/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef HTMLTokenizer_h #define HTMLTokenizer_h #include "HTMLParserOptions.h" #include "HTMLToken.h" #include "InputStreamPreprocessor.h" #include "SegmentedString.h" namespace WebCore { class HTMLTokenizer { WTF_MAKE_NONCOPYABLE(HTMLTokenizer); WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: explicit HTMLTokenizer(const HTMLParserOptions&); ~HTMLTokenizer(); void reset(); enum State { DataState, CharacterReferenceInDataState, RCDATAState, CharacterReferenceInRCDATAState, RAWTEXTState, ScriptDataState, PLAINTEXTState, TagOpenState, EndTagOpenState, TagNameState, RCDATALessThanSignState, RCDATAEndTagOpenState, RCDATAEndTagNameState, RAWTEXTLessThanSignState, RAWTEXTEndTagOpenState, RAWTEXTEndTagNameState, ScriptDataLessThanSignState, ScriptDataEndTagOpenState, ScriptDataEndTagNameState, ScriptDataEscapeStartState, ScriptDataEscapeStartDashState, ScriptDataEscapedState, ScriptDataEscapedDashState, ScriptDataEscapedDashDashState, ScriptDataEscapedLessThanSignState, ScriptDataEscapedEndTagOpenState, ScriptDataEscapedEndTagNameState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapeStartState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapedState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapedDashState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDashState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSignState, ScriptDataDoubleEscapeEndState, BeforeAttributeNameState, AttributeNameState, AfterAttributeNameState, BeforeAttributeValueState, AttributeValueDoubleQuotedState, AttributeValueSingleQuotedState, AttributeValueUnquotedState, CharacterReferenceInAttributeValueState, AfterAttributeValueQuotedState, SelfClosingStartTagState, BogusCommentState, // The ContinueBogusCommentState is not in the HTML5 spec, but we use // it internally to keep track of whether we've started the bogus // comment token yet. ContinueBogusCommentState, MarkupDeclarationOpenState, CommentStartState, CommentStartDashState, CommentState, CommentEndDashState, CommentEndState, CommentEndBangState, DOCTYPEState, BeforeDOCTYPENameState, DOCTYPENameState, AfterDOCTYPENameState, AfterDOCTYPEPublicKeywordState, BeforeDOCTYPEPublicIdentifierState, DOCTYPEPublicIdentifierDoubleQuotedState, DOCTYPEPublicIdentifierSingleQuotedState, AfterDOCTYPEPublicIdentifierState, BetweenDOCTYPEPublicAndSystemIdentifiersState, AfterDOCTYPESystemKeywordState, BeforeDOCTYPESystemIdentifierState, DOCTYPESystemIdentifierDoubleQuotedState, DOCTYPESystemIdentifierSingleQuotedState, AfterDOCTYPESystemIdentifierState, BogusDOCTYPEState, CDATASectionState, // These CDATA states are not in the HTML5 spec, but we use them internally. CDATASectionRightSquareBracketState, CDATASectionDoubleRightSquareBracketState, }; // This function returns true if it emits a token. Otherwise, callers // must provide the same (in progress) token on the next call (unless // they call reset() first). bool nextToken(SegmentedString&, HTMLToken&); // Returns a copy of any characters buffered internally by the tokenizer. // The tokenizer buffers characters when searching for the token // that terminates a script element. String bufferedCharacters() const; size_t numberOfBufferedCharacters() const { // Notice that we add 2 to the length of the m_temporaryBuffer to // account for the " element might // contain an extra leading newline. // * The replacement of U+0000 with U+FFFD will not be sensitive to the // tree builder's insertion mode. // * CDATA sections in foreign content will be tokenized as bogus comments // instead of as character tokens. // void updateStateFor(const AtomicString& tagName); bool forceNullCharacterReplacement() const { return m_forceNullCharacterReplacement; } void setForceNullCharacterReplacement(bool value) { m_forceNullCharacterReplacement = value; } bool shouldAllowCDATA() const { return m_shouldAllowCDATA; } void setShouldAllowCDATA(bool value) { m_shouldAllowCDATA = value; } State state() const { return m_state; } void setState(State state) { m_state = state; } inline bool shouldSkipNullCharacters() const { return !m_forceNullCharacterReplacement && (m_state == HTMLTokenizer::DataState || m_state == HTMLTokenizer::RCDATAState || m_state == HTMLTokenizer::RAWTEXTState); } private: inline bool processEntity(SegmentedString&); inline void parseError(); inline void bufferCharacter(UChar character) { ASSERT(character != kEndOfFileMarker); m_token->ensureIsCharacterToken(); m_token->appendToCharacter(character); } inline bool emitAndResumeIn(SegmentedString& source, State state) { saveEndTagNameIfNeeded(); m_state = state; source.advanceAndUpdateLineNumber(); return true; } inline bool emitAndReconsumeIn(SegmentedString&, State state) { saveEndTagNameIfNeeded(); m_state = state; return true; } inline bool emitEndOfFile(SegmentedString& source) { if (haveBufferedCharacterToken()) return true; m_state = HTMLTokenizer::DataState; source.advanceAndUpdateLineNumber(); m_token->clear(); m_token->makeEndOfFile(); return true; } inline bool flushEmitAndResumeIn(SegmentedString&, State); // Return whether we need to emit a character token before dealing with // the buffered end tag. inline bool flushBufferedEndTag(SegmentedString&); inline bool temporaryBufferIs(const String&); // Sometimes we speculatively consume input characters and we don't // know whether they represent end tags or RCDATA, etc. These // functions help manage these state. inline void addToPossibleEndTag(LChar cc); inline void saveEndTagNameIfNeeded() { ASSERT(m_token->type() != HTMLToken::Uninitialized); if (m_token->type() == HTMLToken::StartTag) m_appropriateEndTagName = m_token->name(); } inline bool isAppropriateEndTag(); inline bool haveBufferedCharacterToken() { return m_token->type() == HTMLToken::Character; } State m_state; bool m_forceNullCharacterReplacement; bool m_shouldAllowCDATA; // m_token is owned by the caller. If nextToken is not on the stack, // this member might be pointing to unallocated memory. HTMLToken* m_token; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#additional-allowed-character UChar m_additionalAllowedCharacter; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#preprocessing-the-input-stream InputStreamPreprocessor m_inputStreamPreprocessor; Vector m_appropriateEndTagName; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#temporary-buffer Vector m_temporaryBuffer; // We occationally want to emit both a character token and an end tag // token (e.g., when lexing script). We buffer the name of the end tag // token here so we remember it next time we re-enter the tokenizer. Vector m_bufferedEndTagName; HTMLParserOptions m_options; }; } #endif