/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { OSStatus err = 0; void *krbHelper = NULL; CFStringRef localRealm = NULL, outPrincipal = NULL, outUsername = NULL, inUsername = NULL, hostName = NULL, hostNameDotLocal = NULL; char *output, *ptr; int testNumber = -1, lineNumber = 0, cases; CFDictionaryRef outDict = NULL; CFMutableDictionaryRef inDict = NULL; char myHostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX]; // XXX HOST_NAME_MAX char *myHostnameLocal; if (0 != gethostname (myHostname, sizeof(myHostname))) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } ptr = strchr (myHostname, '.'); if (NULL != ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } asprintf (&myHostnameLocal, "%s.local", myHostname); hostNameDotLocal = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, myHostnameLocal, kCFStringEncodingASCII); hostName = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, myHostname, kCFStringEncodingASCII); testNumber = 0; /*******************************************************************************************/ /* First test the "local" behaviour */ err = KRBCreateSession (NULL, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyRealm (krbHelper, &localRealm); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (localRealm, &output); printf ("[%d] Local Realm = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ /* First test the "local" behaviour */ for (cases = 0; cases < 2; cases++) { err = KRBCreateSession (NULL, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyKeychainLookupInfo (krbHelper, inUsername, &outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } printf ("[%d] CopyKeychainLookupInfo dictionary...\n", testNumber); CFShow (outDict); printf ("[%d] \n\n", testNumber); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; inUsername = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, getlogin(), kCFStringEncodingASCII); } /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (CFSTR(""), CFSTR("afpserver/homedepot.apple.com@OD.APPLE.COM"), &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); err = KRBCopyClientPrincipalInfo (krbHelper, inDict, &outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } outPrincipal = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBClientPrincipalKey); __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ClientPrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ #if 0 err = KRBCreateSession (CFSTR("statler"), NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("cifs"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); err = KRBCopyClientPrincipalInfo (krbHelper, inDict, &outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } outPrincipal = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBClientPrincipalKey); __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ClientPrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; #endif /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, CFSTR("afpserver/kerberos@OD.APPLE.COM"), &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, NULL, &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostName, CFSTR("afpserver/kerberos@OD.APPLE.COM"), &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, NULL, &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); err = KRBCopyClientPrincipalInfo (krbHelper, inDict, &outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } outPrincipal = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBClientPrincipalKey); __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ClientPrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); inDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 4, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFDictionarySetValue (inDict, kKRBUsernameKey, CFSTR("remoteUsername")); CFDictionarySetValue (inDict, kKRBClientPasswordKey, CFSTR("remotePassword")); CFDictionarySetValue (inDict, kKRBAllowKerberosUI, kKRBOptionNoUI); err = KRBCopyClientPrincipalInfo (krbHelper, inDict, &outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } outPrincipal = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBClientPrincipalKey); __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ClientPrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; /*******************************************************************************************/ for (cases = 0; cases < 2; cases++) { err = KRBCreateSession (hostNameDotLocal, NULL, &krbHelper); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } err = KRBCopyServicePrincipal (krbHelper, CFSTR("afpserver"), &outPrincipal); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ServicePrincipal = %s\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); inDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 4, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFDictionarySetValue (inDict, kKRBAllowKerberosUI, kKRBOptionNoUI); err = KRBCopyClientPrincipalInfo (krbHelper, inDict, &outDict); CFRelease(inDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } outPrincipal = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBClientPrincipalKey); outUsername = CFDictionaryGetValue (outDict, kKRBUsernameKey); CFDictionarySetValue ((CFMutableDictionaryRef)outDict, kKRBClientPasswordKey, outUsername); __KRBCreateUTF8StringFromCFString (outPrincipal, &output); printf ("[%d] ClientPrincipal = %s\n\n", testNumber, output); __KRBReleaseUTF8String (output); err = KRBTestForExistingTicket (krbHelper, outDict); if (noErr == err) { printf("[%d] Ticket was already available\n", testNumber); } else { printf("[%d] Ticket was not available (err=%d), trying to obtain one\n", testNumber, (int)err); err = KRBAcquireTicket(krbHelper, outDict); if (noErr != err) { lineNumber = __LINE__; goto Error; } } KRBCloseSession (krbHelper); testNumber++; } Error: { pid_t pid = getpid(); char *command; asprintf (&command, "leaks %d", pid); system (command); } if (err) { fprintf (stdout, "Error (%d) in test %d at line %d\n", (int)err, testNumber, lineNumber); return 1; } return 0; }