/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Portions of this software have been released under the following terms: * * (c) Copyright 1989-1993 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC. * (c) Copyright 1989-1993 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY * (c) Copyright 1989-1993 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION * * To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS" * without any express or implied warranty: * permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this file for any * purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above * copyright notices and this notice appears in all source code copies, * and that none of the names of Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett- * Packard Company or Digital Equipment Corporation be used * in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. Neither Open Software * Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company nor Digital * Equipment Corporation makes any representations about the suitability * of this software for any purpose. * * Copyright (c) 2007, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* ** ** NAME: ** ** rpcpvt.idl ** ** FACILITY: ** ** Remote Procedure Call ** ** ABSTRACT: ** ** This file contains the PRIVATE interface to the Common Communications ** Service of the RPC facility. ** ** NOTE WELL: The existence, signature, and semantics of anything in ** this file is subject to change without notice and should thus not ** be depended on by application writers. ** ** */ [local] interface rpcpvt { import "dce/lbase.idl"; import "dce/rpcbase.idl"; import "dce/iovector.idl"; import "dce/rpcsts.idl"; /*************************************************************************/ /************************ Deprecated names *****************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * These are names that we used for a while, changed, but don't feel * like fixing all the uses of right now. */ const long rpc_c_authn_dce_private = rpc_c_authn_dce_secret; const long rpc_c_protseq_max_calls_default = rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default; const long rpc_s_unknown_auth_protocol = rpc_s_unknown_authn_service; const long rpc_s_cant_create_sock = rpc_s_cant_create_socket; const long rpc_s_cant_bind_sock = rpc_s_cant_bind_socket; const long rpc_s_cant_listen_sock = rpc_s_cant_listen_socket; const long rpc_s_no_ns_privilege = rpc_s_no_ns_permission; const long rpc_s_unsupported_authn_level = rpc_s_unsupported_protect_level; const long rpc_s_authn_level_mismatch = rpc_s_protect_level_mismatch; const long rpc_c_authn_level_default = rpc_c_protect_level_default; const long rpc_c_authn_level_none = rpc_c_protect_level_none; const long rpc_c_authn_level_connect = rpc_c_protect_level_connect; const long rpc_c_authn_level_call = rpc_c_protect_level_call; const long rpc_c_authn_level_pkt = rpc_c_protect_level_pkt; const long rpc_c_authn_level_pkt_integrity = rpc_c_protect_level_pkt_integ; const long rpc_c_authn_level_pkt_privacy = rpc_c_protect_level_pkt_privacy; /*********************************************************************** * * NSI typedefs for compatibility with existing (pre-DCE V1.0) code. * ***********************************************************************/ /* * Inquiry handle. */ typedef rpc_ns_handle_t rpc_ns_inq_handle_t, *rpc_ns_inq_handle_p_t; /* * Lookup handle. */ typedef rpc_ns_handle_t rpc_ns_lookup_handle_t, *rpc_ns_lookup_handle_p_t; /* * Import handle. */ typedef rpc_ns_handle_t rpc_ns_import_handle_t, *rpc_ns_import_handle_p_t; /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Comm Services Binding object **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ B I N D I N G _ H A N D L E _ C O P Y * * Duplicate a binding handle. Create a duplicate handle to an existing * (now shared) binding object. This is the ONLY legal way to create * a duplicate handle to a shared binding object. I.E. the following * C code is ILLEGAL: * new_handle = existing_handle; * A duplicate handle is freed by rpc_binding_free(). Duplicate handles * are useful for properly managing a binding object that is concurrently * shared among a number of threads. */ void rpc_binding_handle_copy ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t source_binding, [out] rpc_binding_handle_t *destination_binding, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ B I N D I N G _ H A N D L E _ E Q U A L * * Compare two binding handles for equality. Returns true iff the two * handles reference the same binding object. (see * rpc_binding_handle_copy(); rpc_binding_copy() do not reference the * same binding object). */ boolean32 rpc_binding_handle_equal ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding1, [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding2, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ B I N D I N G _ S E R V E R _ T O _ C L I E N T * * NOTE: This description uses old terminology. * * Convert a server binding handle to a client handle. The new handle's * endpoint is reset and it has no associated authentication information. * * Server binding handles are those created by the runtime and provided * to the server manager as a result of a [handle_t] RPC parameter. */ void rpc_binding_server_to_client ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t sbinding_handle, [out] rpc_binding_handle_t *cbinding_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ B I N D I N G _ T O _ E P M A P * * Given a binding handle to a server, return a binding handle to the * EP map on that host. If input_binding is NULL, return a binding to * the EP map on the local host. */ void rpc_binding_to_epmap ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t input_binding, [out] rpc_binding_handle_t *output_binding, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************** Comm Services Server object **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * An opaque handle representing a server thread pool. */ typedef rpc_opaque_ptr_t rpc_thread_pool_handle_t, *rpc_thread_pool_handle_p_t; /* * R