/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ // // drmaker - create automatic Designated Requirements // #include "drmaker.h" #include "csutilities.h" #include #include //#include namespace Security { namespace CodeSigning { static const uint8_t adcSdkMarker[] = { APPLE_EXTENSION_OID, 2, 1 }; // iOS intermediate marker const CSSM_DATA adcSdkMarkerOID = { sizeof(adcSdkMarker), (uint8_t *)adcSdkMarker }; static const uint8_t caspianSdkMarker[] = { APPLE_EXTENSION_OID, 2, 6 }; // Caspian intermediate marker const CSSM_DATA devIdSdkMarkerOID = { sizeof(caspianSdkMarker), (uint8_t *)caspianSdkMarker }; static const uint8_t caspianLeafMarker[] = { APPLE_EXTENSION_OID, 1, 13 }; // Caspian leaf certificate marker const CSSM_DATA devIdLeafMarkerOID = { sizeof(caspianLeafMarker), (uint8_t *)caspianLeafMarker }; DRMaker::DRMaker(const Requirement::Context &context) : ctx(context) { } DRMaker::~DRMaker() { } // // Generate the default (implicit) Designated Requirement for this StaticCode. // This is a heuristic of sorts, and may change over time (for the better, we hope). // Requirement *DRMaker::make() { // we can't make an explicit DR for a (proposed) ad-hoc signing because that requires the CodeDirectory (which we ain't got yet) if (ctx.certCount() == 0) return NULL; // always require the identifier this->put(opAnd); this->ident(ctx.identifier); SHA1::Digest anchorHash; hashOfCertificate(ctx.cert(Requirement::anchorCert), anchorHash); if (isAppleCA(anchorHash) #if defined(TEST_APPLE_ANCHOR) || !memcmp(anchorHash, Requirement::testAppleAnchorHash(), SHA1::digestLength) #endif ) appleAnchor(); else nonAppleAnchor(); return Maker::make(); } void DRMaker::nonAppleAnchor() { // get the Organization DN element for the leaf CFRef leafOrganization; MacOSError::check(SecCertificateCopySubjectComponent(ctx.cert(Requirement::leafCert), &CSSMOID_OrganizationName, &leafOrganization.aref())); // now step up the cert chain looking for the first cert with a different one int slot = Requirement::leafCert; // start at leaf if (leafOrganization) { while (SecCertificateRef ca = ctx.cert(slot+1)) { // NULL if you over-run the anchor slot CFRef caOrganization; MacOSError::check(SecCertificateCopySubjectComponent(ca, &CSSMOID_OrganizationName, &caOrganization.aref())); if (!caOrganization || CFStringCompare(leafOrganization, caOrganization, 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo) break; slot++; } if (slot == ctx.certCount() - 1) // went all the way to the anchor... slot = Requirement::anchorCert; // ... so say that } // nail the last cert with the leaf's Organization value SHA1::Digest authorityHash; hashOfCertificate(ctx.cert(slot), authorityHash); this->anchor(slot, authorityHash); } void DRMaker::appleAnchor() { if (isIOSSignature()) { // get the Common Name DN element for the leaf CFRef leafCN; MacOSError::check(SecCertificateCopySubjectComponent(ctx.cert(Requirement::leafCert), &CSSMOID_CommonName, &leafCN.aref())); // apple anchor generic and ... this->put(opAnd); this->anchorGeneric(); // apple generic anchor and... // ... leaf[subject.CN] = and ... this->put(opAnd); this->put(opCertField); // certificate this->put(0); // leaf this->put("subject.CN"); // [subject.CN] this->put(matchEqual); // = this->putData(leafCN); // // ... cert 1[field.] exists this->put(opCertGeneric); // certificate this->put(1); // 1 this->putData(adcSdkMarkerOID.Data, adcSdkMarkerOID.Length); // [field.] this->put(matchExists); // exists return; } if (isDeveloperIDSignature()) { // get the Organizational Unit DN element for the leaf (it contains the TEAMID) CFRef teamID; MacOSError::check(SecCertificateCopySubjectComponent(ctx.cert(Requirement::leafCert), &CSSMOID_OrganizationalUnitName, &teamID.aref())); // apple anchor generic and ... this->put(opAnd); this->anchorGeneric(); // apple generic anchor and... // ... certificate 1[intermediate marker oid] exists and ... this->put(opAnd); this->put(opCertGeneric); // certificate this->put(1); // 1 this->putData(caspianSdkMarker, sizeof(caspianSdkMarker)); this->put(matchExists); // exists // ... certificate leaf[Caspian cert oid] exists and ... this->put(opAnd); this->put(opCertGeneric); // certificate this->put(0); // leaf this->putData(caspianLeafMarker, sizeof(caspianLeafMarker)); this->put(matchExists); // exists // ... leaf[subject.OU] = this->put(opCertField); // certificate this->put(0); // leaf this->put("subject.OU"); // [subject.OU] this->put(matchEqual); // = this->putData(teamID); // TEAMID return; } // otherwise, claim this program for Apple Proper this->anchor(); } bool DRMaker::isIOSSignature() { if (ctx.certCount() == 3) // leaf, one intermediate, anchor if (SecCertificateRef intermediate = ctx.cert(1)) // get intermediate if (certificateHasField(intermediate, CssmOid::overlay(adcSdkMarkerOID))) return true; return false; } bool DRMaker::isDeveloperIDSignature() { if (ctx.certCount() == 3) // leaf, one intermediate, anchor if (SecCertificateRef intermediate = ctx.cert(1)) // get intermediate if (certificateHasField(intermediate, CssmOid::overlay(devIdSdkMarkerOID))) return true; return false; } } // end namespace CodeSigning } // end namespace Security