/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)in_pcb.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93 * $FreeBSD: src/sys/netinet/in_pcb.h,v 2001/08/13 16:26:17 ume Exp $ */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2007 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. */ #ifndef _NETINET_IN_PCB_H_ #define _NETINET_IN_PCB_H_ #include #include #include #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifdef KERNEL #include #endif #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #include /* for IPSEC */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define in6pcb inpcb /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_sp inp_sp /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ /* * Common structure pcb for internet protocol implementation. * Here are stored pointers to local and foreign host table * entries, local and foreign socket numbers, and pointers * up (to a socket structure) and down (to a protocol-specific) * control block. */ LIST_HEAD(inpcbhead, inpcb); LIST_HEAD(inpcbporthead, inpcbport); #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ typedef u_quad_t inp_gen_t; /* * PCB with AF_INET6 null bind'ed laddr can receive AF_INET input packet. * So, AF_INET6 null laddr is also used as AF_INET null laddr, * by utilize following structure. (At last, same as INRIA) */ struct in_addr_4in6 { u_int32_t ia46_pad32[3]; struct in_addr ia46_addr4; }; #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE /* * NB: the zone allocator is type-stable EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST TWO LONGS * of the structure. Therefore, it is important that the members in * that position not contain any information which is required to be * stable. */ struct icmp6_filter; #if CONFIG_MACF_NET struct label; #endif struct inpcb { LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_hash; /* hash list */ int inp_wantcnt; /* pcb wanted count. protected by pcb list lock */ int inp_state; /* state of this pcb, in use, recycled, ready for recycling... */ u_short inp_fport; /* foreign port */ u_short inp_lport; /* local port */ LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_list; /* list for all PCBs of this proto */ caddr_t inp_ppcb; /* pointer to per-protocol pcb */ struct inpcbinfo *inp_pcbinfo; /* PCB list info */ struct socket *inp_socket; /* back pointer to socket */ u_char nat_owner; /* Used to NAT TCP/UDP traffic */ u_int32_t nat_cookie; /* Cookie stored and returned to NAT */ LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_portlist; /* list for this PCB's local port */ struct inpcbport *inp_phd; /* head of this list */ inp_gen_t inp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */ int inp_flags; /* generic IP/datagram flags */ u_int32_t inp_flow; u_char inp_vflag; /* INP_IPV4 or INP_IPV6 */ u_char inp_ip_ttl; /* time to live proto */ u_char inp_ip_p; /* protocol proto */ /* protocol dependent part */ union { /* foreign host table entry */ struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_foreign; struct in6_addr inp6_foreign; } inp_dependfaddr; union { /* local host table entry */ struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_local; struct in6_addr inp6_local; } inp_dependladdr; union { /* placeholder for routing entry */ struct route inp4_route; struct route_in6 inp6_route; } inp_dependroute; struct { /* type of service proto */ u_char inp4_ip_tos; /* IP options */ struct mbuf *inp4_options; /* IP multicast options */ struct ip_moptions *inp4_moptions; } inp_depend4; struct { /* IP options */ struct mbuf *inp6_options; u_int8_t inp6_hlim; u_int8_t unused_uint8_1; ushort unused_uint16_1; /* IP6 options for outgoing packets */ struct ip6_pktopts *inp6_outputopts; /* IP multicast options */ struct ip6_moptions *inp6_moptions; /* ICMPv6 code type filter */ struct icmp6_filter *inp6_icmp6filt; /* IPV6_CHECKSUM setsockopt */ int inp6_cksum; u_short inp6_ifindex; short inp6_hops; } inp_depend6; int hash_element; /* Array index of pcb's hash list */ caddr_t inp_saved_ppcb; /* place to save pointer while cached */ struct inpcbpolicy *inp_sp; #ifdef _KERN_LOCKS_H_ lck_mtx_t *inpcb_mtx; /* inpcb per-socket mutex */ #else void *inpcb_mtx; #endif unsigned int inp_boundif; /* interface scope for INP_BOUND_IF */ u_int32_t inp_reserved[3]; /* reserved for future use */ #if CONFIG_MACF_NET struct