/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* IOSymbol.cpp created by gvdl on Fri 1998-11-17 */ #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS #include __END_DECLS #include #include #include #define super OSString typedef struct { int i, j; } OSSymbolPoolState; #if OSALLOCDEBUG extern "C" { extern int debug_container_malloc_size; }; #define ACCUMSIZE(s) do { debug_container_malloc_size += (s); } while(0) #else #define ACCUMSIZE(s) #endif #define INITIAL_POOL_SIZE (exp2ml(1 + log2(kInitBucketCount))) #define GROW_FACTOR (1) #define SHRINK_FACTOR (3) #define GROW_POOL() do \ if (count * GROW_FACTOR > nBuckets) { \ reconstructSymbols(true); \ } \ while (0) #define SHRINK_POOL() do \ if (count * SHRINK_FACTOR < nBuckets && \ nBuckets > INITIAL_POOL_SIZE) { \ reconstructSymbols(false); \ } \ while (0) class OSSymbolPool { private: static const unsigned int kInitBucketCount = 16; typedef struct { unsigned int count; OSSymbol **symbolP; } Bucket; Bucket *buckets; unsigned int nBuckets; unsigned int count; mutex_t *poolGate; static inline void hashSymbol(const char *s, unsigned int *hashP, unsigned int *lenP) { unsigned int hash = 0; unsigned int len = 0; /* Unroll the loop. */ for (;;) { if (!*s) break; len++; hash ^= *s++; if (!*s) break; len++; hash ^= *s++ << 8; if (!*s) break; len++; hash ^= *s++ << 16; if (!*s) break; len++; hash ^= *s++ << 24; } *lenP = len; *hashP = hash; } static unsigned long log2(unsigned int x); static unsigned long exp2ml(unsigned int x); void reconstructSymbols(void); void reconstructSymbols(bool grow); public: static void *operator new(size_t size); static void operator delete(void *mem, size_t size); OSSymbolPool() { }; OSSymbolPool(const OSSymbolPool *old); virtual ~OSSymbolPool(); bool init(); inline void closeGate() { mutex_lock(poolGate); }; inline void openGate() { mutex_unlock(poolGate); }; OSSymbol *findSymbol(const char *cString) const; OSSymbol *insertSymbol(OSSymbol *sym); void removeSymbol(OSSymbol *sym); OSSymbolPoolState initHashState(); OSSymbol *nextHashState(OSSymbolPoolState *stateP); }; void * OSSymbolPool::operator new(size_t size) { void *mem = (void *)kalloc(size); ACCUMSIZE(size); assert(mem); bzero(mem, size); return mem; } void OSSymbolPool::operator delete(void *mem, size_t size) { kfree(mem, size); ACCUMSIZE(-size); } bool OSSymbolPool::init() { count = 0; nBuckets = INITIAL_POOL_SIZE; buckets = (Bucket *) kalloc(nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); ACCUMSIZE(nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); if (!buckets) return false; bzero(buckets, nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); poolGate = mutex_alloc(0); return poolGate != 0; } OSSymbolPool::OSSymbolPool(const OSSymbolPool *old) { count = old->count; nBuckets = old->nBuckets; buckets = old->buckets; poolGate = 0; // Do not duplicate the poolGate } OSSymbolPool::~OSSymbolPool() { if (buckets) { kfree(buckets, nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); ACCUMSIZE(-(nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket))); } if (poolGate) kfree(poolGate, 36 * 4); } unsigned long OSSymbolPool::log2(unsigned int x) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; x > 1 ; i++) x >>= 1; return i; } unsigned long OSSymbolPool::exp2ml(unsigned int x) { return (1 << x) - 1; } OSSymbolPoolState OSSymbolPool::initHashState() { OSSymbolPoolState newState = { nBuckets, 0 }; return newState; } OSSymbol *OSSymbolPool::nextHashState(OSSymbolPoolState *stateP) { Bucket *thisBucket = &buckets[stateP->i]; while (!stateP->j) { if (!stateP->i) return 0; stateP->i--; thisBucket--; stateP->j = thisBucket->count; } stateP->j--; if (thisBucket->count == 1) return (OSSymbol *) thisBucket->symbolP; else return thisBucket->symbolP[stateP->j]; } void OSSymbolPool::reconstructSymbols(void) { this->reconstructSymbols(true); } void OSSymbolPool::reconstructSymbols(bool grow) { unsigned int new_nBuckets = nBuckets; OSSymbol *insert; OSSymbolPoolState state; if (grow) { new_nBuckets += new_nBuckets + 1; } else { /* Don't shrink the pool below the default initial size. */ if (nBuckets <= INITIAL_POOL_SIZE) { return; } new_nBuckets = (new_nBuckets - 1) / 2; } /* Create old pool to iterate after doing above check, cause it * gets finalized at