/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include __private_extern__ void chudxnu_cancel_all_callbacks(void) { chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_cancel_all(); chudxnu_trap_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_interrupt_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_cpusig_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_kdebug_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_syscall_callback_cancel(); chudxnu_dtrace_callback_cancel(); } static chudcpu_data_t chudcpu_boot_cpu; void *chudxnu_per_proc_alloc(boolean_t boot_processor) { chudcpu_data_t *chud_proc_info; if (boot_processor) { chud_proc_info = &chudcpu_boot_cpu; } else { chud_proc_info = (chudcpu_data_t *)kalloc(sizeof(chudcpu_data_t)); if (chud_proc_info == (chudcpu_data_t *)NULL) { return (void *)NULL; } } bzero((char *)chud_proc_info, sizeof(chudcpu_data_t)); chud_proc_info->t_deadline = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; return (void *)chud_proc_info; } void chudxnu_per_proc_free(void *per_proc_chud) { if (per_proc_chud == (void *)&chudcpu_boot_cpu) { return; } else { kfree(per_proc_chud,sizeof(chudcpu_data_t)); } } static void chudxnu_private_cpu_timer_callback(__unused timer_call_param_t param0, __unused timer_call_param_t param1) { chudcpu_data_t *chud_proc_info; boolean_t oldlevel; struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count; chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_func_t fn = NULL; oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); chud_proc_info = (chudcpu_data_t *)(getPerProc()->pp_chud); count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; if(chudxnu_thread_get_state(current_thread(), PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, FALSE)==KERN_SUCCESS) { fn = chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_callback_fn; if(fn) { (fn)(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } } ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_enter(chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_func_t func, uint32_t time, uint32_t units) { chudcpu_data_t *chud_proc_info; boolean_t oldlevel; oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); chud_proc_info = (chudcpu_data_t *)(getPerProc()->pp_chud); timer_call_cancel(&(chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_call)); // cancel any existing callback for this cpu chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_callback_fn = func; clock_interval_to_deadline(time, units, &(chud_proc_info->t_deadline)); timer_call_setup(&(chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_call), chudxnu_private_cpu_timer_callback, NULL); timer_call_enter(&(chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_call), chud_proc_info->t_deadline); ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_cancel(void) { chudcpu_data_t *chud_proc_info; boolean_t oldlevel; oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); chud_proc_info = (chudcpu_data_t *)(getPerProc()->pp_chud); timer_call_cancel(&(chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_call)); chud_proc_info->t_deadline = chud_proc_info->t_deadline | ~(chud_proc_info->t_deadline); // set to max value chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_callback_fn = NULL; ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpu_timer_callback_cancel_all(void) { unsigned int cpu; chudcpu_data_t *chud_proc_info; for(cpu=0; cpupp_chud == 0)) continue; chud_proc_info = (chudcpu_data_t *)PerProcTable[cpu].ppe_vaddr->pp_chud; timer_call_cancel(&(chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_call)); chud_proc_info->t_deadline = chud_proc_info->t_deadline | ~(chud_proc_info->t_deadline); // set to max value chud_proc_info->cpu_timer_callback_fn = NULL; } return KERN_SUCCESS; } #pragma mark **** trap **** static chudxnu_trap_callback_func_t trap_callback_fn = NULL; #define TRAP_ENTRY_POINT(t) ((t==T_RESET) ? 0x100 : \ (t==T_MACHINE_CHECK) ? 0x200 : \ (t==T_DATA_ACCESS) ? 0x300 : \ (t==T_DATA_SEGMENT) ? 0x380 : \ (t==T_INSTRUCTION_ACCESS) ? 0x400 : \ (t==T_INSTRUCTION_SEGMENT) ? 0x480 : \ (t==T_INTERRUPT) ? 0x500 : \ (t==T_ALIGNMENT) ? 0x600 : \ (t==T_PROGRAM) ? 0x700 : \ (t==T_FP_UNAVAILABLE) ? 0x800 : \ (t==T_DECREMENTER) ? 0x900 : \ (t==T_IO_ERROR) ? 0xa00 : \ (t==T_RESERVED) ? 0xb00 : \ (t==T_SYSTEM_CALL) ? 0xc00 : \ (t==T_TRACE) ? 0xd00 : \ (t==T_FP_ASSIST) ? 0xe00 : \ (t==T_PERF_MON) ? 0xf00 : \ (t==T_VMX) ? 0xf20 : \ (t==T_INVALID_EXCP0) ? 0x1000 : \ (t==T_INVALID_EXCP1) ? 0x1100 : \ (t==T_INVALID_EXCP2) ? 0x1200 : \ (t==T_INSTRUCTION_BKPT) ? 0x1300 : \ (t==T_SYSTEM_MANAGEMENT) ? 0x1400 : \ (t==T_SOFT_PATCH) ? 0x1500 : \ (t==T_ALTIVEC_ASSIST) ? 0x1600 : \ (t==T_THERMAL) ? 0x1700 : \ (t==T_ARCHDEP0) ? 0x1800 : \ (t==T_INSTRUMENTATION) ? 0x2000 : \ 0x0) static kern_return_t chudxnu_private_trap_callback(int trapno, struct savearea *ssp, __unused unsigned int dsisr, __unused addr64_t dar) { boolean_t oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); kern_return_t retval = KERN_FAILURE; uint32_t trapentry = TRAP_ENTRY_POINT(trapno); chudxnu_trap_callback_func_t fn = trap_callback_fn; if(trapentry!