/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "GraphicsLayer.h" #include "FloatPoint.h" #include "FloatRect.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "LayoutRect.h" #include "RotateTransformOperation.h" #include "TextStream.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef NDEBUG #include #endif namespace WebCore { typedef HashMap> RepaintMap; static RepaintMap& repaintRectMap() { DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RepaintMap, map, ()); return map; } void KeyframeValueList::insert(PassOwnPtr value) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_values.size(); ++i) { const AnimationValue* curValue = m_values[i].get(); if (curValue->keyTime() == value->keyTime()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // insert after m_values.insert(i + 1, value); return; } if (curValue->keyTime() > value->keyTime()) { // insert before m_values.insert(i, value); return; } } m_values.append(value); } GraphicsLayer::GraphicsLayer(GraphicsLayerClient& client) : m_client(client) , m_anchorPoint(0.5f, 0.5f, 0) , m_opacity(1) , m_zPosition(0) #if ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) , m_blendMode(BlendModeNormal) #endif , m_contentsOpaque(false) , m_preserves3D(false) , m_backfaceVisibility(true) , m_usingTiledBacking(false) , m_masksToBounds(false) , m_drawsContent(false) , m_contentsVisible(true) , m_acceleratesDrawing(false) , m_appliesPageScale(false) , m_showDebugBorder(false) , m_showRepaintCounter(false) , m_isMaskLayer(false) , m_paintingPhase(GraphicsLayerPaintAllWithOverflowClip) , m_contentsOrientation(CompositingCoordinatesTopDown) , m_parent(0) , m_maskLayer(0) , m_replicaLayer(0) , m_replicatedLayer(0) , m_repaintCount(0) , m_customAppearance(NoCustomAppearance) , m_customBehavior(NoCustomBehavior) { #ifndef NDEBUG m_client.verifyNotPainting(); #endif } GraphicsLayer::~GraphicsLayer() { resetTrackedRepaints(); ASSERT(!m_parent); // willBeDestroyed should have been called already. } void GraphicsLayer::willBeDestroyed() { #ifndef NDEBUG m_client.verifyNotPainting(); #endif if (m_replicaLayer) m_replicaLayer->setReplicatedLayer(0); if (m_replicatedLayer) m_replicatedLayer->setReplicatedByLayer(0); removeAllChildren(); removeFromParent(); } void GraphicsLayer::setParent(GraphicsLayer* layer) { ASSERT(!layer || !layer->hasAncestor(this)); m_parent = layer; } bool GraphicsLayer::hasAncestor(GraphicsLayer* ancestor) const { for (GraphicsLayer* curr = parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) { if (curr == ancestor) return true; } return false; } bool GraphicsLayer::setChildren(const Vector& newChildren) { // If the contents of the arrays are the same, nothing to do. if (newChildren == m_children) return false; removeAllChildren(); size_t listSize = newChildren.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) addChild(newChildren[i]); return true; } void GraphicsLayer::addChild(GraphicsLayer* childLayer) { ASSERT(childLayer != this); if (childLayer->parent()) childLayer->removeFromParent(); childLayer->setParent(this); m_children.append(childLayer); } void GraphicsLayer::addChildAtIndex(GraphicsLayer* childLayer, int index) { ASSERT(childLayer != this); if (childLayer->parent()) childLayer->removeFromParent(); childLayer->setParent(this); m_children.insert(index, childLayer); } void GraphicsLayer::addChildBelow(GraphicsLayer* childLayer, GraphicsLayer* sibling) { ASSERT(childLayer != this); childLayer->removeFromParent(); bool found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++) { if (sibling == m_children[i]) { m_children.insert(i, childLayer); found = true; break; } } childLayer->setParent(this); if (!found) m_children.append(childLayer); } void GraphicsLayer::addChildAbove(GraphicsLayer* childLayer, GraphicsLayer* sibling) { childLayer->removeFromParent(); ASSERT(childLayer != this); bool found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++) { if (sibling == m_children[i]) { m_children.insert(i+1, childLayer); found = true; break; } } childLayer->setParent(this); if (!found) m_children.append(childLayer); } bool GraphicsLayer::replaceChild(GraphicsLayer* oldChild, GraphicsLayer* newChild) { ASSERT(!newChild->parent()); bool found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++) { if (oldChild == m_children[i]) { m_children[i] = newChild; found = true; break; } } if (found) { oldChild->setParent(0); newChild->removeFromParent(); newChild->setParent(this); return true; } return false; } void GraphicsLayer::removeAllChildren() { while (m_children.size()) { GraphicsLayer* curLayer = m_children[0]; ASSERT(curLayer->parent()); curLayer->removeFromParent(); } } void GraphicsLayer::removeFromParent() { if (m_parent) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < m_parent->m_children.size(); i++) { if (this == m_parent->m_children[i]) { m_parent->m_children.remove(i); break; } } setParent(nullptr); } } void GraphicsLayer::setMaskLayer(GraphicsLayer* layer) { if (layer == m_maskLayer) return; if (layer) { layer->removeFromParent(); layer->setParent(this); layer->setIsMaskLayer(true); } else if (m_maskLayer) { m_maskLayer->setParent(nullptr); m_maskLayer->setIsMaskLayer(false); } m_maskLayer = layer; } void GraphicsLayer::noteDeviceOrPageScaleFactorChangedIncludingDescendants() { deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); if (m_maskLayer) m_maskLayer->deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); if (m_replicaLayer) m_replicaLayer->noteDeviceOrPageScaleFactorChangedIncludingDescendants(); const Vector& childLayers = children(); size_t numChildren = childLayers.