/* * Copyright (c) 2004,2011-2012,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /*! @header SecCmsBase.h @Copyright (c) 2004,2011-2012,2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. @availability 10.4 and later @abstract Interfaces of the CMS implementation. @discussion The functions here implement functions for encoding and decoding Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) objects as described in rfc3369. */ #ifndef _SECURITY_SECCMSBASE_H_ #define _SECURITY_SECCMSBASE_H_ 1 #include /* size_t */ #include #include #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*! @typedef @discussion XXX We need to remove these from the API and move them back to secoidt.h. */ typedef struct SECOidDataStr SECOidData; /*! @typedef @discussion XXX We might want to get rid of this alltogether. */ typedef CSSM_X509_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER SECAlgorithmID; /*! @typedef @discussion XXX This should probably move to SecKey.h */ typedef SecKeyRef SecSymmetricKeyRef; /*! @typedef @discussion XXX This should probably move to SecKey.h */ typedef SecKeyRef SecPublicKeyRef; /*! @typedef @discussion XXX This should probably move to SecKey.h */ typedef SecKeyRef SecPrivateKeyRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef void(*PK11PasswordFunc)(void); /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecArenaPoolStr *SecArenaPoolRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsMessageStr *SecCmsMessageRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsContentInfoStr *SecCmsContentInfoRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsSignedDataStr *SecCmsSignedDataRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsSignerInfoStr *SecCmsSignerInfoRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsEnvelopedDataStr *SecCmsEnvelopedDataRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsRecipientInfoStr *SecCmsRecipientInfoRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsDigestedDataStr *SecCmsDigestedDataRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsEncryptedDataStr *SecCmsEncryptedDataRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsDecoderStr *SecCmsDecoderRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsEncoderStr *SecCmsEncoderRef; /*! @typedef */ typedef struct SecCmsDigestContextStr *SecCmsDigestContextRef; /*! @typedef @discussion Type of function passed to SecCmsDecode or SecCmsDecoderStart. If specified, this is where the content bytes (only) will be "sent" as they are recovered during the decoding. And: Type of function passed to SecCmsEncode or SecCmsEncoderStart. This is where the DER-encoded bytes will be "sent". XXX Should just combine this with SecCmsEncoderContentCallback type and use a simpler, common name. */ typedef void (*SecCmsContentCallback)(void *arg, const char *buf, size_t len); /*! @typedef @discussion Type of function passed to SecCmsDecode or SecCmsDecoderStart to retrieve the decryption key. This function is intended to be used for EncryptedData content info's which do not have a key available in a certificate, etc. */ typedef SecSymmetricKeyRef(*SecCmsGetDecryptKeyCallback)(void *arg, SECAlgorithmID *algid); /*! @enum SecCmsVerificationStatus */ typedef enum { SecCmsVSUnverified = 0, SecCmsVSGoodSignature = 1, SecCmsVSBadSignature = 2, SecCmsVSDigestMismatch = 3, SecCmsVSSigningCertNotFound = 4, SecCmsVSSigningCertNotTrusted = 5, SecCmsVSSignatureAlgorithmUnknown = 6, SecCmsVSSignatureAlgorithmUnsupported = 7, SecCmsVSMalformedSignature = 8, SecCmsVSProcessingError = 9, SecCmsVSTimestampMissing = 10, /* A timestamp was expected but was not found. */ SecCmsVSTimestampInvalid = 11, /* The timestamp was not valid. */ SecCmsVSTimestampNotTrusted = 12, /* The timestamp signing chain was not trusted. */ } SecCmsVerificationStatus; /*! @enum SecCmsCertChainMode */ typedef enum { SecCmsCMNone = 0, SecCmsCMCertOnly = 1, SecCmsCMCertChain = 2, SecCmsCMCertChainWithRoot = 3 } SecCmsCertChainMode; /*! @enum @discussion XXX This should be replaced with SecPolicyRefs */ typedef enum SECCertUsageEnum { certUsageSSLClient = 0, certUsageSSLServer = 1, certUsageSSLServerWithStepUp = 2, certUsageSSLCA = 3, certUsageEmailSigner = 4, certUsageEmailRecipient = 5, certUsageObjectSigner = 6, certUsageUserCertImport = 7, certUsageVerifyCA = 8, certUsageProtectedObjectSigner = 9, certUsageStatusResponder = 10, certUsageAnyCA = 11 } SECCertUsage; /*! @enum SECOidTag @abstract Misc object IDs - these numbers are for convenient handling. @discussion They are mapped into real object IDs NOTE: the order of these entries must mach the array "oids" of SECOidData in util/secoid.c. */ typedef enum { SEC_OID_UNKNOWN = 0, SEC_OID_MD2 = 1, SEC_OID_MD4 = 2, SEC_OID_MD5 = 3, SEC_OID_SHA1 = 4, SEC_OID_RC2_CBC = 5, SEC_OID_RC4 = 6, SEC_OID_DES_EDE3_CBC = 7, SEC_OID_RC5_CBC_PAD = 8, SEC_OID_DES_ECB = 9, SEC_OID_DES_CBC = 10, SEC_OID_DES_OFB = 11, SEC_OID_DES_CFB = 12, SEC_OID_DES_MAC = 13, SEC_OID_DES_EDE = 14, SEC_OID_ISO_SHA_WITH_RSA_SIGNATURE = 15, SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 16, SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 17, SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD4_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 18, SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 19, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 20, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD2_AND_DES_CBC = 21, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD5_AND_DES_CBC = 22, SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_DES_CBC = 23, SEC_OID_PKCS7 = 24, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA = 25, SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA = 26, SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENVELOPED_DATA = 27, SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_ENVELOPED_DATA = 28, SEC_OID_PKCS7_DIGESTED_DATA = 29, SEC_OID_PKCS7_ENCRYPTED_DATA = 30, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EMAIL_ADDRESS = 31, SEC_OID_PKCS9_UNSTRUCTURED_NAME = 32, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE = 33, SEC_OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST = 34, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME = 35, SEC_OID_PKCS9_COUNTER_SIGNATURE = 36, SEC_OID_PKCS9_CHALLENGE_PASSWORD = 37, SEC_OID_PKCS9_UNSTRUCTURED_ADDRESS = 38, SEC_OID_PKCS9_EXTENDED_CERTIFICATE_ATTRIBUTES = 39, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SMIME_CAPABILITIES = 40, SEC_OID_AVA_COMMON_NAME = 41, SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME = 42, SEC_OID_AVA_LOCALITY = 43, SEC_OID_AVA_STATE_OR_PROVINCE = 44, SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATION_NAME = 45, SEC_OID_AVA_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME = 46, SEC_OID_AVA_DN_QUALIFIER = 47, SEC_OID_AVA_DC = 48, SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_GIF = 49, SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_JPEG = 50, SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_URL = 51, SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_HTML = 52, SEC_OID_NS_TYPE_CERT_SEQUENCE = 53, SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS_OLD = 54, SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS_OLD = 55, SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA_DSS = 56, SEC_OID_MISSI_DSS = 57, SEC_OID_MISSI_KEA = 58, SEC_OID_MISSI_ALT_KEA = 59, /* Netscape private certificate extensions */ SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_NETSCAPE_OK = 60, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_ISSUER_LOGO = 61, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_SUBJECT_LOGO = 62, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_TYPE = 63, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_BASE_URL = 64, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_REVOCATION_URL = 65, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CA_REVOCATION_URL = 66, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CA_CRL_URL = 67, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CA_CERT_URL = 68, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_RENEWAL_URL = 69, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CA_POLICY_URL = 70, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_HOMEPAGE_URL = 71, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_ENTITY_LOGO = 72, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_USER_PICTURE = 73, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_SSL_SERVER_NAME = 74, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_COMMENT = 75, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_LOST_PASSWORD_URL = 76, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_RENEWAL_TIME = 77, SEC_OID_NS_KEY_USAGE_GOVT_APPROVED = 78, /* x.509 v3 Extensions */ SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_ATTR = 79, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_KEY_ID = 80, SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE = 81, SEC_OID_X509_PRIVATE_KEY_USAGE_PERIOD = 82, SEC_OID_X509_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME = 83, SEC_OID_X509_ISSUER_ALT_NAME = 84, SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS = 85, SEC_OID_X509_NAME_CONSTRAINTS = 86, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS = 87, SEC_OID_X509_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES = 88, SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_MAPPINGS = 89, SEC_OID_X509_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS = 90, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_KEY_ID = 91, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE = 92, SEC_OID_X509_AUTH_INFO_ACCESS = 93, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_NUMBER = 94, SEC_OID_X509_REASON_CODE = 95, SEC_OID_X509_INVALID_DATE = 96, /* End of x.509 v3 Extensions */ SEC_OID_X500_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 97, /* alg 1485 additions */ SEC_OID_RFC1274_UID = 98, SEC_OID_RFC1274_MAIL = 99, /* PKCS 12 additions */ SEC_OID_PKCS12 = 100, SEC_OID_PKCS12_MODE_IDS = 101, SEC_OID_PKCS12_ESPVK_IDS = 102, SEC_OID_PKCS12_BAG_IDS = 103, SEC_OID_PKCS12_CERT_BAG_IDS = 104, SEC_OID_PKCS12_OIDS = 105, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_IDS = 106, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SIGNATURE_IDS = 107, SEC_OID_PKCS12_ENVELOPING_IDS = 108, /* SEC_OID_PKCS12_OFFLINE_TRANSPORT_MODE, SEC_OID_PKCS12_ONLINE_TRANSPORT_MODE, */ SEC_OID_PKCS12_PKCS8_KEY_SHROUDING = 109, SEC_OID_PKCS12_KEY_BAG_ID = 110, SEC_OID_PKCS12_CERT_AND_CRL_BAG_ID = 111, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SECRET_BAG_ID = 112, SEC_OID_PKCS12_X509_CERT_CRL_BAG = 113, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SDSI_CERT_BAG = 114, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4 = 115, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC4 = 116, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_TRIPLE_DES_CBC = 117, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC2_CBC = 118, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC2_CBC = 119, SEC_OID_PKCS12_RSA_ENCRYPTION_WITH_128_BIT_RC4 = 120, SEC_OID_PKCS12_RSA_ENCRYPTION_WITH_40_BIT_RC4 = 121, SEC_OID_PKCS12_RSA_ENCRYPTION_WITH_TRIPLE_DES = 122, SEC_OID_PKCS12_RSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST = 123, /* end of PKCS 12 additions */ /* DSA signatures */ SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE = 124, SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST = 125, SEC_OID_BOGUS_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST = 126, /* Verisign OIDs */ SEC_OID_VERISIGN_USER_NOTICES = 127, /* PKIX OIDs */ SEC_OID_PKIX_CPS_POINTER_QUALIFIER = 128, SEC_OID_PKIX_USER_NOTICE_QUALIFIER = 129, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP = 130, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_BASIC_RESPONSE = 131, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_NONCE = 132, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_CRL = 133, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_RESPONSE = 134, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_NO_CHECK = 135, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_ARCHIVE_CUTOFF = 136, SEC_OID_PKIX_OCSP_SERVICE_LOCATOR = 137, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_REGTOKEN = 138, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_AUTHENTICATOR = 139, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_PKIPUBINFO = 140, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_PKI_ARCH_OPTIONS = 141, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_OLD_CERT_ID = 142, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGCTRL_PROTOCOL_ENC_KEY = 143, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGINFO_UTF8_PAIRS = 144, SEC_OID_PKIX_REGINFO_CERT_REQUEST = 145, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_SERVER_AUTH = 146, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CLIENT_AUTH = 147, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CODE_SIGN = 148, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_EMAIL_PROTECT = 149, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_TIME_STAMP = 150, SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER = 151, /* Netscape Algorithm OIDs */ SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_SMIME_KEA = 152, /* Skipjack OID -- ### mwelch temporary */ SEC_OID_FORTEZZA_SKIPJACK = 153, /* PKCS 12 V2 oids */ SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC4 = 154, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC4 = 155, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_3KEY_TRIPLE_DES_CBC = 156, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_2KEY_TRIPLE_DES_CBC = 157, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_128_BIT_RC2_CBC = 158, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V2_PBE_WITH_SHA1_AND_40_BIT_RC2_CBC = 159, SEC_OID_PKCS12_SAFE_CONTENTS_ID = 160, SEC_OID_PKCS12_PKCS8_SHROUDED_KEY_BAG_ID = 161, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_KEY_BAG_ID = 162, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_PKCS8_SHROUDED_KEY_BAG_ID = 163, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CERT_BAG_ID = 164, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_CRL_BAG_ID = 165, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_SECRET_BAG_ID = 166, SEC_OID_PKCS12_V1_SAFE_CONTENTS_BAG_ID = 167, SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CERT = 168, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SDSI_CERT = 169, SEC_OID_PKCS9_X509_CRL = 170, SEC_OID_PKCS9_FRIENDLY_NAME = 171, SEC_OID_PKCS9_LOCAL_KEY_ID = 172, SEC_OID_PKCS12_KEY_USAGE = 173, /*Diffe Helman OIDS */ SEC_OID_X942_DIFFIE_HELMAN_KEY = 174, /* Netscape other name types */ SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_NICKNAME = 175, /* Cert Server OIDS */ SEC_OID_NETSCAPE_RECOVERY_REQUEST = 176, /* New PSM certificate management OIDs */ SEC_OID_CERT_RENEWAL_LOCATOR = 177, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_SCOPE_OF_USE = 178, /* CMS (RFC2630) OIDs */ SEC_OID_CMS_EPHEMERAL_STATIC_DIFFIE_HELLMAN = 179, SEC_OID_CMS_3DES_KEY_WRAP = 180, SEC_OID_CMS_RC2_KEY_WRAP = 181, /* SMIME attributes */ SEC_OID_SMIME_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PREFERENCE = 182, /* AES OIDs */ SEC_OID_AES_128_ECB = 183, SEC_OID_AES_128_CBC = 184, SEC_OID_AES_192_ECB = 185, SEC_OID_AES_192_CBC = 186, SEC_OID_AES_256_ECB = 187, SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC = 188, SEC_OID_SDN702_DSA_SIGNATURE = 189, SEC_OID_MS_SMIME_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PREFERENCE = 190, SEC_OID_SHA256 = 191, SEC_OID_SHA384 = 192, SEC_OID_SHA512 = 193, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA256_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 194, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA384_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 195, SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA512_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION = 196, SEC_OID_AES_128_KEY_WRAP = 197, SEC_OID_AES_192_KEY_WRAP = 198, SEC_OID_AES_256_KEY_WRAP = 199, /* eContentType set by client and not understood by this library; treated * like SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA, except the caller's OID is encoded. */ SEC_OID_OTHER = 200, /* ECDSA */ SEC_OID_EC_PUBLIC_KEY = 201, SEC_OID_ECDSA_WithSHA1 = 202, SEC_OID_DH_SINGLE_STD_SHA1KDF = 203, SEC_OID_SECP_256_R1 = 204, SEC_OID_SECP_384_R1 = 205, SEC_OID_SECP_521_R1 = 206, /* RFC 3161 Timestamping OIDs */ SEC_OID_PKCS9_ID_CT_TSTInfo = 207, SEC_OID_PKCS9_TIMESTAMP_TOKEN = 208, SEC_OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE = 209, SEC_OID_TOTAL } SECOidTag; /*! @function @abstract Create a new SecArenaPool object. @param chunksize Size of the chunks the pool will use to allocate its underlying storage. @param outArena pointer to a SecArenaPoolRef to be created. @result On success return 0 and outArena will contain a newly created SecArenaPoolRef. @availability 10.4 and later @updated 2004-04-23 */ OSStatus SecArenaPoolCreate(size_t chunksize, SecArenaPoolRef *outArena); /*! @function @abstract Free a SecArenaPool object and everything in it. @param arena The SecArenaPool object to free. @param zero If this is true the arena's memory will be zero filled before it is freed. @result arena will no longer be valid and the memory used by it is returned to the malloc heap. @availability 10.4 and later @updated 2004-04-23 */ void SecArenaPoolFree(SecArenaPoolRef arena, Boolean zero); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* _SECURITY_SECCMSBASE_H_ */