# Combobox # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implements a Combobox widget. A Combobox has 2 basic styles: simple and # dropdown. Dropdowns display an entry field with an arrow button to the # right of it. When the arrow button is pressed a selectable list of # items is popped up. A simple Combobox displays an entry field and a listbox # just beneath it which is always displayed. In both types, if the user # selects an item in the listbox, the contents of the entry field are # replaced with the text from the selected item. If the Combobox is # editable, the user can type in the entry field and when is # pressed the item will be inserted into the list. # # WISH LIST: # This section lists possible future enhancements. # # Combobox 1.x: # - convert bindings to bindtags. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ORIGINAL AUTHOR: John S. Sigler # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CURRENT MAINTAINER: Chad Smith EMAIL: csmith@adc.com, itclguy@yahoo.com # # Copyright (c) 1995 John S. Sigler # Copyright (c) 1997 Mitch Gorman # ====================================================================== # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the # above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in # all copies of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR # DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN # IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. # # THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS # ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO # PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # ====================================================================== # # Default resources. # option add *Combobox.borderWidth 2 widgetDefault option add *Combobox.labelPos wn widgetDefault option add *Combobox.listHeight 150 widgetDefault option add *Combobox.hscrollMode dynamic widgetDefault option add *Combobox.vscrollMode dynamic widgetDefault # # Usual options. # itk::usual Combobox { keep -background -borderwidth -cursor -foreground -highlightcolor \ -highlightthickness -insertbackground -insertborderwidth \ -insertofftime -insertontime -insertwidth -labelfont -popupcursor \ -selectbackground -selectborderwidth -selectforeground \ -textbackground -textfont } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # COMBOBOX # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::class iwidgets::Combobox { inherit iwidgets::Entryfield constructor {args} {} destructor {} itk_option define -arrowrelief arrowRelief Relief raised itk_option define -completion completion Completion true itk_option define -dropdown dropdown Dropdown true itk_option define -editable editable Editable true itk_option define -grab grab Grab local itk_option define -listheight listHeight Height 150 itk_option define -margin margin Margin 1 itk_option define -popupcursor popupCursor Cursor arrow itk_option define -selectioncommand selectionCommand SelectionCommand {} itk_option define -state state State normal itk_option define -unique unique Unique true public method clear {{component all}} public method curselection {} public method delete {component first {last {}}} public method get {{index {}}} public method getcurselection {} public method insert {component index args} public method invoke {} public method justify {direction} public method see {index} public method selection {option first {last {}}} public method size {} public method sort {{mode ascending}} public method xview {args} public method yview {args} protected method _addToList {} protected method _createComponents {} protected method _deleteList {first {last {}}} protected method _deleteText {first {last {}}} protected method _doLayout {{when later}} protected method _drawArrow {} protected method _dropdownBtnRelease {{window {}} {x 1} {y 1}} protected method _ignoreNextBtnRelease {ignore} protected method _next {} protected method _packComponents {{when later}} protected method _positionList {} protected method _postList {} protected method _previous {} protected method _resizeArrow {} protected method _selectCmd {} protected method _toggleList {} protected method _unpostList {} protected method _commonBindings {} protected method _dropdownBindings {} protected method _simpleBindings {} protected method _listShowing {{val ""}} private method _bs {} private method _lookup {key} private method _slbListbox {} private method _stateSelect {} private variable _doit 0; private variable _inbs 0; private variable _inlookup 0; private variable _currItem {}; ;# current selected item. private variable _ignoreRelease false ;# next button release ignored. private variable _isPosted false; ;# is the dropdown popped up. private variable _repacking {} ;# non-null => _packComponents pending. private variable _grab ;# used to restore grabs private variable _next_prevFLAG 0 ;# Used in _lookup to fix SF Bug 501300 private common _listShowing private common count 0 } # # Provide a lowercase access method for the Combobox class. # proc ::iwidgets::combobox {pathName args} { uplevel ::iwidgets::Combobox $pathName $args } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONSTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::constructor {args} { set _listShowing($this) 0 set _grab(window) "" set _grab(status) "" # combobox is different as all components are created # after determining what the dropdown style is... # configure args eval