; *p; p++) if (*p == option) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); }