""" metakit.py -- Utility code for the Python interface to Metakit $Id: metakit.py 1669 2007-06-16 00:23:25Z jcw $ This is part of Metakit, see http://www.equi4.com/metakit.html This wraps the raw Mk4py compiled extension interface. To use Metakit through this interface, simply do: import metakit After that, things like metakit.storage(...) are available, as well as utilities defined below. This assumes that both both metakit.py and Mk4py.{dll,so} can be found by Python. """ _oldname = __name__ __name__ = "metakit" __version__ = "" __description__ = "Python bindings to the Metakit database library" __author__ = "Gordon McMillan / Jean-Claude Wippler" __email__ = "jcw@equi4.com" __url__ = "http://www.equi4.com/metakit/python.html" __license__ = "X/MIT style, see: http://www.equi4.com/mklicense.html" from Mk4py import * import string def dump(view, title=None): """pretty printer for MK views""" widths = [] cols = [] justs = [] props = view.structure() for prop in props: widths.append(len(prop.name)) cols.append([None]) if prop.type in ('I','F','D','V'): justs.append(string.rjust) else: justs.append(string.ljust) for row in view: for c in range(len(props)): attr = getattr(row, props[c].name, None) if type(attr) is type(view): text = '%d rows' % len(attr) else: text = str(attr) if len(text) > 20: text = text[0:17] + '...' widths[c] = max(widths[c],len(text)) cols[c].append(text) if title: print title for c in range(len(props)): cols[c][0] = widths[c] * '-' cols[c].append(cols[c][0]) print '', string.ljust(props[c].name, widths[c]), print for r in xrange(len(view)+2): for c in range(len(props)): print '', justs[c](cols[c][r], widths[c]), print print " Total: %d rows" % len(view) if _oldname == '__main__': db = storage() f = db.getas('frequents[drinker,bar,perweek:I]') s = db.getas('serves[bar,beer,quantity:I]') f.append(drinker='adam', bar='lolas', perweek=1) f.append(drinker='woody', bar='cheers', perweek=5) f.append(drinker='sam', bar='cheers', perweek=5) f.append(drinker='lola', bar='lolas', perweek=6) s.append(bar='cheers', beer='bud', quantity=500) s.append(bar='cheers', beer='samaddams', quantity=255) s.append(bar='lolas', beer='mickies', quantity=1515) dump(f, 'frequents:') dump(s, 'serves:') dump(f.join(s, s.bar), 'join on "bar":')