itk_initialize $args # create components that are dependent on options # (Scrolledlistbox, arrow button) and pack them. if {$count == 0} { image create bitmap downarrow -data { #define down_width 16 #define down_height 16 static unsigned char down_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x7f, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; } image create bitmap uparrow -data { #define up_width 16 #define up_height 16 static unsigned char up_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; } } incr count _doLayout } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # DESTRUCTOR # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::destructor {} { # catch any repacking that may be waiting for idle time if {$_repacking != ""} { after cancel $_repacking } incr count -1 if {$count == 0} { image delete uparrow image delete downarrow } } # ================================================================ # OPTIONS # ================================================================ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -arrowrelief # # Relief style used on the arrow button. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::arrowrelief {} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -completion # # Relief style used on the arrow button. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::completion { switch -- $itk_option(-completion) { 0 - no - false - off { } 1 - yes - true - on { } default { error "bad completion option \"$itk_option(-completion)\":\ should be boolean" } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -dropdown # # Boolean which determines the Combobox style: dropdown or simple. # Because the two style's lists reside in different toplevel widgets # this is more complicated than it should be. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::dropdown { switch -- $itk_option(-dropdown) { 1 - yes - true - on { if {[winfo exists $itk_interior.list]} { set vals [$itk_component(list) get 0 end] destroy $itk_component(list) _doLayout if [llength $vals] { eval insert list end $vals } } } 0 - no - false - off { if {[winfo exists $itk_interior.popup.list]} { set vals [$itk_component(list) get 0 end] catch {destroy $itk_component(arrowBtn)} destroy $itk_component(popup) ;# this deletes the list too _doLayout if [llength $vals] { eval insert list end $vals } } } default { error "bad dropdown option \"$itk_option(-dropdown)\":\ should be boolean" } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -editable # # Boolean which allows/disallows user input to the entry field area. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::editable { switch -- $itk_option(-editable) { 1 - true - yes - on { switch -- $itk_option(-state) { normal { $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal } } } 0 - false - no - off { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } default { error "bad editable option \"$itk_option(-editable)\":\ should be boolean" } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -grab # # grab-state of megawidget # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::grab { switch -- $itk_option(-grab) { local { } global { } default { error "bad grab value \"$itk_option(-grab)\":\ must be global or local" } } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -listheight # # Listbox height in pixels. (Need to integrate the scrolledlistbox # -visibleitems option here - at least for simple listbox.) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::listheight {} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -margin # # Spacer between the entry field and arrow button of dropdown style # Comboboxes. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::margin { grid columnconfigure $itk_interior 0 -minsize $itk_option(-margin) } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -popupcursor # # Set the cursor for the popup list. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::popupcursor {} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -selectioncommand # # Defines the proc to be called when an item is selected in the list. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::selectioncommand {} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -state # # overall state of megawidget # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::state { switch -- $itk_option(-state) { disabled { $itk_component(entry) configure -state disabled } normal { switch -- $itk_option(-editable) { 1 - true - yes - on { $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal } 0 - false - no - off { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } } } readonly { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } default { error "bad state value \"$itk_option(-state)\":\ must be normal or disabled" } } if {[info exists itk_component(arrowBtn)]} { $itk_component(arrowBtn) configure -state $itk_option(-state) } } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -unique # # Boolean which disallows/allows adding duplicate items to the listbox. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody iwidgets::Combobox::unique { # boolean error check switch -- $itk_option(-unique) { 1 - true - yes - on { } 0 - false - no - off { } default { error "bad unique value \"$itk_option(-unique)\":\ should be boolean" } } } # ================================================================= # METHODS # ================================================================= # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: clear ?component? # # Remove all elements from the listbox, all contents # from the entry component, or both (if all). # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::clear {{component all}} { switch -- $component { entry { iwidgets::Entryfield::clear } list { delete list 0 end } all { delete list 0 end iwidgets::Entryfield::clear } default { error "bad Combobox component \"$component\":\ must be entry, list, or all." } } return } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: curselection # # Return the current selection index. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::curselection {} { return [$itk_component(list) curselection] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: delete component first ?last? # # Delete an item or items from the listbox OR delete # text from the entry field. First argument determines # which component deletion occurs in - valid values are # entry or list. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::delete {component first {last {}}} { switch -- $component { entry { if {$last == {}} { set last [expr {$first + 1}] } iwidgets::Entryfield::delete $first $last } list { _deleteList $first $last } default { error "bad Combobox component \"$component\":\ must be entry or list." } } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: get ?index? # # # Retrieve entry contents if no args OR use args as list # index and retrieve list item at index . # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::get {{index {}}} { # no args means to get the current text in the entry field area if {$index == {}} { iwidgets::Entryfield::get } else { eval $itk_component(list) get $index } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: getcurselection # # Return currently selected item in the listbox. Shortcut # version of get curselection command combination. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::getcurselection {} { return [$itk_component(list) getcurselection] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: invoke # # Pops up or down a dropdown combobox. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::invoke {} { if {$itk_option(-dropdown)} { return [_toggleList] } return } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: insert comonent index string ?string ...? # # Insert an item into the listbox OR text into the entry area. # Valid component names are entry or list. # # ------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::insert {component index args} { set nargs [llength $args] if {$nargs == 0} { error "no value given for parameter \"string\" in function\ \"Combobox::insert\"" } switch -- $component { entry { if { $nargs > 1} { error "called function \"Combobox::insert entry\"\ with too many arguments" } else { if {$itk_option(-state) == "normal"} { eval iwidgets::Entryfield::insert $index $args [itcl::code $this _lookup ""] } } } list { if {$itk_option(-state) == "normal"} { eval $itk_component(list) insert $index $args } } default { error "bad Combobox component \"$component\": must\ be entry or list." } } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: justify direction # # Wrapper for justifying the listbox items in one of # 4 directions: top, bottom, left, or right. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::justify {direction} { return [$itk_component(list) justify $direction] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: see index # # Adjusts the view such that the element given by index is visible. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::see {index} { return [$itk_component(list) see $index] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: selection option first ?last? # # Adjusts the selection within the listbox and changes the contents # of the entry component to be the value of the selected list item. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::selection {option first {last {}}} { # thin wrap if {$option == "set"} { $itk_component(list) selection clear 0 end $itk_component(list) selection set $first set rtn "" } else { set rtn [eval $itk_component(list) selection $option $first $last] } set _currItem $first # combobox additions set theText [getcurselection] if {$theText != [$itk_component(entry) get]} { clear entry if {$theText != ""} { insert entry 0 $theText } } return $rtn } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: size # # Returns a decimal string indicating the total number of elements # in the listbox. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::size {} { return [$itk_component(list) size] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: sort ?mode? # # Sort the current list in either "ascending" or "descending" order. # # jss: how should i handle selected items? # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::sort {{mode ascending}} { $itk_component(list) sort $mode # return [$itk_component(list) sort $mode] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: xview ?arg arg ...? # # Change or query the vertical position of the text in the list box. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::xview {args} { return [eval $itk_component(list) xview $args] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHOD: yview ?arg arg ...? # # Change or query the horizontal position of the text in the list box. