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Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)mtio.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/2/93 */ #ifndef _SYS_MTIO_H_ #define _SYS_MTIO_H_ #include #include #ifdef __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE /* * Structures and definitions for mag tape io control commands */ /* structure for MTIOCTOP - mag tape op command */ /* LP64todo - not 64-bit safe */ struct mtop { short mt_op; /* operations defined below */ daddr_t mt_count; /* how many of them */ }; /* operations */ #define MTWEOF 0 /* write an end-of-file record */ #define MTFSF 1 /* forward space file */ #define MTBSF 2 /* backward space file */ #define MTFSR 3 /* forward space record */ #define MTBSR 4 /* backward space record */ #define MTREW 5 /* rewind */ #define MTOFFL 6 /* rewind and put the drive offline */ #define MTNOP 7 /* no operation, sets status only */ #define MTRETEN 8 /* retension */ #define MTERASE 9 /* erase entire tape */ #define MTEOM 10 /* forward to end of media */ #define MTNBSF 11 /* backward space to beginning of file */ #define MTCACHE 12 /* enable controller cache */ #define MTNOCACHE 13 /* disable controller cache */ #define MTSETBSIZ 14 /* set block size; 0 for variable */ #define MTSETDNSTY 15 /* set density code for current mode */ /* structure for MTIOCGET - mag tape get status command */ /* LP64todo - not 64-bit safe */ struct mtget { short mt_type; /* type of magtape device */ /* the following two registers are grossly device dependent */ u_short mt_dsreg; /* ``drive status'' register. SCSI sense byte 0x02. */ u_short mt_erreg; /* ``error'' register. SCSI sense byte 0x0C. */ u_short mt_ext_err0; /* SCSI sense bytes 0x13..0x14 */ u_short mt_ext_err1; /* SCSI sense bytes 0x15..0x16 */ /* end device-dependent registers */ short mt_resid; /* residual count */ /* the following two are not yet implemented */ daddr_t mt_fileno; /* file number of current position */ daddr_t mt_blkno; /* block number of current position */ /* end not yet implemented */ daddr_t mt_blksiz; /* current block size */ daddr_t mt_density; /* current density code */ daddr_t mt_mblksiz[4]; /* block size for different modes */ daddr_t mt_mdensity[4]; /* density codes for different modes */ }; /* * Constants for mt_type byte. These are the same * for controllers compatible with the types listed. */ #define MT_ISTS 0x01 /* TS-11 */ #define MT_ISHT 0x02 /* TM03 Massbus: TE16, TU45, TU77 */ #define MT_ISTM 0x03 /* TM11/TE10 Unibus */ #define MT_ISMT 0x04 /* TM78/TU78 Massbus */ #define MT_ISUT 0x05 /* SI TU-45 emulation on Unibus */ #define MT_ISCPC 0x06 /* SUN */ #define MT_ISAR 0x07 /* SUN */ #define MT_ISTMSCP 0x08 /* DEC TMSCP protocol (TU81, TK50) */ #define MT_ISCY 0x09 /* CCI Cipher */ #define MT_ISCT 0x0a /* HP 1/4 tape */ #define MT_ISFHP 0x0b /* HP 7980 1/2 tape */ #define MT_ISEXABYTE 0x0c /* Exabyte */ #define MT_ISEXA8200 0x0c /* Exabyte EXB-8200 */ #define MT_ISEXA8500 0x0d /* Exabyte EXB-8500 */ #define MT_ISVIPER1 0x0e /* Archive Viper-150 */ #define MT_ISPYTHON 0x0f /* Archive Python (DAT) */ #define MT_ISHPDAT 0x10 /* HP 35450A DAT drive */ #define MT_ISWANGTEK 0x11 /* WANGTEK 5150ES */ #define MT_ISCALIPER 0x12 /* Caliper CP150 */ #define MT_ISWTEK5099 0x13 /* WANGTEK 5099ES */ #define MT_ISVIPER2525 0x14 /* Archive Viper 2525 */ #define MT_ISMFOUR 0x11 /* M4 Data 1/2 9track drive */ #define MT_ISTK50 0x12 /* DEC SCSI TK50 */ #define MT_ISMT02 0x13 /* Emulex MT02 SCSI tape controller */ #define MT_ISGS 0x14 /* Generic SCSI Tape */ /* mag tape io control commands */ #define MTIOCTOP _IOW('m', 1, struct mtop) /* do a mag tape op */ #define MTIOCGET _IOR('m', 2, struct mtget) /* get tape status */ #define MTIOCIEOT _IO('m', 3) /* ignore EOT error */ #define MTIOCEEOT _IO('m', 4) /* enable EOT error */ #ifndef KERNEL #define DEFTAPE "/dev/rst0" #endif #ifdef KERNEL /* * minor device number */ #define T_UNIT 003 /* unit selection */ #define T_NOREWIND 004 /* no rewind on close */ #define T_DENSEL 030 /* density select */ #define T_800BPI 000 /* select 800 bpi */ #define T_1600BPI 010 /* select 1600 bpi */ #define T_6250BPI 020 /* select 6250 bpi */ #define T_BADBPI 030 /* undefined selection */ #endif #endif /* __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE */ #endif /* !_SYS_MTIO_H_ */