/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * File: bsd/kern/kern_shutdown.c * * Copyright (C) 1989, NeXT, Inc. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if NCPUS > 1 #include #include #include #endif /* NCPUS > 1 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for thread_block() */ #include /* for host_priv_self() */ #include /* for if_down_all() */ #include /* for count_busy_buffers() */ #include /* for vfs_unmountall() */ #include /* for task_suspend() */ #include /* abused for sync() */ #include /* for delay_for_interval() */ /* XXX should be in a header file somewhere, but isn't */ extern void md_prepare_for_shutdown(int, int, char *); int waittime = -1; static int shutting_down = 0; static void proc_shutdown(void); int in_shutdown(void); extern void IOSystemShutdownNotification(void); struct sd_filterargs{ int delayterm; int shutdownstate; }; struct sd_iterargs { int signo; /* the signal to be posted */ int setsdstate; /* shutdown state to be set */ }; static int sd_filt1(proc_t, void *); static int sd_filt2(proc_t, void *); static int sd_callback1(proc_t p, void * arg); static int sd_callback2(proc_t p, void * arg); static int sd_callback3(proc_t p, void * arg); void boot(int paniced, int howto, char *command) { struct proc *p = current_proc(); /* XXX */ int hostboot_option=0; int funnel_state; funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE); /* * Temporary hack to notify the power management root domain * that the system will shut down. */ IOSystemShutdownNotification(); shutting_down = 1; md_prepare_for_shutdown(paniced, howto, command); if ((howto&RB_NOSYNC)==0 && waittime < 0) { int iter, nbusy; waittime = 0; printf("syncing disks... "); /* * Release vnodes held by texts before sync. */ /* handle live procs (deallocate their root and current directories). */ proc_shutdown(); #if AUDIT audit_shutdown(); #endif sync(p, (void *)NULL, (int *)NULL); /* * Now that all processes have been terminated and system is * sync'ed up, suspend init */ if (initproc && p != initproc) task_suspend(initproc->task); /* * Unmount filesystems */ vfs_unmountall(); /* Wait for the buffer cache to clean remaining dirty buffers */ for (iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++) { nbusy = count_busy_buffers(); if (nbusy == 0) break; printf("%d ", nbusy); delay_for_interval( 1 * nbusy, 1000 * 1000); } if (nbusy) printf("giving up\n"); else printf("done\n"); } #if NETWORKING /* * Can't just use an splnet() here to disable the network * because that will lock out softints which the disk * drivers depend on to finish DMAs. */ if_down_all(); #endif /* NETWORKING */ if (howto & RB_POWERDOWN) hostboot_option = HOST_REBOOT_HALT; if (howto & RB_HALT) hostboot_option = HOST_REBOOT_HALT; if (paniced == RB_PANIC) hostboot_option = HOST_REBOOT_HALT; if (howto & RB_UPSDELAY) { hostboot_option = HOST_REBOOT_UPSDELAY; } host_reboot(host_priv_self(), hostboot_option); thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE); } static int sd_filt1(proc_t p, void * args) { proc_t self = current_proc(); struct sd_filterargs * sf = (struct sd_filterargs *)args; int delayterm = sf-> delayterm; int shutdownstate = sf->shutdownstate; if (((p->p_flag&P_SYSTEM) != 0) || (p->p_ppid == 0) ||(p == self) || (p->p_stat == SZOMB) || (p->p_shutdownstate != shutdownstate) ||((delayterm == 0) && ((p->p_lflag& P_LDELAYTERM) == P_LDELAYTERM)) || ((p->p_sigcatch & sigmask(SIGTERM))== 0)) { return(0); } else return(1); } static int sd_callback1(proc_t p, void * args) { struct sd_iterargs * sd = (struct sd_iterargs *)args; int signo = sd->signo; int setsdstate = sd->setsdstate; proc_lock(p); p->p_shutdownstate = setsdstate; if (p->p_stat != SZOMB) { proc_unlock(p); psignal(p, signo); } else proc_unlock(p); return(PROC_RETURNED); } static int sd_filt2(proc_t p, void * args) { proc_t self = current_proc(); struct sd_filterargs * sf = (struct sd_filterargs *)args; int delayterm = sf-> delayterm; int shutdownstate = sf->shutdownstate; if (((p->p_flag&P_SYSTEM) != 0) || (p->p_ppid == 0) ||(p == self) || (p->p_stat == SZOMB) || (p->p_shutdownstate == shutdownstate) ||((delayterm == 0) && ((p->p_lflag& P_LDELAYTERM) == P_LDELAYTERM))) { return(0); } else return(1); } static