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) childLayers[i]->noteDeviceOrPageScaleFactorChangedIncludingDescendants(); } void GraphicsLayer::setReplicatedByLayer(GraphicsLayer* layer) { if (m_replicaLayer == layer) return; if (m_replicaLayer) m_replicaLayer->setReplicatedLayer(0); if (layer) layer->setReplicatedLayer(this); m_replicaLayer = layer; } void GraphicsLayer::setOffsetFromRenderer(const FloatSize& offset, ShouldSetNeedsDisplay shouldSetNeedsDisplay) { if (offset == m_offsetFromRenderer) return; m_offsetFromRenderer = offset; // If the compositing layer offset changes, we need to repaint. if (shouldSetNeedsDisplay == SetNeedsDisplay) setNeedsDisplay(); } void GraphicsLayer::setSize(const FloatSize& size) { if (size == m_size) return; m_size = size; if (shouldRepaintOnSizeChange()) setNeedsDisplay(); } void GraphicsLayer::setBackgroundColor(const Color& color) { m_backgroundColor = color; } void GraphicsLayer::paintGraphicsLayerContents(GraphicsContext& context, const FloatRect& clip) { FloatSize offset = offsetFromRenderer(); context.translate(-offset); FloatRect clipRect(clip); clipRect.move(offset); m_client.paintContents(this, context, m_paintingPhase, clipRect); } String GraphicsLayer::animationNameForTransition(AnimatedPropertyID property) { // | is not a valid identifier character in CSS, so this can never conflict with a keyframe identifier. StringBuilder id; id.appendLiteral("-|transition"); id.appendNumber(static_cast(property)); id.append('-'); return id.toString(); } void GraphicsLayer::suspendAnimations(double) { } void GraphicsLayer::resumeAnimations() { } void GraphicsLayer::getDebugBorderInfo(Color& color, float& width) const { if (drawsContent()) { if (m_usingTiledBacking) { color = Color(255, 128, 0, 128); // tiled layer: orange width = 2; return; } color = Color(0, 128, 32, 128); // normal layer: green width = 2; return; } if (usesContentsLayer()) { color = Color(255, 150, 255, 200); // non-painting layer with contents: pink width = 2; return; } if (masksToBounds()) { color = Color(128, 255, 255, 48); // masking layer: pale blue width = 20; return; } color = Color(255, 255, 0, 192); // container: yellow width = 2; } void GraphicsLayer::updateDebugIndicators() { if (!isShowingDebugBorder()) return; Color borderColor; float width = 0; getDebugBorderInfo(borderColor, width); setDebugBorder(borderColor, width); } void GraphicsLayer::setZPosition(float position) { m_zPosition = position; } float GraphicsLayer::accumulatedOpacity() const { if (!preserves3D()) return 1; return m_opacity * (parent() ? parent()->accumulatedOpacity() : 1); } void GraphicsLayer::distributeOpacity(float accumulatedOpacity) { // If this is a transform layer we need to distribute our opacity to all our children // Incoming accumulatedOpacity is the contribution from our parent(s). We mutiply this by our own // opacity to get the total contribution accumulatedOpacity *= m_opacity; setOpacityInternal(accumulatedOpacity); if (preserves3D()) { size_t numChildren = children().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) children()[i]->distributeOpacity(accumulatedOpacity); } } #if ENABLE(CSS_FILTERS) static inline const FilterOperations& filterOperationsAt(const KeyframeValueList& valueList, size_t index) { return static_cast(valueList.at(index)).value(); } int GraphicsLayer::validateFilterOperations(const KeyframeValueList& valueList) { ASSERT(valueList.property() == AnimatedPropertyWebkitFilter); if (valueList.size() < 2) return -1; // Empty filters match anything, so find the first non-empty entry as the reference size_t firstIndex = 0; for ( ; firstIndex < valueList.size(); ++firstIndex) { if (!filterOperationsAt(valueList, firstIndex).operations().isEmpty()) break; } if (firstIndex >= valueList.size()) return -1; const FilterOperations& firstVal = filterOperationsAt(valueList, firstIndex); for (size_t i = firstIndex + 1; i < valueList.size(); ++i) { const FilterOperations& val = filterOperationsAt(valueList, i); // An emtpy filter list matches anything. if (val.operations().isEmpty()) continue; if (!firstVal.operationsMatch(val)) return -1; } return firstIndex; } #endif // An "invalid" list is one whose functions don't match, and therefore has to be animated as a Matrix // The hasBigRotation flag will always return false if isValid is false. Otherwise hasBigRotation is // true if the rotation between any two keyframes is >= 180 degrees. static inline const TransformOperations& operationsAt(const KeyframeValueList& valueList, size_t index) { return static_cast(valueList.at(index)).value(); } int GraphicsLayer::validateTransformOperations(const KeyframeValueList& valueList, bool& hasBigRotation) { ASSERT(valueList.property() == AnimatedPropertyWebkitTransform); hasBigRotation = false; if (valueList.size() < 2) return -1; // Empty transforms match anything, so find the first non-empty entry as the reference. size_t firstIndex = 0; for ( ; firstIndex < valueList.size(); ++firstIndex) { if (!operationsAt(valueList, firstIndex).operations().isEmpty()) break; } if (firstIndex >= valueList.size()) return -1; const TransformOperations& firstVal = operationsAt(valueList, firstIndex); // See if the keyframes are valid. for (size_t i = firstIndex + 1; i < valueList.size(); ++i) { const TransformOperations& val = operationsAt(valueList, i); // An empty transform list matches anything. if (val.operations().isEmpty()) continue; if (!firstVal.operationsMatch(val)) return -1; } // Keyframes are valid, check for big rotations. double lastRotAngle = 0.0; double maxRotAngle = -1.0; for (size_t j = 0; j < firstVal.operations().size(); ++j) { TransformOperation::OperationType type = firstVal.operations().at(j)->type(); // if this is a rotation entry, we need to see if any angle differences are >= 180 deg if (type == TransformOperation::ROTATE_X || type == TransformOperation::ROTATE_Y || type == TransformOperation::ROTATE_Z || type == TransformOperation::ROTATE_3D) { lastRotAngle = toRotateTransformOperation(firstVal.operations().at(j).get())->angle(); if (maxRotAngle < 0) maxRotAngle = fabs(lastRotAngle); for (size_t i = firstIndex + 1; i < valueList.size(); ++i) { const TransformOperations& val = operationsAt(valueList, i); double rotAngle = val.operations().isEmpty() ? 0 : (toRotateTransformOperation(val.operations().at(j).get())->angle()); double diffAngle = fabs(rotAngle - lastRotAngle); if (diffAngle > maxRotAngle) maxRotAngle = diffAngle; lastRotAngle = rotAngle; } } } hasBigRotation = maxRotAngle >= 180.0; return firstIndex; } double GraphicsLayer::backingStoreMemoryEstimate() const { if (!drawsContent()) return 0; // Effects of page and device scale are ignored; subclasses should override to take these into account. return static_cast(4 * size().width()) * size().height(); } void GraphicsLayer::resetTrackedRepaints() { repaintRectMap().remove(this); } void GraphicsLayer::addRepaintRect(const FloatRect& repaintRect) { if (m_client.isTrackingRepaints()) { FloatRect largestRepaintRect(FloatPoint(), m_size); largestRepaintRect.intersect(repaintRect); RepaintMap::iterator repaintIt = repaintRectMap().find(this); if (repaintIt == repaintRectMap().end()) { Vector repaintRects; repaintRects.append(largestRepaintRect); repaintRectMap().set(this, repaintRects); } else { Vector& repaintRects = repaintIt->value; repaintRects.append(largestRepaintRect); } } } void GraphicsLayer::dumpLayer(TextStream& ts, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const { writeIndent(ts, indent); ts << "(" << "GraphicsLayer"; if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) { ts << " " << static_cast(const_cast(this)); ts << " \"" << m_name << "\""; } ts << "\n"; dumpProperties(ts, indent, behavior); writeIndent(ts, indent); ts << ")\n"; } static void dumpChildren(TextStream& ts, const Vector& children, unsigned& totalChildCount, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) { totalChildCount += children.size(); for (auto* child : children) { if (!child->client().shouldSkipLayerInDump(child)) { child->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior); continue; } totalChildCount--; dumpChildren(ts, child->children(), totalChildCount, indent, behavior); } } void GraphicsLayer::dumpProperties(TextStream& ts, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const { if (m_position != FloatPoint()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(position " << m_position.x() << " " << m_position.y() << ")\n"; } if (m_boundsOrigin != FloatPoint()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(bounds origin " << m_boundsOrigin.x() << " " << m_boundsOrigin.y() << ")\n"; } if (m_anchorPoint != FloatPoint3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(anchor " << m_anchorPoint.x() << " " << m_anchorPoint.y() << ")\n"; } if (m_size != IntSize()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(bounds " << m_size.width() << " " << m_size.height() << ")\n"; } if (m_opacity != 1) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(opacity " << m_opacity << ")\n"; } #if ENABLE(CSS_COMPOSITING) if (m_blendMode != BlendModeNormal) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(blendMode " << compositeOperatorName(CompositeSourceOver, m_blendMode) << ")\n"; } #endif if (m_usingTiledBacking) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(usingTiledLayer " << m_usingTiledBacking << ")\n"; } if (m_contentsOpaque) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(contentsOpaque " << m_contentsOpaque << ")\n"; } if (m_preserves3D) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(preserves3D " << m_preserves3D << ")\n"; } if (m_drawsContent && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "drawsContent")) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(drawsContent " << m_drawsContent << ")\n"; } if (!m_contentsVisible) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(contentsVisible " << m_contentsVisible << ")\n"; } if (!m_backfaceVisibility) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(backfaceVisibility " << (m_backfaceVisibility ? "visible" : "hidden") << ")\n"; } if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(client " << static_cast(&m_client) << ")\n"; } if (m_backgroundColor.isValid() && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "backgroundColor")) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(backgroundColor " << m_backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")\n"; } if (!m_transform.isIdentity()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(transform "; ts << "[" << m_transform.m11() << " " << m_transform.m12() << " " << m_transform.m13() << " " << m_transform.m14() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_transform.m21() << " " << m_transform.m22() << " " << m_transform.m23() << " " << m_transform.m24() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_transform.m31() << " " << m_transform.m32() << " " << m_transform.m33() << " " << m_transform.m34() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_transform.m41() << " " << m_transform.m42() << " " << m_transform.m43() << " " << m_transform.m44() << "])\n"; } // Avoid dumping the sublayer transform on the root layer, because it's used for geometry flipping, whose behavior // differs between platforms. if (parent() && !m_childrenTransform.isIdentity()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(childrenTransform "; ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m11() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m12() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m13() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m14() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m21() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m22() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m23() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m24() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m31() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m32() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m33() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m34() << "] "; ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m41() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m42() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m43() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m44() << "])\n"; } if (m_replicaLayer) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(replica layer"; if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) ts << " " << m_replicaLayer; ts << ")\n"; m_replicaLayer->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior); } if (m_replicatedLayer) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(replicated layer"; if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) ts << " " << m_replicatedLayer; ts << ")\n"; } if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludeRepaintRects && repaintRectMap().contains(this) && !repaintRectMap().get(this).isEmpty() && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "repaintRects")) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(repaint rects\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < repaintRectMap().get(this).size(); ++i) { if (repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].isEmpty()) continue; writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "(rect "; ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].x() << " "; ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].y() << " "; ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].width() << " "; ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].height(); ts << ")\n"; } writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << ")\n"; } if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludePaintingPhases && paintingPhase()) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(paintingPhases\n"; if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintBackground) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintBackground\n"; } if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintForeground) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintForeground\n"; } if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintMask) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintMask\n"; } if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents\n"; } if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 2); ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll\n"; } writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << ")\n"; } dumpAdditionalProperties(ts, indent, behavior); if (m_children.size()) { TextStream childrenStream; unsigned totalChildCount = 0; dumpChildren(childrenStream, m_children, totalChildCount, indent, behavior); writeIndent(childrenStream, indent + 1); childrenStream << ")\n"; if (totalChildCount) { writeIndent(ts, indent + 1); ts << "(children " << totalChildCount << "\n"; ts << childrenStream.release(); } } } String GraphicsLayer::layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const { TextStream ts; dumpLayer(ts, 0, behavior); return ts.release(); } } // namespace WebCore #ifndef NDEBUG void showGraphicsLayerTree(const WebCore::GraphicsLayer* layer) { if (!layer) return; String output = layer->layerTreeAsText(WebCore::LayerTreeAsTextDebug | WebCore::LayerTreeAsTextIncludeVisibleRects | WebCore::LayerTreeAsTextIncludeTileCaches); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", output.utf8().data()); } #endif