/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #include "authtoken.h" #include "authd_private.h" #include "process.h" #include "authitems.h" #include "debugging.h" #include "authutilities.h" #include "server.h" #include #include #include #include static Boolean AuthTokenEqualCallBack(const void *value1, const void *value2) { return (*(uint64_t*)value1) == (*(uint64_t*)value2); } static CFHashCode AuthTokenHashCallBack(const void *value) { // CFHashCode hash; // AuthorizationBlob* blob = (AuthorizationBlob*)value; // hash = blob->data[1]; // hash <<= 32; // hash |= blob->data[0]; // return hash; //quick 64 bit aligned version return *((CFHashCode*)((AuthorizationBlob*)value)->data); } const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks kAuthTokenKeyCallBacks = { .version = 0, .retain = NULL, .release = NULL, .copyDescription = NULL, .equal = &AuthTokenEqualCallBack, .hash = &AuthTokenHashCallBack }; struct _auth_token_s { __AUTH_BASE_STRUCT_HEADER__; AuthorizationBlob blob; auth_token_state_t state; audit_info_s auditInfo; dispatch_queue_t dispatch_queue; CFMutableSetRef processes; session_t session; process_t creator; // weak reference, used for entitlement checking mach_port_t creator_bootstrap_port; auth_items_t context; CFMutableSetRef credentials; CFMutableSetRef authorized_rights; bool least_privileged; bool appleSigned; bool sandboxed; char * code_url; credential_t credential; }; static void _auth_token_finalize(CFTypeRef value) { auth_token_t auth = (auth_token_t)value; LOGV("authtoken: deallocated %p", auth); dispatch_barrier_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{}); dispatch_release(auth->dispatch_queue); CFReleaseSafe(auth->session); CFReleaseSafe(auth->processes); CFReleaseSafe(auth->context); CFReleaseSafe(auth->credentials); CFReleaseSafe(auth->authorized_rights); free_safe(auth->code_url); CFReleaseSafe(auth->credential); if (auth->creator_bootstrap_port != MACH_PORT_NULL) { mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), auth->creator_bootstrap_port); } } static Boolean _auth_token_equal(CFTypeRef value1, CFTypeRef value2) { auth_token_t auth1 = (auth_token_t)value1; auth_token_t auth2 = (auth_token_t)value2; return memcmp(&auth1->blob, &auth2->blob, sizeof(AuthorizationBlob)) == 0; } static CFStringRef _auth_token_copy_description(CFTypeRef value) { auth_token_t auth = (auth_token_t)value; return CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("auth_token: %p, uid=%i, pid=%i, processes=%li least_privileged=%i"), auth, auth->auditInfo.euid, auth->auditInfo.pid, CFSetGetCount(auth->processes), auth->least_privileged); } static CFHashCode _auth_token_hash(CFTypeRef value) { auth_token_t auth = (auth_token_t)value; return *(CFHashCode*)&auth->blob; } AUTH_TYPE_INSTANCE(auth_token, .init = NULL, .copy = NULL, .finalize = _auth_token_finalize, .equal = _auth_token_equal, .hash = _auth_token_hash, .copyFormattingDesc = NULL, .copyDebugDesc = _auth_token_copy_description ); static CFTypeID auth_token_get_type_id() { static CFTypeID type_id = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ type_id = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&_auth_type_auth_token); }); return type_id; } static auth_token_t _auth_token_create(const audit_info_s * auditInfo, bool operateAsLeastPrivileged) { #if __LLP64__ __Check_Compile_Time(sizeof(CFHashCode) == sizeof(AuthorizationBlob)); #endif auth_token_t auth = (auth_token_t)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(kCFAllocatorDefault, auth_token_get_type_id(), AUTH_CLASS_SIZE(auth_token), NULL); require(auth != NULL, done); if (CCRandomCopyBytes(kCCRandomDefault, auth->blob.data, sizeof(auth->blob.data)) != kCCSuccess) { LOGE("authtoken[%i]: failed to generate blob", auditInfo->pid); CFReleaseNull(auth); goto done; } auth->context = auth_items_create(); auth->auditInfo = *auditInfo; auth->least_privileged = operateAsLeastPrivileged; auth->dispatch_queue = dispatch_queue_create(NULL, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); check(auth->dispatch_queue != NULL); auth->credentials = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); auth->authorized_rights = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); auth->processes = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, NULL); auth->creator_bootstrap_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; if (sandbox_check(auth->auditInfo.pid, "authorization-right-obtain", SANDBOX_CHECK_NO_REPORT) != 0) auth->sandboxed = true; else auth->sandboxed = false; #if DEBUG CFHashCode code = AuthTokenHashCallBack(&auth->blob); if (memcmp(&code, auth->blob.data, sizeof(auth->blob.data)) != 0) { LOGD("authtoken[%i]: blob = %x%01x", auth->auditInfo.pid, auth->blob.data[1], auth->blob.data[0]); LOGD("authtoken[%i]: hash = %lx", auth->auditInfo.pid, code); assert(false); } #endif done: return auth; } auth_token_t auth_token_create(process_t proc, bool operateAsLeastPrivileged) { auth_token_t auth = NULL; require(proc != NULL, done); auth = _auth_token_create(process_get_audit_info(proc), operateAsLeastPrivileged); require(auth != NULL, done); auth->creator = proc; auth->session = (session_t)CFRetain(process_get_session(proc)); auth->code_url = _copy_string(process_get_code_url(proc)); auth->appleSigned = process_apple_signed(proc); auth->creator_bootstrap_port = process_get_bootstrap(proc); // This line grabs a reference to the send right to the bootstrap (our right to send to the bootstrap) // This makes it critical to use the same call in reverse as we are only getting a ref to one right, // but deallocate will free a ref to all 5 rights. if (auth->creator_bootstrap_port != MACH_PORT_NULL) { kern_return_t error_code = mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), auth->creator_bootstrap_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, 1); if (error_code != KERN_SUCCESS) { // If no reference to the mach port right can be obtained, we don't hold the copy, so mark it NULL again! auth->creator_bootstrap_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; } } LOGV("authtoken[%i]: created %p", auth->auditInfo.pid, auth); done: return auth; } auth_token_t auth_token_create_with_audit_info(const audit_info_s* info, bool operateAsLeastPrivileged) { OSStatus status = errSecSuccess; SecCodeRef code_Ref = NULL; CFURLRef code_url = NULL; auth_token_t auth = NULL; require(info != NULL, done); auth = _auth_token_create(info, operateAsLeastPrivileged); require(auth != NULL, done); auth->session = server_find_copy_session(info->asid, true); if (auth->session == NULL) { LOGV("authtoken[%i]: failed to create session", auth->auditInfo.pid); CFReleaseNull(auth); goto done; } CFMutableDictionaryRef codeDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFNumberRef codePid = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &auth->auditInfo.pid); CFDictionarySetValue(codeDict, kSecGuestAttributePid, codePid); status = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(NULL, codeDict, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &code_Ref); CFReleaseSafe(codeDict); CFReleaseSafe(codePid); if (status) { LOGV("authtoken[%i]: failed to create code ref (%i)", auth->auditInfo.pid, status); CFReleaseNull(auth); goto done; } if (SecCodeCopyPath(code_Ref, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &code_url) == errSecSuccess) { auth->code_url = calloc(1u, PATH_MAX+1); if (auth->code_url) { CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(code_url, true, (UInt8*)auth->code_url, PATH_MAX); } } LOGV("authtoken[%i]: created %p for %s", auth->auditInfo.pid, auth, auth->code_url); done: CFReleaseSafe(code_Ref); CFReleaseSafe(code_url); return auth; } bool auth_token_get_sandboxed(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->sandboxed; } const char * auth_token_get_code_url(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->code_url; } const void * auth_token_get_key(auth_token_t auth) { return &auth->blob; } auth_items_t auth_token_get_context(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->context; } bool auth_token_least_privileged(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->least_privileged; } uid_t auth_token_get_uid(auth_token_t auth) { return auth ? auth->auditInfo.euid : (uid_t)-2; } pid_t auth_token_get_pid(auth_token_t auth) { return auth ? auth->auditInfo.pid : -1; } session_t