P C _ S E R V E R _ C R E A T E _ T H R E A D _ P O O L * * Create a pool of "num_threads" threads to execute incoming RPC * requests. Return a handle onto that pool. * The pool exists until the pool is freed; the pool's threads are created * when rpc_server_listen() is called and destroyed when * rpc_server_listen() returns. */ void rpc_server_create_thread_pool ( [in] unsigned32 num_threads, [out] rpc_thread_pool_handle_t *phandle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ S E R V E R _ F R E E _ T H R E A D _ P O O L * * Destroy a thread pool once all RPCs executing using that pool * complete. If wait_flag == true, block until the pool is destroyed. */ void rpc_server_free_thread_pool ( [in, out] rpc_thread_pool_handle_t *phandle, [in] boolean32 wait_flag, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * Signature of an application-supplied function used to determine which * thread pool to use for an incoming RPC request on object "obj_uuid", * using the "opnum"th operation in interface "if_id". * * status (and phandle) return values: * 0 - OK; phandle != NULL: execute the call with a phandle thread. * If all phandle threads are busy, execute * the call with the first available phandle * thread or default pool thread (subject * to runtime call rejection due to phandle * max queue length limits). * phandle == NULL: execute the call with a default pool * thread. If all default pool threads * are busy, execute the call with the * first available default default pool * thread (subject to runtime call rejection * due to default pool max queue length * limits). * non-0 - failure: do not execute the call */ typedef void (*rpc_thread_pool_fn_t) ( [in] uuid_p_t obj_uuid, [in] rpc_if_id_p_t if_id, [in] unsigned32 opnum, [out] rpc_thread_pool_handle_t *phandle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ S E R V E R _ S E T _ T H R E A D _ P O O L _ F N * * Supply the runtime with a function to be called to determine * which pool an incoming RPC request should be run in. * * !!! NOTE: Your application assumes certain responsibilities if it * uses thread pools. The applications's pool_fn operation is called * back to from the runtime internal listener thread hence it should * operate as efficiently as possible and not block for an extended period. * The pool_fn MUST NOT call back into the runtime in performing its * processing (e.g. it can't call rpc_object_inq_type(), ...). */ void rpc_server_set_thread_pool_fn ( [in] rpc_thread_pool_fn_t pool_fn, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ S E R V E R _ S E T _ T H R E A D _ P O O L _ Q L E N * * Allow the application to adjust the size of a thread pool's call * queue. That is, this routine allows the application to specify * the maximum number of calls that will be queued for execution by * a particular thread pool, if all of the pool's call threads are * already in use. (Note that this function will only allow the * queue size to be increased. Attempts to decrease the queue size * are ignored.) */ void rpc_server_set_thread_pool_qlen ( [in] rpc_thread_pool_handle_t phandle, [in] unsigned32 queue_size, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Comm Services Tower object ************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ T O W E R _ T O _ B I N D I N G * * Creates a binding handle from the canonical representation * of a protocol tower. */ void rpc_tower_to_binding ( [in] byte_p_t prot_tower, [out] rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ T O W E R _ V E C T O R _ F R O M _ B I N D I N G * * Creates a tower vector (of twr_t's) from a binding handle. */ void rpc_tower_vector_from_binding ( [in] rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding, [out] rpc_tower_vector_p_t *twr_vector, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ T O W E R _ V E C T O R _ F R E E * * Free the memory allocated by the RPC runtime for the protocol towers * contained in the vector and the vector itself. A NULL pointer will be * returned. */ void rpc_tower_vector_free ( [in, out] rpc_tower_vector_p_t *twr_vector, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /********************** Name Services Entry object *********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ N S _ E N T R Y _ I N Q _ R E S O L U T I O N * * Inquire on the resolution of a name service entry */ void rpc_ns_entry_inq_resolution ( [in] unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, [in] unsigned_char_p_t entry_name, [out] unsigned_char_p_t *resolved_name, [out] unsigned_char_p_t *unresolved_name, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /********************* Name Services Authentication ********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ N S _ S E T _ A U T H N * * Set the Name Services Authentication */ void rpc_ns_set_authn ( [in] boolean32 authn, [out] boolean32 *previous_authn, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /************************** Management Services ************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ M G M T _ I N Q _ D F L T _ A U T H N _ L E V E L * * Returns the default protection level for an authentication service. */ void rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_authn_level ( [in] unsigned32 authn_svc, [out] unsigned32 *authn_level, [out] unsigned32 *st ); /* * R P C _ M G M T _ S E T _ M A X _ C O N C U R R E N C Y * * Notify RPC runtime of how many concurrent RPC threads are required * by the application. */ void rpc_mgmt_set_max_concurrency ( [in] unsigned32 max_client_calls, [in] unsigned32 max_server_calls, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ M G M T _ G E T _ M A X _ C O N C U R R E N C Y * * Allows an application to determine how many concurrent RPC calls can * be supported by the runtime. */ unsigned32 rpc_mgmt_get_max_concurrency ( ); /* * R P C _ M G M T _ S E T _ S E R V E R _ C O M _ T I M E O U T * * Set the default comm timeout setting for all server calls. */ void rpc_mgmt_set_server_com_timeout ( [in] unsigned32 timeout, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ M G