label *inp_label; /* MAC label */ #endif #if CONFIG_IP_EDGEHOLE u_int32_t inpcb_edgehole_flags; u_int32_t inpcb_edgehole_mask; #endif }; #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ /* * The range of the generation count, as used in this implementation, * is 9e19. We would have to create 300 billion connections per * second for this number to roll over in a year. This seems sufficiently * unlikely that we simply don't concern ourselves with that possibility. */ /* * Interface exported to userland by various protocols which use * inpcbs. Hack alert -- only define if struct xsocket is in scope. */ /* * This is a copy of the inpcb as it shipped in Panther. This structure * is filled out in a copy function. This allows the inpcb to change * without breaking userland tools. * * CAUTION: Many fields may not be filled out. Fewer may be filled out * in the future. Code defensively. */ #pragma pack(4) #if defined(__LP64__) struct _inpcb_list_entry { u_int32_t le_next; u_int32_t le_prev; }; #define _INPCB_PTR(x) u_int32_t #define _INPCB_LIST_ENTRY(x) struct _inpcb_list_entry #else #define _INPCB_PTR(x) x #define _INPCB_LIST_ENTRY(x) LIST_ENTRY(x) #endif #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE struct inpcb_compat { #else struct inpcbinfo; struct inpcbport; struct mbuf; struct ip6_pktopts; struct ip6_moptions; struct icmp6_filter; struct inpcbpolicy; struct inpcb { #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ _INPCB_LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_hash; /* hash list */ struct in_addr reserved1; /* APPLE reserved: inp_faddr defined in protcol indep. part */ struct in_addr reserved2; /* APPLE reserved */ u_short inp_fport; /* foreign port */ u_short inp_lport; /* local port */ _INPCB_LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_list; /* list for all PCBs of this proto */ _INPCB_PTR(caddr_t) inp_ppcb; /* pointer to per-protocol pcb */ _INPCB_PTR(struct inpcbinfo *) inp_pcbinfo; /* PCB list info */ _INPCB_PTR(void *) inp_socket; /* back pointer to socket */ u_char nat_owner; /* Used to NAT TCP/UDP traffic */ u_int32_t nat_cookie; /* Cookie stored and returned to NAT */ _INPCB_LIST_ENTRY(inpcb) inp_portlist; /* list for this PCB's local port */ _INPCB_PTR(struct inpcbport *) inp_phd; /* head of this list */ inp_gen_t inp_gencnt; /* generation count of this instance */ int inp_flags; /* generic IP/datagram flags */ u_int32_t inp_flow; u_char inp_vflag; u_char inp_ip_ttl; /* time to live proto */ u_char inp_ip_p; /* protocol proto */ /* protocol dependent part */ union { /* foreign host table entry */ struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_foreign; struct in6_addr inp6_foreign; } inp_dependfaddr; union { /* local host table entry */ struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_local; struct in6_addr inp6_local; } inp_dependladdr; union { /* placeholder for routing entry */ u_char inp4_route[20]; u_char inp6_route[32]; } inp_dependroute; struct { /* type of service proto */ u_char inp4_ip_tos; /* IP options */ _INPCB_PTR(struct mbuf *) inp4_options; /* IP multicast options */ _INPCB_PTR(struct ip_moptions *) inp4_moptions; } inp_depend4; struct { /* IP options */ _INPCB_PTR(struct mbuf *) inp6_options; u_int8_t inp6_hlim; u_int8_t unused_uint8_1; ushort unused_uint16_1; /* IP6 options for outgoing packets */ _INPCB_PTR(struct ip6_pktopts *) inp6_outputopts; /* IP multicast options */ _INPCB_PTR(struct ip6_moptions *) inp6_moptions; /* ICMPv6 code type filter */ _INPCB_PTR(struct icmp6_filter *) inp6_icmp6filt; /* IPV6_CHECKSUM setsockopt */ int inp6_cksum; u_short inp6_ifindex; short inp6_hops; } inp_depend6; int hash_element; /* Array index of pcb's hash list */ _INPCB_PTR(caddr_t) inp_saved_ppcb; /* place to save pointer while cached */ _INPCB_PTR(struct inpcbpolicy *) inp_sp; u_int32_t reserved[3]; /* For future use */ }; struct xinpcb { u_int32_t xi_len; /* length of this structure */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE struct inpcb_compat xi_inp; #else struct inpcb xi_inp; #endif struct xsocket xi_socket; u_quad_t xi_alignment_hack; }; struct xinpgen { u_int32_t xig_len; /* length of this structure */ u_int xig_count; /* number of PCBs at this time */ inp_gen_t xig_gen; /* generation count at this time */ so_gen_t xig_sogen; /* socket generation count at this time */ }; #pragma pack() /* * These