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::yview {args} { return [eval $itk_component(list) yview $args] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _addToList # # Add the current item in the entry to the listbox. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_addToList {} { set input [get] if {$input != ""} { if {$itk_option(-unique)} { # if item is already in list, select it and exit set item [lsearch -exact [$itk_component(list) get 0 end] $input] if {$item != -1} { selection clear 0 end if {$item != {}} { selection set $item $item set _currItem $item } return } } # add the item to end of list selection clear 0 end insert list end $input selection set end end } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _createComponents # # Create deferred combobox components and add bindings. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_createComponents {} { if {$itk_option(-dropdown)} { # --- build a dropdown combobox --- # make the arrow childsite be on the right hand side #------------------------------------------------------------- # BUG FIX: csmith (Chad Smith: csmith@adc.com), 3/4/99 #------------------------------------------------------------- # The following commented line of code overwrites the -command # option when passed into the constructor. The order of calls # in the constructor is: # 1) eval itk_initalize $args (initializes -command) # 2) _doLayout # 3) _createComponents (overwrites -command) # The solution is to only set the -command option if it hasn't # already been set. The following 4 lines of code do this. #------------------------------------------------------------- # ** configure -childsitepos e -command [code $this _addToList] #------------------------------------------------------------- configure -childsitepos e if ![llength [cget -command]] { configure -command [itcl::code $this _addToList] } # arrow button to popup the list itk_component add arrowBtn { button $itk_interior.arrowBtn -borderwidth 2 \ -width 15 -height 15 -image downarrow \ -command [itcl::code $this _toggleList] -state $itk_option(-state) } { keep -background -borderwidth -cursor -state \ -highlightcolor -highlightthickness rename -relief -arrowrelief arrowRelief Relief rename -highlightbackground -background background Background } # popup list container itk_component add popup { toplevel $itk_interior.popup } { keep -background -cursor } wm withdraw $itk_interior.popup # the listbox itk_component add list { iwidgets::Scrolledlistbox $itk_interior.popup.list -exportselection no \ -vscrollmode dynamic -hscrollmode dynamic -selectmode browse } { keep -background -borderwidth -cursor -foreground \ -highlightcolor -highlightthickness \ -hscrollmode -selectbackground \ -selectborderwidth -selectforeground -textbackground \ -textfont -vscrollmode rename -height -listheight listHeight Height rename -cursor -popupcursor popupCursor Cursor } # mode specific bindings _dropdownBindings # Ugly hack to avoid tk buglet revealed in _dropdownBtnRelease where # relief is used but not set in scrollbar.tcl. global tkPriv set tkPriv(relief) raise } else { # --- build a simple combobox --- configure -childsitepos s itk_component add list { iwidgets::Scrolledlistbox $itk_interior.list -exportselection no \ -vscrollmode dynamic -hscrollmode dynamic } { keep -background -borderwidth -cursor -foreground \ -highlightcolor -highlightthickness \ -hscrollmode -selectbackground \ -selectborderwidth -selectforeground -textbackground \ -textfont -visibleitems -vscrollmode rename -height -listheight listHeight Height } # add mode specific bindings _simpleBindings } # popup cursor applies only to the list within the combobox configure -popupcursor $itk_option(-popupcursor) # add mode independent bindings _commonBindings } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _deleteList first ?last? # # Delete an item or items from the listbox. Called via # "delete list args". # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_deleteList {first {last {}}} { if {$last == {}} { set last $first } $itk_component(list) delete $first $last # remove the item if it is no longer in the list set text [$this get] if {$text != ""} { set index [lsearch -exact [$itk_component(list) get 0 end] $text ] if {$index == -1} { clear entry } } return } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _deleteText first ?last? # # Renamed Entryfield delete method. Called via "delete entry args". # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_deleteText {first {last {}}} { $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal set rtrn [delete $first $last] switch -- $itk_option(-editable) { 0 - false - no - off { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } } return $rtrn } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _doLayout ?when? # # Call methods to create and pack the Combobox components. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_doLayout {{when later}} { _createComponents _packComponents $when } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _drawArrow # # Draw the arrow button. Determines packing according to # -labelpos. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_drawArrow {} { set flip false set relief "" set fg [cget -foreground] if {$_isPosted} { set flip true set relief "-relief sunken" } else { set relief "-relief $itk_option(-arrowrelief)" } if {$flip} { # # draw up arrow # eval $itk_component(arrowBtn) configure -image uparrow $relief } else { # # draw down arrow # eval $itk_component(arrowBtn) configure -image downarrow $relief } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _dropdownBtnRelease window x y # # Event handler for button releases while a dropdown list # is posted. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_dropdownBtnRelease {{window {}} {x 1} {y 1}} { # if it's a scrollbar then ignore the release if {($window == [$itk_component(list) component vertsb]) || ($window == [$itk_component(list) component horizsb])} { return } # 1st release allows list to stay up unless we are in listbox if {$_ignoreRelease} { _ignoreNextBtnRelease false return } # should I use just the listbox or also include the scrollbars if { ($x >= 0) && ($x < [winfo width [_slbListbox]]) && ($y >= 0) && ($y < [winfo height [_slbListbox]])} { _stateSelect } _unpostList # execute user command if {$itk_option(-selectioncommand) != ""} { uplevel #0 $itk_option(-selectioncommand) } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _ignoreNextBtnRelease ignore # # Set private variable _ignoreRelease. If this variable # is true then the next button release will not remove # a dropdown list. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_ignoreNextBtnRelease {ignore} { set _ignoreRelease $ignore } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _next # # Select the next item in the list. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_next {} { set _next_prevFLAG 1 if {[size] <= 1} { return } set i [curselection] if {($i == {}) || ($i == ([size]-1)) } { set i 0 } else { incr i } selection clear 0 end selection set $i $i see $i set _currItem $i } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _packComponents ?when? # # Pack the components of the combobox and add bindings. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_packComponents {{when later}} { if {$when == "later"} { if {$_repacking == ""} { set _repacking [after idle [itcl::code $this _packComponents now]] return } } elseif {$when != "now"} { error "bad option \"$when\": should be now or later" } if {$itk_option(-dropdown)} { grid configure $itk_component(list) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news _resizeArrow grid config $itk_component(arrowBtn) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew } else { # size and pack list hack grid configure $itk_component(entry) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew grid configure $itk_component(efchildsite) -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid configure $itk_component(list) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $itk_component(efchildsite) 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $itk_component(efchildsite) 0 -weight 1 } set _repacking "" } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _positionList # # Determine the position (geometry) for the popped up list # and map it to the screen. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_positionList {} { set x [winfo rootx $itk_component(entry) ] set y [expr {[winfo rooty $itk_component(entry) ] + \ [winfo height $itk_component(entry) ]}] set w [winfo width $itk_component(entry) ] set h [winfo height [_slbListbox] ] set sh [winfo screenheight .] if {(($y+$h) > $sh) && ($y > ($sh/2))} { set y [expr {[winfo rooty $itk_component(entry) ] - $h}] } $itk_component(list) configure -width $w wm overrideredirect $itk_component(popup) 0 wm geometry $itk_component(popup) +$x+$y wm overrideredirect $itk_component(popup) 1 } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _postList # # Pop up the list in a dropdown style Combobox. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_postList {} { if {[$itk_component(list) size] == ""} { return } set _isPosted true _positionList # map window and do a grab wm deiconify $itk_component(popup) _listShowing -wait # Added by csmith, 12/19/00. Thanks to Erik Leunissen for # finding this problem. We need to restore any previous # grabs after the dropdown listbox is withdrawn. To do this, # save the currently grabbed window. It is then restored in # the _unpostList method. set _grab(window) [::grab current] if {$_grab(window) != ""} { set _grab(status) [::grab status $_grab(window)] } # Now grab the dropdown listbox. if {$itk_option(-grab) == "global"} { ::grab -global $itk_component(popup) } else { ::grab $itk_component(popup) } raise $itk_component(popup) focus $itk_component(popup) _drawArrow # Added by csmith, 10/26/00. This binding keeps the listbox # from staying mapped if the window in which the combobox # is packed is iconified. bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _unpostList] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _previous # # Select the previous item in the list. Wraps at front # and end of list. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_previous {} { set _next_prevFLAG 1 if {[size] <= 1} { return } set i [curselection] if {$i == "" || $i == 0} { set i [expr {[size] - 1}] } else { incr i -1 } selection clear 0 end selection set $i $i see $i set _currItem $i } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _resizeArrow # # Recalculate the arrow button size and then redraw it. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_resizeArrow {} { set bw [expr {[$itk_component(arrowBtn) cget -borderwidth]+ \ [$itk_component(arrowBtn) cget -highlightthickness]}] set newHeight [expr {[winfo reqheight $itk_component(entry)]-(2*$bw) - 2}] $itk_component(arrowBtn) configure -width $newHeight -height $newHeight _drawArrow } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _selectCmd # # Called when list item is selected to insert new text # in entry, and call user -command callback if defined. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_selectCmd {} { $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal set _currItem [$itk_component(list) curselection] set item [$itk_component(list) getcurselection] clear entry $itk_component(entry) insert 0 $item switch -- $itk_option(-editable) { 0 - false - no - off { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _toggleList # # Post or unpost the dropdown listbox (toggle). # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_toggleList {} { if {[winfo ismapped $itk_component(popup)] } { _unpostList } else { _postList } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _unpostList # # Unmap the listbox (pop it down). # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_unpostList {} { # Determine if event occured in the scrolledlistbox and, if it did, # don't unpost it. (A selection in the list unposts it correctly and # in the scrollbar we don't want to unpost it.) set x [winfo x $itk_component(list)] set y [winfo y $itk_component(list)] set w [winfo width $itk_component(list)] set h [winfo height $itk_component(list)] wm withdraw $itk_component(popup) ::grab release $itk_component(popup) # Added by csmith, 12/19/00. Thanks to Erik Leunissen for finding # this problem. We need to restore any previous grabs when the # dropdown listbox is unmapped. if {$_grab(window) != ""} { if {$_grab(status) == "global"} { ::grab -global $_grab(window) } else { ::grab $_grab(window) } set _grab(window) "" set _grab(status) "" } # Added by csmith, 10/26/00. This binding resets the binding # created in _postList - see that method for further details. bind $itk_component(entry) {} set _isPosted false $itk_component(list) selection clear 0 end if {$_currItem != {}} { $itk_component(list) selection set $_currItem $_currItem $itk_component(list) activate $_currItem } switch -- $itk_option(-editable) { 1 - true - yes - on { $itk_component(entry) configure -state normal } 0 - false - no - off { $itk_component(entry) configure -state readonly } } _drawArrow update } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _commonBindings # # Bindings that are used by both simple and dropdown # style Comboboxes. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_commonBindings {} { bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _bs] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _lookup %K] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _next] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _previous] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _next] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _previous] bind [_slbListbox] [itcl::code $this _next] bind [_slbListbox] [itcl::code $this _previous] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _dropdownBindings # # Bindings used only by the dropdown type Combobox. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_dropdownBindings {} { bind $itk_component(popup) [itcl::code $this _unpostList] bind $itk_component(popup) \ "[itcl::code $this _stateSelect]; [itcl::code $this _unpostList]" bind $itk_component(popup) \ "[itcl::code $this _stateSelect]; [itcl::code $this _unpostList]" bind $itk_component(popup) \ [itcl::code $this _dropdownBtnRelease %W %x %y] bind $itk_component(list) \ [itcl::code $this _listShowing 1] bind $itk_component(list) \ [itcl::code $this _listShowing 0] # once in the listbox, we drop on the next release (unless in scrollbar) bind [_slbListbox] \ [itcl::code $this _ignoreNextBtnRelease false] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) <3> [itcl::code $this _next] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _previous] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _next] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _previous] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _next] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _previous] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] bind $itk_component(arrowBtn) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _resizeArrow] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] bind $itk_component(entry) [itcl::code $this _toggleList] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _simpleBindings # # Bindings used only by the simple type Comboboxes. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_simpleBindings {} { bind [_slbListbox] [itcl::code $this _stateSelect] bind [_slbListbox] [itcl::code $this _stateSelect] bind [_slbListbox] [itcl::code $this _stateSelect] bind $itk_component(entry) "" bind $itk_component(entry) "" bind $itk_component(entry) "" bind $itk_component(entry) "" } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PROTECTED METHOD: _listShowing ?val? # # Used instead of "tkwait visibility" to make sure that # the dropdown list is visible. Whenever the list gets # mapped or unmapped, this method is called to keep # track of it. When it is called with the value "-wait", # it waits for the list to be mapped. # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_listShowing {{val ""}} { if {$val == ""} { return $_listShowing($this) } elseif {$val == "-wait"} { while {!$_listShowing($this)} { tkwait variable [itcl::scope _listShowing($this)] } return } set _listShowing($this) $val } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _slbListbox # # Access the tk listbox window out of the scrolledlistbox. