/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "HTMLMediaSession.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MediaSessionManager.h" #include "Page.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "SourceBuffer.h" #if PLATFORM(IOS) #include "AudioSession.h" #include "RuntimeApplicationChecksIOS.h" #endif namespace WebCore { #if !LOG_DISABLED static const char* restrictionName(HTMLMediaSession::BehaviorRestrictions restriction) { #define CASE(restriction) case HTMLMediaSession::restriction: return #restriction switch (restriction) { CASE(NoRestrictions); CASE(RequireUserGestureForLoad); CASE(RequireUserGestureForRateChange); CASE(RequireUserGestureForFullscreen); CASE(RequirePageConsentToLoadMedia); CASE(RequirePageConsentToResumeMedia); #if ENABLE(IOS_AIRPLAY) CASE(RequireUserGestureToShowPlaybackTargetPicker); CASE(WirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled); #endif } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } #endif std::unique_ptr HTMLMediaSession::create(MediaSessionClient& client) { return std::make_unique(client); } HTMLMediaSession::HTMLMediaSession(MediaSessionClient& client) : MediaSession(client) , m_restrictions(NoRestrictions) { } void HTMLMediaSession::addBehaviorRestriction(BehaviorRestrictions restriction) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::addBehaviorRestriction - adding %s", restrictionName(restriction)); m_restrictions |= restriction; } void HTMLMediaSession::removeBehaviorRestriction(BehaviorRestrictions restriction) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::removeBehaviorRestriction - removing %s", restrictionName(restriction)); m_restrictions &= ~restriction; } bool HTMLMediaSession::playbackPermitted(const HTMLMediaElement&) const { if (m_restrictions & RequireUserGestureForRateChange && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::playbackPermitted - returning FALSE"); return false; } return true; } bool HTMLMediaSession::dataLoadingPermitted(const HTMLMediaElement&) const { if (m_restrictions & RequireUserGestureForLoad && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::dataLoadingPermitted - returning FALSE"); return false; } return true; } bool HTMLMediaSession::fullscreenPermitted(const HTMLMediaElement&) const { if (m_restrictions & RequireUserGestureForFullscreen && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::fullscreenPermitted - returning FALSE"); return false; } return true; } bool HTMLMediaSession::pageAllowsDataLoading(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { Page* page = element.document().page(); if (m_restrictions & RequirePageConsentToLoadMedia && page && !page->canStartMedia()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::pageAllowsDataLoading - returning FALSE"); return false; } return true; } bool HTMLMediaSession::pageAllowsPlaybackAfterResuming(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { Page* page = element.document().page(); if (m_restrictions & RequirePageConsentToResumeMedia && page && !page->canStartMedia()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::pageAllowsPlaybackAfterResuming - returning FALSE"); return false; } return true; } #if ENABLE(IOS_AIRPLAY) bool HTMLMediaSession::showingPlaybackTargetPickerPermitted(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { if (m_restrictions & RequireUserGestureToShowPlaybackTargetPicker && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::showingPlaybackTargetPickerPermitted - returning FALSE because of permissions"); return false; } if (!element.document().page()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::showingPlaybackTargetPickerPermitted - returning FALSE because page is NULL"); return false; } return !wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(element); } bool HTMLMediaSession::currentPlaybackTargetIsWireless(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { MediaPlayer* player = element.player(); if (!player) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::currentPlaybackTargetIsWireless - returning FALSE because player is NULL"); return false; } bool isWireless = player->isCurrentPlaybackTargetWireless(); LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::currentPlaybackTargetIsWireless - returning %s", isWireless ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return isWireless; } void HTMLMediaSession::showPlaybackTargetPicker(const HTMLMediaElement& element) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::showPlaybackTargetPicker"); if (!showingPlaybackTargetPickerPermitted(element)) return; #if PLATFORM(IOS) element.document().frame()->page()->chrome().client().showPlaybackTargetPicker(element.hasVideo()); #endif } bool HTMLMediaSession::hasWirelessPlaybackTargets(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { UNUSED_PARAM(element); bool hasTargets = MediaSessionManager::sharedManager().hasWirelessTargetsAvailable(); LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::hasWirelessPlaybackTargets - returning %s", hasTargets ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return hasTargets; } bool HTMLMediaSession::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { