Test Book A Test Bibliography The stock stylesheet attempts to do a Bibliography. It probably needs a lot of tweaking. It probably doesn't conform to any specific style. Books AhoSethiUllman96 Alfred V. Aho Ravi Sethi Jeffrey D. Ullman Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1996 Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. 0-201-10088-6 James T. DeWolf Computer Science Michael A. Harrison Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Periodicals Walsh97 A Guide to XML Walsh Norman 1997 1997 ArborText, Inc. 97-108 XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. 1085-2301 Dan Connolly Walsh, Norman. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets. The World Wide Web Journal. 2(1). O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. and The World Wide Web Consortium. Winter, 1996. Abbrev A Really Full BiblioEntry Subtitle Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract. Abstract, abstract, abstract.
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