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_slbListbox {} { return [$itk_component(list) component listbox] } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _stateSelect # # only allows a B1 release in the listbox to have an effect if -state is # normal. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_stateSelect {} { switch -- $itk_option(-state) { normal { [itcl::code $this _selectCmd] } } } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _bs # # A part of the auto-completion code, this function sets a flag when the # Backspace key is hit and there is a selection in the entry field. # Note that it's probably buggy to assume that a selection being present # means that that selection came from auto-completion. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_bs {} { # # exit if completion is turned off # switch -- $itk_option(-completion) { 0 - no - false - off { return } } # # critical section flag. it ain't perfect, but for most usage it'll # keep us from being in this code "twice" at the same time # (auto-repeated keystrokes are a pain!) # if {$_inbs} { return } else { set _inbs 1 } # # set the _doit flag if there is a selection set in the entry field # set _doit 0 if [$itk_component(entry) selection present] { set _doit 1 } # # clear the semaphore and return # set _inbs 0 } # ------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHOD: _lookup # # handles auto-completion of text typed (or insert'd) into the entry field. # # ------------------------------------------------------ itcl::body iwidgets::Combobox::_lookup {key} { # # Don't process auto-completion stuff if navigation key was released # Fixes SF bug 501300 # if {$_next_prevFLAG} { set _next_prevFLAG 0 return } # # exit if completion is turned off # switch -- $itk_option(-completion) { 0 - no - false - off { return } } # # critical section flag. it ain't perfect, but for most usage it'll # keep us from being in this code "twice" at the same time # (auto-repeated keystrokes are a pain!) # if {$_inlookup} { return } else { set _inlookup 1 } # # if state of megawidget is disabled, or the entry is not editable, # clear the semaphore and exit # if {$itk_option(-state) == "disabled" \ || [lsearch {on 1 true yes} $itk_option(-editable)] == -1} { set _inlookup 0 return } # # okay, *now* we can get to work # the _bs function is called on keyPRESS of BackSpace, and will set # the _doit flag if there's a selection set in the entryfield. If # there is, we're assuming that it's generated by completion itself # (this is probably a Bad Assumption), so we'll want to whack the # selected text, as well as the character immediately preceding the # insertion cursor. # if {$key == "BackSpace"} { if {$_doit} { set first [expr {[$itk_component(entry) index insert] -1}] $itk_component(entry) delete $first end $itk_component(entry) icursor $first } } # # get the text left in the entry field, and its length. if # zero-length, clear the selection in the listbox, clear the # semaphore, and boogie. # set text [get] set len [string length $text] if {$len == 0} { $itk_component(list) selection clear 0 end set _inlookup 0 return } # No need to do lookups for Shift keys or Arrows. The up/down # arrow keys should walk up/down the listbox entries. switch $key { Shift_L - Shift_R - Up - Down - Left - Right { set _inlookup 0 return } default { } } # Added by csmith 12/11/01 to resolve SF ticket #474817. It's an unusual # circumstance, but we need to make sure the character passed into this # method matches the last character in the entry's text string. It's # possible to type fast enough that the _lookup method gets invoked # *after* multiple characters have been typed and *before* the first # character has been processed. For example, you can type "bl" very # quickly, and by the time the interpreter processes "b", the "l" has # already been placed in the entry field. This causes problems as noted # in the SF ticket. # # Thus, if the character currently being processed does not match the # last character in the entry field, reset the _inlookup flag and return. # Also, note that we're only concerned with single characters here, not # keys such as backspace, delete, etc. if {$key != [string range $text end end] && [string match ? $key]} { set _inlookup 0 return } # # okay, so we have to do a lookup. find the first match in the # listbox to the text we've got in the entry field (glob). # if one exists, clear the current listbox selection, and set it to # the one we just found, making that one visible in the listbox. # then, pick off the text from the listbox entry that hadn't yet been # entered into the entry field. we need to tack that text onto the # end of the entry field, select it, and then set the insertion cursor # back to just before the point where we just added that text. # if one didn't exist, then just clear the listbox selection # set item [lsearch [$itk_component(list) get 0 end] "$text*" ] if {$item != -1} { $itk_component(list) selection clear 0 end $itk_component(list) selection set $item $item see $item set remainder [string range [$itk_component(list) get $item] $len end] $itk_component(entry) insert end $remainder $itk_component(entry) selection range $len end $itk_component(entry) icursor $len } else { $itk_component(list) selection clear 0 end } # # clear the semaphore and return # set _inlookup 0 return }