/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* Copyright (c) 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * kdebug.h - kernel_debug definitions * */ #ifndef BSD_SYS_KDEBUG_H #define BSD_SYS_KDEBUG_H #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS #ifdef __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE #include #include #if defined(KERNEL_BUILD) #include #endif /* KERNEL_BUILD */ /* * types of faults that vm_fault handles * and creates trace entries for */ #define DBG_ZERO_FILL_FAULT 1 #define DBG_PAGEIN_FAULT 2 #define DBG_COW_FAULT 3 #define DBG_CACHE_HIT_FAULT 4 #define DBG_NZF_PAGE_FAULT 5 #define DBG_GUARD_FAULT 6 /* The debug code consists of the following * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *| | | |Func | *| Class (8) | SubClass (8) | Code (14) |Qual(2)| * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * The class specifies the higher level */ /* The Function qualifiers */ #define DBG_FUNC_START 1 #define DBG_FUNC_END 2 #define DBG_FUNC_NONE 0 /* The Kernel Debug Classes */ #define DBG_MACH 1 #define DBG_NETWORK 2 #define DBG_FSYSTEM 3 #define DBG_BSD 4 #define DBG_IOKIT 5 #define DBG_DRIVERS 6 #define DBG_TRACE 7 #define DBG_DLIL 8 #define DBG_SECURITY 9 #define DBG_MISC 20 #define DBG_DYLD 31 #define DBG_QT 32 #define DBG_APPS 33 #define DBG_MIG 255 /* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for Mach (DBG_MACH) **** */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_KTRAP_x86 0x02 /* Kernel Traps on x86 */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_DFLT 0x03 /* Data Translation Fault */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_IFLT 0x04 /* Inst Translation Fault */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_INTR 0x05 /* Interrupts */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_ALNG 0x06 /* Alignment Exception */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_UTRAP_x86 0x07 /* User Traps on x86 */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_FP 0x08 /* FP Unavail */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_DECI 0x09 /* Decrementer Interrupt */ #define DBG_MACH_CHUD 0x0A /* CHUD */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_SC 0x0C /* System Calls */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_TRACE 0x0D /* Trace exception */ #define DBG_MACH_EXCP_EMUL 0x0E /* Instruction emulated */ #define DBG_MACH_IHDLR 0x10 /* Interrupt Handlers */ #define DBG_MACH_IPC 0x20 /* Inter Process Comm */ #define DBG_MACH_VM 0x30 /* Virtual Memory */ #define DBG_MACH_LEAKS 0x31 /* alloc/free */ #define DBG_MACH_SCHED 0x40 /* Scheduler */ #define DBG_MACH_MSGID_INVALID 0x50 /* Messages - invalid */ #define DBG_MACH_LOCKS 0x60 /* new lock APIs */ #define DBG_MACH_PMAP 0x70 /* pmap */ /* Codes for Scheduler (DBG_MACH_SCHED) */ #define MACH_SCHED 0x0 /* Scheduler */ #define MACH_STACK_ATTACH 0x1 /* stack_attach() */ #define MACH_STACK_HANDOFF 0x2 /* stack_handoff() */ #define MACH_CALL_CONT 0x3 /* call_continuation() */ #define MACH_CALLOUT 0x4 /* callouts */ #define MACH_STACK_DETACH 0x5 #define MACH_MAKE_RUNNABLE 0x6 /* make thread runnable */ #define MACH_PROMOTE 0x7 /* promoted due to resource */ #define MACH_DEMOTE 0x8 /* promotion undone */ #define MACH_IDLE 0x9 /* processor idling */ /* Codes for pmap (DBG_MACH_PMAP) */ #define PMAP__CREATE 0x0 #define PMAP__DESTROY 0x1 #define PMAP__PROTECT 0x2 #define PMAP__PAGE_PROTECT 0x3 #define PMAP__ENTER 0x4 #define PMAP__REMOVE 0x5 #define PMAP__NEST 0x6 #define PMAP__UNNEST 0x7 #define PMAP__FLUSH_TLBS 0x8 #define PMAP__UPDATE_INTERRUPT 0x9 #define PMAP__ATTRIBUTE_CLEAR 0xa /* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for Network (DBG_NETWORK) **** */ #define DBG_NETIP 1 /* Internet Protocol */ #define DBG_NETARP 2 /* Address Resolution Protocol */ #define DBG_NETUDP 3 /* User Datagram