auth_token_get_session(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->session; } const AuthorizationBlob * auth_token_get_blob(auth_token_t auth) { return &auth->blob; } const audit_info_s * auth_token_get_audit_info(auth_token_t auth) { return &auth->auditInfo; } mach_port_t auth_token_get_creator_bootstrap(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->creator_bootstrap_port; } CFIndex auth_token_add_process(auth_token_t auth, process_t proc) { __block CFIndex count = 0; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ CFSetAddValue(auth->processes, proc); count = CFSetGetCount(auth->processes); }); return count; } CFIndex auth_token_remove_process(auth_token_t auth, process_t proc) { __block CFIndex count = 0; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->creator == proc) { auth->creator = NULL; } CFSetRemoveValue(auth->processes, proc); count = CFSetGetCount(auth->processes); }); return count; } CFIndex auth_token_get_process_count(auth_token_t auth) { __block CFIndex count = 0; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ count = CFSetGetCount(auth->processes); }); return count; } void auth_token_set_credential(auth_token_t auth, credential_t cred) { dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ CFSetSetValue(auth->credentials, cred); }); } bool auth_token_credentials_iterate(auth_token_t auth, credential_iterator_t iter) { __block bool result = false; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount(auth->credentials); CFTypeRef values[count]; CFSetGetValues(auth->credentials, values); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++) { credential_t cred = (credential_t)values[i]; result = iter(cred); if (!result) { break; } } }); return result; } void auth_token_set_right(auth_token_t auth, credential_t right) { dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ CFSetSetValue(auth->authorized_rights, right); }); } bool auth_token_rights_iterate(auth_token_t auth, credential_iterator_t iter) { __block bool result = false; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ CFIndex count = CFSetGetCount(auth->authorized_rights); CFTypeRef values[count]; CFSetGetValues(auth->authorized_rights, values); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++) { credential_t right = (credential_t)values[i]; result = iter(right); if (!result) { break; } } }); return result; } CFTypeRef auth_token_copy_entitlement_value(auth_token_t auth, const char * entitlement) { __block CFTypeRef value = NULL; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->creator) { value = process_copy_entitlement_value(auth->creator, entitlement); } }); return value; } bool auth_token_has_entitlement(auth_token_t auth, const char * entitlement) { __block bool entitled = false; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->creator) { entitled = process_has_entitlement(auth->creator, entitlement); } }); return entitled; } bool auth_token_has_entitlement_for_right(auth_token_t auth, const char * right) { __block bool entitled = false; dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->creator) { entitled = process_has_entitlement_for_right(auth->creator, right); } }); return entitled; } credential_t auth_token_get_credential(auth_token_t auth) { dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->credential == NULL) { auth->credential = credential_create(auth->auditInfo.euid); } }); return auth->credential; } bool auth_token_apple_signed(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->appleSigned; } bool auth_token_is_creator(auth_token_t auth, process_t proc) { __block bool creator = false; if (proc) { dispatch_sync(auth->dispatch_queue, ^{ if (auth->creator == proc) { creator = true; } }); } return creator; } void auth_token_set_state(auth_token_t auth, auth_token_state_t state) { auth->state |= state; } void auth_token_clear_state(auth_token_t auth, auth_token_state_t state) { auth->state &= ~state; } auth_token_state_t auth_token_get_state(auth_token_t auth) { return auth->state; } bool auth_token_check_state(auth_token_t auth, auth_token_state_t state) { if (state) { return (auth->state & state) != 0; } else { return auth->state == 0; } }