M T _ I N Q _ S E R V E R _ C O M _ T I M E O U T * * Returns the default comm timeout setting in use for all server calls. */ unsigned32 rpc_mgmt_inq_server_com_timeout ( ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Stub Services Binding object **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ B I N D I N G _ I N Q _ C L I E N T * * Inquire what client address space a binding handle refers to. */ void rpc_binding_inq_client ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [out] rpc_client_handle_t *client_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Stub Services Call object *************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ C A L L _ B L O C K _ U N T I L _ F R E E * * This routine will block until all marshaled RPC output arguments have * been transmitted and acknowledged. It is provided for use by the server * stub when the marshaled arguments are contained in buffers which are on * stack. The danger is that the server stub would return to the RPC * runtime thereby invalidating its stack and the buffer contents. */ void rpc_call_block_until_free ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ C A N C E L * * Forward a local cancel to the remote RPC thread identified by the call * handle provided. */ void rpc_call_cancel ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ D I D _ M G R _ E X E C U T E * * Return whether or not the manager routine for the call identified * by the call handle has executed. */ boolean32 rpc_call_did_mgr_execute ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ E N D * * End a Remote Procedure Call. This is the last in the sequence of * calls by the client stub. */ void rpc_call_end ( [in, out] rpc_call_handle_t *call_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ T R A N S M I T _ F A U L T * * Forward an exception to the remote RPC thread identified by the call * handle. */ void rpc_call_transmit_fault ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [in] rpc_iovector_p_t fault_info, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ R E C E I V E * * Return a buffer of marshaled arguments from the remote thread. */ void rpc_call_receive ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [out] rpc_iovector_elt_t *call_args, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ R E C E I V E _ F A U L T * * Return a buffer of marshaled fault information from the remote thread. */ void rpc_call_receive_fault ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [out] rpc_iovector_elt_t *fault_info, [out] ndr_format_t *remote_ndr_fmt, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ S T A R T * * Begin a Remote Procedure Call. This is the first in a sequence of * calls by the client stub. Return the information needed to marshal input * arguments. */ void rpc_call_start ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [in] unsigned32 call_options, [in] rpc_if_handle_t if_spec, [in] unsigned32 operation_number, [out] rpc_call_handle_t *call_handle, [out] rpc_transfer_syntax_t *xfer_syntax, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ T R A N S C E I V E * * * Transmit a vector of marshaled arguments to the remote thread. Use the * call handle as the identifier of the RPC being performed. Block until * the first buffer of marshaled output arguments has been received. */ void rpc_call_transceive ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [in] rpc_iovector_p_t in_call_args, [out] rpc_iovector_elt_t *out_call_args, [out] ndr_format_t *remote_ndr_fmt, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ C A L L _ T R A N S M I T * * Transmit a vector of marshaled arguments to the remote thread. Use the * call handle as the identifier of the RPC being performed. */ void rpc_call_transmit ( [in] rpc_call_handle_t call_handle, [in] rpc_iovector_p_t call_args, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /****************** Stub Services Network object ***********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ N E T W O R K _ M A I N T A I N _ L I V E N E S S * * This routine tells the RPC runtime to actively keep communications alive * with the process identified in the binding. */ void rpc_network_maintain_liveness ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ N E T W O R K _ M O N I T O R _ L I V E N E S S * * This routine tells the RPC runtime to call the routine provided if * communications are lost to the process represented by the client * handle provided. */ void rpc_network_monitor_liveness ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [in] rpc_client_handle_t client_handle, [in] rpc_network_rundown_fn_t rundown_fn, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ N E T W O R K _ S T O P _ M A I N T A I N I N G * * This routine tells the RPC runtime to cancel rpc_network_maintain_liveness. */ void rpc_network_stop_maintaining ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ N E T W O R K _ S T O P _ M O N I T O R I N G * * This routine tells the RPC runtime to cancel rpc_network_monitor_liveness. */ void rpc_network_stop_monitoring ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [in] rpc_client_handle_t client_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /* * R P C _ N E T W O R K _ C L O S E * * This routine tells the RPC runtime to close the underlying * association with a binding handle. */ void rpc_network_close ( [in] rpc_binding_handle_t binding_handle, [out] unsigned32 *status ); /*************************************************************************/ /****************** Stub Services Utility object ***********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ U T I L _ S T R C V T * * Perform ASCII <-> EBCDIC conversion. */ void rpc_util_strcvt ( [in] boolean32 to_ascii, [in] unsigned32 len, [in] byte_p_t src, [in] byte_p_t dst ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Comm Services Utilities **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* * R P C _ S T R A L L O C * * Make a copy of the input string into allocated storage. */ unsigned_char_p_t rpc_stralloc ( [in] unsigned_char_p_t string ); }