=0x0) { if(fn) { struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; chudxnu_copy_savearea_to_threadstate(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, ssp); retval = (fn)(trapentry, PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } } ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return retval; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_trap_callback_enter(chudxnu_trap_callback_func_t func) { trap_callback_fn = func; perfTrapHook = chudxnu_private_trap_callback; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_trap_callback_cancel(void) { trap_callback_fn = NULL; perfTrapHook = NULL; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } #pragma mark **** ast **** static chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_func_t perfmon_ast_callback_fn = NULL; static kern_return_t chudxnu_private_chud_ast_callback(__unused int trapno, __unused struct savearea *ssp, __unused unsigned int dsisr, __unused addr64_t dar) { boolean_t oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); ast_t *myast = ast_pending(); kern_return_t retval = KERN_FAILURE; chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_func_t fn = perfmon_ast_callback_fn; if(*myast & AST_CHUD_URGENT) { *myast &= ~(AST_CHUD_URGENT | AST_CHUD); if((*myast & AST_PREEMPTION) != AST_PREEMPTION) *myast &= ~(AST_URGENT); retval = KERN_SUCCESS; } else if(*myast & AST_CHUD) { *myast &= ~(AST_CHUD); retval = KERN_SUCCESS; } if(fn) { struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count; count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; if(chudxnu_thread_get_state(current_thread(), PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, FALSE)==KERN_SUCCESS) { (fn)(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } } #if 0 // ASTs from ihandler go through thandler and are made to look like traps // always handle AST_CHUD_URGENT if there's a callback // only handle AST_CHUD if it's the only AST pending if(perfmon_ast_callback_fn && ((*myast & AST_CHUD_URGENT) || ((*myast & AST_CHUD) && !(*myast & AST_URGENT)))) { struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; chudxnu_copy_savearea_to_threadstate(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, ssp); if(*myast & AST_CHUD_URGENT) { *myast &= ~(AST_CHUD_URGENT | AST_CHUD); if((*myast & AST_PREEMPTION) != AST_PREEMPTION) *myast &= ~(AST_URGENT); retval = KERN_SUCCESS; } else if(*myast & AST_CHUD) { *myast &= ~(AST_CHUD); retval = KERN_SUCCESS; } (perfmon_ast_callback_fn)(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } #endif ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return retval; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_enter(chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_func_t func) { perfmon_ast_callback_fn = func; perfASTHook = chudxnu_private_chud_ast_callback; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_perfmon_ast_callback_cancel(void) { perfmon_ast_callback_fn = NULL; perfASTHook = NULL; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_perfmon_ast_send_urgent(boolean_t urgent) { boolean_t oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); ast_t *myast = ast_pending(); if(urgent) { *myast |= (AST_CHUD_URGENT | AST_URGENT); } else { *myast |= (AST_CHUD); } ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_perfmon_ast_send(void) { return chudxnu_perfmon_ast_send_urgent(TRUE); } #pragma mark **** interrupt **** static chudxnu_interrupt_callback_func_t interrupt_callback_fn = NULL; //extern perfCallback perfIntHook; /* function hook into interrupt() */ static kern_return_t chudxnu_private_interrupt_callback(int trapno, struct savearea *ssp, __unused unsigned int dsisr, __unused addr64_t dar) { chudxnu_interrupt_callback_func_t fn = interrupt_callback_fn; if(fn) { struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; chudxnu_copy_savearea_to_threadstate(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, ssp); return (fn)(TRAP_ENTRY_POINT(trapno), PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } else { return KERN_FAILURE; } } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_interrupt_callback_enter(chudxnu_interrupt_callback_func_t func) { interrupt_callback_fn = func; perfIntHook = chudxnu_private_interrupt_callback; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_interrupt_callback_cancel(void) { interrupt_callback_fn = NULL; perfIntHook = NULL; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } #pragma mark **** cpu signal **** static chudxnu_cpusig_callback_func_t cpusig_callback_fn = NULL; extern perfCallback perfCpuSigHook; /* function hook into cpu_signal_handler() */ static kern_return_t chudxnu_private_cpu_signal_handler(int request, struct savearea *ssp, __unused unsigned int arg0, __unused addr64_t arg1) { chudxnu_cpusig_callback_func_t fn = cpusig_callback_fn; if(fn) { struct ppc_thread_state64 state; mach_msg_type_number_t count = PPC_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT; chudxnu_copy_savearea_to_threadstate(PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, &count, ssp); (fn)(request, PPC_THREAD_STATE64, (thread_state_t)&state, count); } return KERN_SUCCESS; // ignored } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpusig_callback_enter(chudxnu_cpusig_callback_func_t func) { cpusig_callback_fn = func; perfCpuSigHook = chudxnu_private_cpu_signal_handler; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpusig_callback_cancel(void) { cpusig_callback_fn = NULL; perfCpuSigHook = NULL; __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } __private_extern__ kern_return_t chudxnu_cpusig_send(int otherCPU, uint32_t request) { int thisCPU; kern_return_t retval = KERN_FAILURE; int retries = 0; boolean_t oldlevel; uint32_t temp[2]; oldlevel = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); thisCPU = cpu_number(); if(thisCPU!=otherCPU) { temp[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* set sync flag */ temp[1] = request; /* set request */ __asm__ volatile("eieio"); /* force order */ __asm__ volatile("sync"); /* force to memory */ do { retval=cpu_signal(otherCPU, SIGPcpureq, CPRQchud, (uint32_t)&temp); } while(retval!=KERN_SUCCESS && (retries++)<16); if(retries>=16) { retval = KERN_FAILURE; } else { retval = hw_cpu_sync(temp, LockTimeOut); /* wait for the other processor */ if(!retval) { retval = KERN_FAILURE; } else { retval = KERN_SUCCESS; } } } else { retval = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } ml_set_interrupts_enabled(oldlevel); return retval; }