Settings* settings = element.document().settings(); if (!settings || !settings->mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay()) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled - returning TRUE because of settings"); return true; } if (element.fastHasAttribute(HTMLNames::webkitwirelessvideoplaybackdisabledAttr)) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled - returning TRUE because of attribute"); return true; } #if PLATFORM(IOS) String legacyAirplayAttributeValue = element.fastGetAttribute(HTMLNames::webkitairplayAttr); if (equalIgnoringCase(legacyAirplayAttributeValue, "deny")) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled - returning TRUE because of legacy attribute"); return true; } #endif MediaPlayer* player = element.player(); if (!player) return false; bool disabled = player->wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(); LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled - returning %s because media engine says so", disabled ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); return disabled; } void HTMLMediaSession::setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(const HTMLMediaElement& element, bool disabled) { if (disabled) addBehaviorRestriction(WirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled); else removeBehaviorRestriction(WirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled); MediaPlayer* player = element.player(); if (!player) return; LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled - disabled %s", disabled ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); player->setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(disabled); } void HTMLMediaSession::setHasPlaybackTargetAvailabilityListeners(const HTMLMediaElement& element, bool hasListeners) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::setHasPlaybackTargetAvailabilityListeners - hasListeners %s", hasListeners ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); UNUSED_PARAM(element); if (hasListeners) MediaSessionManager::sharedManager().startMonitoringAirPlayRoutes(); else MediaSessionManager::sharedManager().stopMonitoringAirPlayRoutes(); } #endif MediaPlayer::Preload HTMLMediaSession::effectivePreloadForElement(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { MediaSessionManager::SessionRestrictions restrictions = MediaSessionManager::sharedManager().restrictions(mediaType()); MediaPlayer::Preload preload = element.preloadValue(); if ((restrictions & MediaSessionManager::MetadataPreloadingNotPermitted) == MediaSessionManager::MetadataPreloadingNotPermitted) return MediaPlayer::None; if ((restrictions & MediaSessionManager::AutoPreloadingNotPermitted) == MediaSessionManager::AutoPreloadingNotPermitted) { if (preload > MediaPlayer::MetaData) return MediaPlayer::MetaData; } return preload; } bool HTMLMediaSession::requiresFullscreenForVideoPlayback(const HTMLMediaElement& element) const { if (!MediaSessionManager::sharedManager().sessionRestrictsInlineVideoPlayback(*this)) return false; Settings* settings = element.document().settings(); if (!settings || !settings->mediaPlaybackAllowsInline()) return true; if (element.fastHasAttribute(HTMLNames::webkit_playsinlineAttr)) return false; #if PLATFORM(IOS) if (applicationIsDumpRenderTree()) return false; #endif return true; } void HTMLMediaSession::applyMediaPlayerRestrictions(const HTMLMediaElement& element) { LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaSession::applyMediaPlayerRestrictions"); #if ENABLE(IOS_AIRPLAY) setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled(element, m_restrictions & WirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled); #else UNUSED_PARAM(element); #endif } #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) const unsigned fiveMinutesOf1080PVideo = 290 * 1024 * 1024; // 290 MB is approximately 5 minutes of 8Mbps (1080p) content. const unsigned fiveMinutesStereoAudio = 14 * 1024 * 1024; // 14 MB is approximately 5 minutes of 384kbps content. size_t HTMLMediaSession::maximumMediaSourceBufferSize(const SourceBuffer& buffer) const { // A good quality 1080p video uses 8,000 kbps and stereo audio uses 384 kbps, so assume 95% for video and 5% for audio. const float bufferBudgetPercentageForVideo = .95; const float bufferBudgetPercentageForAudio = .05; size_t maximum; Settings* settings = buffer.document().settings(); if (settings) maximum = settings->maximumSourceBufferSize(); else maximum = fiveMinutesOf1080PVideo + fiveMinutesStereoAudio; // Allow a SourceBuffer to buffer as though it is audio-only even if it doesn't have any active tracks (yet). size_t bufferSize = static_cast(maximum * bufferBudgetPercentageForAudio); if (buffer.hasVideo()) bufferSize += static_cast(maximum * bufferBudgetPercentageForVideo); // FIXME: we might want to modify this algorithm to: // - decrease the maximum size for background tabs // - decrease the maximum size allowed for inactive elements when a process has more than one // element, eg. so a page with many elements which are played one at a time doesn't keep // everything buffered after an element has finished playing. return bufferSize; } #endif } #endif // ENABLE(VIDEO)