# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # statusbar.tcl --- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit # $Id: statusbar.tcl,v 1.91 2009/09/06 21:42:14 oberdorfer Exp $ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a status bar Tk widget # # Provides a status bar to be placed at the bottom of a toplevel. # Currently does not support being placed in a toplevel that has # gridding applied (via widget -setgrid or wm grid). # # Ensure that the widget is placed at the very bottom of the toplevel, # otherwise the resize behavior may behave oddly. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # package require Tk 8.3 if {0} { proc sample {} { # sample usage eval destroy [winfo children .] pack [text .t -width 0 -height 0] -fill both -expand 1 set sbar .s StatusBar $sbar pack $sbar -side bottom -fill x set f [$sbar getframe] # Specify -width 1 for the label widget so it truncates nicely # instead of requesting large sizes for long messages set w [label $f.status -width 1 -anchor w -textvariable ::STATUS] set ::STATUS "This is a status message" # give the entry weight, as we want it to be the one that expands $sbar add $w -weight 1 # BWidget's progressbar set w [ProgressBar $f.bpbar -orient horizontal \ -variable ::PROGRESS -bd 1 -relief sunken] set ::PROGRESS 50 $sbar add $w } } namespace eval StatusBar { Widget::define StatusBar statusbar Widget::declare StatusBar { {-background Color "SystemWindow" 0} {-borderwidth TkResource 0 0 frame} {-relief TkResource flat 0 frame} {-showseparator Boolean 1 0} {-showresizesep Boolean 0 0} {-showresize Boolean 1 0} {-width TkResource 100 0 frame} {-height TkResource 18 0 frame} {-ipad String 1 0} {-pad String 0 0} {-bg Synonym -background} {-bd Synonym -borderwidth} } # -background, -borderwidth and -relief apply to outer frame, but relief # should be left flat for proper look Widget::addmap StatusBar "" :cmd { -background {} -width {} -height {} -borderwidth {} -relief {} } Widget::addmap StatusBar "" .sbar { -background {} } Widget::addmap StatusBar "" .resize { -background {} } Widget::addmap StatusBar "" .hsep { -background {} } # -pad provides general padding around the status bar # -ipad provides padding around each status bar item # Padding can be a list of {padx pady} variable HaveMarlett \ [expr {[lsearch -exact [font families] "Marlett"] != -1}] bind StatusResize <1> \ [namespace code [list begin_resize %W %X %Y]] bind StatusResize \ [namespace code [list continue_resize %W %X %Y]] bind StatusResize \ [namespace code [list end_resize %W %X %Y]] bind StatusBar [list StatusBar::_destroy %W] # PNG version has partial alpha transparency for better look variable pngdata { iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAFM0aXcAAAABGdBTUEAAYagM eiWXwAAAGJJREFUGJW9kVEOgCAMQzs8GEezN69fkKlbUAz2r3l5NGTA+pCU+Q IA5sv39wGgZKClZGBhJMVTklRr3VNwMz04mVfQzQiEm79EkrYZycxIkq8kkv2 v6RFGku9TUrj8RGr9AGy6mhv2ymLwAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC } variable gifdata { R0lGODlhDwAPAJEAANnZ2f///4CAgD8/PyH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAPAA8AAAJEh I+py+1IQvh4IZlG0Qg+QshkAokGQfAvZCBIhG8hA0Ea4UPIQJBG+BAyEKQhCH bIQAgNEQCAIA0hAyE0AEIGgjSEDBQAOw== } if {[package provide img::png] != ""} { image create photo ::StatusBar::resizer -format PNG -data $pngdata } else { image create photo ::StatusBar::resizer -format GIF -data $gifdata } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::create # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::create { path args } { variable _widget variable HaveMarlett # Allow for img::png loaded after initial source if {[package provide img::png] != ""} { variable pngdata ::StatusBar::resizer configure -format PNG -data $pngdata } Widget::init StatusBar $path $args eval [list frame $path -class StatusBar] [Widget::subcget $path :cmd] foreach {padx pady} [_padval [Widget::cget $path -pad]] \ {ipadx ipady} [_padval [Widget::cget $path -ipad]] { break } if {[BWidget::using ttk]} { set sbar [ttk::frame $path.sbar -padding [list $padx $pady]] } else { set sbar [eval [list frame $path.sbar -padx $padx -pady $pady] \ [Widget::subcget $path .sbar]] } if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} { set cursor size_nw_se } else { set cursor sizing; # bottom_right_corner ?? } set resize [eval [list label $path.resize] \ [Widget::subcget $path .resize] \ [list -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -anchor se \ -cursor $cursor -anchor se -padx 0 -pady 0]] if {$HaveMarlett} { $resize configure -font "Marlett -16" -text \u006f } else { $resize configure -image ::StatusBar::resizer } bindtags $resize [list all [winfo toplevel $path] StatusResize $resize] if {[BWidget::using ttk]} { set fsep [ttk::separator $path.hsep -orient horizontal] } else { set fsep [eval [list frame $path.hsep -bd 1 -height 2 -relief sunken] \ [Widget::subcget $path .hsep]] } set sep [_sep $path sepresize {}] grid $fsep -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew grid $sbar -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news grid $sep -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ns -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady grid $resize -row 1 -column 2 -sticky news grid columnconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 if {![Widget::cget $path -showseparator]} { grid remove $fsep } if {![Widget::cget $path -showresize]} { grid remove $sep $resize } elseif {![Widget::cget $path -showresizesep]} { grid remove $sep } set _widget($path,items) {} return [Widget::create StatusBar $path] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::configure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::configure { path args } { variable _widget set res [Widget::configure $path $args] foreach {chshow chshowrsep chshowsep chipad chpad} \ [Widget::hasChangedX $path -showresize -showresizesep -showseparator \ -ipad -pad] { break } if {$chshow} { set show [Widget::cget $path -showresize] set showrsep [Widget::cget $path -showresizesep] if {$show} { if {$showrsep} { grid $path.sepresize } grid $path.resize } else { grid remove $path.sepresize $path.resize } } if {$chshowsep} { if {$show} { grid $path.hsep } else { grid remove $path.hsep } } if {$chipad} { foreach {ipadx ipady} [_padval [Widget::cget $path -ipad]] { break } foreach w [grid slaves $path.sbar] { grid configure $w -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady } } if {$chpad} { foreach {padx pady} [_padval [Widget::cget $path -pad]] { break } if {[string equal [winfo class $path.sbar] "TFrame"]} { $path.sbar configure -padding [list $padx $pady] } else { $path.sbar configure -padx $padx -pady $pady } } return $res } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::cget # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::cget { path option } { return [Widget::cget $path $option] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::getframe # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::getframe {path} { # This is the frame that users should place their statusbar widgets in return $path.sbar } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::add # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::add {path w args} { variable _widget array set opts [list \ -weight 0 \ -separator 1 \ -sticky news \ -pad [Widget::cget $path -ipad] \ ] foreach {key val} $args { if {[info exists opts($key)]} { set opts($key) $val } else { set msg "unknown option \"$key\", must be one of: " append msg [join [lsort [array names opts]] {, }] return -code error $msg } } foreach {ipadx ipady} [_padval $opts(-pad)] { break } set sbar $path.sbar foreach {cols rows} [grid size $sbar] break # Add separator if requested, and we aren't the first element if {$opts(-separator) && $cols != 0} { set sep [_sep $path sep[winfo name $w]] # only append name, to distinguish us from them lappend _widget($path,items) [winfo name $sep] grid $sep -in $sbar -row 0 -column $cols \ -sticky ns -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady incr cols } lappend _widget($path,items) $w grid $w -in $sbar -row 0 -column $cols -sticky $opts(-sticky) \ -padx $ipadx -pady $ipady grid columnconfigure $sbar $cols -weight $opts(-weight) return $w } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::delete # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::remove {path args} { variable _widget set destroy [string equal [lindex $args 0] "-destroy"] if {$destroy} { set args [lrange $args 1 end] } foreach w $args { set idx [lsearch -exact $_widget($path,items) $w] if {$idx == -1 || ![winfo exists $w]} { # ignore unknown or non-widget items (like our separators) continue } # separator is always previous item set sidx [expr {$idx - 1}] set sep [lindex $_widget($path,items) $sidx] if {[string match .* $sep]} { # not one of our separators incr sidx } elseif {$sep != ""} { # destroy separator too set sep $path.sbar.$sep destroy $sep } if {$destroy} { destroy $w } else { grid forget $w } if {$idx == 0} { # separator of next item is no longer necessary set sep [lindex $_widget($path,items) [expr {$idx + 1}]] if {$sep != "" && ![string match .* $sep]} { incr idx set sep $path.sbar.$sep destroy $sep } } set _widget($path,items) [lreplace $_widget($path,items) $sidx $idx] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::delete # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::delete {path args} { return [StatusBar::remove $path -destroy $args] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::items # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::items {path} { variable _widget return $_widget($path,items) } proc StatusBar::_sep {path name {sub .sbar}} { if {[BWidget::using ttk]} { return [ttk::separator $path$sub.$name -orient vertical] } else { return [frame $path$sub.$name -bd 1 -width 2 -relief sunken] } } proc StatusBar::_padval {padval} { set len [llength $padval] foreach {a b} $padval { break } if {$len == 0 || $len > 2} { return -code error \ "invalid pad value \"$padval\", must be 1 or 2 pixel values" } elseif {$len == 1} { return [list $a $a] } elseif {$len == 2} { return $padval } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command StatusBar::_destroy # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc StatusBar::_destroy { path } { variable _widget variable resize array unset widget $path,* array unset resize $path.resize,* Widget::destroy $path } # The following proc handles the mouse click on the resize control. It stores # the original size of the window and the initial coords of the mouse relative # to the root. proc StatusBar::begin_resize {w rootx rooty} { variable resize set t [winfo toplevel $w] set relx [expr {$rootx - [winfo rootx $t]}] set rely [expr {$rooty - [winfo rooty $t]}] set resize($w,x) $relx set resize($w,y) $rely set resize($w,w) [winfo width $t] set resize($w,h) [winfo height $t] set resize($w,winc) 1 set resize($w,hinc) 1 set resize($w,grid) [wm grid $t] } # The following proc handles mouse motion on the resize control by asking the # wm to adjust the size of the window. proc StatusBar::continue_resize {w rootx rooty} { variable resize if {[llength $resize($w,grid)]} { # at this time, we don't know how to handle gridded resizing return } set t [winfo toplevel $w] set relx [expr {$rootx - [winfo rootx $t]}] set rely [expr {$rooty - [winfo rooty $t]}] set width [expr {$relx - $resize($w,x) + $resize($w,w)}] set height [expr {$rely - $resize($w,y) + $resize($w,h)}] if {$width < 0} { set width 0 } if {$height < 0} { set height 0 } wm geometry $t ${width}x${height} if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} { update idletasks } } # The following proc cleans up when the user releases the mouse button. proc StatusBar::end_resize {w rootx rooty} { variable resize #continue_resize $w $rootx $rooty #wm grid $t $resize($w,grid) array unset resize $w,* }