/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include "../headers/BTreesPrivate.h" #include "sys/malloc.h" #include /* * B-tree Node Reserve * * BTReserveSpace * BTReleaseReserve * BTUpdateReserve * * Each kernel thread can have it's own reserve of b-tree * nodes. This reserve info is kept in a hash table. * * Don't forget to call BTReleaseReserve when you're finished * or you will leave stale node reserves in the hash. */ /* * BE CAREFUL WHEN INCREASING THE SIZE OF THIS STRUCT! * * It must remain equal in size to the opaque cat_cookie_t * struct (in hfs_catalog.h). */ struct nreserve { LIST_ENTRY(nreserve) nr_hash; /* hash chain */ int nr_nodecnt; /* count of nodes held in reserve */ int nr_newnodes; /* nodes that were allocated */ struct vnode *nr_btvp; /* b-tree file vnode */ void *nr_tag; /* unique tag (per thread) */ }; #define NR_GET_TAG() (current_thread()) #define NR_CACHE 17 #define NR_HASH(btvp, tag) \ (&nr_hashtbl[((((int)(btvp)) >> 8) ^ ((int)(tag) >> 4)) & nr_hashmask]) LIST_HEAD(nodereserve, nreserve) *nr_hashtbl; u_long nr_hashmask; lck_grp_t * nr_lck_grp; lck_grp_attr_t * nr_lck_grp_attr; lck_attr_t * nr_lck_attr; lck_mtx_t nr_mutex; /* Internal Node Reserve Hash Routines (private) */ static void nr_insert (struct vnode *, struct nreserve *nrp, int); static void nr_delete (struct vnode *, struct nreserve *nrp, int *); static void nr_update (struct vnode *, int); /* * BTReserveSetup - initialize the node reserve hash table */ __private_extern__ void BTReserveSetup() { if (sizeof(struct nreserve) != sizeof(cat_cookie_t)) panic("BTReserveSetup: nreserve size != opaque struct size"); nr_hashtbl = hashinit(NR_CACHE, M_HFSMNT, &nr_hashmask); nr_lck_grp_attr= lck_grp_attr_alloc_init(); nr_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("btree_node_reserve", nr_lck_grp_attr); nr_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init(); lck_mtx_init(&nr_mutex, nr_lck_grp, nr_lck_attr); } /* * BTReserveSpace - obtain a node reserve (for current thread) * * Used by the Catalog Layer (hfs_catalog.c) to reserve space. * * When data is NULL, we only insure that there's enough space * but it is not reserved (assumes you keep the b-tree lock). */ __private_extern__ int BTReserveSpace(FCB *file, int operations, void* data) { BTreeControlBlock *btree; int rsrvNodes, availNodes, totalNodes; int height; int inserts, deletes; u_int32_t clumpsize; int err = 0; btree = (BTreeControlBlockPtr)file->fcbBTCBPtr; clumpsize = file->ff_clumpsize; REQUIRE_FILE_LOCK(btree->fileRefNum, true); /* * The node reserve is based on the number of b-tree * operations (insert/deletes) and the height of the * tree. */ height = btree->treeDepth; if (height < 2) height = 2; /* prevent underflow in rsrvNodes calculation */ inserts = operations & 0xffff; deletes = operations >> 16; /* * Allow for at least one root split. * * Each delete operation can propogate a big key up the * index. This can cause a split at each level up. * * Each insert operation can cause a local split and a * split at each level up. */ rsrvNodes = 1 + (deletes * (height - 2)) + (inserts * (height - 1)); availNodes = btree->freeNodes - btree->reservedNodes; if (rsrvNodes > availNodes) { u_int32_t reqblks, freeblks, rsrvblks; struct hfsmount *hfsmp; /* Try and reserve the last 5% of the disk space for file blocks. */ hfsmp = VTOVCB(btree->fileRefNum); rsrvblks = ((u_int64_t)hfsmp->allocLimit * 5) / 100; rsrvblks = MIN(rsrvblks, HFS_MAXRESERVE / hfsmp->blockSize); freeblks = hfs_freeblks(hfsmp, 0); if (freeblks <= rsrvblks) { /* When running low, disallow adding new items. */ if ((inserts > 0) && (deletes == 0)) { return (ENOSPC); } freeblks = 0; } else { freeblks -= rsrvblks; } reqblks = clumpsize / hfsmp->blockSize; if (reqblks > freeblks) { reqblks = ((rsrvNodes - availNodes) * btree->nodeSize) / hfsmp->blockSize; /* When running low, disallow adding new items. */ if ((reqblks > freeblks) && (inserts > 0) && (deletes == 0)) { return (ENOSPC); } file->ff_clumpsize = freeblks * hfsmp->blockSize; } totalNodes = rsrvNodes + btree->totalNodes - availNodes; /* See if we also need a map node */ if (totalNodes > (int)CalcMapBits(btree)) { ++totalNodes; } if ((err = ExtendBTree(btree, totalNodes))) { goto out; } } /* Save this reserve if this is a persistent request. */ if (data) { btree->reservedNodes += rsrvNodes; nr_insert(btree->fileRefNum, (struct nreserve *)data, rsrvNodes); } out: /* Put clump size back if it was changed. */ if (file->ff_clumpsize != clumpsize) file->ff_clumpsize = clumpsize; return (err); } /* * BTReleaseReserve - release the node reserve held by current thread * * Used by the Catalog Layer (hfs_catalog.c) to relinquish reserved space. */ __private_extern__ int BTReleaseReserve(FCB *file, void* data) { BTreeControlBlock *btree; int nodecnt; btree = (BTreeControlBlockPtr)file->fcbBTCBPtr; REQUIRE_FILE_LOCK(btree->fileRefNum, true); nr_delete(btree->fileRefNum, (struct nreserve *)data, &nodecnt); if (nodecnt) btree->reservedNodes -= nodecnt; return (0); } /* * BTUpdateReserve - update a node reserve for allocations that occurred. */ __private_extern__ void BTUpdateReserve(BTreeControlBlockPtr btreePtr, int nodes) { nr_update(btreePtr->fileRefNum, nodes); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Node Reserve Hash Functions (private) */ int nrinserts = 0; int nrdeletes = 0; /* * Insert a new node reserve. */ static void nr_insert(struct vnode * btvp, struct nreserve *nrp, int nodecnt) { struct nodereserve *nrhead; struct nreserve *tmp_nrp; void * tag = NR_GET_TAG(); /* * Check the cache - there may already be a reserve */ lck_mtx_lock(&nr_mutex); nrhead = NR_HASH(btvp, tag); for (tmp_nrp = nrhead->lh_first; tmp_nrp; tmp_nrp = tmp_nrp->nr_hash.le_next) { if ((tmp_nrp->nr_tag == tag) && (tmp_nrp->nr_btvp == btvp)) { nrp->nr_tag = 0; tmp_nrp->nr_nodecnt += nodecnt; lck_mtx_unlock(&nr_mutex); return; } } nrp->nr_nodecnt = nodecnt; nrp->nr_newnodes = 0; nrp->nr_btvp = btvp; nrp->nr_tag = tag; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(nrhead, nrp, nr_hash); ++nrinserts; lck_mtx_unlock(&nr_mutex); } /* * Delete a node reserve. */ static void nr_delete(struct vnode * btvp, struct nreserve *nrp, int *nodecnt) { void * tag = NR_GET_TAG(); lck_mtx_lock(&nr_mutex); if (nrp->nr_tag) { if ((nrp->nr_tag != tag) || (nrp->nr_btvp != btvp)) panic("nr_delete: invalid NR (%p)", nrp); LIST_REMOVE(nrp, nr_hash); *nodecnt = nrp->nr_nodecnt; bzero(nrp, sizeof(struct nreserve)); ++nrdeletes; } else { *nodecnt = 0; } lck_mtx_unlock(&nr_mutex); } /* * Update a node reserve for any allocations that occurred. */ static void nr_update(struct vnode * btvp, int nodecnt) { struct nodereserve *nrhead; struct nreserve *nrp; void* tag = NR_GET_TAG(); lck_mtx_lock(&nr_mutex); nrhead = NR_HASH(btvp, tag); for (nrp = nrhead->lh_first; nrp; nrp = nrp->nr_hash.le_next) { if ((nrp->nr_tag == tag) && (nrp->nr_btvp == btvp)) { nrp->nr_newnodes += nodecnt; break; } } lck_mtx_unlock(&nr_mutex); }