/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WTF_Deque_h #define WTF_Deque_h // FIXME: Could move what Vector and Deque share into a separate file. // Deque doesn't actually use Vector. #include #include namespace WTF { template class DequeIteratorBase; template class DequeIterator; template class DequeConstIterator; template class Deque { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: typedef DequeIterator iterator; typedef DequeConstIterator const_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; Deque(); Deque(const Deque&); Deque& operator=(const Deque&); ~Deque(); void swap(Deque&); size_t size() const { return m_start <= m_end ? m_end - m_start : m_end + m_buffer.capacity() - m_start; } bool isEmpty() const { return m_start == m_end; } iterator begin() { return iterator(this, m_start); } iterator end() { return iterator(this, m_end); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(this, m_start); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, m_end); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); } T& first() { ASSERT(m_start != m_end); return m_buffer.buffer()[m_start]; } const T& first() const { ASSERT(m_start != m_end); return m_buffer.buffer()[m_start]; } T takeFirst(); T& last() { ASSERT(m_start != m_end); return *(--end()); } const T& last() const { ASSERT(m_start != m_end); return *(--end()); } T takeLast(); template void append(U&&); template void prepend(U&&); void removeFirst(); void removeLast(); void remove(iterator&); void remove(const_iterator&); void clear(); template iterator findIf(Predicate&&); private: friend class DequeIteratorBase; typedef VectorBuffer Buffer; typedef VectorTypeOperations TypeOperations; typedef DequeIteratorBase IteratorBase; void remove(size_t position); void invalidateIterators(); void destroyAll(); void checkValidity() const; void checkIndexValidity(size_t) const; void expandCapacityIfNeeded(); void expandCapacity(); size_t m_start; size_t m_end; Buffer m_buffer; #ifndef NDEBUG mutable IteratorBase* m_iterators; #endif }; template class DequeIteratorBase { protected: DequeIteratorBase(); DequeIteratorBase(const Deque*, size_t); DequeIteratorBase(const DequeIteratorBase&); DequeIteratorBase& operator=(const DequeIteratorBase&); ~DequeIteratorBase(); void assign(const DequeIteratorBase& other) { *this = other; } void increment(); void decrement(); T* before() const; T* after() const; bool isEqual(const DequeIteratorBase&) const; private: void addToIteratorsList(); void removeFromIteratorsList(); void checkValidity() const; void checkValidity(const DequeIteratorBase&) const; Deque* m_deque; size_t m_index; friend class Deque; #ifndef NDEBUG mutable DequeIteratorBase* m_next; mutable DequeIteratorBase* m_previous; #endif }; template class DequeIterator : public DequeIteratorBase { private: typedef DequeIteratorBase Base; typedef DequeIterator Iterator; public: typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef T& reference; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; DequeIterator(Deque* deque, size_t index) : Base(deque, index) { } DequeIterator(const Iterator& other) : Base(other) { } DequeIterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) { Base::assign(other); return *this; } T& operator*() const { return *Base::after(); } T* operator->() const { return Base::after(); } bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return Base::isEqual(other); } bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return !Base::isEqual(other); } Iterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } // postfix ++ intentionally omitted Iterator& operator--() { Base::decrement(); return *this; } // postfix -- intentionally omitted }; template class DequeConstIterator : public DequeIteratorBase { private: typedef DequeIteratorBase Base; typedef DequeConstIterator Iterator; typedef DequeIterator NonConstIterator; public: typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef const T* pointer; typedef const T& reference; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; DequeConstIterator(const Deque* deque, size_t index) : Base(deque, index) { } DequeConstIterator(const Iterator& other) : Base(other) { } DequeConstIterator(const NonConstIterator& other) : Base(other) { } DequeConstIterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) { Base::assign(other); return *this; } DequeConstIterator& operator=(const NonConstIterator& other) { Base::assign(other); return *this; } const T& operator*() const { return *Base::after(); } const T* operator->() const { return Base::after(); } bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return Base::isEqual(other); } bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return !Base::isEqual(other); } Iterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } // postfix ++ intentionally omitted Iterator& operator--() { Base::decrement(); return *this; } // postfix -- intentionally omitted }; #ifdef NDEBUG template inline void Deque::checkValidity() const { } template inline void Deque::checkIndexValidity(size_t) const { } template inline void Deque::invalidateIterators() { } #else template void Deque::checkValidity() const { // In this implementation a capacity of 1 would confuse append() and // other places that assume the index after capacity - 1 is 0. ASSERT(m_buffer.capacity() != 1); if (!m_buffer.capacity()) { ASSERT(!m_start); ASSERT(!m_end); } else { ASSERT(m_start < m_buffer.capacity()); ASSERT(m_end < m_buffer.capacity()); } } template void Deque::checkIndexValidity(size_t index) const { ASSERT_UNUSED(index, index <= m_buffer.capacity()); if (m_start <= m_end) { ASSERT(index >= m_start); ASSERT(index <= m_end); } else { ASSERT(index >= m_start || index <= m_end); } } template void Deque::invalidateIterators() { IteratorBase* next; for (IteratorBase* p = m_iterators; p; p = next) { next = p->m_next; p->m_deque = 0; p->m_next = 0; p->m_previous = 0; } m_iterators = 0; } #endif template inline Deque::Deque() : m_start(0) , m_end(0) #ifndef NDEBUG , m_iterators(0) #endif { checkValidity(); } template inline Deque::Deque(const Deque& other) : m_start(other.m_start) , m_end(other.m_end) , m_buffer(other.m_buffer.capacity()) #ifndef NDEBUG , m_iterators(0) #endif { const T* otherBuffer = other.m_buffer.buffer(); if (m_start <= m_end) TypeOperations::uninitializedCopy(otherBuffer + m_start, otherBuffer + m_end, m_buffer.buffer() + m_start); else { TypeOperations::uninitializedCopy(otherBuffer, otherBuffer + m_end, m_buffer.buffer()); TypeOperations::uninitializedCopy(otherBuffer + m_start, otherBuffer + m_buffer.capacity(), m_buffer.buffer() + m_start); } } template inline Deque& Deque::operator=(const Deque& other) { // FIXME: This is inefficient if we're using an inline buffer and T is // expensive to copy since it will copy the buffer twice instead of once. Deque copy(other); swap(copy); return *this; } template inline void Deque::destroyAll() { if (m_start <= m_end) TypeOperations::destruct(m_buffer.buffer() + m_start, m_buffer.buffer() + m_end); else { TypeOperations::destruct(m_buffer.buffer(), m_buffer.buffer() + m_end); TypeOperations::destruct(m_buffer.buffer() + m_start, m_buffer.buffer() + m_buffer.capacity()); } } template inline Deque::~Deque() { checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); destroyAll(); } template inline void Deque::swap(Deque& other) { checkValidity(); other.checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); std::swap(m_start, other.m_start); std::swap(m_end, other.m_end); m_buffer.swap(other.m_buffer, 0, 0); checkValidity(); other.checkValidity(); } template inline void Deque::clear() { checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); destroyAll(); m_start = 0; m_end = 0; m_buffer.deallocateBuffer(m_buffer.buffer()); checkValidity(); } template template inline auto Deque::findIf(Predicate&& predicate) -> iterator { iterator end_iterator = end(); for (iterator it = begin(); it != end_iterator; ++it) { if (predicate(*it)) return it; } return end_iterator; } template inline void Deque::expandCapacityIfNeeded() { if (m_start) { if (m_end + 1 != m_start) return; } else if (m_end) { if (m_end != m_buffer.capacity() - 1) return; } else if (m_buffer.capacity()) return; expandCapacity(); } template void Deque::expandCapacity() { checkValidity(); size_t oldCapacity = m_buffer.capacity(); T* oldBuffer = m_buffer.buffer(); m_buffer.allocateBuffer(std::max(static_cast(16), oldCapacity + oldCapacity / 4 + 1)); if (m_start <= m_end) TypeOperations::move(oldBuffer + m_start, oldBuffer + m_end, m_buffer.buffer() + m_start); else { TypeOperations::move(oldBuffer, oldBuffer + m_end, m_buffer.buffer()); size_t newStart = m_buffer.capacity() - (oldCapacity - m_start); TypeOperations::move(oldBuffer + m_start, oldBuffer + oldCapacity, m_buffer.buffer() + newStart); m_start = newStart; } m_buffer.deallocateBuffer(oldBuffer); checkValidity(); } template inline auto Deque::takeFirst() -> T { T oldFirst = WTF::move(first()); removeFirst(); return oldFirst; } template inline auto Deque::takeLast() -> T { T oldLast = WTF::move(last()); removeLast(); return oldLast; } template template inline void Deque::append(U&& value) { checkValidity(); expandCapacityIfNeeded(); new (NotNull, &m_buffer.buffer()[m_end]) T(std::forward(value)); if (m_end == m_buffer.capacity() - 1) m_end = 0; else ++m_end; checkValidity(); } template template inline void Deque::prepend(U&& value) { checkValidity(); expandCapacityIfNeeded(); if (!m_start) m_start = m_buffer.capacity() - 1; else --m_start; new (NotNull, &m_buffer.buffer()[m_start]) T(std::forward(value)); checkValidity(); } template inline void Deque::removeFirst() { checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); ASSERT(!isEmpty()); TypeOperations::destruct(&m_buffer.buffer()[m_start], &m_buffer.buffer()[m_start + 1]); if (m_start == m_buffer.capacity() - 1) m_start = 0; else ++m_start; checkValidity(); } template inline void Deque::removeLast() { checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); ASSERT(!isEmpty()); if (!m_end) m_end = m_buffer.capacity() - 1; else --m_end; TypeOperations::destruct(&m_buffer.buffer()[m_end], &m_buffer.buffer()[m_end + 1]); checkValidity(); } template inline void Deque::remove(iterator& it) { it.checkValidity(); remove(it.m_index); } template inline void Deque::remove(const_iterator& it) { it.checkValidity(); remove(it.m_index); } template inline void Deque::remove(size_t position) { if (position == m_end) return; checkValidity(); invalidateIterators(); T* buffer = m_buffer.buffer(); TypeOperations::destruct(&buffer[position], &buffer[position + 1]); // Find which segment of the circular buffer contained the remove element, and only move elements in that part. if (position >= m_start) { TypeOperations::moveOverlapping(buffer + m_start, buffer + position, buffer + m_start + 1); m_start = (m_start + 1) % m_buffer.capacity(); } else { TypeOperations::moveOverlapping(buffer + position + 1, buffer + m_end, buffer + position); m_end = (m_end - 1 + m_buffer.capacity()) % m_buffer.capacity(); } checkValidity(); } #ifdef NDEBUG template inline void DequeIteratorBase::checkValidity() const { } template inline void DequeIteratorBase::checkValidity(const DequeIteratorBase&) const { } template inline void DequeIteratorBase::addToIteratorsList() { } template inline void DequeIteratorBase::removeFromIteratorsList() { } #else template void DequeIteratorBase::checkValidity() const { ASSERT(m_deque); m_deque->checkIndexValidity(m_index); } template void DequeIteratorBase::checkValidity(const DequeIteratorBase& other) const { checkValidity(); other.checkValidity(); ASSERT(m_deque == other.m_deque); } template void DequeIteratorBase::addToIteratorsList() { if (!m_deque) m_next = 0; else { m_next = m_deque->m_iterators; m_deque->m_iterators = this; if (m_next) m_next->m_previous = this; } m_previous = 0; } template void DequeIteratorBase::removeFromIteratorsList() { if (!m_deque) { ASSERT(!m_next); ASSERT(!m_previous); } else { if (m_next) { ASSERT(m_next->m_previous == this); m_next->m_previous = m_previous; } if (m_previous) { ASSERT(m_deque->m_iterators != this); ASSERT(m_previous->m_next == this); m_previous->m_next = m_next; } else { ASSERT(m_deque->m_iterators == this); m_deque->m_iterators = m_next; } } m_next = 0; m_previous = 0; } #endif template inline DequeIteratorBase::DequeIteratorBase() : m_deque(0) { } template inline DequeIteratorBase::DequeIteratorBase(const Deque* deque, size_t index) : m_deque(const_cast*>(deque)) , m_index(index) { addToIteratorsList(); checkValidity(); } template inline DequeIteratorBase::DequeIteratorBase(const DequeIteratorBase& other) : m_deque(other.m_deque) , m_index(other.m_index) { addToIteratorsList(); checkValidity(); } template inline DequeIteratorBase& DequeIteratorBase::operator=(const DequeIteratorBase& other) { other.checkValidity(); removeFromIteratorsList(); m_deque = other.m_deque; m_index = other.m_index; addToIteratorsList(); checkValidity(); return *this; } template inline DequeIteratorBase::~DequeIteratorBase() { #ifndef NDEBUG removeFromIteratorsList(); m_deque = 0; #endif } template inline bool DequeIteratorBase::isEqual(const DequeIteratorBase& other) const { checkValidity(other); return m_index == other.m_index; } template inline void DequeIteratorBase::increment() { checkValidity(); ASSERT(m_index != m_deque->m_end); ASSERT(m_deque->m_buffer.capacity()); if (m_index == m_deque->m_buffer.capacity() - 1) m_index = 0; else ++m_index; checkValidity(); } template inline void DequeIteratorBase::decrement() { checkValidity(); ASSERT(m_index != m_deque->m_start); ASSERT(m_deque->m_buffer.capacity()); if (!m_index) m_index = m_deque->m_buffer.capacity() - 1; else --m_index; checkValidity(); } template inline T* DequeIteratorBase::after() const { checkValidity(); ASSERT(m_index != m_deque->m_end); return &m_deque->m_buffer.buffer()[m_index]; } template inline T* DequeIteratorBase::before() const { checkValidity(); ASSERT(m_index != m_deque->m_start); if (!m_index) return &m_deque->m_buffer.buffer()[m_deque->m_buffer.capacity() - 1]; return &m_deque->m_buffer.buffer()[m_index - 1]; } } // namespace WTF using WTF::Deque; #endif // WTF_Deque_h