/* * IOFireWireLibDCLCommandPool.cpp * IOFireWireFamily * * Created by NWG on Mon Mar 12 2001. * Copyright (c) 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * */ /* $Log: IOFireWireLibDCLCommandPool.cpp,v $ Revision 1.17 2007/02/15 19:42:08 ayanowit For 4369537, eliminated support for legacy DCL SendPacketWithHeader, since it didn't work anyway, and NuDCL does support it. Revision 1.16 2007/02/07 06:35:22 collin *** empty log message *** Revision 1.15 2007/01/08 18:47:20 ayanowit More 64-bit changes for isoch. Revision 1.14 2007/01/02 18:14:12 ayanowit Enabled building the plug-in lib 4-way FAT. Also, fixed compile problems for 64-bit. Revision 1.13 2006/02/09 00:21:55 niels merge chardonnay branch to tot Revision 1.12 2005/09/24 00:55:28 niels *** empty log message *** Revision 2006/01/31 04:49:57 collin *** empty log message *** Revision 1.11 2003/07/21 10:01:29 niels *** empty log message *** Revision 1.10 2003/07/21 06:53:10 niels merge isoch to TOT Revision 2003/07/01 20:54:23 niels isoch merge Revision 1.9 2002/09/25 00:27:33 niels flip your world upside-down Revision 1.8 2002/08/26 20:08:34 niels fix user space hang (when devices are unplugged and a DCL program is running) */ #import "IOFireWireLibDCLCommandPool.h" #import "IOFireWireLibDevice.h" #import #import namespace IOFireWireLib { TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::Interface TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::sInterface = { INTERFACEIMP_INTERFACE, 1, 0, //vers, rev SAllocate, SAllocateWithOpcode, SAllocateTransferPacketDCL, SAllocateTransferBufferDCL, SAllocateSendPacketStartDCL, SAllocateSendPacketWithHeaderStartDCL, SAllocateSendBufferDCL, SAllocateSendPacketDCL, SAllocateReceivePacketStartDCL, SAllocateReceivePacketDCL, SAllocateReceiveBufferDCL, SAllocateCallProcDCL, SAllocateLabelDCL, SAllocateJumpDCL, SAllocateSetTagSyncBitsDCL, SAllocateUpdateDCLListDCL, SAllocatePtrTimeStampDCL, SFree, SGetSize, SSetSize, SGetBytesRemaining } ; TraditionalDCLCommandPool::TraditionalDCLCommandPool( const IUnknownVTbl & interface, Device& inUserClient, IOByteCount inSize ) : IOFireWireIUnknown( interface ), mUserClient(inUserClient) { mUserClient.AddRef() ; mFreeBlocks = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nil) ; mFreeBlockSizes = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nil) ; mAllocatedBlocks = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nil) ; mAllocatedBlockSizes = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nil) ; // mStorage = new UInt8[inSize] ; IOReturn error = vm_allocate ( mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t *) & mStorage, inSize, true /*anywhere*/ ) ; if ( error ) throw error ; if ( ! mStorage ) throw kIOReturnVMError ; mBytesRemaining = inSize ; mStorageSize = inSize ; #ifdef __LP64__ DebugLog( "TraditionalDCLCommandPool::TraditionalDCLCommandPool mStorage=%p, mStorageSize=%u\n", mStorage, (UInt32)mStorageSize ) ; #else DebugLog( "TraditionalDCLCommandPool::TraditionalDCLCommandPool mStorage=%p, mStorageSize=%lu\n", mStorage, (UInt32)mStorageSize ) ; #endif ::CFArrayAppendValue ( mFreeBlocks, mStorage ) ; ::CFArrayAppendValue ( mFreeBlockSizes, (const void *) inSize ) ; pthread_mutex_init( & mMutex, nil ) ; } TraditionalDCLCommandPool::~TraditionalDCLCommandPool() { Lock() ; if (mStorage) { // delete[] mStorage ; vm_deallocate ( mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t) mStorage, mStorageSize ) ; mStorage = nil ; mStorageSize = 0 ; } if (mFreeBlocks) CFRelease(mFreeBlocks) ; if (mFreeBlockSizes) CFRelease(mFreeBlockSizes) ; if (mAllocatedBlocks) CFRelease(mAllocatedBlocks) ; if (mAllocatedBlockSizes) CFRelease(mAllocatedBlockSizes) ; Unlock() ; pthread_mutex_destroy( & mMutex ) ; mUserClient.Release() ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::Allocate( IOByteCount inSize ) { unsigned long blockSize ; UInt32 remainder ; UInt32 index = 0 ; const UInt8* foundFreeBlock = 0 ; DCLCommand* allocatedBlock = nil ; UInt32 freeBlockCount = CFArrayGetCount(mFreeBlocks) ; Lock() ; do { blockSize = (unsigned long) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index) ; remainder = blockSize - inSize ; if ( blockSize >= inSize ) { // found a free block w/ enough space, // use it to allocate. we allocate from the end of the free block, not the beginning foundFreeBlock = (const UInt8*) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index) ; allocatedBlock = (DCLCommand*) (foundFreeBlock + remainder) ; CFArrayAppendValue(mAllocatedBlockSizes, (const void*) inSize) ; CFArrayAppendValue(mAllocatedBlocks, allocatedBlock ) ; if (remainder > 0) { // // if we didn't use up all of this free block, // resize the block to reflect the new size // CFArraySetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index, (UInt32) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index)) ; CFArraySetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index, (const void*) remainder) ; } else { // // otherwise remove the block from the free list CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index) ; CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index) ; } // update reminaing size to reflect successful allocation mBytesRemaining -= inSize ; } } while( (++index < freeBlockCount) && (foundFreeBlock == nil) ) ; Unlock() ; return allocatedBlock ; } IOReturn TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateWithOpcode( DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCommand** outDCL, UInt32 opcode, ... ) { return kIOReturnUnsupported ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateTransferPacketDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32 inOpcode, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { DCLTransferPacket* newDCL = (DCLTransferPacket*) Allocate( sizeof(DCLTransferPacket) ) ; if (!newDCL) { // mStatus = kIOReturnNoMemory ; return nil ; } newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->compilerData = 0 ; newDCL->opcode = inOpcode ; newDCL->buffer = inBuffer ; newDCL->size = inSize ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateTransferBufferDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32 inOpcode, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { DCLTransferBuffer* newDCL = (DCLTransferBuffer*) Allocate( sizeof(DCLTransferBuffer) ) ; if (!newDCL) return nil ; newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->compilerData = 0 ; newDCL->opcode = inOpcode ; newDCL->buffer = inBuffer ; newDCL->size = inSize ; newDCL->packetSize = inPacketSize ; newDCL->bufferOffset = inBufferOffset ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateSendPacketStartDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, kDCLSendPacketStartOp, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateSendPacketWithHeaderStartDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return nil; // Deprecated //return AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, kDCLSendPacketWithHeaderStartOp, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateSendBufferDCL( // not implemented DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { return nil ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateSendPacketDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, kDCLSendPacketOp, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateReceivePacketStartDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, kDCLReceivePacketStartOp, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateReceivePacketDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, kDCLReceivePacketOp, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateReceiveBufferDCL( // not implemented DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { return nil ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateCallProcDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCallCommandProc* inProc, DCLCallProcDataType inProcData) { DCLCallProc* newDCL = (DCLCallProc*) Allocate(sizeof(DCLCallProc)) ; if (!newDCL) return nil ; newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLCallProcOp ; newDCL->proc = inProc ; newDCL->procData = inProcData ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateLabelDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL) { DCLLabel* newDCL = (DCLLabel*) Allocate(sizeof(DCLLabel)) ; if (newDCL) { newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLLabelOp ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateJumpDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLLabel* pInJumpDCLLabel) { DCLJump* newDCL = (DCLJump*) Allocate( sizeof(DCLJump)) ; if (newDCL) { newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLJumpOp ; newDCL->pJumpDCLLabel = pInJumpDCLLabel ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateSetTagSyncBitsDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt16 inTagBits, UInt16 inSyncBits) { DCLSetTagSyncBits* newDCL = (DCLSetTagSyncBits*) Allocate(sizeof(DCLSetTagSyncBits)) ; if (newDCL) { newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLSetTagSyncBitsOp ; newDCL->tagBits = inTagBits ; newDCL->syncBits = inSyncBits ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocateUpdateDCLListDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCommand** inDCLCommandList, UInt32 inNumDCLCommands) { DCLUpdateDCLList* newDCL = (DCLUpdateDCLList*) Allocate(sizeof(DCLUpdateDCLList)) ; if (newDCL) { newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLUpdateDCLListOp ; newDCL->dclCommandList = inDCLCommandList ; newDCL->numDCLCommands = inNumDCLCommands ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPool::AllocatePtrTimeStampDCL( DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32* inTimeStampPtr) { DCLPtrTimeStamp* newDCL = (DCLPtrTimeStamp*) Allocate(sizeof(DCLPtrTimeStamp)) ; if (newDCL) { newDCL->pNextDCLCommand = nil ; newDCL->opcode = kDCLPtrTimeStampOp ; newDCL->timeStampPtr = inTimeStampPtr ; if (inDCL) inDCL->pNextDCLCommand = (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } return (DCLCommand*) newDCL ; } void TraditionalDCLCommandPool::Free( DCLCommand* inDCL ) { Lock() ; // 1. find this block in allocated list CFRange searchRange = {0, CFArrayGetCount(mAllocatedBlocks) } ; CFIndex foundIndex = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(mAllocatedBlocks, searchRange, (const void*) inDCL); if (foundIndex >= 0) { unsigned long foundBlockSize = (unsigned long) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mAllocatedBlockSizes, foundIndex) ; // 2. if found, return block to free list CFIndex index = 0 ; { CFIndex count = ::CFArrayGetCount( mFreeBlocks ) ; while ( (index < count) && (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index) <= inDCL) ) ++index ; } // update free space counter to reflect returning block to free list mBytesRemaining += foundBlockSize ; CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mAllocatedBlocks, foundIndex) ; CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mAllocatedBlockSizes, foundIndex) ; CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index, inDCL) ; CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index, (const void*) foundBlockSize) ; CoalesceFreeBlocks() ; } Unlock() ; } Boolean TraditionalDCLCommandPool::SetSize( IOByteCount inSize ) { // trying to make buffer smaller than space we've already allocated if (inSize < mStorageSize ) return false ; if (inSize > mStorageSize) { UInt8* newStorage = 0 ;// = new UInt8[inSize] ; IOReturn error = vm_allocate ( mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t *) & newStorage, inSize, true /*anywhere*/ ) ; if ( error ) return false ; if ( ! newStorage ) return false ; Lock() ; ::CFArrayAppendValue ( mFreeBlocks, mStorage + mStorageSize ) ; ::CFArrayAppendValue ( mFreeBlockSizes, (const void *)( inSize - mStorageSize ) ) ; CoalesceFreeBlocks() ; mBytesRemaining += inSize - mStorageSize ; bcopy ( mStorage, newStorage, mStorageSize ) ; // delete[] mStorage ; vm_deallocate ( mach_task_self (), (vm_address_t) mStorage, mStorageSize ) ; mStorage = newStorage ; mStorageSize = inSize ; Unlock() ; } return true ; } void TraditionalDCLCommandPool::Lock() { pthread_mutex_lock( & mMutex ) ; } void TraditionalDCLCommandPool::Unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock( & mMutex ) ; } void TraditionalDCLCommandPool::CoalesceFreeBlocks() { UInt32 freeBlockCount = CFArrayGetCount(mFreeBlocks) ; UInt32 index = 1 ; unsigned long preceedingBlockSize = (unsigned long) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, 0) ; unsigned long blockSize ; while (index < freeBlockCount) { blockSize = (unsigned long) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index) ; if ( ((UInt8*)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index - 1) + preceedingBlockSize) == (UInt8*)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index) ) { // resize preceeding block to include current block CFArraySetValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index-1, (const void*)(preceedingBlockSize + blockSize) ) ; // remove current block since preceeding block now includes it. CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mFreeBlocks, index) ; CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(mFreeBlockSizes, index) ; preceedingBlockSize += blockSize ; } else { ++index ; preceedingBlockSize = blockSize ; } } } // ============================================================ // TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM // ============================================================ TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM( Device& inUserClient, IOByteCount inSize) : TraditionalDCLCommandPool( reinterpret_cast( sInterface ), inUserClient, inSize ) { } TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::~TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM() { } IUnknownVTbl** TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::Alloc( Device& inUserClient, IOByteCount inSize) { TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM * me = nil; try { me = new TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM(inUserClient, inSize) ; } catch(...) { } return (nil == me) ? nil : reinterpret_cast(& me->GetInterface()) ; } HRESULT TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppv ) { HRESULT result = S_OK ; *ppv = nil ; CFUUIDRef interfaceID = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, iid) ; if ( CFEqual(interfaceID, IUnknownUUID) || CFEqual(interfaceID, kIOFireWireDCLCommandPoolInterfaceID) ) { *ppv = & GetInterface() ; AddRef() ; } else { *ppv = nil ; result = E_NOINTERFACE ; } CFRelease(interfaceID) ; return result ; } // // --- static methods ------------------ // DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocate( Ref self, IOByteCount inSize ) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->Allocate(inSize) ; } IOReturn TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateWithOpcode( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCommand** outDCL, UInt32 opcode, ... ) { IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess ; va_list va ; va_start(va, opcode) ; result = IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateWithOpcode(inDCL, outDCL, opcode, va) ; va_end(va) ; return result ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateTransferPacketDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32 inOpcode, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateTransferPacketDCL(inDCL, inOpcode, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateTransferBufferDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32 inOpcode, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateTransferBufferDCL(inDCL, inOpcode, inBuffer, inSize, inPacketSize, inBufferOffset) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateSendPacketStartDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateSendPacketStartDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateSendPacketWithHeaderStartDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateSendPacketWithHeaderStartDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateSendBufferDCL( // currently does nothing Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateSendBufferDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize, inPacketSize, inBufferOffset) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateSendPacketDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateSendPacketDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateReceivePacketStartDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateReceivePacketStartDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateReceivePacketDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateReceivePacketDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateReceiveBufferDCL( // currently does nothing Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, void* inBuffer, IOByteCount inSize, IOByteCount inPacketSize, UInt32 inBufferOffset) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateReceiveBufferDCL(inDCL, inBuffer, inSize, inPacketSize, inBufferOffset) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateCallProcDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCallCommandProc* inProc, DCLCallProcDataType inProcData) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateCallProcDCL(inDCL, inProc, inProcData) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateLabelDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateLabelDCL(inDCL) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateJumpDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLLabel* pInJumpDCLLabel) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateJumpDCL(inDCL, pInJumpDCLLabel) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateSetTagSyncBitsDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt16 inTagBits, UInt16 inSyncBits) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateSetTagSyncBitsDCL(inDCL, inTagBits, inSyncBits) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocateUpdateDCLListDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, DCLCommand** inDCLCommandList, UInt32 inNumCommands) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocateUpdateDCLListDCL(inDCL, inDCLCommandList, inNumCommands) ; } DCLCommand* TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SAllocatePtrTimeStampDCL( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL, UInt32* inTimeStampPtr) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->AllocatePtrTimeStampDCL(inDCL, inTimeStampPtr) ; } void TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SFree( Ref self, DCLCommand* inDCL ) { IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->Free(inDCL) ; } IOByteCount TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SGetSize( Ref self ) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->mStorageSize ; } Boolean TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SSetSize( Ref self, IOByteCount inSize ) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->SetSize(inSize) ; } IOByteCount TraditionalDCLCommandPoolCOM::SGetBytesRemaining( Ref self ) { return IOFireWireIUnknown::InterfaceMap::GetThis(self)->mBytesRemaining ; } }