""" This plugin adds an 'Python Address Label' action to "Adress" properties in the AddressBook application. To install this plugin you have to build it (using 'python setup.py py2app') and then copy it to '~/Library/Address\ Book\ Plug-Ins' (this folder may not exist yet. """ from AddressBook import * from AppKit import * class PyAddressLabelDelegate (NSObject): def actionProperty(self): return kABAddressProperty def titleForPerson_identifier_(self, person, identifier): return u"Python Address Label" def shouldEnableActionForPerson_identifier_(self, person, identifier): return len(person.address()) > 0 def performActionForPerson_identifier_(self, person, identifier): text = person.name() if person.department() is not NSNull.null(): text += '\n' + person.department() if person.organization() is not NSNull.null(): text += '\n' + person.organization() address = person.address()[0] text += '\n' + address.street() text += '\n' + address.zip() + ' ' + address.city() if address.country() is not NSNull.null(): text += '\n' + address.country() pboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() pboard.declareTypes_owner_([NSStringPboardType], None) pboard.setString_forType_(text, NSStringPboardType)