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CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* */ /* * kern/ast.h: Definitions for Asynchronous System Traps. */ #ifndef _KERN_AST_H_ #define _KERN_AST_H_ #include #include #include #include /* * A processor takes an AST when it is about to return from an * interrupt context, and calls ast_taken. * * Machine-dependent code is responsible for maintaining * a set of reasons for an AST, and passing this set to ast_taken. */ typedef uint32_t ast_t; /* * When returning from interrupt/trap context to kernel mode, * the pending ASTs are masked with AST_URGENT to determine if * ast_taken(AST_PREEMPTION) should be called, for instance to * effect preemption of a kernel thread by a realtime thread. * This is also done when re-enabling preemption or re-enabling * interrupts, since an AST may have been set while preemption * was disabled, and it should take effect as soon as possible. * * When returning from interrupt/trap/syscall context to user * mode, any and all ASTs that are pending should be handled. * * If a thread context switches, only ASTs not in AST_PER_THREAD * remain active. The per-thread ASTs are stored in the thread_t * and re-enabled when the thread context switches back. * * Typically the preemption ASTs are set as a result of threads * becoming runnable, threads changing priority, or quantum * expiration. If a thread becomes runnable and is chosen * to run on another processor, cause_ast_check() may be called * to IPI that processor and request csw_check() be run there. */ /* * Bits for reasons */ #define AST_PREEMPT 0x01 #define AST_QUANTUM 0x02 #define AST_URGENT 0x04 #define AST_HANDOFF 0x08 #define AST_YIELD 0x10 #define AST_APC 0x20 /* migration APC hook */ #define AST_LEDGER 0x40 /* * JMM - This is here temporarily. AST_BSD is used to simulate a * general purpose mechanism for setting asynchronous procedure calls * from the outside. */ #define AST_BSD 0x80 #define AST_KPERF 0x100 /* kernel profiling */ #define AST_MACF 0x200 /* MACF user ret pending */ #define AST_CHUD 0x400 #define AST_CHUD_URGENT 0x800 #define AST_GUARD 0x1000 #define AST_TELEMETRY_USER 0x2000 /* telemetry sample requested on interrupt from userspace */ #define AST_TELEMETRY_KERNEL 0x4000 /* telemetry sample requested on interrupt from kernel */ #define AST_TELEMETRY_WINDOWED 0x8000 /* telemetry sample meant for the window buffer */ #define AST_SFI 0x10000 /* Evaluate if SFI wait is needed before return to userspace */ #define AST_NONE 0x00 #define AST_ALL (~AST_NONE) #define AST_SCHEDULING (AST_PREEMPTION | AST_YIELD | AST_HANDOFF) #define AST_PREEMPTION (AST_PREEMPT | AST_QUANTUM | AST_URGENT) #define AST_CHUD_ALL (AST_CHUD_URGENT|AST_CHUD) #define AST_TELEMETRY_ALL (AST_TELEMETRY_USER | AST_TELEMETRY_KERNEL | AST_TELEMETRY_WINDOWED) #ifdef MACHINE_AST /* * machine/ast.h is responsible for defining aston and astoff. */ #else /* MACHINE_AST */ #define aston(mycpu) #define astoff(mycpu) #endif /* MACHINE_AST */ /* Initialize module */ extern void ast_init(void); /* Handle ASTs */ extern void ast_taken( ast_t mask, boolean_t enable); /* Check for pending ASTs */ extern void ast_check( processor_t processor); /* Pending ast mask for the current processor */ extern ast_t *ast_pending(void); /* * Per-thread ASTs are reset at context-switch time. */ #ifndef MACHINE_AST_PER_THREAD #define MACHINE_AST_PER_THREAD 0 #endif #define AST_PER_THREAD (AST_APC | AST_BSD | AST_MACF | MACHINE_AST_PER_THREAD | AST_LEDGER | AST_GUARD | AST_TELEMETRY_USER | AST_TELEMETRY_KERNEL | AST_TELEMETRY_WINDOWED) /* * ast_pending(), ast_on(), ast_off(), ast_context(), and ast_propagate() * assume splsched. */ #define ast_on_fast(reasons) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ ast_t *_ast_myast = ast_pending(); \ \ if ((*_ast_myast |= (reasons)) != AST_NONE) \ { aston(_ast_myast); } \ MACRO_END #define ast_off_fast(reasons) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ ast_t *_ast_myast = ast_pending(); \ \ if ((*_ast_myast &= ~(reasons)) == AST_NONE) \ { astoff(_ast_myast); } \ MACRO_END #define ast_propagate(reasons) ast_on(reasons) #define ast_context(act) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ ast_t *myast = ast_pending(); \ \ if ((*myast = ((*myast &~ AST_PER_THREAD) | (act)->ast)) != AST_NONE) \ { aston(myast); } \ else \ { astoff(myast); } \ MACRO_END #define ast_on(reason) ast_on_fast(reason) #define ast_off(reason) ast_off_fast(reason) /* * NOTE: if thread is the current thread, thread_ast_set() should * be followed by ast_propagate(). */ #define thread_ast_set(act, reason) \ (hw_atomic_or_noret(&(act)->ast, (reason))) #define thread_ast_clear(act, reason) \ (hw_atomic_and_noret(&(act)->ast, ~(reason))) #define thread_ast_clear_all(act) \ (hw_atomic_and_noret(&(act)->ast, AST_NONE)) #ifdef MACH_BSD extern void astbsd_on(void); extern void act_set_astbsd(thread_t); extern void bsd_ast(thread_t); #endif /* MACH_BSD */ #endif /* _KERN_AST_H_ */