int sd_callback2(proc_t p, void * args) { struct sd_iterargs * sd = (struct sd_iterargs *)args; int signo = sd->signo; int setsdstate = sd->setsdstate; proc_lock(p); p->p_shutdownstate = setsdstate; if (p->p_stat != SZOMB) { proc_unlock(p); psignal(p, signo); } else proc_unlock(p); return(PROC_RETURNED); } static int sd_callback3(proc_t p, void * args) { struct sd_iterargs * sd = (struct sd_iterargs *)args; int setsdstate = sd->setsdstate; proc_lock(p); p->p_shutdownstate = setsdstate; if (p->p_stat != SZOMB) { /* * NOTE: following code ignores sig_lock and plays * with exit_thread correctly. This is OK unless we * are a multiprocessor, in which case I do not * understand the sig_lock. This needs to be fixed. * XXX */ if (p->exit_thread) { /* someone already doing it */ proc_unlock(p); /* give him a chance */ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); } else { p->exit_thread = current_thread(); printf("."); proc_unlock(p); exit1(p, 1, (int *)NULL); } } else proc_unlock(p); return(PROC_RETURNED); } /* * proc_shutdown() * * Shutdown down proc system (release references to current and root * dirs for each process). * * POSIX modifications: * * For POSIX fcntl() file locking call vno_lockrelease() on * the file to release all of its record locks, if any. */ static void proc_shutdown(void) { struct proc *p, *self; int i, TERM_catch; int delayterm = 0; struct sd_filterargs sfargs; struct sd_iterargs sdargs; /* * Kill as many procs as we can. (Except ourself...) */ self = (struct proc *)current_proc(); /* * Signal the init with SIGTERM so that he does not launch * new processes */ p = proc_find(1); if (p && p != self) { psignal(p, SIGTERM); } proc_rele(p); printf("Killing all processes "); sigterm_loop: /* * send SIGTERM to those procs interested in catching one */ sfargs.delayterm = delayterm; sfargs.shutdownstate = 0; sdargs.signo = SIGTERM; sdargs.setsdstate = 1; /* post a SIGTERM to all that catch SIGTERM and not marked for delay */ proc_rebootscan(sd_callback1, (void *)&sdargs, sd_filt1, (void *)&sfargs); /* * now wait for up to 30 seconds to allow those procs catching SIGTERM * to digest it * as soon as these procs have exited, we'll continue on to the next step */ for (i = 0; i < 300; i++) { /* * sleep for a tenth of a second * and then check to see if the tasks that were sent a * SIGTERM have exited */ delay_for_interval(100, 1000 * 1000); TERM_catch = 0; proc_list_lock(); for (p = allproc.lh_first; p; p = p->p_list.le_next) { if (p->p_shutdownstate == 1) { TERM_catch++; } } proc_list_unlock(); if (TERM_catch == 0) break; } if (TERM_catch) { /* * log the names of the unresponsive tasks */ proc_list_lock(); for (p = allproc.lh_first; p; p = p->p_list.le_next) { if (p->p_shutdownstate == 1) { printf("%s[%d]: didn't act on SIGTERM\n", p->p_comm, p->p_pid); } } proc_list_unlock(); delay_for_interval(1000 * 5, 1000 * 1000); } /* * send a SIGKILL to all the procs still hanging around */ sfargs.delayterm = delayterm; sfargs.shutdownstate = 2; sdargs.signo = SIGKILL; sdargs.setsdstate = 2; /* post a SIGTERM to all that catch SIGTERM and not marked for delay */ proc_rebootscan(sd_callback2, (void *)&sdargs, sd_filt2, (void *)&sfargs); /* * wait for up to 60 seconds to allow these procs to exit normally * * History: The delay interval was changed from 100 to 200 * for NFS requests in particular. */ for (i = 0; i < 300; i++) { delay_for_interval(200, 1000 * 1000); proc_list_lock(); for (p = allproc.lh_first; p; p = p->p_list.le_next) { if (p->p_shutdownstate == 2) break; } proc_list_unlock(); if (!p) break; } /* * if we still have procs that haven't exited, then brute force 'em */ sfargs.delayterm = delayterm; sfargs.shutdownstate = 3; sdargs.signo = 0; sdargs.setsdstate = 3; /* post a SIGTERM to all that catch SIGTERM and not marked for delay */ proc_rebootscan(sd_callback3, (void *)&sdargs, sd_filt2, (void *)&sfargs); printf("\n"); /* Now start the termination of processes that are marked for delayed termn */ if (delayterm == 0) { delayterm = 1; goto sigterm_loop; } /* drop the ref on initproc */ proc_rele(initproc); printf("continuing\n"); } /* * Check whether the system has begun its shutdown sequence. */ int in_shutdown(void) { return shutting_down; }