/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef MediaPlayerPrivate_h #define MediaPlayerPrivate_h #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "PlatformTimeRanges.h" #include #include namespace WebCore { class IntRect; class IntSize; class PlatformTextTrack; class MediaPlayerPrivateInterface { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(MediaPlayerPrivateInterface); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: MediaPlayerPrivateInterface() { } virtual ~MediaPlayerPrivateInterface() { } virtual void load(const String& url) = 0; #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) virtual void load(const String& url, MediaSourcePrivateClient*) = 0; #endif virtual void cancelLoad() = 0; virtual void prepareToPlay() { } virtual PlatformMedia platformMedia() const { return NoPlatformMedia; } virtual PlatformLayer* platformLayer() const { return 0; } #if PLATFORM(IOS) virtual void setVideoFullscreenLayer(PlatformLayer*) { } virtual void setVideoFullscreenFrame(FloatRect) { } virtual void setVideoFullscreenGravity(MediaPlayer::VideoGravity) { } virtual NSArray *timedMetadata() const { return 0; } virtual String accessLog() const { return emptyString(); } virtual String errorLog() const { return emptyString(); } #endif virtual void play() = 0; virtual void pause() = 0; virtual void setShouldBufferData(bool) { } virtual bool supportsFullscreen() const { return false; } virtual bool supportsSave() const { return false; } virtual bool supportsScanning() const { return false; } virtual bool requiresImmediateCompositing() const { return false; } virtual IntSize naturalSize() const = 0; virtual bool hasVideo() const = 0; virtual bool hasAudio() const = 0; virtual void setVisible(bool) = 0; virtual float duration() const { return 0; } virtual double durationDouble() const { return duration(); } virtual float currentTime() const { return 0; } virtual double currentTimeDouble() const { return currentTime(); } virtual void seek(float) { } virtual void seekDouble(double time) { seek(time); } virtual void seekWithTolerance(double time, double, double) { seekDouble(time); } virtual bool seeking() const = 0; virtual float startTime() const { return 0; } virtual double startTimeDouble() const { return startTime(); } virtual double initialTime() const { return 0; } virtual void setRate(float) { } virtual void setRateDouble(double rate) { setRate(rate); } virtual void setPreservesPitch(bool) { } virtual bool paused() const = 0; virtual void setVolume(float) { } virtual void setVolumeDouble(double volume) { return setVolume(volume); } #if PLATFORM(IOS) virtual float volume() const { return 1; } #endif virtual bool supportsMuting() const { return false; } virtual void setMuted(bool) { } virtual bool hasClosedCaptions() const { return false; } virtual void setClosedCaptionsVisible(bool) { } virtual double maxFastForwardRate() const { return std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } virtual double minFastReverseRate() const { return -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } virtual MediaPlayer::NetworkState networkState() const = 0; virtual MediaPlayer::ReadyState readyState() const = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr seekable() const { return maxTimeSeekableDouble() ? PlatformTimeRanges::create(MediaTime::createWithDouble(minTimeSeekable()), MediaTime::createWithDouble(maxTimeSeekableDouble())) : PlatformTimeRanges::create(); } virtual float maxTimeSeekable() const { return 0; } virtual double maxTimeSeekableDouble() const { return maxTimeSeekable(); } virtual double minTimeSeekable() const { return 0; } virtual std::unique_ptr buffered() const = 0; virtual bool didLoadingProgress() const = 0; virtual void setSize(const IntSize&) = 0; virtual void paint(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect&) = 0; virtual void paintCurrentFrameInContext(GraphicsContext* c, const IntRect& r) { paint(c, r); } virtual bool copyVideoTextureToPlatformTexture(GraphicsContext3D*, Platform3DObject, GC3Dint, GC3Denum, GC3Denum, bool, bool) { return false; } virtual PassNativeImagePtr nativeImageForCurrentTime() { return nullptr; } virtual void setPreload(MediaPlayer::Preload) { } virtual bool hasAvailableVideoFrame() const { return readyState() >= MediaPlayer::HaveCurrentData; } virtual bool canLoadPoster() const { return false; } virtual void setPoster(const String&) { } #if USE(NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) virtual void enterFullscreen() { } virtual void exitFullscreen() { } #endif #if ENABLE(IOS_AIRPLAY) virtual bool isCurrentPlaybackTargetWireless() const { return false; } virtual String wirelessPlaybackTargetName() const { return emptyString(); } virtual MediaPlayer::WirelessPlaybackTargetType wirelessPlaybackTargetType() const { return MediaPlayer::TargetTypeNone; } virtual void showPlaybackTargetPicker() { } virtual bool hasWirelessPlaybackTargets() const { return false; } virtual bool wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled() const { return false; } virtual void setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(bool) { } virtual void setHasPlaybackTargetAvailabilityListeners(bool) { } #endif #if USE(NATIVE_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) virtual bool canEnterFullscreen() const { return false; } #endif // whether accelerated rendering is supported by the media engine for the current media. virtual bool supportsAcceleratedRendering() const { return false; } // called when the rendering system flips the into or out of accelerated rendering mode. virtual void acceleratedRenderingStateChanged() { } virtual bool shouldMaintainAspectRatio() const { return true; } virtual void setShouldMaintainAspectRatio(bool) { } virtual bool hasSingleSecurityOrigin() const { return false; } virtual bool didPassCORSAccessCheck() const { return false; } virtual MediaPlayer::MovieLoadType movieLoadType() const { return MediaPlayer::Unknown; } virtual void prepareForRendering() { } // Time value in the movie's time scale. It is only necessary to override this if the media // engine uses rational numbers to represent media time. virtual float mediaTimeForTimeValue(float timeValue) const { return timeValue; } virtual double mediaTimeForTimeValueDouble(double timeValue) const { return timeValue; } // Overide this if it is safe for HTMLMediaElement to cache movie time and report // 'currentTime' as [cached time + elapsed wall time]. Returns the maximum wall time // it is OK to calculate movie time before refreshing the cached time. virtual double maximumDurationToCacheMediaTime() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned decodedFrameCount() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned droppedFrameCount() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned audioDecodedByteCount() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned videoDecodedByteCount() const { return 0; } void getSitesInMediaCache(Vector&) { } void clearMediaCache() { } void clearMediaCacheForSite(const String&) { } virtual void setPrivateBrowsingMode(bool) { } virtual String engineDescription() const { return emptyString(); } #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) virtual AudioSourceProvider* audioSourceProvider() { return 0; } #endif #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA) virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException addKey(const String&, const unsigned char*, unsigned, const unsigned char*, unsigned, const String&) { return MediaPlayer::KeySystemNotSupported; } virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException generateKeyRequest(const String&, const unsigned char*, unsigned) { return MediaPlayer::KeySystemNotSupported; } virtual MediaPlayer::MediaKeyException cancelKeyRequest(const String&, const String&) { return MediaPlayer::KeySystemNotSupported; } #endif #if ENABLE(ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_V2) virtual std::unique_ptr createSession(const String&) { return nullptr; } #endif #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) virtual bool requiresTextTrackRepresentation() const { return false; } virtual void setTextTrackRepresentation(TextTrackRepresentation*) { } virtual void syncTextTrackBounds() { }; #endif #if USE(PLATFORM_TEXT_TRACK_MENU) virtual bool implementsTextTrackControls() const { return false; } virtual PassRefPtr textTrackMenu() { return 0; } #endif #if USE(GSTREAMER) virtual void simulateAudioInterruption() { } #endif #if PLATFORM(IOS) virtual void attributeChanged(const String&, const String&) { } virtual bool readyForPlayback() const { return true; } #endif virtual String languageOfPrimaryAudioTrack() const { return emptyString(); } virtual size_t extraMemoryCost() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned long long fileSize() const { return 0; } #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) virtual unsigned long totalVideoFrames() { return 0; } virtual unsigned long droppedVideoFrames() { return 0; } virtual unsigned long corruptedVideoFrames() { return 0; } virtual double totalFrameDelay() { return 0; } #endif #if ENABLE(AVF_CAPTIONS) virtual void notifyTrackModeChanged() { } #endif }; } #endif #endif