Protocol */ #define DBG_NETTCP 4 /* Transmission Control Protocol */ #define DBG_NETICMP 5 /* Internet Control Message Protocol */ #define DBG_NETIGMP 6 /* Internet Group Management Protocol */ #define DBG_NETRIP 7 /* Routing Information Protocol */ #define DBG_NETOSPF 8 /* Open Shortest Path First */ #define DBG_NETISIS 9 /* Intermediate System to Intermediate System */ #define DBG_NETSNMP 10 /* Simple Network Management Protocol */ #define DBG_NETSOCK 11 /* Socket Layer */ /* For Apple talk */ #define DBG_NETAARP 100 /* Apple ARP */ #define DBG_NETDDP 101 /* Datagram Delivery Protocol */ #define DBG_NETNBP 102 /* Name Binding Protocol */ #define DBG_NETZIP 103 /* Zone Information Protocol */ #define DBG_NETADSP 104 /* Name Binding Protocol */ #define DBG_NETATP 105 /* Apple Transaction Protocol */ #define DBG_NETASP 106 /* Apple Session Protocol */ #define DBG_NETAFP 107 /* Apple Filing Protocol */ #define DBG_NETRTMP 108 /* Routing Table Maintenance Protocol */ #define DBG_NETAURP 109 /* Apple Update Routing Protocol */ #define DBG_NETIPSEC 128 /* IPsec Protocol */ /* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for IOKIT (DBG_IOKIT) **** */ #define DBG_IOWORKLOOP 1 /* Work from work loop */ #define DBG_IOINTES 2 /* Interrupt event source */ #define DBG_IOCLKES 3 /* Clock event source */ #define DBG_IOCMDQ 4 /* Command queue latencies */ #define DBG_IOMCURS 5 /* Memory Cursor */ #define DBG_IOMDESC 6 /* Memory Descriptors */ #define DBG_IOPOWER 7 /* Power Managerment */ /* **** 8-32 reserved for internal IOKit usage **** */ #define DBG_IOSTORAGE 32 /* Storage layers */ #define DBG_IONETWORK 33 /* Network layers */ #define DBG_IOKEYBOARD 34 /* Keyboard */ #define DBG_IOHID 35 /* HID Devices */ #define DBG_IOAUDIO 36 /* Audio */ #define DBG_IOSERIAL 37 /* Serial */ #define DBG_IOTTY 38 /* TTY layers */ #define DBG_IOSAM 39 /* SCSI Architecture Model layers */ #define DBG_IOPARALLELATA 40 /* Parallel ATA */ #define DBG_IOPARALLELSCSI 41 /* Parallel SCSI */ #define DBG_IOSATA 42 /* Serial-ATA */ #define DBG_IOSAS 43 /* SAS */ #define DBG_IOFIBRECHANNEL 44 /* FiberChannel */ #define DBG_IOUSB 45 /* USB */ #define DBG_IOBLUETOOTH 46 /* Bluetooth */ #define DBG_IOFIREWIRE 47 /* FireWire */ #define DBG_IOINFINIBAND 48 /* Infiniband */ #define DBG_IOCPUPM 49 /* CPU Power Management */ #define DBG_IOGRAPHICS 50 /* Graphics */ /* Backwards compatibility */ #define DBG_IOPOINTING DBG_IOHID /* OBSOLETE: Use DBG_IOHID instead */ #define DBG_IODISK DBG_IOSTORAGE /* OBSOLETE: Use DBG_IOSTORAGE instead */ /* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for Device Drivers (DBG_DRIVERS) **** */ #define DBG_DRVSTORAGE 1 /* Storage layers */ #define DBG_DRVNETWORK 2 /* Network layers */ #define DBG_DRVKEYBOARD 3 /* Keyboard */ #define DBG_DRVHID 4 /* HID Devices */ #define DBG_DRVAUDIO 5 /* Audio */ #define DBG_DRVSERIAL 7 /* Serial */ #define DBG_DRVSAM 8 /* SCSI Architecture Model layers */ #define DBG_DRVPARALLELATA 9 /* Parallel ATA */ #define DBG_DRVPARALLELSCSI 10 /* Parallel SCSI */ #define DBG_DRVSATA 11 /* Serial ATA */ #define DBG_DRVSAS 12 /* SAS */ #define DBG_DRVFIBRECHANNEL 13 /* FiberChannel */ #define DBG_DRVUSB 14 /* USB */ #define DBG_DRVBLUETOOTH 15 /* Bluetooth */ #define DBG_DRVFIREWIRE 16 /* FireWire */ #define DBG_DRVINFINIBAND 17 /* Infiniband */ #define DBG_DRVGRAPHICS 18 /* Graphics */ /* Backwards compatibility */ #define DBG_DRVPOINTING DBG_DRVHID /* OBSOLETE: Use DBG_DRVHID instead */ #define DBG_DRVDISK DBG_DRVSTORAGE /* OBSOLETE: Use DBG_DRVSTORAGE instead */ /* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for the DLIL Layer (DBG_DLIL) **** */ #define DBG_DLIL_STATIC 1 /* Static DLIL code */ #define DBG_DLIL_PR_MOD 2 /* DLIL Protocol Module */ #define DBG_DLIL_IF_MOD 3 /* DLIL Interface Module */ #define DBG_DLIL_PR_FLT 4 /* DLIL Protocol Filter */ #define DBG_DLIL_IF_FLT 5 /* DLIL Interface FIlter */ /* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for File System */ #define DBG_FSRW 1 /* reads and writes to the filesystem */ #define DBG_DKRW 2 /* reads and writes to the disk */ #define DBG_FSVN 3 /* vnode operations (inc. locking/unlocking) */ #define DBG_FSLOOOKUP 4 /* namei and other lookup-related operations */ #define DBG_JOURNAL 5 /* journaling operations */ /* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for BSD */ #define DBG_BSD_EXCP_SC 0x0C /* System Calls */ #define DBG_BSD_AIO 0x0D /* aio (POSIX async IO) */ #define DBG_BSD_SC_EXTENDED_INFO 0x0E /* System Calls, extended info */ #define DBG_BSD_SC_EXTENDED_INFO2 0x0F /* System Calls, extended info */ /* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for DBG_TRACE */ #define DBG_TRACE_DATA 0 #define DBG_TRACE_STRING 1 /* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for DBG_MISC */ #define DBG_EVENT 0x10 #define DBG_BUFFER 0x20 /* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for DBG_DYLD */ #define DBG_DYLD_STRING 5 /* The Kernel Debug modifiers for the DBG_DKRW sub class */ #define DKIO_DONE 0x01 #define DKIO_READ 0x02 #define DKIO_ASYNC 0x04 #define DKIO_META 0x08 #define DKIO_PAGING 0x10 /* Codes for Application Sub Classes */ #define DBG_APP_SAMBA 128 /**********************************************************************/ #define KDBG_CODE(Class, SubClass, code) (((Class & 0xff) << 24) | ((SubClass & 0xff) << 16) | ((code & 0x3fff) << 2)) #define KDBG_MIGCODE(msgid) ((DBG_MIG << 24) | (((msgid) & 0x3fffff) << 2)) #define MACHDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH, SubClass, code) #define NETDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_NETWORK, SubClass, code) #define FSDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_FSYSTEM, SubClass, code) #define BSDDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_BSD, SubClass, code) #define IOKDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_IOKIT, SubClass, code) #define DRVDBG_CODE(SubClass, code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_DRIVERS, SubClass, code) #define TRACEDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_TRACE, SubClass, code) #define MISCDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_MISC, SubClass, code) #define DLILDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_DLIL, SubClass, code) #define SECURITYDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_SECURITY, SubClass, code) #define DYLDDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_DYLD, SubClass, code) #define QTDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_QT, SubClass, code) #define APPSDBG_CODE(SubClass,code) KDBG_CODE(DBG_APPS, SubClass, code) #define CPUPM_CODE(code) IOKDBG_CODE(DBG_IOCPUPM, code) #define KMEM_ALLOC_CODE MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 0) #define KMEM_ALLOC_CODE_2 MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 1) #define KMEM_FREE_CODE MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 2) #define KMEM_FREE_CODE_2 MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 3) #define ZALLOC_CODE MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 4) #define ZALLOC_CODE_2 MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 5) #define ZFREE_CODE MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 6) #define ZFREE_CODE_2 MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_LEAKS, 7) #define PMAP_CODE(code) MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_PMAP, code) /* Usage: * kernel_debug((KDBG_CODE(DBG_NETWORK, DNET_PROTOCOL, 51) | DBG_FUNC_START), * offset, 0, 0, 0,0) * * For ex, * * #include * * #define DBG_NETIPINIT NETDBG_CODE(DBG_NETIP,1) * * * void * ip_init() * { * register struct protosw *pr; * register int i; * * KERNEL_DEBUG(DBG_NETIPINIT | DBG_FUNC_START, 0,0,0,0,0) * -------- * KERNEL_DEBUG(DBG_NETIPINIT, 0,0,0,0,0) * -------- * KERNEL_DEBUG(DBG_NETIPINIT | DBG_FUNC_END, 0,0,0,0,0) * } * */ extern unsigned int kdebug_enable; #define KDEBUG_ENABLE_TRACE 0x1 #define KDEBUG_ENABLE_ENTROPY 0x2 #define KDEBUG_ENABLE_CHUD 0x4 #if (!defined(NO_KDEBUG)) #define KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(x,a,b,c,d,e) \ do { \ if (kdebug_enable) \ kernel_debug(x,a,b,c,d,e); \ } while(0) #define KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT1(x,a,b,c,d,e) \ do { \ if (kdebug_enable) \ kernel_debug1(x,a,b,c,d,e); \ } while(0) #else #define KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(x,a,b,c,d,e) #define KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT1(x,a,b,c,d,e) #define __kdebug_constant_only __unused #endif extern void kernel_debug(unsigned int debugid, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5); extern void kernel_debug1(unsigned int debugid, unsigned int arg1, unsigned int arg2, unsigned int arg3, unsigned int arg4, unsigned int arg5); /* * LP64todo - for some reason these are problematic */ struct proc; extern void kdbg_trace_data(struct proc *proc, long *arg_pid); extern void kdbg_trace_string(struct proc *proc, long *arg1, long *arg2, long *arg3, long *arg4); #if (KDEBUG && (!defined(NO_KDEBUG))) #define KERNEL_DEBUG(x,a,b,c,d,e) \ do { \ if (kdebug_enable) \ kernel_debug((unsigned int)x, (unsigned int)a, (unsigned int)b, \ (unsigned int)c, (unsigned int)d, (unsigned int)e); \ } while(0) #define KERNEL_DEBUG1(x,a,b,c,d,e) \ do { \ if (kdebug_enable) \ kernel_debug1((unsigned int)x, (unsigned int)a, (unsigned int)b, \ (unsigned int)c, (unsigned int)d, (unsigned int)e); \ } while(0) #define __kdebug_only #else #define KERNEL_DEBUG(x,a,b,c,d,e) do {} while (0) #define KERNEL_DEBUG1(x,a,b,c,d,e) do {} while (0) #define __kdebug_only __unused #endif void start_kern_tracing(unsigned int); #endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */ __END_DECLS #ifdef PRIVATE #ifdef __APPLE_API_PRIVATE /* * private kernel_debug definitions */ typedef struct { uint64_t timestamp; unsigned int arg1; unsigned int arg2; unsigned int arg3; unsigned int arg4; unsigned int arg5; /* will hold current thread */ unsigned int debugid; } kd_buf; #define KDBG_TIMESTAMP_MASK 0x00ffffffffffffffULL #define KDBG_CPU_MASK 0x0f00000000000000ULL #define KDBG_CPU_SHIFT 56 /* Debug Flags */ #define KDBG_INIT 0x1 #define KDBG_NOWRAP 0x2 #define KDBG_FREERUN 0x4 #define KDBG_WRAPPED 0x8 #define KDBG_USERFLAGS (KDBG_FREERUN|KDBG_NOWRAP|KDBG_INIT) #define KDBG_PIDCHECK 0x10 #define KDBG_MAPINIT 0x20 #define KDBG_PIDEXCLUDE 0x40 #define KDBG_LOCKINIT 0x80 typedef struct { unsigned int type; unsigned int value1; unsigned int value2; unsigned int value3; unsigned int value4; } kd_regtype; typedef struct { int nkdbufs; int nolog; int flags; int nkdthreads; int bufid; } kbufinfo_t; typedef struct { unsigned int thread; int valid; char command[20]; } kd_threadmap; #define KDBG_CLASSTYPE 0x10000 #define KDBG_SUBCLSTYPE 0x20000 #define KDBG_RANGETYPE 0x40000 #define KDBG_TYPENONE 0x80000 #define KDBG_CKTYPES 0xF0000 #define KDBG_RANGECHECK 0x100000 #define KDBG_VALCHECK 0x200000 /* Check up to 4 individual values */ #define KDBG_BUFINIT 0x80000000 /* Control operations */ #define KDBG_EFLAGS 1 #define KDBG_DFLAGS 2 #define KDBG_ENABLE 3 #define KDBG_SETNUMBUF 4 #define KDBG_GETNUMBUF 5 #define KDBG_SETUP 6 #define KDBG_REMOVE 7 #define KDBG_SETREGCODE 8 #define KDBG_GETREGCODE 9 #define KDBG_READTRACE 10 #define KDBG_PIDTR 11 #define KDBG_THRMAP 12 #define KDBG_PIDEX 14 #define KDBG_SETRTCDEC 15 #define KDBG_KDGETENTROPY 16 /* Minimum value allowed when setting decrementer ticks */ #define KDBG_MINRTCDEC 2500 #endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */ #endif /* PRIVATE */ #endif /* !BSD_SYS_KDEBUG_H */