/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static int hw_cpu_sysctl SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); void *ptr = (uint8_t *)cpu_info + (uint32_t)arg1; int value; if (arg2 == -1) { ptr = *(char **)ptr; arg2 = 0; } if (arg2 == 0 && ((char *)ptr)[0] == '\0') { return ENOENT; } if (arg2 == sizeof(uint8_t)) { value = (uint32_t) *(uint8_t *)ptr; ptr = &value; arg2 = sizeof(uint32_t); } return SYSCTL_OUT(req, ptr, arg2 ? (size_t) arg2 : strlen((char *)ptr)+1); } static int hw_cpu_features SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; cpuid_get_feature_names(cpuid_features(), buf, sizeof(buf)); return SYSCTL_OUT(req, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); } static int hw_cpu_extfeatures SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; cpuid_get_extfeature_names(cpuid_extfeatures(), buf, sizeof(buf)); return SYSCTL_OUT(req, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); } static int hw_cpu_logical_per_package SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); if (!(cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_HTT)) return ENOENT; return SYSCTL_OUT(req, &cpu_info->cpuid_logical_per_package, sizeof(cpu_info->cpuid_logical_per_package)); } static int hw_cpu_sysctl_nehalem SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); if (cpu_info->cpuid_model != 26) return ENOENT; hw_cpu_sysctl(oidp, arg1, arg2, req); } static int hw_cpu_flex_ratio_desired SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); if (cpu_info->cpuid_model != 26) return ENOENT; return SYSCTL_OUT(req, &flex_ratio, sizeof(flex_ratio)); } static int hw_cpu_flex_ratio_min SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); if (cpu_info->cpuid_model != 26) return ENOENT; return SYSCTL_OUT(req, &flex_ratio_min, sizeof(flex_ratio_min)); } static int hw_cpu_flex_ratio_max SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS { __unused struct sysctl_oid *unused_oidp = oidp; __unused void *unused_arg1 = arg1; __unused int unused_arg2 = arg2; i386_cpu_info_t *cpu_info = cpuid_info(); if (cpu_info->cpuid_model != 26) return ENOENT; return SYSCTL_OUT(req, &flex_ratio_max, sizeof(flex_ratio_max)); } SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep, OID_AUTO, cpu, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "CPU info"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, vendor, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_vendor), 0, hw_cpu_sysctl, "A", "CPU vendor"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, brand_string, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_brand_string), 0, hw_cpu_sysctl, "A", "CPU brand string"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, family, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_family), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU family"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, model, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_model), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU model"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, extmodel, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_extmodel), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU extended model"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, extfamily, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_extfamily), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU extended family"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, stepping, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_stepping), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU stepping"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, feature_bits, CTLTYPE_QUAD | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_features), sizeof(uint64_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU features"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, extfeature_bits, CTLTYPE_QUAD | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_extfeatures), sizeof(uint64_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU extended features"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, signature, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_signature), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU signature"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, brand, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_brand), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU brand"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, features, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_features, "A", "CPU feature names"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, extfeatures, CTLTYPE_STRING | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_extfeatures, "A", "CPU extended feature names"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, logical_per_package, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_logical_per_package, "I", "CPU logical cpus per package"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, cores_per_package, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_cores_per_package), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "CPU cores per package"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, microcode_version, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_microcode_version), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Microcode version number"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, mwait, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "mwait"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_mwait, OID_AUTO, linesize_min, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_mwait_linesize_min), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Monitor/mwait minimum line size"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_mwait, OID_AUTO, linesize_max, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_mwait_linesize_max), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Monitor/mwait maximum line size"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_mwait, OID_AUTO, extensions, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_mwait_extensions), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Monitor/mwait extensions"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_mwait, OID_AUTO, sub_Cstates, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_mwait_sub_Cstates), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Monitor/mwait sub C-states"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, thermal, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "thermal"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_thermal, OID_AUTO, sensor, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_thermal_sensor), sizeof(boolean_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Thermal sensor present"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_thermal, OID_AUTO, dynamic_acceleration, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_thermal_dynamic_acceleration), sizeof(boolean_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Dynamic Acceleration Technology"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_thermal, OID_AUTO, thresholds, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_thermal_thresholds), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of interrupt thresholds"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_thermal, OID_AUTO, ACNT_MCNT, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_thermal_ACNT_MCNT), sizeof(boolean_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "ACNT_MCNT capability"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, arch_perf, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "arch_perf"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, version, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_version), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Architectural Performance Version Number"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, number, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_number), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of counters per logical cpu"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, width, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_width), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Bit width of counters"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, events_number, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_events_number), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of monitoring events"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, events, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_events), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Bit vector of events"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, fixed_number, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_fixed_number), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of fixed-function counters"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_arch_perf, OID_AUTO, fixed_width, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_arch_perf_fixed_width), sizeof(uint8_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Bit-width of fixed-function counters"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, cache, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "cache"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_cache, OID_AUTO, linesize, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_cache_linesize), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Cacheline size"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_cache, OID_AUTO, L2_associativity, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_cache_L2_associativity), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "L2 cache associativity"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_cache, OID_AUTO, size, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_cache_size), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Cache size (in Kbytes)"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, tlb, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "tlb"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_tlb, OID_AUTO, inst_small, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_itlb_small), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of small page instruction TLBs"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_tlb, OID_AUTO, data_small, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_dtlb_small), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of small page data TLBs"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_tlb, OID_AUTO, inst_large, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_itlb_large), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of large page instruction TLBs"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_tlb, OID_AUTO, data_large, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_dtlb_large), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of large page data TLBs"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, address_bits, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "address_bits"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_address_bits, OID_AUTO, physical, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_address_bits_physical), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of physical address bits"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_address_bits, OID_AUTO, virtual, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, cpuid_address_bits_virtual), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of virtual address bits"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, core_count, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, core_count), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of enabled cores per package"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, thread_count, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, (void *)offsetof(i386_cpu_info_t, thread_count), sizeof(uint32_t), hw_cpu_sysctl, "I", "Number of enabled threads per package"); SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep_cpu, OID_AUTO, flex_ratio, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "Flex ratio"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_flex_ratio, OID_AUTO, desired, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_flex_ratio_desired, "I", "Flex ratio desired (0 disabled)"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_flex_ratio, OID_AUTO, min, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_flex_ratio_min, "I", "Flex ratio min (efficiency)"); SYSCTL_PROC(_machdep_cpu_flex_ratio, OID_AUTO, max, CTLTYPE_INT | CTLFLAG_RD, 0, 0, hw_cpu_flex_ratio_max, "I", "Flex ratio max (non-turbo)"); uint64_t pmap_pv_hashlist_walks; uint64_t pmap_pv_hashlist_cnts; uint32_t pmap_pv_hashlist_max; /*extern struct sysctl_oid_list sysctl__machdep_pmap_children;*/ SYSCTL_NODE(_machdep, OID_AUTO, pmap, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "PMAP info"); SYSCTL_QUAD (_machdep_pmap, OID_AUTO, hashwalks, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_KERN, &pmap_pv_hashlist_walks, ""); SYSCTL_QUAD (_machdep_pmap, OID_AUTO, hashcnts, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_KERN, &pmap_pv_hashlist_cnts, ""); SYSCTL_INT (_machdep_pmap, OID_AUTO, hashmax, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_KERN, &pmap_pv_hashlist_max, 0, "");