package require QuickTimeTcl wm title . {Two Source Effect} set ans [tk_messageBox -type yesno -message \ {Two still images of the same size are required. Are they ready?}] if {$ans == "no"} { return } # The track id's are 1 and 2. # Make two images in tk from two images on disk. # Preferrably of the same size as the video track, else they are scaled automatically. set firstImage [image create photo -file [tk_getOpenFile -title {First Image}]] set secondImage [image create photo -file [tk_getOpenFile -title {Second Image}]] set width [image width $firstImage] set height [image height $firstImage] if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set effectFile [tk_getSaveFile -title {Effect File} \ -initialfile -initialdir [file dirname [info script]]] } else { set effectFile [tk_getSaveFile -title {Effect File} \ -initialfile] } movie .m .m new $effectFile .m tracks new video $width $height .m tracks new video $width $height pack .m update .m tracks add picture 1 0 6000 $firstImage .m tracks add picture 2 0 6000 $secondImage # Shift the second track to make the desired overlap. .m tracks configure 2 -offset 3000 # Pick the wanted effect in the dialog. Choose the overlap for the duration of .m effect 3000 3000 1 2 tkwait variable quicktimetcl::effectfinished .m save #update #return set ans [.m tracks new text] set textTrackID [lindex $ans 1] .m tracks add text $textTrackID 0 3000 {Two source video effect. Here it comes...} \ -scrollin 1 -scrollout 1 -font {Times 24 italic} .m tracks add text $textTrackID 6000 3000 {It is best if images are of same size.} \ -scrollin 1 -scrollout 1 -scrollreverse 1 -font {Times 24 italic} .m tracks configure $textTrackID -graphicsmode transparent -graphicsmodecolor black .m save