return. */ OSSymbolPool old(this); count = 0; nBuckets = new_nBuckets; buckets = (Bucket *) kalloc(nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); ACCUMSIZE(nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); /* @@@ gvdl: Zero test and panic if can't set up pool */ bzero(buckets, nBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)); state = old.initHashState(); while ( (insert = old.nextHashState(&state)) ) insertSymbol(insert); } OSSymbol *OSSymbolPool::findSymbol(const char *cString) const { Bucket *thisBucket; unsigned int j, inLen, hash; OSSymbol *probeSymbol, **list; hashSymbol(cString, &hash, &inLen); inLen++; thisBucket = &buckets[hash % nBuckets]; j = thisBucket->count; if (!j) return 0; if (j == 1) { probeSymbol = (OSSymbol *) thisBucket->symbolP; if (inLen == probeSymbol->length && (strcmp(probeSymbol->string, cString) == 0)) return probeSymbol; return 0; } for (list = thisBucket->symbolP; j--; list++) { probeSymbol = *list; if (inLen == probeSymbol->length && (strcmp(probeSymbol->string, cString) == 0)) return probeSymbol; } return 0; } OSSymbol *OSSymbolPool::insertSymbol(OSSymbol *sym) { const char *cString = sym->string; Bucket *thisBucket; unsigned int j, inLen, hash; OSSymbol *probeSymbol, **list; hashSymbol(cString, &hash, &inLen); inLen++; thisBucket = &buckets[hash % nBuckets]; j = thisBucket->count; if (!j) { thisBucket->symbolP = (OSSymbol **) sym; thisBucket->count++; count++; return sym; } if (j == 1) { probeSymbol = (OSSymbol *) thisBucket->symbolP; if (inLen == probeSymbol->length && strcmp(probeSymbol->string, cString) == 0) return probeSymbol; list = (OSSymbol **) kalloc(2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); /* @@@ gvdl: Zero test and panic if can't set up pool */ list[0] = sym; list[1] = probeSymbol; thisBucket->symbolP = list; thisBucket->count++; count++; GROW_POOL(); return sym; } for (list = thisBucket->symbolP; j--; list++) { probeSymbol = *list; if (inLen == probeSymbol->length && strcmp(probeSymbol->string, cString) == 0) return probeSymbol; } j = thisBucket->count++; count++; list = (OSSymbol **) kalloc(thisBucket->count * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(thisBucket->count * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); /* @@@ gvdl: Zero test and panic if can't set up pool */ list[0] = sym; bcopy(thisBucket->symbolP, list + 1, j * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); kfree(thisBucket->symbolP, j * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(-(j * sizeof(OSSymbol *))); thisBucket->symbolP = list; GROW_POOL(); return sym; } void OSSymbolPool::removeSymbol(OSSymbol *sym) { Bucket *thisBucket; unsigned int j, inLen, hash; OSSymbol *probeSymbol, **list; hashSymbol(sym->string, &hash, &inLen); inLen++; thisBucket = &buckets[hash % nBuckets]; j = thisBucket->count; list = thisBucket->symbolP; if (!j) return; if (j == 1) { probeSymbol = (OSSymbol *) list; if (probeSymbol == sym) { thisBucket->symbolP = 0; count--; thisBucket->count--; SHRINK_POOL(); return; } return; } if (j == 2) { probeSymbol = list[0]; if (probeSymbol == sym) { thisBucket->symbolP = (OSSymbol **) list[1]; kfree(list, 2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(-(2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *))); count--; thisBucket->count--; SHRINK_POOL(); return; } probeSymbol = list[1]; if (probeSymbol == sym) { thisBucket->symbolP = (OSSymbol **) list[0]; kfree(list, 2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(-(2 * sizeof(OSSymbol *))); count--; thisBucket->count--; SHRINK_POOL(); return; } return; } for (; j--; list++) { probeSymbol = *list; if (probeSymbol == sym) { list = (OSSymbol **) kalloc((thisBucket->count-1) * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE((thisBucket->count-1) * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); if (thisBucket->count-1 != j) bcopy(thisBucket->symbolP, list, (thisBucket->count-1-j) * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); if (j) bcopy(thisBucket->symbolP + thisBucket->count-j, list + thisBucket->count-1-j, j * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); kfree(thisBucket->symbolP, thisBucket->count * sizeof(OSSymbol *)); ACCUMSIZE(-(thisBucket->count * sizeof(OSSymbol *))); thisBucket->symbolP = list; count--; thisBucket->count--; return; } } } /* ********************************************************************* * From here on we are actually implementing the OSSymbol class ********************************************************************* */ OSDefineMetaClassAndStructorsWithInit(OSSymbol, OSString, OSSymbol::initialize()) OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 0); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 1); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 2); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 3); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 4); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 5); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 6); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(OSSymbol, 7); static OSSymbolPool *pool; void OSSymbol::initialize() { pool = new OSSymbolPool; assert(pool); if (!pool->init()) { delete pool; assert(false); }; } bool OSSymbol::initWithCStringNoCopy(const char *) { return false; } bool OSSymbol::initWithCString(const char *) { return false; } bool OSSymbol::initWithString(const OSString *) { return false; } const OSSymbol *OSSymbol::withString(const OSString *aString) { // This string may be a OSSymbol already, cheap check. if (OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, aString)) { aString->retain(); return (const OSSymbol *) aString; } else if (((const OSSymbol *) aString)->flags & kOSStringNoCopy) return OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(aString->getCStringNoCopy()); else return OSSymbol::withCString(aString->getCStringNoCopy()); } const OSSymbol *OSSymbol::withCString(const char *cString) { pool->closeGate(); OSSymbol *oldSymb = pool->findSymbol(cString); if (!oldSymb) { OSSymbol *newSymb = new OSSymbol; if (!newSymb) { pool->openGate(); return newSymb; } if (newSymb->OSString::initWithCString(cString)) oldSymb = pool->insertSymbol(newSymb); if (newSymb == oldSymb) { pool->openGate(); return newSymb; // return the newly created & inserted symbol. } else // Somebody else inserted the new symbol so free our copy newSymb->OSString::free(); } oldSymb->retain(); // Retain the old symbol before releasing the lock. pool->openGate(); return oldSymb; } const OSSymbol *OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(const char *cString) { pool->closeGate(); OSSymbol *oldSymb = pool->findSymbol(cString); if (!oldSymb) { OSSymbol *newSymb = new OSSymbol; if (!newSymb) { pool->openGate(); return newSymb; } if (newSymb->OSString::initWithCStringNoCopy(cString)) oldSymb = pool->insertSymbol(newSymb); if (newSymb == oldSymb) { pool->openGate(); return newSymb; // return the newly created & inserted symbol. } else // Somebody else inserted the new symbol so free our copy newSymb->OSString::free(); } oldSymb->retain(); // Retain the old symbol before releasing the lock. pool->openGate(); return oldSymb; } void OSSymbol::checkForPageUnload(void *startAddr, void *endAddr) { OSSymbol *probeSymbol; OSSymbolPoolState state; pool->closeGate(); state = pool->initHashState(); while ( (probeSymbol = pool->nextHashState(&state)) ) { if (probeSymbol->string >= startAddr && probeSymbol->string < endAddr) { const char *oldString = probeSymbol->string; probeSymbol->string = (char *) kalloc(probeSymbol->length); ACCUMSIZE(probeSymbol->length); bcopy(oldString, probeSymbol->string, probeSymbol->length); probeSymbol->flags &= ~kOSStringNoCopy; } } pool->openGate(); } void OSSymbol::taggedRelease(const void *tag) const { super::taggedRelease(tag); } void OSSymbol::taggedRelease(const void *tag, const int when) const { pool->closeGate(); super::taggedRelease(tag, when); pool->openGate(); } void OSSymbol::free() { pool->removeSymbol(this); super::free(); } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const char *aCString) const { return super::isEqualTo(aCString); } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const OSSymbol *aSymbol) const { return aSymbol == this; } bool OSSymbol::isEqualTo(const OSMetaClassBase *obj) const { OSSymbol * sym; OSString * str; if ((sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, obj))) return isEqualTo(sym); else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj))) return super::isEqualTo(str); else return false; }