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All rights reserved. HISTORY 1998-7-13 Godfrey van der Linden(gvdl) Created. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define super OSObject OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOWorkLoop, OSObject); // Block of unused functions intended for future use OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOWorkLoop, 0); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOWorkLoop, 1); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 2); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 3); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 4); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 5); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 6); OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOWorkLoop, 7); enum IOWorkLoopState { kLoopRestart = 0x1, kLoopTerminate = 0x2 }; #ifdef __ppc__ static inline void SETP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned int *num = (unsigned int *) addr; *num |= flag; } static inline void CLRP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned int *num = (unsigned int *) addr; *num &= ~flag; } static inline bool ISSETP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned int *num = (unsigned int *) addr; return (*num & flag) != 0; } #else static inline void SETP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned char *num = (unsigned char *) addr; *num |= flag; } static inline void CLRP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned char *num = (unsigned char *) addr; *num &= ~flag; } static inline bool ISSETP(void *addr, unsigned int flag) { unsigned char *num = (unsigned char *) addr; return (*num & flag) != 0; } #endif #define fFlags loopRestart bool IOWorkLoop::init() { // The super init and gateLock allocation MUST be done first if ( !super::init() ) return false; if ( gateLock == NULL ) { if ( !( gateLock = IORecursiveLockAlloc()) ) return false; } if ( workToDoLock == NULL ) { if ( !(workToDoLock = IOSimpleLockAlloc()) ) return false; IOSimpleLockInit(workToDoLock); workToDo = false; } if ( controlG == NULL ) { controlG = IOCommandGate::commandGate( this, OSMemberFunctionCast( IOCommandGate::Action, this, &IOWorkLoop::_maintRequest)); if ( !controlG ) return false; // Point the controlGate at the workLoop. Usually addEventSource // does this automatically. The problem is in this case addEventSource // uses the control gate and it has to be bootstrapped. controlG->setWorkLoop(this); if (addEventSource(controlG) != kIOReturnSuccess) return false; } if ( workThread == NULL ) { IOThreadFunc cptr = OSMemberFunctionCast( IOThreadFunc, this, &IOWorkLoop::threadMain); workThread = IOCreateThread(cptr, this); if (!workThread) return false; } return true; } IOWorkLoop * IOWorkLoop::workLoop() { return IOWorkLoop::workLoopWithOptions(0); } IOWorkLoop * IOWorkLoop::workLoopWithOptions(IOOptionBits options) { IOWorkLoop *me = new IOWorkLoop; if (me && options) { me->reserved = IONew(ExpansionData, 1); if (!me->reserved) { me->release(); return 0; } me->reserved->options = options; } if (me && !me->init()) { me->release(); return 0; } return me; } // Free is called twice: // First when the atomic retainCount transitions from 1 -> 0 // Secondly when the work loop itself is commiting hari kari // Hence the each leg of the free must be single threaded. void IOWorkLoop::free() { if (workThread) { IOInterruptState is; // If we are here then we must be trying to shut down this work loop // in this case disable all of the event source, mark the loop // as terminating and wakeup the work thread itself and return // Note: we hold the gate across the entire operation mainly for the // benefit of our event sources so we can disable them cleanly. closeGate(); disableAllEventSources(); is = IOSimpleLockLockDisableInterrupt(workToDoLock); SETP(&fFlags, kLoopTerminate); thread_wakeup_one((void *) &workToDo); IOSimpleLockUnlockEnableInterrupt(workToDoLock, is); openGate(); } else /* !workThread */ { IOEventSource *event, *next; for (event = eventChain; event; event = next) { next = event->getNext(); event->setWorkLoop(0); event->setNext(0); event->release(); } eventChain = 0; // Either we have a partial initialization to clean up // or the workThread itself is performing hari-kari. // Either way clean up all of our resources and return. if (controlG) { controlG->release(); controlG = 0; } if (workToDoLock) { IOSimpleLockFree(workToDoLock); workToDoLock = 0; } if (gateLock) { IORecursiveLockFree(gateLock); gateLock = 0; } if (reserved) { IODelete(reserved, ExpansionData, 1); reserved = 0; } super::free(); } } IOReturn IOWorkLoop::addEventSource(IOEventSource *newEvent) { return controlG->runCommand((void *) mAddEvent, (void *) newEvent); } IOReturn IOWorkLoop::removeEventSource(IOEventSource *toRemove) { return controlG->runCommand((void *) mRemoveEvent, (void *) toRemove); } void IOWorkLoop::enableAllEventSources() const { IOEventSource *event; for (event = eventChain; event; event = event->getNext()) event->enable(); } void IOWorkLoop::disableAllEventSources() const { IOEventSource *event; for (event = eventChain; event; event = event->getNext()) if (event != controlG) // Don't disable the control gate event->disable(); } void IOWorkLoop::enableAllInterrupts() const { IOEventSource *event; for (event = eventChain; event; event = event->getNext()) if (OSDynamicCast(IOInterruptEventSource, event)) event->enable(); } void IOWorkLoop::disableAllInterrupts() const { IOEventSource *event; for (event = eventChain; event; event = event->getNext()) if (OSDynamicCast(IOInterruptEventSource, event)) event->disable(); } #if KDEBUG #define IOTimeClientS() \ do { \ IOTimeStampStart(IODBG_WORKLOOP(IOWL_CLIENT), \ (unsigned int) this, (unsigned int) event); \ } while(0) #define IOTimeClientE() \ do { \ IOTimeStampEnd(IODBG_WORKLOOP(IOWL_CLIENT), \ (unsigned int) this, (unsigned int) event); \ } while(0) #define IOTimeWorkS() \ do { \ IOTimeStampStart(IODBG_WORKLOOP(IOWL_WORK), (unsigned int) this); \ } while(0) #define IOTimeWorkE() \ do { \ IOTimeStampEnd(IODBG_WORKLOOP(IOWL_WORK),(unsigned int) this); \ } while(0) #else /* !KDEBUG */ #define IOTimeClientS() #define IOTimeClientE() #define IOTimeWorkS() #define IOTimeWorkE() #endif /* KDEBUG */ /* virtual */ bool IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() { bool res = false; closeGate(); if (ISSETP(&fFlags, kLoopTerminate)) goto abort; IOTimeWorkS(); bool more; do { CLRP(&fFlags, kLoopRestart); more = false; IOInterruptState is = IOSimpleLockLockDisableInterrupt(workToDoLock); workToDo = false; IOSimpleLockUnlockEnableInterrupt(workToDoLock, is); for (IOEventSource *evnt = eventChain; evnt; evnt = evnt->getNext()) { IOTimeClientS(); more |= evnt->checkForWork(); IOTimeClientE(); if (ISSETP(&fFlags, kLoopTerminate)) goto abort; else if (fFlags & kLoopRestart) { more = true; break; } } } while (more); res = true; IOTimeWorkE(); abort: openGate(); return res; } /* virtual */ void IOWorkLoop::threadMain() { restartThread: do { if ( !runEventSources() ) goto exitThread; IOInterruptState is = IOSimpleLockLockDisableInterrupt(workToDoLock); if ( !ISSETP(&fFlags, kLoopTerminate) && !workToDo) { assert_wait((void *) &workToDo, false); IOSimpleLockUnlockEnableInterrupt(workToDoLock, is); thread_continue_t cptr = NULL; if (!reserved || !(kPreciousStack & reserved->options)) cptr = OSMemberFunctionCast( thread_continue_t, this, &IOWorkLoop::threadMain); thread_block_parameter(cptr, this); goto restartThread; /* NOTREACHED */ } // At this point we either have work to do or we need // to commit suicide. But no matter // Clear the simple lock and retore the interrupt state IOSimpleLockUnlockEnableInterrupt(workToDoLock, is); } while(workToDo); exitThread: workThread = 0; // Say we don't have a loop and free ourselves free(); IOExitThread(); } IOThread IOWorkLoop::getThread() const { return workThread; } bool IOWorkLoop::onThread() const { return (IOThreadSelf() == workThread); } bool IOWorkLoop::inGate() const { return IORecursiveLockHaveLock(gateLock); } // Internal APIs used by event sources to control the thread void IOWorkLoop::signalWorkAvailable() { if (workToDoLock) { IOInterruptState is = IOSimpleLockLockDisableInterrupt(workToDoLock); workToDo = true; thread_wakeup_one((void *) &workToDo); IOSimpleLockUnlockEnableInterrupt(workToDoLock, is); } } void IOWorkLoop::openGate() { IORecursiveLockUnlock(gateLock); } void IOWorkLoop::closeGate() { IORecursiveLockLock(gateLock); } bool IOWorkLoop::tryCloseGate() { return IORecursiveLockTryLock(gateLock) != 0; } int IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void *event, UInt32 interuptibleType) { return IORecursiveLockSleep(gateLock, event, interuptibleType); } void IOWorkLoop::wakeupGate(void *event, bool oneThread) { IORecursiveLockWakeup(gateLock, event, oneThread); } IOReturn IOWorkLoop::runAction(Action inAction, OSObject *target, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3) { IOReturn res; // closeGate is recursive so don't worry if we already hold the lock. closeGate(); res = (*inAction)(target, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); openGate(); return res; } IOReturn IOWorkLoop::_maintRequest(void *inC, void *inD, void *, void *) { maintCommandEnum command = (maintCommandEnum) (vm_address_t) inC; IOEventSource *inEvent = (IOEventSource *) inD; IOReturn res = kIOReturnSuccess; switch (command) { case mAddEvent: if (!inEvent->getWorkLoop()) { SETP(&fFlags, kLoopRestart); inEvent->retain(); inEvent->setWorkLoop(this); inEvent->setNext(0); if (!eventChain) eventChain = inEvent; else { IOEventSource *event, *next; for (event = eventChain; (next = event->getNext()); event = next) ; event->setNext(inEvent); } } break; case mRemoveEvent: if (inEvent->getWorkLoop()) { if (eventChain == inEvent) eventChain = inEvent->getNext(); else { IOEventSource *event, *next; event = eventChain; while ((next = event->getNext()) && next != inEvent) event = next; if (!next) { res = kIOReturnBadArgument; break; } event->setNext(inEvent->getNext()); } inEvent->setWorkLoop(0); inEvent->setNext(0); inEvent->release(); SETP(&fFlags, kLoopRestart); } break; default: return kIOReturnUnsupported; } return res; }