/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. 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All Rights Reserved */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1994 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)sockio.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/28/94 */ #ifndef _SYS_SOCKIO_H_ #define _SYS_SOCKIO_H_ #include #include /* Socket ioctl's. */ #define SIOCSHIWAT _IOW('s', 0, int) /* set high watermark */ #define SIOCGHIWAT _IOR('s', 1, int) /* get high watermark */ #define SIOCSLOWAT _IOW('s', 2, int) /* set low watermark */ #define SIOCGLOWAT _IOR('s', 3, int) /* get low watermark */ #define SIOCATMARK _IOR('s', 7, int) /* at oob mark? */ #define SIOCSPGRP _IOW('s', 8, int) /* set process group */ #define SIOCGPGRP _IOR('s', 9, int) /* get process group */ #if 0 #define SIOCADDRT _IOW('r', 10, struct ortentry) /* add route */ #define SIOCDELRT _IOW('r', 11, struct ortentry) /* delete route */ #endif /* * OSIOCGIF* ioctls are deprecated; they are kept for binary compatibility. */ #define SIOCSIFADDR _IOW('i', 12, struct ifreq) /* set ifnet address */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define OSIOCGIFADDR _IOWR('i', 13, struct ifreq) /* deprecated */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #define SIOCSIFDSTADDR _IOW('i', 14, struct ifreq) /* set p-p address */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define OSIOCGIFDSTADDR _IOWR('i', 15, struct ifreq) /* deprecated */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #define SIOCSIFFLAGS _IOW('i', 16, struct ifreq) /* set ifnet flags */ #define SIOCGIFFLAGS _IOWR('i', 17, struct ifreq) /* get ifnet flags */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define OSIOCGIFBRDADDR _IOWR('i', 18, struct ifreq) /* deprecated */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #define SIOCSIFBRDADDR _IOW('i', 19, struct ifreq) /* set broadcast addr */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define OSIOCGIFCONF _IOWR('i', 20, struct ifconf) /* deprecated */ #define OSIOCGIFNETMASK _IOWR('i', 21, struct ifreq) /* deprecated */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #define SIOCSIFNETMASK _IOW('i', 22, struct ifreq) /* set net addr mask */ #define SIOCGIFMETRIC _IOWR('i', 23, struct ifreq) /* get IF metric */ #define SIOCSIFMETRIC _IOW('i', 24, struct ifreq) /* set IF metric */ #define SIOCDIFADDR _IOW('i', 25, struct ifreq) /* delete IF addr */ #define SIOCAIFADDR _IOW('i', 26, struct ifaliasreq)/* add/chg IF alias */ #define SIOCGETVIFCNT _IOWR('r', 27, struct sioc_vif_req)/* get vif pkt cnt */ #define SIOCGETSGCNT _IOWR('r', 28, struct sioc_sg_req) /* get s,g pkt cnt */ #define SIOCALIFADDR _IOW('i', 29, struct if_laddrreq) /* add IF addr */ #define SIOCGLIFADDR _IOWR('i', 30, struct if_laddrreq) /* get IF addr */ #define SIOCDLIFADDR _IOW('i', 31, struct if_laddrreq) /* delete IF addr */ #define SIOCGIFADDR _IOWR('i', 33, struct ifreq) /* get ifnet address */ #define SIOCGIFDSTADDR _IOWR('i', 34, struct ifreq) /* get p-p address */ #define SIOCGIFBRDADDR _IOWR('i', 35, struct ifreq) /* get broadcast addr */ #define SIOCGIFCONF _IOWR('i', 36, struct ifconf) /* get ifnet list */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define SIOCGIFCONF64 _IOWR('i', 36, struct ifconf64) /* get ifnet list */ #endif KERNEL_PRIVATE #define SIOCGIFNETMASK _IOWR('i', 37, struct ifreq) /* get net addr mask */ #define SIOCAUTOADDR _IOWR('i', 38, struct ifreq) /* autoconf address */ #define SIOCAUTONETMASK _IOW('i', 39, struct ifreq) /* autoconf netmask */ #define SIOCARPIPLL _IOWR('i', 40, struct ifreq) /* arp for IPv4LL address */ #define SIOCADDMULTI _IOW('i', 49, struct ifreq) /* add m'cast addr */ #define SIOCDELMULTI _IOW('i', 50, struct ifreq) /* del m'cast addr */ #define SIOCGIFMTU _IOWR('i', 51, struct ifreq) /* get IF mtu */ #define SIOCSIFMTU _IOW('i', 52, struct ifreq) /* set IF mtu */ #define SIOCGIFPHYS _IOWR('i', 53, struct ifreq) /* get IF wire */ #define SIOCSIFPHYS _IOW('i', 54, struct ifreq) /* set IF wire */ #define SIOCSIFMEDIA _IOWR('i', 55, struct ifreq) /* set net media */ #define SIOCGIFMEDIA _IOWR('i', 56, struct ifmediareq) /* get net media */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define SIOCGIFMEDIA64 _IOWR('i', 56, struct ifmediareq64) /* get net media (64-bit) */ #endif KERNEL_PRIVATE #define SIOCSIFGENERIC _IOW('i', 57, struct ifreq) /* generic IF set op */ #define SIOCGIFGENERIC _IOWR('i', 58, struct ifreq) /* generic IF get op */ #define SIOCRSLVMULTI _IOWR('i', 59, struct rslvmulti_req) #define SIOCSIFLLADDR _IOW('i', 60, struct ifreq) /* set link level addr */ #define SIOCGIFSTATUS _IOWR('i', 61, struct ifstat) /* get IF status */ #define SIOCSIFPHYADDR _IOW('i', 62, struct ifaliasreq) /* set gif addres */ #define SIOCGIFPSRCADDR _IOWR('i', 63, struct ifreq) /* get gif psrc addr */ #define SIOCGIFPDSTADDR _IOWR('i', 64, struct ifreq) /* get gif pdst addr */ #define SIOCDIFPHYADDR _IOW('i', 65, struct ifreq) /* delete gif addrs */ #define SIOCSLIFPHYADDR _IOW('i', 66, struct if_laddrreq) /* set gif addrs */ #define SIOCGLIFPHYADDR _IOWR('i', 67, struct if_laddrreq) /* get gif addrs */ #define SIOCGIFDEVMTU _IOWR('i', 68, struct ifreq) /* get if ifdevmtu */ #define SIOCSIFALTMTU _IOW('i', 69, struct ifreq) /* set if alternate mtu */ #define SIOCGIFALTMTU _IOWR('i', 72, struct ifreq) /* get if alternate mtu */ #define SIOCSIFBOND _IOW('i', 70, struct ifreq) /* set bond if config */ #define SIOCGIFBOND _IOWR('i', 71, struct ifreq) /* get bond if config */ #define SIOCIFCREATE _IOWR('i', 120, struct ifreq) /* create clone if */ #define SIOCIFDESTROY _IOW('i', 121, struct ifreq) /* destroy clone if */ #define SIOCSIFVLAN _IOW('i', 126, struct ifreq) /* set VLAN config */ #define SIOCGIFVLAN _IOWR('i', 127, struct ifreq) /* get VLAN config */ #define SIOCSETVLAN SIOCSIFVLAN #define SIOCGETVLAN SIOCGIFVLAN #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define SIOCSIFDEVMTU SIOCSIFALTMTU /* deprecated */ #endif KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifdef PRIVATE #ifdef KERNEL #define SIOCIFGCLONERS _IOWR('i', 129, struct if_clonereq) /* get cloners */ #define SIOCIFGCLONERS64 _IOWR('i', 129, struct if_clonereq64) /* get cloners */ #endif KERNEL /* * temporary control calls to attach/detach IP to/from an ethernet interface */ #define SIOCPROTOATTACH _IOWR('i', 80, struct ifreq) /* attach proto to interface */ #define SIOCPROTODETACH _IOWR('i', 81, struct ifreq) /* detach proto from interface */ #endif /* PRIVATE */ #define SIOCGIFASYNCMAP _IOWR('i', 124, struct ifreq) /* get ppp asyncmap */ #define SIOCSIFASYNCMAP _IOW('i', 125, struct ifreq) /* set ppp asyncmap */ #ifdef PRIVATE #define SIOCSETOT _IOW('s', 128, int) /* set socket for LibOT */ #endif /* PRIVATE */ #define SIOCGIFMAC _IOWR('i', 130, struct ifreq) /* get IF MAC label */ #define SIOCSIFMAC _IOW('i', 131, struct ifreq) /* set IF MAC label */ #define SIOCSIFKPI _IOW('i', 134, struct ifreq) /* set interface kext param - root only */ #define SIOCGIFKPI _IOWR('i', 135, struct ifreq) /* get interface kext param */ #endif /* !_SYS_SOCKIO_H_ */