defines are for use with the inpcb. */ #define INP_IPV4 0x1 #define INP_IPV6 0x2 #define inp_faddr inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4 #define inp_laddr inp_dependladdr.inp46_local.ia46_addr4 #define inp_route inp_dependroute.inp4_route #define inp_ip_tos inp_depend4.inp4_ip_tos #define inp_options inp_depend4.inp4_options #define inp_moptions inp_depend4.inp4_moptions #define in6p_faddr inp_dependfaddr.inp6_foreign #define in6p_laddr inp_dependladdr.inp6_local #define in6p_route inp_dependroute.inp6_route #define in6p_ip6_hlim inp_depend6.inp6_hlim #define in6p_hops inp_depend6.inp6_hops /* default hop limit */ #define in6p_ip6_nxt inp_ip_p #define in6p_flowinfo inp_flow #define in6p_vflag inp_vflag #define in6p_options inp_depend6.inp6_options #define in6p_outputopts inp_depend6.inp6_outputopts #define in6p_moptions inp_depend6.inp6_moptions #define in6p_icmp6filt inp_depend6.inp6_icmp6filt #define in6p_cksum inp_depend6.inp6_cksum #define inp6_ifindex inp_depend6.inp6_ifindex #define in6p_flags inp_flags /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_socket inp_socket /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_lport inp_lport /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_fport inp_fport /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_ppcb inp_ppcb /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define in6p_state inp_state #define in6p_wantcnt inp_wantcnt #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE struct inpcbport { LIST_ENTRY(inpcbport) phd_hash; struct inpcbhead phd_pcblist; u_short phd_port; }; struct inpcbinfo { /* XXX documentation, prefixes */ struct inpcbhead *hashbase; #ifdef __APPLE__ u_long hashsize; /* in elements */ #endif u_long hashmask; struct inpcbporthead *porthashbase; u_long porthashmask; struct inpcbhead *listhead; u_short lastport; u_short lastlow; u_short lasthi; void *ipi_zone; /* zone to allocate pcbs from */ u_int ipi_count; /* number of pcbs in this list */ u_quad_t ipi_gencnt; /* current generation count */ #ifdef __APPLE__ u_char all_owners; struct socket nat_dummy_socket; /* fake socket for NAT pcb backpointer */ struct inpcb *nat_dummy_pcb; /* fake pcb for finding NAT mutex */ caddr_t dummy_cb; #ifdef _KERN_LOCKS_H_ lck_attr_t *mtx_attr; /* mutex attributes */ lck_grp_t *mtx_grp; /* mutex group definition */ lck_grp_attr_t *mtx_grp_attr; /* mutex group attributes */ lck_rw_t *mtx; /* global mutex for the pcblist*/ #else void *mtx_attr; /* mutex attributes */ void *mtx_grp; /* mutex group definition */ void *mtx_grp_attr; /* mutex group attributes */ void *mtx; /* global mutex for the pcblist*/ #endif #endif }; #define INP_PCBHASH(faddr, lport, fport, mask) \ (((faddr) ^ ((faddr) >> 16) ^ ntohs((lport) ^ (fport))) & (mask)) #define INP_PCBPORTHASH(lport, mask) \ (ntohs((lport)) & (mask)) #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ /* flags in inp_flags: */ #define INP_RECVOPTS 0x01 /* receive incoming IP options */ #define INP_RECVRETOPTS 0x02 /* receive IP options for reply */ #define INP_RECVDSTADDR 0x04 /* receive IP dst address */ #define INP_HDRINCL 0x08 /* user supplies entire IP header */ #define INP_HIGHPORT 0x10 /* user wants "high" port binding */ #define INP_LOWPORT 0x20 /* user wants "low" port binding */ #define INP_ANONPORT 0x40 /* port chosen for user */ #define INP_RECVIF 0x80 /* receive incoming interface */ #define INP_MTUDISC 0x100 /* user can do MTU discovery */ #ifdef __APPLE__ #define INP_STRIPHDR 0x200 /* Strip headers in raw_ip, for OT support */ #endif #define INP_FAITH 0x400 /* accept FAITH'ed connections */ #define INP_INADDR_ANY 0x800 /* local address wasn't specified */ #define INP_RECVTTL 0x1000 #define INP_UDP_NOCKSUM 0x2000 /* Turn off outbound UDP checksum */ #define INP_BOUND_IF 0x4000 /* bind socket to an ifindex */ #define IN6P_IPV6_V6ONLY 0x008000 /* restrict AF_INET6 socket for v6 */ #define IN6P_PKTINFO 0x010000 /* receive IP6 dst and I/F */ #define IN6P_HOPLIMIT 0x020000 /* receive hoplimit */ #define IN6P_HOPOPTS 0x040000 /* receive hop-by-hop options */ #define IN6P_DSTOPTS 0x080000 /* receive dst options after rthdr */ #define IN6P_RTHDR 0x100000 /* receive routing header */ #define IN6P_RTHDRDSTOPTS 0x200000 /* receive dstoptions before rthdr */ #define IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL 0x800000 /* attach flowlabel automatically */ #define IN6P_BINDV6ONLY 0x10000000 /* do not grab IPv4 traffic */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #define INP_CONTROLOPTS (INP_RECVOPTS|INP_RECVRETOPTS|INP_RECVDSTADDR|\ INP_RECVIF|\ IN6P_PKTINFO|IN6P_HOPLIMIT|IN6P_HOPOPTS|\ IN6P_DSTOPTS|IN6P_RTHDR|IN6P_RTHDRDSTOPTS|\ IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL|INP_RECVTTL) #define INP_UNMAPPABLEOPTS (IN6P_HOPOPTS|IN6P_DSTOPTS|IN6P_RTHDR|\ IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL) /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define IN6P_HIGHPORT INP_HIGHPORT #define IN6P_LOWPORT INP_LOWPORT #define IN6P_ANONPORT INP_ANONPORT #define IN6P_RECVIF INP_RECVIF #define IN6P_MTUDISC INP_MTUDISC #define IN6P_FAITH INP_FAITH #define IN6P_CONTROLOPTS INP_CONTROLOPTS /* * socket AF version is {newer than,or include} * actual datagram AF version */ #define INPLOOKUP_WILDCARD 1 #ifdef __APPLE__ #define INPCB_ALL_OWNERS 0xff #define INPCB_NO_OWNER 0x0 #define INPCB_OWNED_BY_X 0x80 #define INPCB_MAX_IDS 7 #endif /* __APPLE__ */ #define sotoinpcb(so) ((struct inpcb *)(so)->so_pcb) #define sotoin6pcb(so) sotoinpcb(so) /* for KAME src sync over BSD*'s */ #define INP_SOCKAF(so) so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family #define INP_CHECK_SOCKAF(so, af) (INP_SOCKAF(so) == af) #ifdef KERNEL extern int ipport_lowfirstauto; extern int ipport_lowlastauto; extern int ipport_firstauto; extern int ipport_lastauto; extern int ipport_hifirstauto; extern int ipport_hilastauto; #define INPCB_STATE_INUSE 0x1 /* freshly allocated PCB, it's in use */ #define INPCB_STATE_CACHED 0x2 /* this pcb is sitting in a a cache */ #define INPCB_STATE_DEAD 0x3 /* should treat as gone, will be garbage collected and freed */ #define WNT_STOPUSING 0xffff /* marked as ready to be garbaged collected, should be treated as not found */ #define WNT_ACQUIRE 0x1 /* that pcb is being acquired, do not recycle this time */ #define WNT_RELEASE 0x2 /* release acquired mode, can be garbage collected when wantcnt is null */ void in_pcbpurgeif0(struct inpcb *, struct ifnet *); void in_losing(struct inpcb *); void in_rtchange(struct inpcb *, int); int in_pcballoc(struct socket *, struct inpcbinfo *, struct proc *); int in_pcbbind(struct inpcb *, struct sockaddr *, struct proc *); int in_pcbconnect(struct inpcb *, struct sockaddr *, struct proc *); void in_pcbdetach(struct inpcb *); void in_pcbdispose (struct inpcb *); void in_pcbdisconnect(struct inpcb *); int in_pcbinshash(struct inpcb *, int); int in_pcbladdr(struct inpcb *, struct sockaddr *, struct sockaddr_in **); struct inpcb * in_pcblookup_local(struct inpcbinfo *, struct in_addr, u_int, int); struct inpcb * in_pcblookup_local_and_cleanup(struct inpcbinfo *, struct in_addr, u_int, int); struct inpcb * in_pcblookup_hash(struct inpcbinfo *, struct in_addr, u_int, struct in_addr, u_int, int, struct ifnet *); void in_pcbnotifyall(struct inpcbinfo *, struct in_addr, int, void (*)(struct inpcb *, int)); void in_pcbrehash(struct inpcb *); int in_setpeeraddr(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **nam); int in_setsockaddr(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **nam); int in_pcb_checkstate(struct inpcb *pcb, int mode, int locked); int in_pcb_grab_port (struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, u_short options, struct in_addr laddr, u_short *lport, struct in_addr faddr, u_short fport, u_int cookie, u_char owner_id); int in_pcb_letgo_port(struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, struct in_addr laddr, u_short lport, struct in_addr faddr, u_short fport, u_char owner_id); u_char in_pcb_get_owner(struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, struct in_addr laddr, u_short lport, struct in_addr faddr, u_short fport, u_int *cookie); void in_pcb_nat_init(struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, int afamily, int pfamily, int protocol); int in_pcb_new_share_client(struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, u_char *owner_id); int in_pcb_rem_share_client(struct inpcbinfo *pcbinfo, u_char owner_id); void in_pcbremlists(struct inpcb *inp); int in_pcb_ckeckstate(struct inpcb *, int, int); void inpcb_to_compat(struct inpcb *inp, struct inpcb_compat *inp_compat); #endif /* KERNEL */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* !_NETINET_IN_PCB_H_ */